Phone silly little microphone not working okay I can assume you can hear me now that’s a little embarrassing um Let me let me um take it back in time okay what I was saying welcome everyone today we’re going to be doing a quick live stream of the elf hunt I have my friend
Ellen with me um she’s at my house right now Ellen Earl if you guys know the legend the icon yeah hello um I was going to say sorry for the lack of upload today um editor didn’t get the video back in time and so
I know I’m late but at least I’m here at all live streaming for like 30 minutes to an hour I don’t know depending um you and you’re slushy I know I said this earlier but it was muted so Ellen has her 7el her 7-Eleven slushy sloy sloy
Literally you come to California to do the tourist attraction of in and out what is the other one Jack in the Box 7eleven Six Flags jully B Jolly be jolly be jelly be jolly be we’re checking off all the the tourist attractions for Ellen oh and did you see my clock clip
Again oh my gosh it’s my clock clip okay anyway uh I’m in bloxburg if you guys want to join my username is simply bubbly let me put it in chat real quick code simply bubbly uncore there yall go let me pin that so
If you want to join me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh also I saw you earlier Regan if you’re still here or God I still don’t know how to say your name properly rean I’m gonna call you Riot that’s easy um okay Roblox time Roblox
Gaming wait are you actually going to sit here what do you actually want to join me wait yeah how am I how am I doing this how’s this work do you want to just sit there and literally just be in the background of my live stream sure
Yes I think I think my cousin is watching so hi hi cousin that’s watching oh Callie I know you’re here I’m not prepared for this live at all literally you can tell cuz Ellen’s face is half cut off and why am I purple okay oh goodness they said we love
Slashy uh and I think I think your toast became the love of my life okay whose house is this yours yeah I definitely I definitely didn’t pay someone like $60 to make this house not at all I definitely made this I cannot deal with the dinging I
Don’t think you guys can hear that but there’s like a little ding ling every time someone subscribes but okay um elf hunt live stream I actually don’t know how this even starts so I’m going to trust you guys how does that even day one I haven’t looked into the elf hunt at
All where do we go um I’m looking on YouTube okay we go downtown downtown wait where am I there we are nope hold on chat guys I’m I’m still here okay chat you did not Just God I’m not I’m not real actually holy crap yet should become Tommy in it bro I actually had a little ER did you watch Tommy in it no thank goodness you seem like you seem like the type of person to watch Tommy in it that’s rude don’t say
That don’t say that don’t say that you’re just saying that because you can’t eat without YouTube okay yeah do we want to talk about that do do we talk about that every time I every time I eat food I have to have YouTube playing or else I’ll just break
In half bro um oh let me open the server up more for you guys do I really seem like I watched tmy is it that I don’t know I feel like I feel like a lot of people went through the era during like Co and stuff era yeah I did have friends
Like I see why but I was not part of that population population think I don’t know if I was still watching YouTube in when Co happened I don’t know what do you mean what is that oh I forgot about that ice palace thing I’ve been so stuck in my little bloxburg
Town that I haven’t been in the actual bloxburg Town hello Morgan I see you um hope I hope that meant the world to you like you said what’s the name called oh of my server uh simply borey okay I think this is where it starts what’s going on actually the door
Is locked talk to the oh gosh blockburg is M making me do things guys where’s the Elder elf where do I find them cuz I’m not trying to watch a YouTube video I want you guys to lead me the way please um oh is the elder elf the little tiny guy
Don’t tell me the little tiny guy on the ground is the elder Elf oh my oh I thought that’s what you clicked SN um okay we’re speedrunning this y’all I have no time actually I should have read that hold on hold on hold on hold on me
Hungry you make me Cookie okay is this like last year’s where are we just baked cookie you said I’m done dude I was sitting on my on my legs that hurt um let’s see let’s see if anyone can help you do you want to read chat while I do the
