Hey there my lovely Libras how are you it is Lori and I am here to do your general reading for you I hope you guys are all happy healthy and having some fun as you know life is meant to be an adventure so get out there and enjoy
Yourself make your own happiness all right let’s ring the little Chimes and invite in some fun energy all right let’s go ahead and find out this is going to be a typical Celtic cross I’m just going to lay it out the way I do it um so all the typical stuff
You know what your overall energy is obstacles what’s on your mind what’s causing any issues or blessings what’s happening in your immediate future past influences how you view yourself in this situation what your hopes and fears are and what your most likely outcome is going to be all right and I always get
Advice from Spirit to help you through these things um if there’s any difficulties all right at the end of your tarot reading I will get you some Oracle messages three yes or no answers if I ever forget to do the yes or no answers during the general you
Will find it during the daily also I may roll my letter die here whatever Spirit guides me to give you whatever the universe wants you to hear to know is what comes out in these readings Okie do let’s go ahead and and see what your overall energy is for this
Message you’ve got the sun card look at you go Libras happiness after some sort of um quick brief moment of sadness loss it’s like as soon as you realize that this thing was a loss you realized that something better came in for you so there even though there may have been
Something you’re good you’re good now you’re like oh wow okay so it’s kind of like um I I don’t know where this is coming from obviously Spirit or the universe but the story is say you had a pair of roller skates and you had to have a key to tighten your skates make
Them slide longer or shorter on your foot that is way old style oh my gosh um and you lost your key and you couldn’t find it so you couldn’t wear your skate any longer but all of a sudden somebody around you was like Hey I outgrew my
Roller skates here and they’re the type you don’t have to have a key for and they just give you those skates so even though you lost your old skates and couldn’t wear those anymore now you have a new pair of skates and they’re like really like upgraded so there was
Something much better that came in for you I know it’s kind of a strange story and maybe some of you don’t even know what I’m talking about with skates or keys for skates just take the story okay that’s what Spirit wants to convey to you what
The universe wants to send you so you’re feeling happy with a sun card here about something after a minor loss okay what you thought was a loss has turned into a blessing beautiful energy here let’s go ahead see if what if there’s a what else we’ve got
Here we’ve got the four of cups yeah see you were kind of like in this four of cups energy of just oh man I lost it but soon if it has if those new skates haven’t come to you yet that new thing is on its way okay that’s the challenge
You have to wait you’re going to have to wait a little while for it it’s not going to pop some of you it’s going to pop in like as it’s happening the loss is happening but for others of you it may take a day or two or a little bit
Longer okay just be patient with yourself okay don’t don’t give up on whatever it is you know ju just don’t don’t lose yourself in the sorrow or the sadness of the loss and we’re not talking a major loss here we’re not talking about the loss of um a family
Member or anything like that we’re talking about the loss of a favorite shirt and then somebody gives you a a favorite piece of clothing that you absolutely love that they wore all the time and they give it to you okay it’s like that’s the way the universe is
Working look at this the four of Wands okay success happiness celebrations being at home so whatever it is it’s good for you it brings you happiness stability Joy I mean and you got double fours which talks about stability um yeah being grounded but that I mean this is beautiful Libras
This is awesome oh my goodness let’s see what else we have here all right the mime page of Wands so you’ve got a new beginning here something that’s exciting and look at this we have the ram that is on the Rock okay that’s stability again confidence courage bravery I don’t know
What’s happening here I feel like it’s shifting from you successfully attaining this new thing and then this is probably you out there doing whatever the new thing is or at least your heart’s now filled with a new passion a new desire maybe you’re out there roller skating all over
The city who knows or maybe you’re out showing off the new piece of clothing that somebody gave to you okay I I’m telling you it’s like something that was like your favorite thing or something that you cherished is gone but something else that you liked
Even more than that is coming to you and you may or may not know what that thing is okay so let’s see what we have here now this is your immediate future the Knight of Swords the Knight of Swords so we have a message coming in this is a peaceful
Message there’s no chaos or anything else with it look at all the lavender and purple here this is a peaceful piece of information coming to you now it could be a realization it could be a text message it could be somebody visiting you it could be a letter in the mail but
There’s it’s a healing in bit of information let’s see what else we’ve got going on here that’s your immediate future so something good is coming your way and that’s a cucura I’m pretty sure and I don’t know why I’m hearing this I don’t know anything about cocu baras um
