Okay how is everybody doing you got two dogs sleeping on you that does sound good um we can turn that’s a good start uh I have not played a single second I don’t think I was supposed to because we’ve got the next team flare bit to do so I
Don’t think I was supposed to do anything uh Mia thank you so 18 months that is absolutely do we have an 18mon badge I can’t even remember I think we just go straight to two years can we still Swizzle we can still Swizzle wait there you go we’re we still got it we’re
Not great at staying online but we’re pretty good at it um how are the Ducks doing Ducks doing great Duck’s doing unbelievably well malard did enough knew that fifth was going to get us up to ninth and the top eight teams were all getting DED so it’s incredibly solid if
You watched it you would notice that Mard got into fifth place after about lap three and then did not move for the entire race kept a two second cushion from fourth didn’t want to get bumped by one of the cheaters so just stayed back stayed two seconds ahead of the one
Behind it was just very solid game plan executed excellently um did terribly this season I mean that happens but you can appreciate the green ducks did it all um Aon tried to block Speedy the whole race except for malard who just dropped back to Fifth and was happy uh I
Need to go to Geo Seng uh right that’s where we’re going I need to heal I guess uh let’s Go uh what do we have we have 48 soda pops sounds good is anyone else you kind of but not really uh I really I have no idea where we’re at where are we at in terms of PP and everything so you are fine almost full you’re almost full as well you’re a
Little down but not really your your biggest issue is that you have low PP moves I guess uh you are fine you’re almost out of superp power but other than that fine you’re probably the lowest over roll but also fine so we’re good we’re good on PP
Um I think we just go to Geo and finish off whatever team flare are up to I don’t really remember um with this count of a three yeah let’s do that first cuz I’m going to forget oh does anyone know where where are they supposed to be that could save us time until
Somebody tells me I’m just going to go on the normal uh loop which starts with an AM BR I guess okay one of them is in geoeng okay well that’s a good start cuz that’s where we need to be uh yeah I mean as I said green ducks
Sort of did what they needed to do um I in both things qualifying as well Mard had the same sort of deal was in first and realized actually third is probably fine and just drop back C fre a okay and we’re out uh not the bag let’s
Go uh Zia take me to Camp fre Camp fre okay um I don’t know I think yeah I think we’ve only done this twice so I don’t ah I don’t think we’re going to do it I think this is only three I don’t know where the hotel is here
Okay unless I accidentally talk to them at some point which does seem possible like I I might have accidentally spoken to one of them at some point hey there we go so I did I’d so very like to trade this Eevee that I brought all the way from the
Center region with one of your Pokémon huh that okay it’s really awkward I was going want to take anything out of my team I can’t actually no cuz I can’t take anything out of the Team I like I can there’s probably Pokemon I can bring in I think cuz we healed obviously not that long ago get bug I could but then I can’t bring whatever I take out back into the team until I heal again uh and that’s not great cuz we
Have a team that we’re currently leveling very evenly um and it also means we’ll be getting like a level 20 back okay well the good news is we can trade with her the next time we heal and we have one new team yeah but it’s probably going to be like if I
Trade it with a bug it’s going to be like level four um let me let me check if the other one is also open cuz that one’s just completely random uh what did we say Geo Sange okay yeah I think we want to wait till we we actually have like a reason to
Trade which would be that we can heal and Switch okay cuz this will be a specific you serious you’re so annoying okay let’s just do this um so cuz I don’t want to trade any of my main six I don’t remember how long this takes uh let’s just assume we’re going to do it in like 4 minutes okay
Hello how are you good um she’s supposed to be the maid for Mr Backlot oh really oh that is cool remember feeling so bad for those houses yeah they they were built very weirdly uh right do we need to go psychic probably not really we’re going to outsped okay Um that’s a bit annoying I guess we’ll go sbeam again I think our next encounter deserves to be named malard after the heroic performance I agree this a good good it’s a good point good point well made Alo this is so loud okay uh I don’t really remember is there
A battle at the end of this like at the end of the thing with um the guy I can’t remember anything about this game what’s the guy called uh also I have to switch here don’t I I probably kill it with flamethrower but I also don’t trust that
I’m going to kill it with flamethrower very tired and mildly sick today that sucks um I hope you feel better by the end of stream that’s my goal Lysander right uh right so we do we Okay we get it at the end okay um sure um right that’s
Fine do we no still one more then I’m off okay and we’ll go kind of want to switch uh kind of want to switch back to Admiral stick actually um yeah that’s may as well this not a good quote I agree do my streams usually have curious
Of properties I don’t know I’ve never watched one so I couldn’t tell you ow don’t do that uh right we have loads of psychic and we don’t have much fire so let’s stick with psychic I Toto did you not watch you understood they finished first right they’re only behind eight teams
Who are all getting disqualified they did win the season it’s very very strong performance can you not hit yourself yeah that’s not exactly what I asked are you going to die cuz I’m going to make you attack again so just break through if you die to a
Gust right just cuz I don’t even trust you Admiral stick I am going to switch but that was pathetic um be waiting patiently for the dqs yeah they’ll roll in around two weeks from now I’d say he this is not going well considering this venomoth is pretty much
Dead already it’s not going very well uh right all right go Smackdown okay two weeks I mean I look they’re going to try and come up with some excuses but eventually everything’s going to come out and they’ll have no choice at least if something dies you
Can do that trade I don’t know if that’s how that works oh I guess we could take it right we can take the dead Pokemon out of the team okay I thought you were saying we trade the dead Pokemon and I was like I don’t know that we can I
Don’t know that we can do that you want to wake up Golem please this is the first battle in it’s taken about 14 minutes right do we get it okay that might be the longest of Pokemon has ever lived on like 2 Hp okay all right good work school boy
Liliana honestly that was kind of a nightmare uh I probably could have gotten more soda pops while I was near cage but uh we got 47 we should be good okay that’s fine and we’re good and it would be a big corpse too we don’t really have small
Pokémon getting like a Golem corpse I shouldn’t have said that Golem’s not going to die nobody heard that uh sure come on let’s go they almost exclusively school children yeah it was a weird choice but was she coming what’s happening she’s like I’m coming with you and I’m like
Okay and then I just run off and leave don’t don’t come in now you’re going to fall uh hopefully she hears that um right are you guys just here okay cool Hello the rocky helmet is no where did you come from the rocky helmet is just a
Good luck charm now I think I think Tron has turned it on us okay how are you feeling what are you doing okay he’s just sort of bopping around about a mega ring got a nice jacket scarf maybe good hair he’s really oh we’re battling oh right so do we come back
Here at the end and battle again this is like not the end right there’s another battle I thought I don’t know what I thought was happening it’s good lead off for us though uh we can sort of pick and choose here you let me check which is better
Because don’t know if that’s going to oneshot are they the same uh 9 so 95 right oh it’s down to 90 okay pretty sure that was kn95 um wait we we we don’t battle him again like right now is there is this the end of team flare like we go down the thing
Now and then battle him at the bottom with the mega do you already battle him three times in like a 30 Battle stretch oh my God all right so this makes no difference we got more PP for psychic so we’ll go for that oh not actually in the battle here
Oh not shot okay that’s not great although you probably just knocked yourself out no wow you took like no recoil sure bye-bye hey that’s really weird I I knew there were two battles but I thought you did like one now and then nothing and then there’s one like at the end of the
Game it’s very weird decision uh right we will play safe go Pebble it did a fair chunk of damage it did like 50 60 HP okay ow why I feel like Pebble gets bitten a weird amount considering it’s something that you really wouldn’t want to bite I feel like it happens far too
Often going to be over half okay just about sticking with that strategy very odd but okay okay earthquake’s going to be maybe earthquake’s where we put uh I no I don’t think we should put our PP UPS there although that would be good it’s just we do have magnitude which it’s
Kind of like bad oh wow hello right this is the first time we literally have not seen a mega swapped in for something normal yet this is our first time seeing like a mega just pop in for a normal Pokémon um we can afford to switch into
