New York City during the holidays it’s fairly sunny it’s fairly warm winter but I made a Christmas documentary all throughout the city trying to learn why New York City is so magical during Christmas time and I was joined by an amazing collaborator G gato who we’re going to walk around today with and
Here’s G I’m right here so G and I worked on a Christmas documentary scouring through Midtown Manhattan trying to find the answer as to why the magic of Christmas is so explosive and wonderful here in New York City and how was the entire process oh
It was awesome I mean it was so cool to be able to talk to so many different people and really hear the voices of New York City yeah so right now we’re going to right now we’re going to walk around Wall Street all the way down to Brookfield Plaza we’re starting right
Now by the fton fish market the tin building and we’re going to talk about making the documentary and enjoy the sites along the way let us know where you’re watching from and let me show you the views of Brooklyn right behind us and right over here we see Brooklyn over
Here welcome everyone nice to see you here uh hello your track hello Kevin hello Alicia Eno syia let me know where you’re watching from welcome welcome welcome everyone right now we’re seeing news of Brooklyn we’re seeing the gigantic old buildings by the pier beautiful Brooklyn Heights which is also
Wonderful to visit during the holidays a lot of people decorate their homes very beautifully and the huge ominous Tower of Sauron I mean the Brooklyn Tower which is right over here in downtown Brooklyn with its allseen eye I mean a penthouse uh it’s a beautiful place to
Visit and then over here we have the New York City Ferry passing through and here we have huge concert venue which also hosts a lot of different restaurants as well and the FDR and we just came out of the tin building which are going to see
In a vlog that’s going to accompany the documentary because we mostly stuck to Midtown in order to learn about Christmas uh but we have a vlog that also covers downtown uh which I highly recommend watching right after the documentary premieres close to Christmas day stay tuned for the official
Announcement of it uh but before we walk around let’s show people a clip of it yeah let’s find a clip from the dock so G shot it at what type of camera um this is a a Sony a6400 uh mirrorless build and then it’s
A Tamron 17 to 70 was our main lens that we used for it um and we shot in 4k uh H you know 30 frames I don’t know how how techy everyone is out there next time we’ll get in 8k I’ll be so detailed they’ll blind you I’ll need needs a bigger
Computer let’s find a we want a clip from the inter intervie hello Susie welcome yeah yeah let’s find let’s show an interview yeah let me find an interview shot uh hello Susie hello Reverend Jenny osario welcome La welcome Alisia watching from Jackson Heights Queens o nice to see you here Ron is
Here as well ma is over here nice to see you chaotic Ranger haven’t seen you in a while here’s some of Megan okay let’s see if we can get yeah just some shy let’s see there we go yeah this is um the Megan daily if anyone recognizes her
Yeah so I I did recently a live stream with the Megan daily uh and she was amazing and let’s pop up a different interview day one Ron says I was informed that a Reddit post uh was uh you appeared on reddit’s popular page I did recently uh
Because my topof the rock video for some reason went insanely viral and right now it’s my record of most views on the video which is about 37 million views on Instagram alone plus 4 something million on Tik Tok uh plus a million almost 2 million on Facebook so nearly 43 44 million
Views on that one video and it’s spreading with a lot of other people VI Viola Davis uh re-shared uh that video and they got also a few million views and uh Reddit for some reason shared this video and it’s getting a lot of views uh I think they did credit me but
I’m not 100% sure um but when it comes to social media sometimes uh things share are shared Beyond one’s control this the harpist so we interviewed an amazing harpist Kristen Copley who um works as the principal harpus for the Christmas Spectacular and it was awesome interviewing her because she had such a
Great perspective on the magic of Christmas so how was it uh meeting all the these people around New York City oh it was so it was so great I really feel like uh you know just being able to hear from the different voices especially from people who work during the holidays
You know like New York is only as good as its people like we all make it run so it’s really nice to be able to talk to those people that kind of really are impact that magic yeah and pop up a clip also of Rocka Center oh yes
Yeah so soon we’re going to start walking around but if you have any questions about how it is to film a documentary it is a documentary because we it’s not just me walking and talking like I do on live videos but we’re interviewing a variety of people around
The city as well and um G is going to use her editing magic to immerse you into the world of New York City Christmas here’s just the Rockefeller Center during the oh there’s the tree can you see it oh my gimal sorry ising out Rockefeller Center everyone’s
Skating there we go perfect yeah all right let’s walk around yeah nice let’s do it hello Lord Manor let’s walk through this way and we’ll go around this way hello Ron hello Suzy um hello Joseph and got got is got derived from cat yes it means cat in
Italian it does yes yes so I come from a long line of cats I forgot there’s music here but let’s walk around this way uh yeah come you come a long live cat’s nice hello Brett Hello uh Ron let us know where you’re watching from and
