On DD India live from New Delhi you’re watching DD India news are India’s voice to the world I’m Mark Lyn namaskar coming up in the next hour the US UK Armed Forces they strike houti military Targets in Yemen from air and sea Australia and Japan support the retaliation to blunt the hou’s attempt
To threaten Merchant shipping in the Red Sea prime minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate the atal setu a 22 km long Mumbai trans Harbor Link in Mumbai he also holds a road show in the pilgrimage city of nask while on a day’s visit to the Western Indian state of
Maharashtra the mega 100 I me the Mega 10th vibrant Gujarat Global Summit concludes in Gujarat on fr Friday India’s home minister Amit sha to address the concluding session and the Ki watched Taiwan elections to take place on Saturday The United States and Britain launched strikes against sites linked to the houti movement in Yemen on Thursday the first on the country since the group started targeting international shipping in the Red Sea late last year consequences were promised and delivered as the US and Britain launched air strikes against howy Targets in G
The strikes come in response to group attack on ships in the Red Sea last month the United States formed a coalition of more than 20 Nations called operation Prosperity Guardian to respond to the how the attacks on ships in the Red Sea and vowed to eliminate all the targets the White House stated
That the air strikes were a direct response to unprecedented Hoy attacks on International Maritime vessels since last November the strikes were carried out by aircraft ship and submarine UK’s prime minister Rishi sunak confirmed that the Royal Air Force participated in the attacks he said in a statement the United Kingdom will always
Stand up for freedom of navigation and the free flow of trade the US said Australia bahin Canada and the Netherlands supported the operation President Joe Biden cautioned in a statement that he would not hesitate to further take action if needed Australian defense minister stated that the actions are about maintaining freedom of
Navigation on the high seas Australia’s support of these actions came in the form of Personnel in the operational headquarters these are very important actions the actions that have been taken today supported by Australia are about maintaining freedom of navigation on the high’s they are about maintaining global
Trade and that is completely Central to to Australia’s national interest Japan also supported the US and British actions condemning how the forces for violating the free passage of ships in the region Japan condemns the huti forces continued actions that violate rights and free passage of vessels around Arabian Peninsula including the Red Sea
Meanwhile Saudi Arabia called for restrained and urged avoiding escalation in response to the air strikes Russia has asked an urgent meeting of of the United Nations security Council to discuss military strikes on Yemen by the United States India’s external affairs minister Dr SJ Shanker and United States Secretary of State Anthony blinkin also
Discussed the situation in the red SE over the for the how the attacks have disrupted International Commerce forcing international shipping to take the long route around South Africa to avoid being struck Western Nations hope that the strikes could hold further escalation by how the fighters in the Red
Sea revenues from Egypt SE Canal are down 40% from the beginning of the year compared to 2023 the SE Canal Authority head Osama rabi said that ship traffic was down 30% between January 1 and January 11 compared to a year prior the number of vessels to pass through the SE
Canal dropped to 544 so far this year from 777 in the equivalent period of 2023 the SE Canal is a key source of foreign exchange for Egypt the authorities have been trying hard to boost revenues in recent years there was an expansion of the canal in 2015 and a further expansion is
Underway and Ollie Barrett now joins us with from London with perspective on these stories uh olle U what is the official stand on these military measures against the houis uh you know was patrolling of the Red Sea insufficient I think that’s the calculation that has been made here in
London uh along with the Americans leading to this joint operation Mark uh the UK has had a military presence in terms of Warships in the region but I think it now realizes from a London perspective that it wasn’t working as a deterrent against these strikes on shipping that were being made by houthi
Rebels from Yemen and so the decision has been taken at this point that the time is right from a us and UK perspective uh to be a little bit more proactive and to carry out these air strikes inside Yemen the UK government is saying that it hopes that this will
Be limited in scope and in time that this was an act of self-defense and it was necessary to protect shipping but also uh life when it comes to Personnel working on these Maritime routes in the region we had heard in recent days several warnings from UK officials particularly the defense secretary grant
Shaps that if these attacks on shipping in the Red Sea area didn’t stop from houthi rebels in Yemen then there would indeed be consequences and we heard that warning coming from the Americans as well leading us up to the point at which the US and the UK and their allies in
