Live I’m live that’s good I thought I was partially dead oh there we go we are live hello everybody whoops I bumped the table um I don’t think you can hear us yeah you can I’ve got the headphone in all right let’s go up and answer some
Questions hey Jon cat and the kids hope all as well 62 F here yeah I did comment on that it’s 26 here hello Shadow uh Ted we have t new we have seen a couple planes haven’t we yeah not many more at the beginning hi Shadow H who else hello Michael you’re
Loud and clear thankfully yes too loud Working by the middle of next week it’s here already hey Martin hello Arthur hello wow minus 15 in Colorado Celsius we had that here Wednesday Wednesday was minus 19 minus 20 or something when we got hi Andrew hello Andrew we got a bit of dusting of snow
Yeah most snow coming tomorrow is it still pretty cold though isn’t it yeah yeah I check it was minus two hi hello Julia Julia I Julia oh yeah mine is four now yeah hello from Colorado hi Gina minus 13 hi color laen laen laen I’m glad you guys pronounced that cuz I wouldn’t have been able to I don’t know I we saw it in the news didn’t we that there had loads of snow in where was it Hello Steven Michael Florida minus 13
Flipping heck so it’s it’s pretty cold everywhere at the moment isn’t it yeah I think it’s that wind from I don’t know but there is showing on a news here some part of hey Philip hello America getting loads of snow isn’t it was it what was it idah I can’t
Remember Wyoming or I can’t remember I don’t TV snowy Utah you snowing there as well how much snow have you got at the moment Jared watching you on on your T Jesus Martin that’s scary me being that big stop it’s sunny just very cold you haven’t seen Sun for a while it
Was a bit Sunny this morning and yesterday morning but then just when the sun was setting it was out today wasn’t yeah oh I must say gar had a hockey game today oh yes oh my they trash what was the score can you tell everyone the score 172 172 they beat him
Today hi James I don’t know if I that hello Stacy hey Stacy’s here hello she’s at 2,000 M so a couple feet in my yard but a big storm into now crazy flooding New Jersey San Jose California yeah 1976 was quite a while ago I think it’s melted by
Now well there yeah there is every people from everywhere it’s awesome yeah 17 B they thrashed them today show everyone your hockey this is garen’s team uh tracksuit yeah I’ve also got the hat and trous everything yeah they won they threshed him Leia looks cold I’m not cold uh she
She’s a bit sh because she didn’t wash her hair she hasn’t had her shower yet today she was too busy with her friends today they haven’t seen her all day first went to the horses and then out oh there’s winds Michael I hate the wind more than anything like I don’t mind the
Rain but if it’s too windy it’s horrible let’s hope so James I hope so congrats on your win congrats on the win thank you Leia is Ela it’s the Slovac spelling what time is it it’s just gone halfast 9 in the evening 60 M hour gusts did the entire team get hats oh
Wish Garen had a few assists we didn’t actually we weren’t actually able to go watch today because they went and played quite far so we were on the bus yeah they went on the on the bus you want to say school bus I did thank you Stacy there you go that’s a beautiful
Spell New Hampshire the last name my last name is I pronounce Houston M oh it’s Miss D I I saw you got my email I did do two other videos you sent me yeah oh what happened there we did oh we glitched Where’s My Water I’m thirsty as
Well yeah we’re all very tired today for some reason I don’t know whether it’s the weather or what but it is really smashing us today I spent some time in Austria but I never made it did we drive through Austria no no we went through I don’t even know oh we
Went through Belgium oh that’s such a shame because Austria is like it’s close isn’t it yeah it’s the board on a border isn’t it but it depends in which part of Austria don’t say that Martin yeah I don’t handle I don’t handle snow well at
All Julia I’m not a I’m not a snow person at All Where’s My Water high in Mississippi is real cold few minutes ago hope you got it what happened send an email a few minutes ago it’s icy here but still got ribs on the in smoker it’s icy here wish that’s something I’m planning for the summer I’ve got to build my
Smoker when we don’t know how that’s that’s how it is in England to be honest with you isn’t it Min is 20 in Mont in Montana oh my gosh Montana gets cold is cold I live by twoes in South isand it’s not summer there Martin we had a guy
Named from Slovakia who moved to Seattle now do you know that name Albert R Rich San Diego I live by the San sharks Arena but I don’t follow hockey football soccer is it yeah that’s what it’s the soccer team okay it’d be he’d be a bit
Lost if he started playing hockey on the soccer team uh my best friend’s mom works two weeks on two weeks off in Austria as a nurse think get back back oh yeah my auntie does that as well yeah she does I made this Lo from two is
That I got to ask our neighbor for some uh barrels oh yeah he’s got lots of he’s got so many Philip Phillip North Carolina 42 I did have the converter up a little while ago hello Louisiana that’s somewhere I want to go yeah yeah Louisiana you guys have got like
All this like crawfish boils and that I see are usually Louisiana yeah and the food there looks like my kind of food I think the first time we saw a crawfish boil was on the Swamp People swamp yeah we used to love watching that didn’t we them
