Hello hello hello everyone it’s Kim from krp here in Southeastern Manitoba it’s partly sunny partly cloudy day it is currently minus8 with a windchill factor of-7 Celsius which means it is 18 degrees Fahrenheit with a one degree windshell Factor um winter is definitely upon us it has snowed overnight but we’re
Supposed to be expecting above zero temperatures on Tuesday and Wednesday I don’t know what’s with this weather it’s very strange we could end up having a green Christmas since we’re celebrating next weekend uh heads up next Sunday December 3rd I will not be doing a live stream on
Sunday because we will be celebrating Christmas hey Don welcome welcome um another couple of things I received a very interesting message today from a friend who knows that I crochet and like to do that kind of thing hi an welcome welcome so she sent me this picture I think I’ve shown one similar
To this I think I have to turn this light off okay look at that wonderful crocheted Christmas tree can you see that that Christmas tree is all granny squares it is 11t tall and the base is 19 ft wide absolutely absolutely stunning so there is a post on my meet your
Creativity with a picture of this tree and where it is in real life and then there is a link as well to a basic granny square pattern for doing this tree so I wanted to share that because I think it is absolutely magnificent I had seen a crocheted
Christmas tree in the past and I was trying to get our local ladies crafting group hey people in welcome to make one and then we could have it like on a flatbed trailer in the annual Christmas parade hey Malia welcome welcome so anyway I had no sponsors that
Wanted to sponsor us to make this tree for the Christmas parade it’s more work than I want to take on on my own so it kind of went the way of all different things but this is posted as I say in meet your creativity and the granny square pattern
Is also a link there just in case anybody’s interested so I had to share that with you because I think it’s absolutely stunning see all our um Christmas presents Christmas presents all our Christmas decorations or handmade they would totally get lost on something that elaborate but my it’s stunning absolutely stunning
Okay so now my lovely ladies that are here I wanted to do something with scraps today because you know I love to bust my scraps I also received a private message from someone saying can’t you do something other than busting your scraps um feedback please let me know
What you think I will do it today because that’s what I had planned uh but if you want to see me actually do other stuff let me know like just let me know please let me know who happened I said hello to blinda hello Dawn and Malia lovely to see you
Guys here so I broke down and I didn’t break down and buy something I found hey Barbara welcome welcome yeah scrapbusters exactly I was cleaning what were they cleaning I was looking for something actually and I found a set of um these these separators for
Uh lost for words here I was just flored about the scrap thing um page dividers that’s what they’re called page dividers hi Sherry welcome welcome so I made dividers for my box of bits right so I actually have separation for them now in hopes that I don’t have to flip through
Everything all the time when I’m looking for something when we’re creating so I I actually sorted them and made these but I did have to cut down or I didn’t cut them down but they came came with these inserts for sliding into the tabs and both sides of the page it was
Just solid written on both sides printed on both sides paper so of course you’re multitasking no problem I I like multitasking too you’re baking a chicken nice hey R welcome Welcome welcome welcome nice to see you guys so I took these these strips and I glued strips down onto them so I’ve got some vertical some at Angles and I wanted to show you what I do with once I once I get these strips of paper
I want to show you what I do with them they also asked me how come I always have so much scrap I didn’t know what to tell them I did tell them that I would try and do something other than just doing scraps but today I’m using them Um we all know that a lot of times when I have thin strips of scraps I do things like this and I make border bits out of Them uh belly bands lots of uh border stripping you know so I I do use my bits but that being said I always have a bin of strips how are you rul I always have a bin of strips some of it is uh scrap paper strips some of it is I would
Print this out on my printer and depending on what I was doing yeah Mr mushrooms here the yes men are actually upstairs because my other daughter was here and I wanted to show them off and she loved them so I would do make this up in a Word document and
Then print it and then strip it oh you’re in London awesome awesome awesome so anyway I always have a bazillion and one strips I just do I don’t know you know I just do so I did this kind of thing with them um I do borders I use them as you know just
Strips across things you you seen me use them yeah exactly Barbara how do you not have scraps I don’t get it I just don’t get it but I’m just all over the place today I am sorry guys you asked where the yes men were they’re upstairs but look what Ron turned
Me isn’t that a beautiful little ratty Christmas tree pine tree it’s so thin it chipped out a little bit at the top here I don’t know how well you can see that I can also make beads for Tangles exactly Sher but we always have scraps so I’ve got a lovely little uh
Pine tree sitting on that side of my desk maybe I’ll put them here so that you guys can see them put them by the mushroom um um okay so I do this I want to show you what I do with those I think I’ve shown you in the past the kinds of
Things that I do I just have to start using the things that I make guys right that’s that’s probably one of the biggest things is using what I’ve made is more so than using up the scraps so I did this one this is just on Brown um that was packing paper from an
Amazon thing again I just did it in at an angle do black belt marker between the strips put dots on them who needs to go to sex ed class what wait what did I miss exactly exactly Malia exactly multiplication process of scraps that’s like Odd Socks they’re like laundry
Seeds right you get one odd sock in that laundry hamur next time you look it’s full so I did that one then on this piece again just on brown paper strip of brown paper I patchworked all the bits together so they’re not all going the same way yeah
