Hello everybody welcome into the new pit stop video today I will show you how to modify a little bit your carbon boot using a it gun usually you can do the eat molding uh with the oven like we have seen in a previous video but sometime you don’t want to uh change a
Lot the shape of the carbon you just want maybe to correct a very little Point uh maybe on the outside part of the like this if you have a little pressure point and you want to correct it it’s quite easy and it can be actually more simple using a it gun so
What do you need for this uh you need of course a gun this one is pretty cool because is actually showing also the temperature going out of the it gun and you know with it molding you don’t want to go more than 120° so here we can go a
Little more but we need to uh keep control of the temperatures you can keep your wheels you can keep keep your frame on your boot just select good the point you want to correct so let’s take as example today I want to make my boot
Little bit wider in this area so I will have to warm this part of the boot and then I will put my feet um with socks inside the boot I will add a little aluminium paper or it can be a tissue or something that you want to put between
Your foot and and the socks so it will create a little reinforcement that will push the carbon away when it’s warm so okay let’s try I like to build some little shape of aluminum like this can be tissue or form is also working very fine so when you have your shape ready
Uh you can also have a tissue like this to if you want to protect your boot to make sure if you’re afraid the material is a bit sensitive you can always also protect the boot with it good but usually I still go uh direct like this
And I can see more how to to control and I don’t use glove also you can use glove if you want but I like to check the temperature of the carbon just with my hand like this so I start basically first by putting the gun I select at the
Moment something like 300° to start and you want to warm the area that you want to correct never be straight without moving always make little movement and always keep a little dist distance between the gun and the don’t go like super close always keep quite some distance like about 10 cm like [Applause]
This and I try to war all the area that I want to correct and usually in 30 seconds maybe not even it start to be warm enough then I just put this under my sock and put my feet inside the boot okay now you can see my foot is my
Boot is little bit modified the carbon moved little bit away here and I have no more pressure point it’s better to do it uh very carefully and slowly so I like to do it like just you know 30 seconds like this give it a try go to my train
And then I feel if the pressure point is still there or not if it’s still there I repeat the process the day after one more time but very slow and small change okay it’s better to try to be super careful with the itat gun because it can
Go with higher temperature that what is recommended for E molding so it’s a process that is faster to do for a pressure point but try to make very small modification at a time till you get super happy with your boot so it’s easy to modify all the area around the
Boot like this it’s quite easy also to modify the upper part of the boot if needed or even the part with the scaffo bone here it’s quite easy to modify and to add a little space to take away all the little pressure point if you have if
You want more Global change in the boot then I recommend to use uh the itat molding process like we saw in the previous video so you see with this technique it’s quite easy to make some little change even when you have your foot with the little reinforcement
Inside to create the Gap you can still add a little bit uh of warm with the he gun just to make sure you have the change you really want uh you don’t need to really again I insist you don’t really need to stay long with the heat
Gun it can take 10 20 seconds maybe 30 seconds maximum in a row be careful with the different system especially on the Axel boot when you have atop system you don’t want to to warm directly on the atop system of course so here you can for example put a little protection with
A tissue around it if you modify really close to this area but super easy boot to modify and you can really make it uh almost like some custom details in it to avoid all the little pain just be careful because the temperature can go higher make sure you use a good itat gun
Make sure you’re always moving little bit and not too close to the skate and once again control the L temperature like with your hand as soon as you feel oh the carbon is already warm then you have enough to create the modification that’s it for the eight gun little tips
Little more precise than eight molding for some details and nice technique that many pro skater are using to make their boot like they really want thanks for following see you in the next Video