Hello everyone my name is Preston dennit and welcome to a new episode of UFOs in the Paranormal I call this one extraordinary humanoids 10 true encounters what else can I say about humanoids that I haven’t already said I find these encounters particularly fascinating I think the answers to many
Of the questions of ET contact can be found in cases like these these are very close encounters with little chance of misperception and it’s far beyond a simple sighting the cases I want to present today do come from all over the world including Canada the United States Venezuela Brazil Sweden Germany England New
Zealand and Japan so quite a worldwide series of events here these cases span five decades from the 1950s all the way up to the 19 90s and involve a wide variety of humanoids what we would think of probably as Grays but short little hairy dwarves certainly human looking
ETS many different types of ETS and of course the kinds of evidence we often see and by that I mean Landing traces physiological effects electromagnetic disturbances animal reactions these sort of things so there’s definitely quite a bit of evidence to support these cases a few are single witness cases some are
Multiple witness cases and many of them do have outside supporting witnesses as well and were professionally investigated so I think these are very important cases some you may have heard of before some I’m sure you haven’t and even those you have heard before I think I’ve got some new details that you’ll
Find quite interesting so it’s a lot of cases let’s just get started and the first case I’d like to talk about I call smacked by an alien this occurred on July 2nd 1953 in Spain more specifically in varz Del sa Spain and while this is a single witness case it does have physical
Evidence to support it in the form of Landing traces also there are some outside supporting Witnesses who saw strange activity at the time of this encounter and what I like about this this particular encounter is that it’s a very early encounter and the ET behavior is very unusual this very unusual humanoid
Encounter was investigated and reported on by Professor Manuel pedrao he was the original researcher and wrote about it in his book flying saucers and the evidence though it was later reprinted in other books and magazines and in fact Spanish researcher Antonio Ribera writes and I quote everything in the story
Points to it being genuine Gordon kraton was the editor of the Flying Saucer review where this story was published and he writes I most emphatically agree with Antonio Ribera I think this case Bears all the Hallmarks of complete genuiness so the main witness is Maximo
Munes hernes and at age 14 it was his job to watch over the grazing cattle on his family’s Ranch in the small village of varz Del s this is outside of quena Spain and he had to make sure that they didn’t eat the family’s crops so he sat
There watching them on the afternoon of July 12th 1953 and this is when he heard a faint whistling sound behind him and he ignored it at first but finally turning around he saw a large shiny gray Globe he estimates it was about four to 5 feet
In diameter not super big but by the time he looked at it it was already sitting on the ground not too far away now this witness has never heard of UFOs he’s never been to school uh so he’s never has no idea what he’s looking at
And his first thought was that this must be a balloon which escaped from some fair or celebration nearby but then he took a closer look and as he says I realized it wasn’t one of them it glowed brightly and it was just a short distance away so he got up hoping to
Capture it before it blew away and he walked right up to it and as he approached to within arms distance an opening appeared at the top of the sphere and three quote little men jumped out they were very short about two to three feet tall he estimates stocky and build
With gray skin and sort of Asian looking features he says they wore quote very smart blue colored suits and on their heads they had flat hats with what looked like visors he also noticed a weird sort of flat metallic Contraption of some sort strapped to their arms and they immediately walked up to
Him surrounded him one on each side and one in front of him and the one in front of Maximo spoke to him in a foreign language which he couldn’t understand and as Maximo says when I didn’t understand what he said to me the one standing in front of
Me smacked my face then they walked off they grabbed hold of a thing that was on the balloon and jumped and in they went it glowed very bright it made the same sort of little noise as before when I first saw it and it went off very fast
Like a rocket I was scared I ran home with the cows so Maximo says that the beings did look around at the scenery before entering the craft he also noticed that the craft glowed more brightly as it was taking off and going away so after arriving home he immediately told his
Parents and his father was disbelieving at first but could see that his son was very much scared and even trembling so he called the police and he and a police officer returned to the spot and were amazed to find Landing traces four holes in the ground about 2 in deep and 1 inch
Across and they were situated in a perfect square about 14 in apart and they also found several small Footprints now later it was discovered that a police officer by the name of Ceno Atienza Martinez was in the nearby Village of Han ruia and he reports seeing a gray white sphere in the sky
Around the same time as maximo’s encounter and as he says when the affair at viz delas occurred we saw what appeared to be a grayish white object which was stationary in the air and then vanished shortly afterward words its shape was very much like a ball it left
No Trail and when it disappeared it went towards the east having come more or less from the direction of Viara Del which is of course where Maximo had his encounter and after sharing his encounter once Maximo refused to ever talk about it again so we don’t know if there’s any followup to this
Story there you go a thoroughly investigated case of of a humanoid encounter by a witness who’s clearly never even heard of UFOs or extraterrestrials and there’s evidence to support it physical evidence it’s a truly unusual case I don’t think I’ve heard of anything quite like
That uh and let’s move on to the next case because there are so many I suspect the vast majority of cases not only go unreported but perhaps unseen people aren’t around to even see these ET when they come and land on our planet and do
Whatever it is they do but in this case certainly they were seen and I call this case a hair raising experience this encounter went almost very nearly unreported but thankfully the witness did decide to report it after he found other Witnesses who apparently saw the same thing this occurred in June of
1954 in Beno this is in Saskatchewan Canada and I have a sneaking suspicion that this one might actually be a reverse engineered human piloted craft though I can’t say for sure because I don’t know what a human piloted test craft would be doing at such low level and being witnessed by
This farmer so you can make up your own minds about that this case was investigated by Canadian researcher Dean F Clauson and again occurred in the small town of Ben go the primary witness is anonymous he’s a married middle-aged farmer known only by his initials RF and it was a clear calm morning
Around 10: a.m. one day in June of 1954 and Mr RF was out in the middle of his yard pumping water when he heard what sounded like the motor of a Honda motorbike approaching his farm this point he couldn’t see anything but whatever it was it was getting closer
