Hey party people good morning crusty crew we just got to Walmart in Austin Texas because we heard that there’s brand new 2024 Lego sets already showing up on the shelves a little birdie told me that there might be some Star Wars as well as the Creator 3in one sets which
Is what I’m most excited for I’ve never really cared too much about the Creator 3 in1 sets in the past but this wave this year is so good they have so many good sets coming I’m really excited for the roller skate the giraffe in the ukulele I’m hoping to find some Star
Wars sets too maybe yeah hopefully we can find some so yeah I got a text about an hour ago saying that there might be some early Lego sets so hopefully they’re still here hopefully there were a lot of them I think this is the first time I’ve ever
Actually been this excited for Creator 3 in one yay Wally World Ross got a cart oh they have so many cookies there’s so many good sets coming out on January 1st I love that Bird’s art set as well I think that looks really nice normally the art sets are like in a big
Frame you know this one’s just little birdies on the wall I think that’s really neat all right we made it to the Lego aisle and Ross is already thrilled oh my goodness I can’t believe it oh wow I was not expecting this I’m a little
Bit emotional oh it’s okay Ross um so do I just uh grab them all Psych not going to do that but I am going to grab one of them yay still have a ton here this is kind of wild and and this one’s new as well I don’t really know anything about
This character here but it looks like a blue Ewok the name is Nubs I like Nubs I think it’s cute these two are new so that’s really exciting already and they still have a lot of Star Wars stuff it looks like something was on on sale I
Don’t actually know what that is and I don’t see anything that resembles that on the shelf right now but then down here this is pretty exciting so this is normally $27 but it’s marked down to 16 so I don’t know if you want to get any
Of these Ross but it seems like a really good deal oh wow that is a really good deal 16 maybe maybe okay I think this is new they had little cameras Oh and then Ross is pointed out that this one here is new as well the whole Lego City wave
Is like space themed which is pretty fun they’re going pretty hard on Spaces here the little aliens in here are kind of neat they remind me of Z blob from Lego dreams I love these little Crystal pieces whenever I see those in sets I’m just really excited about it and then
Ross wait come check this one out what does this remind you of in Star Wars a Droid it looks like a B2 battle droid it kind of does it looks like a non IP space version of a B2 battle droid there and then over this way there’s another
Creator space set so it’s a giant astronaut right and then you can turn it into a spaceship looking thing but then there’s a dog version you can make your doggy into an astop pup here’s some bigger images of it is not cutest thing ever I want to get this and make it but
Make it look like ladybird I think that’d be really cool okay wow they have this one too and then the flowers I am so excited right now so this is the creator 3 in one set coming out January 1st it’s flowers in water and can is the
Title so here’s a little water and can very cute there’s also like a birdie version but then the rain boot I actually really like the rain boot a lot I feel like that would look so good with some of the Botanicals next to it like mixed in or maybe maybe this one would
Look better I don’t know they’re both really nice I like the butterflies the butterflies are really good what’s on here flowers yeah this one’s really nice how much is this one for 30 bucks for 420 pieces it’s a pretty good deal I think we’ll be grabbing that one yay and
Then maybe one of these I don’t know I would like to buy this today I like the flowers flowers are cool yay they’re cherry blossoms thank you gele o I want this one too so this one is one of my favorites from the new wave look how beautiful that is like the
Light blue color with the flowers on it is that hibiscus I feel like that’s hibiscus I’m not actually sure but then there’s also like a surfboard and then like a dolphin kind of diarama thing going on here like how cute is that I feel like this also fits into like a
Botanical kind of display pretty much all of these here would yeah I’m definitely buying this I like this a lot this is going to be a huge haul they have so much here taking a look this one’s actually brand new as well this is
A 2024 set I really want to get this one I might hold off on this one uh we’ll see because I have a few other Minecraft sets I haven’t even opened yet but really excited about the big frog house it comes with three frogs so I’m pretty
Excited about that a green one a tan one and a gray one no it’s a chocolate one that’s a chocolate one there you go chocolate frog like from Harry Potter something else I noticed too I believe this is a new set as well so this is oh