Work oh my God sure I guess I’ll tell you if you need to know anything okay I was wondering what you’re doing but then you crabbed your slushie I’m going to look like a kid I’m going to be on my knees drinking a SL just reading chat like hey
Chat um okay I believe hey Ivy wait what oh sorry what cookie do we need need what type of cookie they said regular or any holiday cookie cookie holiday everyone in chat is yelling at me holiday cookie so I’m going to throw a party that way everyone has um
Permission also I shouldn’t have loaded up this house because I’m really lagging dude do you see this lag oh my I’m going to have to load up a different house I just wanted to brag to everyone that look how cool I am with my with my mega mansion but I don’t know frame
Rates this is Roblox bro this is bloxburg okay I think I might have holiday cookies from last de not I’m sorry I’m trying to move this away so I don’t make that squeaky sound no no no it’s funny holiday cookies do I have to give them the whole plate does anyone know
Holiday cookies do I give whole plate please you guys are so wise chocolate chip who do I believe be this is Ellen earlier backing out of the the driveway to from 7-Eleven I run kids over that’s the difference true I’m constantly running kids over bro I should I I’m a felon um
I don’t know what that actually means what does that mean oh my gosh um you need two regular then holiday guys which ones what please you only need one I’m so laggy I want to see the Mas is what I’m seeing in chat bro one portion okay well we’re GNA give this a
Try okay I’m not I’m going home um I have there’s going to be a lot of driving in this hello wait how do I even say you your name uh Renee I think that’s Renee hello Renee um I like how everyone in chat is also confused I don’t know either yeah Ellen
What do we do you haven’t played bloxburg in a good three centuries did you ever play bloxburg were you ever a bloxburg girly I was a bloxburg girl but I didn’t like build house and stuff I was just there to have fun I don’t know what I did in there i’
Just like I’m chaing PL get money I’m switching plots were you ever in you were in people’s videos though right you were like in Hyper’s videos and stuff eras let me think I had a house she made a video about it was like a shrine of
Her I don’t know if you’ve seen that um I think I have I don’t dude it became like one of her most popular videos hyper cookie and now like it has like probably one two one to two million views of like my house St house having a shrine of her so
People probably think I’m creepy yeah well not now I invited you to my house I’m just gonna I’m just gonna pull up a random plot um sing Annex happy birthday wait is it Annex his birthday Annex oh my gosh not anxiety famous birthdays let me let me
See December 17th oh my gosh it’s Annex his birthday okay someone clipped this what the heck how is this even possible what look how much this game is lagging that my floor hasn’t loaded in okay someone clip me someone clip us singing happy birthday to Annex what is going on
Here do y’all see this um ready H got to join me bro sorry happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear and happy birthday to you all I know about him is that he’s Canadian but happy birthday yeah that’s all I know about him too spent a good
Like two days with him and all I know is that he’s Canadian I’m turning down the server limit because this is way too laggy for my poor little computer like I swear I took cookies and they’re not in my hands come on mans you have cake pops
In there maybe I’ll start again yeah you want to talk about your history with cake pops oh my god um okay you want to talk about your history with gingerbread houses my gingerbread house there oh goodness so Ellen and I made a beautiful don’t tell me that beautiful a beautiful
Gingerbread house the other night was that last night that was two nights ago okay I’m losing track of time oh I do have a car already I have one word for it ugly ugly look I don’t even think it’s our fault I literally no one bu we’re going to
Protest against um Target gingerbread houses cuz Target gingerbread houses suck it I swear they gave us the wrong sizes they they were a little piece of poo um so it’s not our fault actually are you going to sit on I feel bad for making you sit on a little stool
Um okay they said give normal cookie to Old elf okay I’m trusting you guys please don’t be lying to me cuz I’m going to be mad um simple as that okay how many times have I driven back and forth here bro gab I like your outfit in the game
The Santa person the Santa person thanks I have coffee I was not talking about you I was talking about gav in there she was wearing like a fat Santa costume it was so cute I mean cool wow you’re not even talking about me okay I understand okay I’m watching
