Is Oh E Aahah Is Oh Oh E N M Oh Is N Is N Is yes I am very organized today hello everyone uh thanks for your patience guys hey Nathan hey Brooklyn H yeah GH was kind of dry how are y’all Doing I’m assuming you guys can hear me okay yeah you can perfect How’s everybody doing tonight I hope your week has been okay so far if not Great it has been an interesting one for me thus far not necessarily for GH thanks Brooklyn yeah I don’t know if you guys saw on my post um my song got radio play on Monday which was wild wild hey kywan we finally had a day off work and
Got some sleep that’s good my day off is not till Saturday and I don’t have a game plan for the day so I’ll be relaxing most of the day there is something I want to do at night or evening I should say just some Christmas related stuff with the
Family if I can convince them to come thanks Brooklyn yeah it was um oh station that plays local music um funny enough a thank you thank you yeah it was it was crazy so I knew that this particular radio station was going to shout me out
Um but I thought because of music and Y which is like a music related or local music related Instagram that I have where I capture footage of bands playing live shows in different venues throughout the city um so that’s what I figured was going to be the shout out
Cuz um the hosts are uh in one of the Bands um and I had seen one of the guys in in their other brand just a few days before so that’s that’s literally all I was thinking king um so that’s why I was recording it cuz like oh this is cool
I’m going to get a shout out whatever and then he plays my my single and I was I was freaking out like you guys see I literally say holy [ __ ] in the video and then shortly after that I ran upstairs to my mom and my grandmother
And I was like oh my God I’m on the radio and they came downstairs my poor grandmother she can barely walk and but she came all the way down the stairs to to hear it too so it was really cool it was a cool moment a thanks Nikesha K you said yeah I think the same that I’ve burned down in the house now killed Austin forgot to say that Sunday oh man but yeah I mean so this is just a hangout um react live stream um because again like you guys said it it hasn’t been that well it
Wasn’t interesting of a day um not really an interesting week generally so far um but I do want to make the point that I think Ava is totally going to get framed for murder and probably going to go to jail for this one even though she
Had nothing to do with it um because you know everyone has seen her with her Ava has murdered someone before that has scorned her and um you know it’s going it looks bad for her and even Sunny said it you know like just because you didn’t kill him doesn’t mean
You’re not going to be the number one Suspect and of course Mason showed very little remorse to his uh cousin dying I mean he knows damn well who killed Sorry what um you think oh oh you think she’s going to tell about Nicholas um I don’t know I mean maybe she will I mean if she does it’s going to make her look even more guilty but Sunny did plant you know the seat in her head that like Austin could
Have told anybody anything at any time and she wouldn’t even know about it because he’s been playing Her but yeah I I think she’ll get framed for this murder because no one I mean Sunny obviously told Dante about the Cyrus angle but there’s no proof of it so because Sunny did everything under under the table you know we spied on uh Austin watched him take things to to Cyrus
Um but and even Cyrus is kind of trying failing but trying to keep his poker Face and I’m sure he’s going to play you know I think he’s going to bring up toora at some point Cyrus story is going to bring up to Laura at some point that Sunny you know threatened him and said not to go near you and you know just try
To cause a bit of tension between Laura and um sunny cuz that’s just what he does it is what he Do trying to think of like any like other interesting topics that we could like kind of talk about and kill for at least 45 minutes if you know 30 to 45 minutes to an hour there ain’t a whole lot to talk about we can talk about the fact that
Gloria is gone Gloria she left Port Charles um I I do not understand I don’t get the whole Russian mob angle that they pulled with her it seemed so stupid and pointless be like well there is a Russian what is what is um Yuri is he a butler is Yuri the butler now
Um they’re like we have a Russ ran Butler so we can just have that angle to have him you know put the Russian mob at ease when it comes to the lady screaming at the wife of some mobster at a bingo hall like what oh
Lordy oh do you think Cyrus is going to tell about what happened oh with uh with Nicholas and AA I don’t no good good question he might but that would have to mean that he was using like he’d have to admit that he’s the one that kind of made her think that he