Admiral stick here cuz ium grass is coming that’s so it took a very long time I guess they’re mostly very high stats so it’s not that weird but oh wow okay you’re not going to go for grass we’re faster than Mega bom snow right why is his math open he’s hungry
Uh we’re faster than this right there’s no way that Mega Obama snow is fast everything’s faster than the Snowman I feel like everyone is agreeing with me it’s got like 55 speed okay that’s fine bye-bye uh that is weird I I guess there’s just not that many battles where
There’s a chance of having a Pokemon that strong hello is there going to be any Pokemon in here that’s like suited to something other than my main like my front two here I guess we’ll go to Cal SI dra for this one uh does steal resist water actually
I can never remember I feel like it does ow why are you not oh you’re steal ground not steal rock no wait does ground what what St oh s right I’m thinking of Sandstorm I’m very confused I’m incredibly confused I was like why is it getting hit by that uh right let’s go
Surf how much that going to do still quite a lot wait water does not resist steel sorry steel sorry what I was trying to say is to steel or resist water um which it does not apparently uh we’ll go brine I guess okay let got a bit of a waste of
Brine but we’re not ready using it so that’s fine real good 10 HP off there Al stops okay we’re going to stick with brine I probably should have gone bubble Beam on that one admittedly but that’s fine okay I’ve got to stop using Cal sied right here we are like massively
Overleveled compared to the rest oh no we’re not well just got to 53 an admiral stick okay you’re massively overleveled now but again why is everything in this gym tailor to like two Pokemon and by gy I mean this random battle with Lysander what was that coil I guess all right we’re going
To fly don’t coil again please try and attack oh this is bad this is real bad why would you not attack ooh ooh ow and a crit are you serious okay who is a special attacker you are a special attacker okay I’m trusting you I don’t
Really know what you’re going to do here I don’t know how much Thunderbolt is to do but we can Mega Evolve and resist the grass stuff if you stick with it we’ve also got static right now which does not kick in we got singal beam I did mean to do
This how is slam hitting cheating I guess okay that badly it doesn’t really matter cuz really end of the end of all green ducks have got it uh so oh don’t love that we do resist it was just fantastic for malard we’ve all been discussing it how impressed we were with
Malard um that was the General conclusion is that malard won at all no slam does not hit I don’t know what’s been happening in this battle how is this battle still going on and what do we even have left at this point right uh we don’t actually have any water
Moves with you so let’s go back to kedra very impressive Mal AR yeah me too this is a great team this is a really cool team ow right that’s good at least uh attack down you shouldn’t kill us right right and yet I don’t trust you so I’m
Going to switch I don’t know what else you have so I’m kind of scared and plus we get to to take advantage of the defense drop here that’s even better that’s going to do nothing and the defense drop okay uh and we actually did more damage to it there because of Rocky helmet
Unbelievable plays this going to do about four it’s going to do nothing wow that did way more than I thought it would still nothing and I think we still did more with Rocky helmet finish him off bye-bye okay teach you should know you’re not allowed to move it’s basically
Illegal school boy Daniel King of the school boys uh I we are sticking with the white face patches to cover up the holes in our face which is cool is he really just going to go downstairs now and we’re going to have to battle him again what are you
Doing there’s no hope okay right so we have to go down through all of the got a little tree down there uh we’s go down through everything and then just battle him again it’s so dumb all right that’s fine uh okay you not quite you not quite
I think we’ll do you and then go Mo milker rest of the way okay oh The Gauntlet right I think we’ll be fine you’re good and you’re good okay right so let’s lead off with somebody who’s not 53 uh let’s lead off with Undead I guess we’re still pretty good for
PP uh do you heal in between tag battle I have no idea I don’t think so oh come on let’s go hello are we battling with her is this a double battle with Serena okay don’t mess this up for me Serena please I mean that’s what are the odds
Of that none at all and then backtack battles um it’s unfortunate cuz we are not we’re not exactly built for either of these two uh right so uh unfortunately you are a good you’re both good mat UPS in fact I’m going to go to kedra and surf um hopefully they both aim for
Frost L okay that’s going to do well nice that’s fine we’re going to go for surf Frost is okay somehow neither of them that might not actually be fine you’re not very good at attack though you’re mostly defensive and disabled ancient power which is nice my my apologies to frost
Lass okay that was kind of pointless why would you do that uh I really have no idea why you would have done that I also critted Frost last so shout out to me um a bit unfortunate it also means I’ve just directed both of their attacks at me uh can’t love
That I really ow what how from 93 no crit metal burst is a counter is it really do you know what’s super unfortunate there is metal burst was definitely aimed at Frost less and I I accidentally killed the frost that is so unlucky because if I
Critted the frost lass the frost L would have lived and metal burst would have hit Frost lass oh my God it’s very unlucky um we also don’t have any water moves left which is a bit unfortunate uh you’ve kind of oh wait come on guys death counter we got to
Keep on top of this cuz I’m never going to remember except for I’m always the one that remembers okay what a bad Pokemon to crit no Kelsey never saw it um we can get the Eevee I guess can you even leave this you might not even be able to
Leave um I could EQ but I don’t know I don’t really want to face two steel types um o uh there’s not a lot that we want here let’s go to Admiral stick I guess didn’t really want to send this in um weirdly I don’t know what you’re
Going to attack so I’ve got to knock out the bastiodon because it might have earthquake or something so even though it’s zero health and I assume you would have dealt with it I can’t trust you because you might do something crazy please don’t earthquake or something that better not
Hit me is the opposition allowed to use moves that hurt you also very good work um because that would be quite funny Undead up to 52 real bad start okay right can we leave I guess is the question I don’t know that we can I feel like we should be able to
Yes don’t keep us waiting long it’ll be a while I’m not going to lie it’s going to be a little bit uh I don’t think we’ve used anything from the box I might be wrong doesn’t she Auto heal you later I have no idea um but we’re going to go and do the
Trade is what we’re going for although that feels like a weird Choice okay go skating there a way to go here oh there is okay all right so I think let me just look in the box unless we caught something I don’t think we’ve touched anything in the Box since
The heal does anyone remember when the heal was was it just after the gym or was it just before the gym it was just before the gym wasn’t it it was that battle before the gym and then I killed half my team or have we been healed since
Then I don’t think so or maybe we have I feel like we’ve not used a lot of pp did we have another heal last stream I don’t think so no I think it’s just that so let’s go deposit oh that was not great uh are you holding anything no you’re not
Whoops okay and you go yeah I think it was just before I think it was before the uh before the gym when we battle Serena uh so wrinkle is probably the best Pokemon to bring in cuz we need a water type now um we also used an evolution on
Wrinkle so we’re probably going to bring Wrinkle In but we we got a trade so let’s go and trade Scatterbug cuz we’re not going to use Scatterbug we’re definitely not ever going to use it uh we’ll see what we can get okay come on I just I’m just trying to leave
Okay Z take me did I didn’t heal right no okay I thought she healed us for a second I just didn’t take damage with anything but the one Pokemon that died pretty cool okay let’s go fly let’s go to cage nope that’s where we are no it’s not is there one in
Cage no it’s in Camp freier I don’t know what I’m doing I’m very confus or is it in Solage no it’s in Geo no the geio one is blocked it was in Camp frea I’m very confused okay uh well while we’re here actually hello hello uh take a dozen oh thank
You okay no but I’m going to take like six dozen so do you want stop can you please stop walking away from me another dozen okay we certainly have the money can why are you walking away from me you’re making a sale here accept it I’m trying to buy your product it’s
Okay I’ll take a dozen where is she keeping them is the question and I have no idea why are you trying to leave please I can’t I’m not very good on roller skates yet except for I’m also the master okay I’m giving up at that because it was very very difficult
Okay spend more money on clothes I just haven’t found anything good okay go camp fre aaps a JY hat I would love a JY had if I could find one we’ll check a couple of clothes stores before we go back but I’m just not I’m not sure good clothes exist in this
Game okay right Hotel okay Anistar us has better okay we’ll check Anistar because I don’t think we did and hello I’m back yes uh oh we can trade directly from the box oh so we could have done this already this was totally unnecessary we could have just done this immediately uh