Um downtown has a lot quite a lot of stuff to offer which is it does it’s it’s great to beat the crowds you know people are still here but it’s nothing compared to what Midtown is like right now exactly you can find G gato at gato
On YouTube and also on Instagram yep and Tik Tok and Tik Tok Facebook I’m all the things all gato G videos and she’ll be tagging the video as well yeah here we see people taking photos Alicia says I always enjoy your videos yeah Greg we right thank you so much
Alicia right by we’re right by the tin building right now which we had um and slight spoilers slight spoiler how was the food I thought the food was wonderful um I I’ll say what we got it’s okay uh in the Vlog that we just filmed
One of the meals we had was Crepes um we got two different Crepes a Savory and a sweet and we both ended up being on team Savory yes exactly with the beautiful egg yes inside you’ll stay tuned you’ll learn you’ll learn more about breakfast as
Well in New York city so right here we have beautiful views of the Brooklyn Bridge yeah this is one of the best public parks just coming to be across by the water truly is the fact that they put so much seating here as wellable seating with all these benches yeah you
Could pee here Peak peak times and S a seat yeah yeah exactly also this like side is pretty hidden it doesn’t always get super crowded yeah and look at these marvelous views Kristoff says nice Green Jacket thank you so much Kristoff Janice watching from liic Janice we won’t tell
Your boss that you’re watching during work don’t worry hello uh Gary watching from Edinburgh and right here we have beautiful Brooklin Bridge the views of Dumbo right behind us K says it doesn’t so cold no it’s pretty warm for winter time yeah definitely it’s been it’s been pretty warm right
Yeah it’s been well I would say the past few days were a little colder than today today I feel like you get some of that sun coming in which is really nice ex yeah mhm so uh Wendy says I so got to go back here you you should Wendy it’s 100%
Worth coming to and how is it shooting in uh New York City oh because it’s very hectic also it is you know in the crowds you know you you kind of elbow to Elbow but it’s nothing like uh you know Subway on a on any day so it’s nice people I
Think people are nice about cameras here you know from across the world I think people are used to people filming all the time which is good which is good yeah yeah it makes things easier and luckily we were able to film in places in no no issues
Whatsoever and um Joseph says can you go to PEC slip PEC slip you know I don’t know off the top of my head where PEC slip is but we’ll show you the what used to be the slips right over here by South Street seport and Jazzy from Pitts B and
Colleen and Carmen from sunny California nice and then um have you done long form documentary yet you’ve done short form right before um I’ve done like uh not not something at the length of of 60 minutes I’ve done more closer to like a 30 minute um docu style type stuff oh
Cool cool and who are your Inspirations because you you showed me a few cool YouTube channels um yes so I would say the YouTube channel that we always slip her name yeah I keep forgetting care car ah I I I maybe I could try and find it
Check it out yeah um there’s a YouTuber that we both really like who puts out phenomenal documentaries but for some reason her name just always slips in my brain it’s one of those names sometimes that’s a bit hard to memory it’s like a Joseph says it’s one block north okay we’ll see is
Ah we’ll show you a little bit all right let’s go over here Nick Michelle Carr Michelle Carr yeah Michelle Carr I love Michelle Carr despite constantly forgetting her name every single documentary that she has put out I absolutely love she’s just the most talented individual I mean she
Stars in The Docks so she produces them and she works with post on them and she you know her themes are trying to do something over course of months and the one that I had originally shared with you was her trying to become um a boxer
And it’s just she doesn’t you know like that’s crazy like you just go from like not being a boxer to being like I’m going to get in the ring with a professional what that’s nuts and uh this past year I’ve been very really dedicated to Bringing uh high quality
Documentaries over to urbanists uh what do you think how do you think documentaries have a place on YouTube oh 100% I think think that YouTube has evolved so much over the years and that documentaries are definitely where it should be headed because I it just it
Has the space for you know more valuable content and and I I think that that is it’s really Paving its way out and I mean Michelle car say she’s the one who’s really paved that path for everyone as well exactly yeah that’s right that’s right so here we have one of the slips
He uh Gary says I wonder if arel should be modeling his uh docu presenter style that he has right now on Scottish TV because I am dressed I’m dressed rather Scottish because I have CU of the wool coat W coo wool uh sweater vest as well funny hey Ariel nice to see you
Here Ariel send the $10 Super Chat thank you so much Ariel appreciate it thank you for tuning in the executive producer Alicia says I love documentaries oh I’m so glad you do Alicia that’s awesome to hear yay and then what type of Vlogs do you
Do on your own um I do food and travel so uh if you follow me you’ll leave hungry and want to go out and explore the world right and recently you did Leon France as well yes yes so I’m currently doing uh a backpacking series