How how do we get the next one um do I have to wait please don’t tell me I have to wait okay this next one is at the campsite it looks like what do we give him bro just tell me what we give what tree you skipped it right at the worst
Time let’s see a s’more you give them s’mores okay okay that’s kind of fun I don’t think they’ve done that the previous years and I I think we can just get a s’more from baking at the fireplace so let’s everyone to the campsite and it’s my birthday happy
Birthday white tea I love tea I think that’s your name I don’t know let me go back to the comments so you can actually read them you can be my little my little um commentary person what is it like is that when you play volley like when you play games and
Someone’s like reading or talking like 100 miles for minute that’s you do you like Taylor Swift yes do you like Taylor Swift wait I just never asked you this question I feel like what do you think I feel like no I feel like you wouldn’t be the type to like Taylor
Swift she’s like my third top a third or fourth top artist or something I was shocked too but I do like her okay I’m not a Swifty but I love some songs I wouldn’t say I’m a Swifty either I just like her music I don’t know how she got
On my top five I was kind of shocked did you just like replay one of her songs it’s just more of like she has a lot more songs that’s true um so there’s more bability to them bability I like that um hello good times hello hello oh here’s another an areu
With Swifty W people people really want to know the hard-hitting questions let’s see I feel like Dude Where’s the gingerbread man no where he at do I have to wait don’t tell me I have have to wait knowledgeable people please tell me do I have to wait
Bring in the knowledge even though the stream is delayed by a lot um did it say like you have to wait I didn’t read through it actually um did I miss something oh guys guys was I supposed how much of an idiot am I was I
I think I was probably supposed to press the Advent calendar thing bloxburg is making this difficult for me man D pay your bills Annie my bad okay fast uh cashier will be the closest spot no that’s the second elf I thought I just did the first elf did I not do the first
Elf apparently you skipped one is that right oh that’s so silly I’m speedrunning this so much that I’m missing everything I you skipped one by the way I’m embarrassed honestly at the rate we’re going in all right move aside move aside are you doing this for me do you
Know what you’re doing no oh okay we’re switching spots got excuse me Annie all right I’m taking over for a bit it’s loading maybe I think you need to get a holiday cookie holiday cookie um is it fine if I delete this this more yeah head back to my house all right all
Right see sometimes it takes a while but I’ll just teleport yeah all right okay all right ladies what are we doing let’s see let’s pull up what is it hey I’ll scoot over not the adjust hey guys I’m Ellen um I used to play Roblox but I
Don’t anymore she’s she’s moved on to bigger and better things like real life yep all right wait I’m so confused oh that’s not your place this is my house so where’s your car at you have to get a holiday cookie oh my gosh okay sorry oh that’s not your door sorry
Holiday cookie this is going to take a lot longer this way oh gosh what oh my gosh nothing is safe I think Santa is coming soon guys I think content I think you hit the the nail on the head um holiday yeah there cookies put it on the counter and I just grabbed
Yeah I’m pretty sure is that right guys someone said is that your sister yeah my sister yep um what’s your fav color um my car is over there you have to respond it I assume it’s is it one cookie y’all please let me know um beautiful twin sisters you guys are
So sweet all right how do I get in press use cck click the card press I feel like I’m teaching my mom how to play bloxburg all over again bro uh They just added new things all right and I’m going to the town city city Square yeah go back
To where I kept going earlier uh my favorite color since someone asked earlier um purple or pink one of the two and Ellen’s is green it’s blue it’s mint I mean you’re kind of right blue green potato Pata um hello Jada if I wasn’t playing i’ be side eying
M okay people have to be joking at this point oh my God I think it’s follow where the people are we have to climb the thing yeah I don’t have that much energy I don’t think so let’s let’s try this oh I think you have to climb the