Sherry it does the dots do add whsy so with this one I did black marker triangles diamonds triangles diamonds sheesh and then I put gold paint or gold marker something gold between the diamonds so it’s got some Bing bling that’s a fun one so I also have this piece that I haven’t really
Done anything to and I’ve got these four that I did yesterday so I want to do something with these um feedback is Al always welcome I would like to create these into something I’m not sure what maybe some tags I think they’re too much fun just to be backgrounds with something on top
I don’t know I just don’t know hey Jean Peter welcome welcome nice to see you so I’ve got and of course yes I could doodle on them I could embellish them but let’s figure out what we’re going to do atcs are big yeah TCS yep um what about
If I could use these as like mini Journal covers as well right this is It’s tall enough for mini Journal covers beads well yeah the strip definitely could be made into beads the reproduction cycle of paper yeah well you know lots of people do take their paper throw it in the
Blender and make new paper out of it right I did do these remember a couple of weeks ago I was playing with uh book page twines I had these sitting on the side of the desk so I had the yellow um cupcake liner on them added yellow paint some homemade
Washi uh curling ribbon and yellow strings so I’ve got some twines that I’ve made out of scraps guys out of scraps I wonder if that person she’s not somebody I’m really strongly acquainted with otherwise she would know that this is this is my favorite thing to do is use
Scraps so how about like these aren’t let’s not knock that over um the edges aren’t straight we could make some really nice just journaling tags out of them cut them into bits and then tags or Journal cards what do you think is that a journal cards because I don’t want to add
Anything else to the because they’re so darn busy as they are did I see a video who did who see a video on Jean who you talking to hun I hope you had a wonderful birthday doing that with scraps no I have been doing this with scraps since I
Started I used to have like this brown paper I would have it laid out on the desk and as I worked I would just glue down to it you know because I always end up with so much scrap it’s it’s just what I seem to do
Is there a video out there on doing this oh belly band do you think that’s too thick for a belly band would we cut it in half okay let’s start by chopping this into sections first of all we are going to Let’s wobble cut this end I’m going to am I on
Screen we’re going to wobble cut the ends because I think that’s too big okay this would be okay so that would go in a regular full-size Journal we could make bookmarks as well you like thick belly B okay so we’ll do a couple in belly bands okay let’s first of all wobble cut
This end as well see now I’ve got these fun little strips I’m going to put those on in ATC I am too a scrap belly band oh yes flip outs wouldn’t these be lovely flip outs okay okay so we could use this as a tag these two as
Tags let’s use these as a flip out and this as a belly band what do you think a cluster Belinda so do you think that I need to do something like these black diamonds on here or do you think they need to be doodled embellished what what do you
Think so if these are going to be flip outs what I’m going to do is I’m going to take a piece of book page I am going to glue no let’s not use book page I have some thicker paper kind of stuff more divider pages but I think that would be better
For a hinge and then I could cover it with my faux Washi I love them m is too okay so first of all I’m going to cut off these holes look more scrap so I need about that height but I don’t need them very wide Christmas ornament oh I wonder you
Know these these two are going to be Journal cards so they’re going to be just the way they are I’ll just trim this uh a little bit of overhang here and I think what I’ll do let’s put some lines on the back of it so that the lines are there so that people
Can rate on them or do you think I should just leave them blank it is like a mini junk roll I had actually thought of rolling it on something but I just never did get around to it I’m thinking maybe I should do like a 2
And a half inch strip and then it’s I could just chop it up and use it as ATC background not that I need any more ATC backgrounds but I could make holiday tags with these with this one thing is we’re not doing gifts this year everybody’s getting gift certificates because the one
Family is moving to the UK I’m not getting them anything that they’re going to pack or whatever and even getting them gift cards for places here they’re not going to be here to use it so I think that um everybody’s getting just gift cards but I could punch holes like circles out
Of these would be kind of cute for gift cards what do you think I don’t know yeah these well these ones are going to be just uh stuffers just to be stuffed into pockets well what if I used okay these are going to be flip outs let’s let’s cut the flip
Out let’s get that done first so we need about an inch worse um you know what I’m going to tear it I’m going to put this at the edge and they’re going to be wide hinges reasonably straight guys look Kim’s doing something I’m using a ruler I have one I can use
It I’ve made them some really fancy bookmarks in the past and I don’t know that that would then I’m going to take this I’m going to fold it in half I don’t know if they’re going to be big enough to be gift card envelopes let’s see I should have a card
Here that I use for gluing someplace in this schoy mess you would think I would have one just right there right right handy I do have one in the shelf behind Me oh they would make lovely little pockets wouldn’t they I think that’s what I’ll do I will have to cut them flat across the top or wobble cut them maybe all right have fun Malia enjoy your roller skating enjoy your roller skating enjoy enjoy okay so I will make
Gift part gift card pockets from these okay back to the flips wow Kim you’re just all over the place today I was actually really kind of flabbergasted I’ll be honest with you about asking why I always do stuff with scraps just it really really surprised me I’ll be honest really
Did so before I glue these down I’m not doing it all the way top to bottom because I don’t want that to show by any you’ve got that song in your head so what I’m going to do with these is I am going to take some of my
Faux washi tape paper that I have not cut up yet and I am going to cover it in the faux water Washi paper and I think that’s a lovely idea then I’m actually going to put them straight into a journal so they’re out of my way oh Jean you weren’t here I