From a a 16-day trip I had in Europe um and the spoiler is that my next stop is Leon sh don’t tell anyone because Paris is already Premier Paris is premiered um but that is my next stop so you know here uh but it’s coming soon how was it
Uh posting the Paris videos oh incredible I loved Paris I was uh you know there for 3 Days uh the beginning of my journey and in general I just I I love France France yeah what do you enjoy most about it I think the culture is phenomenal there’s this beautiful
Social culture where people they’re just out all the time and they’re just there’s more Community then I think you really realize even as uh someone traveling you know you can feel so like engulfed in everything which is really nice and then Susy says I miss I I truly
Love documentaries but I miss your live streams any IC live streams specifically don’t worry I will be live soon in timbuk to uh oh you mean New York uh uh you’ll see you’ll see it [Laughter] today so right now we’re passing through South Street SE Port hello uh DS says um
What was the top um what was the top thing about the observatory near recent short the beam which is a new attraction that goes 10 ft up is uh highly recommended benwa from France benan from France and Brett says I agree Ariel has the best Channel than than you so much
Well G has helped a lot with the short videos in the past few months um how was it editing those shorts because some of those stories were like 3 4 minutes and you condens them into one minute yeah it’s I mean it’s such a fun editing challenge because you know you have to
Be so selective to be like the story is great at 4 minutes but it has to be one that’s just the nature of the social platform um so it’s a lot of fun to kind of craft that story and really kind of play with what elements you can do to
Kind of fill in those gaps and get that pacing perfect exactly yeah yeah it is it is truly an art um and I’m really always determined to make fast-paced mhm history crammed short videos yeah because a lot of people complain that a lot of short videos don’t have too much substance
Yeah and by shorts if people don’t if people don’t know I’m referring to YouTube shorts Instagram reels and Tik toks yes and Facebook groups um yeah a lot of them don’t have too much substance no they don’t I mean it’s one minute and so and people think you can’t
Really add substance to it no I mean one one one minute is long and short at the same time right precisely and Colleen Daniel says uh living their best lives indeed all right watch out hey food plane says um Diaz says any update on the documentary so Christmas
Documentary edited by G over here and filmed by her is coming out close to Christmas Day G has a super tight deadline yep yeah I should actually probably go two weeks a little bit less than two weeks about a week and a half um but the Athens urbanist will quickly
Come around early 2024 we’re editing all the episodes so they all come out in uh week to week I don’t want you guys waiting a month for each new episode and Alicia says have fun definitely we’ll do Laura says hello and Susy says will your Christmas documentary be fastpaced or slow you
Know this is a great question will it be fastpaced or slow um we are not going for Tik Tok pting nor we’re going for vlogging Style no um so how would you describe the editing Cadence that you’re aiming for I would say that it’s um you’re not going to know the pacing
That’s what I think it’s going to feel like because it’s it’s going to definitely have a slower Pace but I don’t think it’s going to feel slow that’s my goal at least is for it to kind of feel like you’re putting on a cozy Christmas movie you know exactly
That’s what Michelle Carr really does really well yeah is U mastering that balance between something you take in and also it’s fast enough to keep people’s attention exactly yeah yeah that you kind of forget you’re watching it for like 40 minutes kind of that’s the ultimate goal to make people forget
They’re watching has to be paced in the way that you forget you’re watching because if you’re watching something super quick and fast like some YouTube vloggers like Logan Paul you totally know that you’re watching a you you you don’t forget yourself while you’re watching Paul you’re like stressed you’re
Stressed he does a great job but it’s a very specific style yeah that’s like a Mr Beast video you have to watch it three times to actually understand what happens that’s exactly right exactly right what camera’s uh gho holding so tell us one more time yes so this is a
Sony a6400 and then I have a Tamron Lens it’s 17 to 70 so we got a nice little uh multifocal range uh it’s in their mirrorless line uh it’s a crop sensor but I think it works great we use it to shoot the dock MH mhm absolutely love it
Yeah and you get that very beautiful bouquet yes yes yeah it’s 2. um 2.8 yeah so you can really get that nice blur and especially if you zoom in you’ll get a nice a nice uh uh blur behind them which is was really awesome and then Jer says
I like Bal and bankrupt style when it comes to Vlogs which are very Bare Bones editing what do you think about Bare Bones editing obviously you’re a professional editor so you’re providing a service that goes beyond the Bare Bones yeah I mean I think that be bones
Is an art I think that um it has its time in place and when you have have good barebones editing I would say it’s a gift to the editor um sometimes sometimes easy job well I I wouldn’t say it’s an easy job I would say that the every editor’s least and favorite fa
