Welcome back everybody to another video not going to lie to you I’m kind of freezing I know I’ve been saying that in every video but it’s getting colder and colder cuz the longer I’ve been out here my hands are like pink and red from just being so cold either way welcome back to
Another video we are still in Topeka Kansas and I just want to First say thank you to all the members thank you to all the subscribers everybody who Tunes in every week like the video do all the nice YouTube stuff this is the first decent
Road I have been on since I left the main city part I’ve been skating all the way over here and the roads have been so bad it’s actually kind of crazy I’ve never seen so many streets made out of brick I passed by one earlier but it’s like a lot of these residential
Streets have a brick like red small tiny bricks as the streets I’ve never seen that before it’s very weird and besides that the sidewalks have also been kind of bad but you never know what you’re going to get honestly especially when you’re coming out into the middle of uh some of these suburbs
In America this road is nice this is an all concrete road very rare huh interesting but anyways today we are skating to the Westboro Baptist Church this may be one of my most controversial videos I’ve ever done now in my mind I’ve heard a lot about the westbo Baptist Church
Before well when I was asking my dad and a few of my friends they’ve never heard of them before which I thought that was kind of a kind of crazy cuz I thought they were kind of big big news but maybe I just know a lot of weird random facts
And I admit I do know a lot of weird random facts let me just make sure I’m still going the right way wow this road is nice I’m I’m telling you guys right before I turned the camera on it was just bad Road after bad Road after bad Road it actually really
Not fun oh goodness girl what was that a stick um anyways the Westboro Baptist Church for those of you who don’t know is a uh a Baptist Church obviously and they’re very extreme with their views you know a lot of religions have have certain restrictions on what you can
Do and all that sort of thing let me get on the other side of the street so this car can pass if it’s coming this way yeah it’s coming this way okay um yeah so a lot of religions are very strict um this church however I think it was founded in
1955 somewhere around there so it’s not very old less than 100 years old and most of the members I think come from the original founder and his family so it’s mostly one family who goes to this church it’s very small but they’re very known for going and protesting a lot of different things
Mainly um homosexuality they’re very against that cuz like I said a lot of religions have have restrictions on that sort of thing but they take it to an extreme and they protest and they hold up very vulgar signs they even get little kids on in on it which I think is probably
The worst part about all of it um but not only do they protest that they also protest um I think you know different soldiers I don’t know what their reasoning and rationale behind but I’ve seen videos of them outside of um funerals for dead soldiers sorry about that guys my camera
Stopped for a minute this memory card has been giving me issues but yeah I’ve seen them protest outside of um funerals for dead soldiers cuz I think they’re anti-war or maybe the soldier was gay I can’t remember but I’ve seen the videos and it’s pretty it’s pretty crazy I mean I
Get if you have certain ideas that you want to follow cool am I to dictate how people want to live their life but when you’re kind of going to somebody’s funeral where it’s the last time the family members get to see their loved ones I think it’s kind of extremely disrespectful
And we have the worst Road I’m about to ever go across in this whole city I think we’re going to kind of walk this sucks these are brand new wheels too dang it guess we’ll skate a little bit it’s kind of I’ll update you guys when to get to the other side of
This so now you guys can maybe see what I was talking about earlier the roads are not good and we have no option for a sidewalk here which sucks okay man these wheels are going to be so dirty and gross I just put them on this
Morning I’m kind of sad about that but what can you do anyways anyways um another thing is they they’ve condoned 911 they said 911 I think was like good or something I can’t remember what it was all about what their rationale was nor do I really care because
Obviously uh I don’t think anybody who was involved in 911 deserve that it’s pretty ludicrous to even make that claim in my opinion but you know it is what it is some people like to believe what they want to believe and that’s it oh man I think I took a wrong
Turn oh okay is this a oneway street guys I took a wrong turn we got to go back okay so I did some backtracking and uh we’re on this really bad Road the one that I went through and we have the church over here let me see if I can get
Closer so we’re on this really bad road cuz I was supposed to take a right even though it doesn’t even look like a road and I have to walk the entire way but um anyway right over there is the church the Westboro Baptist Church the one I was
Talking about earlier we’ll try and get a closer look in just a second but I do want to show this cuz right across the street they have this rainbow house that somebody bought and it’s all ducked out with different uh phrases and things like that all written across it but I
Think it’s just uh it’s very comical that this church is super anti- gay and then right across the street somebody bought this house and painted it a rainbow um no matter what religion or views you have about any of this I think that is uh arguably very
Comical and there’s no way around that wow this road is absolutely horrible I don’t even know how to get through this I guess we’ll walk through the yard over here this is bad though my wheels are going to get destroyed yikes oh no oh this is really
Bad oh oh no my wheels are getting to get destroyed ah this is bad look at my wheels oh no look at that do you see that guys oh this is horrible I’m sorry for walking in your guys’s yard oh no I’m telling you guys I just bought these wheels today this is
Horrible look at that man terrible oh I can’t even skate this sucks oh oh man I should not have done this oh okay so there you go have a better look at uh the houses I’m not sure if anybody actually lives there they look kind of empty to be honest
With you I think some organization probably must have just bought them that would be my guess um guys I can’t even skate my wheels are destroyed I got my skates all messed up cuz I had to walk through it does anybody live in these houses right here no that’s what I
Figured like an or organization that bought it yeah have you lived here for a long time huh have you lived here for a long time does anything crazy ever happened no no that’s good oh yeah is this the not happy side over here so you don’t go to this church no
Yeah there you go I appreciate the time oh man so anyways here’s a good look at the church um you guys can kind of see what it says there I might even have to blur some of that out I don’t know but they have a big sign that says God hates the FW
Word.com anyways very interesting church over here I also think it’s comical that they have no problem protesting other people but have these huge Gates and fences up on their side but yeah that’s the church it’s uh it’s very small it almost just looks like a house that was converted into a
Church um I was talking to that lady briefly for a second that lives across the street she seemed very nice apparently she’s lived there for 8 years doesn’t have any problems so that’s good very uh interesting cohesion of existence here I’m sure uh the church doesn’t really like them but who knows anyways
Guys this was a good look at kind of the suburbs what the area of Topeka Liv looks like if you lived on the outskirts of town in Kansas of all places did you expect to see a skating squid video in Kansas I sure as heck didn’t
But that’s going to do it live from the Westboro Baptist Church I guess we’re not live but thank you to all the subscribers thank you to the members for all the support you guys give me to make these videos possible if you’re new here and you made it this far and you’re not
Subscribed I don’t know why you’re not make videos every single week go check out the playlist in the description and uh see you guys the next one peace Out Don’t forget to ring that notification Bell