They’re lucky Birds they bring Good Tidings somebody drop me a comment let me know if that’s like true or if that’s just something that’s coming out in The Ether from nowhere all right so your past influences here nine of Swords okay um worries fears you it that’s what your message is
Whatever this is what your message is look at this purple here it’s going to bring healing about something that you have been afraid of worried about it’s a over a loss here okay so you are going to get healing information maybe it is the same message still for some of
You that this is you holding still you know waiting for that thing I yeah that’s what I’m hearing for some of you but all of you are going to heal from this whatever this loss was whatever this fear of losing was okay let’s go ahead and see
What else is happening here this is different this is and all I can tell you is I keep getting images of that the roller skates clothing exchanges like you had a car um or you know it’s like your first car and um something goes really wrong with it like the engine blows or
Something major happens to it maybe it was in a minor fender bender but like you couldn’t fix it and then all of a sudden your older cousin says Hey I’ve outgrown this car I’m going to go buy myself a new one would you like to have
This or do you want to buy it for like this amount and it’s like $50 it’s like something really good is just gonna come your way I hope this this is coming through clearly on how this is going to work it’s like an exchange and it’s an upgrade it’s a
Major upgrade that makes you very very happy so while some of you are in the sense of loss you’re going to receive this information that tells you NOP there’s something better in here you don’t have to be afraid anymore all right let’s see what else we’ve got
Going on here look at that the queen of uh wands trusting her intuition she definitely trusts her intuition here the Queen of Wands she’s the Muse she’s listening she’s the inspiration so here is the inspiration here is the thing that’s coming towards you that’s exactly
What this is this could be a human being who comes with this news and either gives you information that inspires you to to go after something that you want and you find it easily okay so even if somebody doesn’t come and offer it to you whatever it is you’re trying to
Replace here you’re going to receive some sort of divine inspiration or from somebody else information that helps you move past this this is cool this is different H I’m excited I can say that I’m excited for you guys I can feel this excitement and it yeah I mean there’s
Sadness here but it’s so minor it’s like it’s so brief okay it’s not that it’s minor the sadness is real but it’s brief it’s very temporary because as soon as you start to feel the sadness something else is going to come along and just alleviate it for
You and it may be something that you actually have to go after but you’re going to know that that’s what you need to do either way somebody’s bringing you the information or you’re going to go for it all right let’s see what we have here
We have the eight of Swords next to the nine of Swords so things are getting better now you’re starting to get information from the from Beyond from your higher power your guardian angels this Muse is bringing you this information this is good look at the purple purple and purple there is
Healing here there’s quick recovery the eight of Swords is where all of a sudden you realize oh I’m not stuck here I’m not stuck here I can move I don’t have to be afraid oh okay there’s an oasis in this desert okay there is a way out of
This here’s my camel right here all right let’s go ahead and see what else we have going on here for you this I love this look at that the empress energy here oh my goodness there’s more than enough whatever it is you’re seeking it will be replaced and
That’s what Mother Earth does is she replenishes everything okay the empress energy knowing that whatever it is you desire it will be there for you this is awesome I mean that that is beautiful that is really beautiful okay so this could be in an area of Love of plenitude of abundance
Gratitude compassion whatever it is you’re seeking you are going to find it the empress encompasses all aspects all right let’s go ahead and see what your most likely outcome is here I’m feeling like that Empress energy was meant to be your outcome card here look at this a brand new start
Something that you can rely on count on the acrobat the page of Pentacles um somebody may be coming in here with an offer that feels really good here here it is here is this thing could be coming to you that you that’s going to replace the thing that you
Lost but I’m also hearing for others of you this is somebody new coming in here after this Knight of Swords and Queen of Wands comes in here something else is coming towards you a new offer a new beginning something a little bit exciting um but it’s something you can count
On you may have to be flexible with this like somebody may offer you something oh okay here’s what I’m getting example somebody says hey um yeah here the car okay I see your car’s broke down if you want to buy my car I’ll sell it to you for
$50 um however you can’t have it all the time right now I’m going to need it to finish out this semester at college or to get back and forth to work until my new car comes in you know I ordered a special make something like that so