Phrase uh is fix it and post you know it’s a wonderful challenge to try and try and take something that maybe didn’t come perfectly and make it better um but it’s also means that you know you have more to do so when you get that barebones editing it means that everyone
Did their job right that’s right that’s right hey and uh Gary says I both I think both of you need to try a Christmas British pantomime pantomim is the like the Broadway shows that they do in local Villages and smaller cities the UK yeah and um f uh Diaz says what’s your
Favorite place that you visited so far uh first in terms of food and then second in terms of General travel oh um foodwise what’s my favorite food City aside from New York aside from New York um okay so for America I would say Portland Maine um if you’re from New
England you probably would disagree that it’s underrated because you probably know it’s wonderful but if you’re not it’s definitely underrated love Portland Main for food internationally um I would say it’s hard to beat most cities in Italy um I’m a bit biased cuz I’m Italian
Um but food wise yeah I mean the food of Rome is incredible uh which some people don’t agree with but I do think that Rome itself has a lot of hidden gems um I 100% agree to me Rome is one of my favorite food cities yeah the four
Classic dishes pasta dishes are the best thing you’ll find in terms of pasta and um on my most recent trip um another spoiler I went to Naples and that I would say surprised me the most I think the culture and the food again and underrated it’s a highly visited city
But not as much by um I feel like a lot of Americans don’t go there as much and I already want to go back so and um let’s see if we have other questions it’s a great question DS thank you so much for asking uh Laura says I can’t wait to see
The um Met Opera part because Laura was so kind enough to connect us with some choir singers yes that was so nice of you how were how was it interviewing uh you filmed me interviewing the choir singers how was doing that oh it was awesome they were so wonderful their
Voices are phenomenal absolutely and yes we do get them singing M yeah sorry another spoiler uh yeah no the challenge is that the met we couldn’t get access to the Met Opera that is so we won’t be able to show the inside of the Met Opera Al they’re pretty probably strict with
Copyright but how do you usually work around that as an editor yeah so so you know copyright laws are tricky um but there are certain things that are in the public domain that you can lean on um and use and then you know exteriors tend
To be freefor all as well so at least you can kind of create that Ambiance and that feeling of where you’re at um if you can’t know exactly go inside exactly yeah precisely there’s other ways to tell the story without always yeah uh not necessarily always directly showing the thing yes exactly
So uh aside from that what was your other favorite interview we’ll mention one more one more to not spoil the entire thing yeah right hm what was my other favorite interview um I think Keith’s was pretty cool cuz I just think that he’s he’s
Doing a lot for the city um so that was Keith Powers he’s the councilman uh for what what’s the part of the city again I forgot the exact District number you will you will find out in the documentary um but he represents the district that goes from from midtown
East all the way up to Carnegie Hill mhm yeah and I just think that you know him as a person he’s just awesome he just really he cares a lot about that area and I think what’s really cool in regards to the documentary is his where he’s stationed directly impacts the most
Heavily foot trafficked part of Christmas and the holidays in New York City um so he deeply cares about what what that place that area looks like he’s also a native New Yorker too yes he is went to the same high school as BAS crazy so right here let’s take a pause M
So right here we’re at Fon beautiful fton gets busy during the day but when you come here at night it tends to empty out and here we have the Beautiful One World Trade Center know and the world World Trade Center usually people call the Freedom Tower but that has never
Been the official name is this the colloquial name I don’t think I knew that yeah because Freedom Tower was only one of the proposed buildings by Daniel Le skin he lost that proposal yep uh so they never officially picked up the name right okay that makes sense but it is 7
1776 ft High yes that is like kind of kind of cuckoo bananas I’m sure that was an architect’s nightmare suie says I I P I passed your store a lot less ah a lot less over right here Susie you shop here a lot excuse me and uh food PL says uh a
Lot of old faces here good to see you guys yes yes you you’ll recognize uh G uh from the food videos I did food short videos I did last year and a series of live videos last year almost this time last year yeah crazy are we stopping for a bite to eat
Well we could show you a black and white cookie yes you guys want learn about black and white cookie mhm it’s my favorite are you team um uh chocolate vanilla very careful with the word there yes I was like one cookies is a very tricky cookie
Te um so it’s name by a child I would say I don’t I don’t taste the color to me it’s all the same it’s all the same okay non-politically I’m definitely chocolate all the sides of the cookie are have their own merits they’re all amazing I love each side okay yeah all
Right we’ll take a bite down the middle let us know your thoughts on the cookie um Susie says I got to go to the one on Broadway oh cool in terms of a lot less was Pokeball so in terms of downtown downtown’s tricky as a tourist what do you think
