Hey guys welcome back to my channel my name is Dean if you’re new here Hi how are you hope you guys are having a beautiful beautiful day today ding right into the Boondocks finishing this season off season two for us y’all this is a short season show it’s only four so we
Are halfway sadly wait what Four Seasons Four Seasons in Boondocks MH and we’re already almost done this is officially the end of season two wow so it’s for our Monday staff meeting my name is wedgie Rin do you know why I was given this job cuz you’re
Super duper smart yes but why because it’s time to take be in a New Direction was that a made back there I don’t know I didn’t want to say nothing I didn’t want to say nothing I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t
Know I really call her to table I’m like I do not know why is she at the table so did they fire the other girl think she L unless she higher up or something or went down yeah yeah 106 in park with AJ and freak yes and I said great see when
People ask me have I made bet a success I say no now I know I may be going a little too fast for some of you but I’m happy to slow it down our research says we need to be focusing on the monosyllabic demographic do you have any
Experience Runing a network okay see now you’re a hater quiet down so the rest of us who are getting paid can work thank you please read it carefully this is the kind of super cool stuff we’ll be doing at bet no no no you don’t you were fired here’s what I want to
Sing I’m thinking rappers Young MC roller skating okay H how about an animated version of Hamburglar I’m seeing a Flintstones thing happening here Dino could be a Rottweiler you got that God he need to be fired he need to be fire why did he why they hire him he
Said he said Dino can be I thought it was Dino no Dino right all his Rock he said do a driveby on McDonald’s call it be like what is going on here dude dri by bir King and call it beef like what bro this come on wait a minute is this the show
About the black man who hates black people excuse me which one of us went to Harvard huh did you go to Harvard the rest of you get out to what CR orever that guy’s from I start each day by thanking a white man for the sunrise for
The land I walk on I am not black nor do I consider myself to be black every morning I apply this topical ointment made of bleach and sulur as you can see here I enjoy building small shrines to great white man didn’t take no Indians nor Mexicans yeah I work about 32 jobs
Over the course of a week I would think he lying cuz every show he have something new the the movie theater security guard that is true he he has a different job every time so I believe it I I about 32 in a week but I had a guy
Like that in the hood he everywhere volunteer everywhere I mean the fairgrounds you seen him every bro you always got a job like somewhere that’s good he always got money hey there I keep the bus nice and clean whoa whoa hold it right there where’s the gun
Huh where’s the gun this him bus is for kids with a future oh he y’all should just go be rappers get into a beef and then shoot each other jacked up is disrespectful whole I’m going to go tell my Grandad Mak I’m we going to be fighting to get
In that bus I have walk right on there when goes across the country drop after desegregation there were never no white kids shooting up nothing before they started going to school with a white man is a peace loving man they fighting in the front and what do do in college
Anyway oh they go there they party you ever seen these [ __ ] fraternities and sorties you ever seen these things let’s create a fraternity and jump up and down barking like dogs hell no jumping up and down with candy canes and doing all kinds of silly so disrespectful cuz I’m
Picturing it in my head I can’t take it away I know who he’s talking about I was trying to hold back up laughing at all this so disrespect I was really y’all I was really trying to hold back from laughing at all this like hey I’m not
Going to lie Ruckus is so disrespectful he is somebody a so disrespectful I can say white man just don’t smell the same as black African may I say your dud get me like Sparkling Ice walk e sparking ice hey there little M girl girl wait on your daddy yes there he Is Tom if you wearing a skirt this isn’t a skirt Ruckus it’s a Kil your M now he being mad if somebody else hair has nothing to do with him Ruckus Let It Go Dog you ain’t none of that let it go bro like he just won’t
Let it’s like any other race except black he knows so much about when it comes to Black it’s like oh I he so negative and disrespectful and rude and just doing too much I am part Scottish 32.5% actually I just found out you Scottish black as you is I know a white
Doctor is 99.9% reliable black doctor is an oxy [ __ ] why should Alex Haley be the only person to discover their Roots you know but is that some kind of gardening show you’re joking right he Ro never seen Roots Roots you’ve never heard of roots the miniseries come here
Honey now the first thing you should know about means that I have a case of the Rigo we can trace genetic markers to different regions of the world and know exactly what your makeup is my favorite movies are Gone With the Wind and nodding Hill black as cold ly
Ass you’re so funny he a coming back with nothing else black as cold it’s going to be like every other race black 99.9 nope you know what’s going to happen they going give him a percent of something like 1% or like a 0.1 and he
Going to run with it why be happy to know that I started bet animation to do just that we have a kids show coming on called super cyborg Mandingo man yeah well maybe I should just show you we have the pilot what’s that the script H well it certainly is incompetent but
We’re missing something black evil television send in my evil henchmen these are my evil henchmen you can’t get another names we couldn’t get any other names for this I mean their names would have been nice but leave it to her she going to downgrade that’s terrible that’s terrible we’ll make it
More evil I promise h no this mother this Uncle Rucker show how’s it going going great great I hope so wedgie for your sake and my happen I mean you’ll be killed or at least very seriously injured so can you hear my heart beating here we go oh the white
