What’s going on wrestling fans it is I fall and welcome to Tang count right here on wrestling news Co on today’s edition I’m talking to Bronson Reed how are you doing good you know it’s early morning but uh I’m here to speak to all the lovely people and all the media for
Royal Rumble well it’s known for a secret entrance Royal Rumble that is who do you want to be a secret entrant coming into the rumble secret entrance uh shock Master Uncle Fred not right yeah I’m a big fan Tugboat all all of those any one of the the gimmicks that fredman did
He’s great he’s great my surprise entrance oh man I was going to I was going to say I thought you going to say okada because he’s leaving New Japan right now and would he be welcom into the WWE locker room uh I would welcome him if he gave me the third match you
Know if anyone knows our history at the moment me and O Carter are won a piece I’ve beaten him he’s beaten me but if he comes over here to WWE I feel like this is a little bit of my territory now so I’m going to have to show them the ropes
That’s true big meaty men fighting big meaty men that’s me what about Mr meat Shan Stasia could you see one-on-one match with him I could even though he was meat right he wasn’t the meat that we talk about nowadays so I feel like I could handle him pretty easily maybe
Maybe pretty sure good from memory one episode of Raw the rock pretty much you know handled him all night long yeah I think it do something similar he ran into a wall I think and fell over except this time the wall would be Brunson Reed of course and now I’ve done some
Research on you and this is going to be an unfortunate story to tell uh a wrestler one time double stomped on your chest on your stomach and you uh you craft your pants that’s true uh can you explain what you’re feeling when that happens it’s pretty much a ride of
Passage in our business I feel like I’m not going to say everyone here but I feel like a lot of the talent have probably done it at one point in time uh and it did feel like it was on purpose as well my opponent was Duke Hudson a
Very close friend of mine that I’ve grown up in in the business with and I feel like he did it on purpose to try and make me do what happened and it and it happened so uh in those moments you have to be a professional finish the job
Finish the match get backstage and showers immediately yeah I would hope I hope like well get on the airplane Bronson oh yeah you can sit backstage you know it’d be a little icky though you know you’re obviously going to win the men’s Royal Rumble of course of course uh who’s
Going to win the women’s Rumble this is a tough one don’t piss anybody off I want to I’m I’m looking around at the competitors I’m going to say Nia Jax ooh yeah I think she has a uh strong chance similar to me when it comes to the big
Meaty men slapping meat I think she’s one of the big meaty women slapping meat so I love it that’s who I’m going for I’m V my vote is for her and if I didn’t say her she might beat me up that’s true you don’t want that happening no we
Don’t want that I avoid n at Old you know you’ve wrestled so many different places where is the strangest place you’ve ever wrestled uh I’ve wrestled in some really strange places uh I remember wrestling in a tent in Malaysia uh not the strangest place maybe I wrestled in
A roller skating rink uh in my home country of Australia but the change room was actually where people hide the roller skates from so maybe that’s maybe the strangest change room I don’t know about venue elimination chamber is coming to Australia and I are you just texting and calling Triple H Non-Stop I
Have to be in this I have to be on the card pretty much yeah that’s how those things work right right he he always answers the calls and messages he doesn’t have thousands and thousands of people trying to get in contact with him so it’s fine yeah elimination chamber
Per Western Australia it’s going to be a huge event of course and now Rock has recently signed up with TKO a board director man that seems like he can just make matches if he wants to as in Rock versus Roman Reigns possibly happening in the future now who would win Rock
Versus Roman now I think the rock is definitely going to go down as one of the greatest he do it 100% but the way that the tribal Chief who we all acknowledge is in a different level at the moment he’s leveled up I feel like he’s unbeatable so I’d choose Roman
Reigns oh man oh man oh man big controversial answer there but bit hot how can you go against the travel Chief you can’t cuz if you do I think the bloodline takes you out yeah yeah I’m not I’m messing with them no Yeet no Yeet one final question though is when
You were released by the WWE I interviewed you about that situation and you told me Shawn Michaels sent you a text look at Shawn Michaels shirt folks he sent you a text saying that hey you know show them what they’re missing out on have you spoken to Shawn since that
Moment and saying thank you yeah so funnily enough I didn’t see Shawn Michaels until most recently I think it was maybe 2 months ago I had a fourway uh on NXT it was my return to NXT and that was the first time I saw him and and and I mentioned that and he
Remembered it and you know I said how thankful I was because it pushed me to to get back here and uh you know he he send those texts to a lot of people you know he’s the inspirational guy and I think we’re very like blessed to have
Him not only in the business but also bringing up those people that are coming up in NXT yeah well thank you so much for your time and good luck because big mey men are going to be in a big mey match and that’ be you no one can throw
Me over the top Road right nobody nobody thank you so much maybe Otis but don’t tell him that don’t tell him that there no smart enough to know yeah