Good afternoon everybody I don’t know why I’m saying good afternoon they could be watching it in the morning hi do hello thanks for joining us today I have Carla here I’m I’m going to say again but it might not be again because it might be the first one that you’ve seen
Car we’re filming a few videos we’re filming a few videos and why did I just have to repeat that you’d already said it why did I need to repeat it why did she have to repeat that I’d already said it why did she need to repeat should we
Do that all the way through no very I’m bored of it already we are doing as you would have seen from the title A Room 101 video which we call it a room 101 video I like to say things that grumpy old women can moan about get get in the bin things
That can just get in the bin things that are really annoying we could be in weeks we could but we’ve only written down free each we’re also going to do another one of these over on Carla’s Channel um so if you enjoy this one I don’t if it
Will be there yet but I’ll put Carla’s Channel link below in case you don’t already subscribe to her if not why not you put your hair up as well yes yes I was going to look like a whole new person was my plan you look like a whole new person um
Yes we’re going to do another of these on Carla’s Channel which may or may not already be up and if it’s not it will be soon um so do go over and watch that would you like what I was going to say so we’ got three each we we down to
Three each per video we said we could be about stuff for literally years yeah feel like we’re quite if there was a PhD in Grumpy wom i’ I’d get whatever the top score is for a PhD can you can you get like 21 or 22 or how does it work in
PhD so it’s just you just have one or you don’t you could have a master PhD is above a master I could rule the world if it if it was based on what things you don’t like yeah yeah anyway would you like to start I will begin I will begin
First thing tiny cars now I’m nothing against tiny cow tiny cows tiny cows was a barie you know think you can actually can can we just digress for a minute how God I feel like The Two Ronnies the small one obviously because he’s the one that digresses isn’t he he does digress yes
Um yeah tiny cows is a thing I saw it on Tik Tok you can get a real life tiny highland cow and keep it as a pet you can why why do you want to though why would you who goes what I need is a cow
Because what I need more of in my carpets is cow Pat you can’t train your cow you can’t TR house train a cow can you I wouldn’t have thought so I don’t know if cows some some can live in the house does it not have to oh do know some animals
Don’t know when they’re going do they you know some animals have Barrel control you can train a dog to wait until it’s outside this is taking a Time want to talk about some some animals don’t have Barrel control they just go right that’s yeah mice mice P whereever
So I don’t know if if cows have bowel control if you I don’t and if they don’t have bowel control you can’t you can’t to train them there’s a thought you can’t think now can you viewers if anybody out there knows if anybody out there still watching at this
Point clicking off in drones let’s get back to the tiny cars color tiny cars not tiny cows I’m fine with the tiny cows tiny cars and I’m fine with tiny cars in principle although if you buy one you do look like you’ve escaped in Healey careering around but it’s tiny
Cars in parking spaces I think car Parks should have separate tiny car car parking spaces for the tiny cars to park in so that when I’m driving along looking for a space I don’t see what I think is a space go to turn into it and discover somebody’s left their Smart Car
In it oh I see what you mean there’s trip off in the space or if you’re going to park in the tiny car in the in the big car parking space which is getting harder I hard to say you should need to line up the back of your car with the
Entrance to the space not pull all the way forward into the space because I’m I’m sick of it I’m sick of going there’s a space I’m going all the way down a line of and then going no no there’s not space in the bin get in the bin with
Your tiny car or or at least your tiny car poor parking SP skills you can say the same about mopads I will I will don’t start me on mop I feel the same about anything and my point is just that if you’re going to park in the car parking space then line
The rear of your vehicle whatever you’re driving your smart car your Healy your moped whatever it is you’ve arrived on hey have you not seen Hees they’re those trainers with wheels in the heels that you just yeah I’m going to get you some heing oh no I do know what they are I
Was thinking it was a type of car no no no it’s no saying if you drive a smart car you look like you’re in hey oh okay yeah cuz they’re tiny right I I get the comparison now so yeah just you know if you’re I’m I’m I’m all for all for
People having smaller cars I realize that’s much better for the planet and if you don’t need a larger car then I get it I get all of that but please when you park line up the rear of your car with the rear of the car next to you
