Like home with your family around you you’re never alone know that you’re love you don’t need to cuz there’s no place like home times are changing every day we won’t get by with those same away pulling together we’ll make it right with help from our friends
We no like home with your family around you you’re never alone when you know that you’re love you don’t need to cuz the rain no there Ain No there no there’s no place like I mean no place child afternoon Sandra afternoon Rose why does the building look better better it has a certain Ambiance know ain’t different is Mary isn’t here that’s it Lester left her the car to run a few errands she’ll be back in a minute well
There goes the Ambiance ambulance well I was only taking a nap is it all right if I sit here a minute or is Mary touchy about anyone else using her crate no I’m sure she won’t mind ooh now I know why she’s so Snappy oh there she is now she’s parking
The car across the street she’ll never get that big car in that teeny space Oh she’ll get it in sandre she’ll get it in she got it in my goodness what did she hit a very expensive foreign T oh no is she okay well she looks okay except for those shoes
Mar mar are you all right yeah I’m okay well you may be okay and your car may be okay but it looks like you busted the tail light on that BMW oh Lord somebody tell me those are the owner’s initials you bumped into trouble I dated a gentleman who owned one of those
Foreign jobbies and he used to tell me about the many thousands of dollars he’d spend for the most incidental of repairs it’s only a tail light only a tail light Mary they got to bring that tail light all the way from doled off you know how many Germans it takes
To put in a tail light how many dollars does it take to put in this tail light my Gentleman friend damaged his Ash stripe cost him $200 to replace it it would have been cheaper to give up smoking well Mar don’t worry your insurance company is going to take care
Of it oh Rose do you have any idea how high our premiums are going to be after this accident as high as a Wi on a space shuttle thank you Pearl and plus you got to tell Lester about it thank you Pearl Mary I wouldn’t be in your shoes for
Nothing in the world thank you Pearl who do you suppose that car belongs to it’s got to be somebody from the condo oh great that’s all I need well you are going to leave a note on the car aren’t you well of course what a couple of Girl
Scouts but please I wouldn’t venture to give you any advice Mary leaving a note is the right thing to do oh and when was the last time someone dented your car and left you a note well I don’t own a car so you’re quite an authority well I know what’s right
What’s right is to let the man’s insurance company take care of the man’s car after all nobody saw Mary do it did they I didn’t me neither well I did and I can’t lie can’t you give it a shot come on Mary okay I’m putting a
Note on the man’s car you think Lester will be happy with that decision well of course he will he will oh please now Mary it would be a lovely world if everybody went around sticking notes on cars excuse me I believe I hit your car
Or don’t a why I may have smashed your window and stolen your radio but they don’t and that’s why God created insurance company’s Mary but far be it from me to advise you child well Lester will be home soon I’ll just wait till he comes before I put the note on the
Car well I want him to check my spelling how come I had to eat a TV dinner because dear I have something to talk over with your father alone I’m not getting a little brother or sister am I no Brenda you don’t have to give up your
Room what are you doing oiling my skate what you going to do roll around the room no Cal’s taking me skating on a school night no tomorrow tomorrow’s Friday he’s taking me tomorrow uh and when were you going to ask permission on Sunday of course not I was going to ask you
Tonight hi Miss Jenkins oh hi Calvin hey Bri you ready to go uh go go go where to the skating ring um Calvin you must be mistaken we’re supposed to go tomorrow night right tomorrow well why did you just tell me to hurry up and get my
Skates now you see if he was a road scholar you might have gotten out of there oh did I say something wrong Calvin go skating oh thanks Mrs Jenkins uh isn’t Brenda coming no Calvin thanks Mrs Jenkins I’ll deal with you later mom what if I was going to
Practice with a roller skating team on a school night that would be okay wouldn’t it nope well what if we were skating to raise money for a famine relief on a school night are you this creative at school mom you’re being unreasonable thank you dear can I go on Saturday no
Why not because you lied and that’s your punishment what’s with Brenda oh nothing for you to worry about honey just enjoy your dinner how do you like everything one of my favorites all of my favorites good bread good meat good Lord let’s [Laughter] see so how was your day oh
Fine aren’t you wondering about mine uh-uh well aren’t you wondering why I’m doing all this uh-uh Lester Mary can I finish my meal before you tell me the bad news when I was coming home from the errands this evening I had an accident with the car
The car you didn’t bang up the car oh there’s not a scratch on it but you did hit something a BMW couldn’t you have hit an American car honey if I could have I would have M do you know how much it cost to repair one of those things you even going to
Ask if anybody was hurt I’m sorry was anyone hurt man do you know how much it cost to repair one of those things I know how much it cost for the ashtray did you hit an ashtray no a tail light well what did the guy say there was no guy no
Guy when I was parking I hit a park car parked across the street I thought of leaving a note and did you no I want you to see what you thought what do you think well it would have been the right thing to do let’s see if I can see it from here
Which one is it the red one with the broken tail light you mean the one the police are thrwing away what it was parked next to a fire hydren there it goes oh what a shame Rose I was ready to write the note Le Lester was ready to put the note on
The car is it my fault that they told the car away no what else could I do rose could have put a note on the car right away yes Rose we all know that and we all know that if I had it all to do over
Again I would have right right what do you want me to do hire a blimp with a sign put Billboards up all over town saying everybody with a busted tail light please see Mary I’m sorry that’s all I can do rose you could try walking across the street what what the car’s
Back good you can put a note on the car now hi Grandma if we can’t go out Saturday night then when can we go up I don’t know Calvin maybe when I’m a lot older I might get my freedom then oh hi Mom oh hi Miss well what was that all about oh
She’s mad because I punished her for what for not being honest give me a pencil how about some pie honey oh no thanks baby I’m full besides I got this work to finish what is your favorite well it used to be my favorite but I’ve had it so many times whoe [Laughter] pie
You know that note’s been out there all day why doesn’t he call Mary well it’s out there with my name and phone number on it for everybody to see might as well be tacked up in some men’s room will you stop it well what are some weirdo calls hello Mrs
Jenkins you want to crack my tail [Applause] life I’m taking the note off the car no you’re going to leave it right where it is come on over here and sit down and relax oh honey I can’t it’s on my mind I can’t even sleep oh Mary so glad I found you I
Think I have found the problem the answer is right here in this gardening book to our duranium you know Mary poor thing she said she didn’t sleep at all last night hello ladies what happened to me Mary did the tedium of her everyday existence finally get to it had a bad dream oh it wasn’t a dream it’s still there and so is that car well I had enough I’m going to find the owner hey look [Applause] out did you see that he smashed the
Whole side of the car and he didn’t leave a note why sh he yours is already [Applause] there you know Mary I can’t even see the tail light anymore she’s right Mary are you agreeing with her now well I say is the note you left you better get it off
That fast Mary you’re looking at a $155,000 repair bill at least [Laughter] well come on I’m not going by myself all right uh-oh someone’s coming out who he’s taking a note off the car that’s a big man yeah he looks pretty mean yeah this could be rough I think I
Should go talk to him stop come right back here that man is in no mood for talking he’s in the mood to kill he’s reading the note he’s looking this way act nor just stop that you want him to come over here now why would I want a big
Handsome luxury car owner coming over here oh shoot he went back in I wonder why he didn’t come over here right away he’s going to get his [Laughter] [Applause] gun that’s nonsense Pearl men like that use their bare hands well all he’s got is my name and
Phone number all he can do is call I bet he’s Furious well I’m sure when he settles down he’ll be reasonable I wouldn’t count on it Mary she’s right Mary Rose would you pick one side of the fence and stay there oh you in a fix Mary I wish I
Could think of a way for you to get out of it I can help you better listen to her Mary she knows what she’s talking about but I didn’t do it at least not all of it yeah but he’s got your name your telephone number and a repair bill
For $15,000 000 how are you going to break that to Lester help me child oh you’re willing to listen to me now yes whereas before you had no interest in what I was saying utilize your femininity look helpless batch your eyelashes I’ll on your mind Sandra that is ridiculous last week
I ran a red light policeman pulled me over I smiled flirted a little what happened let’s say a court date turned into a dinner date in other words what you’re trying to say is that I should get this man interested so that I can get out of paying the
Damages I can’t do that well there is one other way I don’t like this Rose it’s not honest well Mary sometimes dishonesty is the best policy is that the same Rose who brings the sermons down from the mount well Mary I don’t like this either
But you don’t want to end up O A $15,000 repair Bill do you but sandre pretended to be me oh Rose just give it a try I just don’t want it to go too far mop tired apron po holder do I look like you now Mary it’s gone too far Rose
I know what’s missing where are those silly gloves you always wear when you’re doing the dishes Sandra are you sure about this of course I’m Mary Jenkins when that handsome car owner comes over here I’ll convince him I’m responsible only for the tail light not for the
Total annihilation of one side of his car and then you promise to send a check for the damages of that tail light which I will send him and that will be that not if I’m lucky Sandra Oh come on relax Mary I intend to tell him the whole truth when on our
Honeymoon oh well look he said he’s on his way right over so if you don’t trust me just stay here and keep an eye on me are you sure you know what you’re doing well frankly there is one thing I’m not too sure about show me that walk of
Yours again you know where you move your legs without moving anything [Applause] else be cool now be cool this is going to work out fine for all of us Mary deacons yes I’m uh Marvin Grant Mary Jenkins so nice to meet you oh I’m sorry feels so natural you
Have very nice hands oh thank you Mrs Jenkins Mary Mary oh oh excuse me how rude my friends Rose Holloway and Sandra Clark this is Marvin Grant please to meet you ladies now don’t tell me because I already know you’re the handsome gentleman whose handsome car I scratched yesterday well
It was more than a scratch no no no just a little crack in the tail light I almost didn’t leave a note it seems so small but sandre here convinced me I appreciate the note but really Mary the car’s nearly total and I don’t have
I know Mr Grant um Mary just um tapped your car another car hit it today I know because I was there really cross my heart oh how could I doubt someone honest enough to leave a note and pretty enough to it is Mrs Jenkins isn’t it Mary [Applause]