Them c yeah I heard I’m so jealous I’m so jealous I wish we could get them here well we can but they protected oh yeah and they smaller yeah uh do we missing Louisiana is like a whole different world I love it there I’d love to go to
Louisiana yeah I know two degrees in Ireland that’s a heat wave Martin I know I’m sweating thinking about two degrees the Austin hockey team are called Austin as I live New Orleans looks good as well especially like if if I was still like a a bit more of a partyer
Co he minus six in Missouri that’s how we felt after that it was yeah you did cat we went for a walk and Cat’s like I’m not even cold and I was freezing it’s felt quite warm comparing to like when it was minus night cians eat anything that moves and some things that
Don’t that’s like South Africans to be fair yeah and Garen Garen when we if ever we cook like fish or anything on the barbecue the first thing he order on the grill sorry the first thing he’ll do is take the eyes it’s 25 degrees in Ohio that’s Fahrenheit fhe so that one wait
Oh I wrong okay supposed to be minus 7even year Louisiana I didn’t know it got that cold in Louisiana oh Duran minus no it’s notus 27 in Duran I’m forgetting to read Martin his my dad my dad was actually messaging me earlier he said it’s pouring with the rain there in Durban at
The moment it’s 40 40 eag Alaska oh my gosh hello Carrie the north and south are totally see I really want to go to Alaska I really want to go and experience the cold and the Northern Lights I think it’s I think it’s amazing most of our family live in Louisana
– 27 degrees in Nebraska Jesus that is so cold the coldest I’ve experienced here was minus 21 and that was a couple two years ago years ago last year we had a very mild 18 degrees CSUS in Florida my in L who Liv there complained about
How cold it was that’s like a Duran person Alaska shouldn’t be allowed to play the cold game it must it it is sou wimps when it comes the cold and snow I am as well Andrew I’m a complete wimp when it comes to the cold I have oh BB we used to have
Eight of them on the farm we had Butch and Cassidy which were the male and female the mom and dad and then we kept like six of their puppies oh yeah we always win that game I’m not surprised it’s always cold there Kansas Kansas City Missouri hello crew
Jones the postponed NFL playoff game in Buffalo because of the storm coming doesn’t happen oh they postponed it wow I like watching it I mean it’s too late okay ca we go together to Alaska Jonna doesn’t want to I’d love to see Alaska move to Texas Texas we bit of
Cold being from California the place I want to visit is Utah just to see this snow moved to Texas we’re a bit do you know what we were saying the other day cuz the kids keep pestering both kids have said that they’re moving to America when they finish school haven’t they yes
So they’re going to leave us here so we figured we may as well all just try go together is this person from Australia I don’t know if I where this 24 degrees in surface Paradise Australia yeah Australia at 6: a.m. that’s lovely I’d love to go to it’s 44 degre in New
Hampshire too warm for the winter the lakes are melting and causing floods I don’t ever remember happening in January holy smokes that’s weird our legs didn’t freeze here I don’t think not yet no we haven’t been past them out on the sticks of Pennsylvania Grand Canyon I don’t know come on kids where’re
Here I think ours is glitching as well I hope not is just gone off has what gone off I don’t know whether the internet’s dropping out yeah it’s they had warnings many of the games at the weekend come on kids we’re here for you they what you no we’re gonna come as
Well I would like to see your start yeah they’re going to do it this week James I think uh we’ve got to we’re trying to work on the schedule so that we can plan things out because Garen has got such a hectic schedule at the moment
With his hockey in there in school yeah and school you’re back now yeah we did glitch out five by five what is it five by five just a small pa okay it’s 10° C at 2:39 p.m. 10° is a nice temperature isn’t it uh mhm like it’s not it’s like cold I’d
Be happy if winter was 10 degrees okay J you should check out some videos on when and where not what is that I will I’ll I’ll have a look at that Gina I’ll save that um look who whoa copy sound good picture okay think with Alaska can be minus 40 my live Southeast
Alas 32 and they live in the rainfor in a rainforest hello guys hello Chad Cleveland the wind speed uh we are trying Rose uh we are it is like it’s going to be a costly Mission we would like to come maybe I’m looking I’m trying for
October um but yeah it’s a bit of a mission what state do you choose to Vis it’s going to be like Texas and that sort of area and Texas Louisiana spent some time at and pretty incredible you guys can move to the us and I moved I move there since I’m
Getting my Slovak citizenship by descent so I can be with family and friend oh have you ever been to Slovakia then it’s 3:38 it is now 9:40 p.m. James if you remember the movie War Games you saw the version of nor com for you guys to Pacific Northwest is full of
Rainforests and my favorite places in the state um just before Leia was born Adam I was offered a job in um Australia doing solar panels where was it Byron Bayon Bay yeah just around I around I would have had to leave you a mommy no mommy could come no because she