Was dead Right I think cus is going to talk about Valentine’s daughter oh that’s true I forgot about that yeah I noticed that he was listening in on that entire conversation and um uh yeah he’s definitely going to use that to his Advantage for sure and probably mess with Anna’s future and
Um and honestly probably Laura’s future too he’s probably going to like secretly um leak that to some press probably the sun cuz they’re mentioning the sun lately um yeah he’ll probably try to remove Laura as the mayor who knows he’s definitely spiteful nikisha you said I love Lois
But I wish GH had used Reena better well Reena is still on so you know hopefully they start to use her better um I just want to see like I just want to see Lois and and like Olivia and sunny and Dante all interact you Know Russian but have Russian monster because I have no connection to Sunny well that’s the thing like they yeah they could have they could have just brought sunny in to end that since Sunny is so powerful um so Gloria gets storytelling but not Liz and Sam I mean she’s not
Really getting storytelling she just got like 5 Seconds of story with her Cameo you know what I mean it wasn’t really a story a story she just kind of yelled at a bingo hall off screen got in trouble for it it burned it ended up being what caused the turkey to
Burn and then they needed to Usher her out but sort of resolve it and then in the end like Yuri couldn’t do much except for bring him over and then Brooklyn was like I need a trombone player for this band that I’ve signed out of nowhere that’s going on to her like what
It just seems a bit Weird it is kind of wrong with Laura keeping Charlotte secret yeah I mean that’s the thing um people I mean yall know I love Laura um but she’s almost just as much to blame for Anna shooting uh Charlotte as everyone else else you know like it’s it’s Nina and Valentine and
Laura if someone had said something to her it would have been fine and yes I know it’s Laura’s granddaughter she’s going to put her first that’s her family but like surely she didn’t think Anna was going to do anything with that information you know what I Mean because Yuri is the maid now is Corman tradition Sorry K what about a podcast also um just to kind of touch based on the Austin’s death and the followup something something strikes me as weird with this Pock police officer I don’t know something just Rings sketchy to me I’m not sure I I don’t
Really know I just get a weird vibe I get a weird vibe from for him from Him also does the hospital know yet does the hospital know that Austin is dead yet I know that they were looking into it and Elizabeth of course went over to his AP and didn’t find anything but or you know didn’t find him found his leftover Thanksgiving meal
That was not brought into the apartment super went in there uh with uh Elizabeth and off screen of course cuz God Forbid oh you think the officer is foresight I don’t know if I think that necessarily but maybe who knows but no like he can’t he can’t actually be foresight though because andna seen his dead body on the in in the slab on the morg but maybe he’s maybe he’s the guy that killed
Fory yeah I mean obviously they’re going to find out soon like news will get out hey MB a thank you yeah that was that was pretty Cool o also sorry I’m like scrolling through like anything I’m just trying to like read through Recaps and see if I’m if there’s anything interesting to talk about uh and one thing that um I I kind of want to bring up hey Albert one thing
That I kind of want to bring up is Maxi’s Financial woses I feel like between Maxi’s financial woses and Carly needing money to buy the Metro cour again not having it I feel like they’re setting up for Bobby and maybe Luke to become really wealthy collectively like you know after their deaths and
Um I just think that uh I think that bobb’s going to have a trust fund and it’s going to help Maxi and Carly and maybe any other family members that coincidentally have Financial woses you know what I mean and if the hospital loses his lwuit then maybe it’ll help the hospital
Too oh and sorry Albert I didn’t read what you said fully so an old C senior citizen can’t go to a bingo game because she got into it with your disrespectful wife this mob guy is wasting time instead of doing mob stuff exactly it was such a it was so
Stupid surely they could have found another way to use Gloria you know like I’m glad that we saw her it was cool to see like another ’90s throwback and having her interact with Lois and Brooklyn but but the mom angle why why it don’t make no sense make it make
Sense make it make sense I got to start doing those short videos again um perhaps the cop is a dirty one the one who shot Austin maybe well well I mean Austin recognized him I mean but mind you we don’t know any of his relationships in PUK either so who knows
Yeah maybe he is the cop that shot him and the cop is under Cyrus’s payroll however he’s paying for the stuff hey Sabrina he said I think that Cyrus is going to say he was at his sister’s office when Austin was killed Jordan was also there with them yeah he’ll have an