Should one be eating down here down here honestly the T building I think impressed me the most I would say that previously um I would have been like leave the area cuz I for food you just like I well um yeah if Joe’s is good for a quick
Bite yeah exactly test Pizza is a solid good yeah yeah yeah um but like in general you might like you might as well just go to like Chinatown you know you might as just go to Chinatown if you’re down here you might as well just go over there for
Some food but the tin building is a really nice option because it’s right there it’s right at seport so I feel like that’s a good that’s a good option because we are close to Chinatown it’s only a 15minute walk exactly yeah Chinatown not that far and everything in
Chinatown is good it’s hard to find a Bad Bite in Chinatown and if you had to squeeze in a fast food what would you say fast food here fast food I mean Joe’s like yeah I mean this was like what like a not even an 8 minute walk
Exactly you know and look you see the line packed yeah wow there is a line this time yeah it’s so famous wow I’m so shocked that it’s so full mhm because there’s not as many things to eat down here that’s my guess and also it’s a big touristy time everyone knows
Joe’s because Joe’s is good I mean listen some people have their preference I’m a Joe’s gal I feel like Joe is great for quick New York slice uh for brunching there’s a great brunch place around the corner called suited oh I’ve not heard of that um and that one is
Solid just casual is fast and it’s great quality mhm yeah and then um there there’s like a Jamaican place which I never tried oh co that always has a line around it let’s check it out let see how it is Wendy says treat us all let’s go in it’s a bit two packed
Unfortunately does a Jo some Joe’s does sound good right now yeah right when does a New York slice never never sound good you know it’s always good Nina said just tune in location please right now we are in beautiful downtown the financial district fton Street ooh this is new seven Street Burger
Seven Street Burger oh my go so they’re I mean the I used to live near the original location and it uh it’s icon I mean people love it for for their Smash Burgers uh but that’s so funny they have a f dye maybe F Dy is up and coming for
Food all right I I don’t know let’s try it out let’s go let’s see if there’s music music okay it’s okay we’ll try somewhere else too much music inside darn copyright Susie says I lunch not brunch lunch what’s lunch I just eat more eggs and more
Bacon for for the midday so does she linter not [Laughter] dinner um Gary says M Burgers yeah so I’ve tried seven seven Street Burger before on a live stream last year when I roamed around Soho ah they’re up to $150 oh Two Bros oh no it’s no longer a dollar pie that’s
So sad I did a video on Dollar Pizza in New York and when I filmed earlier this year they were still a dollar these are the guys let’s see if they’re still open they are still open all right we’re going to try a bike okay cool entertain
The guests out here as I buy something in okay hello everyone uh yep we’re still in five die hi chicken getting us a bite to eat inside let’s see oh I’m just show this is classic New York trash we’ve got going on here maybe we’ll show you a
Little over here yes three sides which one can I CH choose right here okay uh I’ll have coming in here R and rice and beans yeah I’ll have the pasta let’s go in and then what is that there what inspired me to start my own channel oh I’m a huge
Foodie and also I love to travel um so you know I kind of put it together I also work in production so part of it was because I was like I want to make more um thank you for asking it was very nice of you oh hello
Wendy I am I’m curious as well Nina what uh what do you not like about brunch Susie I will say I also have a LoveHate relationship with brunch because sometimes I just want lunch and I can only get brunch uh yes Michelle car was the name
Of the channel that inspired us or me um that’s correct if you don’t know her definitely check her out her stuff is like should be on Netflix um which I don’t even know if that’s a fair thing to say it’s just phenomenal there’s no should be everything belongs on YouTube
Uh because if it’s a video you want to put on YouTube it deserves to be there um who’s taking your food order aloha oh hi you enjoyed my Europe photos oh thank you greetings from uh Newcastle soob bar not heard of there nice let’s see what else you got
Other views this way more into fiday the buildings go very North down here which is cool uh smell of chestnuts R you know you do get the smell of chestnuts when you get a you know see a nuts cart uh in the city I’m turning around turn it around here
We go so this place usually during lunchtime has a line around the block um because it is a very famous uh lunch spot uh for a lot of office workers here it’s classic I think it’s like classic soul food SL uh kind of Caribbean food and um looks really fresh and really big
Portions I spend right now 10 bucks wow this is very heavy so let’s um find somewhere around here if we can yeah maybe over here take the camera over here yeah stuff so good value yeah definitely good value oh this subway station has a Christmas tree it does yeah it’s one of
The oh my God wait this we got go around sorry this is the nicest subway station it is a nice subway station yeah dang so feel ask any questions about the Christmas documentary editing uh the behind the scenes of making videos I need as we uh we’re going to conclude
With one more stop we’re going to go all the way to the Oculus yes but first food or at least a few bites always first food oh so gorgeous yeah this is crazy usually they’re like very not appealing subway stations but this one feels like the lobby of a a nice
