Hey guys I’m a little scared that we’re going to get in trouble but we’ll see today the day it took me like 6 months to land a kickflip if you land it in a few sessions I’m snapping my board RP to that guy’s board it’s wind today that may be a
Problem hopefully is not I have’t it’s really windy I have a few orders of business uh number one Advil because I know I’m going to get hurt and I know that I’m going to be sore and I think this will help Connor told me to take Connor told me to take this before
I started okay now we need to suit up and I need to get this hair out of my face cuz it’s stressing me out it’s windy and I can’t see all right you guys want to see my bruise this is what it looks this is what it looks like right
Now so I’m going to put shinguards on and it’s going to fix it that’s what happens when you kick flick too hard I might need to take my shoes off okay I in my wrist guards ow Binky bonky why on Earth would it be locked why is it
Locked for three months Guys these shinguards hurt because it’s it’s hitting my bruise isn’t that counterintuitive okay oh God it’s embarrassing it’s really embarrassing that’s the first C he’s parking what dude I’m scared you know you can do this in a non-public place you can do this at alvas are you all stupid what a non-public in my in my private parking lot back at alvas on a nice smooth flat pavement out there is that what you’re talking
About what the hell are you talking about nothing in Texas is everything in Texas is no okay dude I hate it here I’m scared there’s people with a trolley right there I’m I can’t do this this is a bad idea should I just try to do a
Kickflip or should I try to learn how to ollie first or should I like ride around on maybe I ride around on the skateboard a little bit for 27 months thank you see they’re saying to do an ollie okay what’s an ollie what is that is that when you like jump like you’re
Surfing it’s the jump of the kick flip jump with the board pop the back drag your okay you know what I’m going to look up a video oh hell no he jumped really high that looks really hard I feel like I should just do a kickflip also I know you guys don’t like
This I know I ride around goofy but I can’t do it with my right foot going forward like I’m not comfortable jumping like that I have to do it this way I have to to go like this he he went like that kick flip is way harder dude actually just rage bait this
Whole stream concept is just rage bait for6 mons that’s regular not goofy yeah I know I ride around isn’t right foot forward Goofy right foot on the board is yeah I know but then I want to go normally for this I know this is regular but when I
Ride around I want to ride with my right foot forward you know I don’t need to explain the wind is a bit of a problem also I don’t remember how to do this Nick what are you doing here Nick is actually my eighth grade boyfriend I’m I’m
Kidding Nick had a driver’s license when I was in eighth grade I’m live Sor side forward and your back you know how to do it I forget yeah yeah um have sh yeah oh then you oh okay so what’s important is you should practice on the grass first she’s pandering
She’s if you can’t get on the grass if you can find the pool with at least knee water that’ be good to practice there to what that’s that would be really bad for the board well you have to get a water board and a normal board you know oh okay
Have two which I know you’re kind of tight on cash so yeah okay well thanks I have I haven’t watching sorry okay well I’ll figure it out thanks how long have you been doing it I just started day today’s my day byebye your back foot will
Poet on theil just like an what willward but I can’t do it Ollie nose he said you know what I’m confused by that video is he said to pop the board up but then he said to kick he said to kick here up here last time I was kicking
Here and that’s confusing to me that’s a heel flip am I stupid wait so I need to kick back here okay here’s my first attempt to a kickflip are you ready okay I’m going to go Again I jumped a little do it while moving okay yeah surely that’ll work what a sick idea chatter what a good idea biggest objective of the day make sure the board doesn’t go down there I would get in a lot of trouble for that okay a lot of trouble speaking of Trouble we’re in some 300 bits you’ve been trying for 5 minutes and I’ve already seen the word o like 100 times yeah I know hi Oh no you’re fine do you need us to move okay thanks that’s not what I thought was going to happen there he works here too so we’re that’s
We’re in the clear now I just have to land it there’s a few other things I need to do before I land it I’m afraid but thank you for the [Applause] confidence whoa okay chat I’m going to give you the opportunity right now what am I doing
