Man what the hell is going on with commercial air travel for too long we’ve taken for granted that flying seven miles above the Earth in a metal tube for hours on end is a death defying feat ever since the pandemic people have increasingly turned completely FAL while at cruising altitude and this phenomenon
Has more recently extended beyond the passenger cabin into the cockpit where Pilots have started pointing loaded guns at each other over seemingly minor disagreements or in the case of One Pilot uh just trying to crashed the damn plane after staying up for several days absolutely zooted on psychedelic drugs
So what is going on well we uh do have an update on that mushroom pilot for you uh before we even get into more mid-flight madness when it was initially reported that Alaska Airlines pilot Joseph Emerson had cut the engines to a plane and then blamed it all on magic
Mushrooms a lot of people were like oh okay well that makes sense but everyone who’ ever actually done mushrooms was a little more skeptical this seemed more like one of those horror stories from the the Dare program than anything resembling a real mushroom experience we were hoping that at some point there’d
Be more clarification on the specifics of what led to this near catastrophe and last week the New York Times managed to land a jailhouse interview with the Mushroom Man himself who’s facing 83 counts of attempted murder to tell his side of the story and here you go Mr
Emerson who has pleaded not guilty said he had no intention of hurting anyone that day instead he said he was desperate to awaken from a hucog gentic state that had consumed him since taking psychedelic mushrooms 2 days earlier during a weekend getaway with friends to commemorate the death of his best friend
W weird time to do it yeah not not recommended I set in setting usually the first rule of any psychedelic trip and uh maybe previously they had all bonded over this or something but I I don’t know I it’s to me it seems like a weird you’re already starting off on the wrong
Foot I would say yes it was a loss that had plunged him into deep grief and triggered to search for help with what he realized were long-standing mental health issues for decades the Federal Aviation Administration has grounded Pilots dealing with depression or other mental diagnosis with policies so strict
That the decision to seek psychiatric help or a prescription for standard anti-depressant medication is enough to trigger a suspension of their flight eligibility it is a system that has left many Pilots including Mr Emerson to struggle largely alone a lot of us aren’t as forthcoming as we otherwise
Would be Mr Emerson said yeah and obviously this will lead to people who are suffering in some ways to experiment to dabble among other things to figure out a way to uh help themselves without it going down on their medical records which you would assume would um are you taking any prescription
Drugs no I’m not why did you just wink oh uh no reason it’s just a tick I have yeah well the article then explains that Emerson had wanted to be a pilot since since he was a young boy and achieved that goal by mowing lawns to save up for flight
Lessons getting his pilot’s license at just 17 years old how big were these Lawns some big Lawns you used to be able to put your whole family through college on moan mowing a lawn MH that’s all while enduring what sounds like pretty serious bullying at school in his years
As a pilot his reputation among colleagues friends and family was that he was calm kind and level-headed but when his closest friend died suddenly while out jogging back in 2018 he understandably had a rough time with that and sought psychological help his mental health was apparently bad enough
That his therapist recommended seeing a psychiatrist for a professional diagnosis but well that’s potentially a career-ender in the aviation field oh back to the article she’s the first one who said you know I can’t diagnose you but would you ever consider seeing a doctor who could diagnose you and
Possibly get on an anti-depressant Mr Emerson said he did some research and learned that taking any medication would likely ground him from flying for a prolonged period of time time for decades the FAA banned Pilots with depression from flying and prohibited them from using prescription treatments even common anti-depressants hoping to
Avoid suicide attempts or other mental breakdowns in the cockpit Pilots undergo regular medical Assessments in which they must disclose to the FAA a range of medical diagnoses including depression or anxiety and document the health professionals they have consulted such a strict system led many Pilots to avoid both consultation and treatment
Acknowledging the stigma created by these rules the FAA in 201 10 moved to approve certain anti-depressants for use by pilots with mild or moderate depression pilots who choose to go on the medication are nonetheless prohibited from flying for months during a monitoring period and the process of
Winning approval to go back to active flying can take even longer even then they may not win approval to fly the potential effect on careers according to Aviation doctors industry lawyers and Pilots has prompted many aviators to either lie about the treatment they are receiving risking a punishment of five
Years in prison and a $250,000 fine or simply avoid treatment and it should go without saying that a lot of Pilots a lot of commercial pilots came from military service yeah which not as much as it used to be but it’s it’s like a solid one-third of all Pilots like
Served in combat and would you know assume maybe a decent chance of maybe having some psychological residue from that experience yeah at the very least might seem beneficial to talk to a professional and uh yeah no shut up we’re going to do hey are you fine
Because if you say you’re not you lose your job so are you fine FAA literally doing don’t ask don’t tell but with uh mental health problem it’s a great system it only fails every once in a while and when it does look nothing happens yum so uh this
Avered catastrophe the system works yeah so yeah rather than potentially lose his career by getting professional treatment for depression he tried alternative methods like uh some therapy where he would revisit painful memories in order to attempt to relieve trauma also he started drinking a lot but not he claims
