You got to be home and you’re comfortable and that’s what really takes people into depression or whatever so you know I always tell people even at your 9 to5 start a part-time something create your own opportunity unless you’re really motivated and that’s what I say for me coming out of a six biger
Job I was highly motivated failure was not an option for me I’ll say I’ll say most people they are used to again if a 9 to-5 they’re used to having a supervisor of someone hovering over them if not they wouldn’t do anything so when you come out and you’re on your own who
Cares if you sleep at 10:00 or get up at 5: in the morning unless you’re motivated y yeah and that’s where the the issues happen like oh this didn’t work no it’s not that it didn’t work you didn’t work it welcome to under underg talk and I have conversations with successful
Underdogs and today is no different than any other day I have Miss aoya Van Horn how are you doing today fantastic Eric how are you I’m doing great I’m doing great uh I’m glad I finally got a haircut if you would if y’all saw me before this I was looking like Will
Smith I pursue the happiness well they did you well you look good thank you thank you so um I like to get straight into it um fun fact can we get a fun fact out of you fun fact well a fun fact is that I choose speed jump rolling as my form of
Exercise you wasn’t ready for that work come on with I told you got be ready for yeah I’m definitely not speed like jump up like Al you Mohammad Ali Roba do you know oh oh okay I applaud you for that cuz I know I could do that um that’s
Okay yeah so I just want you to know it it’s not just a girl thing that’s why I called him out so no I jump R I just think speed jump you got to get it over with don’t take all day no yeah um so a fun fact about me
Uh I used to play soccer in elementary school and I was the goalie for the majority of the time and I only got scored on once wow yeah wow that is yeah and the guy that scored on me his UNC like his family was like a bunch of
Kickers like his uncle was on the Bears at the time so I wasn’t really too mad that he he was the one that scored the goal on me so you are the business Matchmaker you set up events you connect people you help people out you helped me out with
My first live show uh thank you for that um so let’s know who you are before all the glitz and glamour a what did life look like for you oo so how far you want me to go back here well before things started looking pretty for you for life
Like whatever whatever part of life was way put well I thank God I didn’t have a a hard not F okay so that that was never my flight and I thank God for that so um I’ve been a geekette all of my life so again love computers I came out um a
College and and U started in the um world of civil service working for the government for the Army back in St Lis um and actually was called the record Center and any veteran that uh is ever asked to pull their veterans record you will ask for the DD214 the DD214 is your
Form and that’s where I worked at on good fellow for the record Center and again for civil service I worked over for 14 years thought I had a good good job right unfortunately I went on a a rift which is a reduction in force that’s when you know government kind of gives
You your pink slip you know I had an option to go to another uh Huntsville Alabama I’m like no I don’t want to go to Huntsville coming out of St Mo so I decided to go um public so I went at that time I was um again it always
Computer operations you heard of the movie hdden figures I I I felt that way and it still feel that way now for black women it is still hidden Figures it’s just not a lot of black females in the IT world it’s not it’s not so again I I
You know I started off pulling you know uh cobal cards and punch cards and things like that so I go away back a little bit but anyway when I left the government after 14 years I went and work for um McDonald Douglas um Bo now it’s headquartered in St Louis and then
After that I work for the Scott Air Force Base which was in Illinois I work for uh the nav in Fort R California so I’ve been s with service I work for dld which is Department of the defense so during that time I didn’t realize as U I
Heard U Tyler Perry say I was in my master class at the time I didn’t know reporting to generals and Colonels and sergeants and and all that protocol that I was you know getting as a young black female on a military base and uh just didn’t realize it so as life would
Haveen um I second married LED family came in Indiapolis I had the opportunity to work for one of the largest companies here in Indie which is Eli L great company fantastic learning and uh it taught me to be dangerous that’s why I it taught me how to be dangerous all the
Protocols of systems being a it uh project manager great training and I felt at the time it’s like checking in every day if if anything hard KN story I’m like this is not my daddy’s company every day go in there it just didn’t feel right the creativity just did not
Feel right I here again I had been 30 years into it at that time you know and it it wasn’t fun anymore so I um talked it over with my family we had a family meeting I’m like you know somebody has a cook I had you know three girls at home
You know somebody has to clean up let’s assign some jobs get some rolls mom’s getting ready to come out and flip the scrip so um my husband was on board with that and um I said the first time they come through my department it Department which was in Telecom I was going to
Raise my hand to volunteer to come out so again I’m coming out of a company that’s income you know fantastic Christmas bonuses and all of that and people like s are you sure I’m like I am so sure so um the rest is history when I
Came out in 2010 I never looked back so I came out started um first of all I went uh um Consulting I did Consulting work uh independent because I saw how they were billing Consultants I’m like wait a minute you billing me and I’m only getting paid this much so I did
