Now Ch Sh E E He Oh E E Yeah W E that not [ __ ] Kirby’s Dreamland Kirby’s Dreamland song randomly came out in my recommended and I figured it’s I mean it’s described as that one dinky ass song from Return to Dreamland and it it really is it really is a very goofy piece of music I think It’s Kind of
Perfect it’s kind of perfect for this isn’t it hello everyone we are here live and I guess today we might be I don’t know e either finishing or getting like real close to finishing dragon born cuz last time I ended up actually exploring like half of the island or so
Half of every single location on the island so I’m thinking that it’s possible that we’re going to I don’t know maybe finish it maybe not but it’s definitely a lot shorter than I expected I think I talked about this last time didn’t I I think I talked
About it last time we didn’t stream it last week cuz I was busy with other things but I’m pretty sure I mentioned the exact same thing I was like if it’s short that’s actually better for the stream because I don’t want it to drag drag on for too long
Cuz the fact that I only stream you know like three times a week well I mean I have a lot of other stuff to do in my time right and currently the way things are three is three streams a week is kind of a lot you know I’m not a full-time
Streamer I would love to be but basically the way things are right now if our if our game series drags on and it goes on for like you know 20 Parts we got some I would have to stream it several times a week to get through it in a reasonable amount of time and I mean if a game was long enough for 20 parts then even then if I played it like like twice a week that would still be 10
Weeks which is you know three and a half months two and a half two and a half months sorry I’m kind of stupid you know I used to be able to do uh integration of trigonometric formula functions and you know complex numbers and tons of other crazy stuff in math
Basic arithmetics though nope that’s the worst that’s that’s the that’s the thing that you know you stub your toe on that I stab my toe on a nope another come on come on come on come on come on M just just no one in this whole area that
I that I own so we’re we’re going to gain no bond wow no relationship points earned smooching wamo every single stream well that’s how things go around here isn’t it uh how much of this should I spend I ended up not using my pyro we’re just we
Are going to use all of my refreshes my PVP refreshes but I’m not going to use pyck on this event from here now and apparently in throughout basically all of February we’re going to have all kinds of like crazy campaigns like triple the rewards from normal missions and hard missions and
Commissions so that will be a good time to do some refreshes I’m going to need I’m going to need to save my PVP coins for that feels good to have this amount of money by the way feels so nice we’re doing good in PvP by the way still Platinum attacked by like five
People all of them lost I lost some attacks but but I climb nice stay in Platinum thanks to shiroko it’s not too bad it’s quite nice it’s pretty it’s pretty chill we got we got two manuscripts but no steel oh okay I take it back I take it back I’ll take it back
Game right thank you I appreciate it we need so much of this goddamn steel Ayana us uses it for her skills hanako uses it for her skills I don’t think I’ve gotten like an AR left in like three days and the rest we Just thousands of these Crates uh exchange all thank you nice now Mayana is UI 40 already but how much is she oh six oh course these two boxes that we just did nice Urban Warfare terrain today okay that’s Okay oh I should check up on wakamo actually in the event almost forgot shut upo I don’t care I’m not going to wait for this well of course I’m not going to wait this will take an hour to get to 10 I’m not going to wait for that cool bye-bye let’s play some
Skyrim I was watching a friend a a good generous friend who has you know given me access to Yakuza infinite wealth I was watching him stream it for a couple hours yesterday and Ichiban starts the game with a job but then he loses his job after an evil YouTuber makes makes a video
Slandering him online and as soon as he loses his job he immediately regains the ability to look under vending machines for spare change immediately regains the ability to look for money on their vending machines it was so funny you are carrying too much no I’m not who’s this what what are you doing
Here oh I’m going with him right okay well let’s go I mean I’m pretty sure I have a lot of [ __ ] to sell don’t I yeah like kite in De brand Helm don’t they have like a whole of armor of that oh no it’s it’s it’s like hidden in different locations on
The whole island isn’t it there’s a aldwin is real black book Winds of Change conven ofmer schuma eater didn’t we have oh hang on I got to turn the game up because it’s real quiet again thank you I feel good I’m I feel fine and what might you need who are you
Talking to the campfire you you can you can go on your own you know I’ll I’ll be fine without you I’m going to die or do you need protection hm do you need my beautiful golden Saint CU playing ass do escort you oh [ __ ] more with music ah I’m going to n
You can’t do this to me game well luckily it’s you know it’s it’s like 10 m away from his house so we’re not going too far hello back on our [ __ ] as usual rob me on the road once when I drew Grim I think the poor man soiled
His army thanks me you’ve told me the story like a million times come on man keep going wonder if he has a spell to shave his hair like this certain how to build tow well that’s kind of because the dwarves have poofed themselves out of existence let’s get on with it oh yeah
Bro am I supposed to do something or are you he’s like roller skating what’s he what’s he doing okay but he’s following me now so this [ __ ] game this game still what the what the I was just about to say that this game has a lot of lot of the incidental
Comedy that Oblivion has not quite the same amount but still a lot but and then that happens me and my big mouth H some something was wrong with the shaders there for a moment uh what’s the what the he this place is weird what do you mean unemployed friend on a Tuesday
What is there some kind of meme where it’s like you have an unemployed friend who is uh like sending you memes like I se 3:00 a.m. on a Tuesday ignant Med yeah me drama is yeah book is I mean I’m not going to get into detail on that on this stream cuz you
Know it’s like who who cares really but I’ll I’ll just say you know wow the mentally ill woman is a cheating emotionally abusing distant terrible wife what a surprise if we can restore the steam Supply to this room I’m certain I can open it as you’ll see that’s easier news at 11
Yeah so while she was in Hall alive she she knew all of her regulars in her stream you know she knew every chat member she memorized everyone she could tell when you stopped watching her for a while she she watched you she knew how often you were watching her
Streams and if you were missing for a couple of streams she would then be like Oh Mr uh uh X where were you I I I missed you so much the last time I was here I only explored a small part of the ruins I was
Here alone then and I find like we talk about the parasocial thing in relation to vtubers but she was taking that up to like insane levels the city of 100 and her community is you know as as messed up as she is I imagine in the old
Stories when the came to conqu it it that submerged the entire it’s okay sea I’m not going to burn any Bridges by saying this because you know it’s not like H life is going to watch my streams ever now all right let’s focus on nof and you
Know his it is Aus old PS still seem to work whatever the [ __ ] he’s talking about I like the Ria video which is her going to get a Cola bottle and she just seems to hit something and die shut down a very good video to the so if we can find yeah
Andam so I need to find the cubes then I should open the book protected case bring that Cube we’ll need it this one control Cube acquired you know have one yes here we are this device shows the location four more cubes in this section of the city it looks like most of the
Cubes were moved to the lower levels perhaps to try to contr the flooding before the city what are you reading this from interesting that would suggest that the city must have originally sunk during the first Cataclysm of Red Mountain or that the DW continue to try to preserve the city after their
Creat you did you buy infinite wealth no but I have a very generous friend who has kindly provided his library to me so I can play it whenever I want oh I was just talking a moment ago how I was watching him streaming there is a very funny moment
Because Ichiban starts the game with a job right and then he loses a his job because an evil vtuber makes a video slandering him online and as soon as he gets fired he regains the ability to look for money under vending machines that he had in the previous game it is so
Good go on homie we the telani wizard right well this isn’t you are so badass and Powerful you should uh lead this Expedition you know I’m just a I’m nobody man and the the screenshot that I posted in our group chat that that I also really
Love it’s so funny K you being like you know I always thought in that bakam song it was actually a shark sing in it and it was likeo these must be the great work that’s so good in the city’s days of Glory was but yeah the story in the game is
Really really funny from what I’ve seen I’ve only seen up to like chapter one and a couple a couple other screenshots control P so it looks like we’ll need to water to make any more progress not real at least I don’t think so now we can see if we can find way to
Get wait where you where you going I thought I was going to get them both where’d you go we’re having fun now we deon’s eyeballs hardly a challenge yeah yeah well I’m I’m not going to jump that I imagine if this was Mor morrowwind I would have
