Hey everybody happy Tuesday January 16th it’s the plant-based Morning Show we are presented like we usually are by compliment which is love compliment. comom good plant-based products supplements compliments whatever you want to call it um anyway that’s uh that’s why we do this show every single
Day and there’s new stuff in the works on this podcast feed if you’re on the podcast feed which you should be um you just you just go to Apple music if you’re not or you go to Spotify if you’re not and you subscribe to the plantbased morning show um or n athlete
Radio because we are adding a new show to that feed um news to come on what exactly it is but anyway I think I think the feeds may actually do some switching around you may have to jump over to the nomade athlete feed which means if
You’re not paying a lot of attention you could be lost you could you could never get any more episodes uh but I think this stuff will all shift over to the noade athlete feed I know know Doug it would be crazy wouldn’t it your whole world wild west out there you know just
Where you where do you go should you go to the Old Trail talk feed you know I don’t know rock come back it’s where it all happens maybe that is the place to go yep we will see um all right well how’s it going Doug how are you today Matt I
Am I’m good I’m very good it’s Monday but it’s Tuesday it’s Tuesday but it feels like Monday right so exactly I just life is good I had a great weekend actually how about you I had a good weekend my daughter’s footall team was in regionals they did
Not win this year they got to the final but lost so that was a bummer um means we won’t be going to Kansas City in the summer which yeah I can’t see I’m too too sad about but uh anyway it was fun to watch them watch them play uh but we did that
All the whole time I realized there’s sort of a perfect storm of off days has been happening we had this huge Christmas break of course yep that did we get off early for Christmas week no we went right up to Friday right went all the way to the end we got a Friday
Off Friday Friday off yeah we did the 22nd we took off of work okay so anyway then we had a short week that week if we did if if not we still kind of mailed in Friday work you know just fooled around uh so that was basically a short week
Then we had this short week after the big break from January 3rd through 5th that was only three-day week yep we came off of that week and did we have a full week or did we have a day off or something I think we had a full week we
Had a full week yes but but we knew on that full week that we were headed into a three-day weekend see that was so that made that week tolerable and now we have the short week which we always say that’s the the sort of the best part of
A three-day weekend is the four day a little known thing you get Kickback at the end of that you get this short week at the end um and that’s really nice nice but then I think I think after this week we’re we’ve got a full legit week
And there’s no there’s no day off the next week oh but I got a surprise for you that I haven’t told you yet okay okay all right what you got better good I’m taking a couple days off next week for my birthday yeah so you know so the
Show gets off you don’t have to do this I guess but right okay you didn’t tell me that yet that’s interesting all right good so you will get to Pro it this I get to prolong this this streak of of yeah absolutely Eliza so my daughter um
Because of the like weather the storm issues that they canceled school one day last week uh she she’s not going to have a full week at all in January just the way that the like teacher work days and holidays and everything play out nice days off I don’t know it’s crazy I it’s
It’s a dream situation if you’re a kid and you and you can appreciate it yeah not a who’s trying to keep been busy you know what we did this weekend it was super fun I do Rollo skating yeah yeah you do know that I I already shared
It all right the inl but it was so fun I couldn’t believe it I wasn’t really that excited you know it’s like a a roller rink like yeah you know could be fun but it it was great it was awesome the kids loved it and I got really into it yeah good
Time are your girls good roller skaters because they’ve been skiing kind of principle which I never realized as a kid yeah I guess I guess it kind of is but no they they were not they were sliding all over the place but they were
And I’m bad too uh but you know by by then they had on like it had to be a Taylor Swift playlist like like uh radio or something because every other every third song was Taylor Swift and everybody was seen along and you know you just kind of get lost in the disco
Lights and everything and then it was the middle after come out and you’re like like where am I when you exit the place it was great it was really fun right that’s good we we go ice skating fairly often we live right next to one do yeah and it’s funny because I didn’t
Really ice SK as a kid except I played roller hockey and then now and then would play Ice Hockey when the pawns froze and then we started going ice skating a little bit once like a rink opened up but my kids I don’t think have ever been roller skating they only go