There might be a little bit of flexibility with whatever is coming your way it is still for your better okay it is for your higher good whatever’s coming your way it’s going to be good but there may be a slight need for some sort of flexibility here okay
Let’s go ahead should we clarify this I think we’re going to I think we are going to give this a little bit of more information here for you let’s go ahead and see what that four of cups says for you don’t forget to tickle tap booper zap sorry my other phone’s on my
Daughter’s texting me all right seven of cups is clarifying the four of cups that’s 11 cups that’s alignment so if you can just hang on all right just kind of wait um for things to adjust don’t wallow in self-pity but just kind of wait see the opportunities that are coming your
Way just know that the opportunity is coming your way okay and you will get an alignment with whatever it is you’re supposed to be receiving here beautiful some of you while you’re waiting are going to you might be a little confused like how did this happen
Why did I lose this what you know um and that’s okay just don’t go down that rabbit hole too far because align is coming for you seven of Cups and four of cups so that’s 11 cups that’s all your happiness there okay so you’re in alignment with yourself your higher power um yeah
Happiness all right let’s see what the four of Wands has here for you what more can you tell us about the four of Wands Spirit the Knight of Wands something good is coming your way definitely it’s riding in on a unicorn it’s Unique it’s different it’s unexpected definitely a good energy
There coming for you yes you do learn something here it it might feel like um completely unexpected out of the blue not consistent with your type of luck or anything else let’s go ahead and see what we have for the the page of Wands here four of Pentacles oh my gosh so you’ve
Got four of cups four of Wands and now you’ve got the four of Pentacles all right next to each other all right so this is about stability this page of Wands is about taking time to smell the roses just holding back waiting being patient okay things are coming your
Way um and again that flexibility you may have to work out a um a schedule or something else but whatever it is ace of cups on the bottom of the deck yeah that’s your Deep Emotions Happiness joy and success healing let’s see what we’ve got with the Knight of Swords we got the
Page of Wands okay that’s the page of Wands underneath your four of Pentacles here right here so you’ve got repeat cards you’ve got multiples of the same number this is this is awesome okay so the page of Wands is something incoming exciting um electrifying heart stopping and you’re
Going to enjoy this and this is what this news is okay it feels that fantastic it feels that good all right let’s see what the nine of Swords is all about here what more would you like to look at this healing see Spirit said with this incoming information here it’s all healing you’ve
Got the star card here hope for the future dreams coming true absolutely making a wish she’s actually making a manifestation wish here wish okay this is just like the universe hearing your prayer of why did I lose this oh I can’t believe I’ve lost this thing um and the universe aligning to
Bring you exactly what you need but better even better than what you had all right let’s look at the Muse the Queen of Wands page of Swords okay so this is definitely information and exchange of information um receiving a message from Beyond so your higher power I do feel
Like you may receive divine inspiration here on an action to take to replace whatever it is you you lost okay if it’s not actually divine intervention or inspiration for some of you I mean we have the Muse here it is a person around you who comes and says here let’s talk
About this let’s see how we can make this work so that’s beautiful let I just saw the Judgment card on the bottom of the deck so a decision is going to be made about this okay but we have to have a conversation F first let’s hash out those details is
What I’m hearing all right let’s look at the eight of Swords what is happening here please Spirit look at that the six of Wands you’re moving from the nine of Swords to the eight of Swords you’ve got your camel to ride out of this difficult situation that you think is happening
Into success okay so you go from a desert to lush green grasses and Meadows and now instead of having to ride a cal you’re on a horse and you’re moving out okay you are leaving um a a disastrous situation behind behind Okay so the we it looks like there’s a fire burning in
The background here so you’re leaving that behind you’re leaving the loss behind you and you’re coming forward to receive the blessings um that the Universe wants to give you you’re going to be successful six of Wands overcoming difficult situations uh recovery after a loss overcoming challenges learning elevating definitely okay so you’ve got
It right there let’s look at the empress energy let’s see what spir what the universe wants to tell you about the empress energy here three of Pentacles and she’s the third card in the deck so now you have double threes here this is about happiness joy everything working out the
Universe is giving you exactly what you need are you open to receiving oh that’s what what the receiving was about earlier that didn’t come out spirit’s asking you to make sure you’re in and open to receive energy okay because you can block this blessing from blessing
