Well hey how’s it going everybody welcome back to Chicago it’s good to be back of course I was back yesterday what’s today January the 4th 2024 uh we’ll head here along Michigan Avenue and uh head by the ice skating rink here in Millennium Park by the bean we’ll check on the construction status
Of the bean and we’ll go over to uh Magie daily park there and check out the ice skating ribbon of course it’s stuff we’ve done many times before in December but uh I’m just going to take it easy today since the first day I’m easing back into the office we walked uh
Downtown on Tik Tock this morning but uh now we’re back at it on YouTube we’ll see if the Lunch Bunch is around and if not that’s cool too but we’ll uh we’ll see what’s happening here good to be back in sweet Home Chicago so they got some I guess these barricades are left
Over hey Wes thanks for tuning in happy Thursday hope you’re having a good one here yeah the the Christmas tree is still here what are we wrapping up the 12 Days of Christmas I guess there’s people ice skating Anita good morning how you doing thanks for tuning in that’s great thanks
Everybody the way I roll thanks for tuning in that’s good and uh yeah we’ll see how long this stays up here of course they’ll keep the Christmas lights on Michigan Avenue for most of January at least that’s what they did last year Denise good morning how you doing he’s on down yeah well
He’s on down to the ice skating rink here let me make sure I got the camera straight here it’s always a constant battle here’s a good way for me to see if I got it straight there there we go good that’s looking good we’ll go under this trellis here winter uh Millennium
Park oh yeah there some nice easy music here here yeah we’re doing well that’s glad you’re doing well Anita Denise good morning yeah how’s everybody doing here yeah it’s nice to see people we got 35° and we got nice Sunshine so uh it’s nice to see people here enjoying themselves
Still 2024 ice skating of course this ice skating rink will remain up for uh the rest of the winter and listen to the music here hopefully I won’t get a copyright infringement but uh we’ll uh ease past the music is nice they pipe in the music
Here there you see so it’s free to skate it’s free to skate if you bring your own Skates of course you can rent skates there people lacing up right here and uh it’s so nice to see people enjoying this sunshine and winter time in Chicago
It’s not that bad look at this guy this guy knows has some skills skating backwards Christopher how you doing yeah we’re back in Chicago happy New Year Christopher happy New Year everybody else tuning in yeah thanks uh for being part of this live and uh we’ll keep on trucking
Here and uh it’s nice to see uh yeah we’ll keep we’ll keep moving first rule of live streaming I got to keep moving by stay in one spot gets boring well it’s same with talk I got to maintain a constant no dead air space it’s like a radio station that’s
Good yeah Happy New Year hope everybody had a good one and all kinds of stuff’s been happening hey look at this they got the uh you can you could nice put a drink right there and they got the polar bear hey we saw the polar bear yesterday
A real life polar bear at the Lincoln Park Zoo wasn’t that nice see the polar bear swimming around and he you got the soccer ball I get some more here hey gold that’s good there we so we’ll uh there’s the crown Fountain they got the faces still
On but of course they’re they’re not spitting the water out because uh it does get below freezing at night but we’re barely above freezing now 35° and uh we’ll leave the ice skating rink and we’ll go we’ll go to the other ice skating rink we’ll go to the one at
Maggie daily park the ribbon and uh we’ll check on the uh the bean see if they made any more progress on the uh Plaza there’s the Great Bean of Chicago it’s wearing its uh protective diaper there at the bottom it looks like to me it looks like duct
Tape but I know other people call it a diaper no you won’t see this in Texas they do have a few ice skating rinks in like like the Galleria malls and stuff but they’re indoors and of course they’re not real ice because they’re indoors and they did have an ice skating
Rink I’ve seen it in past years with real ice but you know it’s it’s they have to chill it down and it’s gets kind of slick and watery in downtown Houston in that park there by the convention center yeah the bean been under construction for a while you can see it
There they’re redoing the plaza and they’re not actually doing anything to the bean they’re just protecting the bean they’re doing the the paving around it you see this is a good vantage point we get over this fence see some of the progress of The Bean construction here Millennium Park
Chicago thanks for tuning in you see the skyline here other people taking photos so we’ll navigate through this fencing I think it’s this construction fencing and then we’ll head across the pedestrian bridge behind the uh Band Shell here the Frank Gary designed uh priter Band Shell
You see all the fencing that they got here that’s normally that’s where you can just walk up to the bean but it’s been like that for months you’re right and hopefully they’ll have it finished in time for spring or at least when the trees start leafing out hey that’s nice
Yeah people uh join a stroll through the park here and Chicago you got it and uh yeah you know we had a good trip there in Texas he they’re driving a remote control car they got some toys they’re playing with there that’s great look at
That yeah go out to the park and drive your remote control car that’s great and uh look at the britzer Band Shell Frank Gary designed of course the signature style and there’s the uh beams how’s it going that’s great that’s nice to see people playing in the park
There yeah you got plenty of room to drive around that radio control car here how’s everybody doing here we’ll we’ll circle around the Great Lawn here and dream about the summertime when they can have outdoor concerts have your lunching on the grass there so you get this hedge goes around