Have some bad news I really really don’t like the way my rainbow Journal spine is it’s too big um I’m just really not happy with it so I am going to take it apart and do hard cover for my rainbow Journal Z okay so these are going to be
The glue Downs for the spine look more scrap I don’t waste that stuff do not do not that would can good it’s little little don’t you think it would be too thick though Belinda I don’t know don’t know glue so just a a another reminder for those
Who weren’t here when I was spoting off in the beginning I will not be doing a live next Sunday since that’s going to be our family Christmas yeah no I I appreciate I like it you know I would probably have tried to do that but thinking about my card slots in
My wallet I don’t think that uh they would fit unless I used that’s that’s already like a a card stock take that piece there this one can open the garbage just a little trim we’re going to fold it now we’re going to glue this side down onto I have a piece of
Um cereal bag liner here to protect my brown paper cu because I was finding that I had all kinds of goes this way um I was getting stuff stuck to the brown paper all the time which is fine in many cases but look I folded that crooked when I was putting it
On Okay so now I’ve got a hinge so this will flip open whichever way I decide to put it in the book there’s place to write it’s kind of lumpy bumpy but it’s okay it’s okay okay Belinda coffee’s a good thing and now I’ll do this one same thing glue on one side
And fold it so you can see where you’re going all right so now I’ve got two of those flip things oh this wobble cut at the bottom isn’t as uh exciting is the one on the top this one too so I guess that will be the
Tops of them well I guess it doesn’t really matter okay so now let’s find a journal beside me that I can stick them into I know I’ve got one right here someplace because I’ve been moving it back and forth because I’m really trying to get it
Complete there it is there it is hiding under my piece posts which I also uh want to work on so I haven’t figured out the uh cover of this one yet there’s going to be lots of uh writing space in it I’m just adding to it as I come across things look I
Actually put a little googly eye on the fish he’s kind of fun just kind of use stuff up this has absolutely nothing on it let’s put one here we want to do it at the bottom middle this side I think it has to go on this side because of the
Uh or it could go up what about up what do you think should that go up doesn’t fit never mind if I do it this way it could go down do it across the bottom it would flip down and they could still write on it I like that they weren’t create uh questioning
My creativity Barbara it was more a case of why are you always using scraps is that all you do kind of thing which it it as I say flabbergasted me absolutely flabbergast I’m just trying to help you guys use up all your scraps just giving you ideas for what to do with them
But the person in question has a right to ask and it’s uh whatever yeah I got a private message saying do I guess they saw my thing you know using scraps I always use scraps paper scraps we know that so yeah they kind of questioned if I actually knew how to do something
Different but that’s okay oh yeah I guess maybe it could be to each their own okay let’s put this other flipflop thing out in here as well some of this stuff’s really wild how about if I do this one at the bottom as well I like the fact that if I have them
Here they’re H maybe not let’s do it farther down everybody has a right T ask a stupid question how about here maybe on the side let’s do this one on the side okay you’re right these Skies do work out beautifully for flips this is just a wild
Eclectic Journal it was a day planner from a job that I’d had still had lots of pages to uh fill I want it so that people can still this is from 2014 yes I’ve kept it this length of time um there so we’ve got a couple of
Flips now we have this big one that we’re going to use as a belly band let’s use that here what do you think kind of want them to be throughout the book I’ve got one there one closer to the the back let’s go a couple more pages
In see I’ve just been gluing stuff down this is kind of like my glue book welcome back Belinda all right let’s do April 14th we’ll make that into a big fat belly band I use Mod Podge in here can you tell maybe I’ll do it over this so the Mod Podge doesn’t stick
Quite as bad to each other no I don’t like it blank page blank page blank page and this I’m going to use liquid glue for oh no sorry Jean we’ll have to uh chat one day soon so rul and Miriam are putting together a live stream hop for New Year’s Eve
Not sure how much space is left R are you still here that kind of OED out a bit now I’m all sticky but that’s nothing new either okay so did a big fat belly band it’s in did the flips they’re in and let’s not close that where is that that
I just did I don’t want to close it and have it stick we’ll put that to the side oh look it’s lifting don’t want it to lift let’s use some uh clothes pins and hold that down maybe I should have used plastic not sure my plastic ones aren’t quite as deep as
My wooden ones there we go so I think that’ll hold it enough that it will glue down nice maybe I’ll need three you’re going over to watch your twins tomorrow or be with your twins hope the procedure goes good there that’s going to hold that until it
Dries okay so now these are just be Journal cards that tuck in look voila that entire strip is done used complete phito this one so we were going to do gift card thing so I think that I would like to have some room on each side so it goes in and out
Nicely so let’s figure out approximately how much we want to cut let’s try it this way around I don’t know if I’m participating in the Stream ofon I have to see what times they have left because I normally stream on the Sunday anyway so I I need to uh see what they have
Left okay so how about if we go three and a half’s a little tight because they’re going to be glue I’m going to do it at four inches four inches four Ines and we’re just going to cheat and go like this probably don’t have enough for all the gift
Cards but then two of the gifts are actually going to be just direct money transfers not even gift cards so I need five five gift cards NOP one two four four one two three four four gift cards now we’re going to wobble cut the tops we look at that that’s still kind
Of cute and interesting that would still make an interesting border on an ATC this one as well I really like the colors on this one I don’t know how well you can see it but it’s cool I think I have to go on this side I also did gold dots evidently I’m now
