[Applause] breaking is a very important part while off-road skating there are a few different methods to control your speed the t- stop the parallel slide and then mountable cuff brake no matter which method you prefer you should definitely practice all three methods on every kind of off-road terrain because you will
Find a lot of different Underground when skating Offroad keep in mind to avoid breaking when skating over bigger things like roots or Stones you will not be able to keep your balance 100% a lot of you will know the t- Stop and parallel slide from the regular Inland skating or
Aggressive skating the t- stop is the easiest option for breaking and you will learn it in no time for everyone who has never heard of the t- stop before put one foot laterally behind the other and put pressure on the Inside Edge of the back foot the parallel slide will be a
Little bit harder to learn it’s also necessary to have a certain amount of speed for the parallel slide in order to not get stuck lean your skates on the edges and fastly turn them sideways at the beginning it will be hard for you to keep the balance when trying to stop
With the parallel slide but this is a very good way to just slow down when skating Offroad the mountable C break is the perfect choice for Nordic skating and a very easy to on your skate to activate your brake you just have to push your cuff back so the brake will be
Pressing on the back wheel to slow you down as already mentioned practice braking on all different sorts of underground so you will be ready for everything what’s coming up on your offord adventure