Whoops did not know bye nibbles okay oh Persian it’s kind of like Eevee it’s like a big big big Eevee uh Buster the Persian okay uh fits with the naming theme of no naming theme uh yeah I mean nibbles was going to be killed level five what item do you
Have was this worth it just for the item chill Drive sure uh you got fake out I mean obviously we just cannot do anything right now with you but uh cool yeah we’re going to take out wrinkle I think it kind of has to be wrinkle the problem is I don’t know that
We can turn actually I know that we can’t turn back on the experience share I actually really don’t know what to do cuz we are pretty close to the level cap and I think there’s still a long way to go before we get to this G gym like we’ve already got
53 luckily I killed one of my 53s I guess that helps um but like these Pokemon are getting kind of overleveled but also we’re at a tough point in the game I don’t know that we can like afford to like risk putting some of them back
In the Box especially cuz we can’t even take them out before the gym are you holding the lucky egg oh you are okay um lucky EG it’s like I i’ rather kill a 53 than a 51 because the level cap is not that far away um so I can’t turn the experience
Share back on uh and I also sense that Switch Training is probably not the way to go and yet we’re definitely going to try Switch Training am I still in the Pokémon Center yes I am okay let’s not try to fly from here okay and I mean the biggest risk is
Obviously I have to if I take poke out of the team I’m going to have to heal to get them back into the team uh which I don’t love we will get that heal before the gym I guess so it’s not too bad yeah that’s what I was
Thinking so if we take them out we could get them back in possibly but I don’t know okay and we’re through kind of through kind of there we go uh I I feel like we’re going to lose more Pokémon in here that’s just a bad feeling that I’ve got
Uh especially cuz I’m about to try Switch Training um Switch Training seems disas well no cuz we’re going to know we’re going to know oh I guess I mean the the the advantages that we know want to avoid the bad news is I guess they could still just both Target us with good
Moves and kill us um I mean we’ll try it for one battle that’s har sure I was pretty quick okay I think there’s like five maybe in here there’s not that many can I just like sneak around nope okay let’s go switch train this feels like not the best idea
Only one Pokemon each F and ordino this one is not that worrying I think we can pretty happily switch into Pebble here uh I feel like frost L is going to do a job anyway so let’s go yeah I feel good about this let’s go into Pebble quick funeral quick trade we we
Got back uh it’s yeah at least now we know that we could have just done the trade immediately for next time right you got that no I thought is I Shard the priority one is there a priority one I thought iard was the one that hit multiple times I guess that’s ice ball
Look at that first switch okay um does no well there’s no point doing that I was going to say does it have levitate and I was going to go for earthquake but I guess guess that’s kind of pointless are you dead can you be better is she going to
Lead off with frost lass in every single battle that was so bad her Frost lass is not good is is not going to be like a strong battle for us like a strong strategy if she leads off with frost L every single one yeah ice ball is what I was
Thinking yeah it’s confused glar is your next Pokemon what was last time I don’t think it was Gligar last time was it I guess now I can earthquake there’s not really any point though let’s go magnitude hit a 10 okay that was pretty good I should finish this off with anything over eight
I think there we go playle right okay there we go not too bad uh wrinkle up to 37 nice you see that was worth it that’s two levels IMM immediately uh and we are quite far behind in levels so we are going to need that okay that was pretty good we barely
Even took any damage we will soda pop cuz I think we got hit once maybe how many do we have 101 cool pretty unnecessary but you never know that could be the HP that makes a difference we’re not done yet oh no it’s more people hey how did you even get
Here like did they just let you past or did you battle all of them yeah sure okay I can you just start doing the battles for me that would actually be super helpful why do you it you’re just going to wait here okay it’s kind of weird there a big staircase
Hello I assume she battled Leander yeah I assume she just s of killed him school boy Mike and school boy Kimberly do we have Hitmonchan and poly toad that’s kind of bad cuz I don’t know that either of them are going to Target Frost lass cuz Frost lass is part ghost so
Fighting doesn’t really work unless it goes for fire punch and water is obviously not very good for ice so they might both Target me with probably Thunder Punch and then I have noide maybe a normal move so let’s go for you yeah I agree they should be forced
To team up I can just wait at the back hail okay that’s so unhelpful like I can’t even describe to you you’re just hurting me so that’s fun bounce okay that last chat message was timed very well oh I called it okay so it was Fire
Punch uh are you aiming for me cuz that’s really not going to hurt me so that’s fine right I’m going to Mega and I’m going to Thunderbolt uh we should outspeed poly toad I think so just to be safe okay snuck past the piles of corpses you’re it’s
Possible why did you keep going for that like I really don’t understand there we go should he just discharged I will discharge on poly toad hey are you going to live a battle cuz I think I’m going to kill this thing hey look you’re going to live good work fair play look at
That uh yeah she has hundreds of them I think oh yeah sorry you’re not going to live wait did I oh no I’m just slow okay sorry fras oh wait that’s not great uh well at least we paralyzed it um sorry about that Serena I I thought
You’d I thought I had you I thought I had your back for a second was it a crit again I mean the game just hates me uh can you outspeed me please there we go good r can you start leading with the clay doll it is much
Better to be honest I think I only did about the same amount of damage to her that she did to me because she was damaging me every turn there wrinkle to 39 nice hey M green queen that was a bit of Overkill but I think she’s getting a bit annoyed that I
Continue to kill her Frost l i mean I’ve killed her Frost last more than the opposition teams have okay that’s fine I mean so far the Switch Training is working 27 27 nice okay on we go uh maybe one or two more is there like a back to back to back battle
Here I feel like there’s multiple battles here is that is this the bit where we battle loads of people at once okay what are you doing yes okay I’m glad we’re still leading off with swana that feels good I could have switched there but I feel good about it oh wait no
We’re done right no no they come back okay we’ve got a tree could be anything we’ll never know I’m going to go press the button seems like the right thing to do oh hello how are you it’s not a lot of hair uh runs are we
Runs didn’t put a lot into that chase it’s almost like he didn’t really okay thanks Serena okay good thank you uh right should I lead off with swana I mean the answer is obviously no but we’re going to because we need the levels hello okay wait we can heal between
These can we cuz I was the one that picked that battle Ro deer is fine we can take this thing out uh I mean not with not with wrinkle but uh we can definitely take it out with Undead right feeling somewhat confident about this bounce okay uh I mean that’s absolutely fine
Doesn’t really do anything to us uh on Mega Evolve and power gem maybe that hits things in the sky I don’t think it does I well no to be clear Serena wasn’t doing a one-on-one she ran off to take part in a two-on-one it just happens to
Be that one of the admins followed her so really Serena was just like yeah I I’ll I I’ll team up with shaa and we can take that admin on two on one and now unfortunately has to deal wait what oh it’s faster than us right that was really dumb
Well now I got a power gem again cuz I think it’s going to bounce oh it’s not going to bounce okay it’s fine you got this nice yeah they got to give up with this tree stuff it’s drunky business you say we just leave also a
Good idea honestly if I could I would uh we have Roost we have Tailwind we’re very slow are we we ever going to use rain dance does wrinkle have an ability that makes rain dance good like hydration or whatever the abilities that coincide with that R what’s frogadier’s move set bounce
Smackdown I have no idea water shrien maybe um ever going to have something that works with that I think it can get hydration but doesn’t have hydration I don’t know um I don’t know uh H okay thanks I don’t know if that I don’t know how much that helps in this
Situation but I kind of need a drink I guess um yeah sure let’s take it over raince I was like the only thing I can think of is if we get Thunder with um if we get Thunder with th dead but I don’t really think that’s likely like I
Don’t think I would replace Thunderbolt actually we resist fire do we just stay in EMP power gem I think we do I don’t think that’s going to do that much no that’s fine speed drop there we go nice Undead has been fantastic I think we would still probably be alive and
Doing okay but I will say the revive of dead to Undead has really helped okay so we can heal so this is not really any issue um ideally the next one will be something that Zia or plon can take out because uh those two need levels and by need levels I mean are
Lower level than the rest of the team who do not need levels okay so like something like a cleft key maybe I don’t actually think that’s good for either of them steel is super effective on Z and you do anything to a steel psychic