Yes but lest than my husband walked out two years [Applause] ago leaving me penniless my auto insurance laps and frankly I don’t know how I’m going to pay you he took everything the money the jewels oh I haven’t had a new dress in two years I mean look at this Old
Rag tell you what uh let’s forget the damages I’ll let my insurance company handle it great no but sandre the woman’s in trouble she sure is no no I’ll handle it I insist oh thank Thank You Marvin but I do feel responsible isn’t there anything little L I can
Do well why don’t we discuss it over dinner uh Mary how about some coffee fine make some why don’t you and I make it Mary since this is your house Mary excuse me Mom of course [Laughter] [Applause] okay Sandra that’s it call it off if you
Give me five more minutes I’ll have him paying your rent that was not the agreement tell her rose that was not not the agreement well look if we tell him now he’ll just get angry and I’ll never see him again I don’t care it’s wrong well then you tell him I
Will I tried to stop him what’s going on here look buddy you can’t come Bing in here after two years and expect everything to be the St you and man who is this guy and what is he talking about well that’s no s nobody get man this is my house and if you
Think you going to take that too you got another thing coming wait a [Laughter] minute Mary will explain Mr Grant I hope you didn’t mind what sandre did oh no I was glad she did it cuz if she hadn’t been you and you had have been her we would have never
Met and I wouldn’t be taking her out tomorrow night for dinner well can I get you some more Pine oh no thank thanks Mary it was delicious but I should be getting home got a busy day at the office tomorrow well we’ll be glad to take care of the damag and Mary
Did no I said that wasn’t necessary and I said we insist but that tail light doesn’t make a difference anymore but you got to let us do something well listen I’m new in this neighborhood and you’re the first people I’ve been comfortable with I wouldn’t mind having
Some friends to drop in on now and then for some home cooking or maybe to watch the Redskins game and you got it right here season tickets hey fantastic and don’t forget dinner next Friday woo hey Mom can I have some more pie before it’s all gone oh Brenda honey I’m glad you’re
Here we just learned a little lesson that I think you might benefit from I deceived Mr Grant today and I learned something I got to practice what I preach does that mean I can go skating next Saturday no that means I’m honesty is the best policy thanks again Mary and your pie
Was the best I’ve ever tasted but Mom isn’t that on Rose’s [Laughter] pie I’m going to leave Mr Grant a note [Laughter] [Applause] Dear there no place like home with your family around you you’re never alone know that’s you’re love you don’t need to cuz there’s no like home times are changing every day we won’t get by with those same pulling together we’ll make it right with help from our friends know we
Can no place like home with your family around you you’re never alone when you know that you’re love you don’t need to cuz there a no there Ain no there a no place like there’s no place like I mean no place child I’m gone woman bye dear have a good time
Bye daddy bye babe bye let’s go look I’m not decent don’t try to figure it out women are always saying that shut the door quick oh Lord s what’s the matter well I just popped into a raven vigorating milk bath when I realized I’m out of shampoo can I
Borrow some yeah but what’s the hurry Pearl’s cats trying to lick my ankles I get you some shampoo Miss Clark you’re a dear so who’s the lucky date tonight Derek he’s a professional wrestler Mary I don’t want to say he’s a hunk but if you connect the freckles on his back it spells
Macho be still my heart oh excuse me here’s your shampoo this CL oh thank you Brenda oh hi Jim Kathy hello Christine hi Mr and Mrs Rogers hi Christine well Kathy I I think it’s time for you to handcuff yourself to your doctor well I think you’re right the
Little one doesn’t come along soon I’m afraid Jim’s going to have to recut the door frames I know what you mean when Brenda was born I thought she was going from the delivery room straight to high school Brenda try and put Christine to bed soon we’ll be at Lamar’s tillette
Okay oh I love Lamar order the crep suett they’re wonderful Lamas is a class natural child birth yeah ler and I went through that only it was called ready or not here she comes byebye bye see you lat byee thanks for everything have a nice time okay bye bye have a good
Class put her down Brenda she’s big enough to walk oh what a cute little child with remarkably good taste maybe she wants to lick your ankles I think she likes you Miss Clark she’s so soft and cuddly she reminds me of me want to go home with me she likes being
Tickled well what about Derek he likes it too and you haven’t live till you see Sandra Clark tell a bedtime story Snow White and the Seven dudes hi say girl how was your party last night expensive food imported champagne wealthy day Bor ring I got to have my eyes checked that
Look like s CLA parties aren’t the only thing in the world you know call the doctor now it’s my hearing honey take it easy for me okay really Jim you don’t need to worry you can never be too careful now here see you later all right have a good
Day at work how’s everybody okay fine expecting father sure are something they sure are what was that he gave you uh the number where he’s going to be the number of our doctor the hospital the ambulance the police his mother my mother and oh what is it in case I haven’t told
You today I love you a well we’ll see you later okay come on bye Chris Bye Sandra bye sweeth oh what an adorable couple oh they’re so cute I want to get married and have a baby of my [Applause] own hey are we in the Twilight Zone or
What am I hearing my ears correctly SRA Clark wants to get married have a baby and settle down settle down like and don’t go out every night being a wife and mother is a lifetime thing you can’t just do this on a whim it’s not a whim lately I’ve been
Feeling like I’m missing something and when I hell Christine last night I realized what it was I think we all know that feeling we sure do what’s wrong with you I pictured you burping one end and wiping the other what’s so funny about that I just feel it’s time you know what
I’m saying don’t you Rose yeah you woke up this morning and realized you were getting old you a cruel woman Rose time see I’ve been reading these articles about the biological clock and I want to make sure I start clicking before I stop ticking you
Know I know but s if it’s time you’re concerned about you got a lot more years I got pregnant when I was 44 you got to be kidding that’s what I told the doctor Sandra are you really serious about this Mary I just can’t be the life
Of the party forever I want something permanent and what’s wrong with a husband and baby nothing but you do realize there’ll be some sacrifices suppose I’ll have to throw away my little black book it’s worth a fortune Sandra how much would you charge me for two pages well Sandra this is beautiful
You’re maturing and don’t worry I’m sure you’ll meet Mr Wright someday someday I give it till Tuesday three whole days I mean why take so long I’m having my head done tomorrow sandre you can’t find Mr Wright just like that of course I can I’m sandre Clark forgive me I lost my
Head well I certainly hope you’re not planning on marrying one of those muscle heads you know Mary I don’t go pick it on my Gentleman friends I’m just saying that some of your boyfriends are not exactly husband material I mean you remember Orlando what was wrong with Orlando the first black Elvis
Impersonated well do you remember Maurice do you remember Maurice of course I do the pilot he flew me to London in Paris Geneva Rome Madrid oh Vienna it was a wonderful evening would have been nice if we landed [Applause] somewhere are you out your mind Maurice ain’t going to land nowhere you actually
Want somebody like that to be the father of your child no Sandra Mary’s right you want your husband to be more down to earth you know you want him to be wholesome loving and caring I didn’t realize Mr Wright had to be so many things might have to invest more time in
Finding him huh right I give it to Wednesday see you tomorrow how about forever you me a baby cancel tomorrow how do you feel about little ones say what children say what a cottage for two a picket fence a swing in the backyard swinging in the backyard now you’re talking baby Claymore
Claymore I said I wanted a baby not I’m having one he loves me I love him not he loves me I love him now any luck in the husband hunt I went out and assembled a list of the most eligible bachelors in town there are more losers in here than the Boston
Marathon I tell you it really is hard to find a good man I’ve been out there shaking the trees everything Fallen is either too green or too ripe she is right it is so hard to find a good man oh but it’s so worth the effort child well what does this do to
Your wedding plan kills are my guest there’s just so much that has to be right first so I am not going to rush into marriage well I’m glad you’ve come to your senses but husband or no husband I’m still going to have that [Applause] Baby did I hear what I think I heard having a baby without a husband that’s really cutting out the middl man girl girls now it only makes sense Mary you were the one who said not to rush into marriage well I didn’t say rush over it I mean there’s a certain order to
Things there’s love marriage and then the baby Mary you’ve got to move into the 80s I am in the80s I’m talking 1980s I don’t have to find a man I love or even like to have a perfect child he just has to have the right jeans I already have the beauty the personality
All he needs is brains intellect well one thing the man does needing that’s uh humility she’s already got that thank you Rose I’m get me a stateof the Arts daddy excuse me I got to go to Georgetown there’s this little coffee shop where all the college professors hang out say Sandra going shopping
Yeah I tell you that girl could teach stubborn lessons to a m what’s going on you know what she wants to do now have a baby without a husband now how many men do you know would be crazy enough to go along with something like that you
Really want me to tell you it’s not funny Lester I mean she could be getting into serious trouble Mary she’s a grown woman if she makes mistakes she’ll learn from them it’s none of our business well I guess anybody know who to lucky guys dad how do you spell
Anesthesiologist look it up that’s why we gave you a dictionary I bet he doesn’t know how to spell it either I heard that Bren Mary somebody’s at the door mom somebody’s at the door this better be for me or you all in trouble hi Mary Mary Mary do we have some news
For you it’s about sandre and the bab uh why don’t your kids study in the other room okay Mrs Jenkins bedrooms are quieter kitchens are even quiet oh yeah do you really have a bedroom never seen it we have open house [Applause] someday okay what about son well she’s
Having a hard time finding the candidate good not good now she’s talking about artificial insemination you know going to one of those banks with all the genius jeans well we’ve got to stop her marry well don’t marry me now I am not going to mind my own business Lester I
Mean think about the baby uh when he asked Mommy where did I come from what she going to say a jar I forgot my Eraser oh um Bren we’re not talking too loud are we oh no Mom we haven’t heard a word good boy that’s neat what Miss Clark’s doing isn’t it
What are you talking about Calvin I mean I don’t see anything wrong with it do you Calvin oh go ahead Calvin hey we’re modern people living in a modern world in Washington DC right Mr Jenkins Calvin continue Calvin people are much less uptight about sex nowadays Calvin
May I remind you that I am that man’s daughter and when I’m 16 you might want to take me to a dark movie theater oh uh Mr Jenkins I’ve seriously rethought my position on this good night Calvin good night Mr Jenkins somebody has got to do something