That’s kind of cool this is nice this is a cheap way to get Bowser so you don’t have to get like a big castle set or the giant uh Airship so that’s pretty cool have Mario Kart oh wow it is you could like you can put Mario in it or Bowser I
Feel like this is the closest thing to Mario Kart we have so far oh what’ you find I’m getting this they have the uh the X-Men xjet oh that’s super exciting swooping in there yay is there anything else new over here I know it’s a new
Harry Potter set coming right I want to say this is a new set no that’s been out for a while it has it shows how much I follow of 4 plus but then looking just over to this side there is the brand new Rocket Raccoon set I don’t know if yall
Have seen the newest Guardians of the Galaxy movie but oh my goodness y’all I could not contain myself that movie was so sad I just want to get this and snuggle him like oh my gosh poor rocket W no way I actually had one of these as
A kid I was so good at it I like maxed it out at one point I think it was a different version though we’re also kind of checking along the top cuz there’s so many up there we’re like are any of these new it’s kind of hard to tell I
Actually didn’t see this but they actually have this set and then this set here I really want those are the ones you were trying to find at Disney right they were yeah so the idea is that they’re a companion set so you get this set and then this set down here and you
Can put them together to make a super set oh that’s cool but you already have that one you just need those two yeah cool the Frog okay get the Frog Ross also just pulled down one of the new dream sets from the way tippy top shelf
This is wild so it’s this one this one’s also new I haven’t played this game Minecraft Legends but I do want to give it a shot so this is a total different like mob I’m not used to that skeleton looks like he’s screaming for some reason I really like that his toe got
Hurt he stubbed his toe oh maybe that’s it I like the little bird I’ll probably come back and pick this up once I start playing this game Who Ross has found this hamster one I don’t think I’ve seen anything about this yet I don’t remember
Seeing it at least but look it has the hamster wheel and then a hamster slide and there’s like water there’s a bell there’s a hamster home TI be cup thing that goes into the bowl I guess or maybe that’s her food but you can make it into
A dog and then you got a cat toy one too this is fun wow here’s another one I haven’t seen yet I feel like this has got to be a new set it’s a karaoke music party and check it out said a lizard here a lizard’s name is popcorn and I
Don’t know is it like popcorn’s birthday he’s just there celebrating I feel like there’s a big story going on here and I like it wait on the back of the box popcorn is singing he has the mic there you go popcorn I just grabbed the roller
Skate from down lower as well I’m so happy they had this was kind of buried towards the back more I feel like a lot of people probably ran to grab this one but I think this is one of the better three in- one sets cuz the roller skate
Looks so good with all the laces and then there’s like a boom box kind of machine and a skateboard let’s see if we can get a better image on the back of the box there we go yeah these look really nice I do feel like this is the
Best one out of all of them though I love all the wheels I actually used to do roller skating I took like roller skating lessons on Saturdays and everything I noticed too they have this one I do want to get pick it up eventually for the figure and I really
Like the giant uh chaos Emerald here a man that actually looks really cool I really want this one but I’m going to hold off for now uh something to look forward to a little bit later I’m going to say something that might trigger Sonic fans and I’m so sorry but this
Looks like the little bat person from Anastasia that’s like hanging out with Rasputin in the underground area doesn’t it look like yeah well she is a bat so I’ll give you that oh this is kind of cool so in the Lego aisle here we have Ezra Bridger from the Ahsoka show I
Guess this is like Ahsoka version last time I was at Disney I actually bought a Loa cat and I named it loafy Ross definitely loves that I bought that very creative name loafy also just uh almost missed these ones cuz I don’t really collect them but I saw that they have
The the new war machine Mech and the new Venom versus Miles Morales me it’s another two of the superhero sets I can’t remember if there’s any more coming out though okay I’m just so happy this is an insane haul that we just found at Walmart like this is almost
What the entire Creator 3 in1 wave tons of Star Wars Marvel this is an exciting day Ross is pretty stoked about his Minecraft too it’s like Christmas came early I’m kind of wandering around a little bit now trying to find some Minifigures some brand new boxed cmf