Alibi that’s why that’s why I’m thinking that Ava is going to get framed for this like because he has an alibi it like and obviously Dante knows through Sunny that Cyrus is the big bad boss um but he’s he can’t really utilize that you know because that also
Like um puts his father in a position of being found to have spied on Cyrus illegally could have asked Sunny to help yeah exactly like there was no like the whole Yuri angle was stupid too Yuri is Russian so he can help and bring the Russian mob because we’re Russian together
What I don’t know I just I again I just think that they could have founded some other way to make Gloria burn the damn turkey than bringing the Russian mob into it because we’ve seen the Russian mob on GH before karpov if you guys remember Andre karpov Sunny killed him
And now there’s just this new Russian mob in Brooklyn I’m not feeling this TJ Molly pairing no chemistry oh we like let’s talk about them yeah um yeah they they they don’t have as much chemistry as Haley and um oh my gosh I’m already blanking on the actor’s name Haley and the actress that plays TJ they had more chemistry for sure
Um mind you we haven’t seen them really interact much as a couple you know like they’ve barely been on screen Molly disappeared for a while and it’s been TJ and then like the next time we see her like Andrew loses the baby and they’re just kind of
Grieving but I don’t know you know how I you know how I do you guys I always try to give recast a chance this Molly situation is is not an easy one to for the show to maneuver through cuz they weren’t planning on re casting the character but they had her
In the story and they had to sort of you know I guess they chose to really continue it they didn’t have much choice because the writers from the strike had to kind of continue that story no matter what but um you know they could have dropped it who knows I’ll wait and see
I’ll wait and see I’m I she didn’t seem too great at the emotional stuff either TJ’s rocking it but um yeah I don’t know she didn’t move me so much and I think I said that when um they showed her reacting to her losing losing the Baby thinking because they want to separate cors from Sunny well they can’t really do that anymore though because you know he was good friends with Ned when Ned was Eddie Brooklyn and him are close Olivia and him share a son together Monica ain’t in
The house no more so all of them are up in Sunny’s sort of world already so Taj below thank You yeah I had to cla’s name in my head but I couldn’t think of Taj oh I guess congratulations isn’t an order uh GH reach to Milestone on YouTube like the the official General Hospital YouTube channel let me see hopefully no video starts to play while I’m looking um 100K 100K good on Them I wonder how much support Porsche is going to offer TJ throughout this ordeal who knows wait are you wait nikesha like are you are you like implying a little something something more that’d be so messed up maybe I’m maybe I just have a dirty mind I’m sorry oh lordy oh man
Oh and I did I oh was it Monday we was it Monday’s episode or was it Friday’s episode they showed Tyler Christopher like a memorium at the end of either Monday or Friday’s episode of GH that’s exactly what you’re playing okay I just wanted to make sure I was you know was reading that Right anything’s possible you know I’d rather TJ have an affair with Willow let’s get on that let’s break let’s break Michael and Willow up and put Willow with TJ cuz you know TJ was so supportive through her cancer it’s only fair that she is supportive for him uh while he’s
Mourning the loss of his uh his deceased child oh you think it was Tuesday either way they showed a memorium for Tyler which is you know which is lovely um but uh yeah I guess we’ll see time will tell if they’ll ever like choose to kill off the
Character of Nicholas and you know then use kind of Clips to sort of pay homage to Tyler and even the other characters or sorry other actors that played Nicholas um just to keep it Fair would love to see porsa in a messy story that doesn’t involve Trina True Curtis and Porsche is another couple that’s a no for me I I don’t hate them honestly um I just um I’m neither here nor there with them to be honest there’s a lot of couples like that on the show for me right now like I don’t hate them together but
Like you know they don’t interest me a whole lot I did like their Thanksgiving scenes though um I thought th those are really well done let’s get Willet out of that toxic family yes kaiwan let’s get her out oh that poor girl I mean I’m still bitter
That she left Chase y but you know if she grows a pair and like leaves Michael’s ass I think uh that I’d be I’d be here for that hey Angel how you doing forgot about the live it’s all good it’s not it’s not a very interesting one nothing’s really happened much on GH