About Sandra I mean no telling who she’ll try to pick for the father next Mary can I [Applause] Lester have you lost your mind have you no shame no conscience I can’t believe you I just have a window that’s stuck oh s come on in we’ve got to talk
About what about your sense of right and wrong about your morality it’s just a stuck window s look I know you want to have a baby and I think that’s a wonderful thing but have you stopped to think about the baby I mean it’s just so much
Better for a child to be loved by a mother and a father Mary I’m going to be a wonderful mother I’m going to give that child all the love it needs besides look at Rose she’s raising Tiffany all by herself right right but I wish I wasn’t well lots of women are raising
Children by themselves these days and they didn’t plan it that way well I am excuse me Neer uh be right up oh well it’s a obvious she’s not going to listen to us wait a minute honey you know what I think I think sandre needs somebody to talk to her
Somebody who’s wise knowledgeable and educated okay I’ll give it a shot I mean professional help remember the psychologist that talk to your crew chief yeah well you said you were impressed with him well how we ever get sand over to his office we don’t have to
Let’s invite him to dinner M don’t start Lester think about that poor baby being raised by Sandra life is going to be miserable for me until I agree to this right right yeah there are a lot of single parents do a fine job but the bottom line is raising children is tough even
For two parents yeah you’re right kids need all the help they can get we sure hope you can help our friend Sandra no I’m sure I can it tell me a little bit more about this Sandra and what are her interests men well what are our Hobbies
Men she must be interested in something else rich men oh there she is now now listen all I told her was that I wanted her to meet somebody you handle it any way you want I understand hi Mary I’m here oh I like him thank
You I’m not giving him to you I just want you to talk to him oh yeah talk to him that’s a good idea uh Sam this is SRA Clark hello Mary is that enough talking I’m Dr Walker Dr Walker that’s there’s the intellect he’s so tall and handsome oh thank
You Miss Clark I hear you’re thinking of having a baby that’s right you are a good-looking man oh thank you uhoh give me my time Miss Clark sand sandre did you ever consider the possibility that you’re wanting this baby is an ego manifestation an attempt to perpetuate yourself oh I love the way
He talks let me put it another way is it possible you want this baby because you’re lonely lonely look into my eyes do you see lonely I don’t think I’m reaching you how about if I meet you halfway what did I do oh it’s my beeper did I short you
Out it’s it’s possible your beeper beeped H oh do you have a phone I could use um in the kitchen that way ah thank you I’ll be right back I’ll be right here that’s why I’ll be right right back oh Mary you are the last person I
Thought would be helping me I really appreciate it um sandre I don’t want you to get the wrong idea the reason we invited Dr Walker up here was to I’m really sorry I’m going to have to leave you really have to go yes he has to go I have to see another
Patient I’ll walk you down I’ll call you later for another appointment don’t wear yourself out oh Kathy come in can Brenda look after Christine tonight I think I’m about to deliver here now I called Jim he’s on his way oh sit down Cathy oh maybe I should have called an ambulance
Ambulance Brenda come out here yes Mom Kathy may be getting ready to deliver why don’t you take Christine back upstairs and stay with her okay come on Christine take a deep bre mommy no I will pumpkin be a good girl oh thanks Mary my contractions are getting strong and they’re beginning to
Overlap overlap overlap is that good or bad it means the stalk is radio for landing instructions I’ll open the window and let him in oh is Jim yeah where is Jim I’ll call the paramedics oh Mary what can I do they boil water in the movie I boil water where’s your recipe book
Set now listen for Kathy’s sake we have got to stay calm and soothing I’m calm I can’t believe this I’m not do for another two weeks two weeks we better get some food up here Sandra would you stop it the baby could come any minute oh that’s very soothing
Maryy what couldn’t you answer the door I’m afraid to touch anything oh oh Jim thank God you’re here I’m having the baby you’re kidding look Jim your wife needs you like now and you know what to do go ahead now honey just relax no Jim I’m so glad you’re here
Just try to remember what we learning class and when you feel the contractions coming just take a breath and then focus on a soothing object like what like how calm I am here’s some water oh thank [Applause] You we’re running out of time uh Jim what do you want us to do uh get some sheets and blankets I’ll get them oh get the blue ones honey just in case it’s a boy set her up fine uh Sandra I wouldn’t ask me to do too much if I was
You right oh Mary what if I have to help deliver the baby Sandra I think we’d all have to die before she let you do that thank you just where is that ambulance I don’t want my baby born in an ambulance hey now I was born in a cabin I turned out
Okay now look take some quick breaths that’s right Kathy quick breaths what she doing now she’s breathing [Applause] fast breathe Kathy breathe come on you can do it Kathy breathe I can’t yes you can I can’t are you up breaking my Knuckles she’s right in here oh thank God excuse [Applause] me get
Out has your water broke no not yet is this your first baby no no we have a little girl but everything went smoothly what about your contractions they’re come in about 2 minutes apart good then we have time to get you to the hospital
You can follow us oh no Jim I need him with me Jim don’t leave me please sure that’ll be fine I’m here honey okay it’ll be okay everything will be fine please hurry okay just relax be okay okay be fine thanks everybody you’re welcome oh man well that is that oh honey this
Brings back memories of the night Brenda was born yeah I know boy I sure didn’t need you that night and you were terrific yeah I was terrific Jim was terrific too well we may come in handy every now now then well Sandra what is it I’m just
Feeling a little alone oh Sandra you’re not alone mhm you got ler Kathy has gim I got nobody now look I may not agree with what you’re doing but you’re not alone You’ got a building full of people who care about you and right or wrong we’ll
Stick by you thanks but I won’t need you because when sandre Clark does have a child it’s going to be with a man she loves and who loves her good for you and you know what we’ll have a big wedding oh no wait a minute
Now Mary first let me just find the man of my dreams well come on we better get going where we going so look in the garbage can for that little black book you threw away oh Mary I never threw it Away [Applause] There no place like home if your family around you you’re never alone know that you’re love you don’t need to R cuz there’s no place like home times are changing every day we won’t get by with those same old way pulling together we’ll make it right with help from our friends
We no place like home with your family around you you’re never alone when you know that you love you don’t need to WR cuz there ain’t no night there ain’t no pleas there no please light there’s no place like I mean no place child so you see ladies the Camelot
Cosmetics company has 92 Beauty a to enhance your looks and I can sell it to you wholesale and still make a teeny tiny commission I take your orders now that baby bottom lotion looks good to me I put you down for a casee put me down for a free
Sample Mary how about a nice beauty aid for you uh no thanks I don’t need anything how about a mirror nah I get seven years bad luck when I broke it over your head come on Mary we got to help Sandra out okay give me a small bottle of
Polish remover that’s only a190 how about you Rose no thanks I’ll BR Mary’s bottle I spent the whole afternoon and all I made is a 29 cents commission yeah but you ate $4 worth of cake I tell you I don’t think this Camelot Cosmetics company is for me all
These plain women in this building and I can’t even sell $10 worth wait I want to go with you cuz I want you to gift wrap my free sample hi Mom hi am Rose oh hi Brenda well aren’t you a little late yeah today was College day representatives from a
Lot of universities came to talk to us well thank goodness we don’t have to worry about that for a couple years mom I want to go to Northwestern they have all the stuff I want yeah but that stuff is in Illinois 1,000 miles away mom when
I go to college I’m not going to be coming home for lunch did you hear that mhm Brenda in college boy the time is flying oh Roose she’s too young to go to college it was just yesterday I took her to kindergarten yeah I know and you know
The next thing she’d be getting married yeah probably somebody I don’t like then he’ll move off to California and never let her visit hi ladies honey do you know Brenda could get married and we may not ever see our grandchildren what Lester Mary’s just suffering from Future Shock Brenda has been talking
About college and what am I going to do when she’s gone look it’s no problem you help her with her homework you give her the wrong answer she fails and she’ll be with us till she’s 92 oh it’s not funny I mean I’m going to
Have a lot of time on my hands well but Mary you should start preparing yourself now why don’t you take some courses at night school or maybe even get a part-time job Rose a part-time job who would hire me I don’t have any experience oh come on there’s a lot of
People would hire you Lester I could work for you I Rose what are some of those night courses honey it would be fun just think we’ll be together 24 hours a day yeah 24 hours a day how we doing with the lumber cam trucks aren’t here yet they may be late
Well they better get here soon I don’t want a lot of people standing around doing nothing good morning good morning Mrs Jenkins honey you didn’t tell me you were going to be at the construction site I went all the way to your office oh uh weren’t you starting tomorrow no
Every Monday Wednesday and Friday see Tuesday I help the senior citizens at the church and on Thursday uh fellas uh we’re up against a little deadline so Mary’s going to be helping us out here oh honey you’re tired let me fix it why don’t you sit down over here and
Just answer the phone yes Mr Jenkins sir let’s go over these specifications fellas MLB construction oh Rose hi oh fine so far sure oh no no no no you marinate it first then put it in the casserole dish M and then cut up some Tomatoes some uh peppers girl I’ll call you back
Later light on the peppers okay my goodness don’t you guys ever clean up so dusty here Mary this is a construction site our business is dust don’t worry honey I will have this place cleaned up in no time little curtains some fresh flowers Mary what’s that a snack truck honey you
Don’t eat that junk now look I am going to get a microwave and some broccoli you are going to eat some decent food oh and honey H we better get a shower in here a shower okay look I know what you can do for me right now what U organize
The cards in my Rolodex oh good if there’s anything I know honey it’s the alphabet sorry hi I’m Rose so Mary how was your first day on the job oh girl it was so much fun I took him some cake then I made some coffee straightened out his desk
Cleared the closets sounds like same things you do at home I got a real job coming up and it sounds very exciting mhm it’s better than being a receptionist I’m tired of sitting in those hot lobbies Meeting those cold men look at this Winslow travel agency is looking for trainees they’ll teach
You get you a license commissions and free trips all over the world mom you had to get a job like that Brenda your father would kill me he’s depending on me oh this is a college brochure this one’s in Washington Washington that’s great yeah right outside Seattle wonder what I should wear