Series 24 I think we’re on Minifigures but I found some Duplo instead the Minifigs are usually in the front or just kind of scattered somewhere randomly in the toy section look at all the bluey they have we’re not going to come to Walmart and not look at Bluey
Like look at this we have I don’t know what this is what is this it’s baby Bluey from the episode called Baby race where Chile is feeling kind of discouraged about being a mom and then the other mom’s like you’re doing great and then we have chef hat
Bingo I’ve been spotted look it’s baby Bluey from baby race and then chef hat Bingo yeah I really want them and then we changed their mind about the hamster here’s all our goodies we just checked out this was $400 of Lego which is insane Ross just L it up all the Lego
All right Ross are we ready for a car Haw car Haw car haw car car all right starting it off first Emily what’ you get here the rose blossoms no the cherry blossoms feel like the box art doesn’t do it justice I’ve seen some of the lifestyle images and they look really
Pretty so I’m going to put these in a vase and hope for the best I got the X-Men xjet I wasn’t actually really planning on getting this set until I found it on sale cuz I think it is a little bit overpriced for what it is but
Since I found it early I had to snag it I’m really excited cuz I have the original one from 2014 so it’ be fun to compare the two next we’re going to show off a bunch of the creators one sets that I am super excited about so this
One here is called the flowers in watering can it’s very descriptive kind of title for it you get what you get yeah so here’s the flowers and watering can I do think that this one looks the best out of all of them but there’s also the little birdies and the flowers in
Boot a ganache is it a ganache Noki no the shoe and it called like a ganache it’s yellow yeah like a ganache like a rain boot I think it’s called a ganache I don’t know what that is all right you I’m really excited about this one I love
The flowers on it I think they look really pretty again I think they might be hibiscus but like I actually don’t know it looks like hibiscus right that could be high biscus I don’t know let us know but I just love that I think it’ll look really good with the other
Botanicals with like the bugs set it’ll look awesome so thrilled about this Ross also plays Bas not not a ukulele but you know four strings though yeah close enough right basically a violin and there’s also the surfboard version or the dolphin oh and then my favorite of
The Creator 3 in one sets is the roller skate look at those Wheels look at the laces it is beautiful I’m so excited to have this on a shelf it’s something I never thought I would want but like I don’t know I used to do roller skating
Lessons I like could do spins and stuff I was good so it’s kind of fun having a roller skate out of Lego and then a little like boom box speaker and a skateboard you know which one they didn’t have they didn’t have the giraffe oh yeah Justice for the giraffe Justice
For Joffrey Joffrey all right so you know I had to pick me up one of these originally I was going to get two but I decided I’ll put one back just so other people can get it first cuz I know there’s going to be a lot of hype around
This set this set means a ton to me because it’s very reminiscent of the OG battle pack that came out like 2007 that was still like one of my all-time favorite Star Wars sets because of the introduction of Battle Packs and this here is kind of a mix of both the Droid
And the Clone battle pack from that time though I’m not the biggest fan of this uh Spider Droid looking thing either way really excited to have normal phase 2 clone troopers again man it was a long time and uh B2 battle droids as well super cool also got this Minecraft set
Not much to say other than it comes with a lot of Froggies and I like Froggies now this set is a gas it’s because it comes with a gas from Minecraft super excited to finally have this one I thought it came out a month ago but
Apparently it didn’t so glad to have it and probably the smallest set we got today is the little baby Red Dragon the title of the set is Red Dragon I don’t know it’s a red dragon it’s a three in one it looked kind of cute it was $10 so
We were like you know what why not it’s kind of fun you can also make it into a little birdie or a fish and then this is the last one um I don’t really need to explain myself to you because I like turtles all right y’all well we’re going
To have a really fun holiday season busy with building Lego so I’m really excited for all these These are going to be fun definitely check out Mr sorus his YouTube channel if you didn’t know he has a YouTube channel he actually has two YouTube channels so go subscribe
Because there might be some reviews up there at some point anyways I’m hungry all right thanks everyone for watching and we’ll see you next time bye