House all right ladder I got you I got you you jump up can I boost your energy or something I think that might be it yeah go ahead boost it boom she Rich for that all right there we go and then you do parkour all right ready guys 3 two one
Look at you go one 3 two one she played Tower of heck a lot you know that’s why did you actually I feel like you I wasn’t good but oh yay you did it Annie oh my gosh finally the first elf okay go back there and I think you have to like
Click the second day on the Advent calendar on the second day of Christmas oh my gosh look how cute that animation is I don’t know what that means per se oh I guess it it’s like a hint to s’more okay now go up to the drive
Back up to um your house uh no the campground where I was earlier it’ll be all right I think I remember yeah she’s a backseat driver in real life in on Roblox oh my gosh don’t even oh they got they updated this I’d go there oh yeah they did all right so
Across the street I’m me Bridge up the hill all right you guys following you got a whole posy I don’t know what that means but thanks like a gang a squad a squad we got a whole Squad up in here what’s your favorite song Annie oh um my favorite gosh that’s impossible what’s
Your favorite song I’m gonna put the question on you um why is my car bouncing I think I know dang you’re right favorite rule song If in or when or courage um has to be a real song I’m going to say happier than ever because that used
To be my favorite song and I can’t think of another one so Billy happier than ever that song Still slaps MH um all right so somewhere up here someone said L she should be a YouTuber yeah follow the little brown Road you you should be
A YouTuber I did used to do YouTube She uploaded um poop content and I’m not just calling it like poop like she literally uploaded a toilet video Once yeah I don’t okay um I don’t know if you guys I’m talking about myself I’m silly welle roast a what where’s my’ oh you
Have to roast it I forgot my bad hello don’t give me a heart attack like that oh my gosh excuse me squirrel you already are roasting one oh sorry I can’t really tell right now oh I have one I have one and excuse I got manners you got manners she’s nice
She’s respectful yay okay what’s next wait head back to the how to find Elf number three elf number three oh right right YouTube We’re watching florals YouTube tutorial thanal I’ll just keep clicking on her videos wow so helpful okay she’s doing a cute little pose and dancing okay we
Need a normal cookie and then we go going to the pier upstairs I mean up the wheels up the wheel all right looks easy enough let’s go home y’all look at you go man you you’re on your grind set move your water bottle Annie we’re getting
Serious actually I’m going to take a sip that’s how serious this is must be hard hard work sitting there and doing nothing oh my gosh commentary is hard work I’ll have you know all right so tiny violin so sad cookies got you s there we
Go you only got one left you got to restock on that okay okay Place ite take a portion okay now time to drive Voom Voom y’all guys follow me on Roblox it’s Ellen ear not the self promo don’t even with me um let’s see I’m going look no no I don’t want to
Place it on the floor that’s gross all right it’s okay it’s the elf that’s eating it excuse me press the little gray button there you go respa all right she’s a bloxburg pro guys Trisha PES is premiering an ASMR video right now just thought I’d let everyone know
That um not like you follow her or anything I definitely have not subscribed to tr PES it’s weird um back to chat so you can see yeah oh I was going to I literally pulled it up on my phone I didn’t want to ask you to move
It uh what’s your favorite Roblox game other than bloxburg she eats breathe sleep bloxburg I that Ellen has been waking up and every day I’m she wakes up to bloxburg on my computer brow because I’ve been filming like every single day or working on a video um all right we’re going to
Work our way up the wheel how do you get up there how did get up there I guess she could probably just sit on one of the things y’all oh yeah you could just sit on that oh like press it yeah um give me a second y um this has been in
The game for like ages you know wait is it okay thank gosh the cookie still there giving me a heart attack bro can you make the server bigger I would but then I was lagging out a lot so for the quality of the live stream hi pineapple hello
Pineapple who is the little who is the little girl my God y’all y’all have to be kidding bro y’all cannot say this stuff oh my God I have y’all have to be joking oh my God all right you got your money okay next one how come the oh