Support of this operation decided to take this action yes Ollie but uh you know with the Western pars involved is there fear now that rather than containing the Israel Hamas War it has escalated into a regional conflict absolutely there is that fear and we’ve heard those warnings from
Several Regional powers in the Middle East we’ve heard the houthis and the Iranians hisbah from Lebanon as well heavily criticizing these strikes that have been carried out and also here in the UK there are politics s who are saying they’re deeply concerned about further escalation that is part of the
Calculation that the UK government has made here they hope that this doesn’t lead to a wider escalation and they believe that this action is necessary to protect shipping in the region and to send a very strong message to the houthis and also to try and downgrade houthi military capacity to carry out
Any further strikes on shipping in the Red Sea region but the London government and Washington as well go into this knowing that it is a very difficult balance indeed to strike and knowing that there is a risk of further escalation in the region as a result all abouted from London thanks very
Much now Iran has seized a tanker with Iraqi crout destined for turkey this happened on Thursday this is in retaliation as well for the con confiscation last year of the same vessel and its oil by the United States the seizure of the Marshall Islands flag St Nicholas coincides with weeks of
Attacks by the houti rebels targeting Red Sea shipping routs St Nicholas was seized by the United States last year in a sanctions enforcement operation when it sailed under a different name it was called Su Rajan at that time now following this move Iran warned that
The warned the US that it would not go unanswered further escalation as we can see the United States has condemned Iran’s seizure of an oil tanker off the coast of Oman the White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby at a White House briefing has called for the
Immediate release of the ship and its crew we’ve all seen reports about uh the irani’s apparent seizure of a merchant vessel called the St Nicholas a Marshall Islands flagged and Greek owned oil tanker while it was lawfully navigating Waters in the Gulf of Oman we condemn this apparent seizure Iranian government
Should immediately release the ship and its crew these provocative and unacceptable actions need to stop we’ll continue to work with our uh allies and partners to deter and confront the full range of Iran’s concerning and destabilizing behavior in close coordination of course with the International Community now as the US Secretary of
State Anthony blinkin wrapped up his week-long visit to West Asia he said that the best way for Israel to normalize relations and isolate Iran is to agree on a Palestinian State for the resolution of the conflict linin added one can have an integrated region with Israel which is integrated with security
Assurances and commitments from the regional countries as well as from the United States or it can continue to see terrorism the destruction of Hamas uh the houis Iran all this going on now lincol also emphasized the importance of freeing hostages along with the mention of the US efforts with Egypt qar U which
You know are mediating release efforts if you pursue the first path if you build that integration if you bring Israel in if you make the necessary commitments to security and you move down the path to a Palestinian State that’s the single best way to isolate to Marginal ize Iran and the proxies that
Are making so much trouble for us and for pretty much everyone else in the region Israel set to respond to South Africa’s accusations on Gaza at the United Nations Top Court South Africa has filed a lawsuit at the international court of justice asking the judges to impose emergency measures ordering
Israel to immediately hold fighting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin nathany hit out at the South Africans saying that the country would is presenting lies and hypocrisy before the world Court Israel is fighting against brutal terrorists who were committed horror crimes against humanity a terror organization which commit the biggest
Crime against the Jewish people since the Holocaust and now there are groups which defend them we keep fighting the terrorists we keep repelling The Lies We keep ensure our just right to defend ourselves and ensure our future until the total Victory let’s get you an update now on the Russia Ukraine conflict the
Ukrainian president volir zinsky ruled out a ceasefire with Russia saying that it would not lead to a political dialogue and only benefit Moscow zinski made the comment during his visit to Estonia as part of a wider tour of the Baltic region zinsky visited Lithuania lva and Estonia to discuss the Russia
Ukraine conflict and kev’s plans to join NATO and the Eur Union a pause on the battlefield on the territory of Ukraine is not a pause in war it is not the end of War it doesn’t lead to political dialogue with the Russian Federation or with someone else
This pause will only benefit the Russian Federation why because we understand the amounts of what they produce today we know how many drones artillery they produce daily meanwhile White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby said that the US assistance for Ukraine has now ground to a halt on
Thursday we have issued the last uh draw down package that that we had funding to support um and that’s why it’s it’s uh critical that that Congress move on that National Security Supplemental request and we get more funding the the the assistance that we provided um has now