Ice skating and it’s just a weird it’s just a weird thing I don’t know like ice skting to me such a more uh a more difficult like adult thing whereas r skating was just when I was a kid it was like whatever kid did was just what you
Did you first hold hands with somebody during the couple skate and all you know all this stuff so I would like to do roller skating that’s in Asheville somewhere is that right or near there it was in Maran it was down the mountain but I’m sure Asheville has but the
Uh what um what kind of made me feel good about the world a little bit was uh there were these you know just like I remember it as a kid there was a group of people probably in their 20s you know definitely too old to be hanging out the
Roller ring all the time but you know but they were that was their thing and they were just really good at like skating on one wheel and like right you know doing all these tricks and Spins and stuff like that and just kind of made me feel a little bit better about
The world that all these years later since I haven’t been in a roller rink in 20 years 20 30 years maybe 25 years right um that those kids still exist they’re still there they’re still like hanging out at the roller R yeah so they’re endangering the the younger
Children going too fast going too fast yeah but they in their 20s though I mean I remember like when the high school kids did that maybe maybe they were high school kids they were probably high school I’m so bad at judging ages these days I’m really bad at it right yeah
Because yeah because like teenagers look like they’re 18 and I don’t know college kids look like they’re 30 and I don’t know it’s just it’s and I still look like I’m 22 yep right all right well on that note uh good morning to everyone who’s saying good morning britters Phyllis Hower
Leslie Knight Ally amarie Dale d one to know Adventure coach Mr Jeffrey who didn’t know it was a holiday in America yesterday was only MLK Day Mr Jeffrey no big deal uh you should know that one do they not have that in Canada no I’m I’m
Joking it is a big deal how surprised how many things went on on MLK day my son had soccer practice my daughter had her finals and I thought that’s weird it seems to me we should have off for that day like I mean people should really
Yeah be off uh but but no not everybody is anyway um yeah so that’s that’s why it was a holiday weekend and good morning Emily who just showed up so what else anything else dou before we jump in today we got some good some good stuff any other I
Do this is this is maybe a maybe a tip maybe maybe everyone knows this except for me I’m not sure um we were doing some budgeting over the weekend and we were were just we were wondering how much everyone says that Les which is our
Local grocer you know the one in town um yeah uh is is expensive but you know with nothing else to really compare to and I’m not frequently driving into Asheville to go shopping we just kind of roll with it so we would I was curious what our exact
Order would look like if we bought it at Target or at Walmart and so I I built it out online on Engles and I built it out at Target and I mean I was really quite blown away at how much more expensive the grocery store was than Target oh
Really I mean it was yeah it was anywhere from and I don’t even think of Target as being that budget but for uh for all of your you know your pantry goods and things like that it was anywhere from 20 to a150 per item cheaper and it came out to
Over $50 cheaper uh to shop it at Target than it than at Eng Les I just I mean I like was really Blown Away by that so uh I don’t know if this is a tip but just something am throwing out into the world if you always shop at the same place
Maybe maybe Branch out maybe see what uh if if you care about saving a few bucks Bargain shop a little bit and if you currently go to a specialty sort of local place go maybe to a bigger Box Store more national chain where it will be cheaper yeah
Basically yeah that’s what I’m saying no I mean I guess just I mean there are certain things that I’m going to that I will continue to buy at uh like the heal food store or at the farmers market but a can of beans is a can of beans can of beans I don’t
Know if that’s actually true but um can of beans from or true do you think that’s true I mean I have never really noticed any difference um in the bean cans and I I mean I don’t know it just it feels like uh it feels
Like I can support a big box store for my CA beans don’t don’t you you have some sort of personal Vendetta against Engles or something don’t you for some reason yeah maybe we don’t talk about that here but no no iarc is important you let’s let’s make sure people understand I wish
I wish they you know they’re from Black Mountain they were established in Black Mountain and uh and they do very little to like support the community you know there should be like the black the Engles Little League field or whatever you know right that’s how they would prevent
Segments like this from coming up on the show exactly exactly compare their prices Target yeah yeah okay all right guess I have to have to agree with you there all right good well uh that’s actually good to know I’m I we we spend too much on groceries as always say and