Was too far pregnant with you but I but then we move on as soon as I’m born we go Australia easy October’s a good choice October in the south is the best yeah that’s the that’s from what that’s what I’ve seen so that’s what I’m sort of going
For you have one of the best wholesome channels onl oh thank you very much James thank you philli H I’ve always wanted to go to Texas Andrew like for his long as I can remember yeah even before like many many years ago it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to go
Even like Jenna was always watching these programs Che out stac yes both kids speak Slovak fluently I’ll have a look at that Stacy she Stacy W I don’t remember that name oh you can go back cuz I’ve said it so the chat goes back so you can go back and just have a
Look our family is from orava baby oh that’s really that’s next to us l eex I have a cabin in the woods you all can stay at electricity water and showers only thing is there’s nothing around it sounds perfect does no one find does no one else find it weird weird be ching
With people that’s funny because Joseph your surname V I had a teacher who was from Canada but originally from Slovak and his son name was oravitz and he came from Canada to Slovakia to teach us English is that’s your English teacher I don’t think no I don’t think that’s him
If I was American and I would move to a Slovakia regret video of the Louisiana Crawfish farms and how they harvest them also it’s Carnival season New Orleans Carnival I think so yeah St Lua is really beautiful place and you were playing at in partisans oh yeah on your Christmas cup
Oh you would look at that you would get if we went in October that’s a good point you would get to experience Halloween there oh and we can trck our treat yeah because you’ve never had a h proper Halloween have you only in England then Jared I struggle as well
Mate I don’t have a clue when it comes to speaking Slovak I can understand a lot but speaking it is something I’m no good British I live in Dallas probably more like American Homes no where the house is so yeah yeah they’re definitely bigger they’re not on top of each other
The houses like uh stay in England how do we buy your uh Danielle I’m actually hope I’m pronouncing your name right I’ve actually been working on a website this week I will put a CO I’ll put a link in so you can have a look uh
I’m busy working on it now I just I’m trying to get them everything for as cheap as possible because I don’t want people to spend too much money there we go Oh Stacy said what do the houses look like there are they built up like British home did we oh yeah said
That there we go Halloween over I’ll see if I can put a photo up on the community post of like the houses and that here uh Stacy so you can have a look is that in um CA I mean we got it pretty well don’t we cuz we look out to the
Mountain right behind the house and like we have neighbors from both Sid but one neighbor lives far away he’s never here uh so it’s pretty good isn’t it actually I’m thinking about when my mom met my dad her whole family kept asking what’s a Slovak I was the same I’d never heard of
A Slovak or anything until I moved to the UK Australia is I’d like to go to Australia I’m thinking about moving to Australia or America America definitely you definitely going to go to America I don’t know if it’s like I don’t know speach real stuff that I heard but apparently in
Australia there’s something called hoop snakes I don’t know dude and and they they like have their tail in it mouth and if you’re down that Hill like apparently they go down H Jared I made all those I made most of them myself on canva and that
I’m trying to do it like myself um I trying to do everything myself so yeah thank you mate I like that one as well the pork rub the pork rub one was actually made for me by a viewer of my Jonah Graham reacts channel so yeah I
Like that pork rub yeah David do David yeah David do I don’t know how to pronounce David do yeah he’s from Slovakia well he’s he was born here actually apparently hoop snakes aren’t real Bud hoop snakes aren’t real there you go I’ve seen all your videos on your
Original channel oh thanks uh tenent that I like yeah I haven’t filmed on there for a while I do need to to be honest be sure to visit few haunted houses if you come to Texas hopefully you can go to the Smoky Mountains it’s beautiful free health care in
Australia most animals in Australia can kill you South Africa we had a few dodgy snakes in that as well so it was quite a fight with the kangaroo have you seen that video with dog with a guy with a dog getting held by the the guy runs
Nebraska got to watch out for the drop bears in Australia just kidding weu hoop snakes as Hulu Philip sent us thank you James thank you Miss cat what do you like books movies crafts we don’t really yeah me yeah what do you like I used still love
Reading you still Karen ly for a while I haven’t had time to read actually because it’s pretty hectic at the moment yeah I’ve got to work uh I got a very busy job and then uh obviously garen’s hockey is taking a lot of time because
We got to go to most of his hockey games with him we have to drive him so but I love like going for hikes and walks and uh yeah just chilling with swimming in the summer yeah gardening yes I like gardening do we have coyotes in Slovakia
I don’t think so we’ve got wolves we’ve got wolves in Slovakia wolves also what’s those Bobcat oh thank you very much the great one thank you thank you hey Kelsey that’s my sister’s name Kelsey Pitchford that obviously that’s not her second name but that’s your name