That little for a little bit and then I decided to do something fun again I’d sat behind a desk 30 years of my life I want to do something fun so I took my retirement money and I bought um I decided to go into nonemergency medical so I bought a
Vehicle 4 E350 it’s about the size of a uh airport show show but it has the hydraulic lived on it for World years and I decided to do that so that was back in 2012 and I hired my son family me own business um I worked harder than I ever
Did in my life I mean truly when I say hard I was networking I was you know again coming out of a large corporation I knew you I had to Marketing sales production customer service risk management all that this was it I called it CEO me Chief everything officer for
Me so I was doing it all at the time uh and I got burnt out I think after a year and a half I got burnt out but this is my testimony through my networking which I truly believed in I got a call from Indigo M and they said Van Horn are you
Um still in transportation I said yeah and I said we have an opportunity here at the dbe which is a disadvantaged business entity again you have to what I call be in position for an opportunity and I was and um I went in for an interview to took my posy with me went
In for an interview and um was selected um for the opportunity uh to do their Open Door program so again I have been independent doing transportation for non-emergency again taking uh individuals to the dialysis uh appointments taking them to anything um if you know people worked at Walmart
Sometimes you see people in a wheelchair in the movie theater the be a wheelchair and that’s the way they would get back and forth through the Indigo special new Transportation so I was prepared I was prepared and that is just my testimony you know it’s like when you
Are prepared for an opportunity and that’s what happened I didn’t have to apply for anything or or now that’s an anomaly but it happens and that’s what I encourage my clients now to get prepared for to be in position so when that opportunity comes you know you don’t
Have to get ready you are ready so the rest is history from there um that’s you again um took my family I say from I say from zero to 100 real and uh we had uh we hired employees uh lot of the employees were Second Chance individuals and truly my best workers
They were appreciative of the opportunity they would get there on the bus themselves some of them did not have transportation but as Van Horn we appreciate the opportunity and we’ll work hard for you I never had problems just as a family on operation we treated all of emplo as family because I’m
Nothing without them I’m nothing without them yeah I I love it so um you said when you worked at Eli Lily that made you dangerous uh speak more on that because I think people don’t sometimes get that when they’re working a job you learn certain things systems and all those
Different things at the job so when you’re ready to get your own business you already know what to do so what was some things that helped you feel dangerous or things that happen that make you feel dangerous so first of all working for a company of that magnitude
And one of the things that one of the task in my job is um I was reporting or I was working with smees in other words uh subject matter experts and then virtual Assistance or assistance at that time that were from the Philippines sometimes they were virtual
And and working with them there but now that we hear about virtual assistance is you know Common Place but at the time I didn’t realize how much of a a Nuance that was you know reporting sometime I’d have to stay up late at night just to to
Speak to them and get the job done on their time what have you but putting processes in place uh again a large corporation like that is all about processes you hear Sops in other words uh system operation manuals and things of that nature and one of the biggest
Things um that individuals have an issue with now is how to delegate and working for a company like that makes you put those systems in place so again just like you came in here and set up this room if you were do a brain DP and if
Somebody if you were to give that task to somebody and have this room prepare prepared you would say you know the light switches on the left side of the door turn on the light the light you would do all of those steps you take it for granted but you would do all of
Those steps and give it to an assistant and when they come in here they would have your cameras your lighting your mics all of that set up and if a person can do that then you can delegate so again to create system systems and then to have technology around you too again
I you know I have systems in place I am geek I love technology so it’s like that’s a great mix in today’s society and so many people are lost because they don’t know how to do the brain dump or to bring that technology in place so again Systems and Technology is a home
Run yeah that that’s that is true so you said you’ve been like a a nerdy like Tech person not geek geek oh I’m sorry geek so um the computer didn’t come like when like right away so how or what made youy cuz when I was younger I was into
Computers like I remember fifth grade I actually took a computer apart put it back together and stuff of that sort um just cuz that was something I like to do um so what what triggered you to do that when you were younger that’s a good question again when they came out in the
80s I remember the Commodore and the radio back had a computer I mean you had the floppy disc and all of that that came through um it was I guess a crave it was something in the news Bill Gates CRA you know in the news and I just kind
Of followed suit of that uh and I was say my job at the time uh working for civil service the Army I came in as a computer operator so again I kind of fell into that and other say I never was a a student to me school was difficult
Honestly and I took uh my uh one of my first classes was um not uh programming but it was uh mind mapping diagramming and I made an A on that class and I’m like Bo you know and I and that’s the way I think honestly I think in squares and Bubbles and things
