The robot Revolution is upon us in the very near future we’re going to be seeing thousands of robots in our everyday lives some will be purpose built and are best in a non-mobilized fixed location others are best if they can travel on Wheels and move freely
While others still are best if they can have the ability to walk in a bipedal humanoid form today we’re going to talk about robot Locomotion the various ways robots might be designed to move around with a particular focus on the wield robots this is going to be a lot of fun
As we look at eight different bosss to help us unpack all this we’re joined today by Scott Walter Scott has co-founded two robotics companies in the past and has now been doing research on the new Bots coming to Market thank you Scott welcome again thank you for having me back
Herbert all right so we’ve done many videos on Bots and we’ve pointed out the differences between the humanoid form why some companies like Tesla bot is really focusing on the human form but there’s Bots everywhere you yourself uh co-founded two companies in the past where you had these big industrial arm
Kind of bots in the factory they don’t need to move except you know they move but they don’t have to move around the location they’re fixed robots now we’re starting to see all these wheel robots um if I think of Star Wars I think of C3PO but I also think of somebody like
R2-D2 so today you’re going to tell me what environments is best to have the wheel robots or even different ways of moving so why don’t you set the stage and tell me why Lo Locomotion and how these Bots move are important okay well I mean the first thing sort of depends upon the
Application that uh you know a lot of industrial robots are fixed because they’re doing a process which is right in front of them and their size kind of appropriately for whatever it is that they need to do and they don’t need to go anywhere so they’re just bolted down
To the ground and move around and then there are these other robots that are literally called mobile robots because their task is to fetch things and move them long distances so they have to be able to move around and you want the most efficient way to be able to do The
Locomotion and that’s usually to make sure they have wheels and then you have like kind of this other question that sometimes you need to have like workspace enlargement so if I’m working in an environment right here and I can reach here and there pretty well but I’ve got to reach something way over
There in order to finish my my job I’ve got two options one is I have to have a longer arm or the ability to kind of move my base over to be able to get what I need and come back so sometimes if you don’t want to make the arm bigger or the
Bot bigger you want to give it a certain amount of of Mobility to move around and that Mobility may be easier accomplished with a legged vehicle or maybe with a wheel vehicle something like that so a lot of it will come down to workspace enlargement the other thing you want to
Remember is also they make sure that they’re Deployable so a lot of these robots that are bolted down that’s that’s only that’s the only place they can do their task and if they need to go somewhere else it’s very hard to kind of unbolt them and move them to somewhere
Else you need to put them on a buob platform or do something else it might be a bit complicated but if you have a bot that’s also sort of flexible enough to be able to work in one station and when it’s done go over somewhere else to be able
To do that that gives you sort of another Advantage now it doesn’t mean it has to be really Speedy to get over there it just has to be it’s very easy to be able to redeploy it to a different location and put it down there because
It’s not bolted down on the ground and again there are a lot of operations that these humanoid robots you’re going to be going into which requires a certain amount of movement to be able to reach behind and grab something and come in there so it maybe kind of a confined
Workspace but still the mobility is very good so those are some of the reasons and the other thing you want to do is that however you decide to choose the way it’s going to locomot around you want to make sure it has a small enough footprint you know so it’s it’s kind of
A joke of like why do you want to have the legged versus Wheels because usually the legged one’s heavy literally smaller footprint and that’s used in an engineering sense we talk about how much room something is going to take up what’s what’s the footprint it’s going
To have when we put that thing down on the floor and takes up and so if you have a wheel bot typically they might be a little bit wider and require a bit more room to maneuver around so they may not be adequate for that particular task
They will have advantages maybe on speed and energy consumption and everything else but there’s there’s always a reason that you have to optimize and today we’re going to look at all the different ways that we can have robots locomote but before we go into that I’ve
Got to I just to ask you something here Herbert and that is kind of lost in the news over the weekend um something happened that’s happened sort of twice in the past two weeks and that is the world marathoning record was broken so about two weekends ago in yes right in