Type or steel FY rather um no I don’t think so so um does kfy get levitate can do it right doesn’t have levitate I don’t think it does it feels like it would but it’s confusing when Pokemon that are clearly levitating don’t have Lev but I don’t think I don’t kfy does get
It probably I don’t know that it does it feels like it would but prankster right I feel like it has a weird like different abilities uh does not get levitated okay right hopefully this doesn’t hit with steel immediately I don’t think it will heel block okay all right so it doesn’t even have
Steel okay got magnitude I’m thinking eight it’ll be fine which one is Magic Room uh I didn’t even read seven seven might be enough I don’t think it will but it’ll be close it will be enough nice okay that was pretty good again I would rather trampol or thing but that’s fine
Dude are you up to 40 what is wrinkle on has Wrinkle got a level out of this wrinkle is 40 okay okay okay uh let’s talk to you from behind stops held items from working they probably thought that Rocky helmet was in play clang okay steal again super unhelpful for what for what
We’re trying to do um I don’t think you can take that out and I think this thing does I I just know we can risk it okay oh we do have super power well trampoline is weak to steal though it’s too much of a risk okay apparently you should have gone to
Pebble uh let’s just flamethrower I think that one shots it does okay this is going quite well and that’s fine wrinkle up to 41 so we’re getting slowly we’re building to it uh we’re only 13 10 to 11 levels behind now so not too bad uh let’s go
Sop for you haven’t head out pretty early say good luck on the rest stream Mo thank you so much uh have a good night have a good evening and we will hopefully still be alive there will not be a stream on Tuesday uh I won’t be here so uh next stream is next
Saturday schol boy Scarlet what do you have vanilla is uh that is good can you take out a vanillish I think so yeah you should be fine okay we can finally actually use trampol for something trampol has somehow gotten behind in levels despite being like one of our most reliable Pokemon throughout this
Run okay um let’s go play we oh we have used play rough apparently let’s use strength cuz we really never use it and got to C with the Ducks losing so badly and she’s the Ducks did not lose badly the Ducks finished fifth which was the exact position they needed to get up
To ninth which is the position they needed to win it all I don’t understand what you’re missing about this it’s literally it’s gone absolutely perfectly okay didn’t love that but that’s fine uh some hot iced tea is that just tea what’s hot iced tea I feels like
It’s just tea tea but that’s good it does feel like it will help um milk with honey lemon and honey is what I’ll tend to go for uh we’re winning but I’m not really paying attention let’s just superp power cuz I don’t really know what’s happening
Nice it’s iced tea but hot is that not just tea cuz is ice tea not just tea but iced and cold so ice tea but hot oh you think it like balances in the middle and it sticks at lukewarm I guess it does I I guess maybe
There is like a middle ground on it honey on it own yeah honey is like the best thing oh we’re done oh God do we have to battle more people now that aren’t Lysander surely Lysander is now right and which means I should probably stop leading with wrinkle but I’m not
Going to do I just press this button feels like a bad idea okay who oh that’s me okay oh I forgot to go to the shop I meant to go to Anistar oh God the tree is breaking I don’t know if is L sander here your tree is
Breaking it’s got a sad face as well no that’s an X it’s got an x on it not having milk with honey don’t have milk with honey have lemon and honey and like hot water and then some sort of flavor like black currant black currant lemon honey warm water all of that
You’ll be fine the tree is broken it is now an angry deer of some kind do we have to do this now is this what we’re doing now I have a master ball I think okay it’s very very Majestic I love xerus xerus is so cool
Will it be legendary I have no idea um it must be because oh no it’s mega gav war um I was going to say just based off of Base atat total it must be it’s not um I think I’m just going to just going to throw the master ball I don’t
See what else I would use it for and this is probably going to kill something if I don’t um yeah I think we’re going to have to just throw the master ball I can’t think what like we could catch it may I mean I guess it’s going
To have gav wars based thatat total or or catch rate the music was in time with um rinko’s Wing flaps for a second there and it looked very cool um I don’t know is Panella not Cheese I’m getting that confused with something else is there a kind of cheese called Panella uh also Anonymous how are we doing I really don’t know what to do cuz I feel like I shouldn’t waste the master ball and also that I I probably should just use it
The worst thing here would be losing something in this battle we don’t have any status moves right what type is Mega gavar is it still psychic fairy any quick balls I don’t think so I think we had one and we used it oops uh okay why can I not
Go how do you get to the bottom there’s an arrow ACR oh we just clicked okay um Mexican cotage she’s the same name right I mean that’s I’ve had it um yes no I I have had Panella in Mexico and that’s what I was um that’s what I was thinking of uh
H how much the team going to change right I don’t what if we come across the legendary I’m just trying to think can we get this without the master ball and I don’t know I think we might I’ll kill it I’m not going to attack
It this can probably kill us in one hit That’s My worry is if it can immediately kill let’s just throw the master ball okay it’s fine yeah it’s just I that’s the only thing I’m worried about is what if it one shots I don’t know what moves it has it’s definitely very
Good we got it okay that’s true we’re not going to yeah that’s true we’re not going to encounter a legendary uh to protect this trainer it will expand all its psychic power to create a small black hole the Embrace Pokemon gavar uh what is gavar going to be
Called we master ball yeah I didn’t I didn’t trust us to take a hit um yes uh our xerus was a master or bull big puppy oh wait sorry wait I forgot right you guys wanted malard for this right true true true true okay malard in honor of the
Legendary performance cool cool cool uh malard to box one right but we can go and get malard and I’m going to say oh I no no no we haven’t taken a hit we haven’t taken a hit with wrinkle yet right wrinkle hasn’t taken a hit so we can we can swap those
Okay they did rude it was unbelievable they went all the way um off the back of my support I thought this is the mighty xerus it’s a gavar but close uh I need help no it’s fine this is Doc O yeah I I’m pretty sure this is exactly what Doc O looks
Like I love how thin the little tendrils are okay nice weightlifter Daniel you know he’s cool okay Gengar not not Mega Gengar which is good oh we can probably obliterate this thing the thing is we can probably also get obliterated by this thing uh what was his name he was school
Boy Daniel last time I think oh yeah he’s weightlifter now yes cuz I guess I bet his uh his like main tag changes from whatever it is Lysander to something else Lysander um rude what what you haven’t learned is that the top 18s this season have all
Broken the rules many times and will be disqualified so ninth is actually enough to win yeah no they definitely won um I I know that this one shots it but I feel like we possibly also get one shotted if I stay in um it would would feel really dumb to lose it first
Turn gar base Speed 110 what’s our special defense cuz it’s going to go for Shadow Ball I presume oh we have really good special defense I think I think I think we live I think we live a Shadow Ball yeah look at that look at that big
Brain special defense fell that does not matter malard showing how powerful he truly is incredible play weight lifted Daniel with Flareon looks appropriate here uh right so we have multiple options here needs like trampol oh you’re actually not that far behind um let’s go trampol
Okay um I feel like you made a typle typle typo there zad I think that DM is supposed to say GX outside of GX uh which is clearly the best oh we got fully healed wow okay we did not need that heal that is another free heal we are fully healed
Up okay uh did not need that but we can oh well that’s interesting now we should probably try and use as few Pokemon as possible to make it an option to take Pokemon out of the team okay let’s just go return what just happened I was not
Looking what is that it was not very good whatever it was okay it’s just over half nice flare Blitz is fine what is that wow that did a lot Rocky helmet is so good Rocky helmet is coming clutch for us a lot that was such an unnecessary crit we so did not need
That okay zatu that’s fine I feel like this team is worse than last time uh I’m going to go Z lava plume okay this feels like a fun matchup these two should battle uh okay let’s go charge beam let’s get the Boost boost hey there we
Go okay I don’t think you’re going to get a chance for that to come true cuz I’m going to kill you oh actually you go before me so maybe not oh no yeah I’m going to kill you sorry bye-bye uh we’re going to stay in here cuz I’m
Probably the best Pokemon to take this attack cuz future side is coming up at some point uh so hopefully this is not a bad Pokemon for Z okay I guess it’s right there nice right the question is can this thing take me out in one turn because psychic is going to murder this