Building it is oh that’s cuz it is but it’s nice a bench okay let’s go over here okay if you can uh wom the camera a little bit longer as I show this before we both bite into it try and take my camera my WR all right so
Here we have wow basically half a chicken oh my goodness uh we have some uh rice and beans some pasta and some um potato salad wow carbo Lode yeah car I I was temp to get green beans or broccoli it’s totally okay I so carbol out all
The time I decid to just go for all carbs so let’s let’s take a bite I’ll take a bite first oh that looks awesome skin oh my God a little bit of pasta stra out nice and warm comforting on a cold day great for for uh lunch M wow
Yeah super tender chicken just melts in your mouth and let me try the pasta on its own that is incredible chicken very juicy too what um Cuisine was it again I think it’s like s Fu SL Caribbean oh okay yeah that’s awesome but it’s not
Spicy yeah oh I don’t I like spice it’s okay it’s just hot oh W great pasta very soft very nice and um kind of melts in your mouth as well and try a little bit of this potato salad yeah great salted potato salad I like this all right nice let’s give it a
Try okay let’s get some of this chicken oh this looks awesome look at that wow chicken a little rice I’m for the price it’s it’s it’s uh blow my mind oh that’s so tender it feels like it’s been cooking all day exactly yeah or feels tastes it’s delicious let me try
Some of the potato it’s very rare to find the chicken that tender no that tender that’s not like a restaurant that’s just like a classic nice potato salad nice nice combination the cold potato salad goes good with the warm chicken and rice let me try some of the Pasta that’s what I thought it was going to taste like it kind of T it tastes like a side of a barbecue the whole thing feels really comforting but I think the star of the show is definitely the chicken this is the chicken yeah the
Chicken is the star of the show it’s so tender So Soft it’s something that you usually usually don’t find for fast food at least here in New York City turn chicken cuz a lot of fast food chicken tends to be a bit more on the drier side
Yeah no definitely wow okay I want to get a clip um of for behind the scenes yeah yeah go for yeah so for the Vlog we’re just going to do Susie says pass the knife and fork around it’s all yours okay well behind the scenes for the Vlog hey
Everyone Vlog coming out yes this is inception if you’re watching on live you’ll see this clip eventually in the Vlog there maybe your name’s popping up we just had some food and we’re going to continue on our day let’s do it it’s a little behind the scenes for you have
One more bite and then back it up mhm so let us know what’s your favorite lunch spots for people who are local to this area because um well not local necessarily living but also working because I know I have quite a few urbanists that work down here like Susie
Do let us know yeah if you have anywhere in FY that you like I always found it a difficult um Food Spot which is why I thought going to the tin building today was just so fun but this is definitely a good spot to remember especially you said that was
$10 that’s crazy $188 so you didn’t have to add the tax it’s okay bite delish oh one more B ah so amazing the chicken is Juicy and tender thank you for asking I’m going to finish this right after someone wanted to know the name again of the place we’ll see it we’ll
See it once again okay I I forgot the name don’t worry about it I just thought I’d ask they don’t they don’t have a sticker here yeah they don’t all right okay cool let’s investigate the name shall we yes if you can man the camera just a little bit of course no
Problem and here there’s the Hanukah oh yes all holiday we got a manora those are just trees but there was a Christmas tree back there I it might have been said no drinks um they all have drinks there but just right around the corner you can go
To one of the bodas oh yeah and then Nina asked about Facebook memberships I now have full monetization on Facebook again so thank you so much for asking it just happens when I travel but luckily I’ve been in New York and I found a way to keep it while traveling so don’t tell
Facebook okay right here is the name oh yes okay so Carmen’s kitchen so it’s Carmen’s kitchen on the corner of uh NASA and John and John Street NASA and John stre stre comm’s kitchen right there just a few blocks away from beautiful Oculus yeah all right let me throw this
Away let’s go over here all right there you go thank you so much we on the par to G for holding the camera uh Susie says most days I just bring my own lunch to work it’s economical Sally nice to see you here welcome Morgan says I’m loving it highly
Recommend Carmen’s chicken it gets my recommendations really great lunch especially $111 you can’t beat nowadays no way even other fast food like diing or Fields good chicken cost you about $17 yeah sweet Green’s like 25 which one sweet green sweet Green’s expensive sweet green yeah for a good chicken salad it’s a
25 and Su uh Wendy says cocktail now and uh Nina says used to know this area like the back of my hand things change so often in New York they do they do especially if you haven’t been here in about 10 years things have radically changed in downtown
So right now we’re passing the Fulton Center this beautiful old Sky uh highrise and uh Susie says I only have an hour for lunch oh no that’s too too short hey s uh K says I just subscribed again oh thank you thank you so much k for becoming a Facebook supporter once