Berlin uh tins aifa of Ethiopia broke the Woman’s World Record by running under 212 so she like 21153 in Berlin which is phenomenal for those you don’t know that’s like almost a 5minute pace per mile and then this past week in in Chicago Kevin Kipton of Kenya almost
Broke two hours he did two hours and 35 minute uh 35 seconds now two hours has been broken but not officially because it was a special course to be able to prove it to be done that was done by Elliot Kip chogi about I think in 2019 he did like
15940 and and that was like a closed course four laps in Vienna around there where they set that up and he had like the previous record before that now now why do I kind of bring this up what’s this got to do with robots at Locomotion
And a lot of it is the reason these records are starting to go down is because the Advent of something called Super Shoes these are these running shoes that begin to give the runners some additional boosts and some advantages in the running um that yeah they may be a
Little bit controversial but we kind of want to look into it because remember they can do everything except actually put on roller blades or roller skates you know for the most part and not allowed to use Wheels but they’re trying to find some other way to do it because
Obviously you can cover the distance of a marathon very quickly with a bicycle with very little effort compared to running but we want to see what it’s like like it versus actually having wheel but there’s one other athlete I want to bring up that in the uh the
Early 2000s you may remember his name was uh Oscar Pistorius from um from South Africa and he was born without lower legs and he was he was known as as the Blade Runner uh because he had these um special prosthetic legs that were carbon composite that were like these
Blades that went around and he could run fast I mean so fast um he was very close to like the the world records of abled Runners so it became kind of controversial I like what should this even be allowed because it’s almost like the advantage but there’s no there’s
Nothing it’s basically just kind of a spring so all the energy is coming from him so he’s not having any sort of outside energy source it’s not mechanized in any way but it shows that there are ways of being able to change running gates to be able to take the
Energy and bring it back to be able to make things more efficient so we’re going to kind of come into that later when we start looking at what are what are things we could do to make some of these humanoid robots more efficient because you know the foot
Design it’s like they’re not putting any focus on there and I’m sort of wondering he like well maybe we should start putting the Super Shoes on these things and is that’s going to change and if we do what would we have to change in the
Bot right is some is it going to be a mechanical issue or is it going to be an AI issue so okay that’s of let take look at yeah let’s take a look at the wheel robots one thing I will tell you is that I’ve as we watch all these videos of
These wheel robots and the non- wield I’m very very shocked at how uh dextrous is that the right word like how they can go upstairs they can climb things and drum down and they can do much more than you think and like you know they don’t
Just need a flat surface so let’s take a look at this one which is very impressive eth and it can take and transform many different kinds of forms so let’s take a look yes Yes yep so it can actually go downstairs you could probably do it with a Tesla but I wouldn’t recommend it it can almost walk like a dog yes it can stand up two wheels or two legs Mhm so quite [Laughter] impressive and it’s it’s kind of valid question I think the answer is uh doesn’t have hands uh and you know after seeing the eth robot and a few other the Bots are going to see I sort of changed my viewpoint a little bit on the idea of
Having whe Bots because there were some others that came out which say were kind of clunky they were just like the wheels were there with casters and they kind of moved around like I said they had kind of a large footprint and it wasn’t very convincing and of course uh we’ll
Probably queue up on a little bit the the Boston Dynamics um attempt a few years ago with the stretch bot that also had kind a very big footprint and because they really couldn’t get the balance right and they had a counterbalance and everything else it turned out to not be a very practical
Solution which sort of made it seem like well you know maybe the whole idea of putting them on Wheels isn’t such a good idea um now part of the reason you might say well maybe if they had like smaller wheels or something like that that might
Make it a little bit easier but smaller Wheels aren’t that good at going over a lot of different kinds of terrain so you want a wheel of a certain size and the question is do you want as big as a bicycle wheel or you want it as small as
Like a u a a rollerblading wheel now this eth bot as we’ll see here when it first was being taught to walk they used a lot of machine learning algorithms to be able to come to this ability for it to have great ability and balance and
Not fall over and as you can see it’s a purely legged bot without any wheels on it so the first thing they did is they taught it to walk and then everyone said why didn’t they put wheels on Optimist and I thought well there’s really no need there more complexity and