The uh lurry Gardens are to the under on the other side of this hedge but I’m not you know there’s not much to see there in the winter time I got the camera straight I guess it is look at the skyline it’s good to be back there’s the
Sears Tower here the skyline of Chicago I’m kind of filming backwards over my shoulder here here we’ll go right across the BP bridge and head to the uh Maggie daily ice skating ribbon but that was a nice Texas trip I really enjoyed that we had nice weather my sunny
Days and got to see the Alamo the Riverwalk there in San Antonio beautiful growing skyline of Boston 6th Street we got up to the University of Texas Texas state Capital all that stuff exit closed oh but here there’s the ever expanding skyline of Chicago yeah the clouds are nice today
We got these beautiful puffy clouds it was kind of Dre dreary yesterday I didn’t even go into the office yesterday but uh was nice to kind of work from home there ease into to the and there’s not too many people back there’s a few people back wish some of my office
Workers a happy New Year it’s was nice to see everybody and of course the excitement never ends one of my co-workers of course you know now I really have to post the uh you know it’s on YouTube I posted the video of the of the hot tub
Boat there’s the infamous hot tub boat here in Chicago that you can rent I don’t know if there’s several or just one and uh hopefully I won’t offend anybody of course you we we knew it was just a matter of time for it to happen he was like have you seen the viral
Video someone was having sex in the hot tub boat in full View and people were filming it and make it and having now you want to get you want to rent the hot tub boat and hopefully clean out the water you know of course everything and anything will happen and uh since we’re
On YouTube we’ll try to keep it from the kids but uh of course uh welcome to Chicago I won’t say only in Chicago because Could Happen anywhere La Miami like you know it got hit by another craft okay wow that is great look at this so uh
Richard Garner yeah back Lisa okay City walking girl filmed the hot to boat and a person on the boat reached out the boat got hit by another crap they wanted the footage that’s what happened when we saw the sailboats remember we saw the sailboats coming in in the fall and then
So I have to talk to City work walking girl about that that’s amazing that she was filming the and someone HIIT it so of course so there’s already been a boat accident with the hot boat there’s already been a scandalous uh x-ray to video that’s circling online with the hot tub boat
What’s next is it going to sink is somebody’s going to sink the hot tub boat and ruin it for everybody else by wrecking into it I don’t know it’s just uh The Call of the Wild she didn’t film the crash oh that’s it’s horrible well they were asking her just in case yeah
You know and what will there’ll be a hot tub boat road rage incidence like a boat rage incident you know that’s that’s what we there’s enough road rage incidents on you know reals and Tik Tock and whatever and now we got to have some boat rage
Incidents you know it just cranks me up motorcycle ramp off a bridge and hit the hot tub boat welcome back to Chicago how’s everybody doing thanks for tuning in to Lunch Bunch yeah the city’s looking nice it’s good to be back in Chicago I miss this city and the
Weather’s not too bad you know everybody keeps saying where’s the snow where is the snow maybe we’ll see if we get any snow on Tuesday there’s a chance of snow on Tuesday but uh you know we’ll we’ll believe it when we see it I know hopefully they change the water every time
Because when I filmed it there were four you know the nice women in the boat and they were just looked like they were having a nice uh it’s like they were drinking wine there and you know just having a sophisticated time in the hot tub boat it was in December you know
It’s always interesting there’s not hardly any other boats on the river and there’s a hot tub boat boat floating around people drinking wine in the hot tub boat but uh hey that’s great all the amazing possibilities that exist in the world but uh working The Kinks out yeah I know
Just working The Kinks out just just getting some relaxation right now well I I I’ll change the subject because this could quickly spiral out of control and I don’t want to lose control of the conversation here thanks for everybody for tuning in welcome to welcome to Chicago we got nice Sunshine here look
At the clouds and but yeah I saw City walking girl was she she went inside the conservatory in Lincoln Park which was great she got some RNR which was good that’s a good place to relax and just veg out I do the same thing walk through
There in the winter time it’s great I went by it on my way to the zoo yesterday and we saw I’ll have to cut out the hippopotamus ncats there’s still plenty other footage besides the polar Bearer look there’s a line to the ring Cafe there’s a lot of
People here today I guess some people are still off of this kind of the end days of this winter break here so maybe school’s not back not all the schools are back I guess and uh what a great day we’ll film the uh yeah look at the
Crowds here at the Maggie daily ice skating ribbon Chicago here’s the ring Cafe it smells great smells like powdered sugar and chot chocolate yeah I missed the L trains yeah the L trains of course there’s not enough trains in the Texas City we need some L trains and that’s why it’s good
To be back in Chicago here here’s the uh yeah see so people put their shoes if you bring your own skates you can just put your shoes up there people are getting out of the rink here look at that people skating around that guy’s doing good look it
Is so here let’s let’s head around here we’ll get out of this this a busy area this entrance here but look at all these people just sitting here having some uh Refreshments here and watching people skate by yeah he’s getting some lessons there let’s see if we can I get out this