Her name’s Sak in Texas I know yeah I think we have the book if you come to the St I have a spare house oh that’s very kind of you we got a spare house a everyone’s so kind man real book called Emerald Tablets by Billy Carson see but my plan is I need to make time cuz I love reading used to read a lot I I still read a lot I read a hell of a lot I read yeah you do actually on your phone yeah you’ve got that app yeah
I I listen to more books than I I read at the moment well I do read quite a lot but I listen to a lot as well while I’m working in that I play hockey yeah Garen plays hockey does his homework and comes home from school Garen comes from a
Hockey training and then guess what he does he goes to a ice range to skate because the people in the village here they were so kind and they made an ice ring for kids so yeah you just want to escape don’t you yeah but the year eights and year
Nines they keep on like throwing rocks in the ice and they they’re making like big chunks broken awesome I think doing the RV trip is the best bet yeah I think so as well we have such a high black bear population that Unfortunately they have to hunt every year yeah I was
Looking at the black bear I watched something on Joe Rogan with Steve Rella I think his name was and they were talking about the parasites and he got the I can’t remember what the worms were called you’ll know what I’m talking about where they ate the meat
Undercooked so yeah yeah I mean like the brown in Slovakia are overpopulated yeah everyone Martin everyone is so kind but what immigration officers at the US airport yeah I’m scared of them awesome what about your favorite color babe my favorite color I would say it’s red and green
Green you like your green I like green and slow I’m kind of like starting to love red red suits you red I worked at an ice rink here in Houston Garen garen’s always at the ice rink I think it’s you it’s like your second home now isn’t it yeah he’s
Probably spending more time there than yeah because like my school so I have eight hours and I’m me five which is really long what I think at least like ay I heard of that and then I go to training but I still have an hour before training that I don’t do anything yeah
And then when that’s like when I get the training done I do my homework and that’s I finish at like half six well it depends on what day is if it’s Monday then I probably finish at seven maybe um well yeah and I don’t have barely any
Time there you go you’re beautiful in the green the color you have oh thank you that’s a tricken nois thank you very much Cody I I was on the tip of my tongue you’d love to see thank you T nen thank you so much Bry Slava I’ve only ever been once I’ve
Never been see I mean like Bry Slava has got like a really nice historic Center yeah I only know I tell everybody if they come to Slovakia don’t go to Bratislava you need to come to nor of Slovakia and see the beauty because we have everything here we have beautiful
Mountain no that’s that’s that’s in a different part like the the nature is just amazing here like you like it here like the nature it’s just I just wish it was easier to go fishing and hunting like for me because I’m struggling with that oh my God Jesus thank you so much
Guys hope you get here soon yeah me too yeah yeah I think we all really like are Keen to go isn’t it like to to see Hello from Connecticut you should definitely visit New York City when you’re here told you it’s not dangerous if you stick to the yes Leia but we’ve got
To yeah but theny doesn’t really want to go I’m not a city person they look what Jared’s saying I guess it’s kind of like everyone wanting to see New York or LA in the state better to go out to rural natural areas too it’s like people coming here you you
Recommend them to go somewhere else other than Bratislava and I think it’s the same thing there PGH my best friend lived in Bratislava for a few years in the historic district she prefers I can’t say that parans 66 year old here from Virginia you months and months
Back oh thank you very much Caroline that’s so God our second in New York City it’s really not that bad and NYPD is everywhere I want to get is everywhere I want to get a that’s if I go to New York City the thing I would want to do most
Is get a photo with the NYPD cuz I watch so many police shows that I love them like like you love Brooklyn what what is unique about Slovakia unique castles caves Hot Springs fol folk AR architecture uh the EUR European Dead Sea a famous Celtic town and European
Wilderness yeah well all of these are around us the Celtic town the the hot water Springs yeah that’s right they’re just up the road aren’t they they just up the road Texas is nice but it’s flat most part we actually haven’t found any
On those uh I did I do I have found one me and Daddy we foring when we went looking for mushrooms where is that question what’s about the antlers yeah lots of mushrooms and leave the antlers that’s right we’re not allowed to take them but Slovakia is we Haven any bears
Yet just bear Prince Big Bear Prince and Bear poo yeah cuz like there we are they too many bears around us I’m in Texas is a Crossroads of All Sorts isn’t it yep it is it’s like in the middle especially Bry is a braty Slava that borders like two separate yeah only