Thing um looks like we’re fighting on the surface of the sun we are which is why it’s mostly fire fire and flying cuz the flying are bar they barely feel it like a meter up the sun’s really only hot if you’re touching it um that’s what I’ve learned it will have Thunder
Punch and it’s definitely going to outspeed isn’t it it’s so unfortunate cuz we definitely kill it too uh you sure it’s going to go Thunder Punch it’s not going to go for a fighting move is it well but then you’re going to outspeed and you will be
Fighting and this is a confusing one okay let’s go to you I guess it’ll have punishment I don’t even know what that is it’s dark if it’s dark this was a terrible idea right okay that actually didn’t do as much as I thought it would uh that’s probably going to be
Your best move for me fire is not going to do anything fighting’s not going to do much yeah it’s going to be your best move for me so it’s fine nice that is true that is actually true uh star see only fire and flying it’s all that’s accepted here uh let’s
Get in and I apologize in advance for this Undead this is really going to hurt your feet uh this is not going to be fun for you the power of the Sun in the palm of my hand there is clearly a dock HW the whole thing is a do Hawk
Reference what’s happening I wasn’t looking Brave Bird don’t hit me ow okay let’s go Mega do you die to a power gam I feel like you do but I’ll play safe and go Thunderbolt last Pokemon will be Mega what are we thinking I’m going to say Mega Alakazam that’s my
Prediction what do we have it will be a mega it will be a normal Pokemon that can mega mega pincer is Mega pincer strong enough because it’s going to be Mega gados right is it garados what does he have I don’t it’s going to have to be something pretty
Strong I think it’s going to have to be within 50 of gyrados which is 540 right so it’s got to be something 490 and up I think oh it’s it Mega Blastoise what does Blastoise change types is a p like 500 I think it might be yeah um I don’t
Know no it just stays water and I mean we probably outspeed right I really don’t want to lose Undead but I feel like Thunderbolt probably kills uh why do you think you probably out speed is GL is not slower than Aeros I know OS is not fast but Blastoise has
Got to be slow right is Blastoise really faster than AOS why is a is so slow sheep aren’t that slow it’s a tank yeah I don’t really know what we switch into though is my issue pe’s probably not going to do great here Bas speed 78 is that higher oh really oh my
God we might be dead here uh we can’t switch into Pebble that’s a death sentence trampol can take a hit for sure from here if it’s water uh maybe not on their hind legs though you’ve not seen a sheep run it hiding legs they get going is the drag
From the hair that does make sense horrible move set I think it’s probably going to kill me but I don’t know what else I would do I don’t know how I switch here it doesn’t seem like a very good idea I think we just have to risk that
It goes for something that works for us um aquael would kill Right let’s get let’s get a rundown I I need to know what’s move set that’s the only way we can properly figure out what to do here uh Blastoise gen six lasto gen six it has rain dance iron defense skull bash and aquata tail okay so only skull bash and aquata tail
Has actual attacks which is good for us aquil could miss um it has very good stats everything is above 100 except for HP and speed uh its defenses are good special defense is slightly worse uh the good news is it doesn’t have a special attack and it’s physical is much oh no
Sorry oh yeah no Aqua tail uh and skull skullbash doesn’t hit first turn right it like charges up yeah okay so it can only hit first turn with aquata tail and aquil probably is an aquil four times resist only regular resisted because we’re electric doesn’t resist
Water um but I think we stay in and we attack here I think we don’t die to Aqua tail no if we don’t if we don’t OKO we can switch we don’t need to kill it in one turn I don’t think we need to kill it in one turn we can switch
Out I think we live in aquata tail and if it goes for skull bash we can switch his attack is not crazy good and we resist aquata tail and aquil could miss I’m going for it I trust myself I’m trusting myself over you guys it looks great I I really like Mega
Blastoise lovely okay right this is what we wanted this is perfect for us defense up is fine oh my God I’m so good at this game okay right so we can switch to Pebble Pebble can definitely take the skull bash uh and then we’ve got an
Aqua we’ve then got Aqua tail coming we can go to this is going to take some switching um but we can figure this out so we can switch here to take the uh skull bash we’re going to have to work on this turn by turn Okay so this thing takes the skull
BH pretty happily very happily that was a crit as well uh unfortunately we can’t attack well we could attack it might miss there’s a one in 10 chance it misses which is the ultimate thing here is we just have to get lucky on that Miss we can then go to plon
To take the thing Rocky helmet May kill it genius okay right let’s hope it go it’s got It’s got to go for it’s got to go for aquata tail you got to hit here you got to hit we want you to hit mega blaster we trust you yes
Hit hit harder come on Rocky helmet come on Rocky helmet oh I love Rocky helmet it’s the best item you guys had no faith in it good work plon nice okay that was dangerous we could have been in trouble there oh who’s try explosion who has this oh it is real
Powerful I just don’t I don’t want it it’s just not a good thing for us uh we are not going to get it uh no thank you I’ve grown I don’t want it no thank you incredible work from Rocky helmet okay it’s over shout out to weightlifter
Daniel shout out to the surface of the Sun uh shout out to Doc O obviously New York is collapsing we got to save Mary Jane um we’re holding up the side of a building at the Docks like I don’t really remember what’s happening to be honest okay you good uh legendary Pokemon awakened
Something’s happening sycamor pupils He Loves Us cool F want to get out of here oh is this just like Doc O is he going to like hold the thing down while it explodes did I never notice these parallels before is his whole storyline just dock o from Spider-Man
2 is he going to like jump on this bomb while it explodes is he dead is Lysander dead also where’s arand why is he not there teach thank you for hanging out I’m glad you got to witness the legendary appearance of Rocky helmet um become an tied I assume that’s a typo
But I don’t know who an tied is ANS tied Superior is that like a name it could be it could also be a typo um I don’t know I honestly just know what he did in Spider-Man 2 I think he just died stayed super oh maybe uh it could have
Been uh are we done do we win I think alander just died rest in peace alander and also dook although dook didn’t die okay uh I respect you too cool thank you uh we can go and check this trade now as well are you good is he going to jump in the
Hole trampol is killing it rude trampol is absolutely killing it you good does he go and live in the hole after this okay bye go drag to the MCU he did get draged to the MCU uh where is the hotel here we go uh so I think everything took damage
There uh so we can’t we cannot take anything out we did have to use the whole team there which credit to uh credit to Lysander or weightlifter Daniel he properly took us to the limit cuz ideally we could have saved some Pokemon there taken them out of the team
And uh trained up some other Pokemon but the way we’re going we have to keep everything in because if we take anything out uh it has to stay out until we heal again although we do have a heal coming up maybe we can take stuff
Out uh cuz we think we got a free heal coming up before the gym uh going to head out also Toto thank you so much for hanging out thank you for all the support for the green ducks and uh I will see you next time which again is not Tuesday it’ll be Saturday
Uh let’s go and see what this trade is also then get clothes someone if I don’t do it next someone remind me to go to Anistar to get clothes uh hello sir what do you want all right I guess I haven’t spoken to him on a random day so we’re still
Not done with him that’s fine next time we’ll be okay all right let’s go let’s fly to an AAR uh actually let’s grab do we need it let’s grab the lucky egg for now oh I’m trying to think should we just get some Pokemon out the problem is we can’t
Really unless we were to take out all of these five or all yeah yeah all of these five or at least like all of these four we can’t really risk putting the um the bridge Gauntlet are we how long how long a way do you think that is cuz I’m
Probably not going to stream for super long tonight cuz I got to get up early tomorrow um how far away is it if it’s like an hour we can do it but if it’s like a good while then probably not is the four yet no we’ve only got uh seven badges
Right sure if doesn’t think I’m pretty sure he’s dead it seems like he’s dead not even hour okay that’s fine uh yeah we can put that on um I’m just trying to think do we take Pokemon out no cuz then we’re going to have to do the bridge Gauntlet
Without those Pokemon I think we’re going to have to just risk it uh so let’s grab the lucky egg Okay cus items and the bag cool cool that’s fine go bag and grab this give this to you okay uh we can get a dragon scale really soon oh I completely forgot oh rest in peace SK cedra Let’s Go Fly we don’t actually have any water moves in the team right
Now which seems weird tend and a star uh we should probably just check if something can learn surf maybe oh God we’re not going to be able to Surf anywhere yeah we need to check if something can learn surf oh God if nothing can learn surf what are we going to