I’d actually I’ve never really considered Walmart or Target as viable grocery options I guess I would just assume that I couldn’t find what we want there and I mean obviously we still to make some extra stops to go to this definitely everything we want but you
Know we we always do buy the Staples like that and if we could save uh save bag on name brands well or say big on store brands yeah uh that you know that’s that’d be worth it I mean $50 a week for us would be you know that’s that’s decent amount of
Money I will say that the uh the produce seem to be um like fresh produce seem to be at or maybe even a little bit more expensive at Target but all over yeah I can imagine I think that’s the case because every now and then I’ll run into
One of those when we’re there for some other reason and I’ll grab something for dinner that night and it always seems like it’s too expensive to get broccoli or whatever yeah at Target which kind of makes sense it’s probably harder for Les or I’m sorry for
Target who’s not really set up to stock all that stuff right they don’t have the misting misting fog machines that keep the stuff fresh and nice yeah exactly exactly all right well let’s uh let’s jump into our to our thing here I don’t know who keeps someone keeps wanting to
Join the Instagram thing we’re not going to let you in there hope kissed life uh not today but some other time some other time we might try that maybe not though because then you won’t go on the ram thing that’s the thing there real shows on YouTube if you’re on Instagram
Whether you’re trying to get in to join this show or not uh just go to youtube.com athlete where the real activity is people are there and commenting and things and it’s better uh better quality sound and everything all right let’s jump in here we got a good a
Good series of news today some some events one thing we kind of missed on Thursday I don’t know if it happened right after our show or right before it but uh we were tipped off by a team member that we had missed something and that is that next level Burger who we
Talk about a lot there this West Coast vegan fast food chain they along with a vegan investment fund vegin Fest uh no v v invest not veg invest invest they announced Thursday veg invest yeah not I said invest and I didn’t didn’t mean it was not not an investation it’s an
Investment uh they announced Thursday that they had acquired Veggie Grill and V kind of famous chain I don’t know how many locations they have but now this place together in all they’ve got 27 locations um so that makes Next Level Burger Veggie Grill which I don’t know
If that’s the the name official name or not hopefully not V Grill by oh is that what it is that’s what it says later down yeah oh okay well anyway so they’re now one of the largest plant-based restaurant chains nationally I don’t know who who would be bigger I
Do think there is there’s one of those that has a whole bunch of West Coast chains that I don’t know um anyway yeah there they said they will be making some changes to Veggie Grill which is kind of surprising to me they I don’t know I
Thought veggie girl had kind of a strong little brand Niche thing going on in that uh fast casual slice of the market uh but they said they were they’re going to uh bring in organic produce non-mo ingredients and ensure living wages for many team members across the country so
I guess next time you go to Veggie Grill might be a little bit but different have you been to a veg yet Doug probably not you before yeah I never have you I think I’ve only done it one time only once I think and it was it was very good I
Think I had a buffalo chicken sandwich it was delicious made out of vegan chicken of course um all right we got more news this one’s about Oatley and it does not involve thank goodness any new advertisements uh they have added to their North American Beverage portfolio for the first time in five years
Launching the unsweetened and the super basic oat milk the basic one I’m kind of intrigued by it has an ingredient deck of four that are saying water oats sea salt and citrus zest fiber the Citrus s fiber being the strange one there that is an upcyled upcycled byproduct from
The juice industry has texturizing and stabilization capability so I guess they’re using that instead of uh kinan or something else that would be unsavory in a in an oat milk but that that’s pretty good four ingredients that sounds like what I’d make at home if I were
Going to do it so yeah that’s that sounds like a strong move if they can it tastes good yeah I find this interesting yeah um I find this news kind of interesting be I mean it kind of goes to the heart of like our complaint about the plantbased food industry in general I
Think um you know processed food and stuff you the too many ingredients too many things you don’t want they’re simp they’re yeah you know they’re cut they’re streamlining this is great the super basic like you said it be something you make at home it’d be ingredients you you’re familiar with
Minus the uh the one but if you can you can tell people it’s a byproduct from the juice industry then maybe they’ll maybe they’ll yeah all is Citrus Citrus zest that doesn’t sound harmful or anything so yeah good job I mean yeah I mean certainly they did this that this