When he was on the job anyways that brings us to the mushrooms a few days before that faithful flight last month Emerson was out in the wilderness with some friends on a trip memorializing their dead friend and here’s what happened during a Friday night of sipping on whiskies and beers someone
Had the idea of taking psychedelic mushrooms no they didn’t they brought them with them this was the plan all along well you some people just have them on them sure just in case mhm Mr Emerson had never tried them he would often avoid even secondhand marijuana
Smoke in case it showed up on a drug test he said his friends assured him they were safe did not last a long time and would not show up on a drug test he was not scheduled to fly again for 6 days around a fire he ate a bit of
Mushrooms soon the friends were sharing deep conversations about Mr Piney and Mr Emerson fixated on the crackling of the blaze but as the others started going to bed that night Mr Emerson said he began to feel a deep unease a sense that his friends were teasing him and maybe
Trying to hurt him I felt fearful of them he said at the same time I started to have this feeling that this wasn’t real he said he began worrying about the safety of his wife and children Fred over his estranged relationship with his brother replayed shameful things that
Had happened over his lifetime from childhood to days in adulthood when he drank too much I thought of a lot of traumatic things in that time where I was like am I dead is this hell he said I’m reliving that trauma he woke up the next morning desperate to return home he
Spent the day with a nagging sense that he was locked in purgatory and yeah like okay this is his first time doing it and after I read that I was like okay well the friend died in 2018 and they’re doing it to honor him this many years later that’s probably fine they’re out
In the woods where is a it’s a good place to be probably fine for everyone else who may who maybe has done a little better job at processing this because they have access to mental health uh options that this pilot does not have if he wants to remain a pilot and also
Seems like they had done it before and he hadn’t and the fact that he hasn’t even doesn’t even smoke marijuana because marijuana will get all the stuff out of your system too all of these traumas of your of your past uh but yes it really uh he went from zero to 100
With the Psychedelic options yeah uh it’s he really I mean this is on his friends in a lot of ways like yeah no it’s safe it’s totally fine you’re you’re going to be fine look we’re all doing it it’s not going to show up on a drug test it lasts a couple
I mean that would be they’re basing it on own experience but you do have a responsibility to understand that this [Â __Â ] do hit different depending on who you are um especially if it’s your first time like uh and yeah this [Â __Â ] it can trigger stuff in some people it was one
There was one one of the craziest uh weed memories I have that has just seared into my memory is like me and another friend of mine who used to smoke a lot in college are in a bathroom at a party with this third guy a friend of
Ours who didn’t smoke and he asked us to smoke him out and we’re having a great time and then he just like had like a full-on [Â __Â ] seizure for like a short one but is he diabetic or something I don’t know what he was but uh it was it
Was terrifying yeah I’m sure like blazed out of my mind and this dude just like possessed by a demon for like I don’t know probably 15 20 seconds and he snapped out of it we’re like hey buddy you all right he’s like oh yeah that happens sometimes would have been nice
To know that before uh really killed the vibe yeah no I uh I remember one of the more fun times uh uh I was in the woods and I was like oh it’s so hot out and the sun’s burning I wish I had some sunscreen and then out
Of the woods I’m not joking Out of the Woods a wild Elliot appears with an entire bottle of sunscreen in his pocket yeah and it was just the perfect time it’s all about planning you don’t just you don’t just go from not having ever taken mushrooms or considered taking them to being like
Okay I guess I’m doing mushrooms yeah I’m in a [Â __Â ] terrible state of mind but but it was me we we weren’t together uh we were separated by like a a decent distance we were both wandering around in the woods but I was just like man
This sun is uh yeah coming down now I’m out in a clearing and then all of a sudden Elliot appears well some people whine and some people act yeah please well someone help me yeah yeah anyways apparently this feeling for him refused to go away Emerson had what sounds like
A complete psychotic break and heading back to work was not a fun experience having had little or no sleep Mr Emerson Departed the getaway with a friend on Sunday and made his way to the airport in Everett still with the recurrent feeling that none of what was happening
Was real the GPS directions in the car made no sense to him the airline staff seemed to be using the wrong protocols for boarding the plane in the cockpit he felt like he should have known one of the two pilots but he did not and was
Confounded as to how that could be as the plane took off he said he struggled to understand the Pilot’s response to a report of mild turbulence ahead were these really Pilots was he still dreaming he texted the friend who had dropped him off at the airport reporting
That he was quote having a panic attack the friend asked if he needed anything send love Mr Emerson replied I need to be home the friend’s reply came through a spoken text audio message he heard through an earbud under his cockpit headset do your breathing exercises the
Friend advised it was a comment that made no sense to him he threw off the headset and yelled at the pilots for help when nothing happened Mr Emerson said he panicked convinced he was indeed Imagining the whole thing he needed to wake himself up he grabbed the engine
Shut off handles located just above the jump seat where he was sitting what a wake up yeah I mean everyone knows that in order to get out of a bad dream you you kill yourself in the dream that’s how it works right yeah I guess no no because if you die in the
Dream you die you die in real life yeah anyway after that debacle uh obviously he didn’t accomplish what he tried to do thankfully but uh he went back to the back back of the plane and he voluntarily asked a flight attendant to please put handcuffs on him and also