Of that if you come in my office and I got posted notes all over that’s the way I think in those type of you know let me draw a picture now I’m a picture type of girl so I I draw pictures and things so I excelled in that and and that just
Kind of gave me the confidence to keep running in that area because honestly I wanted to at the time when I uh came out of high school I wanted to be a newscaster I uh at the time Barbara Walters bar wa remember sing that life
They used to joke about her this is pre- Oprah uh I really didn’t want to go into news uh broadcasting and they put that camera in front of me and I like oh no I can’t do it so um again working at at Lily uh during the lunch hour they had a
Toast Master’s opportunity you know you can take your lunchtime again invest in yourself don’t eat lunch come to the uh series that we have here to train you how to be a Toastmaster and that is uh that’s was like a you know a thorn in my
Side I said I have to get pastes when people say that they can’t do something or they’re shy about something I always say are you bragging or are you complaining do you want to fix it or are you really enjoying being stuck in that I can’t do something and I know it had
Bothered me by this time that was 20 years in I’m like I’m tired of not being able to you know give a speech to get in front of somebody to give a congratulations or the speak at a funeral or whatever it’s like stop complaining about that let’s be you know
A success and uh truly anyone you know they they say communication skills again you think of um singers actors newscasters are the highest paid if you can command attention in communication to change yeah yeah so I pr you for what you’re doing thank you amen and I uh I
Took Toast Masters when I first started speaking and it was it was an experience I had to learn how to teach and not just talk cuz I I’m I can talk anytime all the time but when it’s you’re speaking and you’re getting on stage you got to teach so I
Remember I went for whatever competition it was I won the first one and then I had to go to like another one with like toast M other ones around and they were like write out your speech m i don’t write write out nothing like I write out
Stuff for the podcast and I might not use it just cuz I don’t it throws me off so I wrote the whole speech out tried to memorize it went up there and it was the worst speech I’ve ever done and I was so mad because I’m like I should have just
Been myself like I was there to take tips from them but not to actually have them be who I was and I was just mad because I’m like my speech was better than that other person’s so I remember Toast Masters cuz even though people like to talk a lot it is kind of
Frightening to get on stage like I have anxiety every time I go speak every time before a podcast even though this is what I like to do yeah it’s the number one fear they say about flying dying uh public speaking is the number one it’s kind of hard to Fathom that but it
Really you know that’s what statistics say and so many people even in our networking groups you know they say they like the small atmosphere so that they can come out and express themselves so yeah definitely so um you you did all those things you’ve been around the block working
Doing all different things you got your family on board I love that because a lot of times people don’t get the family on board and just go do something and then the family could tear you down or you could tear the family down so how did that work at home you got the
Business you successful there what what was home life like how did you balance out work in working with the family but still actually being a family well first Miss no is balance there’s to me there’s balance is hard people you know really rack their brains about being balance
Just like there’s seasons in life you got spring winter summer fall there’s no such thing as balance it it truly is I mean uh like I said I told you I delegate delegate you know everybody had a task or whatever um and and it’s it’s
Just no such thing as balance and and as a woman as a mom as a female that took a little process because you feel guilty you feel like hey this is your traditional role and shame on you for you know stepping out or or doing I guess what would be a traditional man’s
Role um but we took it from you know you have to have an AM respecting the family everybody’s on board with it this is for the benefit of us all yeah so it’s it’s one of those you know situations and I I credit my husband at the time for for
Being you know Champion to to hold it down and and taking on those additional roles you all my girls they wereing piano lessons you know just uh you know going back and forth with that and making sure that they were where they needed to be but in the end it benefited
Us all and again to leave and I’ll just back that up to give additional story on that when I was at my job I turned it into my part-time job okay so mind you I was working 40 hours a week but I did 50 or 60 hours for myself okay it’s 24
Hours in a day so we were clocking okay weekends or whatever because I wanted it that bad and one of the things I I think that I see in in U majority of clients is that they get too comfortable we got a big house two cars in the
Garage good job and you’re too comfortable even you’re not hungry one of my mentors Les Brown says you got to be hungry you got to be hungry and when you’re comfortable you know you are taking off guard when you’re giving a pink s you don’t know how to you don’t
Know how to react and that’s what really takes people into depression or whatever so you know I always tell you being with your 9 to5 start a part-time something create your own opportunity I don’t care if you are shining shoes doing nails podcasting or whatever I you know I hope
In your case even you know you you got an extra room you’re writing that room off you’ve got a magnet on your car are you’re doing something to take advantage of the advantages meaning the IRS rules and regulations that let you write it off and that’s the miseducation again