Everything else to to the B more additional cost and you probably don’t really need it for the task they’re looking at Optimus doing and then you go ahead and see that now that they’ve learned how to walk they said let’s go ahead and put wheels on it and it cannot
Only use the wheels the way you would expect it can walk on the wheels because of course they can lock the wheels into place and now you have in a sense more or less just a big pair of shoes that it’s wearing that allows it to go around
And they done had a very clever selection on the size of the wheels I had now if they decided to go with like a very small wheel it would not perform very well it wouldn’t have the speed and everything else and if they went with a really big wheel like a bicycle wheel
You wouldn’t really be able to go upstairs very well because the wheel would be too big compared to the stairs so they came up with wheels that are about the size of a stair so you can actually place it on one of the levels of the stair and not worrying about it
Um wanting to slide down or fall off so you can kind of push up on the stair as you would if you were walking what’s remarkable about this is not so much the mechanics but what they’ve done in the machine learning the the control system and there are a lot
Of videos out there I encourage everyone to look at some of the videos that come from eth explaining how they did the training and that they really are taking the entire body into account they they talk about some of the traditional algorithms you could use by looking at
One arm at a time and what’s this arm do and everything else and the body is just not able to compensate for for all the situations it would be especially a rough terrain or if it gets bumped or something else and the algorithms that they’re coming up with is giving it extremely good
Mobility and balance so it just won’t fall over and it can walk on any sort of terrain so it’s rather remarkable what they’re able to do now if we look at this bot here this bot’s going to look awfully familiar in that this is um from
Mry which is a company in China and it seems to be doing the same thing as the bot and that’s mainly because they are using the same algorithm the same approach so it looks like is licensing the the algorithms for this particular bot and they are Research Institute so
You know that’s part of their Charter is is to be able to you know do the fundamental research and people take advantage of it so these go into a lot of detailed explanations of how they’ve kind of come up with the solutions trying to figure out how to make these
Um quadrupeds walk around with a lot of simulation and a lot of iteration so it requires an awful lot of machine learning to get to that point but we know that’s how AI works is that you have many many generations of it and then eventually you get to something
Which has you know what just seems like natural kind of movement the the ability to handle any sort of environment that you’re going to expose it to and handle it really quite well so we can see that that uh we expect that from these quadrupeds and
And you there are kind of some two robot dogs out there right now there’s the famous one from Boston Dynamics uh which just walks around we we’ve seen a lot of that and there’s some other examples of them that are like them but just with
Wheels so they go around in one case the Boston Dynamic spot is pretty good for being able to you know go upstairs and go into areas it’s very difficult to go with a typical wheeled vehicle and these other Bots that are kind of set up with wheels are very traditional they’re not
Really trying to walk it’s just like oh we’re going to use wheels for Mobility which means they can surveyor around in the the parking lots in other kind of flat areas but can’t really go into the factory and upstairs or anything else so some of those will be limited those Bots
There there like The Best of Both Worlds right there so they can move around very quickly you can see they can go up and downstairs if necessary um the eth bot even has a fifth arm they can put on there they mount on there to be able to
Open and close doors and be able to to do simple tasks like you know even open up a dishwasher door and a few things like and they they’ve also been showing the machine learning algorithms for that so these Bots are becoming let’s say pretty useful and what’s most
Interesting about these wheel Bots now is how they kind of able to transform themselves into something a little bit different so in some cases you’ll see some videos where these two- wheeled Bots will come around and almost align the wheels up that becomes like a bicycle and it’s able to go out really
Narrow Path and maintain the balance so the control systems of these things are just becoming Wild and because of that it just opens up the possibilities frontiers of putting wheels onto vehicles that you or or onto Bots that you thought ah I’m not really going to
Put it on there so that question has come up many times everyone says why don’t they put wheels on Optimus or why don’t they put like Hees or something like that if you remember I think back in the you know in in the in the in the
Teens or o you know there were those shoes that you could get that actually had little wheels in there that would pop out so it would become kind of like uh uh being uh you your wheels would suddenly become roller skating around those wheels are very small and were