Regardless of where the front of the car so that I don’t try and park in your boot that’s all I’m saying you can in the bin you are you glad you thought of this topic yeah okay we can put tiny cars in parking spaces not generally but in
Parking are we going to let them vote in the comments they can think yeah what can go in and what can’t yeah definitely so my first one is wasps and I have got no M you do not need any mitiga they can just go the thing is in this country we don’t get
Much of a summer do we well we haven’t done for since Co yeah co could get in the bin as well um we don’t get much of a summer and when you get a nice day where it’s the Sun’s shining it’s not raining you can sit outside you don’t
Get it that often and how often in this country is it bloody spoiled by wasps why do they want to sit on hum what yes why you I’m like you’re a wasp you’ve got the freedom of the entire world why do you want to sit on me yeah yeah it’s
Mostly food related isn’t there if you got food or drink they always but yeah they’re so persistent aren’t they many years ago we were on holiday in Spain with my parents and I we sitting around having breakfast and my dad was at one end of the table I was at the opposite
End of the table and we were plagued by wasps so yes Spanish wasps can also get in the B all wasps went on holiday with my parents to Germany when I was about 13 and it was a traumatic time we were on the rine and it was they were having
Some kind of wasp plague at the time and I just they have in in Germany they’re very very keen on litter bins which is great you know they don’t you know when they were do we made the previous video and you said you’re always interrupting people I was halfway
Through a sorry I do interrupt people I’m sorry I do I do I’m sorry I will shut up anyway we’re in Spain having breakfast and we were being plagued by wasps and there was one just in front of my dad and he flicked it and it went
From his end of the table down to my end of the table straight down my top like that and stung me was traumatized did you blame you Dad or the was who were most angry I did quite a odd dance removed my clothes fairly rapidly very dramatic very dramatic
Right we can go back to your story now I was just I was just saying that in Germany they’re very keen on not putting litter on the floor which is great so they have litter bins every two MERS was another lit bin and every litter bin was
A swarm oh God so trying to just trying it was it was a traumatic traumatic experience Natalie got stung by a wasp in Turkey as well so Turkish wasps also in the bin all wasps in the bin and what do wasps actually have an ecological purpose so they I don’t know Bumblebees
Are important we know that be I like a be nothing nothing they mind their own business don’t they do don’t they they come around you you sort of waft them away and off they go to a flower sense to a be you can say not now I’m busy and
Enough it goes you know persistent so persistent so yeah wasps can get in the bin they are ruining my Summers and yeah yeah we only get Summer on a Tuesday from 2: till 400 p.m. and we don’t need wasps in it yeah we do yeah okay can go
I challenge anyone in the comments to say why they think wasps shouldn’t go in well if they have an ecological purpose do let us know as well if they’re essential to yeah you know like if if all the Wasps suddenly disappeared would the would the the ecology just collapsed
Because you know like cockroaches are they important to ecology I don’t know cuz they’re practically indestructible aren’t they don’t they reckon even when the world ends the Cockroach should will be fine oh and more Point how do cockroaches feel about wasps well if they’d eat them that
Would be nice my second one is going to this is going to be controversial because I am aware that these things exist for a very good reason but they are bloody annoying and is carboard straws now I would like to preface this by saying I am 100% on board with the
Reduction of single-use plastic 100% I am aware that single use plastic is a dreadful Dreadful thing and that we needed to get rid of plastic straws but the cardboard straws and the paper ones as well they don’t work they don’t work literally within seconds of a CBO straw hitting liquid it dissolves
Into paper masching how has nobody how has nobody invented a good alternative well the Costco you don’t go to Costco because you don’t have one around here and you’ve said a m come with me Costco have got a lid on their plastic cups that has a the sippy Point as you put it
To your mouth your nose presses the thing and and so you drink and so it closes so you don’t need a straw it’s it works a treat so why hasn’t everybody adopted that instead of caro cardboard stores are abysmal they don’t work like I said I get that we can’t I get people
Would say don’t use car your own however when you are somebody who wears lipstick and you’re out for an evening and you’ve got a drink with ice in it and stuff particularly abroad I noticed this I don’t you know would take all your lipstick off I if you’re driving and
You’ve got a drink in the cup need a St as the driver you can’t pick up andage a full cup you can’t do that so there are times when you need a straw and again people will say well you can get those reusable ones but the problem