Way yeah I can get out this way good people are sitting here lacing up and getting their drinks and we’ll walk around this thing I’ll get you nice Skyline views here look at this yeah look at all these people it’s pretty crowded yeah thanks for tuning in everybody that’s a good comment there
Chris yeah I’d be the same way if I had if I was skating I’d be holding on to the rail it’d be hard for me to film there there’s the uh practice makes perfect my dad can ice skate pretty good I don’t think he does it anymore because
He’s older but he used to ice skate we used to go ice skating I just haven’t done it in a while and uh yeah maybe I should practice up so I could do a live stream from ice skating it’s like I do it from biking maybe if more people will watch I don’t
Know hey I just like walking along the side here and filming it for me this is relaxation you know relaxing just to watch this constant stream of people skating around the ice skating ribbon here Maggie daily park thanks for tuning in back to a real winter climate yeah look at
That yeah school still must be out so that’s good into 2024 and at the climbing walls it almost looks like glaciers here look at that view with the skyline people going around the curve there scenes of the city here happy New Year everybody thanks for tuning in that’s nice
Yeah so here we we’ll head over to the area where you can rent skates and they got Lockers in there restrooms um you know other places you can lace up so I got to stay on this side otherwise I’ll get in that here’s a skate pickup
Check in I guess you can reserve skates that’s what these people are doing they checking out some skates here 30 minutes before each session okay check In you can get the little penguins if you need something to hang on to yeah Winter’s easy when the sunshine I know we we haven’t gotten to the real winter yet everybody’s looking with great anticipation they want to see snow in Chicago and they want to see FR frigid below zero
Temperatures and we have not really had much of either we just had the little snow around Halloween and there was a little snow around New Year’s which I missed because I was in Texas I saw City walking girl got some of it but that didn’t last long and here we are back to
The mud slick there people are lacing up they got some uh hand sanitizer stations there they got the Snowman and yeah look at all these people waiting so yeah this is if I go in there I’ll lose my connection but you can see in there you can rinse Gates and you got
Restrooms nice restrooms and you can just jump right on the ice right here once you lace up but yeah we’re in the easy part of winter still we still got a long ways to go so we’ll take advantage of the sunshine and film all these people out enjoying a
Nice uh winter day in Chicago everybody else is doing good here nice getting ring mag Park so I’ll walk along the top there so we can get a nice overview as we head back in there and uh we’ll go by where the Zamboni Parks here how’s it
Going yeah they’re checking out the uh mat there which is nice so people don’t trip on the mat yeah look at all these people skating just skating their little hearts content there that’s a nice view there we if we get up above here we we
Can get a nice view of the skyline here around this curb so that’s where the Zamboni the zambon is in there and usually once a day they clear everybody off the ice and run the Zamboni around here to smooth everything out which is nice and uh look at that yeah that’s the
Shot right there get people the constant flow of ice skating traffic here it’s nice thanks for tuning in oh there’s a Tik Tok account where the Creator roller skates through Chicago Liz skat Chicago thanks Lisa so there we got another live streamer or somebody that at least records roller skating through Chicago
What a great idea I had a friend of mine from the 70s when right you know I roller skating was a big thing and he used to say they used to roller skate all over the city you know uh like when the roller derby and all that stuff was
In Vogue and and still is they they did have the Windy City Rollers they would they would would have the uh you know the the the the the teams of women that that that that compete on the roller rinks and they they they bash into each other and they get pretty aggressive
It’s amazing watching those and I don’t know if they’re still doing that or not I need to look into that but here we’ll head around uh a little bit here yeah these people are skating good hello how’s it going Elena so yeah we thanks for everybody we we’re finding more content creators
There from Chicago that I’ll check out Liz skates Chicago because I want to see some of that footage somebody roller skating around Chicago that’s another idea I know I get on the bike it’s easy for me to get on the bike I know people say get a skateboard or a one wheeel but
Uh there we’ll head we’ll head right up around here and we’ll get nice Skyline views but the ice skating rink is really well used today I’m so happy to see this park you know as a city planner I always judge how the success of parks by how
Well they are used and you know you you see through the summertime how well used the bean area is it’s still very popular people people do use the uh not as much they use the uh playground area and uh the ice skating ribbons more heavily used in the win time than the
Summertime because they do open it up in the summertime for regular roller skating like what Liz skate Chicago does but it’s not as heavily used but other areas of the parks are you know and that’s so it’s nice to have some winter options and some summer
Options of uses you see where you can take the elevators down there’s parking underneath here the Monroe parking garage is underneath us here’s a nice Vista of the uh Skyline with the uh Chicago skyline with the uh Maggie daily ice skating ribbon isn’t that nice here
We we we’ll get better views actually if we go this way a little bit thanks for tuning in there’s the uh Genie gang designed uh St reges there’s all the East Lake View Lake View East Skyline and uh look at this yeah we’ll get a nice overview look at that the ice
