In today’s video I’m building a Christmas Town in bloxburg this has by far been my most requested video in the Christmas season and we can call it true ares’s turkey town so guys this is the first time you get to see me build my town from scratch y my past three towns
Are all been pre-built but today I’m going to kind of teach you how to build a town whilst building my Christmas Town first thing you want to do is always make a giant ex and this way you can very easily find the center now I might
Have to change the color of this grass I’m so sorry just so it’s a little bit more aesthetic for us to build on now we know in between these two lines is the center and this is where our town is going to come off from so we obviously
Need our town to go off in a couple of different directions maybe one this way and then maybe one this way this way that way forward backward over the Irish SE and by the way guys feel free to copy this town layout like it is literally up
For grabs might as well make this like a roundabout now we’re at it and this can take us up to the town Center so one of you guys who commented was like Reese’s you have to add an ice skating rink and your wish is my command the Central Park
Is going to be the ice skating rink and it kind of looks like the North Star I did actually have to push it back one because I’m a Noob and I cannot build properly and now thank heavens the road can actually carry on around it but
Before we go on to doing any of that let’s actually build some of like the shops now I have a tendency of making like this whole Space here like a massive like Mansion yeah a Christmas mansion I’m Christ Jenna but no not today I feel like we should make this
Like the little market stand if any of you have ever been to a Village Market you’ll know what I mean they have a bunch of christmy shops even that is a little bit big but it will do these ones here will have to be a little smaller by
The way guys the most liked suggestion on each Town video I will build in the next one so you could comment like post office Christmas card shop whatever tickle as your fancy so I’ve added a couple of buildings in and I haven’t realized how many this town can actually
Fit so if we carry on this road I actually kind of want to do a two two story town I’ve never done one before Oh my gosh I don’t even know how I’m pretty sure you get the large ramps because my car does not go up this one it just gets
Stuck and then you’ve kind of got to have a way to get down as well maybe we should have like a secondary road coming down over here or something oh that’s perfect and why does my town look like a squid with about eight tentacles and do
You reckon we should like use a roof for this town and I’m just doing this as an example what is that ,000 too expensive anyway let’s just use walls and also I don’t think you can actually place things on roofs so maybe that’s not the best idea I think it’s important to
Remember if you’re going to build a town there’s a lot of trial and error like we’ll have to delete lots of things and replace them and correct me if I’m wrong but does this mean all the rich people get to live up on the hill no guys we
Are all equal in this channel you can all live on the hill if you want why did I just place all grass we need to put roads in I’m a Fool so there won’t be room for many houses up here but we can have a really nice one here I was
Actually thinking of having a Christmas tree farm as well so maybe the Christmas tree farm could go up here now we’re going to put some concrete on and now we need to really start bringing in the aspect of Christmas so of course when they update all the floor will be snow
Anyway but we need some christmy themed trees christmy now I personally think pine trees fit the ticket cuz they’re literally just Christmas trees snow is falling snow is falling that is the vibe I’m in right now obviously over here is going to be our Christmas tree yes Chistmas oh my gosh TR Christmas
Christmas here’s going to be the Christmas tree farm and then we can have like the reindeers out the side here but we’ll come to that in a m I realized we have actually got all the roads laid out so let’s fill them in shall we and then
I just did the same for the Pavements as well this looks sick and now we get to add the rest of the stores in and I cannot wait for you guys’ suggestions I am so bad at thinking of ideas although one thing I do want maybe over in this
Area is like a massive Clock Tower I don’t know if I’ll do this in a video cuz it’s quite a simple concept but you know like Big Ben in London and then maybe over here is giving like Bakery Vibes now since we’re near the ice skating rink here we should probably add
One of those Shacks you know where you borrow like the ice skates from that kind of stuff and then over here I’m kind of feeling should be like the Christmas mansion there’s always that one rich building in a town which like the Lords live in so that can be there
And honestly as an outline this is slaying the day guys England is really in the christmy vibe right now if I look at my window look how christmy it is the next thing I’m going to do is be adding like a couple of like little what did I just say I was
Like I sound like the news channel what I meant to say is I’m just going to add like little patches of nature here and there around the town and it doesn’t all have to be pine trees we can get out some of these like OG bloxburg trees
Which look like loads of Snows falling on them oh this is so cue and when I was little guys I used to play pranks on my mom and dad all the time I would stand in the top window and then when they walk past I would throw like a bucket of
Snow on their head one year they actually got so mad and I got grounded for ages I was like it’s Christmas guys finally before we go into the three mini builds for this video the ice skating rink the reindeer farm and the Christmas tree farm we just need to add signs so
Simply search up sign and there’s a few options down here so let’s actually make this realistic when you get to a roundabout it will say stop stop this madness I don’t know if that’s true I’m meant to be learning to drive guys and I don’t even know where stop signs go
Let’s just put them in random places you know at the top of a hill you should probably actually no you probably shouldn’t stop there you roll all the way back oh my gosh we should add some pedestrian Crossings I don’t know if you have them in America surely you do yeah
We should totally have a few of these but we will have speed limits slow you know coming up to the zebra now it’s time for the ice skating rink the rink itself is actually going to be pretty big and it’s going to be in a diamond
Shape and then we do have ice but it’s really hard to like build it in a not a square shape see what I mean like it’s going to be so expensive just watch my money drain you know what I said guys just forget about the Mooney forget about