And as he says there was no mistaking the motor sound uh he says it didn’t sound like a jet or a helicopter because as he says quote it was reasonably silent but it was something so he looked up and got an incredible shock and as DF
Says in his own words all of a sudden this object came right over between the house and the shed there it was about 20 ft up it looked to be made of something transparent with two men sitting in it with their helmet and goggles on there
Was a kind of stick shift in the middle like in today’s cars it made the hair stick up on the back of my neck I couldn’t believe it so this object was clearly not a helicopter as there were no propellers but according to the witness RF it did create a quote big Whirlwind
Or vacuum as it passed over and as the witness says I think it was going about 80 M an hour it wasn’t that terrific a speed at all there was kind of an uplift to it not a downdraft you know a suction upward or a creation of air
Swirling But ultimately it was the appearance of this machine that shocked him the most it was a perfectly round saucer shaped craft and it had a 12T wide transparent cockpit in the front with two human looking men sitting side by side inside it and the object itself
Wasn’t much more than 14 ft wide and according to DF it was about the size of quote a good size room in a house and as DF says in his own words in thickness the object looked like the lid of an old washing machine with this windshield on the front something like a
Speedboat that you seen pictures with a onepiece windshield the two objects or men I presume they were you could see their helmet and goggles quite distinctive they were a darker color than the rest which was just like transparent I would say their clothing there was no color to it now at the time
The farmer did not believe in UFOs and he immediately assumed that this object had to be some sort of secret military craft and as he says I still think any way you want to look at it it’s human beings they’re not from outer space as far as I’m concerned there’s no such
Thing as outer space men controlling these objects I figure this is a well protected experiment I wouldn’t say in Canada I wouldn’t say even in the United States but it could be in Mexico as far as small people manning these things I would say there’s lots of small people
In Australia and some countries that could be trained to man these ships in no way will I connect them with outer space so as you can see he’s quite skeptical of the subject in General yet he was stuck with what he saw and he as he says he figured that this object was
What people called quote these flying objects and fearing ridicule and disbelief he decided to keep quiet and he did for about 14 years until he heard two other Witnesses describing exactly what he saw and as Mr DF says I never did tell anybody that I saw it for years
Because I figured well people would figure that’s another crackpot but this has to be one of them things you don’t forget thankfully this encounter had no lasting effects other than mentally but DF doesn’t appear to be particularly happy to have seen it as he says about
All it’s done for me was give me a hair raising experience so perhaps this one did involve a human piloted reverse engineered craft but if so it’s a very early case and also quite strange as why would they test a secret military craft at such low levels right over a person’s
Farm as usual there are more questions than answers but such as the nature of the UFO phenomenon definitely a very unusual case whether it’s human looking ETS or humans hard to say for sure but certainly worth knowing about if it is reverse engineered way back in 1954 that’s pretty early for that who
Knows and let’s move on to the next case which you may have heard of before it did get a lot of publicity I call this one why not to fight in ET this occurred on November 28th 1954 in petare Venezuela this involves two witnesses initially there were in fact quite a
Number of other outside supporting Witnesses some undeniable physiological effects and what I like about this case is I think it’s a cautionary tale and provides some profound insights on what not to do if you have an ET encounter the main Witnesses in this case are two men 25-year-old Gustavo Gonzalez and his
Coworker Jose Pon the two of them were driving a truck in petare to pick up a load of food Goods this time it was around 2 a.m. as they drove their delivery van along Bella Vista Street on the outskirts of petara and this is when they came upon a glowing 6 foot wide
They estimate metallic sphere and this was hovering just a few feet over the road ahead of them blocking their way and as Gustavo says in his own words when I passed by the Bell Vista Street in patare driving a van which belongs to me and accompanied by a collaborator I
Was surprised and suddenly stopped the vehicle I was driving when I observed that the street where we were was illuminated as if it were noon in Broad daylight my collaborator Jose Pon also astonished opened the door of the van and descended to the ground he came out
Running while seeing what I saw seconds later having been able to observe an unknown living being which approach approached us so this craft had two windows and what appeared to be a Copa on top and there was this little being which was described as hay very short about 3 feet
Tall with a round head very large eyes and had no clothes on except for a sort of loin cloth or what Gustavo said looked almost like a diaper and instead of fingers it appeared to have webbed claws so Gustavo grabs his own flashlight and hurls it at the being his
Flashlight missed so he ran up to this figure this apparent ET and grabbed it kind of in a bare hug lifted it up and tried to carry it back into his van and he was surprised to find that this figure was quite light but was even more
Surprised at how strong it was because it immediately freed himself from gustavo’s grip and threw him 15 feet away down onto his back on the ground now Jose Pon is watching all of this and then he sees two other figures emerge from the the bushes they’re carrying what looks like hunks of dirt
Or rocks in their hands and seeing what’s going on these two other figures immediately jump into the craft and one reemerged and it was holding a tubl like device in its hand and seeing this figure point this device at Gustavo Jose turned and ran to get help at the local
Police station which was only a few blocks away so meanwhile this first figure that Gustavo had tried to grab jumped up six feet in the air moving towards Gustavo and this is when Gustavo pulled out a little knife that he carries and as this being approached Gustavo actually tried to stab this
Creature and he made contact with the creature’s body but the knife bounced off the surface of the creature as if it was some sort of hard material and at the this time the other being holding this sort of tube likee device shot a ray of light at Gustavo
Temporarily blinding him the ETS at this point immediately returned into their craft which promptly took off now I just want to give a quote from Gustavo now mind you this is translated from another language so the wording is a bit awkward but I think it’s worth hearing gustavo’s
Experience in his own words as he says at the beginning I felt as if something prevented me from moving but then I Advanced towards where the unknown being stood I took it between my arms and tried to stop it but this small ombre SEO small man as we could qualify it had
Much force and succeeded in breaking loose from the catch of my arms which was applied to him although he had been raised from the ground it weighed something like 50 kg and to have tried to carry him towards the van I fell on the pavement at this reaction it quickly stopped me I