Do that is a problem that I did not think about um all right tell me when you can learn surf good oh right yeah unfortunately don’t really love you for this okay right we’re going to just ignore that for a bit uh we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it no no
No uh yes go yeah weirdly large amount of Evolutions left mostly because I’ve killed most of my Pokemon um but how many of the so we caught you fully evolved you fully evolved you fully evolved so a lot of the team that we’re using we caught fully evolved which has helped uh where
Is the clothes shop okay tech for guard of War that’s true okay I think we have moonblast actually do we I make that up I think we do uh we’re not moonblast something else I think we have something oh dazzling GLE we have we’ll take that
Sure uh okay we’ll take that over in prison no good right do we have anything maybe charge beam as well we might just have the like exact same move set as uh yeah we might get charge beam could get Thunderbolts we get Grass Knot uh I could get Thunder Wave I wish
You could learn surf that would be so helpful um so Thief is physical we don’t really want that can’t learn venish shock can learn protect come and Flash don’t really need that can get attract not very helpful we can get Thunder Wave which would be helpful uh grass notot frustration no
Thunderbolt charge beam facade no so probably want to get Thunderbolt we could go Thunderbolts and Thunder Wave or maybe grass notot gr can be pretty powerful right it’s 20 at the base I think for like low weight Pokemon but um that does sort of solve one of my
Issues which is I’m thinking like what are we going to do for like ground and rock types which grassnut is actually probably the way to go for those uh so let’s go for that uh we’ll take that instead of heal pulse I’m never really going to use Cal mine so that’s
Fine uh and then we can go you could go Thunder Wave I think I’d rather take Thunderbolt just give us a lot of variety although Thunderbolts really going to be flying types at that point cuz we’ve got grassnut for water types um Thunder Wave for encounters uh it’s just it’s nice to
Have attacks we’ll take Thunderbolt for Now okay get moonblast from moonblast from a move relearner okay it’s not like crazy amounts better than dazzling gleam right what what is it versus dazzling gleam it’s not like I I need to get it immediately cuz daing gleam is pretty good that’s fine did I give you the lucky egg yes
Okay oh wait close shop uh close shop okay I got distracted immediately outside 95 compared to 80 so it is a lot better right what do we have uh yeah show me what we got uh okay I can see the knit cap that it right you know what we we need to change
Is going to okay immediately we immediately we look very different no okay let me back in this is so weird God that changes a lot um yeah but I want to go back in let me back in thank you um can we go all white uh uh
Possibly can I do this all at once okay that’s unfortunate do they have white pants anywhere this is the closest to white but we don’t really have much let’s go those for the Second just completely switch things up I kind of like the uh guto bag sure I’ll take a button yeah give me some buttons nice sure um I don’t know if we can uh get white pants we can try I’ll head back to um it is really weird just cuz we’ve
Been in the same thing all game to be in completely different colors uh let’s just pop back to the first city quickly um yeah I I can imagine that we’re going to be quite cold here with uh the t-shirt on um let me head back to I know
There’s a clothes shop in the first town that we never went to um which might have some white pants seems unlikely but you never know I agree it is it’s lacking without the white pants okay why is that Poké ball so big I feel like a Pok was like the size of our
Head okay do you have white pants I only want white pants okay well that’s unfortunate I think do they only add to like the selection right I think they might only add to the selection as you oh no no these are different we could also get camo if there was
Multiple options for it but it doesn’t seem like there are oh actually yeah we’re going to get the feather Um yeah I think we’re going to go feather over thing just for the green for the forest oh this only sells hats okay uh except this feather which it also sells okay uh okay confirm all right that’s fine uh yes right we pretty much got it we don’t
Have white pants but I don’t know if they even exist in this world so we’re going to have to stick with this for now uh you know what are there any jumps around here God there’s just I don’t know how they didn’t think that there needed to
Be more jumps the fact that we can only jump over like two things in the entire game just a bad bad design okay is there anything up here to jump off I mean that’s kind of like that’s kind of the biggest trick of all okay uh let’s fly
To and a star no white pants that is a true Tragedy um that’s fine I’m fine with with nobody trusting me especially the mods let’s go around pantless if pantless was an option we could go for that cuz I assume we’re very pale it would just look like white pants hello don’t heal me you’re not allowed to heal
Me are you guys good am I supposed to do something oh you’re fine okay uh don’t want to okay we’re going to actually skip battles for the most part but we are going to get the encounter we got Magneton okay don’t mind that um uh I don’t really know what we’re
Going to do about this let’s go o um let’s go into you they I don’t trust them Mia they could at any second just for no reason they just want yeah that was weird that they were just like surrounding the door I hate when people do that in real life
Like have a conversation at like the entrance to a thing that people need to go through it’s so I I truly I don’t like those guys I you’ve really immediately turned me against them I thought it was a bit rude now I’m just very against it
Um right I don’t even know if I should attack here let’s go power gem that’s probably not going to do that much right uh let’s just throw a net pull you never know um we’ll evolve on Route 13 um I don’t know I think you I don’t
Think you do I think it’s like anywhere in an electrical Z also that was incredible just one net nice okay uh what are we doing a linked cluster formed of several Magnemite it discharges powerful magnetic waves at high voltage have they ever shown Magnum magnumite evolving in the show cuz I feel
Like if it evolves like a traditional Pokemon evolves that doesn’t make any sense at all uh I think they have actually didn’t assault somebody I think rude assaulted somebody I mean you wouldn’t say you didn’t assault somebody unless you’d assaulted somebody if you hadn’t assaulted them you would have written a ukulele song
And I think we all know that uh does anyone have a nickname in is internet the nickname Sparky I like Sparky okay Sparky uh it’s level 44 as well which is pretty good okay transer one that’s fine I’ll throw up a Repel now let’s try and get
Through this with like no encounters I don’t know if that’s possible um let’s go Max repell there we Go oh God damn it just immediately uh what is it hey Rampardos yeah that’s probably safe it’s probably safest cuz if I saw you baking cookies I would immediately think something had gone wrong okay I see nice oh God I AC I wasn’t even looking at I got past that battle
That was incredible this is also an encounter isn’t it never add salt when baking that’s not true sometimes you can use like a little a pinch probably right yeah I mean does pizza count as baking I guess it does yeah yeah I think so I wasn’t insulting your baking ability just in
General I was commenting on your assaulting skills can we is there an encounter in is this a different area I didn’t even see 3 18 termin Escape yes so this is something oh I put the repel up I was like why am I not getting any encounters okay my cookies in there
Pretty good I don’t think I’ve ever made good cookies outside of like a Betty Crocker thing um couldn’t tell you why I do bake some good things but cookies are not one of them except Betty Crocker which I love hiton um which honestly Betty Crocker what a what an
Incredible what an incredible invention just in general like all of those ready make like add one egg and here’s some perfect cookies all right I guess I’m just going to going to catch it in one ball probably a probably a repeat ball just for a laugh
Not shiny kill it I’m not I’m just going to catch it in one come on white guard is so useless think we need a shiny we’ll get a shiny I feel it I I think that uh the place west of the last city which I can’t remember what it’s called is the
Last City Snowbell that doesn’t sound right to me but I feel like we’ve talked about Snowbell several times and I have no idea what else it would be in the icy City at the end um so I’m going to say we’re going to get shiny to the west of
That uh sure this is number three I do like kneading dough as well um I made pizza not that long ago a couple of months ago and um the recipe I make is usually good for like five Do’s um and for some reason I had three oh
God I had three containers and I was like this will be fine and I don’t know why I thought that um because they all exploded uh it was too much for every container um that happens happens to the best of us made a real mess in the fridge
Okay I do I I also feel that with cookie dough it’s a bit yeah that that feeling on your hands is not good uh there’s a house every day thing you can battle somebody in an inverse battle their daily okay I’m probably just going to avoid everyone hey there we go not too
Bad almost getting to 51 uh the legs freely contract and stretch the stretchy legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick uh I forgot I like it this is coffee oh sorry you were just that for the nickname I thought you were