Again can we go to the to Empire Place Empire State Building yeah I would love to show it to you uh Wendy I always love going to the Empire I probably will go sometime soon stay tuned all right so now we are heading to the Oculus mhm um Al know if you have
Any last questions uh stay tuned for the documentary how do you feel editing a documentary in a week and a half um I’ll sleep when I’m dead that’s the spirit no I’m excited it was so much fun to film and I just think we got a really
Great story so it’s going to be awesome to be able to actually put that together and see that final product is it easier when there’s a good story well there’s always got to be a good story that’s my mission my mission is to find the story
My mission is is to be able to pull that out but I was able I had the privilege to be able to help filmm it and I know there’s a story I don’t have to do as much it’s it’s funny to say I don’t have
To do as much work CU that’s not really what I mean it’s more that um I rece the story much figuring out what the story is I was there I witnessed the story you know because um in essence when it comes to film making this is the case both
Narrative fiction and also documentary uh the story comes out in three ways the scripting or writing or in the case of documentary outlining mhm then the filming itself in the movie It’s the actors and uh or and the lighting and the sets and everything on the documentary it’s the interviews and the
Walking and the talking uh and then editing MH also has part in the storytelling as well so it’s a it’s a three-step process and you can actually radically change the story in each of the processes if you wanted to yeah yeah Thomas says got to be an owl guy
You have to be an owl to work with in a an AV Mikela says helloa this is G who’s joining me right now short for uh giovana that’s my full name giovana mhm I go by G now you know a little more about the wizard says then
The editors messed up all your hard work well that could happen yes G has not done that g do not do that no too much pressure don’t say that but yes yes it is a very sensitive role yep uh editors can make or break a film that’s true you know for example
The first time Star Wars was shown um George Lucas show showed Star Wars to Francis for Copa Martin scorsi Steven Spielberg uh Brian the Palma they were all in the room together to see the first cut they all hated it uh and um it
Was his wife who it was it was hard to break it the news I think it was Steven Spielberg who broke the news to him privately saying hey George you know it’s pretty bad um and and George was like oh may do I have to refilm anything
He was like no it’s the editing I unfortunately it was his wife it was his no would make things even more Awkward I think it was his wife who told him what to fix oh what to fix okay yes yeah so I think he got that feedback and then she
Went back and was like no this is what you need to do to fix the pacing I’m pretty sure there we go and then another editor took the r yes yeah I don’t think she was the editor um she was not credited for the for the Oscar the other
Editor was but yes the edit did fix the entire movie for Star Wars we wouldn’t have had Star Wars if it wasn’t edited well mm that’s true so we’re not going to win the best Oscar until G actually makes that documentary she will yes vote for me and then let’s go over
Here show people the entire View are you bear ask what’s the first step in the editing process uh the first step is organization um a lot of people maybe skip over this but I think that a key to a good story and a good final product is being able to get everything collected
In a way that can allow you to tell your story and then uh immediately thereafter is assembly yes and then you go straight into assembly and you start trying to find those parts of your store right um so that way you can kind of see things coming together exactly
M and then um what the toughest part of editing I think the toughest part is having to uh I you oh yes Jenna says I like the inside not the outside it is very different oh W say a huge fan um the toughest part of editing I would
Say is having to decide what the story needs and figuring out whether it’s something it needs or it’s something you want um because a lot of times you spend hours with this footage and so you really want certain things to work but they might not be the right choices so
Figuring out how to make those right choices I think is really uh you know can be hard but it’s a really good skill there’s a lot of sacrifices because uh we have about six six hours or so of footage maybe seven hours yeah I think we’re going on seven yeah you have to
Sacrifice a lot of the interviews yeah yeah so you know if we’re really coming down to a 45 to 60 Minute um documentary we’re throwing out 6 hours of footage you know at the end of the day and we might even add some more stuff in um you
Know if we want to use any stock or any anything from like archival footage you know um so we’re really looking at like around five uh like uh only like seven 7 hours 7 and a half hours maybe getting even thrown out um depending show the Oculus over here beautiful Christmas decorations this
Year so we’ll end down there mhm hello Brett nice to see you here uh so Susie asked how are you handling the soundtrack so it’s very interesting with the soundtrack it’s all going to be scored by an urbanist Christmas album which was made by um five different musicians around the world who I
Commissioned last year to make a amazing album that all works together and then uh G how how is it with using a a score how does it change the editing process it’s it’s honestly it’s a privilege because I think music really impacts uh a story so much so being able to have