Easily jumped this or levitated but but you know this is Skyrim we we can’t have fun in this game we can only uh walk at at a mild pace oh [ __ ] bye-bye I have a very nice sword don’t I so true besti so true where’s he going or do
I my fathered to follow the hunter but I set my aspirations a bit higher he never complain I missed maybe now I go here where did he go oh he’s just looking at [ __ ] Cube another door chest oh if I break like two more lock lockpicks we’re going to level
Up never know never mind yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah I should just conjur St yeah I’m not even going to fight I’m just going to you know that oh hello stada up to you have fun have fun bestie I have a [ __ ] me and the
Gang yeah but we can just swim you know it’s not like this is a big deal yeah yeah you’re a wizard yeah wait what happened to the cube I just put in that what what happened also why is someone texting me now that’s that’s a very rare occupance it’s not what do they
Want who the [ __ ] is Fanny congrats your 2024 gift is ready to reveal and there’s some like fake ass website jqi spoiler naughty bonus plus 100 FS on first dep sorry what and her name is Fanny yeah thanks uh I’m supposed to do it like this aren’t
I the water level just enveloping him nice okay but didn’t I have another Cube that I just put in this what’s oh this is the core o what you got for me neof let’s see where this leads well nowhere apparently Skyrim is one of the most dangerous places INRI I think they’re wrong
There aage there we could reach it if the water level was higher you’re so smart nof so true bestie so true wait do I need to raise both or just oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah my my sister’s birthday is coming up soon and I got her a gift AC
Coll other how are you speaking underwater how are you talking is that telani magic it allow you to do that I’m not going to do [ __ ] ballista penetrated armor where did stop that go Hello nice hell yeah get him girl different weapon this time oh these are one youth oh ah okay I get it oh hello well I’ll actually use my sword on this one underwater finisher how am I still standing I’m still standing [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] drowning uh now now we’re swimming all
Right I got bugged a little bit with that finisher I cool what a [ __ ] game this is what a game elixir of resist cold damn your oh I was about to say you’re Ash gardan is really good he stays for a very long time like my my St goes away after a
Minute but at least she’s cheap to summon well yeah I probably can’t pass like this can we uh nardu great chamber what do you make of this n we need to find enough control to keep the PS run and to turn on all four fight oh we have fourth we can come back
Right that’s good that’s fine probably come on bestie uh we I have two now what see when I have an ultimate super [ __ ] oh hello where did you come from Buddy hello what are you doing here hello I have so many friends now we can go down right
Boiler oh no this is something else oh I need like Six but those two are probably going to just stay up there right where’s n by the way did he get lost or did he just and go somewhere that’s beyond my feeble understanding when I have an ultra death murder [ __ ] murder [ __ ] sword like the one I
Have engaging in normal combat like this it’s kind of just below me you know oh you need a lot of these goddamn cubes oh no wait that’s for the water level the water level sty roomm armor of regeneration that’s pretty good that’s pretty nice but I can just level conjuration by
Just doing this over and over right what are you doing oh I think she just took fall damage and that’s it I keep thinking that this game is not as funny as I think it is and every time I think that just something really stupid
Happens even more so in this DLC it’s it just it’s it’s the light it is delightful circle circl of Peerless Alchemy dwarf in blex not sure if I see something here there he is okay I’m not sure if there is a reason for me to keep that other Cube for the level oh [ __ ] uhoh it would have been not very funny if I died to fall damage now cuz
We made a lot of progress I think I should loot these things so we need cubes for these four boilers eh what’s he doing what are you up to man what are you doing let’s go what’s that oh like a Ballista bolt I I started talking I forgot I keep
Bringing things up and then just forgetting about him going on tangent tangent that never go anywhere somewhere here it won’t require more swimming around in this fil I’d guess that must be the pump activator up there yeah it’ll need to get all well you’re a [ __ ] tan W you can
Levitate and I’m proud to call it home you you can fly up there homie you can you could do that in morrowwind you can do that now just fly bro it’s easy you’ve done it million millions of times I know you I know you have you you live in a tower that
Doesn’t have any stairs like [ __ ] they L you are so no but it would be too easy for him to do it you know it’s below him I am here I’m I’m the assistant it’s my job okay that’s well I just solved the [ __ ] puzzle that’s it don’t touch anything else quickly
Now well that wasn’t too difficult why why is there a reling just walking around what was that get him s you you homie where the [ __ ] did he come from I mean I love him I I want him to stay I want him to be with me forever
But I I have like a [ __ ] goon squad coming with me yeah scared them off yeah sure whatever you say girl why the [ __ ] did that just explode luck good luck with the quill H so we have nof we have mule we have stada and we have a wling
Warrior we have the best gang ever like a whole [ __ ] clown [ __ ] entire circus anything behind the waterfall nah see in that previous area I was wondering if I properly explored everything and if I got all the Cubes but I guess we have ow m is not going to like this way I
Feel come on girlle oh can we just swim it’s okay do you have the I’ll take we our can we go out water’s Rising even higher shut down that was easier than I expected glad with the retrie from the pumping pedestal we should now have five cubes
Exactly what we need now we can finally see about getting those boilers started right how do we leave here or what cuz this looks like I see a a chest M doesn’t oh there there you are hello bestie how do I leave can I jump this I probably can if I
Like I definitely can this hang on especially if I stand on the pedestal hang on no I don’t think yeah I I can’t like stay on that ledge but this looks like I want to go there bro wait do we leave this way no do we just swim back I guess so
Well I mean I guess we’re back but that felt kind of weird me all got left behind somewhere well I don’t have five cubes no what the [ __ ] do we do now all the vo here I picked up this Cube for you uh as much as or do I not need that one
Ah have fun s have fun oh she she got folded it’s okay there we go gang you are so good you are the best toas yeah uh hollowed dwarf and Warhammer nah looks like a piece of abon Arrow wait what wait did my eyes deceive me or did
I just see Eon ingots but with the model of the or am I stupid no I think I think probably I don’t know I’m I’m stupid aren’t I st we can get fake Thunder at least hey kagak I have a bootle thunder we got on Teo where’s this protective casing he was talking about where’d he go release the book from the dmer contraption what where’d he go oh are we leaving I guess
So that’s kind of strange though oh reading room yeah I guess so wow nof I would be so lost without you homie where’s me well I’m sure she’ll be back eventually At Last I hope it was worth it please be my guest you deserve besides it could be very
Dangerous these books are known to drive many people insane sure thing bestie oh good to say hello to learn the hidden knowledge of epistolary akuman now last time we discovered that this water is uh has fluoride in it and it’s not very good fake kening and thunder shame on you with
N yeah imagine pulling up to Doug of Earth Fortress and it’s just like wait a minute Nar these these aren’t King and sura what are these pieces of [ __ ] oh sorry I I thought they were legit I mean how could I have known I’ve never seen the real
Things wait how I get there there oh that’s how no thanks thank you wait is that it no chapter two my sister’s birthday is coming up soon so I got her a gift I got her a shark onesie now for context my sister is older than me right
6 years she is a grown married woman works as an engineer but I got her a a shark onesie and she loves it by the way she sends me pictures of her in it she’s having a great time ooh byebye ciret of Illusion nothing uh heal other I probably don’t don’t have this
Yeah pod dwarves volume one soul trap the lasty Argonian ma yeah sure that is a very important literature I’m very glad that her more I kept a hold of that you know he’s he’s keeping it safe for the future Generations font of magika what if I just beat the [ __ ] out of you
No yeah bye-bye nvar at the Red Mountain some of these books seem pretty important it seems pretty important oo Pages imagine the amount of like fanfix mod in here that is just like you know fetish literature which you know it’s definitely not what I’m writing no I I am a I’m a good
Writer who writes about familyfriendly topics oh the the the silly juice hello what if I just shoot at us from here what are you what are you going to do about it oh hello bye-bye children the Red Book of riddles I remember the the riddle books from
Morind I’m pretty sure there is some Quest that requires you to read the books of Riddles In mwind I think it may be a CL Quest oh hello and some NPC quizzes you about about it and you have to answer the riddles as as the as the the book told tells
You all the doors are like Crossroads I can see you you know last king of the a leads I’m pretty sure I mentioned this last time but I think if you took out a bunch of books from here to come back to Skyrim that orc from the College of