Tried to chase the Ombre SEO and when I looked at him again I observed two more surprising things two more ombros came towards me of which one of them illuminated me with a lantern coming apparently in assistance to His companion the light prevented me from seeing what occurred during a while and
A little time after while being in my normal State all had disappeared when I left the state of quote trance holding my Boy Scout knife in the right hand and realizing that the Ombre seal that was to be stopped was approaching me by Instinct because I held up the weapon
Which I carried and I struck with my weapon in the shoulder of the unknown being but my surprise was with out and when the knife slipped on its hard skin not entering it at all he appeared to have the skin of a rhino the weapon skidded on the rough body of
The unknown being and slipped as if it had hit a certain very solid material I could notice that his hands were like four sharpened claws which tried to grab me Meanwhile my collaborator Jose Pon came down by the small door on the right side of the van and moved towards the spherical ball
When arriving from the right slope of the First Avenue of bell Vista a hairy hre seal quickly climbed the slope of the hill with joined hands and carrying a lump of Earth so at this point after the being shot this beam of light at Gustavo and returned to the craft and departed
Gustavo rushed to the police station joining Jose Pon who was already there and he reported what happened now the police first thought they were drinking did not believe them but it quick quickly became very clear that the men were telling the truth both were visibly traumatized and in fact Gustavo had a
Long red scratch on the side of his body where he had grappled with his figure gustavo’s employer Antonio Sheri did vouch for gustavo’s character and as he says he has been on this job for more than a year he handles about a thousand items a day in money and always keeps
His account in order so at this point the police did believe them they took this account seriously they went to the location and began to investigate and of course news of the encounter began to spread very quickly and this is when many other people in the area revealed that they
Had seen apparently the same UFO in that area at that time there were quite a lot of Witnesses in fact Maria antona ja Yan lived nearby and she said she was woken up around 1 or 2 a.m. by a loud explosive sound followed by a weird Whistling
Noise three members of the dter stad family were in their backyard in patare that evening when they saw a dis shaped object flashing different colors moving in the sky for several minutes another witness was concepion garan and he said that around midnight she saw with others a silent glowing
Object moving across the sky again in petare and it was around 2 a.m. that they heard an explosive sound coming directly from Bell Vista Street where the encounter happened and there were other Witnesses the Kabal family lived in downtown petar and they said that they saw a brilliant white quote like a
Very intense star and they saw it around two 2 a.m. the time of this encounter another gentleman a doctor Dr Julio gares was driving his car very near Bell Vista Street around 2 a.m. and he says he heard a man cry out in Terror in fact he stopped his car and looked
Around but seeing nothing continued on his way another witness was Manuel Maria Soria and he said he was driving home around 2:30 a.m. not far away from B Vista Street when he says a powerful light Shone down on his car from above accompanied by a loud whistling
Sound so he raised home and told his mother who confirmed that she also heard this strange sound a lot of other Witnesses actually Francisco Le and several others who lived on nearby Seventh Street so that they all saw intense lights heard weird noises and several of them called the police about
It and the police confirmed this they said they received several calls about strange explosive sounds and unusual lights in the sky on that night they actually sent out a patrol to look for it and it turned out that one of the doctors who would treat Gustavo Gonzalez
Said that when he was returning home from a night call on that evening he also saw a UFO so this case did get a lot of attention it was very well researched and in fact the Witnesses were later interrogated by the Venezuelan government who showed great interest in
Their case a lot to like about that case it being a multiple witness case with so many outsid supporting Witnesses physiological evidence and people who vouch for the sincerity of the witnesses and the fact that the Brazilian or the Venezuelan rather government showed a strong interest in this case that’s indication that they
Absolutely found it credible so certainly an interesting case that deserves to be well known here’s a case you probably haven’t heard before but it’s certainly an interesting case because it does have animal reactions it has some really amazing physiological effects electromagnetic disturbances as well and just some very interesting
Behavior on the part of the ETS it is a single Witness case but was investigated so I think it’s an important case and I call this one the mount Ary alien this encounter occurred in July of 1968 in Mount Arie North Carolina and it’s quite a profound
Experience the witness in this case is Miss Harold Edgars we don’t know her name Miss Egger’s husband Harold was at work and she was alone in their house on the buck sh Road in Mount Ary now interestingly a little tidbit of trivia here this town is allegedly the
Town which inspired the town of Mayberry in The Andy Griffith Show so a nice little town and it was around 2:30 a.m. When Miss Edgars was awakened by her dog frantically barking and scratching on the front door of her home begging to be let
Inside so she got got out of bed and she immediately heard this penetrating sound which she described as quote a huge swarm of bees so she opened the front door her dog ran inside hid under the bed and covered his ears with his paws and Miss Edgars was about to close
The front door when she saw something astonishing a large circular Flying Saucer hovering only about 90 ft away from from her home and only 50 ft off the ground so this is close she could immediately see that this craft had a dome on top with about 12 square Windows around the
Circumference and in fact a red orange light Shone brightly from these windows The Craft wasn’t super huge about 15 ft wide she estimates six or seven feet high it was metallic she said the base of the craft looked like aluminum and she could see it glinting in the light of the full
Moon so naturally she became a little bit frightened and immediately shut the front door it was at this moment that the lights in the house dimmed she quickly shut them all off and retreated in fear to the bedroom and she looked out the bedroom window at the craft and
This was when she was amazed to see a sort of Strang looking short humanoid staring directly at her from one of the middle Windows of the UFO and she could see it close enough to see that it wore a tight fitting silver uniform some sort of silver helmet on
Its head and she estimates it was no more than three or four feet tall so after almost five minutes of staring at it she noticed that her dog was still shaking in fear under her bed so she quickly closed her bedroom curtain in hopes that this weird craft would just
Go away however even with the curtains closed she could still hear the loud buzzing noise coming from this craft so shortly later she looked outside again and watched as this craft moved to the east where it hovered across the street above some nearby Treetops she tried to just ignore this
Craft just lie down in bed and go to sleep but she couldn’t and she kept getting up and looking out through other other windows of the house to watch this UFO she says it remained pretty much in place pulsating with this redish orange light and making this very loud buzzing