Ground to a halt the attacks that the Russians are conducting uh are only increasing and now as I talked about earlier this week they’re using North Korean ballistic missiles to do their dirty work so um the the need is acute right now particularly in these winter months well uh UK prime minister Rishi
Sunak will increase military funding for Ukraine in the next financial year to $3.19 billion the Downing Street uh has said that Aid workers will help fund the procurement of thousands of military drones for Ukraine including surveillance long range strike and sea drones the two countries would also sign
A historic UK Ukraine agreement on security cooperation following on from an agreement by the group of Seven Nations to provide Ukraine with bilateral security assurances the agreement formalizes a range of support including intelligence sharing cyber security medical and military training and still to come here on DD India news
Are India’s prime minister Narendra Modi in inaugurated the 27th National Youth Festival in nask Prime Minister Modi also conducts a road show in the pilgrim city of nask also th Taiwan prepares for crucial elections on Saturday the irland nation is Keen to maintain its Democratic autonomy from China m must choose its friends Wisely but is this Ral a game of puppetry who is the Puppeteer controlling the game from behind the scenes I connect the dots to get you the full picture watch connecting the dots every Friday at 8pm. is on DD India you’re watching DD India news I’m Mark Lynn India’s prime minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 27th National Youth Festival in nask in Maharashtra State the National Youth Youth Festival is organized every year from the 12th to the 16th of January the 12th of January being the birth anniversary of Swami
Vianda addressing the event Prime Minister Modi said that India’s greatest strength is its youth power and that the youth they are the backbone of development some Hard and India’s prime minister Narendra Modi also held a road show in maharashtra’s Nas thousands gathered on the streets to catch a glimpse of prime minister Narendra Modi people shout flower petals on the Prime Minister and the other dignitaries who were present who waved to the crowd they were there to welcome him
Along with him where the chief minister of Maharashtra the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra as well prime minister Narendra Modi visited the Shri kala Ram Mander and uh it’s situated along the banks of the godavari this is in nask as well the Shri kalaram Temple is situated in the
Panchavati area of nask among the places associated with the ramayan panchavati occupies a special place as a number of important events of the ramayan took place here Lord RAM sitha and lakshman spent a few years in the dandar Kara Forest which is situated in the panchavati region the panchavati region
It means the land of five banion trees and the legend is that Lord Ram set up his Hut here as the presence of five banion trees made the region auspicious Prime Minister Modi is visiting this place just 10 days before the consecration ceremony of the ram temple in aoda it has great significance
Because it has importance in the life of Lord Ram Mumbai in India is also all set to witness an addition to its infrastructure with the inauguration of the trans Harbor link it promises shorter time travel also uh I mean travel times that is and uh reduced traffic congestion and also enhanced
Opportunities for economic growth shishi shella reports in a momentous event prime minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the much awaited Mumbai trans Harbor link marking a significant milestone in the city’s infrastructure development the Mumbai trans Harbor link is an ambitious project connecting Mumbai to Navi Mumbai this Monumental bridge will
Significantly ease the congestion on the existing routs by offering a direct uninterrupted route between shiveri in South Mumbai to navasa in Navi Mumbai previously commuters had to rely on faeries crowded roads or the lengthy detour via the Washi bridge to Travers between these two major hubs a joint venture between the state run
Maharashtra straight road Development Corporation and private Partners the Mumbai trans Harbor link represents a remarkable collaboration between the public and private sector with an estimated cost of around 18,000 CR rupees this 21.8 km Long Bridge Project has been a vision of the government for several years the Mumbai trans Harbor
Link boo state-of-the-art engineering techniques designed to withstand Cyclones high-speed winds and other adverse weather conditions it comprises a six Lane Highway a key focus of the Mumbai trans Harbor link project is its commitment to sustainability the bridge has been designed with eco-friendly principles in mind minimizing its impact on the
Surrounding environment the construction process incorporates measur to mitigate ecological disruptions preserving the local flora and FAA the benefits of the MTL are expected to extend beyond Transportation it will unlock the economic potential of Navi Mumbai by providing seamless connectivity to the upcoming Navi Mumbai international airport the jnpt port and