Winterhold would pay you a fortune for him would be the richest man in the whole goddamn world oh ah ah font of stamina oh it’s a tentacle from halflife remember that effects of the Elder craw chimi dinosaur gaming nusta fatak fakis I remember this too this this book is written in some
Like madeup slow language and no one was ever able to understand this right yeah yeah yeah an obscure Lang an obscure text in the language of the slow purposedly written by the second era Western Necromancer nasta and it’s you know in the cipher it was understood uh I don’t
Remember literally just teack support guide nice song of the aill men the Poison song the Waters of Oblivion strim armor of eminent Conjuring for Windows 98 I believe it this is some expensive [ __ ] but I don’t know if I can carry that I would need to drop
Something cuz I I have a lot of stuff on me stall regeneration there is so much [ __ ] on me rickling spear great sword of reaching glass M of harrowing this will go I guess or yeah yeah the great sword Champions cul I should have left some of this at at home or
Somewhere need need something else like maybe all of the books I keep picking up different treasure map oh right Hearthstone car St skull oh no I I need car stag is Skull nich Lea quick silver Quicks silver is kind of pointless stym unusual gem carp honey pots stolen honey pots
What else what else what else I can Trash something definitely okay we need the pool I’m just going to eat these pots of honey my dad seems to believe that honey is like a very good medicine for like fro stuff in general and maybe it is but
Every time I eat honey it makes my tummy act weird makes makes me feel uncomfortable so I don’t like it not a fan ooh well that’s nice Tommy owie yeah hello well done my Champion your Jor Enlightenment has finally LED you near to my realm as I knew it would
What do you want of me this time you have entered my realm you have sought out the forbidden knowledge that only one other has obained you are dragon born like Mir before you a seeker of knowledge and Power Heros Mora in this situation is like a guy watching two monkeys beat the [ __ ]
Out of each other that’s what me and Mira are to him uh all that he knows he learned from me I know what you you want to use your power as Dragon Bor to bend world to your will here then use the dollar you need although you did not know you needed
It the second word of power to bend the wills of Mortals to your purpose wow he knows the F but this is not enough Mira except when every single D Lord tries to claim a soul of power without that you cannot hope to surpass him M served me well and he was
Rewarded I can grant you the same power as he wields but all knowledge has its price I don’t need like power I I just bro I can just go to Mira and just punch him like real hard uh why do I need this world of power defeat Mira even Dragon submit
To yeah but I can kill dragons so what you cannot face him so say I her May m of the time oh he really loves saying his name yeah isn’t Ry your ally he has served me long and well but he grows restless under my guidance his answer is because it would
Be funny his desire to return to your world will spread my influence more widely God it will also set him free from my Direct Control strong it may be time to replace him with a more loal acting more like m borra one who still appreciates the gifts that I to
Off so what’s your price for the final word of power for knowledge the SK have withheld their secrets from me for many long years the time has come for this knowledge to be added to my library how many breads have you eaten in your life what if the SC refuse to give up
Their secrets my servant M would have found a way to bring me what I want so will you if you wish to surpass him send the skull shamon to me he holds the secrets that will be mine all right we get a perk uh your unring force does more damage May disintegrate enemies
What flame fire breath kills an enemy of fireworm emerges from their corpse to fight for you for 60 seconds oh frost breath encases foes in ice what if you start slurping the MMA which of these would be the funniest what do you think would be the funniest this more damage I make disintegrate
N I don’t think that would be as good maybe just this frost breath to like freeze enemies I think that will be funny how much Frost bre do I have I have two of them no do no game yeah yeah this seems funny thanks wait you can still change them I guess
So I guess it gives you like a moment to try them out what did you see different people have very different experiences when reading these books I talk to Hero MOA you’re still acting surprisingly safe what did she have to say I I can hear me all behind
Me what Secrets could they have worth keeping from old sounds like a bargain B learn ways to skin a ha and you become the second most powerful Dragon yeah he’s right he’s right what could they possibly know I need to get back to you way to SK to loc I [ __ ] love this
Guy she’s like ow what the what the hell did you do that for ah I’m itching for a fight I I believe it I believe it hello wait oh hello Cula has commanded it yeah I don’t think so homie oh finisher cool good fight besti mushroom that’s what happens when you have a
Sword that you know does this bye-bye take a swim I have so much trash on me I really need to bring it to my house uh talk to stor right oh you can fast travel the Skyrim nice hello you’re looking for passage to Captain G would be funny if the wling came with
Me for Dawn Guard 10 p.m. maybe he’s still going to be working and this s is still being like the loneliest person in in the whole country just sitting on that stone bench by herself oh she’s here here’s everything I have sorry there isn’t more uh kiten armor kiten armor of
Health or but I maybe I want to leave some of this in my house for like to look nice necklace of Health Frost resistance by 70% that seems pretty good ring of extreme Health scal coat yeah I don’t really care for that actually ancient Nordic pickaxe see you see you you should
Haveen you should have seen me in the height of my adventuring career I don’t remember what day this game begins on like we have 23rd of first seed right I remember mwind begins on some day of the last seed hope you’re getting along with Eed I don’t remember when Skyrim begins
So maybe it has been a year in game since my playthrough began really miss traving like this walking the bre of sky always fill my heart with excitement little place isn’t this no don’t talk to me go to your working station nobody Cares see in dagger fall you were actually timed on the main quest so you probably have to care in that game cuz if you go around too much uh you fail which I think is pretty good RK told me R’s been watching over me for years look I’ll be honest
Yeah I know right pretty silly something worth your time you have a time limit on the main quest it’s like [ __ ] Dead Rising what’s the Worst That Could Happen my dumbass invisibility potions we’ll speak again soon oh yeah yeah yeah yeah can you sell
Me this is fine yeah he does what do you need blad he still has all my money death brand the helm I should probably keep all of those CU they look champion schule Arrow glass bow of expelling oh wait what wait a minute he just [ __ ] robbed
Me he just he just [ __ ] robbed me his money didn’t change when I sold stuff to him what the what a piece of I think it’s not allowing him to use the money I gave him from training in actual trading where the [ __ ] are they now people say Skyrim is one of the
Most dangerous places INRI I think they’re wrong magificent and I’m proud to call it sup we just we’re just going to chill can you imagine it a world without a sun we would all have been do vampires and Men Alik where where the hell are they where are those people what are
They what are they doing s is here still you know forever Alone it’s 12:00 a.m. wake the [ __ ] up that spell looks dangerous keep your distance what spell that spell looks dangerous not aot still those of us here have as much of an obligation to protect Skyrim as any other you just goes back to sleep all right then bro it’s wake the [ __ ]
Up oh never mind it’s midnight oh sorry sorry sorry chat I don’t know how AM and PM works I don’t understand why it’s 11: a.m. and then it becomes 12:00 p.m. and then it Bec comes 1 p.m. that makes no sense isn’t that right M he just [ __ ] spawned
Here we should all just use a 24 hour system because it’s logical are you stuck friends like you are hard to find and very valuable to me it’s huh huh people say Skyrim is one of the most dangerous places INRI I think they’re wrong it’s magnificent and I’m proud good day friend keeping
Well okay now we can watch this very carefully right uh dri arrows yeah and now abon Arrow one 65535 didn’t change good luck that is [ __ ] I could have lost so much money on that hope you’re getting along with E’s watching oh well some oh I’ve already spoken to them we’ll speak again
Soon I’ve already sold my invisibility potions no I haven’t what the what the hell’s going on what I few people of a random get yourself killed Divine smile on you this place sucks bro that what are you doing that for like an amazing cultivation I guess we’ll go sell our [ __ ] somewhere
Else like first of all white run though it’s probably going to be like night time by the time I get there maybe I should talk to the kajit yeah of course it’s night time got all seal to shape Gods be Praised oh he’s actually here for once he’s actually here for once got a lot of Ste Gods be praised right you get this and nah these these are like I’ll just sell them bone arrow dwen bolt does he have anything useful I mean I doubt it does the stuff isol
Them I don’t claim to be the best Smith in in White Run erand grey main has that honor fine you know I I don’t care about money anyway he he can have that [ __ ] mhm people say Skyrim is one of the most dangerous faes in hello it’s a sh it’s a shame isn’t