Noise she could see that this upper part of the craft was glowing with a yellowish light it stayed there for a long time after about 20 25 minutes the craft Finly left this point Mrs Edgars and her dog still remained in the bedroom and she says she was unable to
Sleep at all that night when the morning arrived she did discover something strange three electric clocks in her house had lost about an hour of time she also learned that there had been a power failure in her immediate neighborhood that same evening so that doesn’t sound like a coincidence apparently the UFO affected
The power in some way certainly looks like that but when her husband Harold came home she told him what happened and it was clear to him that quote she had certainly seen something and now other than being you know frightened emotionally frightened by the encounter the witness did suffer some
Fairly alarming symptoms including insomnia dimming of vision and headaches which persisted on and off for several days following the encounter why was the UFO there it’s hard to say but this area does include a Granite Quarry and a hydro El electric station which were not too far away and both of
Which are known by UFO researchers to attract UFOs so that could be a factor here but this case was investigated by researcher faucet a well-respected researcher and it remained undisclosed for 5 years until finally the witness consented to allow her name to be used and as faucet writes I’m inclined
To accept this story as a truthful account especially in view of the witness’s physiological effects the severe animal reaction The Sounds described typically used to describe Bonafide UFO appearances at low altitude the shape of the UFO often reported elsewhere the time the ENT occurred the large number of similar UFO occupant
Reports worldwide a recent scientific computer study report of UFO occupants indicates 69% are 4 feet and under that’s very fascinating that most ETS that people describe are quite short I wonder what we can take away from that I don’t know but it’s certainly interesting and yeah that case is pretty well supported with
The animal reactions the electromagnetic disturbances and of course the physiological effects that followed um after the encounter makes me wonder if this was more than just a sighting there’s no direct indication of that but I wonder and now let’s move to the next case which I call what true beauty is
And this case certainly got a lot of attention where it occurred in Brazil but I think it’s virtually unknown in the United States and elsewhere which is one of the reasons I wanted to cover it because it does have some very interesting interactions and extensive interactions with these ETS human-looking
ETS I found this case particularly interesting because of the way the ETS were dressed this also does involve an apparent healing though that’s not entirely clear it occurred on October 2nd 1968 in the city of Lind it’s actually more of a village back then certainly but it’s near sa Paulo
Brazil and what an extraordinary case this one is the primary witness in this case is toribio Perera then a 41-year-old city worker who on the day of his encounter was outside operating a tractor to begin Excavating a lot at aen da saade this is on the outskirts
Of lens it was about 620 a.m. again on October 2nd 1968 and toribio was replenishing the fluids in the tractor engine when only feet away from him a beautiful sort of golden colored oval-shaped craft came in for a landing at least he thought it was going
To land on the ground but instead this object seemed to hover about a foot above it made no sound that he could hear but he could see that this craft was about 15 ft long 9 ft wide it had this sort of weird platform around the
Center and a transparent Dome on top and looking inside this transparent Dome he immediately saw four stools and a weird control panel and he became very frightened wanted to run away but found that he was unable to move and the next thing he knew four human looking men had
Appeared now they did look he says identical to each other like identical twins there were four of them and although they looked human they were dressed quite strangely each one wore a blue robe with sort of a red skirt and brown sandals on their
Feet he said they were 5 and 1/2 ft tall very handsome and had smooth skin and childlike expressions and as toribio says in his own words they had clothing like a saint down to the knees and on their heads a hood they wore sandals open at the front
So that their toes were visible the color of their sandals was dark brown and they had narrow bands tied round their legs up as far as the knees like the ancient Romans so these four men immediately separated and began doing separate activities one stayed on the rim of the
Craft holding what toribio believed to be some kind of weapon it reminded him of an electric drill the second one was right next to this first one and he was scooping up soil with sort of a silver shovel which reminded toribio of a con shell now the third figure walked right
Up to to toribio’s tractor and appeared to be examining the engine and the fourth stayed inside the craft in the dome and was operating this strange panel which reminded tbio of sort of a piano keyboard or a typewriter and all the time he was doing this this figure was staring fixedly at
Toribio so this all happened in a matter of moments and almost immediately The Man Standing on the rim of the craft looked Direct directly at toribio and pointed the device he had in his hand at toribio at this point it released a beam of light or a luminous orb which hit
Toribio in the stomach area and this is when he felt this sort of severe pain and he was absolutely paralyzed at this point but could still hear and see everything and as he watched these beings returned into the craft they sat on these four stools that were inside
This Dome the platform that surrounded the craft retracted this object made three very bright flashes Rose slowly upwards and with a very soft sound it darted off at very high speed disappearing in a few seconds as toribio says its flight was like that of a duck very smooth and low
At first and then rapidly putting on great speed so it took quite a few moments for tibio to recover and it was with great difficulty he got up and waved down a truck it turned out to be his friend ishmail who took him directly to the hospital because torivio was pretty
Traumatized by this encounter he said he felt quite weak very tired he actually went home afterwards and wept with emotion and over the next few weeks he said he lost about 28 lbs and suffered from this persistent tingling on his left side later returning to the site
Toribio and his fellow employees did see strange marks on the ground and soil that looked like it had been moved or scooped out so Brazilian Air Force authorities were very interested in his case and interrogated him for three full days but it doesn’t end here was 1 year and 9
Months later on July 19 1971 at 2:30 p.m. that toribio reports he was taking a nap in his home and he had this quote dream that these same ETS showed up now he feels this was more than a dream because in fact he felt physical mild electric shocks in his intestinal area
At the time he was suffering from some illness and the being said said that toribio had been cured of the ill effects that had been caused by the ray they had shot at him but that they were not responsible for his ill health which they said was caused by
Germs they told him that they could hear everything that was going on around him and they then told him when you and toribio took that to mean all Humanity when you have fully evolved you will know what true beauty is and then the ET said that they would