Wrong this is going to be fun this is going to be fun everything you’re jumping backward WS the helmet is weighing you down you’re too afraid to fall The Kicking and the flipping oh I got the board off the ground that’s good what’s a shove it a
Barrial oh that was got my shin so bad but I didn’t feel it shove it is 180 that would have got my shin Too I’m just throwing that [Β __Β ] out from under me it needs to stay under me no ow I don’t even know if it would have helped in this situation cuz it hit the side of my knee I need to I’m trying to focus on getting my back foot
Up but also keeping the board under me okay if I popped it up higher and kicked harder and then it just flipped over a little more and then I landed on it that’s a kickflip oh no hi fine you need me to move what you need me to move
Yeah we actually have you on the H liability just with anything happening especially some moving in and out that’s fine yeah problem make sure everybody’s safe all right thank you thank you uh-huh kicked out kicked out because I’m a h again I like how they brought two full grown men out there for
Me like they were going to need manpower to get me to move is it because of my intimidating stature that’s hilarious it’s an empty skate park that’s so funny all right it’s time to get real an empty skate park time to learn how to kick flip and how to go down a
Ramp what’s that called time to learn how to glide on a rail HB doesn’t know that they just made my career even though they’re trying to dim my light I walked I locked us out of the car I locked us out of the car and Shad
Is in the car my keys are in my cup colder today’s going in waves this is one of of the the down but the good news like you guys saw earlier is that this is a 2022 um which means I have an app that unlocks my car why is it so empty
Probably cuz it’s like a Wednesday afternoon and the kids need to get a job I’m in an education they don’t have jobs these are stairs should I jump down them oh it’s not stairs it’s just a ramp I’m learning how to skateboard this will help me kick flip surely wait now I’m kind of scared it was easy doing it the first time cuz I didn’t know what to expect now I’m scared who oh yeah [Β __Β ] that no that one’s way steeper scary as hell I might need to get another
Lab they said mine’s cutting out 10 mons oh what happens here bad things if I was riding left that might not have been a problem but what am I going to go backwards like that there’s no shot dude it’s nice and smooth this is nice I like it
I’m tired now shall we do a kickflip you think I should do it out here or should I do it in there it would look better in there guys what do you want should I do a kick flip in the bowl or stay out here I honestly just don’t want to chase
The skateboard around are you kidding me people do this [Β __Β ] people go like this this and drop [Applause] in no you know the other problem is I like doing tricks with my left foot forward but I like skating around with my right foot forward and so I wouldn’t feel
Comfortable dropping in with my right foot forward but if I drop in on my left then I can’t skate once I get in here a drop isn’t a trick I’m all I can tell you is that if I were to drop into here there
Is no way in hell I’m doing it with my right foot first cuz I don’t want to die okay but I also can’t ride a skateboard with my right foot first I only I I would have to drop in with my left foot first but I can’t ride
Around with my left foot in front you understand this place makes me feel like a real skateboarder watch this what’ you think can you even Ollie yeah I want to see okay it popped the [Β __Β ] up though whoa [Applause] oh oh what a credit card oh that’s unfortunate for
Y’all no no no no I was not Balan there at all could have been an ollie if I stayed on It hi dude hey I did a kickflip I’m doubting I did it I really did I did it but I don’t know how to do an ollie but I did a kickflip sounds sounds right yeah did you teach me how to skateboard I feel like we taught you how
To stand on a skateboard like I remember being in a certain somebody’s cold attack and like we wanted to go somewhere and so we were like oh we’ll just teach Maya how to skate real quick and then skate there and I did that yeah like I’m trying to remember how you cuz
I think I taught you goofy cuz we all R we rode goofy but then now you ride regular but wanted do tricks and Goofy how did that happen I don’t know man you Laine board like in college yeah I did I long boarded a class in college which way did you ride then
Right foot first yeah so you should just do tricks like that balance to stand I can’t yeah but you can’t do them goofy either so that you’re not losing ground okay so is that your your advice to me is to try the other way no my advice to you was
Like uh kind of do a rainbow with your feet if that makes any sense you keep like flipping the board in front of you I don’t know what what that means like the bottom of your feet are there to guide The Arc of the board right so you