Only good on very very flat surfaces you start taking out something a little bit rougher doesn’t work well so you want to have something with slightly bigger wheels on them that doesn’t quite make sense for something like Optimus you want to have something that’s a little
Bit bigger right now it’s like well it’s just added complexity you’ve got to put Motors down there it’s going to be additional Mass but it might be one of those things in the future you start to think about it’s like well uh do we just turn the feet actually into wheels and
Then lock them down and that becomes sort of like the new shoe for Optimus uh instead of the normal it could be and then you do so so that’s all the possibility and it depends upon the role so if it’s Optimus has to like go zipping down the factory to pick up
Things and come back and forth that makes sense if it’s Optimist just kind of sitting right here it may not make sense it may be that it’s okay for being able to do that so yeah i’ I’ve changed my viewpoint just because looking at what they’re coming up with is rather
Interesting and we’ve got a couple others that has some strange configurations as well yeah so my observation is that like you said there’s different use cases where it’s better so you can see the dog with the feet it can handle you know the mess better it can kind of pick and Sho but
It’s very slow right it’s like go where the wheel robot can just fly it can jump over things it can climb upstairs really nicely so if you want speed and you need to move around let’s put some wheels on it uh but you said also that you need to do both that’s you
To train it how to walk anyways and then do the wheels and then you can do the thing where it becomes a humanoid robot I wanted to show uh this you were talking about boss of Dynamics and this is um yes they bought and they chose to go with the the feet Yes
Here it meant to be indoors right it’s meant to be both indoors and Outdoors and that was one of the reasons they did that right all terrain yeah all terrain allterrain and so the you know the feeling is that you know legged creatures are able to go around really
Rough terrain a lot better and it seemed like the natural thing but I bet right now they’re scratching their heads and and they’re probably designing like their next Generation to put wheels on it after seeing what eth and unry have been doing because it would make sense
Also from a power Oh Yeah from a power consumption point of you why not if it has to travel a long distance I bet it would save a lot of energy so so why not just turn those um you know those Paws into Wheels it has almost the same
Capabilities except that it doesn’t have that and you would still be able to go up the stairs so I would not be surprised if if they would be considering doing something like that as well okay let’s take a look at another bot this is Ascent Pro I’m going to turn
Off the music here and they they’re just another variations of the wheels they went with a bicycle wheel size it is funny how to maintain balance their has to make weird movements this is this is does not look impressive I mean but you see the the wheel size is almost a bit
Too big for the stairs you see that’s what I was talking about so you need to get a little bit smaller to make it easier to go in there now I think I’ve seen a couple these where it does get weird that that the two wheels rather
Than being out like that will almost go right right next to each other like a bicycle then go zipping along really quickly and and that’s just kind of wild to see that they can configure themselves that way and have that kind of balance and and it’s all these Control Systems
They controls yes and again it’s like spot can only go so fast so you can see that goes a lot faster um and it looks to me like we were talking last week about the delivery Bots that are you know getting vandalized and everything stol and you know why because they’re so
Slow and we kept on talking about is it going to be this fight ORF flight kind of thing what do they do to prevent that to happen if you can go as fast as those things you don’t have to worry about it you know zip on the problem is whether
They’re allowed to go on sidewalks or streets or something like that but for delivery bot that makes way more sense yeah so yeah so that one did not impress me but here’s another example that is interesting so it’s another two- whe bot but it has arms okay it’s not as bulky
Tiny little wheels those are too small probably you can’t go around terrain it’s indoors might be able to go upstairs yes yes it looks like you know in some kind of warehousing and it’s just clever the way it transforms that it could be small it can go underneath
Things incredible balance I it almost looks like they they took a couple of of skateboards and and said hey what if we just configure it this way make a bot out of it it’s really kind of a clever idea yeah not impressive so so it’s Thinking Out of the Box you know what
What I like is that these people are starting to come up with innovative ideas that’s going to be more specialty so it’s probably specialized for certain things it’s reminiscent a little bit of the stretchbot from Boston Dynamics of course what Boston Dynamics are trying to do with a stretch box is they were