Not contact him again in this way so tibio woke up feeling ill and he had an echoing hum ringing in his head and he was not sure if this was a dream or a physical experience but I believe he’s leaning towards this being a real experience and interestingly according
To researcher Nigel Rhymes he was actually in the sa Paulo area on on that day and saw a brilliant light quote shining like a yellow Pearl in the sky and this was just one one hour after toribio’s dream Nigel says that this object hung motionless for about 3
Minutes then moved slowly off and disappeared now finally there’s another afternote to this case some years later the date is not listed toribio was driving under the alcantar Machado Viaduct on aena rodel Lee when he saw this same object again very low at the level of the underpass
Itself and he heard a telepathic voice speak in his head which said don’t be scared because only you are seeing us we want to talk to you and they did the ETS told toribio that they were not humans but came from a world world within our own they explained a little bit about
Their culture and world but tibio says he really didn’t understand exactly what they were saying but he believed that they were trying to tell him that They Came From Another Dimension the ETS told him that they were androgynous in nature that they were on an evolutionary level above ours
They told him that they reproduce medically by taking fluid from the body and using incubators to raise their young they said that because toribio was so weak they wanted to do an experiment on him and that’s the last thing he knows the next thing he knew they stopped communicating and the craft was
Gone that he says was his final encounter he’s unsure whether they did anything physically to him at that time but that is where the case ends you that case is truly interesting because it is very well verified and what’s also interesting to me is that it wasn’t just a oneoff this
Involved multiple encounters I suspect that’s more often the case uh really the rule rather than the exception hard to say for sure because there are many cases that are one-offs but absolutely a fascinating case and so is this next one which is quite brief and I’m pretty darn sure you
Haven’t heard of this one there’s not a whole lot to it really but I found it interesting and I call this one three aliens on Hudson Beach this occurred in May of 1971 in wuku this is in Auckland New Zealand and a very brief single witness case which wasn’t appar apparently officially
Investigated but certainly unusual this case was published by a local newspaper but apparently never officially investigated and the witness is an anonymous elderly woman who lived along Hudson’s Beach and she wrote to the newspaper about her experience and I’ll just quote her directly as she says in
Her own words I live alone and a few weeks ago meaning May 1971 a few weeks ago I was up having a cup of tea between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. the tide comes to my gate and this morning it was in but not right up I
Drew my curtain a little to peep out and I saw what I took to be three men chatting on the sand I thought it must be some chaps cleaning fish then I said to myself not at 3:00 a.m. outside the gate is an old macra carpa and a pine tree and through the
Big branch of the pine Shone a very bright red light which hovered slightly the figures seemed to be shrouded in a gray missed a little later a silver strip appeared in the water and appeared to light the way back for the men to get on the red ball as I watched the silver
Strip disappeared and the red ball moved off slowly at first and it seemed to bounce along in the air it was quite low then it gathered height before nearing the aerodrome area at which time it soared very high so that’s all we know about this cas Cas but as the editor of the
Newspaper who published this letter wrote all very strange but the story has the Ring of authenticity and I agree but again unfortunately there is no further information on this case I like that case just because the witness seems so obviously sincere it’s a very unusual although briefcase which makes me wonder
Just how many cases are out there how many go in reported and again how many go completely unobserved because it was pure luck that the witness was actually up at that late hour to drink a cup of tea and saw what she did a really interesting case and now we
Move to the next one which I call something wasn’t quite right that is of course a direct quote from one of the witnesses I like this case because it’s quite extensive by that I mean it lasted a long time this UFO and the humanoids came quite close to the witnesses there were
Multiple Witnesses there’s a lot of interesting things about this case I also like the fact that the witnesses made sketches of what they saw this case occurred on May 3rd 1973 in mantorp Sweden and while this case has been widely reported I was able to find the original article in the Swedish language
In found some details that I don’t think have been reported at all so if you’ve heard of this case I think I’ve got some more information for you about it it was 9:45 p.m. as sigd Carlson left her home to walk her dog near her home in mantorp
Sweden she says it was a clear beautiful starry night and as her dog ran off to relieve itself sigd saw a quote red light approach from the Northeast she thought it was a plane at first so she didn’t pay much attention to it and just returned back to her home with the
Dog but back inside she went to the room that faced the front yard and the room was in total darkness so she could now see that this object was still out there this glowing red light and as she says the light ball was going too slow to be
An airplane and it stopped several times I realized that something wasn’t quite right right and therefore a wakened my 11-year-old son Robert to have as a witness so Robert came over to the window and he and his mother watched as this glowing red sphere stopped about a
Half mile away and hovered over a house that was very well lit with flood lights and the object remained there for quite a long time pulsating then suddenly it started to move away from the house with a rocking for W movement and as sigd says as the ball of light started to
Move we heard a jet-like sound that turned into a hissing sound like a steam engine letting the steam out the sound didn’t just come from the ball of light itself but seemed to fill up the whole environment but it wasn’t so loud that we couldn’t make ourselves heard when we
Talked about what it could be that we saw and after about five or 10 minutes the ball of light turned and this is when it came right towards their house and as sigd says as the object approached we could see that it was silver in color and that it changed from
The previously strong red color to yellow white and now they could both see that this was actually an oval shaped craft with a transparent midsection very much your classic saucer now Sigrid was a little B nearsighted but she could see that there were two blurry humanoid shapes in the middle her 11-year-old son
Robert could see much more clearly and he was watching of course as this object moved over a fur tree about 150 ft away maybe 180 ft high and this is when he shouted out mother it’s people watching us so Robert later told investigators that this craft looks looked much like
Two saucers placed against each other rim to rim and as Robert says in his own words in the middle of the craft I saw the Silhouettes of two people bending over and tilting down at us the craft then continued moving passed by the house moving slightly
Faster than a car sigd and Robert ran to another room and looked out the window to continue watching it and a G says from there we could see the craft again and as they watched this craft went over a field moving in a swaying motion and hovering it started going slowly back