Cutting them off and this one so we have pockets well pocket fronts yeah I I have to uh get in touch with Miriam and R and see what they have available so I wonder if I can get the four of them onto this this is it’s not
A card stock it’s not Manila tag it’s like a heavy copy paper it’s weird a thanks an thanks Sherry I I just think that I’m going to put it down just below because it’s not straight the bottoms I know it doesn’t have to be straight okay what glue and they’re wonky they’re not
They’re not equal height on either side it’s okay so I’m just rening a bead of glue along the three edges to make a pocket guess it would be really fun if I had a sewing machine that worked and I could so them on yeah I did measure sure a little
Bit to give them lots of room lots of play I think what I’m going to have to do is put a piece of plastic over and put a book on top to make sure that they stay down nice and again using you know I don’t know what else I would use this stuff
For tags I think that one maybe one day this week we will paint or try and put together some nutcrackers for tags what do you guys think would be up for that maybe Tuesday because I do have I did do a couple of like little Nutcracker like these guys this size
Actually but I actually made nutcrackers out of them they were very cute what do you guys think should we do that there wouldn’t be using scraps unless we decide to chop bits for it am I sounding bitter I’m sorry guys I guess I should be nice to my
Viewers yes I should be nice to my viewers everybody’s entitled to their opinion there might be paper scraps involved we could have really wild wild nutcrackers what do you think do we have really really wild nutcrackers I like the idea I do like that idea I think that would be rather
Fun I could figure out uh the Grimace that they have right and show you how to make various grimaces for their teeth we could just do a whole bunch of hats and mouths and mix and match a scrap a thought a scrap a thought you
Know what I like that idea Okay so I’ve got these glued down for the pockets for the gift cards thank you guys I think those will be wonderful little pockets look I’m glued to the paper let’s hope that didn’t muck up the bat too much being glued down like that now I’m going
To take this and put this under a heavy book with another piece of plastic on top so it doesn’t stick and it’s going to have to go over there someplace because there’s no room over here for it I’ll be right back scrap phone I like that real Lots oh where I put you
Guys got Mo stuff surprise all good all is good the plastic over and St the books on that did you guys do that too with your stuff’s curling up you wa it down with books all right all right all right those are done Christmas gonks we could do some of those [Laughter]
Yeah it’s all I do it’s all I do is scraps I never use anything real well no that’s not true when we painted these guys I used tags that were already made so they were real they were not scraps scrap challenge that could be fun so I have this piece left
Now could use it for pockets in that journal the trees were new but we were using book page scrap paper it was scrap and I did I did some on book page right what do you think should I do some little tuck spots couple of Tuck spots you know two
Clusters okay first though I’m going to go like this and I’m going to trim these edges okay new to you paper good idea I’m going to wobble cut caddy corner I’m going to use these as text spots in the journal that joural I think that’s going to be the
Um theme for December getting this journal done so now we’ve got a nice beautiful belly band there I was going to glue this monster down behind the door I’ve done envelope clusters like I’ve thrown everything in here I think she was going to be like a a tuck
Spot can’t remember anyway let’s add these clusters yep out of of sight out of mind I know that very well so I’ve got a a a flip Tech spot here and this flips open and then I got a pocket there see this is going to be a very interesting Journal when it’s
Done what do you think like this let’s get that out of the way nice Tech spot I think let’s glue that down glue it down maybe that’s going to be what I’m going to focus on is whatever I make has to go into this journal until it’s
Done doesn’t matter what it is what do you think do you guys agree I’m just going to uh pin these pin down the corners and I’m pinning uh clipping more than one page so that it’s got a little bit of stability because these pages are really thin
You know what I wonder if I could have this finished by the New Year’s Eve stream flatten paper pieces I can relate to that what if I try and just use up stuff get this journal finished and kind of raffle it off on New Year’s Eve not raffle it but you know something
Something okay let’s put that other one where is it where is it there it is this way that’s nice and be you know what I really like that with the gold and the black on top of all this stuff and I did outline each and every
Piece with uh black and I doodled on a lot of pieces too I get it I so get that you know I really do I actually cleaned out my big freezer yesterday I was so proud of myself this will need something sitting on top of it because
Why because I don’t have clothes pins that are going go up that side so we’re going to take a piece of this I’ve got parment paper I’ve got wax paper I’ve got all kinds of stuff and I’m going to put another set of books on top of this
Now it won’t be that long to dry I don’t think some to keeping on that journal just want to hold it down briefly I keep going away from you guys I’m sorry like I say I’m just scatterbrained right now so scatterbrained okay so what did we say thanks congrats for
What yeah pay postage that would be a wonderful thing fantastic and fantastic Belinda where are you hun what did you say we were doing with this one I have to scroll back what did you say I was going to use this one for Corner edges CL clusters right all right so you
Know I think what I would do is cut it in four because everything’s going to be piled on top of it right do I really want clusters this big oh congrats for cleaning up the freezer yeah that was a big job two clusters so if I cut it down here I got
Okay so now what do we want to start the Clusters with um what about I’ve got remember I uh waxed these threads for that journal that I took apart what if I do one in pink one and blue with these thread things where the knots are I am going
