Foreign that Malcolm in the Middle from Malcolm in the Middle learns to skate we begin with the good game of street hockey young Malcolm has no skates so he’s sprinting back and forth but he’s a small nerd chasing people on escapes so he’s getting left in the dust Stevie
Tells him to just get some skates because Malcolm has a better chance catching up to them than he would in a foot race Agent Cody Banks reveals that his dad barred him from getting skates until he is inducted into the cult the Brotherhood of the wheel Francis a Reese before him went through
The initiation and has left both of them with irreparable childhood trauma that might be why they are the way they are today they come home and reach rolls through the house with dog turds on the bottom of his case in Lois screams at him so hard that she blows her back out
Malcolm shook about skating lessons so he calls Francis for advice Francis is getting ready to go assassinate Osama Bin Laden or whatever they do in military school but he always has a moment to give his brother advice Francis tells him to just get it over with and pull the Band-Aid off his
Crotch as fast as possible good older brother I suppose we cut to Heisenberg attempting to sacrifice Lois with ricin but she catches him in the process he’s definitely tried this before Walt recently saw the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest and he wants to teach the kids how Joey Chestnut does it Malcolm
Interrupts and asks for a different lesson he’s ready to cook Walter tells him he’s too young to cook but he’s just old enough escape the lessons will begin tomorrow morning at 5am sharp Walt sneaks in like the Grinch and before Malcolm can get his bearings he’ll be
Awoken by the sound of bearings they do some light calisthenics to warm up then Walter starts going dummy like a San Jose Car Show Malcolm is in shock and awe Walter has a surprise for him a brand new pair of inline skates Malcolm is as excited as a kid with a console
Under the tree Walter thinks putting googly eyes on things is really funny so he puts him on Malcolm’s shoes and tells him to go walk around with him until he tells him to stop if he wants to get some skates Walter shows him how to Montage and they begin to train Malcolm
Keeps on talking and it’s really slowing down everything because they have to keep returning to regular speed all that back talk just kills the vibe so they ended lesson early they’re about a whole day behind schedule and Malcolm doesn’t know a damn thing about skating back at
The house Malcolm is peeve Reese of all people tells him that he just needs to shut the hell up and listen for once because at the very release is going to take way longer if he keeps on doing it this way Malcolm is not trying to hear
That so he just tries to go and take his skates out right now he’s caught in the act and Walter wants an explanation Malcolm legit tells him oh yeah wolf you we didn’t get a lesson that the enemy in front of you isn’t the most dangerous it’s the one you’re not
Expecting Walter paid Reese to slip Lois the ricin in her milk and the sandwich was a diversion while Heisenberg does a monologue Lois Fades into the Realms of Hades going on an incoherent drug induced ran she talks about how she hates cops and bigots so apparently if
You aren’t a racist you don’t say racist when you’re under the influence in mourning and to make sure he still got it Walter goes out in pirouettes they play some copyrighted music so I definitely cannot play Bad Francis has entered the bin Laden compound but he can’t find his gun he
Did however see a tick tock recently that said the contents of a fire extinguisher are toxic so he just tried to spray him with the hopes that he’ll just asphyxiated obviously that makes no sense and it doesn’t work and all this platoon catches him so they tie him up
And drop his ass off in the woods they at least give him a knife so they’re being pretty considered All Things Considered Lois raises from the dead and Walter is shocked to say the least everyone in the house just scrambles while it snatches up Malcolm and he
Takes him to the backyard since Malcolm has a potty mouth Walter is going to help him get his skills up Malcolm has handed a multiple page long list of swear words and they can’t get up until Malcolm says all of them till Walt’s face they’re both ready to stop halfway
Through but to no one’s Delight Malcolm continues on I’ve actually procured the exact copy and will read it starting with stinking son of a hole that was the longest hour of my life but I hope it came out clear some time has passed and Malcolm has escaped
And he’s ready to go and dominate the streets through his eldric magic he manifests a song funky town and beats everyone while dance I’ve never seen JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure before but I’d imagine it’s basically this for either 30 minutes or an hour Malcolm will continue on the legacy of the
Brotherhood of the wheel thank you