I’m literally just scrambling through Recaps trying to like remember things like remember bits to talk about here um and nothing’s like holding my interest obviously we’re seeing Finn deal with his legal Woses Nicholas and Porsche I don’t see that happening let’s bring Gia back if they bring Nicholas back though and I’d love I’d love Gia and Trina to meet on screen we know that they know each other off screen and let’s bring back what’s his face for Jordan Trina’s uncle or whatever Trina’s Cousin I loved Willow and Chase they were so cute normal together yeah like I Lov I love seeing their relationship grow too and then like I I just recall like them rollers roller skating or like high skating having that little cute date and all also him doing a number and
Like bringing her on stage at the nurses ball that one year Zeke thank you nikesha um yeah let’s bring Zeke back oh he was Fine Did we talk oh no we did not no we did not Angel let’s talk about that yeah Drew suddenly wanting to put uh Scout into a private school um Scout obviously does not want to and apparently Drew couldn’t read that um neither could Sam which was weird like obviously like
Like Scout had to say it out loud for Sam to read that and I’m like do do these parents not look at their child cuz she was not feeling it but at the same time like I I got the vibe that um like when Drew brought it up initially
Sam kind of like gave this look of like you know you know what I mean like just kind of like seriously and he was going to do that like with her without his permission you know with without her permission I think like he didn’t run it by it he he didn’t even
Run it by her at all didn’t run it by Sam at all like even bringing up the fact hey this opportunity came up should we bring it up to scout like none of that he just kind of Threw It on them at the Metro Court bring back Sean or Andre Andre I don’t Know well I like well Sean’s in jail right oh no no Sean’s not in jail Shawn is in um Sean’s a journalist outside of the the city now um and then Andre I don’t know I just don’t have a desire to see him back honestly This is the first generation I’ll be sent to boarding school in years at the soap poers sorry Sam had to do a double take like why didn’t he tell me about this sooner yeah exactly oh man and like also when did he do this he’s been back out of jail for like a
Week in Port Charles time Sean owns The Invader yeah he’s he’s running the other sort of corporate office some somewhere out of town or something like that Right Andre had such a beautiful smile yeah he did but I don’t know I I was kind of feeling I was kind of feeling Zeke a little bit more um but we also haven’t really seen Jordan and this or sorry this Jordan and Andre interact so who knows it could
Work tet should have been at Thanksgiving dinner with his daughter yeah you right I like I just I wish we were privy to more information about tager and rail Andrews and why he’s just never on the Show Also I’m trying to remember if Christina went to Madison prep like like um like Sam said and I think that’s true cuz that like the the name Madison prep sounds familiar to me and I’m like she could have easily been in there in her Childhood Jordan needs a man yeah she’s she’s out here bored helping Curtis again she just keeps running back to him and I wonder if uh not Trina pora is going to you know catch that and be like so you guys are all close and working together to solve your murder you didn’t
Think you’d run it by me like I feel like she going to have an attitude towards Curtis about that but time will tell ra Andrews I I know that he does like a lot of Social Media stuff and maybe he has a podcast but like so do Steven and Bradford and they are
They’re on their own shows so does Maurice Bernard like it like I don’t think it’s an excuse to not have him work you know what I mean lots of actors do um podcast lately so it’s like a one day a week commitment at most maybe a couple days just to
Prepare it or like you know downtime kind of reaching out to whoever to get them on their podcast I don’t think it would necessarily run into Uh issues shooting GH considering they barely use him anyway uh I remember seeing Christina in a private school type uniform during the keeper story yeah but she and Michael went to the same school so it wasn’t an all girl School Patrick is leaving for 6 months for his project Oh you mean James Patrick Stewart so probably Valentine’s character will be taking Charlotte away for special treatment who knows we’ll have to wait and see honestly good I could use a break from Valentine and Charlotte like I’ll be I’ll be real with
Y’all I you know dude needs to leave and and become a good father and sort his daughter Out this is random but I’m curious is Degrassi is still a big deal in Canada my kids and I still binged every few months I I don’t know you know I know that Degrassi was huge here back in the day um you know the mid 2000s I wasn’t I didn’t watch that show
That all that much like um i’ I’ve met some of the younger cast or not younger cast the older generation cast um back in the day and people that have made appearances on that show um But I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t hear people talking about it but I’m you know I’m in my 30s I’m not like around people that that show is necessarily aimed towards and plus I’m not a big TV Watcher to begin with these days period