That a lot of individuals don’t get we go to these classes we talk and it’s like you come out confused because you don’t have a coach or mentor to help you now let’s take that information and walk it out you know truly we got to walk it
Out because it’s a lot you’re being dumped on this is all information for you and you still busy with your day job or whatever it’s like well what it all that mean unless you’re really motivated and that’s why I say from me coming out of a six biger job I was highly
Motivated failure was not an option for me at the you know what I’m saying and most I say I’ll say most people they are used to again if a 9 to-5 they’re used to having a supervisor or someone hovering over them if not they wouldn’t do anything so when you come out and
You’re on your own who cares if you sleep at 10 o00 or get up at 5: in the morning unless you’re motivated y yeah and that’s where the the issues happens like all this didn’t work no it’s not that it didn’t work you didn’t work it
Yeah yeah I I love that like you said take it into sports that’s how people that are championship teams win year after year cuz they’re still hungry even after they won like um when I go to my job I I I hope well I take advantage of
The hours that I need to take advantage of I’m going just say that but yeah I don’t just go and just work the job that I work I got to use the the advantage of what I got to if I got to use the Wi-Fi
If I got to stay late to um do something for work I got to or like um going to like the library over break you know people like oh we got we got a Thanksgiving break ain’t no break I’m not where I want to be there no break
Until I get to a certain spot so I I love that that you said that about working your working on you at your job cuz people don’t realize that you’re not going to be able to get out that job if you just go to that job cuz once you get
Off life happens and then you going to be like oh don’t make that excuse and I like what you said it’s it’s not it’s a you problem if you don’t fix it then who can you blame you can’t look at nobody else so I keep hearing you say clients
Um what are you what do you serve to clients and who are your clients uhuh so I am a business strategist a business coach my ideal clients are those that want to scale what they’re doing to 7 F and specifically in government contrac so um Government Contracting I I
I was listening to um you were you were talking on the on the master class and so I just got a question so when you get government assistance do you have to do what they tell you to do with that money so government assistance or assist or
Like when you get grants and stuff from the government that’s what I mean two two l so grants are grants that you don’t have to pay back that’s a different pool of the government money so the government everything comes back comes down trickles down from the
Federal okay so grants are one pot of money and they’re normally set aside are allocated for those that are 501c3 nonprofits okay that’s not what what Lane we’re in we’re in the Federal space where we um where the government so you’ve got your uh 96 departments youve got the Department of Justice
Department of Education Health and services you know all of those and they have spent uh Department of uh defense again your Army Air Force Navy or your military they buy everything everything okay and own nothing so again prisons you think about that they have to get
Toilet tissue from a vendor they have to get food from a vendor cakes pies whatever it is you know that’s one way of looking at it so again they put out a request for proposal they call it RFP request for proposal and once they put that out then a vendor that is
Registered say hey that’s in my Lane I want to uh submit for written response and put my name in the Hat to see if I qualify for that so you’re bidding so that’s the way that works the government puts out their request say I’m looking for this I’m looking for that or
Benjamin Harrison I’m looking for somebody to do grass cutting of snow remove and that’s how the vendors you know throw their names in the Hat so that’s just two sets of uh government money yeah once you know um contractual where um they’re paying you to do it the other one is the grant
Where you know it’s it’s pre money where it’s money you don’t have to repay but you have to supply the services understand so um what made you get into that again going back to my master class I’ve been train from military and um as a civil service capacity I I actually
Got a coach U to answer your question and when I told my storage like s you know you have so much background and I have a heart of serving if nothing else out of all that I do um at the end of the day I am an encourager an encourager
Just like I met you and encourage it I want to encourage people to live in your best SP just like you told the story about uh the Toastmaster and and your your speech you’re working in your gifting it just it’s off the top and that lets you know when people say well
How do I know that’s how you know that’s how you know yeah so I love helping people when you win I win and that’s the way we should be you know you know stand on my shoulders so you can see a little higher I’m standing on others shoulders
You know I’m not here by myself at all yeah so um it’s just service that’s the service being a service I I love that and I I learned that from ET Eric Thomas like to be a servant like I always kind of have been that person that help
However I can um but then just understanding that’s how you’re supposed to live like no matter even if you’re going through your go through you still got to help somebody else out cuz like you said somebody need might need to uh step on your shoulders while you stepping on somebody else’s and the
World we live in doesn’t always look like that for whatever reason uh it’s always feels like people are in competition but people like you are that um Gap that helps other people that look like us and anybody else that to succeed um talk about that for so when you’re saying in