Actually I’ll do the research on here all right um who’s the little girl I’m Annie’s friend my name is Ellen my name oh my God everyone should know who you are you’re iconic okay you have to go back to the this place and open maybe to
Center okay and then you have to get a holiday cookie this one’s kind of lost how many happy birthday looks like prob 12 right I I don’t know if they’re all out though because they come out every day or 15 okay it looks like today’s day eight so
We’ll go up to day eight I think there’s a tree video and me mean picture I mean model all right let’s go to the next elf so we have we have oh I have it pulled up um we have to get a holiday cookie cookie so head back home and grab that
All right and then we go past the campsite it looks like okay all right you got that loaded up we got this bro we’re we’re speed running this you ain’t seen nobody as Speedy as us oh my gosh who is the girl my name is Ellen I’m
Ellen Ellen I’m Annie’s friend I like how you have to keep introducing yourself um wait I’ll introduce myself again cuz I feel like they’re going to be curious if this is your main Channel and it’s like true H why is bubbly on the side dude all right let’s see
Holiday cookie right I’ll say in a second y’all got so much food in blond um there we go just pick the take one yeah there we go sweet perfect we ready to go oh where am I going okay also this don’t mind this house y’all it’s I’m not
It’s not my proudest work per se um um but I used to like be in the Roblox Community I had a channel if you guys know hyper cookie I was her mod her Discord mod um I I was like co owner of her server was in her videos or like I
Also was in like the Laughing unicorns community and now she’s in my bed in the most loving way possible yeah we’re best most most friendly way possible um wrong spot y’all all right oh yeah Alan no it’s not it’s e l Len follow me on Roblox guys it’s
Ellen I am actually curious if anyone actually knows who you were before this live stream like how much of a mark you’ve left on the streams or is this like two new of a generation I don’t think probably too new of a generation too new to know my face at least I sound
So cocky but I feel like I would get recognized in Roblox be would be like hey like aren’t you in trust me y’ she’s an icon like I’m not making this up Annie was a massive fan she was a fan of me H I guess I’ll tell that story while you’re driving
Literally um I think Ellen joined my server for like whatever reason it doesn’t really matter my Discord server Link in the description if you want to join um someone said Ellen you’re so cute thank you how do you know Ellen oh yeah oh yeah I’m just telling the story there
We go continue um anyways and so uh let’s see Ellen joined my Discord server and I was freaking out so I had my friend Nicole um reach out to her CU I was too scared to talk to her and ask her to be a Discord mod because like you know Ellen
Has experience and such um anyways and then she said yes and then I remember she joined like one of my our current girl gangs uh call and I was roller skating and I was like trying to be cool as possible to impress Ellen oh gosh did
That guy die I had a friend crush on Ellen that’s what I’m saying and why is it not working hello uh did we do something wrong no it would I don’t press hi press e oh there we go yay let’s go oh the next one I got you I have it pulled up
Okay so go back to the Advent calendar Place who is n yes someone said who is Nicole um Nicole’s just a another another friend I think she’s been in a few past videos uh just another close friend that also used to be a Discord mod yeah she made
Gfx’s yeah she was in the Roblox gfx Community V sorry that was her that was her graphic design little Instagram name she made Tik toks brief briefly yeah famous on little way um anyways and so then Ellen and I just kept talking in the group of girls we hang out with and
Um now I’ve been to her house that was a vlog and now she’s been to my house actually this is our third time meeting up cuz she came to California and we met up for one day on my 16th birthday so 17th birthday 16th okay yeah I was going
To say there’s no way anyway that’s Ellen and I’s history for y’all in case you are wondering uh Nicole is my mom’s name la oh yeah people say that about Gloria oh yeah one of our friends do you guys know little glor she did Roblox I mean
Bloxburg videos too these are like two OG of names honestly do you guys know Alaska Violet by chance I don’t know if you know her though you know she’s a pretty small bloxburg YouTuber just a casual million subscribers I don’t know um there’s a trash water was a was yeah