So I’m not the best person to ask oh man you know you know what though when I was when I was or during that sort of Golden Era for like that deg Grassi the Next Generation series um I was a radio free Rosco fan I don’t know if you’ve heard of that
Show um if you have we going we going talk about it cuz I loved that show um yeah radio Fasco was only on for Four Seasons but I loved it it was about an underground radio station um you know at a high school and they kept their
Identities a secret and you know the shenanigans that would happen for just covering their identities that’s right when you said that I could picture Drew Garrett Michael un Michael in uniform too yeah exactly and I think during their graduation at Madison well if that was Madison prep wherever they went for high
School um Michael punched somebody out during his graduation right and Christina was there for that as Well that was canceled in 2017 thanks for indulging me I was just curious S I haven’t heard of Rosco yeah it wasn’t a big show I guess well here it was on the Family Channel in Canada I think for you guys it would be the N if
That’s even a still Channel over there um but back in back in that day it was on the n network and um so was de Grassi I believe and a lot of the times the sort of crossed over not as their characters but like they just shared a lot of Actors keir’s father no no no you’re thinking I know what you’re talking about keir’s father punched Michael or like attacked Michael in the hospital during frankenia that was my show on te Nick Friday night radio F rasco or or or de grassy Albert let’s talk about this I think this the writers are
Rewriting history again maybe or maybe Madison prep came in all girl school after after the fact or maybe they just have a different Wing or Something it was but they only showed season 2 okay yeah radio for Rosco was on the end with um with de grass and south of nowhere yes along with deg grass okay did you like did you you like so you loved radio fore Rosco I have a story for you then
And we’ll keep it brief guys cuz I know this is a GH live stream but the girl that plays Lily or the girl that played Lily Kate Todd is kind of a friend of mine now because I used to to run her fan site and uh I had met
Her in Calgary Alberta cuz I went to a radio free Rosco autograph signing and I talked to the guy that played Nathan or sorry the guy that played Travis Nathan uh was the actor’s name first and he asked my name and I said Dion and Kate was like I
Knew that was you it’s so good to meet you and we got a picture and it was great I don’t even know where that picture is anymore but we’re like we’re like Facebook friends and stuff it’s kind of cool she’s got a kid now she’s married she’s living her best Life and I’ve also met like other other um actors too I had met um Ali McAdam that played Ray and I met the girl Megan that was the drummer in Lily’s band cuz she was just at the same show I was here in Edmonton which was wild
Yeah and I went up to her too and like was like oh like you’re so dope on r on rfr and blah blah blah but yeah that that show was my life you guys like I used to like I don’t know I used to be on the message boards for that show all
The time when I was that young and yeah it was cool it was cool you saw clips of Radio free Rosco into Grassi and south of nowhere enough to know the story lines that’s good well I think I think Radio free Rosco is like on YouTube
Or at least it was for quite some time and then it started airing on the BBC as well yeah she’s also girl from yeah my babysitter is a vampire yeah K Todd yeah and I loved her music you guys like I probably shouldn’t say it but I have like an
Entire album that she’s never released shh and it’s so good and it was like just like a little bit after um her rfr days like maybe like a year or two after that she had done like an album’s worth of songs and it just didn’t get released she is still
Releasing music but that particular album is uh nowhere except for like maybe three of the singles but I can listen to it whenever I want oh man but yeah uh back to GH sorry guys thank you for indulging me and Albert for a moment there we’ll have we’ll have to just like have
A a radio free Rosco stream at some point oh man I was shocked about the school scene with when Jimmy got glocked then when JD got a run in with a knife yeah de Grassi was dark de Grassi was dark that’s I think that’s why I preferred rfr because while there was
Some drama it was mostly like like lighthearted stuff and like you know they really focused on Indie bands and in a way that’s kind of how I got into like local bands in my town like really paying attention to them and you know cut to today and I have a successful