Capital country that borders two or three other countries or something like that it’s crazy you go to New Orleans nobody goes to new I mean where your auntie lives I think yes she’s close to Ukraine ukra two kilometers from the Ukrainian border only well when we went to that wedding
It was two kilometers away come fishing on the Great Lakes where I live drive my truck off while not ice and have a beer that scares me that ice stuff uh Brandon I don’t know if I’d be able I’d be crapping myself driving on Canadian from the other side Yellowstone National Park
Was amazing if you’re looking to do more outdoor activities yeah I’d love to go to Yellowstone there we go that’s right Adam that’s what I was trying to say yeah hang look where he’s getting married Castle wow that’s not far from us is it two hourss okay that’s but for
The American viewers that’s nothing to ours we have Grizzly and black bears here in Montana Texas and Louis and the geography is different from New York mainly flat Farmland with forests and swamps thrown in sounds like heaven what are the laws about coling any wild I think you’ll get into big trouble Stacy
Because we’ve even come across people who’ve knocked a deer with their car and you have to call the hunters and then like the police come and there’s all sorts of the rules here are crazy I remember we found on deer there was her or something and they oh yeah and we had
To call the police the police had to find the hunters that came to get the deer and then we found out that they actually did killed there we were trying to help it but yeah I wanted to bring it home uh yes we are close to Czech Austria and Hungary and Poland and
Poland yeah Ukraine and Ukraine anything Ukraine was like four hours away there is a lot of history in here that like if you drive anywhere there’s is like you have 100 like it’s literally 100% chance that you will see some Castle old Ru our house is
Cheaper cheap uh they used to be us to be some of them are still still in Texas you hit it you grill it people I like that you hit it you grill it how a cheap the here is say you could buy a house for Less you can’t buy a
House for less than 1 million uh our house has actually gone up in price isn’t it a lot yeah like when like massively uh I’ve hit a deer it happens all the time they in my yard as well every day Nutra is not oh Nutra it’s the most important
Economic Center and the Western Slovakia seat of two universities and Jesus Christ I think to have a gun where yeah Shane uh you can you can hunt here um and you can get a gun but I don’t think I can because I’m a foreigner I’ve tried
To find out as much as I can and i’ have to join like a hunting club and then join a shooting club and it’s it’s a massive massive thing to do and you have to have a permission yeah and yeah and then there’s these regulations like there in certain areas you can
Only like kill only certain amount of deers yeah it’s uh but you’re not allowed to hunt for brown bear yeah even though they are overpopulated I’m sort of attacking yeah yeah like it seems like living in is a bit stricter in Slovakia it is I find it quite
Strict uh I love it from the golden War to World War Soviet influence now the modern European influence just seems really cool there are burgers in Slovakia huh they are burgers in Slovakia yeah they are but they’re for 15 yeah but see hini sometimes you Burgers I thought you said H burglers
Hold mean sometimes you really feel like there is still strong influence of Soviet in here of what you were saying that said that in one of the videos yeah why did you choose to leave South Africa where is that uh my friend was actually murdered and I
Left to go to the UK to just clear my head uh that’s who garen’s named after and then yeah I just didn’t go back also we lost our farm and some other stuff happened we have Cabellas and Bass Pro Shop oh that’s where we want to go isn’t it isn’t
It the Hat hello from the Hat hello from Boston hello from Slovakia the big cities in the US my P the pwn what I bought the yeah my microphone has a lot of static I can hear that as well I don’t know why is that better I think that’s microphone no it’s
Not I don’t know why it’s so static today maybe it’s not plugged in no it is I’m having a problem with this microphone yeah uh just it’s okay now Ry better now jumping naked into one of the best press shop tanks no I haven’t seen that I don’t even want I want
To of the helicopter modern Optics wireless radio transmission and artificial human hand holy smokes it’s clear now hello from Ohio static is gone okay sorry about that I thought I could hear it wait what is hi to New York did you live near jber no I lived in Duran that was on the
Coast Aral human hand that what we have here not artificial human hand what does like when someone loses their hand and they get a a prosthetic oh because we have a I don’t think my messages are going through temper area let me know we’ll treat you to dinner and take you fishing
Thank you very M much Matt that sounds awesome hello from Western New York Le there you go I already said hi tell me about it James it’s crazy it is absolutely crazy I mean there is an option you can yeah or I can pay and go on guided tours which is extortionately
Expensive New Orleans has the best food in the world they really know how to do Seafood oh seafood and red meat heaven for me and for you looking Look up the video it’s funny I will actually and a Slovak American invented GPS I’m 58 now live in Maine and the
