Wow all right so the Vancouver Canucks just won four to3 against the Pittsburgh Penguins their fourth straight win in this road trip and this might have been the gutsiest one yet I was on the edge of my seat there at the end to watch the game because it was so intense but yeah
We came away with the Victory and ultimately this team just keeps on proving to me and every Canucks fan out there that this is the real deal that we are here to play and we are here to stay that sounded better in my head but regardless let’s move on now to the the
First period of this hockey game now for some reason whenever B plays against the Penguins he’s literally Gretzky so I don’t know how that happens but I’ll take it he scores two goals early on for the Vancouver Canucks the first one Pon makes a nice move as he enters into the
Offensive zone then plays it back door where besser is there to redirect it in one- nothing Canucks shortly after that the Canucks had themselves a power play where we had ourselves a vintage JT Miller shot he sets himself up like that a lot as we’ve seen in recent games but
This one it’s a nice shot gets redirected by Bess he gets his second of the game in short order and the boys are in real good shape early on in this game shortly after that you have Marcus patteron who answers with a goal of his
Own and cuts the conule down to 2 to one this one was a little bit unlucky because it went off of Pew suor and found its way into the back of the net but at this point I was okay with it we keep going 2-1 hockey game but here’s
What I love about this Vancouver Canucks team they are so resilient and after the Penguins scored that goal they came right back and Philip perona had himself a shot that was tipped in by none other than our number 40 Alias Patterson and you know things were good again because
We had our two-goal lead heading into the first intermission the second period was definitely the low light of this game as the Vancouver Canucks really weren’t able to generate that many scoring opportunities there were a couple things here and there but nothing that was too considerable and then the Penguins ended
Up inching one step closer to time the game as Crosby leads a two onone and he’s really just not the type of guy that you want in that position on the opposing side as he fires it by Demco and just like that the Penguins make it interesting as we head to the third
Period of this hockey game and I just wanted a chill game to be honest I really didn’t want to stress about this one but I guess I had no choice and boy did we get ourselves an interesting third period first of all I just want to say I
Think the refs were absolutely horrible in this game for both sides I don’t know what the decision- making process was for the referees on a couple of these plays but I guess I digress there’s nothing I can really do about it Demco in this third period was absolutely
Remarkable look at this save here that he makes on Sydney Crosby to keep it 3 to2 stretches out his Pad Crosby has the whole top of the net he’s a little bit too deep so he has to go low but Demco the Desperado mode and he gets his foot
On it to keep it 3 to2 hats off to you my friend you deserve to go to the all-star game and you deserve the VZ right right now he’s playing out of his mind this was a really weird play between JT Miller and Sydney Crosby I
Just wanted to point it out they kind of get tangled up and tackle each other to the ice I don’t know who’s at fault here but for some reason the refs didn’t call anything that’s just one example of a really questionable decision I don’t know how nobody got booked there but I
Guess we keep moving now after a couple more marvelous saves from dco we head to the end of this game where the Pittsburgh Penguins pull their goal tender and at this point my heart is is going through my chest I sitting on the edge of my seat and I am just staring at
That clock just looking at it to see where it’s at because it doesn’t seem like it’s moving that fast and the penguins are coming on really strong here to end this game they end up scoring a goal which was a huge deflator as we were so close it was like 28
Seconds left Crosby somehow Had It Go off of his leg and into the net a really unlucky break for the Vancouver Canucks who were defending really well but at this point it didn’t matter because we we had ourselves yet another overtime period ahead of us and in this overtime
Philip ponic plays it up to Pon and unlike the Dallas Stars game we watched a couple of weeks back where Pon had the 2on 0 and he couldn’t bury it he made no mistake here gets it through the pads of Tristan jari and the Vancouver Canucks go 4-0 against all of the Metropolitan
Teams they’ve faced thus far and peton has his fourth game winner in a row think about that for a second that makes his contract sound a lot scarier than it might have before but I don’t know the guy is an absolute machine and we got to
Sign this guy as soon as possible it was a crazy game and the Vancouver Canucks showing their perseverance once again and I really want to know your thoughts on this hockey game let me know what you were thinking before during and after because it was just an absolute roller
Coaster of emotions but yeah the Canucks have buffalo on Saturday so we’ll talk about that when the game comes but for now we get to have a good night’s rest and prepare for the next one thank you guys so much for watching I’ll be sure
To catch you in the next one make sure you like comment subscribe and yeah man peace out and take care