Trying to do a real application that you have a pallet with boxes of certain size so they have to have a certain size volume this one can do some of the things that stretcher is able to do but not as much because it just can’t reach
Up that High I mean it could do a certain amount but I’m just not sure it’s really going to be able to do uh palletizing kind of applications it might be able to do some very simple fetching applications and there’s a great say R&D platform right now and
That’s where it’s coming from it’s coming out of one of the front halfer institutes in Germany which is known for a lot of basic research so uh interesting what you can do with wheel Bots the what the control systems can do now is wild as far as control and
Balance so it allows you to come up with these configurations that are truly Innovative what do you think about um the uh R2-D2 so R2-D2 seems to have a combination of both um right it has uh the wheel it has wheels which doesn’t look that I don’t
Think it really works honestly if you look at but then it also kind of have the ability to do the walking too just trying to pull the picture here it works in science fiction whether it would work in reality is hard to say so it had kind
Of the two and it gave you the impression it was able to walk up the stairs and you’d see it doing this and the next thing you know it’s like at the top of the stairs I’m not sure it really could but then again you know it’s like
Movie Magic you can do whatever you want but that is again you know the idea of combining uh legs with wheels depending upon what the use case is so so I would not be surprised we see that in there and then the question is what what do
You do in in the middle before you decide to go that way so we know when we look at Optimus Optimus has very flat feet they just come down and it’s like a flat piece of metal and it seems that it’s it’s very plotting and it’s not
Just Optimus if you look at the other humanoid Bots that are out there um from um from foer and and also from unit tree they also have sort of the same kind of of feet on the Bots that you would think is not very efficient you’d expect well
Why don’t they have a toe box or something that to allow you to get that little bit of a toe off and part of it is they’re not meant to run yet if you were running you would want to have that kind of heel toe kind of thing to be
Able to to give you the the extra speed and help you with the energy and it may be that’s just to reduce the overall complexity and the cost and trying to get the balance under control you want a very stable platform on on the ground with the
Feet but this is mean that they wouldn’t yes yes exactly so again the the feet are not very impressive you know it’s like considering everything else you look down there it’s like why don’t they have something a little bit more there why does an Optimus have something a
Little bit more there and I think they will and I think it’s because they need to learn how to be able to walk with the feet they have right now and then sorry about that yeah then the same thing like with eth you know they learn to walk first on normal pause
And then they put the wheels on it once they were able to get to that stage so you might see some changes happening to the feet going down the road and the question is whether it’s going to be sort of you know active or um responsive
Kind of feet and so what I mean by that is are they going to put some actuators or something like that to make the toes be able to to flex and push off or is it going to be something that’s more compliant with a spring that’s absorb a
Little bit of energy and gives it back and that would be a little bit easier because then you don’t have to worry about actually being able to energize the whole thing and the control that’s going to go along with it the other route they can go is again
What superoes are doing now so the Super Shoes basically took the idea of what the Blade Runner had which were these carbon composite um shape kind of Springs it was a kind of A J hook that headed there and putting that into the sole of a shoe to be able to absorb the
Energy and to give it back at the right time now the thing about Super Shoes is that they may give you anywhere from 1 to 2 and a half% Improvement in your speed but they found that a lot of Runners that first put them on um May
Suddenly get injuries so you you have to actually learn to run in the shoes correctly and a lot of the shoes are really designed for some of these Elite runners in their running style to make sure they get it right and you have to make you adapt to it now part of the
Reason to having shoes and everything else and why I think they want into it is that many times if you a runner you’re buying shoes more or less to protect you against the impact on the ground because that causes injury you know stress fractures in your feet you
Know the ankle or knee problems something like that so if you have a bad pair of shoes you’re going to get injuries these humanoid robots as far as I’m concerned they have a bad pair of shoes so they’re kind of going to be coming down and over a long period of
Time they’re going to be seeing their own joints we out they’re going to be seeing their own kind of issues uh coming in because of the repetitive nature of what’s going on as well as the floors that they’re going on I’m not sure the floors are just going to like