Competition let’s talk about what we think that is why do you think people are in competition or feel that way or seem that way or move that way um I think it goes back before like way back where they cuz we still do this light skinned dark skinn or oh I’m from this
Area or oh you didn’t struggle so you don’t have room to be over here or I think it’s just how we look at other people and how the society made us look at our own people cuz we’re all equal just somebody parents did a better job
At making some money than my parents or whatever the case may be so I think it’s just you looking you’re looking at something that not and you’re jealous of it instead of figuring out how you can get there and you’re right all of those play a part but again getting in one of
The things of getting into my system or into the family of my coaching one of the things I help individuals understand is U you hear about a lot about mindset and negative mindset so we have to come in and help erase something that we say we put the onion the elephant on the
Table and peel the onion back and all that to understand where that comes from I have to know where my client it is in order do you believe that you can uh obtain or that you can see seven figures in your bank if you don’t see it then we
Have a problem from the job so we have to peel that back and understand where that block is so again when we talk about competition I’ll go back to uh transportation again um after the uh Indigo uh program we won the um uh VA Hospital Transportation so we
Transported from Gary to Tero to Bloomington all over the state working again for the VA which is federal uh transporting veterans I could not have made it if I didn’t have competive mates in other words other individual business owners in town that had Vehicles my my
Vehicle broke I got standing on side or my driver’s on the side of the road I got to get that client off all my other drivers they rolling so who am I going to call so I intentionally called on competitors but they were my compe means
I’m here for you you here for me so it’s a mindset that you have to learn how to play in the same sandbox respectfully respectfully yeah yeah and that’s my daughter laughs at me a lot when I call her gangster you got to be gangster with I mean you do it’s respect
Don’t step on my ter territory I’ll give you the shirt off my back but you know it’s all under respect yeah and I and I like how you uh said that because that’s how I feel like in the podcast world like if I see somebody else’s I might
Ask them their production is or something of that to to better myself or if somebody ask me a question I’m going to answer it cuz like you said you want everybody to win it’s you know your journey is your journey you could give somebody you could be the missing piece
Of information and that person boom that changed their life and you still where you at but that’s not part of your journey that was part of their Journey so I don’t think people realize that sometimes it’s like cuz I when I first started uh actually my first video of me
Speaking uh reposted today so that was 7 years ago and I know um thank you and I know the people that I went to Eric thas uh his he had a community and they had a meet up here it’s a lot of people that I met and they’re further on but I can’t
Be like oh man I should be where they at that’s not my journey I don’t know what they got going on and when you realize that your journey is your journey you can have I us say uh compe mates compes yeah I like that I like that all God has
For you is for you truly and it’s through that process being reading um through a process I say that building up confidence at the end of the day and that’s that’s one thing I just kind of segue off into u a lot of attention is given now to Deon Sanders coach Prime if
Nothing else that brother Got Confidence enough to share for everybody and that’s something to look at it some people say all this arrogance it’s confidence it’s confidence you have to be confident in your game and when you’re confident you can’t take nothing away I I didn’t give
It to you you can’t take what I don’t give you yep y so it’s confidence if I you know it’s just that mindset so again you have to be confidence and and that’s when when you use the word jealousy and all of that that comes from a lack of
Being confident or thinking that you cannot obtain you can yeah so either you’re looking at some what someone has as a way of saying me too I can get there I can do it y yeah yeah so to switch that thinking around is key to success yeah and confidence is is key
Like when I get on the basketball court it’s funny cuz kids they be doubting I’m like bro I do this this is what I do and I’m talking trash just like you talking trash you going to see at the end of the day why I have that confidence cuz I
Really like you got to be confident in your game or it’s like if you’re in a relationship if I’m ever I’ve not been in too many serious relationships but I know if I’m in a relationship it ain’t gonna be no God just coming and taking
My girl you you might have to be Michael B Jordan or somebody like that you still might not be able to take her but that’s the confidence that you got to have in yourself and nobody else has to understand that cuz God gave you that it ain’t for everybody else it’s for them
To look at it and be like man how do I get that so what are some other things uh mindset is definitely one thing that you work on with clients was another area that people are lacking that you huged them in I would say investing in
Yourself you said that a couple of times so again when you talked about uh I’ll go back to the uh competition and things of that nature that may be territorial even today um again my daughter and I we travel a lot we invest in ourselves on purpose uh to go to different
Conferences even now end of the year we take you know December time frame and you know mapping out the calendar already for 2024 where are we going where we speaking who’s going to be hearing that you know to be intentional on putting ourselves in the room of someone so again as we travel