And forth as if looking for a place to land but then without warning it made a uturn and disappeared towards the east now here is a map which shows the path of the object point a is where the object appeared point B is where the object’s closest approach and where the humanoids
Could be clearly seen Point C is where the object moved back and forth seeming to get ready to land and point D is the direction that the object departed now when sigrid’s husband a night Watchman came home the next morning he listened in astonishment as sigd explained the encounter and he had
Sigd sketch the CR craft and then he heard the story from his son and had his son separately sketch the craft and when he saw the similarity between their two drawings he no longer had any doubts about what they had seen and later sigd called the police
And asked them if they had any idea what she had seen but they didn’t Robert the son came away absolutely convinced that they had seen an actual Flying Saucer and the occupant inside siget is a little more reserved she says she doesn’t know what it was
But as she says it was neither a helicopter nor an airplane I began to be afraid when the object had disappeared it was an incredibly powerful experience I think I was a little shocked by what I saw I think you’ll agree that’s a very compelling case with two witnesses who were both clearly
Profoundly affected by what they saw I really do wonder what those ETS are up to why they hung around for so long hard to say but now we move to the next case which you may have heard of because it did get a lot of publicity but I absolutely found some information which
I am very confident other people who know about this case haven’t heard of before I call this one Touched by an alien because in fact the witness was touched by the actual extraterrestrial it’s a multiple witness encounter a lot of supporting Witnesses some absolutely conclusive physical evidence in the form
Of Landing traces I think that is one of the most compelling things about this case it’s why I wanted to report it but it’s also extremely unusual it occurred on February 23rd 1975 in kofu Japan it’s another reason I wanted to report on this case because we
Don’t hear a lot of cases coming from Japan but they’re there this may in fact be one of Japan’s most famous humanoid encounters it was 6:30 p.m. as two 7-year-old boys their names are masato Kono and katsuhiro yamahata they were roller skating in a paved area not far from mado’s home in
Kofu Japan and looking up it was Kat suir who first noticed a strange light in the sky and he pointed it out to his friend masato the two of them watched as this light moved closer and now they could see that this was actually two lights both orange in color one was
Slightly larger and apparently they were separate objects because the larger one moved off to the east while the smaller one continued to move closer in this weird irregular motion and as it got very close to them they could now hear a strange sound coming from it and both felt it was
Coming for them so they ran and hid and watch this light fly around the area and then move off this point they thought the sighting was over but things were about to get much more exciting because it turned out that the light hadn’t moved off at all and in fact it had
Landed in a Vineyard just a short distance away now seeing a light there in the vineyard the two boys first thought it might be a fire but as they approached for a closer look they saw that it was in fact a dome shaped saucer 15 ft wide
And 6 feet high with what looked like three hemispherical Landing pods on the bottom the whole craft was glowing orange but as they walked up close to it they saw that it in fact was silvery and metallic masato was surprised to see five what looked like symbols on the
Craft that looked kind of Oriental but made no sense katsuhira saw them as well but katsuhiro approached and began walking around the craft itself and when he reached the opposite side he heard movement coming from inside the craft and suddenly an opening appeared and a ladder extended down to the ground from
The opening immediately a 4ft tall humanoid exited the craft via the ladder this humanoid wore a shiny silver jumpsuit and was carrying what the boy said looked kind of like a rifle slung over its shoulder this humanoid had dark brown skin and large pointed ears and where
The face would be there was a wavy sort of wrinkled surface which extended down to the mouth ending in what looked like three sort of triangular Fang like protrusions each about 6 in long you can see from their drawings what this humanoid looked like so this might be a
Helmet though the children did not specifically say this they did say that the head was abnormally large for the size of the body and had no hair now the boys not only saw the humanoid but they could look through the open doorway and into the interior of
The craft and inside this craft they saw a second identical looking though slightly smaller humanoid who was Seated on a chair with its hand on a lever of some kind and a screen in front of him they said the interior of the craft was filled with all kinds of strange what
Looked like control panels so at this point the boys became quite frightened and were about to run away when something truly extraordinary happened the being that was outside the craft approached katsuro and patted him twice on the shoulder actually reached out and touched him and this is when he
Saw that it had four finger fingers the being then spoke some unintelligible words that sounded to him like a tape recorder being rewound or something like that and this freaked him out poor katsuhiro sat down on the ground paralyzed in fear the being kind of walked around the boy as if inspecting
Him and KIRO being unable to move decided to just play dead now at this point masado is freaking out and he shouted let’s get out of here but unable to move katsuhira said I can’t so at this point the boys were absolutely in a panic masado rushed forward picked up his friend katsuhiro
And literally carried him piggyback style away from the site of this landing at one point they did turn around and they could see that this figure was starting to follow them and again they could see inside the craft through the open door and they noticed that you
Could look all the way across from the inside to the other side of the craft and out the window and this was weird because from the outside of the craft looking in the window was opaque but from the inside of the craft looking out they could see the landscape in the
Environment around them so thoroughly freaked out and afraid they ran back to mado’s home which was only about 300 ft away and katsuhiro excitedly explained that there was a landed UFO in the vineyard and he was told to just stop talking nonsense sit down and eat dinner
But when masado insisted that this was all true and their mothers both saw how upset and frightened their children were the mothers decided to go outside and they were amazed to see a bright glowing light in the center of the vineyard and they were quite close to it
They walked up and approached it to a distance of about 150 ft and we’re trying to figure out what this might be could it be a reflection or what as one of the mothers says it was a brilliant orange color was like watching fireworks or something was really glowing brightly
It was spinning and and glowing brightly and blinking now at this point katsu Hero’s mother wanted to get a closer look but the boys begged her not to screaming that there were aliens there who might take them away and it was at this point the light began to pulsate rapidly
