Hey Peaches welcome to preview where friends don’t let friends watch television alone I’m Adam and I’m Jay and today we’re going to react to you and at the end we’re going toate episode one of season one of echo echo EO Echo EO Echo I mean you could probably just
Put you know what I realized I could you’re the editor I am the Ed maybe we’ll do that again we do that again and we’re going to watch Echo that good that was yeah probably a little better with the effect maybe I don’t know which one was funnier you decide take your
Buttshot we’re Bing Echo so we were told this show was coming when Hawkeye was uh airing and we’re all like wait huh huh but why and then we got to the end of the season of hawkey I was like oh yeah that’s why oh yeah oh boy okay uh and so Disney
Decided to do something different and release all five episodes at once great all you know what don’t mind a b strap in let’s party we are watching all five episodes in one day and bris going shotgun this thing right to the Dome yeah man boom and this is Marvel’s first
Uh rated R show Yeah man so and from what we seen from the trailers this seems like it’s going to start kicking and not really stop so I’m curious to see where the tone lands yes like is this like Netflix Marvel kind of violence like what’s the well she did
Shoot Kingpin in the face granted that was off camera but we all [Applause] do all right let’s watch this hey if you like this full edited reaction want to watch our full unedited reaction from beginning to end Soup To Nuts all those burps and farts and uninteresting parts that we Ed out in in our watchong format take a look at our patreon below check
It out literally every episode of of Ekko is up right now if you want to watch if you wanted to watch it again and wanted to do it with ch boys it’s the perfect opportunity that’s right the police are coming the deals are so good we’re getting away with murder over
Here check out a patreon or don’t I’m not your mom you know what can you do here we go yep viewer discretion is advised have we ever had like a black screen start Mar Spotlight I don’t know I don’t know about that but okay it’s a Marvel that’s new it’s a Marvel Spotlight
This is probably just a hot springs I don’t know about that this looks pretty ethereal like an otherworldly type of Thing blue raspberry yum yum never mind yeah it’s just a spot pretty yeah it’s just totally chill place this is reminiscence of uh gor’s episode ah yes Malachi the Woodpecker go do my [Applause] bidding What the first CH name was oh wow and that’s the story of the first CH people okay you’re a very Vivid Storyteller very good at really felt like I was there the picture really kind of oh we’re cousins oh oh oh it’s the same actress
Too yeah it is I don’t know why that should be surprising it’s still part of the MCU that doesn’t well if it was one of the one of the Ant-Man kids they’re going to keep swapping them pretty fast huh a I know oh that the what do you say
Man okay a year before Iron Man that man he just loved peaches and so do we what’s the sign for peaches peaches peaches Peach Peaches I think you’re peaches ah there it is we all knew was hanging there yeah yeah Malachi news from the front my lord well you were wrong 30 seconds
I literally just started learning ASL this past week so this is kind this is really fun I know basically nothing well that was with me with like the koris episode with the the Spanish people coming in I was like oh I I I’m catching about half of this
Uhoh have you ever experienced that no turn to the field who Oh that’s how she lost her leg and her mom how she lost her leg and her mom I begged her not to marry you you took her from us you all right I think it’s time to go no it’s time for him to go if my mother-in-law said that to me
I’m not sure I’d ever recover really yeah man Oh baby Kidos man okay stuff just really hits different when you’re when you when you’re a dad it’s really we should have a running counter of how many times Jay says things hit really different when you’re a dad cuz it’s also just been a long couple days with the boys so I’m just a little
Bit of I’m emotionally Fray rope so sure you’re welcome everybody passing the savings on to you oh man all the comments J cross and everything yeah life’s [Laughter] hard oh boy These are the moments when family needs to stick together regardless of what happens but he brought violence to them and would continue he’s a danger to everybody I understand but he needs to figure himself out he needs to figure out a way to not do that and make sure the family stays
Cohesive that’s not foreshadowing no wrong well wait well well wait we don’t know yet in this reality are the Defenders real did Netflix happen then yes if they did yes cuz there’s one Buri under New York yeah but if not we don’t know yet we’re going to get that sweet sweet bone bone
Me bone oil or whatever yum yum yeah get it in me what if gas was magic do you know anything about Echo from the comics I don’t really like most of my inform most of my like knowledge of like the Daredevil Universe for at large comes from him being in Spider-Man from time
To time okay you know what I mean MH like I never really bought that book mhm aggressively just wondering if the the myth they started this the the creation myth they started this whole show on is like will that actually turn out to be kind of true and eeko may have a little