Vast majority of my life has been in New York trust me ladies New York City is overrated Upstate is beautiful been thinking about college in USA Boston is a college City and you can drive to New York City without living there Le there you go Le you looking
Pretty ganger your this she just came from doing a drive bar text text mix is the best come on now I’m wearing it like this because I’ve got greasy hair uh in Durban they can do yeah uh te Texas Cape Town the waves are pretty hectic it’s just in New York City over
Christmas not overrated but worth not overrated but worth doing in your life you’re still young you got a lot of time e well my hairdresser she went uh to New York City before Christmas and she was just telling me this week that it was amazing like she
Said she really really want to go again but she said it’s like she spent so much money that she’s probably not gonna go even for a small holiday this year can’t have that light greasy hair thank you Sarah Sarah Rodriguez are you tired dude bet if you
Want to go chill out you can go chill how does it look like I have a pink eye it’s the lighting I need to sort it all out dude let me see I rode over my LEDs with my chair and I broke them shark trout where am I looking at the bottom mat
Maici fish grou H I made her look on my other channel on the fire I tried to do it myself and holy smokes I burnt my legs I it was was Panic stations because I didn’t want to ruin it but it turned out all right no yeah yeah it was good yeah expensive
Year 60 for two of us to have breakfast in New York holy smokes for breakfast M wow oh what’s that pancakes oh it’s like potato panc cakes I haven’t made those yet uh I think I had them though it just depends it’s usually in like the spring and that
That we have we have big waves I can’t remember though if I’m honest with you I was saying to cat like I’d be lost going to South Africa now because I could when I lived there I could tell you it was going to rain or it’s going to be hot
The next day now I’m I’d be lost Hello from Hello Rachel hi Rachel hello you’re so tired AR you your dad really wants us to go doesn’t he yeah yeah what you call a cow my dad is making H H oh we left H do we yeah
Cabbage oh with the mints I like that make them if you come here for food go to Texas for Beach go to Florida how long ago do you from South Africa um I left when I was I got to England when I just turned 19 and I’m 30
How the ith 37 or 38 37 I’m 37 now uh I spent that rest of that in the UK and then we’ve been living in Slovakia for three years now I do speak Africans I’m not going to though because I’m so out of practice there we go we can go on swamp
Tour on those airbats I’d love to go on one of those you know the big fan Mate what does that mean yeah 37 I keep forgetting I thought for the whole year I’m 38 if you do come don’t come to Mississippi it’s horrible that beard just crossed sure there parts of Mississippi now lovely Texas does have great Beach yeah I’ve heard there there’s a couple
Nice beaches in Texas wait there’s beaches in Texas yeah yeah Salon patties fried and fried green tomatoes I don’t know why this microphone’s static is it still I need to get a new one or can I have this one then yeah I think after you hit 30 Cody
You just stop you stop forgetting how old you are and I have to ask the kids to remind me7 I brought the bigy ofans South P island is near the Space X facility oh wow you’d like to see that oh yeah I that I’ve always been a very
Inter space zty baj does this beer tastes good it does in the summer but I prefer kusit or Kus vit whatever it’s called they changed the recipe though the version now Texas it is there hi hi from Montreal Canada love your family and the question is maybe you
Already answered this why did you move over there job related covid related uh I started a business in 2019 August and it was doing well wasn’t it it got off the ground going really well and then Co hit and we lost basically everything and I said to cat
Should we just move because we we had this house already and yeah we just decided spur the moment thing to move hey yeah without thinking what we were doing we didn’t really think it through oh my static is usually caused from grounding yeah I need to figure out what’s going
On with the cables here don’t say that I’m 30 this year and feel it’s definitely down it was downhill from 30 for me some people say it’s the best so I think the best is the kid yeah it’s probably an interet streaming problem but it’s not bad and distra in
Then stress about a Tor you have to watch USA best natural Parks 32 and five for two do any of you play any video games gar a lot Garen plays hockey and also SP video game quite a lot hockey video money in it yeah I play mainly fortnite politics first appeared in
Slovakia over 35 million years ago didn’t know that just don’t go to South pad is that Padre I can’t see from here during spring break it’ll be filled with college students you should do a family gaming channel no yes I would love don’t do it don’t don’t give him any ideas Jared
Baby it says there Oh I thought you were saying it agreed Jared do you know what I was playing to today I was playing what’s it called Among Us Among Us I was watching you play I’m good you’re really every time I got imposta won you said 27 and 511 I feel young
Compared to some of you 511 I think 5411 I’m making collect video games and consoles W only 57 likes oh yeah that’s right oh we almost got we were on 100 a little while ago I heard you talking about college football in a great place for college football 2 hours of dukee