Increasing in brightness for about 5 minutes so at this point the mothers called out to their husbands to view this site but at this point this light became dim decreased in size ascended slightly and disappeared so the husbands didn’t really get a good view at it now venturing to the area shortly
Afterwards they at first found no evidence of this craft masado himself was unable to sleep that night and he cried through most of the evening and as far as katsuhiro the next morning he was too frightened to leave the house alone to walk to school and insisted that his mother accompany
Him but they did go to school and when they got there they were shocked and amazed to see a drawing of The Craft that they had seen on the chalkboard it turned out that another boy a local boy 8-year-old Ichiro Mishi was driving with his parents through
Kofu about a half hour before the B boys sighting and he saw a shiny object flying towards the area where the boys had seen the craft land so all of them began talking excitedly and very quickly their teachers took notice and realized something very strange was going on they
Ended up calling some journalists and they all went together to the location to investigate and this is when they found some amazing evidence a close examination of the spot where this craft had landed showed a ring pattern on the ground and found in fact one of the
Cement F fence posts there had been knocked over exactly where the craft had landed and two other fence posts were also damaged also there was some steel netting that was attached to the posts that was bent as if a heavy object had bent it there were also numerous
Unexplained holes on the ground and what looked like white ash so researchers took notice of this soil samples were collected and tested and they showed high levels of radiation this was really surprising so more tests were ordered and these additional tests yielded the same results and it wasn’t long after this
That more witnesses were discovered a man who lived nearby said he was drawn outside on that night by his barking dog and he saw a yellow object move swiftly across the sky and descend behind some buildings so he apparently saw this object arriving also there was another man a
Priest who lived nearby he said that on that very night he saw a yellow object zigzagging across the sky and disappear and there was another young girl who is on her balcony again in the same area and she described this strange yellow light in the sky so years past the boys never wavered
From their story they later granted further interviews as teenagers and there was still a lot of interest in their story and in fact at age 30 they consented to undergo hypnosis and they relived the event though as far as I know no further details emerged but about eight years after the
Boy encounter yet another witness surfaced and this was amazing because this lady by the name of Midori was a driving was driving in the area apparently by this location on that night when she heard what she described as a loud banging noise and she says she saw two strange humanoids standing in
The road and I’ll just quote madori directly because she granted a television interview and as she says there in The Crossroads stood two boys they looked to be junior high school boys about 130 40 cm you know 4 feet tall their faces were completely black when looking from far away
Thinking it’s strange I beeped my car horn but they didn’t move I approached them and beeped again but they still didn’t move I thought it was strange but I was in a rush so I continued to drive when I came up beside them I saw that
They were very dark and then one put their hand on my windc screen I could see its Palm it was completely black it had wrinkles going across it all down the Palm it didn’t have the usual lines we humans have and I saw its face the bottom of its eyes were completely
Straight and its eyelids were very wrinkly I was shocked I only looked at it for around five or six seconds I only saw its hand and face I was too surprised to see anything else but there are some amazing similarities to what she and the boys saw perhaps she saw them without their
Helmets because the boys did not describe eyes hard to say for sure but this seems to be more than just a coincidence there was a lot of interest in what the boys described as seeing symbols on the sides of the craft and people tried to translate them not with
A whole lot of success success but whatever the writing meant this case became one of Japan’s most studied multi- witness UFO humanoid sightings on record I mean come on how can you deny that case with two direct Witnesses who saw the humanoids and the landed UFO
Touched the ET their parents saw the UFO people all over the area saw the UFO another person saw humanoids the witnesses have never backed down from their case and of course the extraordinary Landing trace evidence with the cement poles being knocked down the marks on the ground the abnormal
Radiation readings and so forth it’s an undeniable case of ET contact and here is another one which is perhaps not as well authenticated but certainly was researched and I’m sure you haven’t heard of this one either because it’s quite an obscure case I call this one come with us on a journey
This one occurred on January 27 1983 in blowick England and this case is super interesting because of the interaction that this gentleman had with the ETS and what they tried to get him to do which he was reluctant to do the main witness in this case is known only as Allan he’s
A 29-year-old married factory worker and he reports having had many paranormal experiences in his life Mostly Ghostly encounters but he says he always had a feeling that one day he might meet extraterrestrials which ironically he was skeptical of but it was around 9:10 p.m. again on January 27 1983 that had
Happened a face-to-face encounter with humanoids it was a cold clear night as Alan hiked on this path that bordered the Essington Canal which you can see here bordering or running parallel to the m6 Highway in blowick England he was on his way to go visit a
Friend and it was a TW mile long walk but he was quite fit so this wasn’t a problem now this canal is immediately adjacent to two nature reserves the piger local nature reserve and the guff’s nature reserve and at that time it was a pretty remote and natural area
So as alen walked his attention was suddenly drawn upward to a strange craft that hovered at low level almost directly above him he said it was roughly saucer shaped it had a silver mirror-like finish and a bright band around the center said it was surrounded
By this strange Haze and he only saw it for about 5 Seconds when it winked out but it was long enough for him to determine that it definitely wasn’t a plane he was puzzled by it but as it had disappeared so quickly he just kept walking but it was only moments later
And he just walked a few yards ahead when he saw two humanoid figures standing to the right of his path looking right at him and he was struck immediately Amazed by their appearance both were male he estimates about 5 1/2 ft tall they looked human they had dark
Curly hair high cheekbones and kind of looked Asian in appearance but were very light complected and had blue eyes both were absolutely identical in appearance with perfectly proportioned muscular bodies they both wore tight fitting light gray jumpsuits with a strange Insignia on their left chest and even
Though it was a dark night he could see them he could see them clearly because they were both surrounded by a strange glowing Aura so at this point he’s not really afraid he’s more intrigued by their strange appearance and he walked right up to them and this is when they began to
Speak in unison together in an almost mechanical robot likee voice in English but with this absolute perfect diction and they asked him told him come with us on a journey and Alan said that even though they spoke their mouths remained open and their lips were not moving so this