Don’t have to jump quite so high but you do have to sort of jump and then tuck your knees a bit to get the height you guide the board down flatten it out and then try to land on it and that’s that’s my one comment okay thank
You good luck have fun thanks okay bye the last time I talked to him was when we called him for wi about it I think I don’t know what it is about Middle School boyfriends you know you talk to them it feels like you’ve been talking to them every
Day that’s crazy no I swear we don’t talk at all okay so number one let me let me just you know what let me just give this a shot with my right foot forward cuz everybody’s saying that I should do that oh God see now it’s breaking my
Brain cuz I’ve done it so many other so many times the other way oh dude I can’t even like you know what I mean like even doing this is scary and like hard going this way where like oh my God whereas like with my left foot forward I feel fine and like
Controlled doing this you know what I mean I thought she was on the phone with flip no that was my eighth grade boyfriend who broke up with me when he went to band camp cuz he cheated on me oh I see what okay what he said to do is
Lift up my knees more than try to jump high and it works you see that what the [Β __Β ] was that that was sick I don’t know what just happened but that was cool as hell no whale bone thank you for the tier one do you guys know that uh whale
Penises have a what one it’s called a dork so you call someone a dork it’s kind of crazy but also don’t whales have a baculum am I getting that wrong walruses have a baculum it’s a bone inside their penis it’s like super Long sorry I’m Focusing holy [Β __Β ] that was sick I got to tell you guys more penis packs that was [Β __Β ] crazy you see that that’s the first time it’s flipped like that all right the trick is penis backs the biggest penis to body size ratio in the animal kingdom is a barnacle it’s like 1 to
40 Japanese Yellow swallet Tail Butterfly has eyes on its penis sees like Shadows and Light helps guide it all right it’s not working anymore shinard hopping I’ve only had my shin once this time No dude all my pads saved me I’m alive that’s [Β __Β ] up I just got a Discord DM from our webd who I don’t even think is watching and said at Maya parenthesis once you’ve recovered from the skateboard induced injuries I don’t know I if you heard it but like I got the
Noce as I was falling and it’s asking a question about the website why does it okay question it keeps hitting my leg and that’s because I’m it’s in the air and I’m pulling it back oh that’s why I’m pulling it back but my right foot isn’t coming up enough huh that’s why What the [Β __Β ] it’s this foot just sending it back there or into [Applause] me can’t stop the Grind I can’t go to Brazil until I do a kickflip okay to do an ollie is simple you get on the board you pop it up you slide your left foot forward you pick your right foot up you land on the board and the board goes like
That you guys said that doing an ollie would help me this is not helping more Pop my right foot’s coming off now it’s not like a pretty oy but my right foot’s coming off what the hell dude I landed on the I landed on the did you see that what are you going to do about that also invested in Maya doing a kickflip it’s the staff watching my
Stream hi guys all right well that was good that gave me a lot of confidence so dude you have to stop moving like that sorry talking forward nope nope nope nope Noe no NOP man we’re not messing around about saying Square that’s really scary all right I’m just going to jump higher
Oh it’s too much on my left foot you need to log off the Internet and try on your own I’m the executive director of an animal sanctuary you think in my free time I’m going to be out here alone in a skate park with a 5-year-old wearing roller
Blades learning how to kick flip this is for y’all this is not for me that felt good oh dude my shin would have been [Β __Β ] there my shin would have been FL there no stop rolling you know actually what just happened or what I’m realizing is I
Think my right foot is coming up I think I’m flicking it too soon I think I’m flicking it before my right foot comes up I need to Tech Deck so bad man it’s I think I’m flicking it while my right foot is still too far down so I
Pull it back before it has a chance to come up you know what I’m saying I’m going to do three more attempts I’m going to take a break ow what the [Β __Β ] okay one more time so I’m going to take a break OE baby ass Ollie it feels like I’m going so much higher than that so sad when the Sun goes down on my side of town dude my legs are tired how long has it been 2 and 1/2 hours are you serious dude I feel like I’ve been doing this for 4 Hours oh