It by sh but you are a persistent one haven’t I told you I don’t think you should be talking by cus in public people might get the wrong idea what the hell are you doing bro stop touching the dead ass what the don’t don’t join [Laughter] Them oh every everyone wants some hey this [ __ ] game I don’t claim looking to protect yourself or deal some damage she can have Ken armor she can have this don’t forget to check inside the shop if you need anything right and I got and I got some stuff to just leave in my
House like the car stag skull in retrospect hendraheim is probably a better house to live in but but you know my all my stuff is already here so and I like it I like it it’s okay it’s nice store store KAG resonance gym natural leather and the stall room
I can put the skull like here Quest item oh well then at least it’s not going to be like taking space in my inventory then that’s okay kiten armor let’s put it check this out by the way this axe is on there it’s on that rack and it’s it’s here for some
Reason and you can you can stand on it can you imagine it’s great isn’t it it’s great Remnant Shield let’s is the kiten remnant agent armor the dark Seducer nothing here or maybe just I’ll put the death brand Helm here or the dunare outfit Strange Amulet Zach cus missing too AAL and
Duan oh yeah one of them the guy is mining isn’t he Emperor armor that armor then you have dragon bone this and I and I keep my [ __ ] on here there’s a lot of stuff on here mask of clavicus vile oh yeah Champions cudle it it goes somewhere but where where where where’s
It go theal Shield is Gore wab Jack and blood scal blade weapon black nice blood scal blade is really good apparently and you know it can launch projectiles as well which is pretty cool but I just like my sword you know I probably could Forge this to have
Similar damage to this in addition to launching projectiles but I I don’t know I mean maybe what does it take to upgrade silver do I have silver probably right yeah okay so now blacksmith’s apron and my Elven bracers of eminence moving and I will conjure the spirit and now it’s not really that
Amazing oh and the Power Attack is only 30 damage okay yeah yeah yeah yeah this isn’t at all going to compete with my [ __ ] are my rings there intelligence for violence Independence for violence yes back you go war and black B fate what about this armor what does this look like both are kind of I’ll just sell them or this stuff of the flame metronic why do I have just so much stuff and a million
Necklaces right fine when I was young fine Journey with my father on H let’s go get rid of this and now we’re gaming probably it has been an hour and a half huh good I’m probably just going to wait wait what about the books that he wanted locate the Assassin of
Old wind and sand book is iron bind Barrow I want to talk to urag and see if he wants any of my books like you know Nast fatak fakis see if he wants any of my [ __ ] there are few places that incident in Morthal was just a misunderstanding hello bestie you want
Some of these AR Mage you’re not my rules as a matter of fact there are immensely he hold himself up in since then I’ve heard Whispers of more of it work having turned up if you can track it please make sure your hands are clean before touching Journal okay until next
Time I guess he doesn’t appreciate this knowledge well to be fair in theak fatak fakis was kind of a popular book in mwind it’s not even that rare it was in everywhere it was in jobasha’s rare books okay so I’ll just leave my books at home as well and then we’ll and go
For real huh huh but I’m surprised they didn’t give him like at least a little bit B of dialogue for these weird books you bring back from heras MOA or the or or these Quest items aloin is real okay let’s go should I do this yeah fine I’ll be real quick about
It there’s a book here it’s all about books lately isn’t it I’m going to speedrun this area that’s right one hit good not very tough are they any new insight on egay girlfriend no just besides the the fact that you know as mentioned last time kasumi’s eggs would be just
Huge and presumably it would be like giving birth a few times a week wait how do you open this bur TI we could use that to our advantage who the [ __ ] are you not now stay alert who the [ __ ] are you more like menstruation yeah that must be a good life
Like every like other day or so you have to just plop out a an ostrich sized egg I guess oh that’s done it let’s get in there who the [ __ ] are you who who are these people I guess I haven’t actually been here I didn’t consider
That be a very I’d be a very happy man I mean it’s a lot of eggs to eat you you would be you would have a lot of food if you had someone like hassi as your girlfriend and by the way I recently realized because someone
Sent me like a table with the heights of every blue archive character hasumi is huge she is 179 cm I think and I mean sure there are people that are that are 2 m or more I I missed but she’s huge in terms of you know like Japanese woman Heights like that is
Colossal uh quit on Friday night Funk and stuff I mean I don’t know I’ve just seen the streams streams of it and it sure seems nice enough seems Charming music’s nice I’ve heard a lot of bad things about the Comm Community though but you know I I hear bad things about every
Community Ju Just Don’t interact with communities and it and Things Are much more nice that way usually hang on what’s the name for yay oh just scrambled legs oh oh that’s what you were talking about oh okay fair enough I I thought this was some kind of
Like unique polish meal but no I guess not just scrambled eggs although usually we put hem in in there in the scrambled eggs and I know there they usually put a lot of hem in there I kind of want to have hassi carry me that’s a good and Noble and wholesome
Desire me too Homie don’t rush ahead this is a trap if I ever saw one whoa what’s up with the lag is it because I old Saab out of the game I don’t yeah the game’s like real can you just imagine how ancient this place must be hundreds of years thousand
What are you about skeleton warlord geffri oh he’s huge he he kind of sucked though fool I should thank you I knew the girl wouldn’t be strong enough to help me kill Gap there’s just one more thing I need your blood should be good enough yeah letter to Salma what what
The did you just res resurrect him where’s the other guy or did the MU get him that him no well I guess he’s dead somewhere makes scrambled eggs with fried tortilla chips sounds good sounds good see wind and sand strangulation I haven’t eaten scrambled eggs in a very
Long time and then suddenly one day like a couple months ago I got a craving for it what’s the game like maybe I have to oh you can leave this way wait but I want to find argon’s Body cuz he probably had something has something on him what are you
Doing but I do not see where she killed them what the [ __ ] I legit have that for breakfast every day I mean it’s nice it’s nice it’s pretty good what what did she do with the argon’s body what he go homie just isn’t here anywhere and the game’s being being really
Laggy right what do we have uh oh it sucks oh no here we go Frost fall letter to beam what’s your usual breakfast I just get like h a bagette with bread and bread and with butter and ham and then eat something like like a half a bell pepper alongside
That separately by by itself I just cut a bell pepper in half and just eat that by itself I I eat like a Spartan basically I’m kind of uh keep my daughter safe and you’ll earn both your freedom and that damned book you want so badly my fathered me to follow okay let’s
Go and nof wants this book for some reason I miss is it a silly book on air oh W Iron bind Overlook whoa hello how did you get here how did she accomplish that wow uh now we’re going to Soul Ste goofy has armor you’re looking for passage talk to Captain right Raven
Rock Let’s also go talk to the vendors here maybe I’ll I’m sorry to bother you but second councelor Rano asked me to come find you he all he wanted me look this is important please go speak to the second counselor as soon as possible serve the Cod
Okay who are you you should listen to Mo seems you’ve inherited a situation what drov R owes me 1000 sept at least he did until you set him up with that telani wizard the way I figure it it’s your fault he can’t pay me so I guess I’m going to have to
Collect it from you or I could kill you take your but if you draw on me the guards will put a bounty on your I work for you got a problem so so how how do you intend to collect the money from me then I’ll give
You this warning only once stay out of my way and we’ll do just fine cuz he cannot attack me cuz I’ll kill him if you’re dealing with tired of running I KN take your but if you draw on me the guards will put a bounty on
Your head not you you can’t you can’t do [ __ ] about me like what are you talking about tired of running I knew knew you were weak now uh yeah that sounds good half I think that’ll work what I’m not giving you [ __ ] you’re not getting [ __ ] from me
Tired of running I knew you were weak take you but if you draw on me guards will put a bounty on your head not mine somewhere else I’m tired of running I knew you were weak now nothing for now one way or the other I’ll get my money you looking for
Trouble that’s that’s it stay out of my do you think that’s scary you think your collectors can do anything to me this idiot bro is so goddamn Clueless when I was young I Jour with my father on Hunting oh he sits on the barrel yeah so
What can I get you everything I’ve got on display Really stuff of the flame atronic K an armor of Health yes if you need any supplies you know where to find me your actions here have been a blessing to I don’t know who ah so you’re an alchemist you’re an alchemist then does she sell bees no she doesn’t seem to sell bees
Unfortunately I would buy bees off her if she did potion of water walking Berserker virent poison Red Apple elixir of Destruction remember I have plenty of potions and ingredients right let’s see what the helping Jas come back to bite me if I don’t he’s going to keep sending fogs after me iions and