Tomor my sexy blue dress or my sexy pink dress sandre have you ever thought about wearing wearing a business suit those are my business suits what is this a hand party I hear you dating your secretary I hope your wife don’t find out I’ll never tell so
How did it go after I left uh it wasn’t quite the same you know honey I’ve been thinking if I rearrange my schedule I could help you out every day and Friday I’m going to get rid of all those old blueprints laying around oh Mary I think
We should have a little talk come on sit down me put the dinner on the table first sit are you still upset about the Rolodex the roller de was fine then what’s wrong wrong oh baby what’s wrong is me taking advantage of you what do
You mean I mean what kind of husband am I not to allow you to fulfill your potential I’m holding you back I’m stifling that enormous Talent oh you so sweet you’re not stifling me I love working with you yeah but sometimes times it’s not good for a husband and
Wife to be together that much why uh it’s hard on the wife oh I can handle it yeah but you probably be better off working for somebody else why uh sometimes it’s easier dealing with a stranger what you trying to say You’re [Laughter] Fired s
You got the job already mhm I’m here on a trial basis it’s the perfect job lots of Rich guys coming here now where do you want to go I don’t want to go anywhere you said they need a trainee so I’m here for a job a job here
Yeah girl I got to get some work experience well we’re not hiring what happened to your job with leester I was overqualified uh uh Sandra can I help you with your client this is a friend of mine who’s just leaving uh my name is Mary Jenkins
Are you Mr Winslow yes I am uh do you work in the neighborhood no she doesn’t Mary we’ll talk later about your problem of never being able to hold a job okay oh maybe you never had the right kind of job where did you work last well I
Worked for my husband and she couldn’t even hold that well I can understand that my wife used to work here it was murder so you fired her no I divorced her well it was a little tense working for my husband I’m sure I could be much more efficient working for someone else
Well uh look uh we just happen to have one more empty desk here and uh since Sandra’s a friend of yours uh uh if you’re interested we’ll put you on on a trial basis she’s not interested I’m interested good have a seat thank you I’ll be back in a minute to get you
Oriented Mary this is the most unhanded thing you have ever pulled it’s disgusting it’s something I would do do s that’s ridiculous we’re not in competition my goodness the man needs some trainees well if you’re that uncomfortable I’ll tell him I change my mind oh good tell them you change your
Mind what’s that it’s your computer why is that light flashing up there like that it’s trying to tell you something here push this button how do you know about computers cuz Brenda has one like it in her room welcome to Winslow travel me I am really enjoying this job I’ve
Only been there two weeks and already my name’s on the desk I’m getting business cards I’ve even got some appointments U how about a little appointment tonight between 11 and 12 and Miss Johnny [Laughter] Carson hey SRE hot l oh this is from Mary Mr Winslow authorized me to bring this
To you apparently there are number of mistakes on the tickets you wrote today he wants those corrected by tomorrow morning try and get on the board would you me wait a minute these are the tickets you wrote my tickets yeah and there’s a man on the way to Australia right now
Who thinks he’s going to Deluth H his name was Sydney you know you could concentrate better if you stayed off the phone with your boyfriends those are not my boyfriends those are potential customers who just happen to want to take me on a crew you two should try to get along
Since you’re working together but he’s always asking Mary to do the important things well that’s not true this morning he asked you to get the coffee hello oh yes Mary Mr winow oh excuse me yeah Bob uh no I haven’t had a chance to talk
To my husband yet I will see you in the morning Bob that’s his name he calls me Mary I call him Bob calls me Miss Clark of course I don’t work with him as closely as you do and uh just what does good old Bob one oh he’s going to Philadelphia Friday
To meet with a new tour group trying to get their business and he has to clear that with you no he has to clear that with you he wants me to go with him and just why does he want you to go to Philadelphia with him to help him
With a presentation you’ll be gone the whole day and night and night you sleeping over don’t worry he’s paying for the whole thing breakfast lunch dinner the hotel the work Works what’s supposed to happen to Brenda and me I’ll take care of it I’m only going to be
Gone overnight Mary a lot could happen overnight what are you try to say well the truth is I always want to be the one to take you to Philadelphia you never told me that oh sure I want to do the whole tour Philadelphia Aluna Pottsville honey are
You jealous jealous come on man I don’t have a jealous bone in my body it’s just that Philadelphia’s just such a wild I don’t know how he could even think of taking you instead of me Sandra I have studied the demographics and the budget I know the whole presentation you mean
You really are going there to work of course you going there to work I wish it was me I’d really do that town up dinner theater I sure ring that Liberty Bell uh Mary here are your airline and hotel reservation now I leave tonight you leave 9:00 a.m. now our meeting is until
5:00 p.m. so if you want to you have all that time to shop shop Mary it’s cold in Philadelphia I hope you over those sniffles uh now Mary don’t go getting sick on me what sniffles you see you haven’t even noticed yet your nose is so numb
There’s nothing wrong with me I am fine you see Mary that’s how it starts next thing you know you headachy out of sorts chill fever you’re sick you’re the one who sick I’m going to Philadelphia if it weren’t for you I’d be the one who was going to Philadelphia
Honey well what are you doing here oh I just happen to be in the neighborhood don’t you look nice so this is where you were uh-huh mhm nice nice place Mary would you come into my office please excuse me a minute uh let him come out
Here uh oh oh I didn’t know you had a client that’s not a client that’s a husband oh Lester isn’t it uh Bob Winslow here marage told me a lot about you yeah 20 years of marriage and she’s still bragging on me she didn’t bother
To mention I was a boxing champ in the Army did she uh no uh but she told me a lot of other nice things about you uh she’s a wonderful lady I really depend on her so do I now can I take my wife to lunch honey
I can’t go to lunch now oh sure you can uh I’ve got Sandra here okay yeah good old Sandra W W W uh where are you going for lunch what spaghetti join around in the corner come on honey let’s go uh why don’t you take him to that cute little French
Restaurant down the block the one I took you to Wednesday oh good idea come on honey nice to see such a divoted couple nowadays you know yeah I guess I’ll call that spaghetti joint for for a meatball Hogie well I have prepared a little lunch would you care to join me oh sure
Yeah I’ll get it save my reputation I haven’t paid for lunch in 3 years hope it’s not a can of Saline champagne k you like well I had the same thing for breakfast but I eat it uh why don’t we close up for [Applause] lunch hey that’s nice music Pet you know you are a wonderful woman Sandra but I’m so wonderful how come you take a n to Philadelphia she’s business you’re pleasure you know what I mean how would I know I’m just a traine perhaps in business but not and pleasure and pleasure is what I had in
Mine if you keep this up I’m leaving right after lunch sandre I want you I need you Sandra you’ll always have a position here what for I haven’t sold that many chickens know I’ve liked you since the minute you came in those naughty dresses that tantalizing water F that cute feel
Way you say when so travel just watching you is sexual harassment love call me Bobby I’mma call me a cop sanra San please don’t turn me down you down and I’m Out well you win some you lose some uh Sandra get me the Abbott file please get it yourself now quit now the next time you pull up on somebody at least spring for and py Cal y’ the music was playing the champagne was pouring his hands was reaching
Telling you that man is an animal Mary he’s a regular doct Jack Mr wler you ought to be ashamed of yourself you’d go to any length to keep me from going to Philadelphia now Mary maybe she’s telling the truth if she is I’ll take the trip bro don’t pay any
Attention to her Bob has always been a perfect gentleman all I can say is you better wear your sneakers well there’s my taxi honey I’m leaving and don’t you bother Lester with your stupid fantasies well I’m sorry I couldn’t drive you to the airport oh that’s all right
Honey well got to run have fun but not too much I’m going to miss you bye everybody oh wait we walk you down well I guess you be in charge of the travel agency today not me I quit why just C Mary went to Philadelphia I
Wouldn’t work for that man if he was sending me to the river ARA what happened I can’t tell you Mary told me not to bother you s now L my lips are closed all I can say is it’s a good thing for you Mary’s a loyal trustworthy wife who doesn’t walk like
Me listen I was in your store earlier and I bought a man’s bathrobe and a suit well there’s a button missing on the suit oh fine yes I’ll stop in on my way out tomorrow good what yes I’m sure my husband will love it thank you Wonderful night this is your wife’s room Mr Jenkins sh I want to surprise her thank [Laughter] you I don’t believe this after 20 years of marriage Lester oh what a surprise I’ll bet what what are you doing here I was about to ask you the same question you know what I’m doing here no I don’t know what you’re doing here I’m supposed to be
Here and I’m not supposed to be here what are you talking about oh don’t open that you weren’t supposed to see that oh I see it all right so what do you think man I don’t like this how could you do it well I had some time on my hand so I
Did it on an Impulse on an Impulse well you didn’t exactly mine when I did it before you’ve done this before yes on your birthday on my birthday on our anniversary Christmas Father’s Day not that it has to be a special occasion how could you do this to me
What is the big deal so it’s got a a button missing they’ll fix it what the hell are you talking about what the hell are you talking about Lester you you thought those were wind’s clothes don’t tell me you’re wearing that stuff I’m not telling you
Anything and how dare you follow me and spy on me but what is I supposed to think a man’s robe in a suit there should be some underwear there too what but they didn’t have your size my size put it on put it on yes put it on put it
On MAR I’m sorry well I guess I can see how you could jump to conclusions I apologize actually I’m flattered honey you were jealous after all these years how could you think I could ever look at another man champagne imported cavat uh room service [Applause] [Applause] There no like home with your family around you you’re never alone know that you’re love you don’t need to R cuz there’s no place like home times are changing every day we w get by with all same way pulling together we’ll make it right with help from our friends we no like
Home with your family around you you’re never alone when you know that love you don’t need to cuz rain no there Ain no place light there a no place like there’s no place like I mean no place child mom dad our schools made it to the finals in the tournament hey that’s
Great all right you should have seen Calvin he was all over the court he scored 22 points uh not to mention 10 assists he was great hey check this up oh shoot hey just call me Max well magic you’ve done all right since I taught you my moves from high school h i
Remember your moves from high school and they had nothing to do with basketball well your mama had some pretty good moves too you caught me didn’t you anyway the best part of all of this is our school gets to go to Philadelphia for the tournament great and a bunch of