Saying that your hot iced tea was coffee and I was like you you very much confused all of these beverages um or I have uh let’s go Max repel again I’m not in the right pocket for it soda pop for you and might as well nice okay that’s fine
Okay uh this is just a dead end isn’t it okay that’s F we going to Max E that’s not too bad uh yeah we’re going to just try and avoid encounters everywhere here so let’s is this guy turn we can’t turn there now there is a jump there which I
Would i’ love to do but I feel like I’m going to walk in the way of a trainer if I try it okay can you get through this whole thing without a Battle I like baking I like I like cooking in general but I like baking oh I forgot this entire town here is there a battle at the end of this do I battle the professor or something why is that jumping into my head is there an item up here there’s a TM or
Something no there’s a regular item candy nice Why do I think I battle the professor here do I battle the professor here sick we do battle s okay uh will we overlevel we’re going to try not to I mean we don’t have the experience Sharon and nothing is okay you actually are at
54 uh you still got 7,90 to go though so you’re still a long way from 55 and if we don’t use you in the gym We’ll be fine okay nice uh I think we just go here are we going to have to have are we going to have to
Get uh surf cuz I’m going to have to go to a move deleter or something uh I think we’re just not going to be able to have Surf and strength at the same time come on what do you got I’m going to obliterate you maybe a sweep it’s possibly going to be a
Sweep what you have Flor just I can’t remember is this just pure fairy it always feels like it’s grass to me and I don’t think it is I think it’s a lie um are you pure fairy right and then secondary question Fairy doesn’t do anything to psychic
Right this is a two shot an easy comfy two shot it’s not a two shot okay um yes no they did they used to be just add water and then like they had to make them more complicated which is frustrating um because I I don’t like they take about four minutes but they
Could take 1 second and that would be nice uh right you did Misty terrain I don’t actually Fairy doesn’t resist fairy so maybe we just go for that Okay okay I’m going go again no I think I know fairy by now I think I’ve learned fairy I think not knowing fairy for so long has taught me fairy do we really need Surf and strength at the same time in Victory that is going to be a problem yeah that
Is going to be an issue ooh okay right uh what is this Pokemon normally what does he have here does he have the my guess was he going to have the three star starters fully evolved but now I have no idea uh what is it fighting so it is that wow is
Cabalian well that must have answered it then cuz cabalion must be 600 right and the starters are only what 524 534 maybe is the highest this can’t be 584 or lower very complicated 580 okay so they could be there then in which case it is 50 if it’s 580
I’m going to okay then it’s 50 right cuz I think Charizard is 534 um sorry it’s Steel fighting so uh unfortunately that that is really just you um you you could do it as well not really Tron for steel no thank you re and chariz right so I think it’s
50 I think that makes sense sacred sword is fine then we go flame draw nice thank you ad stick Uh so what is this team Lis Cobalion and reggi steel oh my God okay tell me on regist steel does it have really good defense or really good special defense or am I think of reg ice or is it neither or is it both uh all of those questions venur is
525 no so I think Venusaur was the first one it’s really good on both okay and we think it does have explode well actually let’s check on this one uh cuz this is important reg G steel gen six you haveit what level 50 I say 50 50 it’s got uh
XY why would you do that um charge beam Amnesia iron defense and ancient power ancient power and charge beam okay ancient power and charge beam feel like pebble’s probably the way to go here then um this it’s really not got anything for us if it’s only got charge beam and ancient
Power I mean we don’t love that but we’re going to magnitude our way through this this one we’re hitting a magnitude 10 here and not just a magnitude 10 a magnitude 10 crit not on this one on the third one we’re hitting a magnitude 10 crit it’s going to be
Unreal all right we’re going to count we’re I think we tank its moves more than it tanks ours second one imagine imagine if I called second there that’s that is unbelievably unlikely uh if I just called second that would have been so much cooler that is like a what even is
That is it like a one in 320 chance I think magnu 10 is one in 20 right one in 16 that’s pretty cool okay um I really wish I had said second it would have been much cooler um I’m still calling that though I called my shot okay uh right let’s go s
Poop and there yeah I think we look better with the white it our our the holes in our face stand out less 5% so that was a one in 320 chance every every magnitude has a 1 in 320 sh being a magnitude 10 crit uh oh my God my voice is Gone I think oh my God thinking it’s the maid Sprite it it does kind of look like it I could just sort of blend in in a hotel they would never know uh right do we need to do anything else here I don’t think so we didn’t get
Healed which is fine cuz we’re about to get healed soon okay that was a good team what do we have Cobalion regist steel and Floris that may that might be the best team so far in terms of like exceeding your own Pokemon uh did I get U-turn from him just now
Uh no did I or like earlier earlier possibly no I’m thinking of uh Crystal where we may or may not have gotten it for beating Bugsy range has to be yeah it is for sure 50 oh God I didn’t mean to do that there’s a hotel
Here old lady in the train station oh I didn’t talk to the old lady there was an old lady up there oh that’s what I said I said I thought there was a TM up here ah okay right that’s fine right I cuz I said when I came up I
Was like I think there’s a TM up here which I don’t know why I thought that and that’s why I thought that okay on we Go okay all good there might be able to buy something from the guy at the waterfall I don’t really trust him uh is this A rock smash thing I don’t think that is rock smash do we go down and up like a ladder oh no there’s stairs
Okay I don’t know how to get to that so I’m just going to ignore it hee don’t look at me oh my God is this a new route again oh this is 19 Okay scald is in the hotel um should she close prediction uh I don’t think we’re that close I mean we’re like reasonably close but ooh alaria okay uh right I think I’m probably just going to catch this uh sure why not it’s a quiz apparently okay we can we can head
Back we’re like 5 minutes away yeah but there looks like there’s probably 5 minutes left on the prediction and I’m not going to lose a Pokemon before then trust me I’m just not there’s no 0% chance cuz I think I’m probably not going to have a battle
Okay right we’re going to try like three of these I don’t know why this is the one one nope we not yes no I’m not switching because I think it probably can’t do anything to us let’s go great bow we got this one okay probably just hit it um it’s
Going to live a thunderbolt for sure let’s go for that uh it’s got no point in continuing to fail oh that’s so unfortunate could that not have just done a little bit less or quite a bit more right uh how many we used I think we’ve used four or five so we’re going
To start tossing Ultra Balls oh God not even one okay we are not very close to catching this maybe let’s go Grass Knot I guess yes that’s true we got we got timer balls okay oh I really don’t want to waste a bunch of these we’ll use a few we’ll use a Few uh sure we’ll use five maybe and then call it I mean the thing is we could easily get this down to Red with this cuz it’s doing like Nothing uh yeah that’s that’s fine we’ll use one more I don’t want to waste all of our PP although actually know we’re about to heal so that does not matter at all we may as well okay if this thing happens to figure out an attack at some point soon it’s going to kill
Us that’ll do Pokéball so I think I’ve got five left now maybe possibly six think we use one Ultra one great three repeats okay we might not actually we might only have four left we might just have the Ultra Balls I’m trying to think I think we just
Used three and one and now three I guess uh I’m just going to throw two ultra balls and then say that’s it and we’ll have one timer ball left okay I mean I’ve been pretty much I I think you can’t really doubt how brilliant I’ve been in this run neck I’ve been pretty fantastic I’ve made almost no mistakes bar the six or seven mistakes that I’ve made and all the healing which those those are also mistakes so like 10 mistakes
Total uh I think that’s it I think we got to throw a timer ball and that’s going to be our last one I think this is going to be our first Miss from Poké Balls unless we catch it now no I think that’s it I think that’s all we had
Um I could go back and check but I’m kind of too lazy to I think we had I think we only threw one of these which if we did I think we’ve thrown 10 uh I could check it’s not going to take that long but also I don’t really want to um
I think I think that’s only 10 but I really don’t want to throw a 12th if that was 11 uh okay let me check quickly cuz I I want to I want to miss it properly if I’m going to miss it I want to miss it properly uh let’s go moderator
That’s uh how do I go back can I go back in my own stream from moderator I can’t he are you still on mute you are how’d you go back oh I have to go into the VOD right I never do anything on Twitch okay me is Me 3 minutes
Ago God we’ve been doing this battle for a long time okay not yet okay that’s also not yet is there a way to like skip back 10 seconds on Twitch or it appeared to be caught so not there okay we’re into the battle right we have don’t attack you’re not going to