Man science is amazing ain’t it it says I’m 102% African d didn’t even give a percent of nothing else he 102 over black that’s what his dumb ass get he over 100% damn he didn’t even get like a 99.9 nothing that’s so cold he 102% black W that’s what he get reality check
Black fraternity should have an African name black fraternity Bo Boog Bo you know Jail jail Mr ell there’s a problem on the record shoot I’m black now but the first thing I did was quit all my job now rck nobody said you had to do
None of this bro you do too much man you know what somebody go get him some fake test results so he can be him just go get him a fake print out some fake he said I got to do the first thing qu off so he ain’t got no job ain’t no
Job time I might not even have RIT like hey I’m black what am I supposed to do now black man can’t get nowhere with his little pean size mine so now now you can read you know why cuz we both of us and that’s and that’s all we ever going to
Be just sitting around playing PlayStation all day waiting for the next Madden to come out probably going to die in a second now from one of these conditions and diseases that [ __ ] get you’re the exact same fool you were last week you were black then you’re black
Now well this is what do right by Sneaker they why hey no Ruck has been wan to do this for a long time he just lying to himself he really want to be doing this cuz he got it all who Ruck has been around that this he know like this is
What they do this is all what they do re is man want to do this it look like a damn astronaut shoe I’m black I’m not walking to the Moon can I get a shoe named after a white man please you on your own I’m not leaving here till I get
Me a shoe named after a white man they basketball shoes but who white people you got Kenne Cole all them out there Sketchers I don’t know who own Sketchers oh I just thought but their shoes I mean there’s a bunch of them they just don’t got like basketball like type shoes that
I know of I just I just thought Sketchers when he said white white a white man I was like I’m pretty sure Tommy hillfiger they they got shoes all the highend [ __ ] that’s why we ain’t got it it’s the highend stuff sh be $800 why we don’t know who they is
See our shoes we think is penc they got them $800 9 shoes out there [ __ ] just look at Ira president over there killing black folks Negroes time out I can’t sit here and let y’all bad mouth my president y’all should take your black to Iraq and help fight for our freedom and now
Doctor we will discuss your methods of DNA test this always happened when we try to use the goddamn touching machine I think someone forgot to pay the bill wedgie well someone pay the bill my soul what have God oh yeah where you please shut the hell up get your tail
Down Ruckus no you said just keep filming so he’s the star you’re going to let the star commit suicide so from now on we’re supposed to stop him if he attempts to commit suicide yes oh what’s the point what’s the point in living there’s nothing to look forward to be
Somebody baby daddy hang out on the corner all day and night Ruckus you make a very compelling argument but I know that you’re going to get through this you call this a magazine look at this this is a pamphlet filled and scream this is a brochure every they should
Call this National Geographic Ruckus we have a saying at B look at the picture in the back Ruckus got to be yeah he doing a lot that’s a lot right there that that’s that’s crossing the line Ruckus and lost his goddamn L did Ruckus been lost his mind y’all
See this show man this show I need a f watching this frustrates me I be wanting to punch Rus in the face look at bet you think we put this here because it’s entertaining you think I can relate to anything these young have to say no this
Is easy and the only people who suffer the only people who suffer Ruckus you sure do have profound insights but I don’t know you did this to me you gave me that test yes I know here are your actual results didy oh my well I’ll be you should be ashamed to call yourself
For white doctor I’m uh sorry oh it sure feel good to be white again oh look what we have here yo for real we not trying to play with you today Ruckus we cuz we going too far you almost have to get the kids killed man you you ain’t
Got to be that that against black he doing a lot y’all he doing a lot but I feel like hu and Ry should have looked both ways just to make sure because you know you know Ruckus you know how he is so it’s like you shouldn’t you going you
Ran over so you should I’m getting my BB guns like last time if I’m H and Riley I’m getting my BB guns out so you want to play okay we com to light you up at this Crossing yes this crosswalk is going to get you so this Ruckus this episode can
Stand him I really cannot oh my gosh I’ve never disliked the character so bad in a show rck Ruckus is that it’s Ruckus for me I can’t believe we just finished off season two we almost we are officially done with season two crazy how do you guys feel let us
Know Down Below in the comment section what you guys thought about this episode and how you guys feel about us finishing season 2 there’s another comment that came in the comment section that okay so you know that person that sent you said that episode 11 12 and 13 was crazy yes
Somebody said y’all thought that season 3 is coming I’m like what I thought we got through that I feel like I mean like in a sense like I don’t want to think like that but what worse can they do I don’t know I already feel like some said
Season 3 it start cracking I feel like it’s so not bad but I feel like ow something fli my eye I I feel like it’s already so like at a 10 I’m like where where else can they go where else can they go I don’t want to know but I’m
Going to find out fur but like how far can you go how low far how low can you I don’t know I never knew how low somebody can go the lowest I’ve seen somebody goes when they did the little little what is it called what is that thing you
Going to Le the little thing the little pole what’s it called Limbo limbo yeah yeah that [ __ ] they did at the skating ring and then like they skated underneath that door person had their that’s the lowest I ever seen it you Ain see nothing else L than that that’s the
Lowest you can go guess that’s how low this show is I guess I got to prepare myself for season three so y’all stay around season three coming let us know what you guys think is it true patreon y’all see it first y’all will see it first until next time