Us kids I mean us young adults we had the best idea we thought we’d go with the team to see the game yeah the chill s wait a minute Philadelphia’s a long way to be going up and back in one day oh yeah but we thought we might stay Just For foret
It come on Calvin I’ll be glad when I’m 18 so will we hi I’m Rose hi Mrs H hi Brenda hi Calvin oh Mary we have got to help Sandra I think someone’s passed away in her family what who I don’t know she got a letter from home started crying and
Ran upstairs I’m so sorry I was just going up to see about it you want to come with me well sure oh I’ll be right back honey let me know if I can be of help o I feel terrible but you look beautiful oh go on go on no I mean it
Seriously thank you come in Sandra is that you Rose Mary oh Sandra are you all right no I feel awful I got EGS paints chills and day nail polish here let me do that oh would You and a teaspoon of sugar and a dollop of cream sir cter [Laughter] clockwise how about some Hemlock thanks but I’m not into herb tea Sandra I saw how upset you were after you read that letter yeah it’s my mother oh your mother she’s coming to visit
Me is that what this is all about yes what is wrong with your mother coming to visit you well my mother and I we got a little problem she hates me oh come on she’s never approved of me I know you find this hard to believe but she thinks that I’m Different
No I’ve just never gotten along with any of my family they’re just so so normal you know they have absolutely no Pizzaz I mean the more dull and boring it is the more they like it now they would love you Mary [Applause] I’m so glad you brought me up here to cheer her
Up Sandra I’m surprised now didn’t you say you had a wonderful time when you went home for Christmas yeah I met the cutest guy on the train taxi driver he was really a lot of fun and everything was fine till I got home and said hi Mama I’m home oh Sandra you’re
Exaggerating no I’m not now everybody was there mama daddy my sister Con in the librarian and my brother morbid Mark the mortician your brother is a mortician mhm girl I hate it when he serves a Christmas turkey I can see where you might not fit in it’s not easy being a Minister’s
Daughter you never told us that Mama made me promise never to tell anyone I never did anyway wasn’t easy getting dates when the boys thought God was the shop alone anyway I’m sure you’re wrong about your mother I’m sure she loves you very very much and she’s just trying to raise
You the best way she knows how well we’re just so different I mean I’m kich she scrambled eggs I’m Sushi she’s fishsticks once I told her I was bringing home perer she thought I married a Frenchman I’ll just have to tell her she can’t come oh you can’t do that that’s
Your mother well I love her but she just doesn’t love me yes she does you two just need to get together and talk it out that’s all well I guess I could try good and I’m sure she loves you Just the Way You Are mothers are amazing hello this is Sandra
Congratulations I gave you the right number after be you have 20 seconds to convince me to call you that good luck Sandra Sandra you there pick up hello mom is that you mom you are well when are you going to be here oh fabulous I can’t wait yeah I know you
Can’t wait either V Ma I take it this man is not a brain surgeon no he’s the hunk dujour I just love this man he’s in Show Business used to drive a tour bus for Jermaine Jackson mm anyway he’s going to be here this weekend this weekend uh-huh when is your
Mother coming this weekend oh shoot oh no if Mother Met m she die The Undertaker have to get a jackhammer to get the frown off her face oh no you don’t this weekend belongs to your mother oh but mop it’s so much fun oh it’s one weekend without
A date going to kill you yes no it’s not okay I guess a girl can’t let her mama down when mop gets to town I’ll just tell him he can’t come over you survive I better cut down on my vitamins hey Rose hey how you’all doing this morning all righty well today is
The day Sandra’s Mama’s coming oh yeah she went off the church this morning to a church mhm today yeah went by to say hello to the Reverend she going to take her mother there on Sunday and she didn’t want the Reverend to say well SRA we haven’t seen you in [Laughter]
Ages is that you yeah do I look like the All American Girl child all you need is the flag what’s mad with your back I’ve been practicing trying to walk without that wiggle well that ought to cut down on traffic accident Sandra don’t you think you’re
Overdoing it just a little not a little just a bunch no want to make my mother happy just for once this will make up for all those empty Mother’s Days that I couldn’t be with her where were you with John’s mother Fred’s mother Mickey’s mother Mother’s Day is a big day day for
Me oh a taxi huh it’s her oh I’m nervous already B oh s Mary how do I look am I drab enough oh you perfect oh Dar I was trying to hide It h Mama Sandra it’s good to see you Mama Sandra mom I want you to be some of my friends we all part of the same knitting Circle Mary T Rose Holloway Pearl shave this is my mother Rita Clark well welcome to Washington she’s told us so much about you thank
You girl did you lose your job no of course not I got a big night plan for us mama the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on public TV come on look at you stand up straight hold your shoulders back walk like a lady did you see the look on that woman’s
Face oh I wonder if this is going to work she better start praying you know once I had a big fight with my mother I said Mama I don’t have to eat my carrots I’m 63 years old say dollins don’t you know how to address ladies oh I’m sorry M
Darlings look if you selling something I think you need to change your profession I’m just having a little fun I’m here to see sandre Clark the name is MoP wait wait wait wait wa you you can’t go up there why uh tell him Mary uh V Sandra has a surprise for you
And she does want you to see it to his Freddy SRA tells us you’re very special yes oh well I don’t like to talk about myself oh go on do it anyway well actually you going to be telling your grandkids about me you’re looking at the advanced man for sick sick
Sick not B paron you never heard of sick sick sick no where you been it’s only the hottest heavy metal going you run a gymnasium music Pearl music oh look I can’t wait out here any longer surprise or no surprise I’m going up excuse me would you do me a favor uh
I’d like to introduce you to my husband he just be thrilled to meet you he loves your music he does yes I can’t tell you how many times he’s heard your music on the radio and said sick sick sick right sure I’d be happy to mustn’t
Uh disappoint the fans huh good come on oh you all write your name down on a piece of paper and I’ll get you an autographed picture of the boys oh how many boys are there five six if you count the ones the handles the rats I mean SI
Si6 where does Sandra meet the he’s got never mind where why Lester ler oh there you are girl you almost gave me a heart attack oh I’m sorry honey guess who’s here oh hi who who this is MoP Sandra’s friend the advanced man for sick sick sick sick sick sick
Leester is really into heavy metal oh right on Mama heavy metal is where it’s at yeah Mama heavy metal is where it’s at oh hey Rose hey what happing girl this is my favorite part of the day got Renda off to school Lester off to work
And now I can have A Moment’s Peace I know what you mean girl what is it I had an awful scam I woke up and my clock radio was playing hop music oh girl I’m going to my high school reunion in a couple of days and I want to show up
Alive oh girl there’s nobody More Alive than you child has Sandra come Sasha ain’t off to work yet in a minute you’re going to hear how she’s going off to pursue her career in the business world as we sit here wasting our lives away as Housewives check out the
Routine good morning Pearl good morning R morning Mary child is sicking oh Mary you know it’s not of my business but I bet if you were nicer to her she’d be nicer to you there is that danger oh here she come good morning Pearl morning Rose morning
Mary are you sick child no I just thought i’ take a day off I need to relax nothing to do upstairs well son wanted to join us I thought you’d never asked Sandra is here should we kneel Mary well here we are what do we girls do today we well right now we’re having our coffee break oh well good but that’s the routine okay what’s the latest dirt who do you usually talk about I knew you wouldn’t accept me oh
Sandra we accept you no you don’t yes we do don’t we mared huh I lost my job what I got fired yesterday that’s terrible I’m out of work they showed me the door and said go oo thank goodness I have friends like you I mean
You Sandra it’s going to be all right no it won’t oh Sandra I’m sorry you lost your job no thank you Mary it’s nice of you to comfort me when you don’t like me I wouldn’t say that I am like you in fact if there’s anything I can do to help like what
Well dinner tonight o thank you what are you have well I hadn’t thought about it could it be Oysters Rockefeller they relax me if we have any left I should have known better she’s a half an hour late it’s only 25 minutes mom well she’s still late Brenda and
Your father is starving I had a donut you had a donut before dinner you know that eggplant you’re cooking in there really smells good it’s not eggplant deer it’s Ratatouille provol and remember to call it that Ratatouille provol I get it you’re showing off a sand I am not showing off it’s just
Eggplant with a pedigree I’m not feel sorry about Miss Clark losing her job oh finally ro ro alligator alligator no no no herl what in the world uh this is my outfit I’m going to wear to the school reunion how do you like it it’s fine not too preppy
No it’s fine I hope Edward is there he always did have the hots for me well excuse me I got to show Rose my new outfit ra ra oh that Pearl is an inspiration where is this woman hello Mary Brenda Lester hey Miss I hope I’m
Not too early believe me you’re not oh good it’s so go to be early I just hate go don’t you go is fine when it’s on time oh Mary you look ravishing I bet that Rascal husband of yours be busy tonight Oho Brenda look at you what are you 17 now 14
Really it’s hard to believe you and Mary are anywhere near old enough to have such a grown-up daughter well thank you mhm for you Mary just a little naive domestic burgundy I hope you’re serving something red I’ll put ketchup on it that’s funny I love a sense of humor
Oho look at this table it’s beautiful well I guess we better get dinner out why don’t you come in the kitchen with me okay we’ll talk girl talk I’ve never done that before so any new leads on a job not yet Mary I don’t know what to do with myself
I really miss working must be difficult for you I bet you were fired for no good reason too no there was a reason you dying to know I was fired aren you is the poke poke polish well I must say I saw it coming when the vice president started bringing
Me flowers ah vice president troubles huh trouble with his wife huh oh no wasn’t no h about it she thought there was well that’s not fair unless of course you no I didn’t encourage him this isn’t the first time this has happened to me well that’s a shame you
Shouldn’t have to pay for something you didn’t do oh hand me that poth holder we I don’t know why I have so much trouble with wives I do well you’re very feminine and some women are very insecure why should they be insecure they have their husbands and they want to keep
Them well let’s face it Sandra a woman who acts and walks the way you do can be a real threat well you do flaunt but that’s me some people paint some people sew I flaunt besides all women do it but not as good as you do Mary I don’t want anybody’s
Husband I just want a job well I know what you mean I wish I could help you Mary there’s a man and a poor little child in there starving to death oh I’m sorry honey we were talking be there in a minute ought to be a law against two women in the