You get water this time so head on home you could just press go to house if you want or do whatever um what’s your dream career besides YouTube YouTube but I was also thinking of have I told you this becoming a real estate agent yeah I was
Going to say real estate yeah yeah like that would be did you turn the graphics down yeah let’s be let’s be serious now no one will notice okay I notice but oh go to the sink you can take it from the sink all right all right dude I haven’t
Played Roblox like this in a while okay the location for this is looks like near the beach lnr so head on over to the beach okay um anyways yeah my dream not dream career but like if I was going broke EXC I would become a real estate agent and
Sell houses or I’m also thinking when I turn 18 I want to work at a Starbucks for the experience and also to bring in a little side money so anyways that’s my my careers that I want to Starbucks excuse me why use press press yeah use there you go Merry Christmas Annie thank
You you too the one said do watch Alaska violet yeah I do once in a while when her videos pop up the beach um it’s my birthday happy birthday make a Darman bloxburg video honestly you should look into that I feel like people have I feel like
That’s something like cider would do I know you don’t know cider but Ellen are you a Swifty this is the hard-hitting questions I think it’s this side where the person is in the distance uh no I have to go goodbye um yeah I know it’s kind of late for people
Because a lot of you guys are e two times Zone I assume so sorry for it being so late all right where are we going probably where that guy is squirrel oh wait did we ever oh yeah did you ever do the Advent oh yeah you did
Mhm okay back to the Advent calendar dude we’re rushing through these look how look at us go how many days are there um eight currently so we have three more we’re on number six someone said hey Delila for you to say hey Delila hi Delila hope you’re doing well
Someone said you should collab with Alaska I’d like to I think I asked her in the past if she wanted to join a bloxburg like buildoff um I think she was just too busy or something so sorry oh wrong spot let’s see what is the item we need
For this I think we need a brownie for this one looks like a brownie to me um I’m I’m watching number six I’m watching florals videos so thank you floral for the help she is pulling through what this the car car Emoji I think that means it’s at the parking
Garage but you need a brownie brownie all right got you anyway can you call Ash can you call Ash she’s probably busy playing fortnite right now she’s with her other girl right now she this is important she don’t love me y’all she’s playing she’s playing fortnite and I’m with Ellen so
It don’t matter I’m kidding um oh let’s see let’s I know I probably have brownie right yeah I wish there was oh there is a search bar brownie oh Beau I’m getting used to your no I get it oh I don’t have brownies okay you’re going to have to
Bake some unless you guys have brownies for me you have to take it out of the fridge you got this Ellen I believe in you take ingredients there you go you didn’t see that all righty are what’s going on I maybe is it like the festive one okay uh no maybe
It’s not a it is a brownie right someone said it’s festive fudge oh okay thanks thanks for being a baddie thanks for being a baddie thanks for helping it’s fudge thank you sorry it looked like a brownie to me I don’t think that’s it though oh I think it’s a
Different item just press X oh so you want a different one okay yeah so take ingredients uh yeah and then look up fudge baby food me there we go okay this is this is it $46 thank goodness I’m a millionaire um press a counter top free cabinets there’s free uh here we go
Press all right it’s going to put me in the counters oh this is where you actually have to interact from an update like two years ago um okay let’s see all right we got to form this baby you need a counter space which we don’t really have because y’all push water
Everywhere um Annie you don’t know how much I love you oh my gosh that means a lot thank you can you dance for Annie can you do a Roblox dance do it while I’m cooking okay I’m going to do a Roblox dance in the background while ‘s
Cooking I’ll have the thing up all right wait is my brownie done okay all right I think it’s working um what other Roblox dances are there do the that one I know there’s more than just like the Becky and the Becky the Becky it’s called the Becky dance oh yeah you’re
Right right I’m a I’m a professional Roblox player I know the names um that your baby sister y’all have to be joking wait I I will not get offended I know I bit look a bit younger but how old do you guys think I am yeah how old
