All right guys we’ve got a warning coming out from multiple government officials in the United States of America that China and their cyber Army as they call them which is really just a militarized version of hackers are invading us critical services like our power grids our ports our pipelines and
Our water utilities we do have us officials coming out some of them on the condition of anonymity and some of them just speaking plainly about it Security Experts in the industry they are all saying that we have been hacked over two dozen entities in the past year and some
With active attacks as you watch this video guys this information is coming to you with some breaking news and some other good information from Full Spectrum Survival only on YouTube make sure that you come over join the Full Spectrum Survival family over here crucial entities in the past year have
Been attacking our infrastructure and these intrusions are part of a broader plan one that will bring down the United States of America’s grid it will create Panic it will disrupt Logistics and it will create General and widespread chaos there will be a conflict between China and the USA in the Pacific and the
Statements that we are seeing say that once this takes place China will have activated the dormant uh viruses and dormant leaks that they have in our infrastructural uh system ways the hackers have tried to get into the Texas power grid which operates independent inde dependently from the rest of the
Country they have targeted several entities outside of the USA including multiple places across Europe and other American Allies electrical utilities and some other sensitive and critical uh places have been attacked it’s very clear according to the executive director of the Department of Homeland Security that China’s attempts to compromis critical infrastructure are in
Part A prepositioning of themselves to be able to destroy or disrupt that infrastructure as a conflict takes place I’m going to paraphrase a little bit here they say that it will be acting to either prevent the USA from being able to project power into Asia or come to
The aid of Taiwan or come to the aid of South Korea or it will be to cause societal chaos in the USA now let me tell you Kelly and I just watched while we only got through about half of it the video uh Leave the World Behind or
Something the other night with juli Roberts I think Ethan Hawk might be in is that who was the guy in it okay so that movie was a little bit of projection I would say and it looks like that’s what’s happening do you know who made that movie well Barack Obama his
Wife previous president of the United States of America and isn’t the timing coincidental well if the last couple of years have taught you anything the last couple of decades is that there are no such things as coincidences these so-called coincidence times are are a lot of times linked to
Real activities real events now I don’t know you know there’s a lot of people who speculate there’s a lot of people who come out and say that there is a purposeful disruption of the way of life of America and how it has been for decades there’s a lot of fact to that
China and Russia are right out in the open saying that now how can we have for so many years our politicians investing and getting paid and getting bought out by China getting bought out by Russia see like if you’re on one side China’s in your pocket you know giving that old
Yankee the if you’re on the other side Russia’s in your other pocket giving that old yank to you how do we have that happen and it not be blatant and obvious to the American people that they want nothing more than a selfish gain of corruption greed and power so when we
See these reports that China’s out here doing this it should be very believable that we have uh some sort of projection taking place inside of me of Med media things like movies Netflix shows Prime shows all those things are meant to distract or disrupt or get you thinking
About something else now us officials have clarified that the impact on Industrial Control Systems responsible for critical functions remain intacted and in the control of us operators however we are seeing reports come across that it’s basically a get inside lay dormant and wait for China’s War to
Take place for this to happen European residents are told to be on the lookout as the spread of a 100 day cough sweeps across the continent they say it can crack ribs it’s causing seizures it’s running its course maybe even throughout the entire world the United States of
America is also being told to be on the lookout for this professor Richard tedar the ex- head of the Department of rology at the University College of London has warned that cases will rise further over the holiday season now remember China just had that unknown flu or whatever
Was happening there in which the hospitals absolutely madly filled up kids in there IV bags you just look in the pictures that we saw and you see heads and you see IV bags these aren’t staged pictures this is exactly what is happening too much illness at one point
In time throws down the uh Health Care system so what you should do you should start thinking about your immunity right now you should start thinking about your uh vitamins that you can take eating good exercising they’ve that exercise just getting out there anything more
Than you do in a sedentary life you get out there and you walk a little you get out ride your bike Kelly and I go roller skating we do these different things anything you do that adds to a sedentary life kills viruses kills cancer it gives