Kitchen drop that Donut oh honey you deal with a lot of businesses do you know one that might need a receptionist Paul excellance well let me think about it I have references okay oh Mary that was very nice of you oh we better get this food out before he starts making wounded bear
Noises hey I just remember something our main office needs a receptionist really yeah and it’s a great place to work I’ll call him tomorrow let me care that for you oh thank you [Applause] good morning Rose hey P what you do back so early well I couldn’t sleep so I
Caught an early bus well how was your high school reunion boring the women were too wide and the men too short oh girl let me tell you what’s been going on around here sandre got a job down at Lester’s company and today is her first day on job Mary let
Him hire her it was practically her idea dumb oh come on girl look Lester doesn’t have a roving eye it’s not Lester I’m worried about oo morning ladies morning morning Lester oh girl morning so how was The Reunion well fine if you like break dancing break dancing at your
Reunion uh-huh every time we dance something broke well babe I got to to go where you going to be today Project over at the airport oh Lester I’m glad you’re still here what’s the best way to get to the office number 44 bus and transfer to 18
No it’s best to take the number 42 over the End Street then walk walk well you could transfer to the number 12 and then hey why don’t I just drop you off down there I have to go by the main office today anyway would you you don’t mind do you of course not
No well we better get going bye B see oo I love trucks they’re so masculine thank you afternoon Mary thought we drop in to see if you had any new recipes let’s get on to the nitty-gritty how long do you intend to put up with this Lester Sandra thing I’m
Going to put up until you two shut up there is no Lester Sandra a thing now I know it’s dull around here and y’all need something juicy to talk about but this is not it aren’t you just a little bit jealous not a bit do you believe that not a
Bit she works in the office he works in the field they never even see each other drove her to work Tuesday that was Wednesday brought her home Wednesday oh yeah well miss snoopies have you noticed that he hasn’t driven her since it’s only Thursday hey Bab hi ladies hi hi honey
How was your day oh same old stuff uh Lester what do you want these oh thank you any place handy don’t look like the same old stuff to me I have to review all this junk we may be involved in a lawsuit on the Burnside building oh really Mr Nathan was livid
About it almost popped his offer when they told him spilled his milk all over his cants sanra pour this big glass of water on it well I had to do something he was turning sour well I got a date with a bubble bath I’ll see you Tomorrow Mary wasn’t it wonderful about the baby baby what baby oh louisi accountant had a baby didn’t I tell you no guess I forgot nothing nothing usual about it baby girl 12 lb 8 oz 12 Honda makes a car smaller than that I don’t appreciate some don’t you two ladies have to get
Dinner no well maybe we should run along Lester has had a hard day he’s going to have a harder night bye Mary bye y’all oh bye ladies I’m mared before you go getting all bent out of shape I’m sorry I forgot about the baby it’s not just the baby
She knows more about your days than I do but you know more about my nights well she works there well that makes sense I guess but I don’t have to like it instead of worrying about all that how about giving me a real kiss I just got home from
Work well that’s a good idea see you tomorrow say what you said something about a bubble bath and see you tomorrow you going to be with her again in a bubble bath I wouldn’t dare that’s ter but I am going to be working in the office for the next few days having
Meetings well why didn’t you tell me that probably because I just got home you know what you’re jealous I am not yes you are that’s cute come on baby you asked me to help her get a job she’s a good worker and that’s all I care about and you know that well
Well I guess I’m being silly that’s right maybe she get caught in a snowstorm and freeze a wiggle Off is that one of them new exercise programs girl just trying to make my mind up about something well could you please hurry it up I’m not getting any younger I’m just trying to decide whether to drop in and take Lester to lunch oh checking up on him huh no
Lester has never given me any reason to check up on him and I’m not going to start now sit right there child Lester is not the one to worry about it’s Sandra I know cuz when I was young I was hot stuff too you saw me with my pom pom I don’t
Know what Sandra’s doing but she is not trying to steal Lester honey it happens I know I had the looks the move the same wiggle like Sandra until I threw my back oh girl Mary listen to me ler doesn’t even know what’s happening to him girl you’re exaggerating em I what time does
It get home from work 5:30 what time does it go to bed about 10:30 so you got 5 hours she’s got eight you know how to treat a woman what a lovely rose yeah Mary will love it well every once in a while I get the message is that it’s flower
Time I’ll put it in some water for you good idea I’ll be in the meeting okay oh well hello Mary hi um I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by and take Lester to lunch well he’s in a meeting it shouldn’t be too long do you wish to
Wait so how do you like it here it’s nice I don’t get down here too often anything new and exciting just me stumer and Nathan construction oh yes Mr stumer no no calls Mr stumer well if you insist Freddy I’ll tell leer you’re here Mr Nathan could you what oh yes
I’ll bring them right in I don’t know how they ever got along without me can’t imagine so what it does to say he said FES oh I forgot to tell him about you I’ll ring it hi Sandra Oh hi Tommy you can go right in there respecting you you are
Looking sexy as ever today well it’s the least I can do with all you handsome men around oh I forgot all about you again didn’t I yes oh yes Le the box is here but it’s heavy well I could drag it could you oh by the way let’s see y hey hung
Up ah this is one of those days oh I’m sorry Le I couldn’t lift it don’t apologize sanra believe me I’m glad Alice quit besides you’re much better looking Mary’s here where on the other side of the box come man huh came you take you to lunch unless you’re too busy with Miss
Better looking look man stop that that was just office talking you know it didn’t mean anything now about lunch I you don’t think I’m better looking than I oh he does he said so I heard him can we just let it go what about me am I better
Looking than Alice Mr Nathan is better looking than Alice I’m trying to tell you about lunch where do you want to go I can’t go we have to work we is that we as in you and Miss wiggle man come on look I got you a rose
Here you’re giving me her Rose I got the rose for you it was on her desk she put it in water for me Mary the roses for for you she was sniffing my rose that does it I’m not going through this again you’re just as bad as all
Those other wives I try to be my natural loving self and this always happens well if you want to keep an eye on your man well then you take the job I quit s are you satisfied she was doing a great job Sandra get who’s this what happened to the sexy
One you are not leaving bro will you stop playing games I have to get to the market and I don’t want to talk to Sandra stay where you are don’t let me have to get rough with you look Pearl it is not my fault that she quit besides she don’t want to talk
To me anyway who is it Sandra I told you now you stay here and you talk to Mary and don’t come out until you make up she hurt my neck Sandra I think I got whiplash Sandra I’m sorry really sorry really sorry Sandra sit down I can’t believe I acted like a
Jealous wife I’m used to it it’s my Persona looks brain sensuality it’s all a curse it must be you on the other hand have been blessed with no look looks brains or sensuality I didn’t mean it that way Sandra look you don’t have to work at
Making men like you they just do I know but you could try working at making women like you why well it could make life easier and longer well I suppose I don’t know why you worry about Lester anyway and all the years I’ve known him he’s never even
Winked at me you sure he never studied to be a minister SRA I’m sorry you quit your job because of me in fact I wish You’ take it back why should I because they like you Lester said they’re very impressed with your work no more worries about me and Lester
None and if I’m wrong I’ll just kill you well I do like it there and they do have some good fringe benefits like that cute man in a cter Harvey Alan uhhuh he’s a friend of Lester’s why don’t you want Lester to come up to my place for dinner tomorrow night okay
What should I bring Harvey oh and then we get sick and cancel and Harvey shows up alone you know Mary I think you and I are finally beginning to understand each other first down all right all right all right refreshment there go thanks baby you shouldn’t have oh that’s okay fellas you’re
Welcome huh oh thanks baby yeah you should now oh hi sweetheart hi Mom you know you’ve been closed up in your room so long I was beginning to think you were sick no I was just studying you thre well I got a couple CLE more chapters
Left well it’s Sunday and you need a break I know let’s bake a cake well Mom I got to buckle down college is only 4 years away I’ll let you lick the spoon yeah I get it hi Brenda guess what I just got the
New sh e album you want to come to my place and listen to it yeah come on wait a minute I thought you said you had to study Mom it’s Sunday and you said said I need a break right bye the 30 the 20 he might go all the
Way run with it go go go what a cut what a move that was some cute uniforms what they’re my favorite colors honey I thought for your vacation this year we might go to Florida uh-huh oh no they stopped him that’s okay weide the 10 you know we’ve never been to Florida
They say it’s nice what do you think fine fine okay guys first and go go or you know we could go to Lebanon three Glorious Days in beu M almost almost we’re on one we save a lot of money if we stay in one of the
Bombed out rooms we don’t get point out this for sure Charlie oh Lester you haven’t the word I said yes I did babe what’ I say you talking about vacation and it’s less money if you stay in one of the bombed out room bombed out room well why not as
Long as footballs on you would notice if they dropped a bomb in this room checks the ball he through the line he scores go go go down w Uh-uh I told you Mary do you want to play no I got to go upstairs soon oh why don’t you go up now because now Lester and Charlie are watching highlights of the Super Bowl the early years what did men do before they watch football on TV listen to it on the radio
Then what did they do before radio was invented Drew football plays on Cave wall man all they do is sit around second guest in every play I wouldn’t do That you know Mary if you can’t beat him join him why don’t you try watching the game on television with Lester I do but I still can’t get him to talk to me some fool invented instant replay you know what really bothers me there’s a whole part of Lester’s life
That I have nothing to do with and he seems to like it that way lady oh Sandra hi s what have you been up to I just returned from a Titanic Clash of NFL Rivals you were at the football game ah yes woo the Roar the crowd the smell of hot dogs
All those men and tight pants patting each other’s bottoms I can see you a real student of the game so do you really like football Heavens no I simply enjoy being there with a man I like gives us a chance to get closer closer mhm it’s cold in those
Stands and well we must keep warm why don’t you gu turn up off the heat in your party wait a minute hold are you trying to tell me that the man actually talks to you during the game of course well how do you keep him from watching the