The only thing I can thing to try and do is like match the color because look I was trying to add them in but like it just looks so bad I’m using the ornate Stone railings because I feel like being bougie the other fence that we’re going
To crack out look at this one baby is this a screaming ice skating rink or what you should defo have some pavement because you can’t like skate from the roundabout onto this and I’ve just realized it’s not very practical having it right in the middle of a roundabout
But you know we’ll just shut the roundabout down when we want to use it okay if you remember this over here is actually going to be our ice skating stand we’ll color it very festively with some wooden planks by the way guys I’m actually going ice skating in London
This year so if any of you are going anything in London you might just see me there oh my god wow the roof on this has simply got to be like a cabin it’s just giving cabin life door can be coming off of the pavement over here and this how the
Employees are going to get in and then we’re actually going to use a drive-thru window yeah we’re converting this into a McDonald’s no but you only are going to be served Through the Windows unfortunately we don’t have ice skates know but we do have roller skates which
Are basically the same thing so we’ll have a couple of these at the counter and then out the back is going to be a bunch of Cubbies filled with them guys predictions for how much you think this is going to be worth by the end of the
Series I honestly think 2 million I reckon this is going to be an amazing series let’s get our Christmasy chairs out and now we can actually use like some of the things from my inventory like some holiday trees out the front of here you know and then finally in here
We’re going to have like a little bit of a security system just you can make sure no one’s like shoving everyone over on the ice skating ring so that’s our little ice skating rink done let’s just join that up to the road and if you remember the other two
Things that we’re going to be doing is the Christmas tree farm and the reindeer farm so Christmas tree farm is easy as pie we’re basically going to have just a bunch of bare Christmas trees all lined up now I wish we could kind of slant
These I’m going to see if we can using a basic Cube no even if you put it on look it’s being stubborn with me it is not having any of it I can’t and if you’re wondering why aren’t there decorations on the Christmas tree Reese’s because you don’t
Buy them really predecorated unless it’s a fake tree and then I’ve obviously added some bigger ones either side also in the middle of the ice skating rink I really want to put this Christmas tree oh my gosh if you pay 1,000 bucks look
At how big it goes so have to put one in but I just think it doesn’t really match the vibe right now cuz we’ve not got many buildings in over here is going to be our reindeer farm and I made this mistake in the last video it’s not a
Farm okay we’re not slaughtering all of the reindeer we’re just simply keeping them here and come visit them give them a little stroke Dasher dancer proner Blitzen Donna Ruby dizzy Vincent Rudolph there we go we’ve got them all definitely didn’t get any of them wrong and somebody must be holding like hay or
Wheat over here cuz they’re all coming and running now we are reverting back to the town to kind of give it its final few flavors right now it’s nice but it’s lacking a bit of flavor first stage is adding these ridges on the road now I don’t know what they’re actually called
I actually found out what these are used for the other day I used to think they were for decoration and my driving instructor was like are you dumb these are actually to make you aware of how fast you’re going cuz you know when you’re going really fast like these will
Go really quickly if you’re going slow then you’ll know you’re going slow basically in the middle of this roundabout I think we should have a fountain to be H and why am I struggling so hard to put it in the middle now I am a little nervous to do the lines on the
Roundabout like it’s kind of hard to do Road lines at a diagonal you know what the roundabout doesn’t need them okay I’m so excited to build a little Christmas house up here guys do you know what I could actually invite some of you guys into the videos as well to like
Help me build these things there so many remember earlier how I said always keep the roads even I didn’t actually stick to my own advice so on these little three length ones the way to do it is actually using basic cubes that are flattened down why not finish this off
With a band by adding some cars like a limo up here actually a little blue car up there in the corner so there we have it guys I have built the layout for our new Christmas Town let’s look around baby so obviously this is where you’re
Going to enter in I might end up add Gates or fences or something so like actually secure us in a bit more but for now it’s fine if we do a bird’s eye view this is surreal this is meant to be a special edition Christmas town but the
Layout is honestly better than any of my others and there’s just something so cinematic about the aerial view of a bloxburg town and just before all those cars add loads of value to the plot the town is worth 185,000 so if you want us to build the
Outline for yourself that’s how much it will cost you and look now the cars values have been added obviously probably going to drive around this town or cycle not walk along the main road if we go over to the left this is what I’m thinking of having Christmas markets but
Again all the builds are up to you in this place as we venture down this road this is where it really feels like a neighborhood now I don’t really know what’s going on here this is where like I keep saying the Christmas house will be and just next to it actually is the
Christmas mansion and up here it takes us nicely to our reindeers hi guys Hi here’s our Christmas tree farm so you can buy some Christmas trees and it’s perfect the car’s here put it in the back seat of your car I just thought I might as well tease what the town’s
Going to be like as we run down this hill we’re taking to like the shopping part I’m hoping you guys recommend maybe like some Christmas Shops but it does link us nicely back around to the ice skating rooming so before you go on it you go up to these windows hello have
Some ice skates please you have plenty back there so if you go inside it’s actually quite a stetic in here the security system and the rollerblades you can come on can have the time of your love that concludes episode one of the Christmas Town series don’t forget to
Subscribe thanks to everyone who watched this and I’ll see you all next time bye