For me is that I bought a reusable one and then I took it out and I used it and I put it back in my handbag dirty and I never remember to take out and wash up so the next time I want to use it it’s
Still dirty from the last time I bought some glass straws recently liit how many of them you can carry in your hbur there well I bought some glass I leave them in the house I only use them in the house I was using one the other day the drink
Fell this is the second time reason I’m just this afternoon I’ve dropped a can of Coke off the desk here since we started filming and it was in a glass a glass with drink in with a glass straw and long story short the glass straws smashed to
Smither yeah and was really Qui yeah so you can’t drink the drink because the glove I mean I know that’s not going to happen all the time but for little kids they should be tougher or something shouldn’t they should they be made out of bus shelters bus shelters are made
Out of stuff that doesn’t they and then you can get metal straws But Metal straws have a nasty taste I don’t like a metal straw now see my reusable one was a full it’s it’s a single use not it’s not it’s a reusable plastic straw and it
Folds up like a walking stick yes but I never remember to take it when I’ve used it I never remember that I need to take it into the house clean it put it back in the handbag so and also how easy are they to clean well they come with a long
Pokey like a pipe cleaner thing they come one of those but they’re not they’re not the easiest thing in the world no but yeah cardboard straws no no good yeah definitely in the bin ruin a good drink yeah my second one is 24-hour rolling news and you’ve been in this
House long enough to know that my husband is quite a fan of it isn’t he he likes to watch the news he does and not only does he like to watch the news I’m talking quietly cuz he’s currently watching the news he likes to have it on in the
Background MH when he’s not watching it and there’s a don’t like 24-hour rolling news at the best of times I think it’s filled up with good news sorry interrup no it’s but it’s so full of speculation and opinion and as you say most of it is
Bad news and it’s feeding you misery do you remember the good old days when the News Bulletin was something that happened for 20 minutes at midday end cheerful always there yes and there was only they they told you what had happened there wasn’t you know endless film of misery whilst I’m not saying
That we shouldn’t be informed about what’s going on in the world there seems to be a lot of dwelling and over information these and predictions of further Doom that’s it used to be these are the things that have happened now it’s these are the things we’re worried
We happen and it yes and it’s all to fill up this rolling 24-hour news cycle I think the world would be a lot better place if we went back to the half hour news bulletins twice a day and cut down all it used to be news at 1 and News at
10 and it would be doom doom Gloom dead person doom and now a roller skating horse and you’d go off going it’s a roller skating horse that’s quite good isn’t it you know and now it’s like doom doom doom Gloom and now everyone’s dead oh and now we’re going to have another
12 12 hours of that so yeah I’m with you I’m with you I don’t think we need 24-hour rolling news there’s a lot of things we don’t we have the internet so if you suddenly go I want to know the news you can go and get
It yourself yeah you don’t need to have I feel like I need to possibly apologize for the light cuz the light is doing very weird things outside so if color is changing I think it’s cold I think it’s improving me yeah but yeah if you if there’s been
Changes in the light apologies but that’s my number two so a final one Carla what’s your number three this is quite a specific one most people it’s very Niche one most people won’t be having a problem with this I mean most most male people will think although I
Don’t know I don’t know some people might be annoyed with that chin hairs chin hairs in women of a certain age mostly although I suppose if you’ve got I think I got them all before I came out this morning but um obviously I I accept and I’m I’m dealing with this a
Lightharted way but I realize there’s people who have PE cross and stuff and they are dealing with this on a much grander scale than I am having to and I get that and I feel for you as I have hit menopausal age I am becoming David Bellamy just
Gradually I don’t understand I have a little clutch of four or five chin hairs here and they come through dark and they come through Rapid so I can pluck them and then think well that that’ll be it surely that’ll do me for a couple of
Weeks I look the next day and there’s a three-foot chin there I what’s happening is it is it my diet is it the HRT what’s am I am I turn am I actually becoming David Bellamy well you wouldn’t have thought so for anyone who doesn’t know
David bellam is we’ll see if we can f stick in a picture on the screen cuz raining again yeah I just I get a patch here and then there’s a couple that come over here and then every now and again I’ll be minding my own business and I’ll look in the