Repeatedly asked them whether he was in a nightmare uh he also tried to open the emergency door thinking that he could end the dream by jumping out uh even after landing he was asking the cops who arrested him whether what was happening was real and he says that even days
Later at his court arraignment he wasn’t quite sure if this was all a nightmare or not he didn’t manage to snap out of it until 5 days after taking the mushrooms at which point he was is of course horrified by the whole situation yeah I would assume that
So there you go uh the whole story is a lot more [Â __Â ] sad now than it was before yeah um the question of how mushrooms could have possibly caused this has seemingly been answered uh mushrooms can in fact lead to this kind of thing if the person taking them has
Been avoiding much needed mental health treatment for years because they don’t want to lose their job and are therefore much more susceptible to a psychotic episode and I’m idea looming over his it itall it create a of anxiety I I I look it it’s undeniable this guy put a
Lot of lives at risk this is absolutely unexcusable Behavior but I do feel bad for him yeah no he has a wife and kids he went out on a trip with his friends uh was kind of it seems maybe a little bit of social pressure I mean especially
Like at our age at his age getting together with friends in a setting like that a very rare occasion you want to make the most of it uh and uh it ruined his life literally ruined his life and luckily didn’t ruin the lives of you know 80 other people or 100 other people
But uh it’s just insane that this is what happened when the alternative would have been like a doctor putting him on like 10 milligrams of [Â __Â ] zoff or something oh no what’s going to happen it’s like I don’t know [Â __Â ] millions of people take that [Â __Â ] every [Â __Â ]
Day and nothing happens no we can’t have that and it’s like yeah people are going to naturally they’re going to look for other ways to escape their mental anguish yeah and uh this is basically the worst possible thing that could have happened like this gu well it’s the
Second to the worst possible thing that could have happened sure yes that’s true uhhuh but uh yeah real bad like this trial is going to be super interesting because obviously he’s facing 83 counts of attempted murder that’s like a million years in prison yeah so I I mean I don’t think he
Deserves that that’s uh I don’t know this is going to be a very interesting trial also you got to imagine whichever one of his friends pulled out that bag of mushrooms on that trip oh my God how are they live with themselves hope they’re not a pilot yeah or just a
Person with uh an abundance of empathy for their friend whose life they have indirectly of course he’s responsible for his for himself but indirectly you got to feel a little guilt a little you got to feel a lot of guilt no this it would eat me alive yeah no this this
Good Lord G anyways thankfully the other airplane news today uh that we have is is not as horribly depressing as that but it’s still pretty alarming in terms of safety like this recent oopsie via NPR a us-bound plane took off from London last month with four damaged window panes including two that were
Completely missing whoops according to UK accident investigators no one was injured by the window malfunctions which appeared to have been caused by high power lights used in a film shoot the UK’s air accident investigation Branch reported in a special bulletin published November 4th the missing Windows weren’t discovered until the plane was climbing
At an altitude of 13,000 ft according to the aib report several passengers recalled that after takeoff the aircraft cabin seemed noisier and colder than they were used to investigators wrote a crew member walked towards the back of the aircraft where he spotted a window seal flapping on the left side of the
Aircraft the window pane appeared to have slipped down the report reads he described the cabin noise as loud enough to damage your hearing yeah that’s kind of out of the ordinary wonder what’s wonder what that’s about was just no one sitting within the vicinity of these
Windows uh no there was only like 10 people it was like it was a flight that just had like crew members on it’s like a charter flight company no problem then so yeah they were just transporting crew um I imagine if there were actual passengers they would have caught this
Before taking off yeah hey excuse me excuse me windows open uh this is my arm just sticking out the window here probably shouldn’t I don’t know I don’t know anything about playing seems Seems bad this is a uh another uh amazing scenario for a person who is
Self-conscious to be in well I don’t want to I don’t want to bother anyone or a person on mushrooms no the window’s there that’s just me I’m I’m losing um window is definitely there sir why didn’t you report that the window uh was was clearly wide open I just I have a
Lot of anxiety I didn’t want to bother anyone I didn’t didn’t want to be a burden yeah I didn’t want to be the one that made everyone else late for their flight Jes so yeah it says that they believe the damage was caused by High powerered lights from a film shoot pornography
No your mind immediately jumps to pornography what else are you going to film in a plane uh movies advertisements nah it’s pornography training films nah um I don’t think so I guess has a porn ever been shot on a plane probably I don’t know on a plane set like a real
Plane sure this is a real plane well it was a set for a short period of time I guess so yeah the plane had been used for filming a day earlier with a bunch of High powerered lights shining on the plane which was meant to simulate a
Sunrise when seen from inside the plane uh these lights apparently melted the material that was holding the window panes in place I mean if you’ve been on a set you know that film lights they can get pretty damn hot some sometimes but still I we’d love to find out exactly
How hot they were because you would think that the materials that airplanes are made out of would be able to withstand some serious temperatures especially we’re not talking fire we’re not talking lasers or anything just a light shining on it these things are up in the sky with the [Â __Â ] Sun aiming
At them it’s very cold up there so yeah you would think this wouldn’t be a problem but apparently not though apparently airplanes are more fragile than you think sometimes the windows just melt it happens but in another airplane ISS uh sometimes cargo is live cargo and live