New state North Carolina T Hills Appalachian State holy smokes you got a few there yeah I’d like to get football on the America foot I mean yes we got we’re gonna watch college football soon trying to teach the rest of you how to game would be incredible I did used
To play what did I used to play with you like Mafia and stuff like that Mafia Sonic oh we got 100 can we watch you with save college football yeah we can do that tomorrow if you want I mean no because someone’s asking if can you watch oh as in General
On TV I don’t think it is on TV I always have to watch it online gaming channel the boys versus the girls I think maybe the girls would win NFL player star today I’m pump oh internationally the most successful sport in Slovakia’s assy we currently yeah Garen garen’s hoping
He can get there yeah playing playoff start up today playing NFL Madden is a great way to learn the game yeah I’d like to get Madden but they put a new one on and it’s so expensive even the NHL yeah I know it’s like $70 or
Year we’ll sort it out when one once you finish school yeah let’s see how you do on your marks in there Texas in the house my team the Patriots aren’t in the playoffs so I don’t care isn’t that you can watch it on YouTube yeah that’s where I do end up
Watching it if I want to watch it I work for a company that has a fast blue rodent love for a great game yeah yeah it is the games in that are so expensive you have consoles in that as well people doesn’t know it’s gar lat and sir Jonathan don’t call
Me garat and sir Jonathan don’t call me Jonathan Martin it’s Jon we had a hockey team in team in House Houston Houston but the guy with recipe Seahawks even though they a’t got Seahawks on top even a big war and thunder and Microsoft flat flat simulator
213 AG is a frame of you used to play that flight simulator it was me it was G was it you you let yourself start thinking you’re old in your 30s you guys will never be out yeah I know I hear you I need to change my mindset sorry
Jonathan you punk Mar I need to change my mindset Caroline I’m young as oh go good morning BL Road and Sonic oh Sonic oh Sonic we were actually talking about that earlier Garen when he was a little what was he four oh yeah sonic was like he’s every day he was
Telling me that I just woke up that I’ll have a look at the emails uh in a bit I don’t want to mess with actually I’ll go now I don’t want to mess with the internet cuz we uh you can be a winner I can’t oh at the game of the of
Life what does that mean I C hold on I’m trying to check the emails oh there you go Bobby Co Cox there we go some beaches oh Jared thank you mate Jesus you don’t have to do that thank you so much there some beach oh fishing rod Whoa all right I’ll have a look at these cuz it’s all going quick again I remember playing pong I used to play Mario I remember we used to play Sonic back in the ’90s yeah that that was on like the Sega or something you used to you used to like the Sonic on the Xbox yeah sonic sonic it’s all he used to say yeah even have Sonic plushy uh yeah it’s I think it’s like
7030 I’m not sure on what the split is Andrew hello Walter go when you what do you guys know where you’ll go when you come to the US probably Texas area uh orbs hello from Alabama my brother loves Sonic there you go you’re not the only one not the only one
You’re not into really games I know you you play some game now you need to wake up yeah he put the you couldn’t even see your face you play Roblox with me sometimes sometimes Austin that’s probably uh Andrew I don’t think me and cat have been discussing because I keep
Getting emails about this go funme thing and I don’t know like that’s why I’ve set up the website because I would rather if someone wants to support that you get something as well I just can’t do it want see the Grand Canyon and hey yes yeah we want to see that don’t
We Sonic has some great howdy from Austin conquer WR with Texas Louisiana is great I remember on the Sonic that we had that it was the one course and it had like a fish jumping and you were on like a rail on what sliding on Sonic oh yeah you were
Sliding and the fish were jumping I remember I was always scared of the fish Sonic also has a fast food chain there Garen oh from West Virginia so you could go get a Sonic burger I wonder I wonder if it comes really quick my brother Liv in Texas I’ve not
Been near but I’ve been to La M do you have PayPal uh yeah I think so many wild pigs where you live Yes actually we I keep find I’ve found more Pig skulls than anything else isn’t it yeah I’ve got like so many skulls there’s this place there
Remember the waterf I don’t know what it’s called yeah and there’s like lots of balls I used to watch a lot of skating like b mcira b mcira is that his name I can’t remember now I used to watch all that stuff when jackass and that first came out
Kev he used to skateboard and you you could hire an RV in Las Vegas then go to the Grand Canyon then Texas that sounds amazing problem is if we go to Vegas we’ll lose all our spending money I’m joking I want to stay for about we we
Looking at minimum a month Pier you still have prick no no prick and kayia we had to get rid of them they were just too noisy making too much M too aggressive but they went to a lovely farm with uh their two chicks and to a
Lovely farm with uh their two chicks and they what like he he’s put them in a Orchard hasn’t he a one yeah Vineyard Sor vard yeah and basically the guy wanted them so they can just cut his grass uh oh my gosh thank you thank you