Instant replays they don’t have those at the stadium Mary what no pregame shows uh-uh no postgame shows uh-uh no Brent musberger nope and at halftime they got this cute little floor show there’s plenty of time to get acquainted hey that’s good I’m going to the football game with Lester oh then
He’ll have to talk to you unless he brings his TV how do I get tickets for Sunday’s game oh you don’t it’s all sold out it’s a classic rivalry I thought this week was the classic rivalry they’re all classic rivalry well I’m getting some tickets from somewhere and we going to the game
Oh and how are you going to do that I don’t know perhaps I can help perhaps how it so happens there’s this cute little salesman down at the office and he has a pair of season tickets and when he can’t get to the game he offers them to me and if I can’t
Use them then he offers them to the president how much 40 40 they cost 50 you get them free not so merry it has taken a great deal to cultivate this relationship designer clothing the right perfume he doesn’t give his tickets to just anyone 35 scalping is illegal 30 25 sounds good
It’s a deal of course now I’m not sure I can really get him 25 is my final offer no seriously Mary sometimes he doesn’t give him away till the last minute I keep checking with him wait a minute how did you get friendly with this salesman
So fast anyway leester just got you the job one is put on this Earth for such a short time one has to move quickly [Applause] well finally I’ll bet you’d given up on me well it is Sunday the game starts at 1:00 Sandra always delivers I just got him a while ago not
A minute too soon we’ll settle the financial Arrangements later thanks and I prefer cash please hey Lester hey S have a nice day Honey what are you doing tune in to pregame Charlie be here any minute oh are you and Charlie going to sit in front of the TV Another Sunday afternoon Mary it’s the Redskins and the Cowboys it’s the game of the year Well such a nice Sunday afternoon it’s a shame you
Have to be cooped up in front of the television all day that’s all Mary it’s the only way I can see the game no it’s not I don’t believe it where’d you get these oh I pulled a few strings well let me kiss the fingers that pull those
Strings that’s Charlie where he sees these hey man hey let ready regular and barbecue forget the chips look at these M got you and me tickets to the de’s Redskins game o that’s terrific she something Ain she the best thanks Mary you take my car here baby you can keep
These uh that’s huh uh why don’t you come in the kitchen help me put these away he we got to hurry we’re going to be late honey you know the trouble I have with that top shell uh excuse us Charlie hey this is sweet of you baby
I’m going to do something real special for you take you some place real nice try RFK Stadium RFK Stadium that’s good I like that you in the stadium now that’s funny you see me laughing you want to go to the game right but I only got two tickets uh-huh
Oh man you got these tickets for you and me but obviously you’d rather spend the time with Charlie but you don’t even like football well I might if I understood it I thought you’d be happy to go with me well I am now that I know
I’m going with you this will be my first game and and you can explain everything to me well right now let me go and explain this to Charlie I’ll fix us some Snacks hey man I can’t wait this is going to be a great game they’ve got two blimps uh I’ll be right back Mary oh honey do you want chicken sandwiches or turkey sandwiches or both uh look Mary Yes dear bundle up it gets cold in the stadium and forget about that picnic
Stuff half the fun is eating the lousy food there okay hey man you ain’t going to believe this Lester we have seats on the 50 yard line well that depends on who your we is what you mean well you see these tickets yeah well Mary was thinking she
And I could go no yeah crazy huh oh I see hey Charlie look no no no I understand the situation what situation there’s no situation here hey man little woman’s on the war bath and you got a total L that’s not what’s happening oh I can sympathize give me a call when the
Smoke Clears there is no smoke well I put the food away I’m ready to go oh did Charlie leave yeah is everything all right oh yeah it’s great good then let’s go oh leester this is going to be so much fun [Applause] yeah excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse
Me excuse me hi y’all what’s the score the game hasn’t started yet Mary oh good we got time to be neighborly then my name is Mary and this is my husband Lester people don’t come to football games to make friends we might as well to be neighborly we’re going to be here
For nine innings great great we got one of those I get my sports mixed up this is the one with the quarters right that’s right honey why do they have cocktail waitresses on the field Mar that’s the cheerleaders well child if they don’t put some more clothes on they going to
Be the blue skin cheerlead M forget about the girls and concentrate on the game it hasn’t started yet it’s about to they’re having a coin toss a coin toss oh is that how they decide who gets to do the beer commercials it’s going to be a long afternoon go Redskins
Go right hey that’s cute where’d you get that concession stand how much was it uh five bucks five bucks for a finger shoot I use my own okay Mary pay attention now they’re about to kick off this is it t back Cowboys ball on the 20 yd line
First and 10 what’s first and 10 well you see it’s very simple they get four chances to move the ball 10 yards if they make the 10 yards then they get four more chances to make 10 yards if they don’t make 10 yards by the third
Time then they kick on the fourth unless of course it’s just inches to go then they might go for it unless of course they in field goal range then they might go for the three-point you got it you go to school for this where to go
Yeahboys sto for no game second and all right peanuts hey get those peanuts oh honey give me a doll I want to get some peanuts peanuts peanuts did you see that don’t you have any manners do you throw your food around at home too hey lady down in front huh come on
Mary that’s the way they do it he throws you the peanuts and you pass the money back pass the money to a perfect stranger no way I’ll take it to it myself excuse me he excuse me excuse hey hey buddy it’s got to be your wife right you wouldn’t bring a date
Like that to the game give her a chance you get the hang of it does she have to excuse me excuse me this is really exciting yeah third and five on the Dallas 47 we got to stop them defense defense defense the the BL I got him white sack fighter zansi back
On the 26 Dallas PA fourth and 26 all right a did you see that what all he had to do was knock him down he didn’t have to knock his hat off too that was mean damn righty’s mean he’s the meanest yeah well it’s not fair why doesn’t he
Pick on somebody his own size cuz in anybody his size they don’t call him 747 for nothing whose height are you on oh she’s a Redskins fan aren’t you married they keep playing like that and I might change my mind Mar we don’t want to die at the Red
Game B on the dllas 37 third and E hey buddy your wife’s been gone a long time did she leave oh she went to get something to eat she’s coming back oh excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me Lester Lester did you move no you’re in the wrong rad ah
Excuse me excuse me she’s coming back she’s coming back she’s coming back she’s back she’s back she’s back excuse me excuse me excuse me what took you so long oh I couldn’t decide between the hamburgers and the hot dogs you know you can’t get these
Foot long hot dogs at the market did I miss anything the middle of the fourth quarter Cowboys just tied it up oh great go Cowboys we out the Cowboys out hey here comes a wave oh what’s a wave just do what I do this is great I didn’t know they had
Aerobics too fourth and three on the Dallas 45 defense defense defense oh oh they almost uh-oh what happened penalty got to be roughing the kicker I bet it was that same big AP that’s been beating up everybody what are you talking about lady well look at the kick he’s flat on
His back ah he’s a fake is the stretcher a fake he had it coming to him he’s been badmouthing 747 All Season huh if he crash landed on me I’d badmouth him too but you leave him alone and let him do his job is his job killing
People the man’s an animal he belongs in a cage are you calling my baby boy an animal that’s that’s your son you gave birth to 747 damn right what a woman well 747 I know 747 it’s a disgrace he shouldn’t be so rough I raised him rough so what so was you feed
Him raw me how would you like a knuckle sandwich to go with that hot dog come on Mary let’s go you beat the traffic give me and your son both belong in a kennel I you has to talk to me I hate it when you grind your teeth like
That okay keep it up you’re going to chew up your chin hello how was the game how was the game it was only the most exciting game of the season the Redskins won in sudden death but that’s wonderful isn’t it it would have been wonderful if we’ve been
There to see it but I had to hear it on the car radio and why because we had to leave before the game was over otherwise my wife was going to start World War III with the mother of one of the greatest linebackers in the game today you mean
747 L well look if you don’t mind Mary I am going upstairs banging on the wall till I get tired and then take a nap being on W till I get TI and didn’t take a nap and how was your day it was a disaster did you really try to start a
Fight I was just trying to have a pleasant afternoon with my husband and everybody got so uptight even the hot dogs were barking at me mar you sure got home quick wasn’t the game great I just got through watching it with my friend Bulma he’s such a big football
Fan but to that advice you gave Mary wasn’t so hot she didn’t have a good time at the game she’s not supposed to have a good time she’s just supposed to be with her man while he has a good time I was with my man my man wasn’t too
Happy about it but you do Mary what did I do what didn’t I do everything I said was wrong oh I know I should have warned you when you go to the game with a man and Lord knows there’s no other reason to go you got to remember now don’t talk
Too much and most of all don’t ask a lot of dumb questions man how am I supposed to learn if I don’t ask questions there’s nothing to learn out of football game they all the same all you got to do is drink beer scream a lot when he does
And learn how to say all right and defense defy you know Mary well it’s too late now oh Mary there’ll be other games it’s just a matter getting the hang of it well I got to get to the store and get some refreshments for bont it’s time for our post game activities hi
Hi how was your day fine dinner smells good it’ll smell even better when I cook it oh uh I was thinking after dinner maybe we could go to a movie it’s Monday night you watch football on Monday night I can miss a game you miss Monday Night
Football it’s no big thing I can always watch Thursday night football and I thought you were trying to make up well I am I’m sorry I came down on you so hard yesterday you were nice enough to get the tickets and I shouldn’t have blamed you for not knowing anything about football well
Thank you for the invitation but you stay and watch the game I have other plans for tonight what other the plans Rose and I are going to the movies oh so you’re not going to be here tonight I mean oh so you’re not going to be here
Tonight you know honey I was thinking just because we’re married does not mean we have to be joined at the hip I realize that you need your space and I need mine I’ll buy that so if you and Charlie want to watch the football game
I will not stand in your way thanks babe I’ll go call Charlie I’ve already done that he’s on the way over well thanks for being so understanding you’re welcome I’ll be waiting up for you it’s fine thank you Calvin you too Eddie I really appreciate this no Swift moving posan watering
Plants feeding parakeet what’s a mailman for Mr Jin is going to like this oh Calvin if you see him before I do don’t mention it okay oh you mean it’s a surprise what she means is she hasn’t told them she spent the money yet Lester won’t care won’t