Atlanta off the chain off the chain they’re helping one another you don’t have that Indianapolis is is you don’t have that feeling there it’s support now does that mean everybody no but majority yeah because they want to see you see R Rising ties right so it’s that mentality that you I know you
Interviewed U Donald for show Martin and and he’s you know taking his show on the road to Atlanta I applaud him for that it’s like sometime you got to get out of your own back oh get out of your way first of all get out of your way yeah
You have to leave mama if that’s what it takes if if you have that burning desire I know uh Napoleon Hill and in thinking Grow Rich chapter two talks about the burning desire can’t sleep at night you you wake up it this is your business is
My baby don’t talk about my baby I’m going to fight for my baby you have to have that desire and find a way to make it happen for you and if that means packing up moving or what happen do what you got to do you hear so many success stories uh
Of movie stars going out to you know California you know yeah if you want to be that it’s not here in India this is not it you want Sports then come on you you got chance in but understand what’s in your backyard and who’s in your
Backyard and who you have access to on that Underground through your network all of that’s key you have and and if you don’t understand things like that then you’re struggling it’s no feel badle for you if you don’t understand that yeah I I love what you said um
Inves in yourself on purpose but it’s funny that you said ATL Landa out of other places cuz me and Dean we just uh did myund episode and we were talking about moving and you heard it first yeah and it’s funny because in 2009 when I first before I moved here I was supposed
To move to Atlanta and it just didn’t happened that way it supposed to be me and my friend and I moved here had kids got married all that good stuff and I it’s like like you said you see a lot a lot of the people we watch on social
Media is in the Landa and they all work together they all connected nobody’s like not in competition they’re all in competition to help each other get better and I’m like I don’t know I’m have on it cuz cuz I got my son that’s the that would be the M the only reason
Like that I wouldn’t cuz I would want to miss out on stuff but if it’s the leap that I need to take to get us to where we need to as a family then I would and uh Tyler Perry and um in his movie he
Moved he had to uh leave Mama him go to Atlanta get in his car and he end up sleeping in his car for a little bit but look where he’s at now because he took that leap cuz you have to leave especially like I’m from Michigan City
My Elite was just coming to Indianapolis cuz I knew Michigan City didn’t have nothing for me now it’s like I’ve been in Indianapolis have I done everything I’m supposed to here I I don’t know so it is I um as we here D you hear this a lot on
Airplanes and always tell you to put your mask on First and there’s so much in that truly I mean as far as that goes you have to save yourself first before you can save someone else I say the same thing Harriet Tubman when she was uh
When she ran away multiple times she ran she knew the path and then she came back and got someone else you have to know the path first before you can go back and start grabbing family and friends and all of that because otherwise they slow you down they can slow you down so
There is a a lot to be said in freeing yourself first free your mind and the rest will follow it’s just you know songs that we sing Erica by do bag lady you go hurt your back you know um dragging all them bags like that I guess
Nobody ever told you what you must hold on to and as you you I’ll just say you know go in prayer about you know your decision but you you have to um make that pathway I I had to make that pathway out it wasn’t like I was asking
My husband or my family for permission God gave me a vision when God gives you then it’s on you to walk get out yeah okay I’m not saying anybody quit your job tomorrow I do that I didn’t say that everything in time everything in time but if it’s the
Burning desire you know what that feels like yeah yeah yeah yeah you just you know whatever your your manifestations are there and and uh your son grows up you know whatever or whatever that looks like it’s a process you got to you know write out know write your vision and
Make a plan yeah cuz the process is me being education I never thought that was part of the plan ever to be in school I hated school and I’ve been in school seven years so it’s like sometimes what God’s plan is isn’t yours and then he
Going to put stuff that you didn’t think you were supposed to do but on that Eric I I would challenge you to self-reflect and say who am I really who am I really like I said I do travel I do coaching I do mentoring all that but at the end of
The day I am in encourager at the end of the day so who am I communica with it’s not that you’re teacher or that your basketball who am I so that’s you know that’s something to think about yeah yeah definitely so um how does someone work with you what does
That look like what does that um Avatar or that person looks like awesome so I have individual one-on-one packages if someone wants to work with me Solo or I have group packages um that individuals can uh get in on group packages again we have masterminds that run all year long
And um just helping people to first of all identify what it is they think success is I call it Freedom you know I know what freedom is to me but what is success to you will you know when you get there so again helping them stop and
Understand what are you looking for you you want to get into business you want to get into business why well you know once we uh define success then we know what we’re going for if they’re uh com Roy I want to get into your seven figure program okay well let’s understand what
It is that you currently do do you have the capacity because I don’t work with everybody I really don’t um if you’re not willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work then uh I’m not the person for you I’m not a person for IT one of the the