Ingred feel free to try dumbass Adil arano you you’re you’re a conselor thank you for coming what do you me everything you’ve already done for ravenrock I hate to ask for more but I can’t risk councelor morvine being killed the anen family of house Lalu a rival great house has
Placed a death mark on the counselor’s head It’s A Private Matter let’s just say they seek revenge for the execution of one of their own ordered by councelor morvan himself the problem is I don’t have any solid proof that anyone from house Lalu is hidden among us only my suspicion Among
Us it may be justified but it certainly isn’t appreciated councelor Morin simply feels that I’m being paranoid I’m afraid that one day I’ll awaken and discover him dead I don’t want it to come to that I do I’ve received some information from my sources that there could be
Elements of anan’s house house Lalu already in ravenrock ravenrock is a small settlement so it’s hard to accomplish anything in secret if any of them is from house Lau I wouldn’t be able to make a move without them knowing I had a feeling you’d be willing to listen to
Me I need you to start out by being my eyes we just search for whatever best place to he provides you any leads Che them out before bringing them to my I don’t know about this Quest homie I don’t know about this this doesn’t seem that fun a
Fine might might might might end up being fun in the end since this is you know the morwin DLC after all welcome to the wretching well well oero knows he needs all the help he can get he’s been chased the orans for years no I just think he’s going about this
The wrong way traveling like this actually or do skym if you want to catch those slippery slaughterfish you need to let them come to you there’s an anen ancestral tomb near the temple someone’s been leaving asham offerings on the alter side oh that isn’t that if you were to obvious for
Whomever that is I’m betting they’ll have some of the an what makes you think I any time Adel and the reran guard made a move theol must have been one step ahead and didn’t show up you can thank me if it works until then I to the tomb and wait until your
Visitor shows up when a dunmer has laid to rest the body is burned and return of the Ashen soil since the asham is born of the very same soil it represents rebirth and renewal the fact that life back in 95 V anolin came to Raven
With a plan to take over our town but feter fa he could stir up the locals and use them against the reran guard and then Mur councilor morane when we weren’t looking he arrived alone but spread enough Corner around to start changing people’s minds aftera bloody Town joined his side can you believe
That he underestimated the rer and G they were organized and brought a swift end to the coup V tried to run but he was caught by Captain vth himself V anen was executed a short time later and his remains placed in the an ancestral to H safe travels Outlander okay
Interesting let’s check it out but I don’t know he says the other guy is conspicuous but then what about me you know cosplaying a golden Saint and walking around the city like I’m not really I attract a lot of attention you got a good the finest weapons in armor that’s just what I
Think uh dri Arrow sty great sword kiten heavy gauntlets ran watchman’s helmet ooh we could give this to M and thankfully it’s kind of light bring your weapons and to I’ll fix it let’s give the give this to her for a moment oh a bit of this and a bit of that
Wait has the storm made any money we’ve made a bit of gold here love this is your share wait oh here trade some things no problem I can carry a good bit of gear she just has a bunch of random ass arrows on her here girl all set let’s
Go I’m a different person and I have you to don’t pity me and don’t look at me like that I know what I am she looks like a mushroom beautiful haven’t I already been in here yeah Temple ancestral tomb so it’s probably like here right I’ve never been a cell sword never
Traded my skills for pay I’ve always adventured excuse me but I presume the same thing you do forgive my surprise it’s just since there aren’t any anolin left on this island I’ve taken it upon myself to leave the traditional offering in their stead you’re from house CL what
Kind of nonsense is that I’m simply now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to meditate a bit please I don’t wish to be disturbed while I’m meditating you’re lying so now report back to him what if I report to the guy here can’t believe Ren what what if I tell him about
It I work for M you got a problem you talk to him welcome to the wretching N Corner Club home of the finest Su Jam that will ever grace your lips she looks so good that was a good idea yourself out there like right wait where is he
Um they serve the best Su Jam I’ve ever tasted over for wretched n I trust you’re not planning any trouble what can I do for you friend I hope G just tell so GIS if tesu is involved in any sort of plot I’m not kicking down any if
You’re wrong about tesu things would quickly if you have evidence here this key should open the front door of manner in case they’ve locked it we’re going to sneak into their house did you find evidence at se Mana yet I’m certainly be careful right M I’m
Going to be sneaky about this I’m going to be sneaky yeah I mean maybe they’re right about it being difficult to keep things conspicuous inconspicuous here considering it’s just one Street huh for house SP your wow me I I was Nar what are you talking about I mean not in this game
But you face but you’re not going to have a face in a momenty it’s not my time who’s going to win ooh good key get out of the way who gold diamond ring safe key ring of Peerless restoration they have an important safe somewhere cabbage potato soup the axe
Man they should give this house to me you know now that there’s not going to be anyone living here burn spr in wood oh yeah this is so going to be a player house this is so going to be a player house yeah mannequins and everything it’s not even stealing at this
Point the anen matter I’ve waed on nearly a decade to exact my revenge upon lar morvin for the death of my ancestor and I long for the moment my blade will be drawn across his throat this is so going to be a player house one wonder if the cloud are going
To be okay with that though y yeah all the five four stars oh you you you give give this book to uh hanani cooking pot funny lanterns that went well just beat the [ __ ] out of two women don’t know what then we find All That Remains now is chasing
Good I don’t think they’ll give willing best we have bro there’s no one else to take down you don’t need to worry about anything anywhere can see that you do you can’t afford to let these traitors slip away don’t be put off where are we going Ash follow Citadel oh
Sigma let’s go me so what’s the I’m ready let’s go she looks good um what is that there H where is she just not in the face all right we’re going here meet up with the r on guard I have no intention of helping them out in
Combat by the way I mean I guess I could summon St morong assassin ooh I think you’re bleeding have fun oh there’s more of them oh these guys suck morong armor who o but this is just like reskinned kiten armor still though Mor thing is pretty cool clothes 45 fire
Arrows well I guess I’m going to have to do this myself after all but if they’re all as tough as that then it’s unlikely to be too much of a problem someone there get them off sure have chain hello oh this this one has a lot of HP
Oh why can I not out what there’s two more over there I love a good I’ll see you this [ __ ] game oh hello nice what about here sweet rolls morak Tong armor safe come on there we go hunting bow of shocks wa you’re an me why I thought we were
Friends I don’t want to be come on man aw oh [ __ ] actually think first time I’ve had to use a potion in Forever stolen potion wait this one’s a friend this one’s a what what the well now I’m kind of confused there’s like five bodies here
My mother was a woman she’s the one who can you imagine wait what I think mu is dead that’s okay she’ll be back there’s a guy h get him s what the that’s okay I can just keep doing it someone there wow okay okay no that that that’s not the right thing that
Yeah ohow actually taking a l damage damn okay hello good what well there we go for a moment she was wielding nothing what’s up with these rickling Warriors I I don’t understand C of eminent KN eminent wielding dwen soul stealer Orcs wow they had a lot of [ __ ] on
Them people say Skyrim is one of the in why why were they just ging in here and I’m proud to call it home I mean I guess preparing for whatever but still though it’s like what I just leave okay the job is done all the red runs are dead all the clus are
Dead only tellan rules which is exactly how it should be let’s talk to nof while we’re in the area it’s only been 2 hours damn it feels like it’s been a lot longer than that for once it doesn’t feel like the time is just flying it feels like kind of like
Slow it feels like I’ve done a lot in this two hours so do you have it did you it’s as if tell first spoiled food perhaps this particular Source was worth more than I thought in any case this is truly yes yes all right in the meantime take this
For helping me I’ve seen enough death to last three lifetimes wait what does he want with Bri Hearts oh that’s that then good day dragons Master nello says they are no match for a telon wizard what about a m Apprentice what about a mere Apprentice call bjor Barrow n actually let’s talk to the counselor turn that quest in Glover mallerie I work for M you got a problem
You talk to him wait he’s here well what happened sure then what of the ran guard damn it I was hoping to protect our people think that vendel would stoop so low as to hire those Fetchers I’m glad fet simply wonderful councelor Moran will be quite pleased when he hears about
This Villa anen wasn’t the first anen to live in ravenrock his father Valen hul was one of the first dunmer to settle here unlike his son Villa when Valen died his family the anen family being a part of house L didn’t matter it’s dma’s tradition for