Is the result of that exact Trend right like that people want tot fewer ingredients and they want the plants back in plant-based so this is good good job o being ahead of this um now we just now we just wait for the ad that comes out that promotes it which we’re
Dreading the day and I’m not looking forward to that one because Le ads are not very good um all right in in labeling news Department this should be its own segment of the show the label minute where they talk about plantbased food labeling controversies uh Arizona
Has joined the list of states that are considering such measures they’ve got two new bills on the table 2244 mandates that a person who places a label on a food product may not intentionally Mis brand or misrepresent it as uh as derived you know from meat or meat food product poultry or pure
Products so that’s just a labeling thing don’t want confusion um but house spill 2121 they’re trying to they want to outright prohibit the sale and production of cell cultured animal products um and they’re they’re saying it’s protects public health and the state’s Sovereign interest history economy and food Heritage so uh kind of
Strong words there against against against cultivated meat I guess we’re going to see more of that I don’t know it see I mean didn’t honestly in the early days I didn’t consider that some states might say you can’t even make that or have that or sell that here I
Just didn’t realize it would be quite so controversial as that but uh but yeah apparently it is and over in France where they’ve been doing this stuff for years five years in fact um the French Supreme Court has ruled in favor of nutrition and Sante group uh which had been accused by the
Meat Lobby interbed of unfair competition and misleading plant-based meat labels so it’s a good thing that nutrition and Sante won this thing um the court confirmed that a risk of confusion between steak and veggie steak had not been established and that’s what we seem to hear over and over is that
There really isn’t very much confusion with the customers between the the things when you label them plant-based steak or plant-based meat or whatever people get that it’s not really from an animal um and most of these laws seem to hinge on that people actually are confused um so that’s good doesn’t
Doesn’t end it there’s still more stuff going on in France where they want to prohibit more than 21 meat names uh but that’s a small victory right now Aldi Doug has made a new their own vegan private label brand in Germany coinciding with January they’re calling
It my ve my VA Y which the only thing I can think here is that they’re making fun of the way German people would say a w in England and they say it as a v so it’s my way but they’re calling it my ve and V is
You know the first letter of vegan could that possibly be what they’re doing with that possibly making fun of making fun of the country how they speak a different language it’s not like a Jewish Hebrew thing I think it’s o That’s that’ be different this is
Germans I don’t know I don’t know it’s pretty weird yeah so anyway uh their own line so that’s kind of cool um different formulations for Aldi Nord and ALDI suit what’s up Doug some off v v no no V auau pronounced V VA Y is v in German according to
Google okay so it’s my V my V right just spelled out which doesn’t really make sense either I okay I guess it’s TR just weird I mean these English name for a product but I guess that’s not unheard of uh I don’t know don’t don’t fully understand but the Wonder
Chunks yeah I saw picture of the Wonder chunks Wonder chunks look pretty good actually I I would like to have access to those Wonder chunks for a lot of different foods here like like a vegan beef stew or something like that but we don’t there’s no really such thing here
You have to kind of make your own Wonder chunks at home as far as I know I don’t know if I want to try your Wonder chunks all right uh so there’s your weather report um couple comments from the audience here going in reverse order Emily says Believe It or Not Whole Foods
Has some of the cheapest tofu around me counterintuitive and that is true I have noticed that Whole Foods has very cheap tofu compared to like Harris Teeter for for sure always cheaper there um Amry says Engle seems like Publix so when we go to North Carolina we think
Nothing of it I try to go to Trader Joe’s I don’t think of Engles as Publix I don’t know why I think Engles more as like a giant kind of store I don’t know public like its own own thing to me different I don’t know let’s see
Um britsh says I need to bust out the skates the rink was my hangout in my teens and yeah I think a lot of us that was a that was really where you went to to mingle with people they are in the mall and malls are coming back they say
I wonder if rings are coming back was it crowded it was full it wasn’t crowded but it you know there there was a birthday party going on and people skating around so I wouldn’t call it crowded but you know but it was full for sure I mean
I would I gu I would guess that 15 years ago it was probably empty I bet no one was going to roller rinks a while ago I bet you’re right just going out Li I think when when technology everyone thought technology was awesome and iPads were cool and we were doing all that
