Her story inspired people all over the state including an elementary school and its students from a place Tate and Timothy had never even heard of tonight Dayton who’s made in a major recovery after a roller skating accident got a chance to say thanks in person but
Doesn’t matter if she’s a need that I want to help her it was just last month we introduced you to Sophia Johnson an 11 year old who spearheaded dolphins for a dollar at her school in West Haven after hearing what happened to Titan he was skating Bacher’s didn’t see her and
They happened to bump right into each other the freak accident at the rollerskating rink left Titan with a skull fracture broken vertebrae and eye injuries she was in the hospital for more than a month the kids at canes ville elementary nearly 200 miles away raised four thousand dollars for her
Medical bills and today Titan and her mom made the trip north to say thanks she was so excited to see him but Kaysville Elementary wasn’t done surprising tales Zak vigil is here came walking out and he gave her a side football his sighing gloves are Utah native and rookie with
The Miami Dolphins vigil says he’s honored the school thought to ask I knew she was a big Dolphins fan and just glad I had the opportunity to reach out and give back a huge Miami Dolphins fan the look on tames face says it all she was speechless that’s sweet
Titans eye injury is healing and she’s working on her short-term memory but her mom says otherwise she’s back to normal and anxious for doctors to give her the all-clear so that she can run and play like any other six-year-old as you can imagine