Cargo is it needs to be properly secured that’s very important and even when it is things can happen here’s ABC News a 747 cargo plane heading to Belgium from New York was forced to return to John F Kennedy International Airport after a horse escaped from its stall according
To the air traffic control audio according to the audio clip which was obtained by you ATC via live ATC the horse got loose within 30 minutes of takeoff the Boeing 747 was barely at 31,000 ft when a pilot told air traffic control that a horse had escaped from
Its stall and that they needed to return to JFK on Thursday according to Flight Radar 24 in the air traffic control audio a pilot is heard saying we are a cargo plane with a live animal a horse on board the horse managed to escape its stall there’s no issue with flying but
We need to go back to New York as we can’t rescure the horse the flight was forced to make a U-turn off the coast of Boston and dump about 20 tons of fuel over the Atlantic Jesus 10 mil west of mar Martha’s Vineyard due to the flight’s weight according to the audio
It’s a lot of lot of gas to be just dumped in the ocean they had to do it and uh yeah this you know luckily it was just this horse because just this week uh we sent some Precious Cargo all the way back to China yeah our precious
Pandas and now they’re saying hey maybe we send you some new pandas we could have just kept the pandas yeah this Panda diplomacy got to get this [Â __Â ] figured out why couldn’t they schedule that uh at a better time like before the pandas were shoved into a cargo hold a
Long flight and flown to Beijing these pandas they’re going to be so traumatized from that flight they’re not going to want to [Â __Â ] for the rest of their lives and then they’re just GNA fly him back yeah after the meeting with uh president G he’s like yeah you know
What was good that whole Panda diplomacy thing we had going what happened to that he just wanted them back wanted them safe and sound for he presses the button yeah and I appreciate that or it was like that is literally a bargaining chip like get him out of there and then I’m
Going to go back and you know Biden’s gonna want those pandas back everyone loves the pandas it’s so funny though like every time I’ve been to a zoo that has pandas you can’t even [Â __Â ] see them they’re like hiding they you you can’t see them you you’re lucky if you
Actually get to see a panda with your naked eye because they’re always hiding off in the corners and [Â __Â ] terrible zoo animal very interesting creatures but as a zoo animal not good we got got a new rhino in the LA Zoo been meaning to go
See it yeah I’m due for a LA Zoo trip they got the lights up for Christmas now I’d love to see you in a San Santa hat looking at all the animals or are the animals looking at us they got gorillas yeah they do I go
There and sit and watch the gorill all the time I got a year membership that’s all I care about is the great apes I walk in and out like I own the place I got my annual membership and uh you know it’s pretty cool experience the the
Gorillas I I go too much they said that I can’t they can’t go anymore the gorillas are falling in love with me yeah I need check that out they got the what the Southwest Museum right there Jee ay they got the they got the little train the tiny train uh Walt Walt
Disney’s old train house was uh put on the back of a truck and moved to that train location Griffith Park lovely what a wonderful par Jew say we don’t have parks in Los Angeles where they’re lying or blind well they just picture a park and they picture something flat not a
Big [Â __Â ] Mountain yeah well there’s a lot of surrounding real there’s Meadows there too yeah there are uh anyways so this was a cargo plant with the horse um presumably when Ground Control is like hey everything going on good up there and they’re like nay okay so everything’s bad
No what’s going on up there but uh Mr Ed’s on the loose but yeah no there was not a horse running up and down the aisle terrorizing hundreds of passengers so that would have been very funny that would have been a lot funnier than the truth which is that the horse was
Properly secured in it stall but got so spooked by turbulence that it managed to squeeze itself halfway through the hole that is there for them to just stick their heads out and upon Landing the horse’s injuries from you know getting stuck and thrashing around they were deemed serious enough that the horse no
Was euthanized presumably with a gun that that’s the only way they they put up the at the racetrack they put up the big white things and bang maybe they use something else horrible why was it going to Belgium probably to race or some [Â __Â ] not for the delicious chocolate
I don’t know can a horse have chocolate dogs can’t Well it can’t anymore it’s dead can a hypothetical horse have chocolate I don’t know would they even like it they want apples they do love apples give me an Apple that suck this sucks they want oats but yeah the rip
That horse so damn that story is sad too I thought I thought we said we weren’t G to have any more sad stories uh let’s cheer ourselves up with some news uh some similar news from last month though that we somehow missed sure here’s the independent passengers were given a
Midair fright after a giant albino rat and an otter escaped from a traveler’s hand luggage and began roaming about the plane cabin on a vietjet recent flight shocked Flyers saw staff on board attempt to catch the animals after they were discovered on the three-hour Journey between Bangkok Thailand and
Taipe Taiwan reports the telegraph I walked back from the toilet and my friend whispered softly to me there’s a rat on the plane according to a post of Facebook from someone claiming to be on the flight I was confused so he said again pet rat pet rat it has a white
Body and it’s not small I told the cabin crew and they checked the plane that’s when they found the otter under one of the seats they kept looking for the white rat oh this isn’t a rat this is just an otter what the [Â __Â ] I thought
You said it was a rat they kept looking for the white rat and an employee caught the rat it bit them on the hand while they carried it back to the kitchen at the back of the plane yummy finally some food officials from taiwan’s animal and plant health
Inspection agency searched every bag on the plane once the aircraft landed at tan International Airport where they where they uncovered yet more animals one Marmet two otter 28 star Turtles and two unidentified rodents were found apparently smuggled by a Chinese passenger who is described as not Cooperative by officials she now faces a