Nobody was going to roller rings but now we’ve kind of realized it’s actually not really that fun uh so we should go back to roller rings and malls and I think that’s what’s happening um hey I got a cultivated meat thing to say share I was having dinner
With a couple friends the other night and somehow cultivated meat came up and um both of them being meat eaters uh they asked if I would try cultivated meat or if I would start eating it and uh I said yeah definitely try it and they said they wouldn’t which I thought
Was was interesting oh yeah why they have no interest in yeah they think it’s they no interest in it uh it seems too weird don’t know if they can trust it yeah so H that’s gonna be a problem I think similar to the I think I think that
There’ll be people who are really into the idea and then a lot of people who are really repulsed by it yeah right when you make something where it really depends on the mainstream like adopting it it’s hard when they don’t want it interesting I don’t know we will see
Uh it’ be very weird if we had this capability to like I mean if it turns out that it actually is way more environmentally friendly which is debated now but um if it is or if if it scales there and the cost comes right if
All if we had this way to make a massive massive problem go away and people just kind of didn’t want it uh that would be really interesting to me I guess governments would eventually mandate it people would eventually there’ be enough incentives that they would say you have
To do this or otherwise you know tax the other stuff who knows U and I’m not saying if it’s they should or not I don’t know but hard to imagine that we’d have a huge solution and just nobody would nobody would want it yeah all right um let’s get into our
Feature stories of the day this one’s just kind of quick unfortunate really um on the heels of the Panera death from the charged lemonade I think maybe two two deaths from charge two death yeah uh this is lady but it’s still somebody dying and that’s never
Good an Italian woman is killed by T misu manslaughter probe after 20-year-old with dairy allergy is served vegan dessert made with milk uh and this happened at a Milan fast food restaurant I don’t really say which fast food restaurant uh at least I don’t think so um apparently they ordered they ordered
Desserts this woman and her boyfriend and she wanted the dairy free tiramisu she got the one with milk in it I think she even looked at the label of it and you know very soon went into the bathroom to vomit um she she asked for f further clarification on this thing um
She started to eat it after being given reassurance uh and that’s when this the problems began and then it wasn’t that long until she went to the hospital lost Consciousness and then later died um restaurant she regularly went too so I don’t know why you know why she
Regularly went there she needed this reassurance before she ate the tiramisu but anyway they they’ve traced it back to you know the supplier which was a small bake shop a small pastry shop run by a woman and her daughter uh and they’re saying the invoices somehow got
Mixed up there and somehow uh they they sent the wrong thing or at least I don’t know if the thing was mislabeled or what but it just just crazy that uh a little mistake like that and someone dies so so I I don’t know I don’t know how to
Really uh weigh in here I guess my my only thought is like well when it comes time for the legal battle surely they will they will ask these questions but like should the woman be going out to eat at a restaurant where they also serve a non-vegan version of the thing
That could kill her if she gets the wrong one right like that’s that’s pretty risky just to go do that yeah I mean I mean if it’s labeled vegan like like um right I mean yeah but like but we know the labels aren’t always accurate right that is a known thing maybe not
Everyone knows that but we talked about it before that there was a large amount of and you I mean if all it takes is someone just putting the wrong label on something and you could be dead I don’t know it just but yeah I that’s true like so what we
Talked about before and now I’m actually kind of changing my tune on this when from when I read it earlier but um what we talked about before is that there were you know oftentimes there were things that were labeled vegan or plant-based had Trace Amounts of of
Dairy and egg and things like that in there oftentimes probably not because they had the they were included in the ingredients but they were used with similar or the same bowls or you know whatever cooking supplies utensils and and so things like that and and that it transferred over
Right um this feels a little bit different and that it’s probably fill full of milk or cream or whatever is in right I got a whole lot of it here yep um and so you know so so if it’s in labeled incorrectly then I mean that seems like pretty big issue uh bigger
Than because I remember thinking like how much does it really matter if there’s Trace Amounts of of milk in in a something that’s labeled vegan right right but if you’re getting a non-vegan version of something and it’s labeled vegan like that’s a pretty big deal right yeah I mean that’s it’s a