To take a piece of glue take a piece of glue I am going to put some glue down and you know what I’ll put them at the top of the page and they will have dangles all right I can do dangles for them okay Barbara so do I want it from the center
Do I want it from one of the corners what do you think and of course I put the book over there we got to wait for that glue to dry a bit while we do these clusters anyone Corners Center I think I’m going to put this one right in this center
Right here so that cluster is going to get built and this one’s going to go in the upper left corner might end up being the bottom right corner whatever so I’m gonna take that knot I’m gonna stick it in the glue I’m gonna take this knot and stick it in the
Glue now then what are we going to put on top of that what are we going to put on top of that we should put what do you think we’ve got fiber I used gold sparkly curling ribbon on these maybe I’ll put those in the journal too let’s use those in the
Journal when it comes back these uh twines do I want like a curling ribbon no is that too much do you think should I just glue it along the side like a border that’s bright and shiny oh a scrap of that strip um I’ve you know what I think we’re going
To end up with a plane Center okay what have I got on the desk I have little bits of corner pained papers I have my little books I have what what are you guys just a whole bunch of little scrap things that I didn’t know what to do with some lips I
Have black musical notes those could be kind of fun to add just a few let’s add a couple of black musical notes you like that gold down the side I kind of did too I’m going to what cut a couple of pieces of this did I cut long enough we’ll find
Out you know Kim does a measure I don’t I’ve got maybe three fish but wait wait wait okay let’s glue these down first going to glue down I really like that I don’t want to lose that I will go down this side and because this is like a plasticky curling ribbon I definitely
Need to clip it I’m just going to glb glb grab I’m excited today can you guys tell I’m in a good mood even though that really kind of surprised me I’m going to put this on there along the side just like that along the side and I’m going to clamp
It granny clamp it or Jed clamp it maybe Jethro ell May showing my age this one same Thing it does it adds just because it’s got this gold but that’s just a it’s almost like a holographic gold does that make sense like I don’t know how well you can see it but it’s yeah it also is going to go down this side I don’t want to lose that let’s do
It down this side where the uh cluster is going to be I think so I think so this is going to be a very eclectic Journal I will do a flip through of it and you’re age too yeah put down slide it so it’s on the edge put clamps all right so we’ve
Got these are kind of moving around a little bit where’s my toothpick I had a toothpick and it went where o o o get another just get another toothpick and leave it I’m pushing these knots down into the glue all right so you got the gold I have plain
Dots so since this is a pink string what if we use a pink dot as the very center and what about this one it’s blue do I have a nice blue what about this blue dot for the center on that one Okay so we’ve got our centers there’s the centers I have all
These little dots I have what have I got oh look little monster mes I was bored one day and I had all this black scrap so I I painted Ms on them and then I’ve got like little miniature Hearts we could add well add the little
Blingy stuff after if we figure it needs something right now I think we’ve got that beautiful gold curling ribbon on the sides need something else to put over this what about yeah creative pieces and parts I’ve got Parts I have lots of Parts I’ve got my bin of dragonflies
They didn’t make it into envelopes yet I’ve got the glasses I’ve got bows that have to be drawn on yet and I have fish that need to be made into fish they’re just the cutouts they haven’t been colored or anything what about what about I have you know that ribony stuff that I
Used it doesn’t bow down with the darn so I stapled it you know what I’m talking about I have this very interesting green withd little flowery things it too would have to be stapled down and then something put on top of it I’ve got that green I’ve got this crazy orange polka dot
Stuff which I kind of like with the blue not a big fan of it with the pink but I do like it with the blue yeah right you know I think I was just more surprised than Anything I really was so I like this orange with the blue what do you guys think should I hold it up so that you can see it better I’m not going to put a big piece just a little piece up at this corner I really like that orange with
The blue but what I think I would do is maybe do it so it’s kind of folded or maybe cut like a flag with you know anyway I’m just going to take a little piece probably that size and Fold It Whatever I decide to do it it I oh oh wait I
Had so much scraps on my desk I’ve got this turquoisey thing too look if I put this on top or just kind of like this this is a cluster remember and then fold this like an offset triangles down and then I will have that raw Edge underneath so that put a staple on
It and then the blue circle to finish it I think that could be cute I think that could be cute or maybe just cut is in a triangle this one this one this one what do we want to add to that one I have a whole bunch of one in and smaller Circle
Things there’s a bright pink flower thing where is it keep losing it well that’s a bigger one it got pink oh oh oh too big do you Think don’t know I don’t know it’s orange kind of like the orange really like the orange instead of the blue I’ll think about that oh you know what else I want to do with you guys we might just have a a wintry craft thing going here I wanted to make theodor’s with
You I think I’m going to cut this into a triangle this let’s trim off these frayed edges no I think just one just like this just like this and then put it under here it’ll stuck up just that little bit I don’t know maybe maybe not see now I don’t like that orange
Ribbon with that blue piece I just like the orange ribbon as it is yep the circle piece could hold down kind of like it like that that like that think those are stuck down something like that okay so I’m going to put a staple through that corner oops
And just a little piece of paper on top so that that will glue down to it it’s too big because this is going to be glued flat onto the top of a page right because this is going to dangle down the page so we’re going to take this glue this glue