Fine of up to 25,000 under regulations relating to the control and prevention of infectious disease imagine if that Mr Emerson was was on this flight this isn’t real I I’m there’s OTS there marm double confirmed this is a nightmare time to crash this [Â __Â ] plane and wake up there it is
The article also points out that Bangkok is a real International hub for people trying to smuggle animals in their luggage with two people arrested back in 2022 while attempting to board a flight with a 100 live endangered animals in their luggage including two armadillos two porcupines 50 chameleons 35 Turtles
And 20 snakes too many animals that’s an insane amount of animals to try and sneak through airport security and the bigger ones were clearly visible on the security x-rays so we’re not really sure what the plan was here I do remember uh when flying through Asia they have signs
Like in America it’s like don’t bring your gun on the plane cuz you’ll forget cuz you’re always carrying a gun BR 100 tiny turtles yes also they reveal the amount of money these women stood to gain from smuggling 100 live animals and it comes out to around $5,000 which
Doesn’t really seem like enough to justify trying something like this but they also might have been forced to do this against their will yeah yeah that’s usually how smuggling goes some of the animals I guess make sense but like a rat you couldn’t find like that was the
Pet the other ones were for that was mine that’s that’s just my trout that’s my emotional support rat yeah also like an otter that’s an insane animal to to try smuggling rip you limb from yeah as we’ve learned recently OT they attack they don’t stop otters of the sea
Variety and the River Variety they are vicious uh maneaters they they’ll get in your hair and rip it right out and like you know if you thought that horse was spooked go into turbulence with a [Â __Â ] otter gonna rip your face off scary times was it worth it lady this is
Uh this is not the best episode to film right before I step on an airplane cuz I am immediately leaving leaving here to go to LAX well I hope uh I hope your pilot isn’t having a psychotic episode I hope there’s no horse on board that has
To be euthanized and I hope there’s no rats and Otter running around I hope I hope the windows are all properly but give it a good tap when you’re sitting there the way there heading to Florida I feel like not as many uh potential it’s
On the way back all the Florida all the Gators on the plane and everything like that uh yeah that’s going to be the real problem we’ll see though we’ll see but enough about air transportation let’s switch over to ground transportation oh no now there are a lot of ways to get
Around car s motorcycles bikes scooters skateboards Hees yeah but over in Afghanistan the Taliban government continues to catch up with the modern world at very slow pace and they’ve recently embraced a personal Transportation Trend which peaked in popularity over here several decades ago rollerblades in the decades since their
Height of popularity in the mid90s roller blades haven’t been seen as all that cool in the west with with some even very uh hatefully referring to them as as fruit boots insinuating that anyone using them is gay as if that’s a problem maybe the problem is you uhhuh
Roller blades may be considered lame but have you considered what it might look like to rock a pair of rollerblades while kitted out in desert camo wielding an AK-47 because I think you try calling this man a fruit Booter I dare you it would look like this and yeah yeah I
Changed my mind yeah that’s the Taliban cruising the Mean Streets of K in style weaving between cars in ways that simply aren’t possible for a Humvee as Vice describes it the Taliban is skating through the streets of cabul on Rollerblades footage surfaced online last week of Taliban Security Forces on
Patrol in Afghanistan’s largest city and quickly went viral Taliban Flags hung from the soldiers of some of the forces and fluttered in the breeze as the soldiers rollerbladed while holding on to a military vehicle and carrying AK style rifles two years after us withdrawal the video is a striking
Reminder of the Ban’s Victory and America’s failure they’re laughing at us yeah they’re just taunting us now this is certainly what they meant when they said radical Islam yeah someone should show them skateboards this reminds me of a movie no one saw except for me and
Maybe a few others called the stupids uh starring Tom Arnold uh where uh he looks at his bicycle he has to get somewhere really fast he looks at his bicycle and he goes two wheels and he looks at his car and he goes haha four wheels then he
Looks over and he sees a pair of roller blades and he goes eight wheels and he roller blades slowly away from the you can get some real speed if you got those uh the wheels properly lubed up and you know what you’re doing yeah I guess um
In in a place like as long as you’re only going on Street you are a formidable opponent I guess so traffic and and all that too just weaving in and out that movie is uh they do a a beautiful musical number of the I’m My Own Grandpa
Song The stupids it’s called the stupids okay and the whole movie is about how stupid okay I don’t know I was young I don’t know when it came out the late 90s okay mid 90s something like that so at at that you know when when roller braids were
Cool yeah when they were cool when the Mighty Ducks were uh were skating around sure at the local uh basketball courts uh being being Champions mhm and there was uh there was there had to have been at least one like rad Style movie about rollerblades Soul skaters was Soul skaters a a rollerblading
Movie I don’t I don’t know anyway yeah they’re back roller blades are back they are it is getting more popular I’m seeing it more and more in my feed and I have a couple of friends who used to do it when they were younger who have picked it up again uh it’s interesting
To see their progress yeah the future is now old man yeah what look you’re walking around with those boring feet anyway might as well put some wheels on it right yeah you’re using physics to get around faster mhm you’re catching up yeah anyways we’ve got more weird news
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In my uh backpack ready to go yeah throw a couple travel packs in the bag stay regular up in the up in the skies try to run when I’m in Florida and keep myself honest you need those vitamins cuz every bit of food there is disgusting and