How old put your guesses in the comments and you guys cannot be saying weird things like 10 because listen to my voice take one listen to my voice my voice is lower than most like boys before puber so be serious be serious with me be for real let’s see do the
Wiggle do the wiggle I can do the worm but I’m not gonna do that on stream I forgot you could do the worm I forgot when I visited you you just broke down on the floor during the worm I learned it while you visited okay this one is in
The parking garage 19 parking garage okay I got you let me read this wait tell me okay 16 you a lot of 19s 18 15 that’s okay that’s still not bad 19 16 okay 17 10 okay no don’t even you have to be two 21
Uh9 are you going to drop it on them oh I will I will in a second I’m just letting them all right where is it is upstairs yeah people are probably I think 17 20 something 11 is a wild you’re my little sister no I’m kidding
Yeah do we look alike guys I think it’s there where everyone’s at okay this person has been here every time let’s see CutiePie yay 14 okay these are nothing I’ve never gotten 11 is in no listen to my voice my voice is lower than some 15-year-old boys out
There we in the same octave let’s see okay yeah I made wait yeah I’m 18 yeah she’s 18 she’s wait how much older are you to me like a year and a year and two months okay we’ve done the calculations um okay it looks like yeah head back to to
The thing ofing oh right the Avent calendar and then what do you do for this okay this one takes a burger at the new burger place so yeah open the thing and then just head to the burger place um yay oh my gosh we’re on the second
Floor now okay there’s 14 days and all maybe I’ll have to do another live stream later this week or something there’s like mustard and ketchup okay head on over to the burger place the new one someone said no way you’re 18 someone said Ellen ear what is your
YouTube channel I think it’s just Ellen ear right yeah it’s Ellen ear I don’t really post on there but I used to if you want to look Burger so across the street okay across the grass you know depending on how you’re driving Annie what time is it for you it’s 6 pm. I’m
Not Annie but oh this actually looks cool and then just order a burger I think hello sir I think you’re working now shoot let me let me get off the clock that was the tiny work time um okay let’s see really I thought you were
9999 JK you look 17 a I don’t know if it’s like flattering to say someone’s younger than they are I mean maybe when you’re like 40 oh someone already gave it to you oh is this the burger yeah and then head to not that way head turn
Around thank you philli turn around go back in the build I feel like I feel like um you’re blindfolded or something and I’m filming one of those blindfold videos again um this way not me pointing with my hand I got you I got you okay um
I think it’s in there it’s in the bathroom oh you are nasty dude why is he red he’s like puking in there from the Blox Burgers Ellen how tall are you I’m 5 foot tall I think this is our last I think this is did someone
Actually ask that yeah I don’t I think they’re funny um I mean I just know I look younger so I’m kind of used to it all right let’s go she’s been heart been broke so many times ah it’s kind of embarrassing you want head back to the Advent calendar thing oh Advent yeah
Yeah yeah she on autopilot bro she her little Tessy Tesla autopilot okay oh my gosh Ellen guess which one this guess what this takes this this um this elf what it wants to be gingerbread house or cake pop it’s a cake pop it’s a cake pop oh I have not
Had good experiences with cpop huh a clue is that it wait what what wait why is it saying that are you sure that’s day eight or this says ketchup and mustard is there any way wait what did it say again what did the little icon say shoot me uh the clue will
Hatch oh the day after okay I think this is just Clues this is just Clues so you don’t need that we haven’t needed that oh okay so just go home um I didn’t realize that the clues hatched the day after I didn’t I haven’t watched any videos about like this update until this
Live stream so we’re this is we’re facing this headon completely dumbfounded um okay cake pop Time cake pop cake pop um happy birthday um also your sub thank you for subscribing I appreciate it okay people are say I think these are all so cute yeah
Do they have a specific one U do the Snowman one snowman yeah I think that’s what floral is picking up at least and it’s at the observatory oh I don’t think I picked it up um let’s see let’s try again got to wait for them to get out of