Other growth corridors the bridge will not only facilitate smoother movement of goods but also also create employment opportunities and boost the real estate sector in the surrounding areas after obtaining all the necessary permissions in 2018 the actual work of the Mumbai trans Humber League started
In 17 and8 now the link is completed in record time and prime minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Mumbai trans Harbor link well this link goes from the seaside and connects Mumbai to nov Mumbai earlier it took almost 1 and a half hour to 2 hours to reach from
Mumbai to no Mumbai which will now will take only few minutes this will not only save the time but also save the energy and will open up the new economic Corridor for both the cities with camera person wison sh Shar for DD India Mumbai and shama Mishra now joins us
Live from Mumbai with an update uh shama we’ve just seen shi’s report uh telling us a lot about the atal setu but you know why is it going to be a huge Plus for both Mumbai and Navi Mumbai tell us well for starter starters Mark uh we understand that the need for this
Particular bridge for particular Sea Bridge was long awaited was you know longed for and if I’m saying it was uh you know long awaited it means there were talks uh going on for this for building this bridge since 1960s now finally this bridge has been made and as
Shishir was mentioning that this is made in record time it’s just 8 months with delay because of the covid pandemic the work was still on during the pandemic as well as the lockdown uh uh the the rules and regulations started easing it resumed work and as you see behind me
This engineering Marvel is ready before us and this will this particular Marvel will take you directly to Navi Mumbai starting off from CI in Mumbai and you can see the kilometers uh UL is the uh nearest one which is 22 km as long as this bridge is 21.8 km we understand
That you know you will cover a distance of this 22 km in just 22 minutes so uh this particular Bridge which is mostly on the sea uh around 16 km and the other kilometers are on land connecting both sides this will save a lot of time of
People and the toll right now is 250 rupes uh before this people had the option of traveling through train uh if I am traveling from Mumbai to Navi Mumbai it would usually take uh through train some changes from Central to Harbor and then to Navi Mumbai so it it
Would take anywhere around 1 and 1 half hours to 2 hours to reach my destination but now because of this particular bridge I will directly get down Atway at Navi Mumbai so this has saved time apart from this Navi Mumbai also houses jnpt which is uh one of the most busiest hubs
Busiest ports in the country and when we talk about ports we understand that there are large containers which travel towards uh the J&P and this side on the Mumbai side is Mumbai portra so both ports are important so this particular Bridge connects this uh these two ports
As well so usually uh the tra the trucks the container trucks used to get jammed in the traffic if if they went through the normal route and it was always stle and because of that other smaller Vehicles also used to get stuck now this is a smooth sprawling uh uh way where
The container trucks where the four-wheelers and above can travel smoothly we have seen that you know this would save money this would save fuel apart from saving fuel this will contribute to The Greener environment because the Lesser emission of the carbon the CO2 the the more it contributes to The Greener environment
And when we are talking about Greener environment we also have to talk about the marine life which is there uh which is not Disturbed with this particular Bridge the lights on this bridge is something which will will not disturb the Aquatic Life uh even during the construction it was taken care that
Minimal uh disturbances or damage would be caused uh so all this has been kept in mind and when we talking about nature one more point I have to add here that we have seen that you know now every uh Monsoon beginning of monsoons we do see Cyclones hitting uh the coast Coastal
Area of Mumbai or uh the city as well so this would be withstanding Cyclones as well off late we’ve seen G20 meetings as well so uh disaster manag M sustainability all these are talks which are implemented in Real uh sense in Mumbai and in India Mark yes indeed sha
It is an engineering Marvel as you were telling us but and also very useful but you know there are also other multiple projects of the Prime Minister will either be uh starting or inaugurating today fill us in with some of the details uh for starters uh when he
Travels when he inaugurates this mthl he will be traveling through this atal setu so there we understand the commoners would be seeing this particular picture where the Prime Minister himself travels from this atal setu and they will also see how much time it will save uh there
One once he reaches at Navi Mumbai where the ground where the public rally is there he’ll be inaugurating several projects and these several projects are termed as around 30,000 CR so uh one of the biggest ones is at seeps which is uh uh for the Gems and Jewelry sector uh it
Will give a boost it will be a game Chang which is bhat ratnam he will be inaugurating bhat ratnam which is a mega mega CFC common facilitation center now this common facilitation Center will be housing modern machineries Technologies which will be a game changer for The Gems and Jewelry sector uh apart from