Fried mm you can only eat chilies so that’s all they have it’s only chili and Red Lobster going back to the home country oh anyways let’s get to the weirdest wildest craziest headlines from around the world this week starting with an American woman said she was shocked to discover that Alaska isn’t actually
An island calling for an overhaul of the school curriculum I love that she’s trying to blame this on like like there are many things you can blame on the US educational system but this one is 100% on you Lady this is and she’s like she’s
Like this is a Tik Tok video she’s like yeah like a lot of other people have said the same thing too I’m like yeah sorry you’re dumb and they’re dumb like you never ever [Â __Â ] looked at a globe M like I guess if the only map you had
Ever seen ever was the United States just a US map yeah and you hadn’t stopped to consider like why Alaska and Hawaii are in like separate boxes mhm or even why an island would have straight lines for its borders like that is the ice wall that is on you there are many
Criticisms You Can level at the US education system but not this yeah I’m sorry this is all your fault I she was also shocked she’s like wow Alaska’s like huge I always thought Texas was bigger than Alaska again how have you just gone through life never ever
Looking at a map it drives me insane especially as a person who loves Maps sometimes I’ll just go on Google Maps and like just browse around just you know refresh my memory on like the [Â __Â ] countries of like the Eastern block like oh yeah Croatia pretty weird shaped where’s Estonia again okay cool
We should get to rainbolt with this lady as a teacher I’m well sure he just to see how frustrated he would get Yeah Yeah well yeah Alaska is this is on you and also it’s double on you cuz you made a fool of yourself yeah why would you admit
This you would have to waterboard me to get this information out of me yeah like I think in my youth I probably believe some real dumb stuff but I would never like as an adult be like I still believe this yeah this is like people who are
Like how was I supposed to know New Mexico was a state this is the American education system I mean like you said there are a lot of things that you could say about the US education system but some of it has to be on you yeah yeah yeah a globe
A simp simple Globe yeah literally just okay d d d we used to have globes in this country yeah could this be why so many people think the Earth is flat because they’ve just like lit SE map and never seen a globe yeah what are you talking about it’s
Flat the it’s going to blow their mind when they get on a plane and fly somewhere it’s like why am I not going in a straight line it’s all part of the it’s all part of the tricks that they get you they don’t want you to see the ice wall and
The the paradise that lies Beyond it she’s probably very upset that it’s attached to Canada yeah you mean I have to go through another country to get to my country it ain’t right we should invade also like with that level of assumption just yeah you I would just
Take a a quick pleasure cruise over to Hawaii from Southern California right it’s right there right right next to the Catalina yeah right next to the Channel Islands oh it’s so close six hours what on a plane in other education news trans student removed from produ ction of
Oklahoma in Texas after new policy is implemented uh and the the policy is um you can only play characters in the school play that are your birth gender this wasn’t even true hundreds of years ago yeah no this is ridiculous like I’m sorry but uh the you you you
You’re not taking Theater Arts away from the lgbtq community n they it’s theirs they’ve had it for a long time I mean even way back when things were even more bigoted it was almost like a a stop Gap just like all right they have Theater Arts these these gays and
Weirdos that we don’t like at least we can isolate them over in the theater arts program and now they’re trying to what this is [Â __Â ] [Â __Â ] Elliot is talking as if he’s a Texan right now or a racist or bigoted person not racist bigoted person yeah no I I I did theater
All through high school I [Â __Â ] loved it and yes it was disproportion Ely uh yeah you know some of the finest performances I’ve ever seen in terms of gender and sexuality yeah it was it was kind of a refuge for just a lot of uh a lot of people that maybe weren’t as
Accepted outside of that like and yeah like it’s pretty normal in theater for gender swapping and [Â __Â ] like that it’s been that way forever but no a trans male student who’s been living as a male for years and is accepted as male by their classmates can’t play a man in a
Play because of I don’t [Â __Â ] know the worst part is like no one who would complain about this are the ones that would even go to a full production of this you don’t [Â __Â ] care about theater you just want to punish other people for no reason the same with CU
You’re uncomfortable all the [Â __Â ] Library freaks I guarantee you none of these people have stepped foot in a [Â __Â ] library for decades uh speaking of libraries [Â __Â ] Eric Adams shut down the New York Public Libraries on weekends he’s probably going to jail I can’t wait yeah he has there’s a lot of
Investigations going on right now with I’m genuinely shocked that Eric Adams is extremely corrupt I could have never seen this coming this is uh this is clearly uh the Rats of New York working together to get him unseated vast rat wi the rats will be partying in the Subways
When he is removed y it’s all all a ploy by big rat no he’s like King Rat he’s like as a I mean New York City is almost its own country but like he’s taking like bribes from like foreign countries and [Â __Â ] what yeah how would that even
Work I don’t know anyway I hope he goes to prison for life yeah that’d be fun they need a new mayor that we can make fun of I’m tired of this one Rogue daycare workers busted for allegedly running child fight ring oh this is terrible yeah it’s not good uh yeah
There like three and foury olds hopefully they grow up and uh the memory of this they don’t have it because they don’t retain it also like some real how do you how do you manage to hire two two separate people who are both like working at a daycare sounds like a great
Way to do a little bit of gambling on a child fight ring sounds like the job for me and people are Lo losing their damn Minds I guess so um I mean they said like none of the kids had injuries I mean they are children they’re not goingon to hurt