From coming to you if you are not in a believing mode you have to believe it first all right and some of you may actually need to change your mind about that type of thing some of you feel that you have to see it in order to believe
It well you’re never going to see it then okay you have to change your perspective on that because the real way to receive is to believe you one will receive it two that you do Des deserve it and that there’s more than enough out there for everyone to have whatever they
Want so change your perspective on that if you’re one of those doubters okay and that’s what you’re doing if you’re saying I’ll believe it when I see it you’re doubting you have no faith and ye have little faith okay all right let’s go ahead and clarify the
Outcome what more can you tell us look at this four of Wands and four of Swords I mean you’ve gotten every four and you’ve gotten double four of Wands this is a stable thing this is good for you this is beneficial for you this is Success okay accomplishing your
Goals um making peace with the past here you’re not worrying about anything you’re not stressing over anything with this four of swords okay you got success here definitely this is beautiful all right and you may be receiving some sort of message here I think you may be sending out a
Message yeah I think you may be sending out a message we got the Queen of Wands yet again and the Ace of Wands all right so some good things are coming up hang on just a second okay let’s get you some Oracle messages here cuz this is a beautiful
Message for you guys I’m so excited for you let’s go ahead and get some angel numbers here numerology what are the numbers for you guys today we have 999 release balance finances success wealth Cycles goes around comes around here’s your karma card again your current circumstances are about to end
Whatever happening it’s almost over you might um want to take advantage of the better ones coming your way is this not exactly what the message was if you are exp experiencing a significant change or conclusion an ending to something do not worry things are about to get better how
Can you make room for something better to come in for you all right how can you what can you do how can you make room for this new thing can you sit in peace and allow it can you hear the Muse can you do something that brings you
Inspiration look at this these are the same two numbers you guys got just the other day I am not kidding you um yesterday literally you just got the same two cards yesterday 999 which is release and then 1616 which is readjustments overcoming any obstacles soulmate mates romance affection support
And comfort your level of self-control is everything that you need that’s all you need right now on the horizon is the beginning of a new romantic or platonic friendship as well as a chance to begin life a new with a person from your past okay so it does not have to be a
Romantic relationship and I feel like this person from the past may just be somebody that you already know not necessarily I mean maybe you haven’t seen them in a little while but I I just don’t feel like it’s a new person that’s going to come in and offer you
Something of value to you okay so that’s what that what is saying and it says here everything will fall to pieces but take it as it resonates doesn’t mean it’s going to fall to pieces yeah it could you know whatever it is you’re losing could be what’s falling to pieces
All right so let’s go ahead and see what else we have here for you you have the serpent shedding of your sin uh your sins shedding of your skin releasing the old way is over and done okay something new is coming in that’s a transformation that is beautiful energy right
There and then you have freedom boundless Freedom surges through you so whatever this is that’s making you feel sad or um like a loss it’s about to end you’ve got freedom coming your way let’s get you uh an eternal Crystal card here card 22 which is what another four
No that’s one two 3 four five six fours okay that’s six number four fours so four is huge here all right 22 card 22 coite children your third eye chakra and heart chakra that is so weird so this could be somebody that you’ve known since childhood is what I’m saying what I’m
Hearing I’m also seeing not saying um the roller skate story again so that may be why it’s roller it may have something to do with children all right we’re going to put that one here what have we got now we’ve got child of the cosmos the intelligence of
The universe lies within you that’s the empress energy here okay you have everything that you need that you want that you require you have to be open to receiving that’s it just be open to receiving your blessings if you need something it’ll be there for you
All right look at this we’ve got ground and Center yourself make peace with the situation yeah don’t fight this allow yourself to um receive the blessings that are there for you you’re not flying off you know into the night you’re not up um chasing mice or anything else
You’re not trying to control anything you’re staying grounded and releasing any negative energy just moving past it so that you can bring in those blessings we’ve got card 21 you’re going to surmount any obstacle that comes your way okay you’re going to overcome it 21 is the three you’ve got the three of
Pentacles here the empress which is the three and now you’ve got this one which is the three this is also the eight of Wands so you’ve got Unity Mind Body Spirit and again communication communication with that eight of Wands but this is about you taking action too you don’t don’t