This orange circle and we’re going to put it on top of That this clear glue is really sticky compared to the white glue which is a good thing little bit off all Right there we’ve got that one now I get always come and put a sequin on there or something if I wanted to but we’ve got lots of bling Happening Here have to decide what we want to put on here for the dangles we could try that with this other one
Belinda because I mean we could wrap the string around it as well that would give it an in contesting effect in fact if I put this circle down and we took the string and we wrapped it around and tried to tie a bow on top of that that could be very
Cute okay this needs to dry let’s put a clip on it so I’m going to end up all these little Parts all over my desk so this one I’m going to assume that that’s it’s still sticky but I’m hoping that that’s going to hold it down put one in the
Middle so we’ve got this glued here now what I was thinking is if I put this pink dot right in the middle and then took the strings okay these short ones are just going to stay down but these long ones if we took these longer ones I need to split them where’s my
Toothpick there it is oh look there’s the other toothpick so we need two this way and two that way now if I take these and wrap it around wonder if I would be able to tie a bow we’ll find out we will find out right away I’m going to glue this pink one
Down yeah I could do that like that’s way lots of glue this tight tight like this okay I need you to hold that stay down stay down okay let’s clamp that for a few minutes and go and grab that journal that is under the book over
There what did did I click I got my mouse sitting on my deck desk and I clicked on something yeah you talking about these big dots or my little Hall punch dots or maybe just a couple of little beads I don’t know just get the
Journal you know I really have to say I absolutely love the way that that turned out look how happy that tuck is on the plain white pages I really like those they make me smile they really really do as I say this is going to be one heck of a NE
IC Journal by the time it’s done I still have some blank pages at the back that I could tear out yet that have nothing on them so that if it starts to get just too bulky but there’s a lot of pages in here and I am leaving lots of space for
Writing lots of space for writing anyway okay that needs to sit just a minute while we’re waiting for that let’s glue these yellow twin chees in and like I say there is really no Rhyme or Reason to what I’ve done I even did an umbrella with raindrops and a gone fishing
Thing lots of place to write some just have you know let’s let’s uh add that there maybe what do you think I like that there got stuff drying get out of the way just like that maybe do it so that it follows the line oh I like that then there’s still
Lots of room to write maybe I’ll do the nope I really kind of like that and of course yeah I’m going to come back and do doodling and stuff in this book yet it’s just the way it happens right so I have four of these to put into the book again like I
Say I like to have it so that there’s a few of the things so it has a bit of flow okay so there’s one what about this bottom corner here would it look too much like a tuch spot people would think it’s a tuch spot maybe there what do you think this
Corner should it go this way so that that’s sticking up kind of like that do it right against the uh corner of the page okay so now this is this is why I have all these parchment papers and things so that I can not have 200 Pages sticking together that’s
Cute little bit of fun make sure that that’s glued right to the corner push it down and you know what I have remember I started that cluster book I’ve got pages of clusters that I could use in here as well this is the belly band do we want I think that’s too
Much maybe here kind of like that I like the fact that stuff’s going up the top and out the sides I think I’m G to put it on that corner is that too close to the other one do you think cuz I only have one more more okay let’s do it farther
Through let’s do June 29th make sure that see you know I just been doodling military hats okay they want it this way or this way I think this way and of course I’ll have to have some cats okay so before you do that get the glue on the thing
See I thought my desk was really nice and clear and it is not thought I was doing so good going to put the Christmas tree up today it’s not even December this just feels so weird so weird guess we need to find a place to stick this as
Well before I go too much further that was just going to be like a tuck spot do I cover up that splotchy painty mess what do you think or do I put it on a blank page on the blank Peach then I’ll have to put it under books
Again this is why this one hasn’t gone in yet for that very reason okay so how about then if this one no has to go with the top corners there like that like that you know what you know how I end up with paint and and sometimes like what
Am I going to do with this I do this like I just add Blobs of paint to this journal the reason these are here is because there was actually something written on the day and you know it’s it’s stuff that it’s not necessarily uh going to affect um Privacy Act or anything
But it it needed to be covered up see little things like that figured they didn’t need to be seen again Sticky mod PGE but all these Corner things I could put on the corners that might just come out we’ll see like I said I’ve got pages that I can still rip
Out uh oh you came out of a tag this tag okay so now we’ve got those in we’ve got the Texs in put this to the side again see how these are doing those are good now I’m going to trim this gold stuff down to just snip them off line
Up these did leave marks on the circle the teeth have like little gooy things so they left a little bit of texture okay so now those ones we’re going to go around to this side and we’re going to see if I can tie a bow in the center of that maybe maybe
Maybe oh just a little short not too bad not too bad at all behind I think behind behind now I’ll need to put a drop of glue on that what do you think is that cute indentations that’s the word all my monsters are on black Belinda
So I’m going to consider this one done except for maybe I’ll add some little blingy things to the bottoms of the strings I am going to take a drop of glue and put it on the center of that knot so it does not come undone going to put it underneath so
It’s kind of glued to it all right so that one can get glued in once we figure out um I want to add sequins or beads with this one I’m not as worried about you know how normally we worry about um big things I’ve got this blingy