Bit of I hope so some type of ability no one’s ever mad at Powers dude no one’s ever Powers I remember this Scene hey we’re still sparring you just got me one time like we’re okay I guess you’re done I’m done bye is this are we caught up are we modern are we is this is this when your D okay yeah I appreciate them doing this again because they can’t always take it
For that we watch Hawkeye get it run she just kick that door open with her with her prosthetic leg mhm I think do you think you could kick a door open that might be a fun episode you know I see what you’re doing either of
Us can kick a door open just trying to get just some physical challenges that Adam hurts himself you go first yeah KCK your car oh no take a door building a Zebo is that her cousin Yes it’s quite the response for a is she trying to go to jail maybe she’s trying to get the attention of oh boy I think one of Kingpin superpowers is the confidence to wear white all the time sure man picks up everything you’re not alone we all mourn your
Father you got to give kingping credit it’s very considerate to have a translator in the car let me help you to release this rage in in a more constructive way by killing Clint Barton let’s let’s murder hawkey yeah take your pain make it into something useful like
Start a food truck or you know become a tick tocker you know something I need an outlet for you oh maybe she became a hitter for Kingpin big empty room with music going on this seems like I set up for an action scene yep yep let him know yeah man let him know
Yeah so anyway here’s wonder wall [Laughter] boom Kingpin thanks you for your loyalty oh there it was that was so I like didn’t even process that was dude like I don’t that’s how are you even this is reaction content how are you even supposed to react it’s just
Like oh it happened so fast that it was just like casual just like oh yeah you’re dead oh you guys need one less Brian oh boom it’s gone no problem let’s keep moving no no it’s cool they’re expecting us yeah yeah yeah oh c got my coffee oh
Well this Show’s going to be awesome the first action scenes a Warner why didn’t he just break his arm right there he had the opportunity Jay you’ve never been in a fight oh kidney shots that’s rude will she sleep she going to break his Neck h that was evocative well it needed to be because since she can’t hear she could feel it wow yeah hidden cut love [Laughter] it whoa It’s M holy crap it’s mad holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap in the red suit I’ve been watching them on
Night oh my God is that the Netflix suit yeah that’s the suit man screwed everything up is this still a one BT du oh so you hold your foot back and you kick them that’s what we call the Punch Kick he’s done there’s the cut there we go none of my
Men have ever held their own with him like that you did better than even I expected oh he knew he was coming let’s hope let’s hope Ekko is in need of a uh of A Hard Scrabble uh private investigator at some point during this show too huh when you find him he’s
Mine I wouldn’t have it any other way denafo just given a master class KATU having all those arrows explode in front of him that’s what I’m saying about white suits you know just don’t even think about ketchup on anything still didn’t show it well I mean how do you show someone’s eye
Getting shot out in a Marvel show well we still don’t even know like what I don’t know I believe that’s what happened in the comics his no I I know that you know what that took oh about half an hour that was really good efficient yeah efficient it also gave us
More than what we it wasn’t just a here’s what we’ve already have yeah no new angles on things Daredevil shows up he nothing wrong with Matt M shows up but we also yeah we remember we didn’t see her shoot him it it it C the camera
Was way back we just saw the Flash so and uh also just the strength of this past half hour I know Marvel’s you know we say this a lot Marvel’s kind of waffling a little bit the grand this Grand scope of things are like what what
Are we even doing here but their ground game yes is very strong if not hasn’t this is the strongest it’s ever been absolutely this is Marvel strength right now the Hawkeyes you know the Young Avengers street street level stuff they are killing it hell even what was it
Where wolf by night was really good that was a hoot yeah yeah to see that was still that was still lower Stakes just you know Uhoh oh boy Road hypnotism is for Realties so we got to play the radio something yeah ESP we’ve been driving back from Philly a lot like seeing the grandparents and everything it’s like the turnpike at night dude it’s just it all looks the same and
Before I had my cat machine I was a [Laughter] danger just uses the brick to get in the asymmetry of those little windows on the door drive me absolutely crazy oh really if you’re going to have asymmetry it needs to be three and I don’t know
Why that’s the case but when it’s just two you make them in nuts all right we’re about we’re some stitches with floss I didn’t know you could do that Darkness M well it’s it’s technically packaged uh sterile in a perfect world cool man okay were those past lives what was that interesting
Interesting that they well I don’t know if this the thing to do with echo’s backstory but like her Road to Redemption or just figuring herself out and like getting back with her family and all this stuff is is a strong enough story that yeah the whatever Mystic background or alien background doesn’t