Skating ribbon here Maggie daily Park’s looking nice yeah isn’t that nice thanks everybody for tuning in to Lunch Bunch here there you can really see the uh whole area there where you can uh lace up a curve here and the uh climbing walls look like glaciers to me in winter time it’s nice
Here they light this up at night it looks really nice at night we got some footage of it at night and uh there look at the backdrop there Sweet Home Chicago so let’s see what do we want to do now I’ll probably just uh what time
We got we got 12:22 in the p.m. afternoon and 35° we’ll head back across the pedestrian bridge I might have a little time to head into the loop we’ll go under those L tracks that I’ve been missing the rumble of the L and uh let’s see if we can get over to
Uh Chris kingle Market to see if they’re starting to close up shop there because I think they’ll they probably I haven’t been back since before Christmas so it wouldn’t surprised me if they already started to dismantle that whole uh Chris cringle market area and the same with
Wrigleyville and I don’t know you know there’s still some winter stuff in um Navy Pier in the indoor par but or they did that in years past I guess the auto Show’s coming up so the next big event that I know of is if anybody else
Knows of any other January I guess the auto show is going to happen at the convention center that’s always a big thing in Chicago before it heads to to Detroit and they I already seen some advertisements for some black Thai charity events at the Chicago Auto Show
I might actually go to it this year I I I didn’t go to it last year but the tickets are cheap that might be some interesting filming opportunities let me know if anybody’s interested in the auto show H you know we get a perspective of someone that doesn’t own a car going to
The auto show but you know going to Texas and driving my father’s nice vehicle I know uh automobiles are necessary evil in our society POS netives everything see what they see what they got it’s c i I do like the design you know the Design Concepts and
They got the driving tracks and but there’s the ice skating R ribbon Maggie daily park yeah Jose thanks for tuning in there hola yeah welcome to Chicago and uh look at that the skyline there it’s good to be back in Chicago but uh it was also fun being in
San Antonio we saw some of those Spanish missions and look at that she’s skating backwards that’s good hey there’s people hey how you doing that’s awesome hey how you doing looking beautiful that’s great yeah it’s nice people are nice waving to the camera and saying
Hello in a good mood still feels like a holiday festive Spirit here even though we’re after New Year’s just let the good times roll here what’s happening let’s see here go by the we wee Petes the ring Cafe so we’ll leave this area and we’ll head back across the bridge here and get
Some nice Skyline views and there’s a nice crocodile that’s good Crocodile Rock the drag racers yeah there’s drag racers everywhere there’s drag racers in every city but Chicago of course we got the street Racers people take over intersections do the donuts and mess up everything until they wreck into each
Other and put it on social media there’s always something stupid happening somewhere isn’t it amazing our brains weren’t aware of all the stupid idiotic things that people do and then now are brains are bombarded with it every day every time you go through the reels people wrecking
Fighting idiotic behavior I’m sure I can do my own the contribute to it I but uh uh try to stay positive and just uh show scenes of the city here yeah the drag racers will be there at the auto show that’s nice yeah hey Netherlands thanks for tuning in
Paul thank you very much that’s nice see we’re we’re we’re starting to grow our audience here on YouTube I I I think that’s great because we get people that tune in from all over the world on Tik Tok of course but it’s it’s great I’m glad that people are able to find
This this content welcome to Chicago we’re walking across the pedestrian bridge if you missed it you can watch the live rerun I got other live reruns where we show the ice skating ribbon and the Netherlands is such a great ice skating culture you know you got the
Canals and you always mop it up there with the Olympics and the winter sports and ice skating and uh thanks for tuning in here to Chicago you you raced professionally that’s great good thanks thanks the way I roll good I’m glad to hear that and that’s what I thought you know I I
Didn’t I I didn’t want to uh group you in with the street Racers you’re you’re more professional than that I’m sure you go to tracks and do the time trials and I watch some of those on the ESPN and uh yeah the muscle cars and amazing uh technology that goes into street
Racing the real real street racing and uh you’re the fastest yeah oh Netherlands Netherlands you’re always the fastest you always usually win the speed skating and the endurance because you got such a long history from the canals there and the poers you know ice skating there in the Netherlands Holland
That’s great thanks for tuning in but uh yeah you know that’s what’s good thing about living in the northern part of the United States we got a good winter culture here in Chicago people do know how to ice skate support the hockey teams and uh you know see people out snow SE and
Snow skiing in the Parks your car is on your profile good we check it out hey everybody check out the way I roll and now I understand your name that’s the way you roll you got uh nice vehicles and you probably post all your content and your racing and I’ll check
That out thanks thanks uh temperature is not too bad so we got about 35° F which is about 1 or 2 celsus centigrade and we’re just above freezing above zero and uh it’s not bad at all not much wind we had some sun but these clouds came out
Of nowhere you see how quickly these clouds came in because when we started we were over there and they’re blowing in from the West it looks like and so there’s a few gaps this is the skyline of Chicago there’s the pritsker band show of course designed by Frank giri Frank gir did the