Freaked him out and he declined their invitation and explained to them I don’t want to leave my wife and they replied you will see her again Allan told them no that he still did not want to go and they told him you will be rewarded still Alan declined and by this
Point he was becoming Afraid by their insistence and that they might take him forcibly but to his surprise and relief they didn’t they just departed but they left in this very unusual way he says they kind of turned and quote glided away with their feet off the ground like ice
Skaters he also noticed that the tall grass all around them had no effect on their speed so Allan was absolutely stunned and baffled by this encounter was clear to him at this point that these were not normal people these were ETS but why he wondered did they want him he admitted
That he was not really an educated man and he also wondered what they were doing there in such a lonely remote area uh how could they possibly have known he would be there none of it made any sense to him so afterwards he told his friends but they did not believe him
He told his wife but she thought that he was quote mad the encounter did have a profound effect on him he began having Vivid nightmares he says nightmares about strange robed beings and other colorful exotic planets and these were serious enough that he actually went to
A doctor to seek treatment and got a prescription for sleeping pills he says his appetite suffered and he lost about 14 lbs following this encounter he did return to the site hoping to find an alternative explanation for what happened but of course there was none and frustrated by
The response from those around him he did try calling UFO organizations but found little support there either so he began reading UFO books hoping to find some answers and finally heard about Jenny randle’s a very prominent English researcher and contacted her and she did take his report seriously in fact his
Case was later published in the northern UFO news it was according to Jenny randles the first humanoid case in Britain in over two years but as reported in local newspapers both before and after Allen’s encounter there were in fact several other impressive sightings in this same area so apparent was not an isolated
Event now I can’t blame Allan the main witness for not wanting to go with the ETS that must have been quite a surprise and a certainly a big decision I’m not sure how I would have reacted I’d like to think I would say yes take me on a
Journey I think that would be one of the most fascinating experiences a person could have but he declined for whatever reason and I can’t blame him it must have been a real surprise to see these guys approach him like this what a case and here’s the last one in this little
Collection I call this one nothing bad will happen to you and that’s a direct quote from the ET I’m not sure if the witness will agree with that we don’t have a whole lot of information about this case but it’s certainly an interesting case which occurred on February 18 1990 in corbach Germany
And I like this case because are physiological reactions with the witness as well as animal reactions and it’s just a very interesting ET human interaction this next and final case comes from pioneering German researchers or magin and elbron Van ludger the witness is anonymous and it
Was around 7:30 p.m. on the evening of February 18 1990 as the witness was walking her dog in the wall deck Hills this is near corbach in Germany and suddenly for no reason that the witness could see her dog lay down on its back began to whimper and
Wouldn’t move wouldn’t take another step she was unable to get her dog to respond so she physically picked her dog up and began to carry him and it was just shortly later around this time she heard a low hum and this weird humming sound continued for about 30 seconds and then
Stopped and this is when she noticed a large craft about 30 ft wide and 5T High floating above a clearing and as soon as she saw it it was glowing incredibly brightly for about 30 seconds but then became dim and she could now see that this was a metallic craft the bottom
Half she said glowed red like a fire very coal the craft was very low to the ground and appeared to be resting on four Landing legs at this point the witness’s dog escaped jumped from her arms and ran off and the witness at this point had been so dazzled by this bright light
From the craft that she was having trouble seeing in the dark and she wanted to run away she was about to run away when she says she was struck by a quote blue red of light and this rendered her unable to move she says this light beam remained
Focused on her and she started to feel this weird shortness of breath and she began to perspire quite heavily so she was unable to call out for help then suddenly as the witness says quote there was a voice she said it sounded metallic and yet female and it spoke to her
Saying don’t be afraid nothing bad will happen to you but this provoked even more fear in the witness who now she says was in a state of panic and this is when the blue ray of light kind of changed to a green color and she now felt an improvement in her ability to
Breathe and this is when she noticed that there were two strange humanoids standing in front of her they were both very short just over four feet in height in height but they did have normal looking facial features she said their skin was quite gray in color their heads were totally
Bald both wore dark green overalls and the overalls had a strange symbol that she doesn’t quite remember what it looked like on the chest they apparently spoke to her but she was not able to understand what they said shortly later they returned to their craft at this point the green beam
Which had been on her the whole time vanished and the witness says she fell unconscious to the ground and when she woke up it was already 9:30 about 3 hours had passed her dog was nowhere to be seen she began to stumble home she took a few steps and actually vomited
She continued home vomiting once more when she arrived home she found her dog still waiting for her so this case was researched but but the researchers provide no further information on the incident I do wish we had more information on that case I suspect it might have been more than just a simple
Sighting but without further information any such conclusions are impossible to make but I’d be surprised if that was a oneoff given that this witness had such a close encounter with these ETS given that she fell unconscious I mean she may have been taken on board I don’t
Know uh that’s one of the problems with this field is due to the cover up due to the ridicule and disbelief it’s very difficult to get a full investigation thankfully things are changing so that is the show for today 10 really extraordinary cases coming from all over the world multiple
Witnesses supported by a wide variety of compelling physical evidence I think it’s absolutely insane that people are still Skeptics I mean how many cases do we need to convince people that this is actually happening it is and it’s been going on for a very long time and given that pretty much without exception
People are seeing humanoids that’s also a very important takeaway and like many contes have been told we share a common Heritage and I think these humanoid cases speak to that but certainly some very interesting interactions by a wide variety of ETS so thank you once again I hope
You’ve enjoyed this episode perhaps even learned a little bit I truly appreciate you watching and until next time keep searching for answers keep looking for the truth and most important of all and I mean it keep having fun bye for now