That already hand selected allows me to study it and figure out how that mood can uh change story and where it in in the documentary it will be changed based on the music um so for you already have that vision from what you’ve created is it’s really uh super helpful oh exactly
Yeah yeah because it’s probably the other more timec consuming part as an editor is finding music if you don’t have music because obviously there’s popular music like Frank Sinatra or or the popular silent KN version I forgot who made the popular one in America but we
Can’t use that copyright um and even if we did use it it might be a bit lazy just use the popular songs yeah that’s true and what happened to the food I still got it I’m going to finish it after we finish uh filming uh G’s
Vlog Teresa says we we we’re going now we’re going to the main base uh level of the Oculus so uh Santiago katava spent $4 billion to design this place and his design philosophy was to make a Transportation Center that was soy easy to navigate that his 80-year-old mother could navigate
Herself uh let me know if you think he was successful what do you think uh I think so it’s pretty easy to navigate I mean it’s literally just like a circle maybe an oval some would say I’ve got stuck in the circle initially when I first started coming here all right all
Right we’ll test it again with an Ariel Susie says I need to listen to that album again in essence you’re going to basically listen to the the entire album is about 45 minutes long I think so in essence you’re going to listen to the entire album on the on the
Documentary oh this must be the new um ice skating rank it is yeah that’s so cool that it’s indoors oh this is Roller this is rollerblading roller blading yeah that’s epic going to get a shot of this K says I he designed the bridge in
Dublin as well yeah he did Sano K tra is the one who designed the bridge in Dublin also design uh one of the main stations in Leon France n n France and many other places Wendy says I thought it was Ice I initially thought it was Ice as well but
It is indeed roller blad it’s rollerblading yeah so if you’re afraid of ice skating which you want to uh experience it maybe this is a better option and it’s uh the four-wheel roller blades yeah exactly it’s a bit easier yeah a bit easier they have a stop function built
In it’s great for disco music yeah roller Bing is back in it is yeah mhm and they have lockers in case you have your bags with you or pounds of chicken like I do you can’t bring the chicken on the roller blade rank unfortunately roller skating roll roller
Roller skating says la oh yeah cuz blading I guess is when it’s the the three wheel straight I think so yeah yeah $25 for kids $30 for adults and this closes a 10 that’s nice that’s pretty nice here weel get yourself some decorations or a tree while you’re
Out I I trees are a bit stressing because a it’s a fire hazard true uh B it’s a M’s Hazard uh C it’s a dead tree Hazard it could fill the apartment with the stench of dead tree uh I’m not sure how people derive so much callay cheer from
Treeside their home well Ariel’s a grinch I love my treat personally I’m big Christmas tree person and decorating so enjoy your might filled home I will thank you very much it smells like beautiful Spruce okay good good I like how he has a gigantic knitted hat what happened to the market so there
Never really was a big market last year maybe like four or five more stores never really was a big Market it’s more just like mall shopping in here yeah yeah it is there’s some great shops I recommend I like Charles turrets down there cost is really good
For clothes if you need in the pinch it’s better a little bit better than Zara or H&M um and then the Apple Store is up there I would not really recommend these other high-end stores they’re a bit too expensive for what they offer okay he so everyone thank you so
Much for tuning in me and G are going to finish wrapping up the Vlog or could people find your Vlog and other videos yes so I am g g with two T’s that’s g g- a t t o um on YouTube on Instagram on Tik Tok holding a waffle in my photo if
You look me up um I’m also on Facebook uh so yeah feel free to check me out and stay tuned for that for that blog and the documentary and G is a freelance editor so if other uh video creators are looking for editors you so you could um you could just DM me
Honestly on Instagram uh if you’re looking to reach out I have an email address that’s in my bio and all my platforms if you want to email me that way um but yeah if you need any help uh with video content creation feel free to reach out going work with aiel for like
A year now right you’re working on another cool project is it can one mention it yet uh no I cannot I have secret project okay never mind but there is there is something cool that’s going to pop out uh so everyone thank you so much for tuning in stay tuned for the
Christmas documentary premiered very close to Christmas day around the 23rd or 24th stay tuned for the premiere schedule it will premere live on YouTube so people can join in on the chat and then right after G is going to Premiere her Vlog so you can see a bonus uh bonus
Episode bonus episode uh so stay tuned everyone thank you so much for tuning in have a happy holidays and happy holidays Merry Christmas Happy New Year see you soon have a great day everyone stay curious my friends keep being awesome and always keep on exploring and I
Always say give a wave goodbye I got to do my chicken but join me byebye I do it with my camera