The fridge Excuse Me Miss excuse wait which one was it just so I know where snowman here you go oh gosh I didn’t realize there was still stuff in there she needs her slushy cake pop c pop snowman okay off to the The Observatory this is our final
One how long have we been streaming let’s see let me look usually says right here somewhere I’ll just look here it’s we’ve been streaming for 45 minutes no I just pressed take there you go okay honestly that’s a really good time for doing eight I mean what we’re
More than halfway done like if there were more available oh uh this way it’ll be through the mountain see where the little Dome thing is go through there got you I got you got I’m giving you like a tour of the new bloxburg map I mean kind of new since
You haven’t played in a while what’s your favorite soda that’s fitting for what you have I don’t drink soda that much but my favorite is Sprite yeah I like Sprite mhm actually fire um what’s the Canadian one that’s like Canada Dry Canada Dry I think is that like
The I forgot about this place I think Canada Dry is my favorite yeah it’s like ginger ale type yeah I like ginger ale let’s see I didn’t look at this man looks silly okay it is where’s my little squirrel it’s there here usually show me the squirrel shows
You the way I’m not sure what your name is squirrel but s Serena the squirrel I love you we love you I love squirrels yay oh my gosh we’re done we did it we’re finished I mean obviously we have more days to come but for now we’re caught up so oh my gosh
Okay setup reveal I don’t know how I’d show you my camera’s kind of over there but um you should do a setup reveal one day I mean I have I’ve I’ve done a video exposing my gaming setup like twice so go find that video if you want to watch
Um any I was the one hogging the fridge how dare you no I’m kidding uh you guys are so pretty a thank you hello Kinsley hello hello hi Lauren hi Rosie do you like any K-pop groups well Ellen keeps listening to K-pop in the bathroom bro I walk in
I’m like playing my Loi and I walk in and like there’s it was one song you’re being dramatic don’t no I yeah do you like K-pop actually yeah um I like honestly I like like the girl voices better I don’t know why they just sound nicer in Kuran but like I don’t know
Twice black pink whatever I like no my favorite type of genre is Latin music that’s what you should be hearing true I feel like I feel like you’re very Hype music type of girl like you don’t like the very low like like mitsky type of stuff midy sorry msky midy I’m telling
You that’s my type of music I love like really chill like it’s almost like you’re stuck in the middle of the woods and it’s like ever more Taylor Swift Vibe that’s my vibe but anyways I guess we’ll be ending this ending the stream soon because we got places to be places
To go um but yeah I guess stay tuned for my upcoming 12 Days of Christmas stuff I was supposed to upload a video today didn’t work out but that’s okay because I’m here um yeah my next I think my next video in my town is Starbucks so oh Starbucks
Starbucks um so stay tuned watch tomorrow’s video oh please I’d appreciate it uh do you want to say anything um I’m glad I was a part of her stream in person yeah honestly it’s been a while since I played Roblox a good while wait Ellen I’m I’m fulfilling my
Childhood dreams of like little me so jealous like every other YouTuber like talking to Ellen ear and here I am oh my gosh this is wait let me plug you guys where’s my phone at oh my gosh do I get the big chair really post anymore but yeah Ellen
Earlobe everyone go subscribe to Ellen can I plug my photography account sure so far all right photography account oh oh it’s back I’ll just say in the chat it’s Len P photo um I don’t g a plug Ellen P I’m G to have your little fans on here LP photo on Insta
Ina oh my gosh okay well yeah go follow Ellen in her little photography Journey oh that’s so cute you might see photos of me there um her senior picture is coming soon senior pics because I’m graduating January what’s going on okay that’s it bye guys bye guys good night
Bye my beautiful bubbles thanks guys for coming happy holidays by the way I hope you guys’ holiday season is going well also why did I get a text message oh my gosh Matt said Ellen I love you Ellen Ellen’s so much better than Annie It’s
Said look what he said that is foul man uhuh Matt I’m coming for you Matt we know where you live no actually I don’t know where you live um okay now I’m saying goodbye happy holidays guys Merry Christmas whatever you celebrate I’ll see you all tomorrow with my next 12
Days of Christmas uploads not the slurpie not the stop I got to end it