This they’ll also be having a Skilling training school which will also give uh opportunities to the specially abled so all this has been taken care of has been kept in mind he’ll be also inaugurating one more uh uh particular uh n which is another tower for it he’ll be also in uh
Dedicating the Surya Regional water supply project which is which is going to uh help 14 lakh a population of 14 lakh people in tan and palar apart from that there are several Railway projects as well which he’ll be dedicating uh to the nation and several other projects as
Well so Maharashtra Mumbai is waiting with you know baited breath what all gifts prime minister is giving to them today thank you very much sha for your comprehensive answers now still to come here on DD India news are so we’re going to be discussing the escalation of tensions in the Red Sea
And its impact on global trade and prime minister Narendra Modi uh begins an 11-day special ritual before the inauguration of the ram Temple also Rich tributes paid to the Indian Mystic and philosopher Swami Vivekananda on his 161st birth Anniversary Experience the magic of aoda where spirituality meets architectural grandtier immerse yourself in the Majestic Beauty of the ram Temple and all inspiring symbol of devotion and cultural heritage explore its in intricate details from The Towering spires to the sacred sanctorum watch aodha the Marvel of architecture on Friday 8:30 p.m. IST only on D you’re watching DD India news are I’m Mark lind’s a recap now of our main Stories the US and UK Armed Forces strike houti military Targets in Yemen from air and sea Australia and Japan support the retaliation to blunt the hou’s attempt to threatened Merchant shipping in the Red
Sea prime minister Narendra Modi to inaugurate the atal setu at 22 km long Mumbai trans Harbor Link in Mumbai he also holds a road show in the pilgrimage city of nask while on a day’s visit to the Western Indian state of Maharashtra and the mega 10th vibrant Gujarat Global
Summit concludes on Friday India’s home minister Ahmed sha is going to be addressing the concluding Session I’m going back to our story on the Red Sea and the escalating violence there and to put it back in put it into context we have with us Atul Anja who’s the editor of India narrative and an expert on foreign Affairs he’s joining us from New Delhi uh Mr
Ana oh in fact we have not yet established our contact with Mr Ana but hopefully we shall do so in the near future but uh let’s move on then to our next story India’s prime minister Narendra Modi paid floral tributes to the Indian Freedom Fighter Swami vianda
In India’s nask on his birth anniversary Swami Vive Ananda has tremendous faith in in the Youth of our country uh that was uh his vision he himself uh died young but uh even at a young age he was able to create such a powerful body of
Work he’s considered uh as a great asset and a wealth to India he considers the youth that and he believes that uh the youth are the backbone of India they’re full of energy enthusiasm idealism and an adventurous Spirit on the birth anniversary of Swami vianda India’s external affairs minister
Dr s ja Shankar tweeted I pay my tributes to Swami Vivekananda on his gianti his profound teachings and Visionary ideals resonate deeply with the nation especially the yua bat who are who will play a huge role in the Amrit call Swami Vivekananda is also known as the father of the modern Indian Nationalism
He was a great philosopher as I said a great spiritual leader he was born on the 12th of January in 1863 uh in a Bengali family vivanda is credited with enlightening the Western World about Hinduism he popularized Hinduism ayurveda yoga in the western world he represented Hinduism at the
Parliament of world religions in 1893 in Chicago and uh due to this uh you know this unknown monk at the time of India U Hinduism leaped uh into Fame and lectures of Swami vivanda shook America and the whole world and immediately became a hero in the United States of
America vianda began his famous speech uh with these words sisters and brothers of America and that uh captivated the audience uh the speech had a profound impact as we said on the audience it established him as a significant figure in Interfaith dialogue Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has started an 11-day special
Ritual this is in the runup to the consecration of the ram temple in the temple town of Yoda aodha Dam on the 22nd of January Prime Minister Modi said that this is a huge responsibility and U is Guided by Great Men of spir of the spiritual journey R January and India’s external affairs minister Dr SJ Shanker had a telephonic conversation with his Australian counterpart Penny Wong and in a social media post Dr ja Shankar wrote the first conversation of 2024 with Senator Wong of Australia exchange views on the state of the world and discussed our cooperation in the for
This year including through the quad let’s take a look at other stories now making the news the renowned sand artist sudarshan patnayak captures the 9-year Swatch bat Mission journey in stunning sand art at the SWAT seric Awards 2023 ceremony The Honorable president dropati murmu has commended the padmashri awarde
Artists for his incredible dedication to the SWAT Mission the event hosted by the ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs recognized and honored the outstanding efforts in promoting cleanliness and hygiene Across the Nation Delhi police is on high alert ahead of India’s Republic Day celebrations in the national capital they have been implementing robust security measures to ensure the smooth conduct of the event on the 26th of January the heightened security includes intensive anti-sabotage checks thorough verification drives and increased patrolling throughout key areas of the