Thing called music and Y where I’ve promoting bands and their live shows and capturing footage and and as that result my single got played on the radio which was crazy so connections man circle of life and it’s all thanks to Rfr Queen Nesha oh Man yeah really did kaiwan oh man all right uh well let’s let’s get a little bit back to the topic though I mean there’s not really much else to talk about is there we kind of got into all the interesting stuff that’s happened thus far um oh Beyond um
Gloria asking Chase and Brooklyn when they’re going to get married and um obviously they’re going to have a conversation about it I think it’s too soon for them to marry though um again this is another couple that I I don’t I I’m not in love with them but I
But I like kind of like them I kind of like it’s a like love back and forth thing with them now that they’re in a good place I liked them a bit more than I did when they were just always when Brooklyn was always lying to him but uh but Yeah thought de Grassi was rough then I saw Euphoria yeah that’s fair I just meant for back then you know what I mean as a high school kid that was like mostly innocent I was more of an rfr Vibe kind of guy who do you all think shot
Austin I mean I’m just assuming that it has to be someone connected to Cyrus I know that that could easily be a red herring but until proven otherwise I I I don’t know I just I’m going to go with that notion cuz why else you know what I
Mean just some some somebody that Austin obviously recognizes but like when you think about all the people that Austin has interacted with on the show on screen like we know it ain’t AA and then the guy had no friends so it can’t be anybody else you like BR Chase now you don’t like
It that’s fair not invested yeah I’m not invested in that me either like oh you consider this Brooklyn an impostor I only accept Adrien Leon as Brooklyn she was the best you know I I actually think Amanda is doing a great job I just hate that they hired
Someone that doesn’t sing to play her and they slashed her throat just to like have nobody be able to talk about it um but I think that she does a good job at capturing sort of Lois’s Vibe um and a bit of Tracy too they don’t need marriage for kids anytime soon I
Agree oh you think it was Nicholas I don’t but like why everyone already like to to what end would he do it and other than like Helena we haven’t really seen him like commit cold blooded murder and and I mean Helena deserved it but what what would Austin have done to
Deserve it you know what I mean unless Nicholas is like in cahoots with with um Cyrus now but I doubt It I care less about who shot Austin than I cared about Austin such a flat character yeah like I I don’t really care either and I don’t think the writers are going to really um focus too much on it because even they know that the character failed otherwise they wouldn’t have kicked him
Off the show have you heard about Cameron mathson signing to Great American Family Network yeah I did hear about that they do tape in Canada and other places so it could affect his time on GH that’s okay I’m not really a big fan of Drew
Anyway but yeah like I don’t know I I’m just all these you know the all these actors that are getting these opportunities elsewhere I’m fine with it cuz they’re not playing characters I’m fond of so it is what it Is um yes that’s one of the reasons I can’t accept her they should have just hired an actress that could sing and that’s the thing cuz we saw like just like after GH kind of came back after the co Break um or was it during when they were like shooting okay when
There was a lot of protocol still happening on GH they had the temporary actress who could actually sing Oh and then they had to get rid of her cuz you know Amanda Sutton was just on um maternity leave so there’s no mark on Brooklyn’s Thro yeah but that’s kind of forg forgivable
Because like they don’t this show so seldom will show scars from former situations and they just pay it off to oh they they just either don’t mention it or like they got plastic surgery to make it go away hey jakarius I have been good what’s the worst story line of 2023 that’s me I think at the end of the year you guys we’re going to we’re going to do some of these kind of vog like um questionnaire sort of live streams about worst episodes best episodes worst story lines best story lines um oh yeah I feel the same way about
Spencer is going to be one of the guys American Horror Story and he’s not in American Horror Story American Crime Story is a different thing it’s a different entity where every season is based on a serial killer that like a or like a well-known Crime Story and it’s just their interp ration of
It cuz there’s American Crime Story there’s American Horror Story um Rihanna Lane yeah I really did enjoy her Brooklyn yeah you’re right Nathan yeah now that we’re transitioning back into um the regular writers you can tell you can tell the difference uh yeah 60th anniversary has been a lackluster year Um I’m trying to think of the worst storyline for me this Year um I mean the Eddie main one was pretty brutal Like you know there’s parts of it that I enjoyed obviously the the main thing being that they brought Reena Sofer back um I’ve loved seeing Lois back and I love that she kind of like shoehorned Ned back into Eddie M’s mind just wait until Willow finds out about Michael blackmailing Nina you know