This kind of clack clack clack clack clack going on there so you want to come up with something that’s going to be able to um you know also not damage the surfaces that you’re on so they’re going to want to come up with something and then you will you might be thinking
Along well let’s design the Super Shoes for the Bots and we just don’t go out and buy a pair of Super Shoes and put them on there because you remember these these shoes are really designed for certain kinds of Runners and different types of running Styles and designed for
Humans but there’s no reason why some of these people at Nike couldn’t look at these BS and say yeah we’ll design a shoe for you just just go ahead and let’s just do some tests in the labs let’s see what your stride looks like this is what we’d recommend and then you
Would put that in and it’s a very you know it’s it’s it’s one of these systems that’s very passive you don’t have to worry about putting anything in it just kind of works for you because it’s going to absorb some of that energy that impact energy for you and then it’s
Going to release it in a particular way to help you with the particular gate get more energy out of it now about all you have to do is you don’t have to change the mechanics of your system you just have to teach it how to actually wear
That pair of shoes so the AI would go through and then figure out what do we have to do to adapt the bot to actually take advantage of this and maybe get you know an extra 2 3% out of it which may not seem like a lot you know you’re
Running a marathon that could be a minute or two which is the difference between breaking a world record or not breaking a world record record sometimes but it could also Save A Lot in like say wear and tear in the bot um a little bit
Of of of energy usage and um you know just being able to maybe make it go a little bit faster so it can it can walk a little bit quicker okay I mean so clearly there’s these Bots that walk on feeds some of them you wanted to run uh
You probably want feed if you wanted to be able to do anything that a human can do walk in every environment then you’ve got the wheel robots as we talk about the small wheels the big wheels uh but there’s some Bots that are doing just
Fine on a warehouse floor so if we take a look at Ka which is what Amazon uses they don’t have to be fancy if we just take a look at what they’re doing here um and this is amazing kabot yeah yeah go ahead so it it the kabot will
Probably remind you of like a Roomba you know basically it’s a soup up Roomba it has the same Mobility yeah uh and it’s it’s able to lift what they call these pods which are these small shelving units that have all the items that they need to pack and it means the Warehouse
Can be extremely Compact and they can move around the warehouse many ways so if they are not carrying a load they can actually go underneath everything so they can take shortcuts to get to their destination by going underneath the shelves once they’re loaded they have to
Get out into a road and uh do the movement that way you know where where they have a wide enough lanes and then there’s like some incredible intelligence behind this what is really a hive that’s moving all these things around to get it to the Packers in time
With what they need now if you’ll kind of notice I’m not sure how they organize what’s on the shelves how random that is so if you need one particular item they bring the whole shelf out to the Packer which is rather amazing and and now so
Those are those are Bots and if you know if you’ve listened to Kathy Wood she’s talked about the the number of robots going into Amazon and everything else she has mentioned that Amazon is deploying a thousand robots a day okay let me repeat that a th000 robots a day that’s how many
And it’s those Bots that they’re they’re putting in there those Ka Bots because uh they want to have several million within a couple of years which means a thousand a day they can do about 365,000 Bots a year at that rate so I mean it seems insane when you talk about a daily
Rate but in order to get to a couple a million you would have to deploy even more per day if you wanted to do that in one year so that’s why they have so many of them because every time they build the warehouses they’re doing this
Because it seems to make sense for them uh and they’re designed specifically for the job I think they might have about six wheels underneath them and you know the wheels are probably not much bigger than that or something like that they’re not the huge things so whole idea is to
Be very small I think they can work for close to eight hours I know they you know every now and then they they get a boost charge when they’re sort of done bringing these things around um but you know obviously very mobile specifically for that particular task the warehouse
Do also designed for them so it’s not like what the old carts would have been for someone going out and then picking items off and everything else so that means they can put more stuff into the warehouse that’s the first thing the density but all it is is just very
Specific yeah there’s pick they look like they’re separate yeah yeah the pickers are station it used to be they had to walk five to 10 miles a day to find all the items they needed so they had to like go here then they had to go running over there and
