So and for those that aren’t familiar JK is a ripper down from the peninsula way and he’s a stray Jeff Kendall yeah yeah that’s a good way to describe cuz he was yeah really they used to assign who their Pro was yes like you have everyone had an equivalency like in terms of
Their their style or their technique and Dean I’m not sure if you know this you Melbourne’s Tommy Guerrero oo like just fast and like speed lines good style yeah you um I I’ve got a lot of facial hair but I haven’t got as styled facial sh hair as
He has it’s not about the hair it’s about the vibe I like it I like it yeah natural foot as well so um so then we sort of started going to that ramp at Ry and learning to ride it and stuff and but it was so like the one behind the
Shop yeah and it was like I think it was 10t tall 2T oft bits of unattend itional oververt and like PVC coping cut down the middle screwed at the top an escalator that was not meant to be there um and yeah so we just skated that all
The time and with Jamie and a little crew and um Renton would come down on the holidays cuz his family like had a holiday house somewhere and so um he would so we’ get at summer like cuz so many people go to the peninsula so we get this injection of all these like
City dudes that SC at pan and sort of would they’d be down there yeah and sort of influence the thing was it a closed shot like as in could anyone just roll in and skate that like two bucks yeah right yeah and so this my first job I
Remember George Patterson the guy that owned peninsul service center then L PSC one of the partners he said I was like age 11 and he goes I’m going to give you the best job you’ll ever have which is not true in retrospect but um at the
Time it was and so my job was like to collect at the time like you’ve had plenty of jobs at age 11 yeah but he at the time I was right you’re right you are right this is an amazing career so I just collect my job was to collect the
$2 and just clean up and make sure it was all fine sort of thing and that sort of evolved into like I just started working in the shop cuz I wanted to do that like you know when you got to go behind the counter in a skate shop
Pretty special dude if you could like walk into a skate shop and you could go behind the counter without question yep that was my favorite thing nowadays that was a Bader like you are you’re a made man yeah I still get excited when I go
To Goliath I go behind the counter and I just you know open the cabinets and check what I want and everything and I feel so comfortable back there it is the place it’s just so good I want to just set a board up for someone I remember
Like pushing the boundaries to see if I was allowed to go behind and just being behind the counter going oh behind the like it was so it was so like I think my whole thing is just like I just really get into stuff and have like
Like the things that I love I just hold in such high esteem and the things I’m not interested in I’m throw right out I have a slight disdain for maybe which isn’t very positive so yeah we skated there all the time and so you started as
A vert skater I just started as a skater so that was the thing like good way to describe it skateboarding skateboarding so that no but that was the whole thing it’s like everyone wanted to skate vert but then most of us just SK Street cuz that’s all there was sort of thing so
Were you dropping in and airs and stuff on that R not then I could drop by the end I could drop in and and do a few little airs but the rant was so bad it was sort of like later on after I like went through the mini ramp craze then
You could just like go you had that feeling already of trans you know and you could get a cheeky revert in cuz you just had the moat like the miniamp was just so good and then you go to all these skate parks where it was like there’s an 8ot one they actually cut
That ramp down I think they cut a foot of ver off it and they moved it and then I was was like like I could go to town you could just skate like a mini ramp sort of thing and um but yeah I I could
Never do like airs over like 2 foot or anything like I couldn’t get I didn’t have that blast sort of thing but I sort of related more to Street skating like straight away actually at that comp at Ry they had this car park in safe in the
Safeway that had this like the trolley Bay came out so it had a curved curb and so if you got onto it you could go around the corner and then around the corner or no I could grind you’d start up at the top and but then you sort of
Get in and then you could go around to tail slide and stuff like that and it was so waxed right and remember you talking about in the last episode PA the guy that ran perfect transition so cuz all these guys were like wrestling characters to me like there was all just
Larger than Life and just like it was just so it was like just going through a portal sort of thing of like coolness from like the boring world so is wearing like overalls and he’s like you know Big Bear of a man and then he’s hurling and
These are all men to us like J they’re terrifying so he’s got going so fast to this like thing and he misses catching the corner and goes straight into the pole of the trolley Bay like I think it bent the pole and then he just lies up
And all his friends are just I’m just like that dude’s dead and then all these friends I would love to know who they cuz I’m sure I know them all now like you what I mean like John MCG could have been there all those yeah um I just
Remember PA cuz he had the overalls on and he just got up and all his friends were laughing at him and me and my brother just like going what the [ __ ] going on like these people are nuts and then yeah so that really sparked me off