Care a man who just got a gas bill telephone bill insurance bill electric bill rent he won’t care dental bill dental bill for you what’s wrong with your teeth I bit a mailman well I bet hit the old appointed rounds oh wait a minute can I give you a
Cookie or something oh no not allowed to accept gratuities how about money I think that’ll be all right for you oh thanks Mrs Jenkins and you good luck with the piano thanks guys come on in Rose you too Pearl oh may you bought a Pian oh I love it hey it sounds good
Too well you ought to know in fact I was wondering if you’d consider giving me lessons oh I’d be glad to of course I’ve taught mostly children I used to be good on a piano you mhm I used to love to sit on the top and talize the boys with my
Ankles oh girl so Mary when did you and Lester decide to get a piano well I got to thinking how Lester really loves music uhoh she hasn’t told it Lester is a very understanding man besides it only cost $600 $600 are you out of your mind honey don’t give me honey $600 I
Can buy myself a complete ski outfit you don’t know how to ski and you don’t know how to play the piano honey don’t touch me I’m mad I want to stay hi hi bran where did we get the piano we bought it how would you like to take
Lessons lessons do I have to Mom is not even electric well Brenda I thought you would be mom can we please talk about this later go ahead I don’t think she’s dying to take piano you want the real truth I thought I take piano lessons you take piano
Lessons well what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with that remember those ceramic classes you took last year 5,000 a trades and none of our friends smokes why don’t you stick to singing you already had singing lessons and you’re good at it well maybe you’re right hello Mary Rose tells me you
Bought a a piano mind if I show her well come on Sandra fine go ahead hi ler hi s Ro look at this old piano Isn’t it nice uhhuh how Lester like it ooh that much huh o I’d love to learn to play the piano to sit down at the keys and have
All the men gather around sandre wants to take piano lessons too and Rose was kind enough to offer for a small fee on my piano well with your approval I thought I could give lessons to both of you for a small fee unless you’re afraid to take lessons
With me Mary well I’m just looking ahead I wouldn’t want you to get upset if I progressed faster than you did you progress faster than me well I do have the advantage of Youth look again your advantage is slipping May’s decided not to take lessons oh no
She hasn’t 20 bucks says I progress faster than you you’re on 620 bucks down again I wish Rose would hurry up and come back I can’t wait to get started I can oh I’m sorry about taking lessons at night honey I guess Rose wanted sandre and I to start together together because
She thought the competition would be good for us if it doesn’t leave Blood on the keys you really serious about this stuff aren’t you if I tell you something you won’t laugh will you I’ll try not to well see I’ve always had this fantasy we’re having dinner at the White
House with the president and say lady d and GF and all the rest of them cats anyway the part is really dull so the first lady stands up and she says is there a panis in the house and of course I don’t say anything but you force me to stand
Up and they all applaud and well I stand up and I walk to the piano and I sit and then I play to thunderous Applause and well the president and Lady Dy and gacha they’re all beside themselves well they just stand up and cheer and hug each other and well I’ve saved the
World you know baby that makes me Mighty proud mom I finished the dishes oh thanks honey do you need me to do any ironing or fold the laundry Renda you don’t have to take piano lessons I love you Mom I’ll be doing my homework oh that must be Rose I’m going to the
Bedroom good evening Mary where’s Sandra I’m com coming I just didn’t know what to wear for a piano lesson it doesn’t matter it’s a girl piano cute Mar cute okay ladies let’s get to it did you make your hand tracing I did 1 2 3 4 5 good now this will help
You know what fingers to use on the keys Sandra where’s your tracing I couldn’t do it my nails were wet besides I already know how many fingers I have how about your toes Mary a perfect 10 good the operation was a success children children children now let’s pay attention okay
Now the first thing you have to learn is that this is a piano well the children always thought that was funny so uh we’re going to start with the scale now do you know anything about scales I know they always lie Mary please now excuse me this is
Middle C that’s because it’s in the middle s sorry all right right thumb finger number one on middle C and we go up the scale c d e crossover f g a b c now Mary you sit down and you try it okay say the notes that
Loud c d e f why doesn’t it just start with a because it doesn’t play excuse me c d e f ooh Mary hit a clinker let’s see if you can do better c d e f g a b c oh good good Sandra Oh c d e arch your fingers arch your
Fingers I’m arching g a b c c up straight sit up straight G may I oh heav s c d e f g a b c c d e f g a b c c d e f f g a b c I’ll see you later
Baby where you going honey down to the bowling alley where I can concentrate right up daddy I’m going with you c d e f g a b c is a silly bug sitting on a rug he feels pretty snug silly little You sure this is how liberachi donees oh s that was wonderful I’m so proud of you do I have a surprise for you give me your little hand look at this I got a gold stop okay marage it’s your turn okay now where were we I know where I was c d e F I’ll get it Mary oh Pro are we disturbing you yes but at least your music is driving all the ants out of my kitchen I’m sorry we have to play at night because Sandra works in the daytime now she’s making a big federal case out of
This you think it was a World Series or something you know what I mean yeah you mean she’s doing better than you well I hate to admit it but you’re right well it figures she’s had lessons before what mhm she told me that she had some lessons when she was in high
School you mean she actually bet me 20 bucks when she knew she had lessons before bye bye 20 oh no mm- Two Can Play That Game I’m going to practice night and day but Mary Sandra works in the day now that’s not fair fair my foot I’m going to pull the
Rug on that smug little [Applause] bug Thanks Calvin anytime uh-oh mom’s at it again yeah you want to come in for a root beer no I don’t think so she’s been practicing that for the past two days yeah you know I have to admire her cuz if I was that bad at
Anything I give up 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 arch your wrists hey oh Good big St thank you teacher okay well let’s move on here you do no why not let Mary take over she needs your help much more than I do I’m coming along just fine thank you okay now play the first notes louder
Okay one 2 3 4 1 2 3 Mary don’t look at your fingers this isn’t easy you know I know I know but just try to relax have fun I’m having fun oh that’s very good much better much better give her a blue star if you don’t mind I’m trying to
Figure out where to put my fingers Mary Mary you’re causing yourself a lot of tension for a silly little bed why don’t you relax pay me now I know what why don’t we have a little party we’ll have some friends over they can listen to us and then they
Can decide who’s best well I don’t think either one of you recital material well if Sandra’s not up to it no no if you insist upon making this a childish contest go right ahead give your party but look out cuz little old Sandra will be right there you can count
Me out of that boot w’t matter it’s going to be a landslide anyway what are you going to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star you’re getting pretty good at That no as a matter of fact I think I’ll play Jingle Bells Okay or maybe I’ll play minuette and G by ludik vanon Betto Mary you’ve been practicing that’s not fair so you took lessons before that’s not fair but you know I work in the daytime so I worked in the daytime too that’s not right I don’t care if it’s not children children just help yourself to the adur cor break a leg
Honey these are for you Mary oh thank you Pearl now this is for SRE I always hedge my bits I’ll just put these down down I want my vase back well anything else I should know any little last minute tips no Mary and if there were I’d have to tell them to
Sa too you know Rose you’re so fair it’s sickening you’re running out of these little sandwiches bear good thing I got here early what you get that oh sure me have one you know we just spent 50 bucks on food to win 20 ar your fingers ar your fingers sit
Up straight smile graciously when you win don’t you think Mom’s acting kind of nutty about this well maybe maybe not it’s kind of the way the world is today competition is the name of the game people compete for education for love for jobs but Mom’s competing on who can
Play the piano the best after 3 weeks Brenda one of the secrets to a long happy marriage is don’t look for a lot of logic and stuff like this who do you like in this race well Mary’s a Sure Shot on this one well you know s she always keeps something in
Reserve I know that’s right evening Mary I don’t like that looking Sandra’s eyes I hope you don’t mind I brought along a gentleman friend Mary Jenkins meet Bernard the renowned composer singer and pianist hello Mary hello I hope you don’t mind my bringing him I met him at
The talent agency where I used to work oh ler meet Bard excuse me mar hell how are you Hi how are you H what was she up to she got to be up to something um attention everybody Bernard can only stay a little while but I think
I talked him into playing for us if you want him to oh yeah thank you thank thank you when Sandra asked me over she said she had a surprise for me but this isn’t what I had in mind any requests Raspberry Beret oh Berard don’t tease us play the
One you wrote everything must change and then you can play your little TB Mary that’s what she’s up to There are not many things in life we can be sure Of except the rain comes from the clouds and the sunlights of the sky and humming birds do fly yes the rain comes from the clouds the sunlights of the sky And music makes me Cry everything must change everything must change everything must change your tune’s going to sound awful after that that’s why I’m going to make make sure Sandra goes first thank you B that was just M oh and now I believe that you were going to play something for us Mary did oh no no no no as Hostess the polite thing would be for you to go first I insist oh I’d love to but I sprained my little pinky this morning but you can
Still play unless you want to call this whole thing off come on baby you can do it I can’t play after that oh come on try it Mary you can do it sweet well I guess I’m not taking piano lessons for nothing ladies and gentlemen and
Sandra I’m going to play minuette in G by ludvic Van bethoven Bra bra here you go Mary here’s your $20 you deserve it oh I can’t keep it I didn’t earn it no Mary the bet is yours no it’s yours Mary it’s mine the small feet I’m real proud of you baby folks you just heard what Mary’s been learning
To do now I want to show you what she’s really good at and she’s got a wonderful song I just love to hear her sing Mr agner would you play Girl Talk please you got it We like to chat about the dresses that we wear tonight we chew the fact about our dresses and our neighbors fights inconsequential things that men don’t really care to know become essential things that women find so afo but that’s a d we’re all the same it’s just a game
We call it girl talk girl talk girl you all meow about the hooks and down the who the why the how we just the dir never the weaker sex theer sex you mortal males behold but though you SC you wouldn’t trade us for for Sy orisha Bihar jarand chtis gar telengana Bangladesh de
Foran forur kotulpur arambag chrona guor jarram kpur balich kagat ulia Kolkata CH Habra p shanur badur for asan dapur Shuki bakura purulia Katra bishnupur nishna shanur bangadesh d for CH P AR for for fore