Each other that much but it’s still this is like not good you shouldn’t uh shouldn’t Force children to fight each other for your amusement no it’s uh thought we were past that but I guess not no Tennessee man arrested for DUI and meth while driving lawnmower Santa’s Train full of
Kids I mean what’s the worst that could have happened that thing goes what like five miles an hour uh probably not probably nothing but also he’s just whing out up there drunk and on meth yeah he loves Christmas he’s he’s been listening to Mariah since before Halloween honestly yeah he wanted
Those Christmas lights to burn a little bit brighter nobody was as joyful as this guy driving that train wait you can get a DUI driving a tractor hold on I thought this was America look would you rather have some sad apathetic teenager up there who doesn’t even care about Christmas this
Guy was in the spirit or a guy who’s so rip roaring drunk that uh his nose is glowing brighter than Rudolph also your honor uh the meth actually counteracts a lot of the uh the effects of the alcohol I was balancing myself out actually I was in that moment I was totally sober
Did everyone have a good time I think everyone I think the results don’t lie gwth ftro ski trial musical to debut in London hell yeah that was that was the best Live Trial in a long time way better than that Johnny Depp one that one was kind of sad and no one really
Likable in it gwenneth one it it it was very entertaining cuz also no one was likable in it but they they had the characters had interesting qualities it actually made me I regained some respect for gwenth that I didn’t have before yeah uh she could have been a real [Â __Â ]
About the whole situation but she seemed like she only wanted to clear her name yeah she only demanded $1 in uh restitution for you know the whole trial the whole thing so but yeah musical it should be this will be a fun one well much like Texas uh this musical since
It’s in London no trans people yeah I better these women better all be played by women the men better all be played by men biological the Queen of England JK rling has made a proclamation yeah transphobe Island yeah Turf Island M Chuck E cheese removes animatronics in all locations except one
Following release of Five Nights at Freddy’s I hope you gamers are happy you’ve destroyed an American institution bring back chz Pizza I mean chz pizza was who they they they bought Chuck-E-Cheese or they no chiz Pizza started the the band yeah they merged at some Chuck-E-Cheese bought chiz Pizza
Got Nolan Bushnell his second Millions yeah the uh founder of Atari Nolan Bushnell yeah and so Chuck-E-Cheese bought them I think specifically for the technology that they had and then this [Â __Â ] video game comes on you would think it would be the most popular that singing and dancing animatronics would
Ever be it’s cool as [Â __Â ] yeah they could actually have done a partnership with Five Nights at Freddy’s well I don’t know about that I mean don’t obviously don’t make it gory or anything also didn’t chucke CHS go out of business no pasqual’s kept them afloat during the
Pandemic okay there’s one in Burbank I drive past it I never I never see any signs of life in there you know uh this is all the result not of Five Nights at Freddy’s but of that Shane Dawson who claimed that they were stealing pizza slices out of everyone’s pizzas remember
That he did some one of those he was on like sue him they he was on a conspiracy kick for a while before he was canceled like the third or fourth time and uh he did something about chuck-e-cheese’s pizzas being weird yeah well it’s like hey buddy come on they’re trying to run
A business they’re struggling business here they just chop it weird because it’s a bunch of teenagers back there just yeah who cares you’re feeding Pizza to [Â __Â ] babies they don’t they don’t care the mascot’s a rat yeah he’s a rat you think if we gave if we gave a [Â __Â ]
About how our food looks and tastes we would have a rat as our mascot no yeah it’s [Â __Â ] pizza for children the pizza is the least of your worries in this building for what you can contract just going anywhere near the ball pit or touching a video game is going to result
In a much more severe medical diagnosis or it’s going to make your immune system nice and strong well that’s why you put kids in it when they’re young there you go as for the adults gloves and mask a man gave himself poop transplants using his mom’s feces to treat his debilitating Chrome
Then he started experiencing her menopause symptoms we didn’t give a food warning before that and I haven’t eaten and I still want to throw up we talked about poop transplants before but not stealing your mom’s vehicle steal it she gave it to him to stuff it up your own ass they
I mean I don’t know how they did it exactly but this has been around it is one of the proven treatments for uh a lot of debilitating uh gastrointestinal illnesses it just uh at this it’s still there’s they’re not prescribing it too much but this guy he did it at home
Right he did it by himself he well he also before he started he reached out to one of the leading experts on it was just like let’s say if someone were to do this how would it work he’s talking to him like it’s a chat GPT prompt this
Is like long before chat GB no but what I’m saying is like that that you have to even then you’re like getting around the legal liabilities yeah I think the doctor knew it was going on yeah was just like yeah hypothetically this is how it worked and it [Â __Â ] worked sure
Worked so well he got menopause well yeah I mean it’s fascinating this is like Uncharted Territory but yeah when because his mom was going through menopause and I guess the hormones were coming out in her poop and he was he got all of her good like gut bacteria
He was nice and regular but he also got like hot flashes Oh my he got a bunch of get out of the way I need to use the fainting couch so yeah this is interesting like not only does the poop transplant work but you want to
You want to get poop from someone whose like hormones are like really uh that’s the whole there’s a whole South Park episode about stealing poop from Tom Brady yeah that would be really that would be good poop yeah uh I did see I went to a vintage shop that last weekend