Attack we have 9 14 8 3 6 uh where am I we have 8 14 5 2 1 so that’s 5 6 7 8 9 10 we’ve used 10 okay I was right we only to use 10 um uh that’s okay let’s go one more
Okay it was good I feel like we all needed this we have not missed a Pokemon called on the 11th ball we’re good okay uh We’ve not yet missed a Pokemon through running out of balls it flies gracefully through the sky its melodic humming makes you feel like you’re in a dream
Uh the humming Pokémon I didn’t know that did you guys know was the humming Pokemon I feel like I’ve not heard that before candy floss we already have a candy floss um it’s in the Box although it’s called yeah know it’s called candy floss um Daddy’s bread I don’t know how I feel
About that I don’t like it speedy fluffy uh Swifty guys we’ve already celebrated malard Cloud I like Cloud let’s go Cloud okay Swifty I don’t even know who Swifty is that’s all good right let’s go back and do this quiz I guess um I kind of prefer bread or yeah I think bread Works okay uh in the hotel we said in we go oh wait sorry I don’t actually know who it is I I’m just like going up here by uh like um my brain is gone okay it’s not going to be you there’s nobody in here school girl in the lobby okay uh
Hello uh sure what does a little scrap disguise itself as to find potential prey it would be weird if this was a trick okay oh that’s the whole thing okay uh that’s fine I apologize Tay okay the themes for the Pokemon cities are not good where in this game or across all
Games like having like ice type cities and uh so on so on so forth um I think some games they differentiate themselves well but having like every game has like oh the song themes okay okay uh oh we we got our encounter I really confused myself for a
Second um yeah I don’t agree I think I thought you were talking about like having like a cadon golden rod um heart home ome bail Stone in every every game where you’ve got like the big shopping one and you got like the ice one um how do you only just realize it’s
Motor backwards I don’t know I’ve definitely referenced it in a video before and people people I I remember I can’t remember what I did um oh I had I had one in something that was called an which is engine backwards um and I feel like in the comments a lot of
People were like wait wait why did I just realized that um so I think you’re not the first to realize it very late um I don’t like this this trainer is going to walk into me they just walking it down that side okay they appear to be okay I don’t love
This we are going to lead with malard um okay uh we’re going to heal I know that’s only like 10 HP but it’s maybe going to be the Difference uh sod pop for you okay come on what do we got Two yes uh don’t know what’s about to happen I do that’s right we’re going to battle we are Pokemon trainers after all okay do you have a full team they oh they’re not going to have full teams right they’re not bosses so we actually can just probably get through
These without too much issue uh maybe that’s definitely just a maybe but it be could all right switch into Pebble now I personally feel like using an earthquake on this bridge is not a great idea and yet I’m definitely about to use an earthquake on this bridge uh good luck Bridge oh the
Plays not the best plays now admittedly not the best plays but it was something thing she saved the El kid it was a confusing switch I will say but it was a cool switch um she she knows that the elit is more important are you going to kill me in
One shot I don’t think you are even with the Screech I don’t think so um yeah that was an odd Choice what is it it’s Del catti I don’t think it’s even that delat is that bad El’s just kind of good elid and Magby are pretty high up there in the 300s I
Think but yeah I guess delat is like 430 maybe 420 okay I’m not going to give you the respect that you deserve I’m just going to magnitude you for a seven okay well now I will switch out if you don’t die to this or a 10 back to back 10
Just the way that Pebble rolls Pebble rolls God that was brilliant what a brilliant accident uh that was quite easy 10 works too not for the bridge the bridge is in trouble the bridge is going to collapse in probably battle two I’m guessing delat is
380 well how close is that to alate cuz I feel like alit’s pretty close that’s fine melery El 360 okay amongus it’s not a great start good luck to amongus don’t like your Chances bye-bye okay um did I did I ever make the point that they reference um or like like they they I think they gave themselves the idea for fungus and amongus in an episode of Pokemon gen 3 stuff with uh Shroomish Team Rocket or it’s the episode where there’s like a Shroomish
And Max is looking after it and they end up in a like haunted hotel or something I feel there’s a lot of haunted hotels or like haunted buildings in Pokémon anime but they end up in like a big building that’s just filled with Shish and Team Rocket are there and they say
And this is during gen 3 they say these fungus are amongus which and then they came out with fungus and amongus like a few years later I think they gave themselves the idea in that moment um can you ban rude yeah sure I actually don’t know if you
Can uh what am I doing uh Thunderbolt sorry I was not paying any attention I was telling you that fascinating story okay that was pretty easy all right um I mean I don’t really trust you to live this so a trainer in Scarlet V says the line after you beat him oh
Really well that’s what that’s referencing um M will actually let you try okay you I don’t think anyone’s anyone that’s regularly here has ever been banned it’s really I think it’s only ever been Bots and then like one random person that came in and gifted and asked to be banned
Okay did you just heal me are you going to battle oh we so we just got healed so we’re now full health again there are a lot of free heals in this game okay uh who’s this B swne um you might actually have to switch I me we probably Don’t uh go Psychic not a one shot okay can you b r you can go for it neck you can give it a Shot uh right what did it do missed that’s fine bye-bye that’s not so good I don’t even noce that has electric moves uh but we’re going to play safe going to give this bridge one last tester okay you do nice uh let’s go earthquake that damn smile I like electrode oh wait
What you have an air balloon what the hell are you doing did it have an air balloon what did self-destruct just do four uh that was not very much use magnet rise okay I was not paying ATT attention I know that happens a lot but I was not paying any attention
God when did they make future sight good cuz future sight used to be really bad okay and now it’s like actually kind of good I still know that we take it Here um I I think I’m going to leave it it’s really good though no wonder it killed Blaze again when did they up it to 120 was it this gen um I I’m going to leave it I’m going to leave it it’s fine o hello uh we don’t have a single ice move
Either do we we should probably get on that cuz there a lot of good Pokémon that are quad weak to Ice uh so we should definitely figure that out uh I don’t actually know what to go for we don’t have any dragon moves left either which is
Weird I guess we have trampol I kind of keep forgetting that Fair’s thing as well yeah I guys I believe me I got there just before you guys did I kind of forgot what I was looking for uh that’s fine um all right can you not do that please it’s
Fine again the the little knock from Rocky helmet really got us over the edge there uh importantly we can actually take Pokemon out of the team here if we need to uh although that’s kind of oh no that’s good yeah we can take out a few
Pokemon and mix them around and try and level others up which we’ll probably do before the gym um that’s fine this is one of the best themes ever by the way let’s just just appreciate this for a second going to not Talk it’s really good um okay so we can take out let me check who actually took damage there cuz I don’t know unless they heal me again I don’t think they do oh waterfall Nice okay are we good are we healed most importantly yes no we’re not okay so who is not takeable aable you are not you are not you are you aren’t you are and you are okay so half of our team we can take out so these three can all be taken out and
Brought back in cuz they haven’t been in battle yet these three were in battle and used moves so they are out um but for the most part we can switch teams around and get other Pokemon in try and level them up before the gym which will be nice uh let’s head over
Here let me just get into the City And we good we good hey oh wait just the I like the running of snow sound um that is going to do it I think we’re going to do the gym next time uh let me save okay um I’m going to save again just just in case
I I’m glad we ended on an argument um I personally think pay up I think we paid up I killed it uh we are going to do the gym next time there’s no stream on Tuesday I won’t be here I will be back by Saturday we’re going to I’m probably
Going to level up a little bit actually I’m not really going to be here at all I’ll be back on Friday I’ll try and level up then uh we’ll probably level up a little bit if possible um did it appear in the oh I don’t know it probably did I think it
Uh I don’t think it did um I’ll be back next week have a good week um weirdly successful stream we did have one death but I think with what we had to take on today I I sort of assumed there would be more kind of felt like
We’d have like five uh so not too bad we’ll be back in a week have a good week have a good night have a good no just a week really I’ll be back by Saturday and yeah thank you for hanging out good night everyone bye-bye