The ashes of the Valen anen and his son’s remains were both laid to rest there because that’s what he’d requested follow me and I’ll take you to the counselor so you can speak to him yourself look at those people golden you got a good thing going here now that you’ve reopened the minds
You got a good thing going it’s busier now that things are starting to look up I guess I might stay a bit longer after all you’ve brought ravenrock back from the brink adal orano second how I hate that title damn he’s in grave danger when I fall asleep this island was never
Meant for us I assure you unfortunately Ador and counselor Moran are very close friends and they will as the wife of a second most important thing is that I stand by ad no matter ad and I lived in blacklight blacklight is the capital of morind house Rin has improved black
Light substantially over the last Thousand Years its Grandeur Rivals that of mournhold itself the root Spire where the Council of great houses meet I haven’t seen the city in over 50 years even for a dunmer regardless I hope to return there someday which doesn’t seem like given my husband’s commitment to
Coun morvin man is just like a tiny ass house what you’ve done for me for all of Raven Rock for this you have now however since a bit of coin hardly seems like since the S family or whoever they as counselor you’ve earned your citizenship here yeah yeah thank good
And I hope you’ll consider staying with us as a member of our community I can’t thank you enough for reopening the ebony Minds you brought light to the dark my very nice you get a house all right um maybe we should explore explore the island more let’s explore you know let’s let’s
Just walk around I’m sure there’s plenty of fun places to see got to be some cave some house some ruin some mine abandoned Lodge requires key H Ben Kong’s Barrow I feel like it’s possible that I may not have cleaned out some of these locations I’ve seen enough death the last three
Definitely a possibility hello hold traveler you have no business here we mean you no harm but be on your way or what leave now or what get out of here you have no business with our pack be gone you have no business leave us in are they like
Werewolves or something they are aren’t they don’t leave leave alive I figured Dam you think you stand yes yes I do think I stand the chance wow you were so scary you are so scary beautiful Dwarven sword of the bleating it was pretty much oh now it’s not stealing now it’s not stealing
Anymore now it’s perfectly legal I’m surprised pleasantly surprised yeah no one would really do something like this or or this we are totally normal people and they were referring to each other as pack which is also definitely normal person Behavior what’s next we are a murder like crows The W in the ruin is this the back door got to be yeah yeah yeah show the back door AAS are so beautiful I really want to see one eventually it’s like who what [Laughter] the oh it counts as one entity even though they I don’t want to kill them rickling
Spear but there so like little and silly and cute why can they not be my friends BR structures are very clearly not meant for adults huh dropped frames 29 seems good to me since that’s less than .1% of the Stream So I dare say things are finally looking good for
Once plate and bore meat they just only eat like B meat they eat ham I think they’re wrong it’s magnificent who killed these guys don’t don’t tell me they’re are fmer in here or some [ __ ] I don’t like the goddamn fmer what I just pick up what did I just pick
Up oh a small dmer lever see you what the what the hell what what the what in the [ __ ] is that mate solid dmer M do I need I got to press some of this [ __ ] to open it good I’m just going to press these buttons
Until I know what all of them do wait H someone’s there oh good the body went flying good there still an enemy somewhere finally what about these last two another one is that just going to stay like that cool help house Forge Door son of a expert
Oh a wrong way so it’s like here no there we go P stamina yeah sure oil spider wait well this is a living thing what the what what the [ __ ] is that mate H oh there just like oil stink everywhere this place must smell delightful oh oo Gasoline how do I open this imagine sh average white girl bedroom not not unfor how do you how do you open this [ __ ] what I mean I could all the way just oh doesn’t work anymore okay let’s go to the forge then let’s go to this area here excuse me eony Scimitar ooh
Ectoplasm oh this place looks interesting P Royal tar use for enchanting weapons what the hand the K not unenchanted weapon wait am I going to get true Flame or something one hand we have the indor indoril helmet Temple priest puts kroth robes Eon citar oo it is true flame what
The dwar four gems throughout Soul time oh you son of a [ __ ] unenchanted weapon and it waste 12 you can have a true flame in this game I guess but you have to make it from scratch you know again I’mma going to die again yeah POG POG face okay
Well that’s cool but it doesn’t help me with exploring the rest of this dungeon how do I progress here in this stupid spider area see what I learned in Portal 2 is when you’re stuck you just need to take a look at your environment real carefully really
Carefully cuz you you tend to kind of just miss stuff candle light walls they can in the of an ey so true bestie oh I see I see what do I just that worked there is just so much spider come on this that it was near impossible to see
No wonder I didn’t see what the there we go hello and bye-bye Dwarven sphere Master flawless diamond nice nice nice o okay wow this place is Big this place is big is that supposed to be platforming you want me to walk across this game hello F house corridor
I miss when areas in these games had like stupid names like in morrowwind what the [ __ ] are these sounds how did you get here right like you have more iluni in mowind where sections of the cave are just named stuff like like Marowak spine or uh what was it it was called
Something like thief of the saint or something like that and and in ucal you have Hall of torque which is where you find the guy with thunder on them no clue what I’m doing I’m just pressing levers and hoping for the best oh it’s there’s another who calm down buddy calm down
I need more coin birth hide the shield of dwindling magic 50 okay 15% I do not give a [ __ ] this might be where I came from actually though oh I just got grinded by the Cog Wheels this is a huge ass place okay oh hello wait is this where I came
From uh a boilery on the left ah wait oh no I think you have the platform okay so we’re just oh I see I see I see I I get it but I but I have to go through this again at least the the loing screens are
Non-existent cuz in OG Skyrim if I had to go through [ __ ] like this it would be a pain in the ass oh well well the Game just crashed why do I have such a talent for jinxing myself every single time I say something I immediately get spited by the universe always why
Why what the [ __ ] okay get back here you dumbass o she blasted it okay okay the pieces are here nothing important so you cannot walk anywhere from here but I presume they want me to just jump down here which is also so why it was marked as Blood
Stained ads what ads what like fire eye from morwood visarch of Maund good H oh right more of this [ __ ] again nope doesn’t work what oh oh come on oh that is horeshit that he could zap zap my Co from there but I couldn’t do [ __ ] about him the war of an arrow electrocuted my nut sack a little bit and that was the master
Ballista well this isn’t going to be one so it’s not a good fight actually someone else Anin d outfit Reverend orcish bow I’m going to try shooting the resat resonators with an arrow to see if that opens the gate what the there’s so many of them what the why isn’t that one
Moving they needs to be in order or something okay I don’t think it worked I get the idea I did something wrong wrong wait that that one is so many what the One 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine this one was nine and that that one was also like a
Lot 4 n that one is nearly the whole goddamn Circle the what the hell okay now it’s going to take too long to to punch these idiots is this just going to keep SP spawning enemies no so that one is 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 is that 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 yeah that’s 20 4 9 13 that one is nearly the whole goddamn Circle oh that’s what we’re doing now
Eh okay how many is that 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it’s 18 so what what about that one no that one is three three four okay but we already have a good combination that can that can actually solve this I could or sorry M but it was too funny
Okay how much is that 2 3 4 5 six okay so that’s not going to work reset I know how to do it chat the man abusing his wife oh she’s fine okay but now to actually solve this puzzle three four four and 13 told you now what what did this accomplish
Uh gate controlled by a large boiler in the center of the room okay so there’s got to be like an entrance somewhere oh here ah and that opens this yes so we have our shortcut back this is a substantial un dungeon ooh yeah it’s really really huge more of
This at least the enemies are easy hello Critical Strike skeleton Eon Arrow hunting bow of fatigue so what did I accomplish by doing that now what there without I I probably have to like what’s the hurry what are you talking about what’s the hurry here maybe yeah Grand
Hole I made it I figured it out and it’s spiders a spider comone you going to come out of course you are what about you yep your best Albino Spider Pod oh you need to collect the cor from those things okay simple enough Dynamo core I’m smart see I can figure out these you know childish puzzles out I’m smart this ain’t nothing to me man there we go and what do we have in here p of gold