Good point they said on top of that fact that the tiu was was uh you know the wrong thing um they did find traces of egg in the mayonnaise that was supposedly vegan on her sandwich and and uh where is it here she she had this egg allergy but also
Suffered from a very strong milk allergy uh she carried cortisone or Asma medication with her so she kind of knew this was like a really serious thing I think and that my thought was okay if you kind of didn’t know that you had such a serious algy you just thought you
Had something um you know you might still go out to restaurants right because maybe you’ve had an incident in the past encountering a certain food but it didn’t kill you and it wasn’t a huge medical emergency you might then go out and then in this case if you get a whole
Lot of it you you it turns out way worse than but it kind of sounds like she knew that she had this um so I don’t know I’m not saying she’s wrong for having done that just I just putting myself in her shoes if I if I had it’s I don’t know
How I’d be able to relax ever going out to eat maybe you get used to it and you just say eventually you say well I got to gotta do it I gotta live somehow I mean it makes you appreciate so I mean how many times often not often but many
Times in my what eight years of of veganism have I been served something that uh that had cheese on it even though I had requested the vegan version or uh you know had had something on it that wasn’t vegan right oftentimes because people make mistakes in the kitchen or it doesn’t get
Communicated properly to the you know to the chef or whatever um right it makes it like you know the stakes are pretty low though for me I can either send it back or I can brush it off or decide what to do with it um you but I’m not
Going to die from it the stakes are much higher you’re putting a lot of trust in people uh yeah if if it’s actually going to kill you or send you to the hospital right yeah you are and I guess like do the people on the other side of
It realize that that if if you put the wrong label on this thing you might kill somebody and you might then be charged with manslaughter are they and I don’t it’s just does every at every level of food service like are they talking that seriously about the dairyfree options
Every time that like people know this is a mistake you absolutely never make I just never thought that they did I don’t know I just I just it’s weird I mean I can’t believe we haven’t heard of this before this sort of thing happening just like it would happen a lot but
Maybe they should I mean I don’t know you hear about it with you I mean you hear people with severe nut allergies go into restaurants and say hey I have a severe nut allergy is there anything with nuts in there yeah I just if I had any those
Allergies that was going to kill me I just don’t think I’d eat out I just wouldn’t it’s just not it’s just not worth it it’s too easy for people to mess up stuff Mr Jeffrey has a comment here and says my friend is in the hospital and she is and she’s allergic
To Dairy she was given a salad yesterday with French dressing in the hospital dietician didn’t know there was dairy in it it was me who noticed wow that’s badz that’s really bad that really bad I don’t that that would happen on this day we’re doing this thing huh well
That’s no good hope for you to hear about your friend yeah I hope everything works out there all right um moving on to the next one and this is uh this is an interesting article I don’t know it’s not the type of thing we usually do here
We’re certainly not going to go through all 100 but v news who recently seems to be our friend uh has put out the top 100 vegan cookbooks of all time reminder we’re in the veg news uh o not o Awards the veggie Awards you can go vote for us
In the veggie awards at veg news um plantbased Morning Show is there noade athlete radio is there if you’re G to vote for one I’d say vote for plan Bas Morning Show it’s more likely to win it’s new relevant that’s what we’ve got going for us compared to these other
Ones that have massive audiences and actual credibility and things uh we’re new and so we got that so go over there vote for Planet Bas Morning Show if you’d like Anyway top 100 number 32 can you skip right to that you have to do
All of them you can you don’t have to do all of them you have to thumb over a couple times but but yeah you can skip right to it just vote for a PL paced Morning Show if you want but you know might while you’re there you might as
Well vote for your favorite vegan cheese and all that stuff as well yeah right all right anyway um so of course I saw this headline thought where’s no D cookbook did it make the list or do they are they angry do they do they blackball us because of our content on the show
And time and time again they don’t blackball us for things they they seem to really just have never heard uh any criticism we’ve given and we are always nice at the end to say we like v news we get a lot of content from them and