City to thwart any unir incidents Marshall Music of the Indian army the Armed Forces has been released it’s going to be played at the beating Retreat Ceremony this year it’s titled it’s it’s it’s a much anticipated ceremony in uh and it’s scheduled to take place at the iconic Vijay Chalk in
The heart of uh New delhi’s Capital the capital of India the beating Retreat ceremony is held on the 29th of January every year marking the end of the Republic Day the Indian enforcement directorate on Friday is carrying out raids at the residences of the former West Bengal Minister sujit BOS and trinal Congress leader Tapas Roy the these raids are underway and they are in connection with a recruitment scam in various municipalities in West Bengal it is
Alleged that hundreds of jobs were given in exchange for money in the municipalities we’re going to take a short bre stay with Us males must choose its friends Wisely but is this Ral a game of puppetry who is the Puppeteer controlling the game from behind the scenes I connect the dots to get you the full picture watch connecting the dots every Friday at 8:00 P.M I on DD India voice of a rising aspirational World Story experience the magic of aoda where spirituality meets architectural grander immerse yourself in the Majestic Beauty of the ram Temple an all inspiring symbol of devotion and cultural heritage explore its intricate details from The Towering spires to the sacred sanctorum watch aodha the m Marvel of architecture on Friday 8:30 p.m. IST
Only on DD India and going back to a top story on the US and UK attacks on uh houti Targets in Yemen uh we are joined by atula Naja editor of the Indian narrative and also an expert on Foreign Affairs he is joining us in the studio
Thank thank you very much Mr Ana for being with us so were you surprised then by these attacks uh because I mean patrolling is usually enough isn’t it to try and keep or to deter people I’m not entirely mark because of the importance of that particular area it is a channel
For international shipping and trade uh global trade that way so whatever happening in the Red Sea and the sus Canal area is of vital importance to the World Trade so a reaction of this magnet itude therefore has not been surprising though it has implications uh which we
Can talk about as we what are those implications then implications is whether the Gaza war is going to spread into a region War I think that’s the major implication because now you put the huis uh in a reactive mode after yesterday’s strike now are they going to
React if they do then where do they get that backing from Iran from Iran from Iran mainly from Iran and that has been the case when Iran and Saudi Arabia when the huis were fighting Saudi Arabia it was the it was a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia so Iran has sufficient
Military capability now it has acquired over the years indigenized systems from drones onwards to missile systems so uh it’s basically now the theater is Shifting HTI stroke Iran versus us and will the entire cycle of violence has started because of War so will the Iranian missiles through
Htis hit T for example right Israel so that’s the real danger the new cycle of violence involving Iran Israel and with Israel is United States and NATO all right uh so that’s that’s the real danger of a configuration sure will so will the Arabs also begin to since they
Do tacitly support Hamas uh and of course we know that um hisbah already involved uh to that extent but I mean to get Nation States involved we know that hamas’s leadership lives in Qatar uh you know I mean what’s actually going to happen now so now this is interesting
Because if it’s going to be Iran and Israel and Iran is working through huis and also the hisbah comes in which you talked about which means Northern Israel gets impacted Lebanon comes into the picture right and missiles can re into into into Israel and Israel will obviously either take a proactive steps
Given its intelligence capability or respond with mass massive force of its own and now when you talk about the Arab countries it is not in the interest especially countries like Saudi Arabia the gulf countries for it to spread because then what happens is energy flows from there gets impacted the price
Of a barrel of oil is anywhere maybe $200 a barrel or something has then Global cascading effect we get affected in India as well with the prices going up the pump so it is not in their interest for it to to escalate and I think they will make an effort that okay
So far so good but can we put a stop so there so has diplomacy failed then or the what’s the role now for diplomacy I think that’s the that’s a vital role and diplomacy can work because of the stakes involved and which means actually talking to the real people Ayah K would
Be one person people would try and reach out to him the key decision makers over here it’s going to be very high-profile uh diplomacy and it’s going to be have acquired urgency not only from capitals in the Arab world which will be Prim impacted but Europeans Americans I I