Bbo uh Museum there and uh many other commissions throughout the world the LA Disney Center thanks yeah thanks for tuning in here thanks for being part of the live audience here we’ll we’ll head we got 12:29 in the pm. North American Central Time here in Chicago and we’ll we’ll head down this
Uh this nice pedestrian bridge this gets us across Columbus Avenue we’ll head into the loop over there and at least go under the trains I’m I’m going to try to get quickly to daily Plaza to see if they they’ve already taken down the Chris cringle market and uh see what else they’re
Going to do their daily plans it for winter yeah Tenley Park team racing in Tenley Park Illinois I know where Tenley Park is that’s great a nice uh suburb in Chicago on the southwest side you got a nice downtown I think they got a nice nice getting rink in entley park too
Right have you seen any have you seen that sure you have and uh thanks Jose and uh you got the rain Rivers overflowing there huh I know the uh I saw Scandinavia like Sweden’s having record cold temperatures already it doesn’t usually get that cold and the cold temperatures we usually get in North
America Siberia it’s finally affecting Scandinavia there but we’re all connected Ed here look at the beautiful skyline of Chicago the Sears Tower Wills Tower whatever you want to call it and uh look at this great view to the pritzker bans shell we got the uh smurfit Stone building the uh diamond
Shaped was used in the movie adventures and babysitting and this is the tall one here is the Aon it looks similar to the World Trade Centers but of course we’re in Chicago not in New York and uh credential building there’s the Pittsfield and that’s used to be Marshall Fields or Montgomery WS
Montgomery WS I’m sorry yeah Sweden Sweden it’s it’s 40 40 below I mean it it’s just nuts the uh the windchills you know they’re not used even though isn’t it amazing like Stockholm and Oslo are as far north as Anchorage Alaska and we don’t think of it that way you know because they
Usually the warm currents over um the warm currents over the Atlantic keep England and Scotland and Scandinavia more mild in the winter time but that might be changing you know if that if that Gulf Stream starts to flip you know Scandinavian Europe could be like Canada
You know and because most of like London would be in Canada if it was in the northern hemisphere we forget that you know and uh yeah very very much snow very much you got a lot you see all the snow everybody’s like where’s the snow in Chicago so you’re getting the snow we
Usually get in Chicago you’re getting it in uh Europe that’s amazing hey thanks for tuning in there’s the bean the uh cloudgate officially it’s we call it the bean here the it’s a mirrored sculpture there it’s under construction that’s why there’s fencing Millennium Park this is Millennium Park in in
Chicago we’ll head right across uh there goes the L see if I can do this without muting myself there’s the L train pulling into the station there this is uh I think Washington Street here and uh no no no no this is Madison this is Madison Street we’ll head down
Madison Street and we’ll head over towards daily Plaza here Chicago Illinois so here we got some ice skating oh see the so they they clear cleared everybody off this is the ice skating rink the larger one and they clear people off at noon because they usually
Get the Zamboni out and they uh smooth out the ice so uh we caught I started my live right at noon to catch the people still ice skating there and uh we’ll head across I’ll run across the street here to save some time here we the light just changed here so we’ll cross
Michigan Avenue there’s the Wrigley building we zoom in here hold on a second here there look at that there’s the Wrigley building looking straight up Michigan Avenue and see how there’s parking garage entrances in the middle of Michigan Avenue here they My Pan all the way out here
Good hey Sharon better late than never that’s okay thanks for tuning in you just you missed stuff we already saw you know here’s the Michigan AB Avenue where I have Raising Canes here at Madison and uh Michigan we’ll head right over there’s the L train going north there
We’ll head over to uh daily Plaza to see if they’ve already started to dismantle the Chris cringle market and uh there’s the comic store graham crackers Comics I’ll go inside there some other time but we don’t have time today the fairies intent yeah how do you prove that in
Court is this truck going to cut me off oh how’s it going thank you I was saved by the people coming the other way there’s uh Panos there’s there’s the train coming out hey sounds of the L train there I missed that there there’s some jewelry yeah it’s a clean Street usually
People when they contrast New York with Chicago of course New York’s much larger but Chicago has cleaner streets so positive negative is everything you know and you know Chicago and New York are the major skyscraper cities in the United States but uh here we’ll cross this is
Their old and old uh transit system but it’s still functions here’s an elevated train track or mass transit system here in Chicago we’re going under Walbash and uh that’s looking North here’s a station right here the station kind of looks like kraa but it wasn’t designed by krava it was designed by
Chicago based Architects and engineers and uh we’ll go right by the uh Carson Perry Scott former location which is now the gothic Target and uh there we’re going we just passed Jeweler’s row so there’s a lot just like the Netherlands Netherlands is a center for jewelry and D sonds antp
And the uh great cities of uh the Netherlands there but uh we’re in Chicago here I had a friend that lived in roddam I know roddam has like some skyscrapers but now he lives uh he lives in Hong Kong now what a change you know true international Man of Mystery there every
Time I see him he has a new girlfriend from a different country it’s nice but uh look at the uh look at the uh Louis Sullivan Louis Sullivan cast iron historic facade here of the former Carson PR Scott now it’s the gothic Target here we’ll cross the street here we’ll cross State Street