That’s all true it is so anyway um we are number 45 and that is good because it is better than uh it’s higher than Isa does it can you believe that Doug oh I cannot believe that I think it’s wrong it’s a Mis misn numbering it’s a someone
Messed up that ranking they the thing should be swapped in my opinion mhm right I mean e does it is just just great it’s a great book a great book however I can make other arguments on the other side top 24 I was not too impressed with the top 24 page you got
To click one you know every 25 at a time um I don’t know and you know what there’s some noticeable or notable snubs here like there’s no plant U book in here is the yeah but it’s not the original plant U it’s the upcoming uh whatever it’s what’s her
Segment Scrappy cooking Scrappy cooking yeah it’s that one it’s not even out yet um oh oh yeah that’s that is bad H so I think maybe because they put that in they didn’t put the other one it just seems like that I that should be here uh
It’s just it’s just a good book What’s the title of this list of all time yeah top 100 cookbooks of all time the vegan cook Market is consistently growing so many great options but here we’ve narrowed them down to our top 100 picks of all time yeah I mean so I mean this
Is interesting though because like is it the most influential vegan cookbooks is it the ones that have you know are essential like Staples you know should the top five be in every vegan’s uh bookshelf right I don’t know how do you this was written not just is written not just by
Charlotte pointing but by the whole veg news editorial team I think uh yeah v news editors so a lot of people here and yeah they didn’t really say what the criteria are but they’re you know they’re definitely missing some influential ones I didn’t see Forks Over Knives cookbook that’s pretty big um
None of the engine two stuff that I find which is kind of shocking to me engine two the original uh that’s just huge Smash Hit yeah and then um remember Thug Kitchen which rebranded uh to Bad Manners I didn’t see that one which maybe maybe didn’t get included
Just for that reason controversial I don’t know um so that wasn’t there but you know when you talk about influence like that was a that was number one of vegan cookbooks for years on Amazon right so I I to not see it um but again you know maybe the other issues
Prevented it anyway yeah I don’t know uh number one is vegan Amicon which that’s Isa and Terry Romero I think that one you know was at the time it came out 2007 it was the best one right I don’t think it is anymore well and so this is
This is where the criteria matters right because I would say that a a hugely influential cookbook for a lot of right be the number one it should be number one for that as far as like most famous most influential most important but it’s just not the best anymore it’s not the
One you have to get there all there’s plenty of books that have as good recipes and I think even Isa I like Isa do it better than vegan Amicon and I like Terry homero’s uh Viva vegan better than vegan Amicon so I just I don’t know
If that book is so special but at the time it was uh number three the Korean vegan I have that book and I just have not really been able to find great recipes in it I’ve made a few a handful and I don’t know just it’s hard to get the
Ingredients so I I don’t I haven’t loved it it did win the James Beard Foundation Award so they they know more than I do so that’s good how about this vegetable Kingdom have you uh I’ve seen that one before and I’ve never really gotten it I guess I’ve always assumed Briant Terry
Is going to be like Southern Soul Food because I have another book of his that is that um but maybe that’s not a fair assumption maybe I should look closer at it um yeah so I don’t know I mean that that’s I don’t know it looks like a good
Book it looks like an authoritative sort of book I at one point I looked at it and I looked reviews and for some reason I didn’t get it but looks like it could be good uh Artis and vegan cheese mios from a small publisher I think that’s from book
Publishing company uh maybe but that you know that book just looks old when you when you hold it like it’s the photos look right just it’s like one of those things find of Edgefest you know from some table that isn’t like a big publisher and but I
Guess it’s again just sort of a groundbreaking vegan cheese thing and it probably I mean it is there so that’s there too for that reason Chloe I don’t know she’s number five I have not cooked much of her stuff except for Chloe’s Italian Kitchen I have that
One or vegan Italian or something like that and it’s fairly good it’s got some good stuff in it it’s not my favorite number six thousand vegan recipes this was a classic book for sure yeah another influential one yeah yeah we used this one a lot in the day back in the day and
I don’t know if it’s still that great but it’s got a ton of recipes in it and that’s good a thousand to be exact yeah there you go um all right others worth pointing out pinky Cole eat plants [ __ ] which that came out in 2022 we talk
About her a lot so that’s number 17 that’s good taba the brown who we also talk about she’s number 18 cooking from the spirit um also I thought it was funny oh there’s Brian Terry his his afro vegan is number 23 so he’s got number two and