108 I mean it’s okay imagine missing this kages resonance gem glass boots of shock suppression staff of vanquishment it’s okay a bunny battle ax good Vis of M oh wait a minute I almost missed this release allows we to release the breath ofak a powerful steam
Attack okay you can Brave steam like the the centurions okay not bad and we’re here let’s keep exploring there’s some kind of mountain pass I believe no White Ridge Barrel a mind to the West I’m going to explore all of the island before we continue cuz it doesn’t seem like
There’s much of the island although I suppose the dungeons are quite substantial even if few in number hello you really were a challenge reings unfortunately I hate to kill them but they’re the ones who pick the fight with me so that’s just how it Goes oh these ones are friends okay oh yeah they’re like rival Clans I guess ah fair enough I’m guessing there’s a some kind of quest for these East Empire company Necklaces come on there we go let’s check out this mine Homie didn’t even get to finish his sentence I love this sword that good bow mold apple pie oh but we have a drer ruin and a lot of bodies in here oh two amulets of K on that guy what were you guys doing in [Laughter] here Fro them in place
Y the breath itself doesn’t quite do as much damage in comparison to the sword does it there’s a bit of a disparity there deadly poison and I have part two next a that boosts the damage of of that uh breath but I guess I would also need to take
Take the perks from the the destruction skill Tre man I haven’t leveled up in forever now what I think about it we’ve just been stuck at the same level yeah sure whatever cool a descent that seems like it might be important gold ingots debella statue I already have two of these at home
Did I just clip for a rock yeah yeah yep yeah yep I did WOW unplayable game what chopping block yeah let me take let me take a break out of uh dungeon exploring I want to chop some firewood yeah it sure is a Surprise just doesn’t get old watching them get folded by one swing from this sword is that a smelter you you could live in this place there’s a lot of stuff nice [ __ ] magic dumbass yeah the Poison song you’re not really that threatening you know nvar guide me the [ __ ] are you going got
You got you golden Ruby ciret why is the head so heavy like it should be way easier to do funny stuff with I guess they don’t want me to have to much fun with severed body parts but come on let me throw the disembodied the decapitated head around it’s funny come on come
On in another head the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he doing he going to have he’s going to have a key right I kind of don’t care enough to lock pick that myself yeah nice shall it insights whoa I wasn’t even trying to progress that the dumbass Quest but what happened here
Bye them whole mine is now cleared maybe maybe you can oh maybe you can go out this way maybe uh huh oh isn’t this a thing oh no no it isn’t what about song of the US kill the men yeah nah nah I’m there wasn’t anything worthwhile yep we’re back here recing
Warrior hello fellas they just decides to move in here cool I think m is in there but not my problem is it what what my mother was a strong woman she’s the one who instructed me on my sword fighting techniques what can you imagine I’m itching for a fight what
We’ve made a bit of gold here love this is your share all set let’s go I’m getting schizophrenic what the [ __ ] I’m itching for a fight all set let’s go I’m hearing voices here wouldn’t want you going into a fight on an empty stomach I’ll have another meal ready tomorrow all set let’s
Go The Voice cooked a meal for me I’m itching for a fight all set let’s go amazing okay that certainly is a thing that just happened in this here video game she’s following me somewhere I I can’t see her but she’s there that’s [ __ ] more more Smurfs come on I don’t
Want to fight you come on come on me Beautiful Creatures beautiful gorgeous creatures writing what strange vessel there’s an upside down ship over here malignant magika poison I probably should have taken that use Empire pendant we have almost leveled up I can’t believe it we’re actually going to get a perk
For the first time in [ __ ] hours what the hell is this necklace of major Alchemy flagon okay Lea boots huh shoes hide armor someone died here but what the hell is this Construction Ming pass that guy were they hiding in the in the snow sorry homie you don’t really stand a
Chance there’s a couple caves a mine let’s check this one now 3 hours in and this stream could keep going for a while too like if I feel like it maybe maybe this would be like halfway through you know oh hang on but before we go we need to do something important slaughterfish
Egg where I’m itching for a fight she’s still invisible only the voices are here for my company right just touch our students real quick you know boom boom right still on screen someone attacked let’s take a look Chad let’s see what they want with me what are you guys up to war you
What oh they actually beat me out of this he won rain flowers toy Bunny and shirro cycling what are you cooking bro you’re not going to get me with that kind of them this however he got lucky with m 98 100 let’s attack someone let’s hit this guy
Again I mean I I say again but I haven’t fought him before I don’t know what what he what he is nice easy easy back in plat we get more money per minute as I Deserve what about ah I’m going to have to do a mock battle first because I haven’t tested if this team works this this silly team of two students let’s go time to do a little sparing match again match against my wife there she is Yeah wel come on my beloved himari’s X looks nice in a filter mik still too let me just do this over and Over damn ite fore spee Nice now we Continue finish it Off nice team of two students and it per and it performs better in this fight than an actual team of four CU because it’s more efficient for them cycling their skills it’s not even a dispute you you see this is because my wife is here to give me Mater materials right she gives
Me materials and money she cares all right she gives me stuff all right now for real I love her I love this music I quickly one more is she already running away yes at least she took some damage from that It’s a little tight but it works all right and now Mika will finish her off O half of the entire health bar gone with that one attack yeah look at all the stuff she has brought for me and the money especially the money the money is the best okay and you get one every half an hour which means this would be in like 3
Hours you you get one fight every five hours and the rewards are rewards are good so you know you got to you got to do It Nice good [ __ ] all right back to Skyrim if you in case you didn’t notice this before mol has now become invisible she is now a figment of my imagination she does not exist I don’t know why I have no idea what all set let’s go what do you mean what are you talking
About Flame cloak spider oh look at all this whoa Ruby geod look at all this spider Seaman man this place must also smell great yep just the light ful spider goon cave yeah who the [ __ ] are you what is she being like controlled by something what the what the [ __ ] is that good
Dead there was like something on her shoulder some kind of creature I saw that that’s [ __ ] up for a moment we had something like yeah there was like a spider on the back of their neck for a moment we had something you know like kind of creepy
Right kind of like oo that’s unpleasant and then you see the [ __ ] jumping terrorist spider just a completely different uh completely different vibe immediately shutters the the kind of the creepiness this atmosphere could have had by having suicide bomber spiders come after Me what what do we got here this looks like a secret room so so hello good that was kind of me you should have seen me at the height of my adventuring career I don’t see you now fearless and took too many risks but that’s what it was all
About I don’t even see you now much less at the height of your adventuring career right what are we doing here Ruby geod White R sanctum wait what about that bridge from before how long is she going to stay [ __ ] invisible oh more of more of those meras you can use
Them oh that that’s holy [ __ ] I’ll show him insane and where the hell did you guys come from why why why are there reings spawning everywhere and you can see all the piss drain out of his body when you you killed them I see a chest where does this lead
Why are there several Puffs again iron door another very confusing layout okay hello and goodbye wind Cyclone Frost resistance by 50 Frost spell damage by 25 okay wearing one of these masks would be nice if I was going for a mage build since you would be wearing you would be using Elemental
Flare we’re doing this [ __ ] again ventured into quite a few expel dra I’m sure you have me the solo Regent whatever that means oh but this time it’s dark okay see I prefer this actually it’s kind of obvious but this I feel is what Apocrypha really should
Have just look like from the start just darkness and it’s just books everywhere wait what oh do I have to follow the light or something I’ve been vamper IED okay Master Robes of conjuration and illusion guess I have to follow the light interesting it’s slightly annoying in
How it makes you wait for some things what piss off yeah I the gimmick is actually in practice kind of annoying to deal with shall we go or what no well now we’re Going yeah the green Apocrypha is fine but this at least looks so much more alien I don’t know man I just feel the darkness is just great is really doing this place of favor Vibe wise bye-bye ring of replenishing but I’m getting kind of cooked so let’s be careful M flame
FR sumon a flame Atronach permanently Ah and how much is that exactly 700 115 Maga so like you need to have the perk to have this to even cast this and even then it’s not like they’re particularly powerful right what do we got combat skill are all 10% more effective all spells cost cost 10% less