This is State Street looking North we’ll get more views of it once we get up towards the Chicago Theater there’s the this State Street looking North here in Chicago here’s State Street looking South they still got some of the holiday lights up there you can see the the
Whole building there it’s a significant historic building here let me make sure I’m zoomed out all the way here I zoomed out let’s see never could tell if I’m zoomed out all the way I guess I am here can’t get the whole thing in here but Louis Sullivan with his partner Adler to
Design that I think Adler maybe Adler was still I don’t know if he was still with Adler at that time or not but here we’ll head over towards the uh daily Plaza what time we got 12:37 yeah so I will head up State Street so I want to show you some more
Of State Street because there’s uh more to see on State Street than the other way here so we’ll uh walk up north on State Street north of Madison head up towards Washington we’ll cut over on Washington to daily Plaza but uh thanks for tuning in everybody yeah it holds the corner
Retail look at that yeah there you can see the whole building kind of kind of better there the they call it the Soloman center now I named after Lou solivan there’s a uniqu low I didn’t know what Five Below was now I figured out what’s Five Below
Because there’s a Five Below store south of here they have them in Texas I asked my sister what they were and I guess it’s everything’s under $5 I didn’t realize that’s what it was I thought it was like a refrigeration thing but it’s not I think that’s six
Below but uni low I guess out of Japan here Nordstrom Rack they got the redline Subways right here State Street that great Street you can see the trumpets from uh Macy’s that’s the Macy’s store used to be Marshall Fields here in Chicago we gone inside that several times and if I zoom
In your professional job that’s good the art building the art building was your professional that’s good thanks for tuning in there see there’s the uh Chicago theater at the end of all those trumpets there Chicago Theater State Street thanks for tuning in we’ll go over and
Uh see I’ll cross the street here see if I can zoom out all the way there we go so there’s the L train going by if you can’t see it over that truck the truck’s blocking my way here there there’s the L train going by there on wad sounds of
The city here look at the nice uh we’ll head right over here all virtual reality sight craft tournament you can go in there and play your virtual reality Games and there’s that eat and drink Urban space food market this is a vintage skyscraper here historic building here I think they
Call it’s where the Atwood uh the stay pineapple hotels in this thing early vintage skyscraper here in Chicago the Reliance Reliance building I think that’s what they call it Five Below is a horrible place so it’s for TW teens and younger girls that’s why I don’t know what it was I I
Was like what’s this Five Below I’m I’m definitely not the the market demographic so I I guess I’ll skip that store thanks for saving me a trip here’s your uh your uh Morning Star Investments of course we’re not we’re not going to get over to Lal street
Because uh we don’t have time we got 12:40 in the pm. we’re over at Dearborn here and Washington and yes look how quickly remember all December we were filming the uh Chriss cringle Market here here’s daily Plaza there’s City Hall Chicago City Hall this is the Cook County courthouse building they
Call it the daily daily Center and uh the federal courthouse is down that way that black building there’s the Chase building these are these are County county offices there’s the First Methodist Church we got the light here so uh yeah we’ll just go by the flame I won’t go into daily Plaza
Because they’re dismantling it still this used to be the Chris cringle market so we we passed the holiday season we’re fully in the new year and we’ll have to wait to next year see the next Chris cringle Market but it was nice you if you missed it you can check out the
Reruns we got plenty of reruns both on Tik Tok and YouTube with the Chris cringle Market yeah fantastic thanks for tuning in there it’s nice there’s Channel 2 News Channel 2 news is right there they got the Jumbotron there the big digital display of their news sometimes we catch the
Weather when we’re going by here the weather forecast yeah yeah typical stupid news of Chicago hey look at the pigeons there the pigeons are all eating over the left here’s the Eternal Flame this is to the a memorial to the military people that have served and paid the ultimate
Sacrifice in the military this eternal flame we have here that’s a Picasso statue that’s a Picasso statue a rare Pablo bicasso public art statue here in Chicago I think they commissioned that in the late 60s 1960s so there’s the remember we went inside there that’s where they had the gluten W line the
Chris cringle Market Lodge there and uh last thing they have here comes the pigeons all know we’re getting attacked by pigeons Rats of the air I know Kenny’s got the rats there in New York we got pigeons but uh see there’s plenty of parking underneath this Federal Courthouse but it’s very secure
Yeah yeah travel to Chicago come come in the spring or summer or fall usually the fall we have really nice weather you know and and uh usually we have snow this time of year but we don’t have snow this year you know every I guess it’s all going to Sweden and
Uh but here we’ll uh we’ll cut we’ll make a right on Rand off we’ll head you know usually what we usually do we go by the Chicago Theater we’ll see we’ll see who’s on the Marquee and so tomorrow weather permitting we’ll do the River Walk probably I haven’t been on the
Riverwalk we’ll contrast the San Antonio Riverwalk with the Chicago Riverwalk you see how it’s completely different scale the smaller more intimate scale of the San Antonio River Walk and the little Canal boats they got there and the Chicago is still a major waterway that connects the Mississippi and great lakes