Think the Chinese and the Russians are also getting to the ACT and frankly it impacts India as well so you move into a regional and from there into Mark into a World War II kind of a scenario you know it at least comes on the horizon and that’s why what happened yesterday has
Been exceptionally alarming and escalatory so uh we before uh linkoln left the region he said that I mean he asked Israel to be more uh uh accommodative and he said that you know you have to consider the two- State solution uh because that’s really the
First step uh I mean at this time of course Israel is wanting to finish off Hamas they don’t want uh uh any influence of that kind in in a two-state solution as well so uh I mean is it too early to talk about these kind of things
What what because after all the West in any case is supporting Israel by directly in fact absolutely now with the yesterday’s attack Mark so you spot on there but at the same time there would be a move to deescalate it even it’s not in Western interest either for it to
Become a regional war and bring the World War II into Horizon so this will be the time where there will be pressure on Israel as well what do they do do something on the ground while you talk big this has happened okay we put the hotties on the mat now will you start
Pulling back withdrawing descaling your the force presence in Gaza I will not be surprised that if a parallel track is going towards Israel as well to to deescalate a bit or start give a indication of a deescalation so you don’t believe that there is a military solution that Israel
Israel believes that they can they believe that they have a military solution I don’t think so Mark I covered the uh 2006 hisbah versus Israel war from Lebanon and I could sense the fire power of the of the hisbah and the Irani they exception these are non-state actors right largely non-state but then
You know there’s such an extensive backing from from Iran coming in they have more more of proxies so they’re not autonomous in this sure so it’s not going to be easy for Israel either uh if Iranians get into into the picture the problem with Israel is it’s small land
Mass and if you’re going to have massive uh missile strikes on Mainland uh Israel uh well it’s it’s it’s going to be very very painful for the ises as well so I think their forces away from n which don’t want it to escalate further so the the possibility of a deescalation on the
Ground after this I won’t rule out though it looks as if it’s getting into a regional War we’ll leave it there thank you very much mrja thank you for your perspective very very welcome Mark still to come here on DD India news are AFC Asia cup begins tonight hosts
Qar to face Lebanon in the tournament opener India to take on Australia on Saturday Joko entertains the crowd ahead of the Australian Open and Barcelona thrashes OSAA in a one-sided clash in a super cup Semi-final Males must choose its friends wisely but is this Ral a game of puppetry who is the Puppeteer controlling the game from behind the scenes iconic the dots to get you the full picture watch connecting the dots every Friday at 8:00 p.m. IST on DD India you’re watching DD India news are I’m Mark Lynn now candidates in thawan they hold their final campaigns ahead of the island elections which are taking place tomorrow the presidential and parliamentary elections are being closely watched internationally amid concerns over po meddling by China which claims sovereignity over Taiwan the
Former taipe mayor Coen J has garnered massive support from the youth and uh he puts high cost of housing and low wages at the center of his campaign meanwhile the Taiwanese government officials have warn China’s economic and Military pressure on thawan uh these things are like to increase after the
Polls some other stories from around the world the Indonesian president Joko Bodo met his Vietnamese counterpart on Friday for talks including a discussion on security in the South China Sea the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding on Fisheries cooperation which addresses vietnami Fisherman’s encroachments in other countries Waters
A regular source of tension in the region film director Martin scores is killer of the flow Moon back Major honors of the national board of review Awards in New York on Thursday while scori was named to the best director actress Lily Gladstone was the best actress for her role in the American
Epic drama actor Bradley Cooper was honored with the icon Award the Austrian company Swarovski optic has introduced ax Vio binoculars with artificial intelligence which uh use the Corell lab of orology Merlin Bird ID app to identify and find wild birds the binoculars are priced at around $4,800 and they feature 13 megapixel cameras processing units as well as apps of over 8,000 bird
Species so let’s get you the sports news now and uh for that we have with us DEA Meo how with you B thanks and good afternoon Mark let’s quickly bring our viewers all the latest update from the World of Sports well IGN not for South Africa series allrounder Shivam du start with
Both bat and the ball on his comeback guiding India to Wi easy six- Wicket victory over Afghanistan in moali on Thursday now proving his utility India’s crowded batting lineup du made the opportunity count as he hit a beligerant half century in chese of a 159 after the
Bowlers restricted the afan Batters to a power total after bowling an economic spell du smashed and unbeaten 60 or 40 balls to help India overcome the target with 15 balls to spare earlier Afghanistan made 158 for five in 20 overs with nabbi top scoring for the visitors at 42 Mukesh Kumar and AAR