Butterfly on here that’s a really thick butterfly because it’s one of those gemstones that you glue down I don’t know what they’re called some sort of bling things thought I had another one in here pretty sure I had two in here I don’t know where it is flip out we did
This the other day right so that’s a flip it’s going to be a very fun Journal I will do an like I say I’ll do an entire flip through of it on New Year’s Eve and then auction it raffle it whatever this one’s done this one’s done
So now a lot of times what I do is I take the little dots and I put two together one on each side of the string so the string is coming um through it so I’ve got some little blue Hearts I was thinking I I did don’t know how many
I’ve got I’ve got three three blue got orange oh I’ve got orange Hearts those are cute got four orange Hearts I could do a variety right couple of orange couple of blue if I had another blue one that would be good blue one side orange on the other
Maybe and then I’ve got these pink ones let’s do a couple of pink ones maybe just do the pink ones on that one I think I’ll do that okay that’s what I’m going to do so the way I do it when I’ve got these really little things
I know you guys have seen me do this in the past but I will explain as I go because it’s just a polite thing to do I’m going to cover this glue stick and I am going to take glue and I’m going to put a blob of glue
Down really miss my white glue guys I have to use this one up then I can fill it with white glue and we’re going to take a toothpick now do I want it on two strings or one string I think we’ll just do them on
One do we want them that long do you think maybe a little bit shorter oh look more fibers to play with I will use those you know it or maybe I’ll throw them up we’ll see okay let’s separate these strands see how many I’ve got I have six
Strands don’t think I’ve got enough to do a heart on every single one but we’ll give it a try we’ll start with a blue one so I dip the toothpick into the glue I pick up the heart I lay it down put the string over
It a string over it pick up another blue heart put glue on it spread it out a little bit then I will lay this heart on top of that heart delicate delicate it’s a little tedious little fussy but you know what you want it to be cute right we want it to be
Cute want it to have that little touch of Whimsy there we go we’ve got one blue heart I can always trim later they may even get trimmed from this length we will see dump all the hearts out let’s just keep going till out of Hearts orange one different
String let’s put it at a different height so we’ll put it down here come on down there o as I say this glue is really sticky getting really close to that sticky blob up there too another orange heart do you guys have a problem with your hands drying out in winter time and
Cracking and and just getting really really dry I used to have that happen a lot when I was working because we were always using uh sanitizer on our hands because we would be going from room to room working with people right so all across my Knuckles and everything would
Get really dry so that when I bent like if I closed my hand my Knuckles would actually bleed they were so dry so then I started using homemade soap we made a whole bunch of our own soap and it worked lovely absolutely lovely for not drying my hands out as bad
But I’m out of homemade soap at the moment I have to fix that heart because the string is crooked in it now um yeah so I’ve I’ve got I think I’ve got a couple of bars hidden away someplace safe smile or not but because I was cleaning the freezer yesterday I was using
Antibacterial soap use bag bomb glitter on the hearts um maybe maybe we’ll see this one this one is needs to be sandwiched this way oh sticking to the fingers I could always come I’ve got instead of um I’ve got the uh metallic paints I’ve also got the metallic inks I could add
Just a little bit on the edge like you said but they have to be really good and dry before I can do that so I got three maybe five five let’s do it so that there’s five I can do another orange don’t have another blue heart yeah you know if I
Had guess I could have used sequins don’t have heart sequins but I do have stars I’ve got butterflies I’ve got flowers uh oh stuck to the wax paper or the plastic underneath come on don’t do this play nice guys play nice nice there we go just had to use the
Toothpick to pry it up off the page of course you can use buttons you could use whatever you like and we’ll do one more one more and it will be pink we will do a pink one because that’s what we got the most of right now we’ll do it farther down the string
Has somebody anybody come in that I haven’t uh acknowledged hello hello and welcome to my channel I am working on using up scraps and stuff that I already have made I’m trying to finish off a journal or six I’ve got quite a few journals underway hey you know
Guys since this is a 2014 day planner I’m I’m going to let it go at the the beginning of 2024 it’s a 10-year-old book it’s almost vintage but fun much more fun all right so I will consider this one complete what do you think let’s let’s put it
On the cover of this cuz it’s black and show you isn’t that kind of cute do you think it should go on a black page um is it just a be wood I would just use white glue I don’t know I would have to look I
Don’t do you think it’s going to have to go on a black page maybe that should be on the cover of the journal that could be kind of cute as part of the cover because I haven’t planned anything for the cover yet I like that I think that’s going to
End up on the cover um wonder how well things are going to stick to this because it’s kind of plasticky yeah I don’t think I’ve got any black Pages inside but it doesn’t mean that I can’t put black and cover a page with black but I do like
It bet you it would stick nicer on here than it would on the outside because this is textured right yeah just a white glue should work fine and I would try one I think that’s what Malia used she did some um wooden stars just recently and I
Think she just used like a watered down glue so what do you think if I put it on here write it right first page in and then maybe a teex spot down here no I think it would just have to be on its own because don’t want to uh pull the
Strings what do you think inside cover CU as I say I don’t know that this outside cover is going to take glue glue very well guess I could always staple it down I don’t know I don’t know but anyway that’s going to have to go on black this