Rearview mirror on the car you know the not the actual rearview mirror but the but the visor mirror and there be one here going and they grow at a rapid rate of knots yes I’ve been quite lucky I don’t touch wood touch wood I don’t want to wake up with
Aat but yeah so har get in the bin yeah they can get in the bin get in the bin and I thought about those Electro they called a no no and you can get a little no no and and I thought that was the Hoover on teletub no that’s the Noo-noo
But equally work I’ll take it but no No-No is a little hairless device belting down hear you might hear the rain it’s suddenly EMP down it was quite nice day a minute ago it’s been like this on in our full day hasn’t it we’re going to discuss the weather now very middle a
The weather that can get shocking today’s weather can definitely get into bed it’s it’s really hammering down but yeah so my my chin hairs and all the chin hairs of anyone who doesn’t want them they can get in the bin if you enjoy your beard good for you and yes I
Realize that in 2023 everyone can have a beard if they want one I don’t want mine fair enough my final one is vaping o controversial that’s going to be a controversial one yeah now vaping as a replace M for smoking for people who wanted to give up smoking yes I get it I
Think it it’s probably better for you I don’t there’s been enough testing to days is it they thought cigarettes were good for you once didn’t they oh yeah if you went to the doctors in the 1920s and said you were anxious they’d say go and have a cigarette so yeah you could
Obviously get a doctor’s appointment in those days yeah so as a you know a replacement for smoking I get it but there are two reasons really people’s have single- use Vapes and it’s back to the single- use plastic thing isn’t it you see them all over the road all over
Everywhere they last five minutes and they’re great big lumps of plastic that are going to take thousands of years to biodegrade so why they were allowed in the first place I odd such a new thing you can’t have a straw but not withstanding the turtle situation you
Know obviously there’s that as well but you know how can how how can they have even been legislated you know to be allowed in the first place kids kids everywhere vaping that’s my other thing you know 12 year olds vaping and seeming to be able to buy Vapes and endless vape
Shops and vaping openly whereas they wouldn’t have smoked openly if you if you smoked yourself you went and hid somewhere and did it didn’t because you weren’t meant to be behind the bike sheds yeah whereas vaping I don’t know if there’s legal aid for Vaping but they
Don’t seem to be I don’t think you can buy them below 16 but I I don’t know but I think there needs to be some ation around vaping pretty quickly particularly the single use Vapes because there are shops selling them presumably by the thousands a week you
Couldn’t really have a whole shop could you without selling thousands I said people are having whole shops that only sell that aren’t they so yeah um environmental nightmare not that good for you and apparently very appealing to children I assume because of all the flavors the fruity flavors and you know
On the plus side of vaping I would much rather walk through a cloud of somebody’s exhaled Vape smoke than a cloud of somebody’s exhaled cigarette smoke yeah if a waft of somebody’s Vape Smoke Gets to you at least it’s not oh it’s quite a pleasant smell whereas secondhand cigarette smoke is very
Unpleasant I went to the car boot this morning somebody was smoking in one of the sheds which you not meant to and the smell is just horrible I’m like that’s awful whereas vaping doesn’t have that effect second hand quite the same does it it’s funny isn’t it how years ago I
Don’t know if you were a pubg or not as a non drinker but I was in my well you do pub quiz and stuff don’t you but you remember when people smoked in pubs and you would literally come home from an evening at the pub take off all your
Clothes they’d all have to be washed because whether you smoked or not I was a smoker in those days but wash all your clothes everything’s done and your hair and everything is it bizarre to remember that in restaurants people at the next table would spark up a cigarette because they’d finish
Their and the the idea of that now is just astounding absolutely the idea that somebody would blow cigarette smoke over your meal it’s just absolutely astonishing that we ever thought that was yeah acceptable and yet we did we to finish my cigarette don’t mind about you and your lobster thermador this is very
Much the theme of this that’s the first time we mentioned it in this video got theme of today is lobster I went boy you with the detail isn’t it all you know it’s only 2005 that they banned indoor smoking so it’s only been 18 years which doesn’t sound
Like that long that that you have and yet now it’s the most bizarre thing yeah can’t imagine it yeah anyway that’s our six items for ring 101 today let us know what you think and come over to my Channel at some point when it appears there and there’ll be another six there
Thanks for watching see you soon bye