Speaking of having the magic cost stealth skills are all 10% more effective well I mean those combat skills mean smithing as well there’s only one right Choice wait does does that mean my damage increased yes it did it actually did wait I have a perk um well I don’t want smithing I
Don’t want enchanting I don’t think we could get some of these to make our destruction more powerful conjuration cuz I don’t really want any of this other [ __ ] I think yeah let’s just hi M there could be about I can smell in the a maybe wait it’s cleared what are you talking about
Cleared there’s like several other areas I haven’t even been To what’s happened is it going to huh huh black s I’m Grand what the actual goon cave actual goon cave actual [ __ ] goon cave what I think I mean what what else would you call this look at this [ __ ] what the and why are they
Here I I don’t understand why why I mean I I love them but they’re the best but why do these Smurfs keep coming after me coming with me uh the untapped Power Within These spiders has finally gone to marlar’s head who knows what kind of fumes these experiments have been given off what
Effect they they have on the human brain at least I’m all right or maybe I’m not but I think I am pickaxe imbuing switch spider experiment notes you can craft the spiders uh what’s what’s that written out there there must be other types of spiders out there Damaged Albino Spider Pod
S all right well let’s try making something do I have a normal Sapphire no I don’t have a r you can have a diamond wo and salt pile does it not work with a diamond guess I can put a ruby in but I wanted to get the the the what about the Flawless
Sapphire exploding Frost spider six added wait are they weapons what are they re be flawless sapphire there are Scrolls exploding fro TOS is a dead spider on the ground which explodes so what wait so that’s what I did damaged P right and that creates those so let’s oh we didn’t even consume
The Sal pile what the what about my father wanted me to follow in his footsteps as a hunter Skyrim spider iming are there po poison spiders you can make okay shock spiders are from amethysts that’s weird glowing spider mind control spider it creates zombies spawns a spider okay with
Dwarven Oil you can make a spider that secretes a flammable oil oil when threatened pack spider but it’s not in game up to six spiders can be summoned at any one time and they do not count towards conjuration limits they will remain summoned until Detroit and they will fast travel with
You they will follow you from sste to Skyrim they will follow you into a shop or house they don’t seem to follow you when you visit Apocrypha but we’ll be waiting when you return hm okay jumping fro I set my aspirations a bit higher spider then complain I miss
Him shock cloaked that’s not the one I wanted to make oh it actually consumes the the salt pile and I don’t have any more amethysts so but I’ll just make poison ones Emerald yeah jumping poison spider give me that one again oh this is going to be so funny so you
Can now I understand why I get it oh this game is so silly exploding this is amazing okay but also common Soul Gem and mind control spider oh he’s this this is [ __ ] up okay that’s good m is invisible I have an army of spiders great fantastic I have gained the powers of
The spider there’s an emerald so you can try to cook some with the rub elixir of extra magic this is amazing okay how do I leave oh now now she’s visible she’s back to normal she’s just fine I I don’t think I can actually leave that way so did I go
There I don’t think so this leads down right I didn’t go this way I’m going to oh this is here potent fear poison uh well God it I was fearless and took too many risks see it’s all about waste of time I don’t know how to leave the short
Way so we’ll just have to leave this way great so and there’s still the bridge that has to be taken down in this area over There unless no wait that the wait I don’t think wait a minute no no some kind of switch here somewhere Dam it’s spider B yeah I don’t know is there something valuable in there a reason for me to waste my time oh uh is that really how you intended to get in
Here just jump what I don’t get it I’m so confused it must it must be the the fumes of this place the spiders are in my brain piss off chat I killed an insect like some kind of small bug that was in the shower by just going at
It it it got like crushed against uh the wall because of the force of the air I used the F in real life that was my unrelenting force it took an insect insect’s life it’s real I have the F right whoa what the who what do you mean requires
Oh oh that’s where that was oh cuz I have the key that’s why it opened right right right oh that’s a sa sappire GE this is a very silly DLC well there’s still like three caves and I presume that I didn’t check some of these caves
Out like cman Barrel I think I’m going to call it quits in a moment though I was saying earlier it might be 6 hours but I kind of don’t care enough for that today especially since we’re going to have a good stream tomorrow right wobble dog is going to finally happen Castle Car
Caverns H I’ve been to this place in Mor wind ason bone M formula eon dger of The Inferno four cups of bone dust one cup of void Sals one bottle of N Jelly one cup of ground strim chips one bucket of fresh water Glover mallerie why can you not get this armor oh
It’s like Delvin mallery it must be Thieves Guild Armor that NPC exclusive or some [ __ ] I thanks why did he just die what just killed him what homie had a heart attack M didn’t even have the bow equipped o oh actual door this is is what I was
Before feel like I should probably check out the door before cuz it might be like a small dead end with oh okay wa there there’s several doors oh it’s like a prison cell or something dead wling glass warax I guess that’s all then yeah yeah I these Spears in
Me I look like a Minecraft character after being shot by skeletons like 10 times you you look like a porcupine 10 million 10 million arrows in in your ass I [ __ ] lead somewhere too hello good good po Tusk bleeding crown goet just going around murdering Smurfs
This is a lot like blip and blop actually though I don’t I’m not sure how many people will get that reference V did the stream that one time not too long ago either but that’s a kind of obscure joke game I that I did also happen to play with my
Sister a long time ago of Castle carag Courtyard why does they die like that car holy [ __ ] is car back yes oh but he’s a ghost so okay actual tough enemy though well actually this this I think is the greatest bug I’ve ever seen in Skyrim ever I can’t shave my [Laughter] sword
Well I don’t think they expected me to get ragal into a different area can you attack no I cannot attack I cannot sheath my sword which you can tell because she would sheave her sword if I Sheed mine let’s try oh oh I’m back now now I’m good
I can’t search it don’t tell me I didn’t get any items from that though besides like summoning carag oh you can sit oh that’s nice that’s pretty cool is he here or is he is he like a power yeah he’s a power isn’t he yeah you may only use this ability three
Times and only while Outdoors only three times like ever huh Soul Time Master dangerous places in I think they’re it’s magificent oh nice that was that’s going to be easy nice to call it I’m really going to have to make like some kind of B vog highlight reel of
These Skyrim streams because this is just fantastic we keep getting good [ __ ] like every other Moment wrong Shout I’m going to Mark the goat for Death I’m going to be really you know efficient to make it take more damage bye-bye let’s check out let’s check out this area and that’s probably going to be it cuz I’ve done a lot today this crabs old salty tankered shoes lots of meat dri Shield okay okay you really killed the merchant
Mother crap yeah I don’t think so he went after me first so I don’t think he was interested in trading but the mcraft merchant is really amazing in mwind especially because it’s something you could very easily Miss especially if you’re kind of bloodthirsty level up Kind of Perfect Since we’re just
About done with the Stream Northshore Landing what about this ancient Nordic pickaxe she’s fighting corers boom very good we have a bunch of these Eastern Empire pendants five I presume they’ve got to be like Collectibles for a quest right yeah 33 I I have five and I thought that was a
Lot but there’s 33 in the whole DLC okay [ __ ] so f is allor there’s still like I think these two caves I think I didn’t clear them out maybe and there’s like a mine there but other than that we’re basically done the next Skyrim stream might be kind of
Short so I’m going to save that for next week we’re going to finish this and then you’re going to see what I have prepared to end this play through with cuz I have something really m magical I have a great idea Dragon got him he’s not even in the city dumbass a
Dragon my money is on the it’s busier now that things are starting to look up I guess I might stay mining gear no it’s an amulet they gave them to their workers as an incentive they’re no longer being made so they’ve become here’s your coin you keep
Bringing me more okay 500 money for each okay e emps thanks Todd for a dumbass Dragon AI M doesn’t give a [ __ ] she’s like me or maybe she just can’t see it because of the the helmet where’s the dragon these people don’t care either everyone’s like this guys is like well yeah there’s
A dragon but you know this carpet isn’t going to sweep itself haveen I don’t get paid by the hour that’s what it was all about can’t have [ __ ] in Soul SL don’t pity me and don’t look at me like that I know what I am level up available more destruction I guess we’ll
Just keep uh powering up the elemental Flare though maybe I should get a trainer in destruction oh yeah and I can get this to him to place gems in the Forge Fire a fight wear Keno’s helmet and robes to infiltrate the Templar ranks what what quest is that uh great cowl can you [ __ ] off those fools are actually fighting [Laughter] thanks what a game thanks a lot chat I’ll see you later