Bigger things in being a business owner is accountability so again if you are say for sales I I want to make U uh X number of dollars okay and I give you an assignment for a weekly basis every week we’re making at least 25 calls you got a list that you you know
I’m checking in on you a Friday say hey let me see the list or you know who did you call who answered what was the followup and that well I didn’t get around to it okay well um are we trying to run fast or run slow here so again
Don’t blame me when you’re not doing the work that needs to happen that’s just a a BL example of some of the things you know you life gets life gets in the way but we got 24 hours in a day we do and and I’ll just say that’s one of the the
Bigger things when you come out of a job your family thinks oh they’re not doing anything I can call somebody up it’s like absolutely not you have to respect my time and you you have to say teach your family how to love you you know and
That’s all that is a mind oh I don’t want to hurt such and such feelings well there you go get rid of that baggage you know what I’m saying it’s baggage yeah yeah yeah I was listening to ET earlier and he was like you got to cut ties with
Things and people and that baggage you you know what we all know what the baggage is we just don’t want to unload it it could be your friend you’ve been friends with for 30 years it could be a family member but you got to cut ties
With it and I I love what you um were saying uh what is so you work with your daughter sometimes in certain things you do how is that as a mother daughter relationship but then also how is that as a business relationship I never never thought that we get to get this uh
Journey when she was growing up but I’ll just say uh she’s told some stories about her being on the uh vacation trips that we would go on on visits underground and uh steart speakers and some of the Underground relev tours and that helped changed her life you know
Even as a a teenager she would go on the trips and through undergrad and and just seeing and hearing the stories of uh slavery and how we overcame and and the struggles and it helped her to shape what uh she’s doing as an IP attorney to you know help individuals like
Yourself protect your business so that individuals are not taking your ideas and your Intel away from you you put it out there and people say oh somebody stole it no they didn’t steal it you gave it to them the minute you put it out there and we don’t
Know that we’re trusting thinking oh they know I’m doing this nobody take it they look I can say not everybody is is is for you so uh it’s it’s that kind of thing but it is truly a joy to uh to uh share the stage and to share the room
With my daughter she’s a excellent attorney and and very smart young lady so it’s just an honor as a first of all to have the opportunity to share time with us so who’s usually right you or her well Eric you’re trying to start something now so we going to go to the
Next question no I was just trying to see cuz I don’t think I could work with I don’t think I could work with my mom like uh being older now and I always voice my opinion cuz sometimes I I would think you like like oh it’s Mom I can’t
I don’t know I want her to have no flashbacks and knock me out or anything but I I don’t think I I that’s why I was asking to hey wisdom trumps okay don’t she won’t see this the lady so wisdom trumps I got an advantage player Advantage right yeah yeah that’s what
That’s what they say more you got more seasoning uh so what um okay I I have a segment call you won’t believe this you might not have a story but I have a story um it’s just something crazy you see something happen to you or whatever
So um I just move I don’t have Wi-Fi yet and I go I’ve been going to the library we’ve been on Thanksgiving break so I live on the south side of town never been to the library I go in it’s small but it’s the homeless drug people hang
Out so I’m sitting there and I’m on my computer editing doing you know minding my business this couple comes in I’ve seen them walking in and they start arguing and they girl like yeah why was you out there talking to that woman and this is in the library you’re supposed to be quiet
No quiet at all they they going back and forth and so she leave he come back so I guess he like sitting down she come look over his shoulder and like oh I see you see you texting people they doing this whole argu full argument in the library
Nobody no the library people ain’t say nothing and as the cuz I stayed till body it was closed they walked out together I’m like y’all did all that to walk out together standing but I’m like so at the library though I I’ve been like a library is one of my
Are two things that you like to do that most people wouldn’t know you like to do let’s see two things everybody knows I like to travel so that’s I’ve known um I like the rer skate yeah I’m very active I like outdoor activities um I I’ll just say
You know I I have a yard person but sometimes I just like it makes me feel grounded yeah yeah that’s my nothingness I am accomplishing a task but I like working in the yard it’s it’s um gyms have their place matter of fact I I um I
Have to do a shout out to my fitness trainer Miss Alicia T Fusion fit Warrior um the gyms have’t place but I just you know old school again grandmas you grandpas a working out on the form working in the field and they’re fit as they could be right they have Gils yet
Back then so it’s like if we would just come out the house and start working in the yard just a little bit doing something to be fit I mean just walk in the neighborhood or what have you so I do like that just being outside helps me
Uh be ground it I’ll put my headsets on and just creative ideas come to me that way so again um yeah those couple things can pick that that is true I I don’t work out I don’t go to nobody gym I’m not lifting weights but you play basketball yeah so I like
The out outside or the activity that’s what I as a kid that’s what I did I was outside now the gardening I don’t know I ain’t really there yet my mom the most I would do is she would make me water her plants so I know how to water plants but