One I’m going to put pink hearts on the strings now am I boring you guys I hope I’m not boring you guys I hope you guys are playing and doing something along while I’m playing here I really do really do all right I didn’t separate these strands before I started Sil Kim
Okay blue string do you think maybe I should paint a page on the inside and in black and have it farther in this one’s going to be in the middle of the book maybe unless we decide that looks really good against the black as well oh come on stick stick
Together do I have black or anything on my fingers okay just had to check because sometimes paint or whatever you happen to have on your fingers will transfer to the glue I wonder if since I’m putting the hearts on this if I’ve got February 14th left with nothing on the
Page or with the page showing that I could put these on because it’s got little hearts it’s so cute so cute oh maybe that heart needed a little bit of a trim I see oh well title page yeah oh yeah what did you find out Belinda what did I miss something come on
Wow hands are starting to Rebel a little bit here don’t know if it’s my hands or something yeah the black running into the glue yeah I’ve made some real big messes and I do mean really big messes but mess happens especially if you’re playing with this stuff okay so we are going to
Do on Tuesday we’ll do the nutcrackers and I don’t know if we want to do it out of scraps or just paint them and then on Friday we’ll make theodors and I will grab a Theodore and show you I think I’ve got one handy to show
You trying to do these all at different heights I don’t have the strings all directly down so doing it uh I’m ringing it but I bet you that doesn’t surprise any of you in the least and I know that this part is really boring just gluing little bits
Together but it’s well worth it when it’s done it’s going to be very cute very cute trust me you like it let’s not put them upside down one of the jobs I I had we had to wear name plates obviously and uh so just for the heck of
It I wore mine upside down for one day I want to see if anybody would comment on it only one person commented and that was like my work wife it was fun people would look and then they would look away really quick like a name tag right
Stating your name and the job that you do in the building um just so that when visitors were there they knew who they were talking to so yeah I wore it upside down for day and it was funny because we have staff meetings every single morning and nobody nobody mentioned it
Until later in the day is your what regarding work wife or what the name plate was I explained the name plate a work wife is the friend that you have at work that you go to talk to and and it’s like a really really good friend let’s put that against the black
Too there we go you glued a spider into a book the wrong way who know so that one’s done have to let those hearts dry otherwise they’re just going to you know what when you close the book on them they will stick the pages together oh look there’s another blue heart way
Stuck in the bottom of this I could have done another blue heart on there do I want to I think I do because there’s one strand that doesn’t have a heart on it and might as well do a blue one see I Chang as I go long oh theodors Theodor yeah I’ll grab
My Theodore and I will show you what I’m talking about which one doesn’t have a heart you don’t have a heart okay you will have a heart a blue heart right away right away I had designed these Little Snowmen hidden paper clips and I posted them in a group that I was
On on Facebook and a lady wrote back to me and said that reminds me of the teddy bear I had as a child when I was uh battling cancer and the teddy bear’s name was Theodore so we have we decided her and I that the uh snowman bookmarks would be called Theodore
Theodors different colored scrubs okay there so now it’s got three orange four orange and two blue something like that four orange and two no two blue a pink two orange three orange okay let me find my Theodor I have one in this maybe maybe maybe yes I do this one has a
Te of course it’s a snowman Journal this is Theodore well so he’s a paper clip so you need uh Circle circles paper clips this circle is done with felt so he’s got a bit of a texture and then paint and some black paper so that’s Theodore so when he’s on the page have glue all over this let’s move
That out of the way I don’t really want glue on this journal so when he’s on a page the top hat sticks out the top and his feet his little boots are dangly so he doesn’t have arms or anything he’s just a little round ball of a Snowman
So we will do Theodor on Friday and The Nutcrackers on Tuesday and whatever I do is going to go into that journal beside me I’m waiting for these to dry and they will go maybe one on the front inside cover like you say with the right about
What a journal is ETC and one will go on the back inside cover and that’s where I will sign it I like that IDE but we say something about February 14th know it goes from the 5th to the 20th ripped out lots of pages this is up what all
Right well well I would like to thank you guys for being here we haven’t done anything with these yet I think I will doodle on them I think I would like to put some um metallics on there is some metallic on this one it’s a blue metallic but I think I need
To decorated them up we didn’t use this one either but that’s okay I can uh put it as Journal cards or something in that book that one or maybe Pockets or maybe some more Tech spots or maybe a flipo or another belly band you know I could cut it and then have two
Belly bands and then t spot or card Yep this one is going to go into that that book shortly shortly shortly I will consider these ones done so yeah thank you guys very much for being here as I say next Sunday they will not be alive
Um but I will be here on Tuesday and Friday Tuesday is nutcrackers Friday is theodors and with the white doodle spots this one you know so it’s got the black between like I did it along each Edge and so then I put the white dots on
But I don’t know if you can see it I also did like little Stitch marks down every piece as well so yeah so thank you guys all for being here big hugs to you I will get this stuff from the other day in the mail shortly um sometime this week I was
Hoping that I could get it to you in hopes that you would get them before Christmas but we’ll see what happens and on that note I’m going to say bye thanks all for watching thanks for listening to me wine I hope I’ve inspired you to play with your scraps
Because otherwise they just multiply in the corner and they kind of take over believe me I know take care all hugs to catch you all soon bye