And so large ships can go through it you know which San Antonio river is not large at all and it probably would dry up in the summertime if they didn’t maintain the water level artificially but uh there there’s the it’s got bike Lanes look so we got bike Lanes here in
Chicago got a two-way bike lane this is a one-way bike lane and they got actually bike traffic lights which is nice herey we got the light here well hey look the netherlander theater so it’s kind of named after the Netherlands it used to be called there’s the L going
By look at there is the L going by welcome to Chicago now Paul this used to be called the Oriental theat the used to be called the Oriental theat they renamed it the netherlander theater and a long time ago it was called the iroy theater but there was a horrible
Fire and so they kept having to rename the fire I rename the theater but it has Off Broadway like Hamilton’s playing there now there’s a Garrett’s Popcorn if you’re in Chicago you get some Garretts popcorn if you want and uh this block 37 a mixed use housing and offices and
Commercial Mall here but here’s the uh box office for the uh netherlander theater here on Randolph Street in Chicago and we got the Blick Art materal Materials this little cuckoo clock but I guess it is Dutch I guess it’s like a Dutch Revival architectural style and uh we’ll head back to State Street
Toronto oh yeah Toronto is a major port city too along the St Lawrence there there’s the uh L going by here there just missed the last bit of it there but uh yeah Toronto is such a great City often compared with Chicago because we’re both Great Lake Cities similar
Size and size of the downtown but there’s here’s the Chicago Theater here we’ll we’ll head this way and see what’s on the Marquee here welcome to Chicago State Street we’re north of Randolph and we’ll head over to Lake Street and head back to work here but here’s we’ll go by the Chicago Theater
Just doing a usual Cruise of the loop here there’s the Jean ciso Film Center Cisco and Ebert and uh Al Ali sadik Ali sadik Randy rainbow Ali Ali Ali sadik January 26 here’s the uh entrance to the red line you go down to the subway right
There the lake and station on the red line but here here’s the Chicago Theaters looking nice in the sun Hassan uh minhaj January 12 Brett Goldstein Brett Goldstein January 18th 19th and 20 a three three night stin there for bred Goldstein Assan minhaj check it out there at the Chicago
Theater that’s the first I seen that on the Marquee here’s the uh Channel 7 News netive 22° that’s that’s nuts that’s pretty cold sometimes they do the live broadcast but I guess that we’re already past the lunch broadcast there there’s the medieval Torture Museum Chicago Theaters looking nice ESP
In Chicago they’re always doing something here they’re taking a commercial break he’s wearing the Bears Jersey there that’s great hey I’m on my lunch break thanks Lisa for filling in the information here we’ll uh run to get across the street here before the light changes state streets Chicago Illinois here what time
We got here 12:47 so I got just enough time to go up to the river because you know I’ve been missing the uh views of the Chicago River Here Comes an L train coming down to Lake Street going into the state Lake Station we’ll go under the uh here’s The Wit
Hotel the greenish yellowish uh there’s the marina Towers we’ll get a good view of the marina Towers here there we go the twin Marina Towers it’s coring a big lump with knobs we got two of them look how nice it looks there beautiful architecture of Chicago State Lake State
Lake we’ll get up to the river there in Chicago alley there’s the subway no snow no snow not yet maybe Tuesday but first I we have a chance of snow on Tuesday it looks like a major weather event but we don’t know if we’re going to get rain or snow because we’re
Going to be right on the edge and that’s what happened last year we’d always get these big snow storms and then it would be snowing in the suburbs and by the lake we’d get rain and it wouldn’t amount to anything so we’ll see what happens this year but you know we got
It’s cold enough to snow at least at night but we’re above freezing now or 35° fhe 1 or 2° Centigrade and uh believe it or not there’s a river there it’s hard to tell here I’ll show it to you once we cross here and we’ll head back to Michigan
Avenue once we cross Wacker Drive here State Street Chicago Theater Wolf Point Marina Towers we got the light so let’s check out let’s see let’s see if we see the hot tub boat we’ll see if the hot tub boat’s getting an accident there’s the uh John Hancock this of
Course is the Trump Tower Marina towers that used to be the IBM building now it’s the uh langum hotel and like how you see that the John hanock there’s the Wrigley building we’ll we’ll get a better view of it but here we’ll just stay up top
Here and uh tomorrow we’ll we’ll do the river walk and of course I already got many hours of footage walking along the Riverwalk and uh yeah you’re going up north for the Bears Packers game hey Chris that would be nice yeah yeah that’s that’s uh is that the last one of the season
Last game of the season yeah there’s Mccormick and Schmicks so Green Bay beat Detroit I think that’s what happened the the the game before and uh I saw my brother-in-law was watching some of that there’s a Vietnam memorial below us see there’s the you can see the Chicago River right
There we’ll head over to the uh Michigan and Wacker area so we get nice views of the Wrigley building the uh Tribune Tower here’s the statue of George Washington we saw a statue of George Washington in Austin it was on the University of Texas uh campus there
But this is there’s a trio of them there and you see the mar Towers behind here look how nice that looks oh Sirens where’s the sirens there’s W bash there it comes welcome back to Chicago we got Sirens where’s it going yeah very clean thanks for the comments there
Yeah yeah that’s the one positive thing we well not one it’s a positive thing we have here in Chicago we got Street clean streets it’s less crowded than New York and uh we still got beautiful architectural highrises historic architecture and nice Parks nice museums positive negative everything lots of Street noise there’s