Overcome a mountain by sitting still all right you got a stag down here so there’s a new beginning here starting fresh love that what else anything one more this could be the one so yes there was some sort of romance mentioned in one of the cards here um it could be a
New romance coming in here for you you’ve already met the Romantic partner that you are seeking all right so this could be the one Let’s uh see if we can put that there oops sorry Little Owl isn’t that just the cutest darned owl I mean that is just the cutest
Little thing it came on this really long stick and I just broke it off and put it in one of my little Planters there all right let’s see what else we have here for you anything anything else oh oh we have The Whispers of Love card
28 which is a 10 the union of Hearts A Love connection is going to defy explanation beautiful look at that two trees you’ve got the mother Gaia and you know Gaia and the green man you know all intertwined you’re in alignment this is beautiful all right let’s get you your
Three yes or no answers we’re going to use the die today so 1 through five is a no answer 6 through 12 is a yes that gives you one more opportunity to receive a yes answer also um feel free to reverse the roles if you want one
Through five to mean the opposite take it any way you want to do it okay and if this doesn’t make any sense to you that’s okay otherwise if you’re new here and you’ve never participated in the yes or no answers and you don’t have a question ready go ahead pause the video
And start it back up when you have your questions formed if you want to play along if not just hang on until we get to the other stuff all right let’s go ahead and see what answer number one is yes or no that’s a yes answer that’s a number
Seven and what you have here is 2 and eight that’s a 10 and it tells me that some sort of imbalance is about to end um because you have four on the bottom here another four bringing in that stability something really solid so if you’re wondering if you can
Trust this thing yes but you might have to have some flexibility with whatever is going on answer number two yes or no is again a seven it is a yes answer you also have the numbers 9 12 and 11 answer number three yes or
No is a three that is a no answer okay you’ve got 5 1 2 six and four and six and four are on the bottom and it that tells me about that imbalance again it’s coming there’s something not quite right there some sort of shift a change that’s
Going to have to be made you got fives three and two is five one and four is five and then you got the five itself on there yeah there’s some changes that have to be made first okay all right so there’s your yes or no answers Spirit wants to give
You something out of the sea Melodies we’ve got determination that’s Chariot energy do not be afraid of the rising tide it will soon reede so whatever you’re feeling lost over don’t worry about it this things are going to come back to you okay yep and it’s going to be bigger and
Better for you I’m loving that turbulence the mind is murky when it’s in rough water so make peace rest step back let it go I’m hearing the name Durban Durban up here um with turbulence came through um ambulance M E M it feels like an energy ambulance I don’t recognize that
Word I don’t know if it is yeah I don’t recognize that it may not be English it may be something else all right s Sarah May um Fester Fred Fern Yas Meine Xavier Pax Georgina Griffith Gregory gray Esme Fern again coming through very strongly Mimi Messi it almost feels like someone’s trying to say Missy but they they’ve got a I don’t want to say a speech impediment but maybe okay and they’re saying messy instead of Missy it’s kind of like you know just a child that can’t quite form the letters right to begin with um Zane reward Pacific Paisley Paige Brown Bray Beardsley Sue Simi Sri Lanka I just heard Xerox um goo boots go go dancing referee Riley Ryan Ryan Reggie Roger Wiggins whiffin Whiffle like the whiffle ball warry Reagan Ursula Irma expansion Rock Fort Edward Edo Edo hey Edo um eggie Sage Megan Maggie Margaret margarit re William Wall-E wasel more Morrison Morales Morgan Saigon all right we got a wild so I’ll reroll that we’ve got Decker delicious McDonald mcdermit em Elmo Emily em
Amelia no that yeah Amelia but it’s an e that starts it so like Emily but it’s Emilia Emilia eert Draymond Dressman Mercy Leah Ledford Medford Redford okay ficho fiki Mack medy Melody May Adam Effie Ace auran Ascend argon Ari Ames am S ed Edy ego ego Haley peacock o no um Fabio Hogan Hopi hobby Hobie gab Gabrielle Gabe facts like f a c TS fact GFF DNE Debbie Diana Dion Dean G adrey and Fay all right that’s what I’ve got for you guys today I hope you’ve enjoyed
This message if you have don’t forget to tickle tap Boop or zap that like button claim it in the comments if you are a new viewer here welcome welcome I hope you found something that resonated and that you come back in the future if you are returning viewer you know I love you
Guys to pieces either way thank you for being here don’t forget to click that uh Little Bell icon if you want to be notified of when all um messages come out I think you might have to first subscribe to do that but I don’t know if you’re interested in a personal
Reading please email me that information is below every video or on my homepage and I will send you all the details okay on how it works and what you can expect all right until orangy crosses again I’m going to wish you much peace love and happiness bye-bye