23 that’s pretty good um you know so like okay number 11 OSI Glow’s uh oh she glow for dinner which is one I don’t have again like this is not her most influen book but it’s number 11 it’s the highest and I looked and I didn’t see I
Didn’t see her other one anywhere um and may maybe they just wanted to do one per author which I the same thing but then issa’s stuff is all over it issa’s got like 20 in here U so I’m not sure what the methodology was yeah I thought it was
Funny just ahead of no athlete cookbook at number 44 is a Sam Turnbull book not uh not the easy vegan cheap whatever one that I have she did and I just wondered maybe maybe VES does listen maybe they did that on purpose because they heard me at one
Time unfairly criticized Sam K’s book based on the cover and then I ordered it because I felt bad and it’s a good book but I just wonder did that did that happen on purpose I don’t know I think that we we think more about what veg thinks about us than they ever
Thought about us like you know when there’s sports teams and there’s like a rivalry and the team that always loses like they think they have big rival like I was at when I went to Boston College for one semester we thought our big rival was Notre Dame because there was
This big game every year but then if you ask Notre Dame person they don’t care about the Boston College game it doesn’t matter to them it just I mean yes they play every year I think they’re both Jesuit schools and they’re in the same or were in the same conference but they
Don’t care it’s not it’s not a rivalry they just always win uh so I think this is I think we just V we’re not even on their radar as far as uh a potential rival that’s what I think’s happening yeah I think you’re probably right about that
But anyway good list I like this list I’m glad they made this I’m surprised they hadn’t made this before if they actually haven’t um I don’t see a list like this too much this is good I’m glad it’s a good list yeah yeah I am too anything else any
Final thoughts dog on the list no no final thoughts I mean there’s definitely some surprises here um I wish they did talk a little bit more about the methodology but cuz I cuz I don’t I don’t think if I were um you know if I were new to being a vegan I wouldn’t
Start at number one and just start working through these cookbooks right that wouldn’t be the would not be the best thing you could do for sure because you’re just getting you’re getting old you’d be getting old important books in the history of vegan cookbooks but not all that relevant now um know
Yeah all right so there you go there’s your 100 best alltime um we have some comments here let’s let’s check them out um all right we got stuff about the oh we got just work a new name uh just work I think it’s somebody one in the comments I think
Okay I think Issa does it is better and more modern agreed yeah exactly that that book should be to me that’s top 10 I mean that could be top five as far as I I went through several years without using uh but I’ve always liked it and it’s
Just it’s just a versatile useful book and J work also says the methodology was when the book is good it’s good LOL so yeah maybe that’s what they did maybe they didn’t think too hard and and I love Mr Jeffrey here uh telling him to like the vid before you
Leave you want to work for us it’s great thank you Mr Jeffrey yeah and that goes for everyone else not just not just just work but everybody please uh please like the video before you go and sign up subscribe put turn on alerts turn noties
On as they say uh brers wants to know is the one by America’s Test Kitchen on there or is that to mainam mainst stream that definitely should be on there that’s a fantastic book Vegan for everybody or vegan for everyone I think it’s everyone uh great book we for everybody
By America’s Test Kitchen I don’t think it’s too shouldn’t be too mainstream mainstream is what we want that’s how we how we grow so I think that should be there um okay so that’s it little Korean vegan issue here from Mr Jeffrey I really like the Korean
Vegan but it’s certainly hard to find the ingredients if you don’t know where to go I have a Korean market four blocks for me though so I’m lucky yeah I I one day went on a Sunday out to like two Korean places and I could not find I
Couldn’t navigate the stores I had no idea what what I was looking at and could not find the things that were on my list uh so that’s it’s just hard my own fault yeah all all right anything else or is that our show for today that’s our show it’s our Tuesday show
Thanks everybody for coming listening all right look for uh look for the a new no athl radio format happening soon can’t tease any more than that and look for this new show coming on here what we’re gonna have is we’re gonna have I think five shows a week and
They’re going to be on the nor athlete radio feed probably so you you will need to move over there um but it’s going to be good and they’re not all play morning shows you know so we’ll talk about that soon maybe within the rest of this week I may be able to
Announce officially what’s going on uh but it’s good big news big news big news all right thanks everyone enjoy your Tuesday and we will see you Wednesday see you