Patel took two wickets a piece while tupe took one in two overs as he ped now the next game will be played in indor on the 14th of January Australia trained at the Asian cup ahead of their Opening match against India on the 13th of January Graham Arnold’s quad will benefit from the
Experience of playing in qar just over 12 months ago at the World Cup where they made it through the group stages before being knocked out by eventual Champions Argentina in the last 16 they are among the fancy teams in the 24 team Asia cup and are in a favorable group
Alongside India Syria and usbekistan moving on to tennis now Novak chovi produced yet another memorable night in Rod labor Arena on Thursday dozens of Serbian fans energetically danced and sang outside Rod lab Arena before Novak jakovich hosted a tennis charity event jakovich took on Greek stephanus SAS in
A one set exhibition and one by 63 before the DU were joined by sas’s Creek compatriot Maria Sakari and belan reigning Australian Open Champion Arena Sanka jovic was challenged by a number of athletes from other sports to try their game the Serbian impressed the crowd with his basketball and Cricket
Skills proceeds from the charity event was scheduled to go to a range of children charities providing opportunities for disadvantage children to play this world onto Soccer Now Tottenham hotspot Defender Eric deer has joined Barn Munich on loan to the end of the season the both the clubs have officially
Confirmed the transfer bite the financial details of the deal were not disclosed by either of the club de weigh over 300 appearances for the north London Club since 2014 V are currently second in the Bundesliga which is four points behind leaders by Le with the game in hand
Staying on soccer in super cup semi-finals Barcelona thrashed to Sasa in a one-sided Clash Barcelona dominated the game from the very beginning but was unable to score until the 59th minute of the game H good too and picked out leowski with a through ball and the striker scored from a close range usasa
Tried to make a late run for The Equalizer but got exposed and W Felix created a quick counter and assisted Gamal who blasted low into the net to to secure the victory setting up a dream show peace Clash on Sunday with real M now World Cup winners Leonel Messi and
Aana bonmati are in contention for the best FIFA Awards which will be unveiled on Monday in London the award annually honors the most outstanding members of the sport in which the fans also play a vital role and take active part World Cup winners Leonel Messi and
IA miti are among the favorites for the best FIFA awards that will be revealed on the 15th of January in London Messi is the finalist for the best men’s player alongside Manchester City Striker erling haland and French forward Kilian mbappe punati is up against International teammate Jennifer hoso and
Colombia’s Linda for women’s award treble winning and Manchester City coach beb Gua is the front runner for the best men’s coach against interm Simon inagi and former napoi and now Italy coach luchiano spalti Serena wigman Emma Hayes and Barcelona’s Jonathan geralis are shortlisted for women’s award Morocco’s Yin Manchester City’s
Ederson and real MRI theot cers are the nominees for the best men’s goalkeeper while England number one Mary Els is the strong favorite to take home the best women’s goalkeeper award the three finalists have been selected by an international jury comprising of the coaches captains football journalists
And fans from all across the world the 15th of January ceremony will Mark the third time that FIFA would hold the best FIFA football awards in London after 2017 and 2018 award ceremonies that were staged earlier Sports desk so remains to be seen who will lift the Kuwait a
Trophy back to you mark thanks a lot Deepika and let’s get you some other stories now from the Consumer Electronics Show show 2024 underway in Las Vegas let’s see what’s on offer there now visitors at the CES 2024 in Las Vegas had the opportunity to roll in some someone else’s shoes uh Austin
Texas based shift robotics unveiled a new moon Walkers X that’s a new AI powered six-wheeler it’s a six whe roller shoe so you can basically learn roller skating and walk at the same time now if you’re feeling uh lonely and uh also want to talk to a loved one on
The other side of the world then you have this Holo box it can make that happen it’s created by Holo connects which is a company from the Netherlands and this device can be projected anywhere in the world provided you have an internet connection and a Holo box
Now Holo connects uh hopes that this device is going to combat social isolation and loneliness wonder what the real addition to this is from the regular chats that you have which is video chatting and the vacuum seal technology uh might uh soon replace television cables and wall mounts this is because
Wireless TVs are making their way into the market the device boasts an active Loop vacuum technology with the push of two side handles securing it to any smooth surface well that’s all we have in this edition of DD India news are connect with us on Facebook X formerly known as Twitter and
Instagram we’ll be back with more news as it breaks here on DD India my name is Mark Linn and with me is Deepa and from all of us here in Delhi thanks very much for watching DD India news are Namaskar