Uh other than that I’m not a big Garden person yet I think as I get older I definitely going to have somebody do the yard cuz I ain’t cutting no grass but just getting outside or uh just sitting in the yard like my old place I would
Sit on the porch and just get ideas or look and see what’s going on in the world cuz for me I always find myself finding the the most random stuff happening just sitting on the porch like cuz I used to live in Harville so just imagine all the stuff I
Used to see um so what before we get into um some tips and stuff of that sort what is something either in life or your job that you that happens that people would know from your profession I think one thing I I’ll talk about um failure you know um I ask
People to redefine failure okay and not be held guil not be not be held like that’s a guilt feeling for because it keeps you stuck okay um so example um Indianapolis used to have um women Department events um in March maybe down at Mor or something like that
Or Expos and I at the time I had my travel business and um I would go down there with a vending table what have you with packages and things of that nature and um i’ come out and not make a sale true not make a sale on on a travel
Packages I I felt at the time that that was failure because of my expectation going in but it showed me that that was the not the right marketing for me yeah that was not the right marketing so you have to you know again come out and realize or
Reevaluate what what you know happened truly what happened and not s that wasn’t failure that was lesson learn it goes back to you know uh the electric light you know how many times a thousand times the Electrical uh light was uh perfected before it was ready to go
Again formula 409 that was fed 408 times that didn’t work before they came out in Formula 49 that’s how it got its name so again those aren’t failures they’re are processes that didn’t work they didn’t work for whatever them Reon so um it takes you get that mindset to help you
Understand and to Define what truly is failure and what’s not failure so I like like that that you said processes that just a happen yet like cuz I look at failures lessons of like I if I went to an event and something didn’t happen it’
Be like what didn’t I do how wasn’t I prepared let me go around and look at the other tables and see what they got going and why they’re making money ask questions a lot of times we don’t self assess and see what we could do to fix
The the problem we always looking for someone else to fix the solution and we the solution you just got to actually go back to the drawing board and figure out what it is what adjustments you need to make it reminds me I had to throw this
In my most favorite movie The WEA Rive I’m glad I hear girl so I could watch it all the time there’s so many lessons in the and everything that Dorothy wanted the Scarecrow the 10 man the lion courage and all of that they were all looking for something and
It was Toto that pulled the curtain back and showed them the wizard was just the guy back there on you know and he gave them permission sometime we need permission to run this race yeah and that’s what you know he gave them you got it all the time you you got hard you
Got courage you know you know your way Dorothy you got it you just need who’s in your front row to give you a high five and be there to cheer you out you need permission sometimes yeah definitely cuz you already you just need maybe that reassurance um to know that cuz life
Will beat you down and you still doing right and you feel like man I’m not doing enough but you’re doing more than somebody else so you just need that pet on the back or somebody to say proud of you keep going or whatever that case may
Be cuz that goes a long way uh with somebody entrepreneur on their way to it cuz life be kicking my tail and somebody they sent me a um a voice message um one of my guests India and that meant the world just to hear that little message
I’m like how do I save this so when I’m down I can go back and listen to this because that that definitely get you over the hump some days cuz yeah you might have to climb a mountain one day and one day it might be a speed bump so
You just need that that encouragement so um give me three tips on people that they have a business or they starting one but they on the fence about actually going they that N9 to5 is is got that that tug on them and they don’t want so not business people people that
Have a 9 to5 that want to step outside of that but that 9 and5 got that grip like no you not going nowhere you staying here so first of all I’d ask how bad do you want okay that comes back to that desire how bad do you want
It that determines the sacrifices the sacrifices that you’re willing to make for right okay so once we you know nor way I’ll ask somebody scale 1 to 10 where are you I’m a 10 okay all right let’s go if you’re a 10 we can this race
I can give you some tools to help you um then we’ll decide out a 24-hour day how many days are you committed to work for okay and here comes the fun for cuz it’s like you know we come up with every I won’t say excuse but it feels that way you know I
Got to work I got to you know single moms of what have single dads got to prepare for the kids we got to do school can you stay up late can you sleep 6 hours a night it will help you find some hours can you again um have books in your car I’m
I’m just saying it’s a lot of weight time in car I be waiting on the kids or whatever but I’m reading books so there’s a lot of empty space get off the phone and if you watching TV oh my God that’s ultimately don’t know that’s an ultimate no
No um yeah we can go there for a minute but again TV is bad news you hear news travels fad um band is again being in Travel St you hear about this Shi that uh I didn’t have to be on CNN to hear that somebody go news travels fast truly
So realize what the TV is doing is helping that negativity in your mind again I’m all about positive we trying to do