What though she might not care because she’s has been so wishy-washy with everything else that he’s like hid from her like you can tell that she’s like somewhat bothered by Michael uh Michael’s hate on for nah but you would think that she’d be questioning questioning it a bit more
Like because she saw Michael like kissing Nina’s cheek at the wedding and being nice and all this stuff and now like like the hatred seems to be back like you would think like something must have happened and what AR what aren’t you telling me like that’s what that would
Be my thought like if I was like you know married to this guy and I know the history with my mom and then I see them like being nice and the fact that he even went to the wedding you know all these different things and that they
Seemed amicable I would be be I would be like what the hell what’s going on what aren’t you telling me what are you hiding from me I would be frying until they told me what was Up this damn Nina ratted Carly and Drew out to the SEC Nina sucks just tell the truth so you can stop walking on Ang shells yeah that too this is this is irritating one thing I am noticing with this transition back into the regular riters is the ridiculous Hoops they’re
Jumping through just to drag the story line longer than necessary there there was no reason for Olivia to be like wait a minute Sunny’s happiness there was no reason for Ned to be like wait a minute I’ll keep it a secret for your sake or like oh I’m just
Blowing up at Michael like just the most ridiculous things to keep it dragging out have a good night Albert good night H but yeah it it yeah there’s there’s a lot of candidates for worst storyline but yeah we’ll have at some point we’ll have a dedicated live stream
To like like towards the end of the year about like best and worst story lines um speaking of which um at least for most of December we’re going to be reacting to old school stuff again um that said just to plan ahead uh next Wednesday I I I won’t be
Live streaming but we’re going to pick a day or I’m going to pick a day in the week once I see my work schedule to to do a Rea gmv reacts live stream it’s just that it can’t happen Wednesday cuz I have another commitment um but but
Yeah but yeah we’re going to react to something old school next week and of course there will still be a live stream this Sunday as well yes the original writers always planed to drag it out remember n and’s wedding was supposed to be in February that’s True although they like technically the the strike riters couldn’t necessarily choose to do the wedding earlier I guess no they could have I guess they could have as long as a beat in the story happened nurse Bobby Spencer tribute yeah but I mean to be fair they they had to drag that Out oh man Austin knows he was alive the whole time he would not want his mother to know about his connection to Cyrus Austin came to get paperwork that could incriminate both him and Cyrus oh that’s true that’s a good point Sabrina there’s nothing hate you know hate to say it at all about that toar is you’re right the 50th Anniversary was better um and really like to be fair a lot of the actors that we’re seeing H HGH were not around so bringing back everyone was exciting you know they
They cuz they brought back everybody that here you know the quarterb were suddenly you know all over the show you had Anna back you had Robert back you had Duke back you had Felicia back you had Frisco back you had Brenda Back briefly like they brought they brought
AJ back to life like you know there was a lot of returns Nicholas came back too Laura came back so you know of course it was far more exciting but all these people minus like AJ and Brenda um are still here and there’s not many people to bring back
Sadly I’m glad that they brought Lois back and they brought Tracy back um would have liked to see Luke back for a Bit is Austin’s mother still alive we don’t yeah they’ve never brought that they never brought up Austin’s mother oh good night yeah I guess we’ll end the end the live stream here guys it was kind of lackluster mostly because you know not a whole lot to talk about um but
Yeah thanks for much for tuning in everybody uh if you liked the live stream give it a big old thumbs up subscribe if you want to again thanks for all the the um the cheers about the song being played on the radio I’m still I can’t get over that you guys my song
Got played on the radio in my town that’s crazy um but yeah I will catch you guys this Sunday for uh General Hospital after show God willing there’s more interesting things to talk about about by the end of the week all right good night jarus good night everyone thanks so much for tuning
In bye oh