Your body a chance to go and attack those things that’s why you get tired when you’re exercising your body is getting ready to attack those things you know they call it fighting the flu you got to fight this virus you’re fighting a cold because it is a fight now let’s
Not let what they have let out be a fight for our life and let’s get out there let’s eat good let’s exercise let’s do all these different things so that we can’t get the 100 day cough up to a third of all us senior citizens are trying to avoid being evicted and 30%
Are facing the losing of their homes senior citizens on a fixed income don’t have the ability to increase their income inflation up 30% Plus in the past 3 years seniors are uh their income is failed to keep up once they lose their homes it’s gone never going to get it
Back again Italy has officially informed China it’s out of the belt and Road initiative Italy in 2019 became the first so far the only Western Country to join the trade and Investment Group they ignored the warnings of the United States of America that China had bigger plans there and now they’ve said they’ve
Seen clearly and must get out of it and they’re not calling this a Great Depression of the the American people do you know why well because they don’t want to admit to it a record number of people in the USA lost their life to suicide last year the country’s rate
Reached the highest level in over 80 years how can you say that we don’t have a depression a problem running across America Benjamin Netanyahu at least in private has been very blunt about what’s going to happen in the Middle East they say they must destroy their enemies and
They will do so with a steady supply of more Us weapons and more of your tax money I want to read to you an exact quote from him now of course it was translated we need three things from the US Munitions Munitions Munitions there are huge demonstrations in Western
Capitals he added he’s concerned about political pressure it’s going to threaten us arms Supply we need to apply counter pressure he says there have been dis disagreements with the best of our friends now let me tell you when the Allies start breaking up that’s when you’ve got
A real problem on your hands and that’s what we’re starting to see right now there are wedges have you ever put a wedge into anything maybe you’ve got a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth and you know how that is pushing apart your teeth and you can feel it well that’s
What we have happening in America and around the world right now we have a wedge pulling apart our allies and they’re going to have to choose do I want to go with Russia do I want to go with China do I want to be here with the
USA well it used to be for the last couple of decades it was an easy answer for them because they were like hey I look at the USA and if I get in trouble they’re going to give me ma uh military aid they’re going to give me some money
They’re going to protect me they’re going to do all these things sure I’ll have to give up to the mafia a little but they’re going to be there for me well now the USA the US military is so divided between multiple conflicts across our world that the Allies are
Looking and they’re saying you know what China seems to be handling their very clearly Russia isn’t even touched by the sanctions that are happening they’re fighting against all of NATO against the entire Western world’s supply of ammunition and money and they’re holding their own and so these onetime allies
Are now looking at these other super Giants these other superpowers and they’re saying well I guess America isn’t what it used to be now this is very dangerous for us here Living in America and our allies that continue to exist because that means that this country is under threat and we better
Take these threats seriously we do have a red alert coming out that was buried in the house intelligence committee’s section 72 Reform Bill it was scheduled for a floor vote it’s the largest expansion according to uh people who are warning against it of surveillance inside the USA since the Patriot Act it
Was sent through a seemingly innocuous change in the definition of electronic service Communications providers they say under current law The Government Can compel companies that have direct access to communication such as your phone or your email or text messages to assist in section 02 surveillance under Section
504 of the bill any entity that has access to equipment on which Communications uh may be transmitted or stored such as a router that means they’re going after everybody for every bit of in information that you give up so not just your cell phone that’s easy you’re like T-Mobile Verizon yeah
They’re going to give it up no this is your uh your link router this is your uh your electricity provider this is everything they’re getting everything now why would a country that has built itself on never being a tyranny want to know what you’re doing 24 hours a day
Where you’re going who you’re talking to what you’re saying and they’re looking at you like you might be a dangerous entity this is a time of change and our job here is to help get you ready and that’s exactly what we’re doing so first I want to thank you for being here with
Us today and everyday Full Spectrum Survival only on YouTube I also want you to keep aware of the things that are going on so make sure you hit the Subscribe button join us back here tomorrow for more information from my family to yours please stay safe and keep watch this week’s full spectrum
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