Irv csinet sports caster sports writer along with Jack Brickhouse and Harry KY they all got statues to them all of them do Chicago loves its Sports and so they love their Sports casters and lion eyes them you know Austin has Stevie rayon and Willie Nelson and we got statues to
Our sports broadcasters isn’t that interesting how’s it yeah taking pictures there Big Bus Tours they’re taking pictures of fr the Trump building isn’t that interesting people taking pictures in front of the Trump building happens sometimes here’s the uh rley building the Tribune Tower and uh the Equitable building we get closer
We’ll see the Intercontinental Hotel will appear in the middle of those and make a nice Trio of historic vintage Chicago skyscraper architecture and that’s why I came this way we got 12:52 in the PM Super Bus yeah giant bus double decker bus you take the tour bus
All around there you get the nice look at the look at the jewelry building with the Dome all these skyscrapers here look at that that’s a nice view make sure I don’t walk in anybody I’m walking backwards here the barels of live streaming walking backwards and filming
How’s it going look at that what a view see here’s the river river boast there’s a Wendella there’s usabo Michigan AV bridge and look at this we’ll get the Wrigley building the Tribune Tower this great view double deck Michigan AV Bridge it’s a basal Bridge it’s a draw
Bridge and people taking pictures there we go see how the Intercontinental with the onion Dome appears in between the Tribune and the Wrigley building this classic view here Chicago Illinois thanks for tuning in here I didn’t see the hot tub boat we saw the hot tub boat here the infamous
Hot tub vot to Chicago causing scandals and wrecks and whatever it’s doing but look at that yeah you saw CV Ron that’s great thanks for watching that video here so here we’ll head across Wacker here’s the London house of course I saw that great footage from New Year’s Eve people were
On the roof and they was they shot fireworks all over the bridges over there there’s looking South on Michigan AV so we were down there that’s where the Millennium Park is see we kind of did a circle through the loop and uh here’s where you see on the
Ground here you see where the the edge of the fort Deerborn historical site here stood Old Fort Dearborn 1803 to 1812 and it was destroyed by the pamies that’s why it only made it to 1812 they destroyed it they didn’t really rebuild it and uh the L house is got many murals
Inside of it you go inside that Lobby they got some historical murals of the river the bridges and Fort Dearborn here we’ll cross Michigan Avenue once again get you a nice view looking North here look at that look look how the John Hancock will fill in the Gap they’re
Looking straight up Michigan Avenue here with the Wrigley and tribun Towers we’re at uh Michigan and Wacker here Chicago Illinois and there you see over to the Lowe’s in the street of Skyline we’ll go byy Fanny May and crumble in the Blackhawk store oh Stevie Ron played a hell of a
Show I mean he he’s up there definitely on the top 10 list of the greatest guitarist of all time maybe on the top five it’s always debatable who’s the top five but definitely the top 10 you know I mentioned Jimmy Hendricks bo didley uh Muddy Waters and of course Eddie Van
Halen along with st Von I left out Eric Clapton air clap and of course is one of the best guitarists considered ever and you know who else who else should be on that list with the greatest guitarist you know I’m leaving some people out but uh you know everybody argues over who
The greatest guitarists are but at least Stevie Ron he he he like many musicians he died way too young and uh Alina yeah Midwest thanks hello Jimmy Pig Jimmy Paige there you go Sharon thank you Jimmy Paige should certainly be on that list as well with Eric
Clapton and Jimmy Hendrick and uh bo didley uh muddy waters you know you could even put like you know he always gets glossed over you know all these great guitarists the the true like Bo Diddley bridged the Gap you know Muddy Waters was blues and Bo Diddley and
Bridged the G to rock and roll and then we get jimmi Hendricks you know it really just took it to the next level you know and the Eric Clapton and Jimmy pige and and all the later guitarists like Eddie Van Halen that came after that you know and cie Ron too
Seeon was more Blues you know it’s it’s it’s amazing you know and uh yeah Joe Bonos Sama yeah they I left out you know Carlos Santana you know you know there’s there’s so many you know that that we could we could put on that list and uh it’s arguable you know everybody can
Argue who their favorites are but it was nice seeing a St Ron statue we saw the Willie Nelson statue who was not a guitarist but you know songwriter and and singer and uh so Awesome’s a musical City just like Nashville and Chicago New York all the great musical
Cities and uh but hey thanks everybody for tuning in for a little tour of Chicago it’s good to be back thanks for being a live audience we’ll we’ll probably be on Tik Tok tonight and then maybe we’ll do the river walk tomorrow on YouTube thanks for tuning
Everybody it’s good to be back in Chicago and uh prince prince is overlooked too Prince is an amazing guitarist yeah I think he should be in the top 10 as well and uh what a great musician Prince was and a songwriter he wrote so many songs that he didn’t even
Sing he would give his songs to other people and then they would become top hits for them and so uh thanks everybody for tuning in uh uh have a great THS day here we’ll see you later tonight on Tik Tok and appreciate the audience tuning in from all over the world there everybody
Thanks for tuning in all my regular regular The Lunch Bunch we’ll talk to you later he’s going to be back and have a great day everybody thanks a lot Dick Dale Dick Dale yeah that Surfer that surfer rock that was that was nice Dick Dale was nuts talk to you later all
Right yeah jimmi Hendricks talk to you later yeah we’ll check out your uh your rooster there