So much hold on I’ve lost a lot here you could hire an RV yes PayPal doesn’t take a cut uh don’t come in the summer Texas gets really hot do you still have prick nope Tony Hawk and M grew up roughly an hour from where I grew up in
Pennsylvania come on help me read here he not to say my age but pleas stop arade I remember going to ar ar arcade uh they used to deliver your food to your car and roller skates oh wow you can have a great time in Vegas without
Gambling no no I was joking I don’t think I could trust myself to gamble Sonic car hop Drive restaurant pretty popular in Georgia hello from Charlotte North Carolina the Queen City jeno is raised on rap skateboards are very close not really very close text there you have to weigh yourself I’m I
Will I’m G to weigh myself I’m going to document it all because I will be I will be adding some weight onto these bones if you go from Vegas to Texas you got to go through southern Utah hit all the national parks Zion brce Canyon Monument Valley that’ be cool wouldn’t I that
Would be cool I wonder how long that would take see that when he Don maybe I’ll send you some I’m sayga corporate I work remotely but can get you wow that would be that’s be thank you so much thank you uh where are we I’ve lost where I was now oh there we
Go don’t go to Vegas in the summer nighttime temperature of 37 degrees that’s crazy you need to get in contact with someone else private property to any hunting yeah if you rent an RV double check the F print yeah I’ve heard this yes H yeah pick the fine print yeah I’ve
Heard this yes yeah like they charge you some people can charge an extortionate amount per mile that you travel I can’t wait wait E I can’t wait either are you tired as well if you visit the US make sure you count for the weather for example here in Michigan
Cury minus two and in Montana minus 22 holy smokes hello Bobby hi Bobby uh FL is it lagging again for is epic for fishing especially salt waterwise nothing like living 10 minutes from the water and being able to yeah I’d love to do that and bring fish home Texas
Barbecue is the best we’ve seen a few videos eh remember the lights Vegas AR aren’t lit by winners that is a great I’ve never thought of it like that the lights in Vegas aren’t lit by winners Las Vegas to Texas three days eight eight hours bye Jared Jared going yep
Have a great one Jared thank you so much as usual mate it is lagging no lagging it’s the wind no lagging oh yeah it’s really windy it’s really windy so the internet here in Slovakia when it when it’s raining the TV and internet goes off and then if
It’s windy the internet will go off it’s great fun my fine no lag better inct with great food shooting lots of horses and the best fishing right how right we go five more minutes and that’ll be an hour and then we can go to bed yeah cuz my my two little CH
Oh driving eight hours a day I’m telling you the wind is it’s knocking the internet out care it does isn’t bad carot M fine so minus 25 here now was minus 32 when I woke up this morning where where is that I missed where that is there Idaho idah holy SM that’s the
One we saw on the TV on a news we do have a satellite 90% of the time it’s not lagging just a bit here and there yeah it’s because that you hear the wind every now and then yep I used to visit my dad in Seria when he was alive and
It’s the same there blackout and internet to be fair it’s not that bad yeah we don’t have blackout just like when it’s really windy we had a couple recently where they turned the power off all bloody day for maintenance they decided in here that they’re going to do a maintenance on
Electricity in the middle of winter definitely go through Colorado and your Trav many people wonderful places stop chck out my eyes are really getting bad let good Che yes that’s it there P that’s that’s sort of my idea really well not only mine but that’s like the idea food people and
People yeah well I’m going to say the first trip will be Texas and Louisiana and then we can do second trip yeah New York for you guys we’ll go to the city and third trip oh good night David thank you so much for stopping in mate thank
You bye cheers Martin see you soon see you soon bud bye Martin 26 degrees in Florida right now sounds nice hello from Michigan hello Tim hi Tim hi Tim hello it’s really lagged M I can hear it in there yeah right what time are we on
Right 59 minutes we’re going to go one more minute and then we’re going to say good night what do you reckon good idea yeah you two are poop don’t you yeah because today we had well I had a long oh thank you Kev that’s so kind of you
Man video dropped yep I love Venice and Shane I absolutely love it my family has a Mountain House near in Colorado that you can use oh wow sleep six that’s that’s very kind mate 324 oh football time appar football time yeah I think star link is available I have been
Looking at it than you Kev bye everyone’s running as well right everybody thank you so much for stopping by and having a chat with us uh my kids are very tired today he had hockey Leia’s been out and about gallivanting all day uh yeah everyone’s heading out
To watch the football as well enjoy the football I hope whichever team you’re supporting wins I’m not gonna say which teams or whatever because I don’t want anyone like to be mad uh yeah have a great evening and we will see you all in the next video bye bye guys