Isn’t necessary but I guess there’s a lot more going on uhoh that’s a butter knife Maya it’s me biscuits oh my God biscuits this is my Billy Jack is a great name for a dog whatever hey what’s the sign for whatever well it’s whatever it’s like no
They’re different how you put some stank on it you give him the little cutie face you give him the Allen face my lope is back my back I love this dude he’s so nice want biscuits Jay yeah I me yeah man that’s why they call me biscuits nobody can say no they love Me iron Rings martial arts glowin the- darkk skating party come on no one going to put a body on her it’s going to yeah I know it’s that’s the most staged basketball seat ever seen I’m open good game everyone and now we’ll all disappear well you wanted yes do you like to roller
Skate uh I think so yeah I love roller skating I’ve been roller skating a long time oh man and I’m pretty good at it too I bet you are yeah I’m pretty graceful if you can imagine that I can I can imagine oh man in elementary school we used to have
Skating parties and we’ all go to the skating room after school after school yeah green light go so fun R light down your core oh no I broke my knee oh my patella although skating is an older gentleman rather than skating as a child uh last time I went roller skating
I was like oh I could break it very easily yeah you’re a lot less rubber now there is no there is no falling there is no falling is not not an option uh Oh uh oh did they kill Kingpin no she he said King killer the people might think he’s dead he was in the trailer so we know he’s not dead Okay bullet or blade bullet or blade interesting locking heat it keeps the canola from slipping out of your karate during the
Sanguin yeah I don’t think we’re bombing you today what if night nurse was snarky yeah man hey if Butters can do it if Butters can do it yeah he’s been patching he’s been patching up Dresden for not only Dresden he’s patching up everybody in the mystical community in Chicago nice
Take a deep breath this is going to sting so much this is yep it’s a good thing you used the the floss lined with Listerine help man can can the channel get can we get a mob doctor you know do you want a Mob Doctor why not okay you
Know maybe maybe that’s a goal we can work towards put on the Whiteboard yeah Mob Doctor Mob Doctor yeah I wish should get Studio first but but then Mob Doctor someone to do stuff under the table like give me a prescription for Aderall oh they’re playing basketball again and
They’re still not putting that a body on her man fundamentals Man hitting them layups just that would make sense that he would start he would um invest in the town that she that Maya came from in her family or that’s how he got her dad got involved in the first place Well that’s a Twist okay huh well The Road to Redemption is long huh who would who would have thought she’d have aspirations to to Lead so we’ve only seen the one trailer for the show when we did did the um the massive uh trailer mageddon yes after the strike was over the trailer gave none of the actual storyline away no just like this is going to be a lot of
Action and she’s going back home and I was anticipating that P I guess it’s a Turf War baby yeah that is a much more interesting Twist of her like oh no I’m just going to take his his kingdom because that runs her directly into Matt’s path I don’t know maybe we won’t
Maybe that was just a little flavor we won’t see any more Daredevil we you know what if we do awesome no one’s mad at it it was cool and fun it was totally cool and fun we do not need to see Matt again but like that but that puts her in it
Like in general it wouldn’t kill you I wouldn’t mind seeing more mat a little bit but maybe like at the end of things when things wrap up however they wrap up that make hey maybe if you’re going to be in town I’m also here and we’re redoing everything so maybe you want to
Come in and be a part of my show I don’t know but like if that’s where she’s going if she’s aiming for Kingpin yeah she’s going to be she could be in Matt’s Universe yeah dude just saying just saying and again like we said earlier Marvel may be having issues with a grand
Scope things but the street game the street level is strong yeah it’s really so like if you want to lean into that I do not mind it’s only five episodes It’s only five episodes excited to see this goes cuz it’s going to just go like we don’t
We truly do not have time every episode past this is pretty much in around 40 minutes so we’re just gonna yeah okay Jay how would you rate episode one of season one of echo echo is get man it it’s get it’s getting three out of three uh containers of dental floss
Hey do you have a body wound do you have a body wound yeah man yeah do you want do you want to stitch up do you want to stitch up your is your Mob Doctor on vacation and and you want and you want your scar to be
Zesty and fresh fresh minty fresh minty fresh yum yum how would you guys rate this episode less know the comments below but before you do please like subscribe and hit that Bell do that YouTube that you do so well welome always extra you you neck snapping
Weirdos you other video is po up right please watch this we would appreciate it as as we appreciate you watching this one we’ll see you soon bye