Something else so the is like bring it to them so they just sit there and they’re just constantly pulling things off of a shelf the next time they turn around oh it’s a new shelf you know it just keeps on moving and so the AI behind that is also rather amazing on
How they were able to program it but you see sometimes you can come up with something simple because it’s so simple you can scale it to an incredible amount and and and and that warehouse if they need to make it bigger they just like you know add a little bit more that’s it
It’s incredibly scalable yeah that’s what we started with but I think that the combination of you know the ability to be a picker and move movable will allow it to do more things but you don’t need to over engineer it like this guys did they’re doing very well in their Factory yes so
Let’s uh let’s show the pick so when you when you even see the pickers I mean the one thing you noce is the Picker is not like this yeah they still need to move a few few feet here and there so they still need mobility within it they just
Don’t have to go five miles so they always have an item right there that they’re able to get which is why they have incredible efficiency let’s take a look at this uh Disney bot which I thought was kind of cool obviously it’s not meant for Locomotion but it’s meant to just be small
Movements probably in a home ument b y entertainment bot yeah I I think you know it’s it’s partly for entertaining it doesn’t have arms that I can say there but they’re also trying to you know make sure it doesn’t fall over and I don’t know if
They plan on on selling it yet you bet they’re going to have a TV series around it no doubt about That but apparently they spend a lot of time on emotions yes and I think to make it more endearing they’re probably trying to use some sort of AI um to to have it learn how to walk and they will probably put it in challenging situations just to see
How it responds because you know it’s just going to trip every now and then or not what to do in a certain situation because hasn’t seen it and sometimes it’s the unprogrammed things that are funnier than if they reminds me of Empire Strikes Back the Walkers and
That’s why they went in the in the forest but um you know I always think that the science science fiction has called it right we’re going to probably see all the things we saw in Star Wars and Star treack what’s your thinking about that oh yeah yeah we’re getting
Closer and closer you see The Inspirations has coming from science fiction and you a lot of times you think that that’s never going to happen or it’s not going to happen in my lifetime and now you’re starting to see it and you’re seeing it coming really really quick and
What I like about this is that the interest is not just focused in one company there’s so many people that want to do it and you you see it around the world you know so these examples we had Switzerland Germany China the us we’re seeing it you know obviously in
Entertainment we’re seeing it in Industry they’re there’s there’s there’s no doubt about it and you know whether it’s going to be Tesla bot or not we don’t know but it’s not just Tesla bot there’s a really interesting competition heating up and yeah 20 you know 2024 is going to be
Pretty interesting because I think a lot of these things are really going to start coming you know agility is uh you know starting their production and they’re going to be selling them already so we know they’re going to be starting to hit the markets in one way pretty
Sure that Tesla will probably be having it you know deployed in some of the factories ready that’s my feeling they’ll have something there I think Beyond just testing it but maybe actually doing some real useful things and then who knows what some of these others are going to be doing so they
Will become part of our daily lives and maybe it be through the Disney bot you know maybe that’s going to start to be under Christmas trees if not this Christmas maybe the one after it we’ll see wow that’s cute okay well thank you so much Scott that was good I mean we
Took a look at a bunch of wheel robots various sizes of Wheels we took a look some bipedal small ones we saw the keas which are purpose built they can just move and lift things and that’s about it and then there’s these small tiny ones and then we saw of course the humanoid
Bot so there’s going to be room for every one of these and maybe there’s even different kinds of locomotion maybe a snake model I know that the what is that the lab in romela in the University of uh UCLA Dr Hong and he has seven different robots all of them have
Different ways to move so they’re all probably going to come to fruition right I mean you know yeah and and there’s also swimming Bots and everything else that people working on so you’re right and then of course a lot of the drones that we see up in the air are flying
Bots yeah so lots of way of doing doing Locomotion uh more than just walking and today we just want to think about okay feet versus Wheels when does it make sense and what’s the best way to do it and I think don’t know that yet but boy
The researchers are working on it yeah yeah what we saw here is that Wheels can do way more than we I I thought anyways it’s pretty impressive what they were able to do with it okay yeah me me too CH change my my point of view on that I
Appreciate you thank you very much see you soon Okay