And I saw a fainting couch and I if it wasn’t outrageously priced for the joke I would have gotten it for you how much was it uh it was too expensive it was like $1,200 I mean a good couch that’s probably not bad but it had no other use
Than fainting it was like one of it was a like a very old old Fain cou yeah well you know I don’t really faint a lot now that I mention it not really ever never fainted if I was I bet my dogs would love it though that’s that that be a
Good dog catch uhuh quick buy flowers Biden reminds G of wife’s birthday he [Â __Â ] power moved this too he’s like hey ain’t it your wife’s birthday well no it’s cuz Biden has the same birthday as she’s wife so president she was like happy birthday
Biden he why you go see to your wife and Biden’s like yeah happy birthday to your wife as well did you get her anything nice and he’s like oh no oh no president she’s wife the first lady of China is gonna be pissed and Biden’s like that’s why we’re getting those pandas back
Better get her something nice he big [Â __Â ] G yeah yeah and then you better give your wife something or I will the [Â __Â ] us China relations are so [Â __Â ] weird he Biden like seems to genuinely like get along with she I guess they’ve been in contact going back
To when they were both vice presidents um they have a good relationship seems like it was a productive diplomatic visit and then Biden immediately is just like yeah he’s a [Â __Â ] dictator I mean and like half the people are like yes he finally says and the
Other people are like do we really need to be calling like China a dictatorship right now even if it’s true is this diplomatically like a smart [Â __Â ] move especially after a meeting that seemed like it went well seemed like it got everyone on the same page I don’t know
Wait until we at least till we get those pandas back those pandas are uh we need those pandas yeah Americans want pandas they do I sat on the toilet and then my knee bones shattered oh this is actually one of my fears yeah you know you ever get
Those popping knees from standing up too long going on a long walk you go it’s like this lady this lady sat down her knee [Â __Â ] exploded that’s insane I worry about my knees daily lot all the running I’ve been doing is not great no running is running is actually really
[Â __Â ] bad I had to get uh one of my friends was like you need to go get ice packs like right cuz I got the strap on ones yeah I have to strap them on there’s also like uh but yes mine pop all the time well with
Running I I mean I’m sure you’ve looked into this more but there’s like the technique of running is very very important for people who do it like professionally MH specifically because like unless you run in a very specific way it does over time really really mess
Up like all of your joints ter and especially here with all the hills and stuff there’s no escaping like especially if you’re going downhill yeah it’s the worst thing you could possibly do but you know I love it keeping me in shape and uh at this point I’m I kind of
Am addicted to it so now imagine how much farther you could go without any damage to your knees if you just strapped on a pair of rollerblades yeah oh baby they even got rollerblades that have off-road tires so you go on trails and [Â __Â ] mhm imagine that pretty cool
All so much more distance imagine going uphill on roller blades it can happen it’s part of the work it’s like going uphill on skis you just got to go sideways very slowly yeah you gota you got a pizza reverse Pizza yeah yeah I do regret uh the years I’ve wasted of
Physical activity uh where my knees could have been more useful yeah I didn’t waste it I was riding bikes and you could have put those knees to good use in the US Armed Forces now carrying like 100 lb on your back into war zones well now I uh even
If the draft extends to people in uh older age they can’t take me my knees are not very good you know look at this Donald Trump over here yeah um excuse me I got spurs in my knees I got knee Spurs final headline and this is genuinely shocking news end of an era
Snoop Dog says he’s giving up smoking weed the only thing I can pull out of this is that he’s probably about to debut an Edibles company yeah I think that I it’s either that that would be that’s what I think is most likely uh but the other thing is like yeah he
Might at this point he’s an old man he’s like I think 60 at this point maybe even older hey that’s not old well old guys rule but uh I mean it’s not good to be smoking especially you know he’s old school he’s he’s still smoking joints
And [Â __Â ] it’s not good for your lungs the whole uh like marijuana not giving you lung issues is it first of all false it’s just not true but second of all that was based on like a person who smokes like a pack a day like obviously someone who smokes weed probably isn’t
Going to smoke that much but Snoop Dog does smoke that much yeah it’s uh it’s you know yeah it’s not as bad as the alternative but it’s also we weren’t designed to be inhaling giant [Â __Â ] clouds of smoke 247 so I don’t know either either he does have some
Medical issue or or he’s debuting a line of edibles but in either case he’s not giving up weed he’s giving up smoking weed so I think he’ll be f it was very specific in saying smoking yeah so uh it’s a new nft and it comes with slurp
Juice that is has THC in it yeah yep y mhm well I’m sure the announcement is forthcoming Super Bowl yeah the world’s biggest stage to debut a marijuana related product uh chich and Chong are very upset they can only uh advertise on Twitter yeah do they still do that I I
Think I blocked both of them I I block every ad I see yeah too anyways uh please like the video saw a bunch of comments on the most recent video saying like hey uh we know that it’s probably is uh annoying for you guys to keep
Bringing it up but the results Don’t Lie the past six months of us telling people to like has worked so please like the video please leave a comment reply to a comment subscribe if you’re not already for some reason smash the Bell hit the join button and of of course we have
Other videos for you to watch including the downfall of one George Anthony dealer Santos I wouldn’t count him out just yet I would never count him out but uh it’s going to take quite a miracle bet against Santos and also uh someone else that you shouldn’t do put any money
Towards Elon Musk y who he’s getting a movie and uh the problems that he has created for himself continue to grow in the past couple of days I’m sure we’ll have more to talk about on Tech news day next week we’ll see you soon bye-bye