And then I sort of quit football and just was like tell that and then like there was like some good skaters like Ellis Jason Ellis used to skate there cuz his mom like lived in Ry so he would go there and he would um he would just
Be uh it was really funny cuz Mark Grayson was there as well so you know he’s a ripper yeah and he was like um he was like Cory webster like he was the good guy the guy that was good at the rant but was really nice to you
And then Alice was the guy at the ramp that was really good that was just a proof and I was just such just a willing goober that I was just like I’m just going to wear it I was I was telling um I was actually telling Greg this
Yesterday um he had a Flyway helmet Alice so then I got a Flyway helmet and he’s like 5 years older than me and you know his family life like reading his book and stuff like I sort of got I was like oh yeah of course you’d hate me
Like I’m rocking up with the like I got $50 worth of tracker accessories on my you know totally tail and the tracker copas with the little things that side and the like it was it was insane and um I remember like I got a fly away and I’m like I can’t
Wait for Ellis to get here I’m going to show him his fly away and stuff and I go oh look Jason I got a Flyway and he just goes [ __ ] great and just walks off and I’m like I’ll get him next time and then they had this sequence
They got transwell in at the um at the shop which was life changing cuz that was just something to get every month to just like yeah and um there was a sequence they were at some skate camp in Switzerland or something the Articles like you know 87 maybe and hawk in
There’s a sequence of him doing a padis m twist right and it’s sort of like it’s the same issue where they had guns doing the first like stalefish at the same place and um so like I see that in the magazine Jason gets to I’m like hey
Jason um you wouldn’t believe in the new Trans World Tony Hawk does like a padis mtwist he yeah know what a mtwist is like I’m like oh come so we go in I show him and he just like goes and walks off and I’m like I’ll get him next
Time did Mark was just so nice like it was just such a weird that was such like the the like the yin and Yen yeah yeah like the like like the archetypes sort of thing I remember Grayson won um he won the street contest on the early bird
Show like he won the final and stuff and he did his boness off a wall he can’t say that in front of a brother this he got ripped on that from Tony Tony yeah oh really well I remember Grayson R um he did remember they had like a quarter
Pipe and then they have that little wedge thing so Grayson like ran up the wedge and then boosted off the wall of the studio to do a bone Wass and I remember God the things I remember are so bad um Marie the host goes on the microphone goes oh
Mark I remember like waiting for him cuz then he went to the ramp after it and I remember I think we’re waiting out the front of the shop cuz we knew he was coming and it was just like he’s just on TV and he like he had the
Veriflex not that he was going to ride it or anything but um yeah and so Grayson actually ended up being a big um he sort of just taught me everything about cuz then I’d work with him PC later on and stuff and he um yeah I owe
That dude a lot he’s a champ and man he God he could skate like really stylish solid superar yeah we skate with himas a little bit like that big rampy mizar and um and he just like so with that stuff when you first met Jason and
All that skating at the ramp what how old were you then maybe 12 or something yeah 12 13 and then it sort of led up to that um oh how’s this right so Ellis comes to the ramp one day and says I quit school I’m going to be a pro skater
And we’re just like like this before all snake pit sponsorship and all and then he just moved to pan and just skated the ramp for a year and then he was in the ramp right the next year which is like pretty sick he killed it he was like so
Powerful and stylish I loveely could I could sit there and watch was nice to me though I love he was s good nice to you now he’s he’s a nice man he wasn’t nice to anyway yeah right but um but he was so rad like when he scap from planet
Earth and stuff I was just like oh it was so fitting that it was planet Earth because it’s like Chris Miller and him is like Jason’s kind of got a bit of Chris Miller and a little bit of the sort of um some of those slugo boys and
Those big tough kind of yeah but it was sort of funny in that whole like how I was saying like the Tommy Guerrero thing and all that um cuz Alice was sort of like our Chris Miller and then Dom was sort of like our Tony and they all like
Like I was like that’s perfect and then Evo skated for vision through gon so it was sort of everyone style wasn’t a gon style though oh no the oh way he did like stuff like he had that he was he had bit more style outside of that trie yeah yeah but that
Ollie the tail stuff and that yeah front olly sort of stuff with a big gonzy yeah the um but then that there was a big the demo at Pan um like you know the hwo one and and that was I think there’s some there’s some pictures I one of like Le
Ralph or something but me and um Jamie went we left Rose Bard at like nighttime essentially it was like 6:00 in the morning we got the bus then we got the train to pan we got there like 8:30 in the morning and just got a spot
On the fence and just like waited till 5:30 for the demo and had no idea about all the people that were behind us like like but that was just I remember seeing like Tony Hawk and just like losing my [ __ ] like like like just to see them in
Our local easily on the level of like a Taylor Swift person seeing Taylor Swift Mania just like yeah yeah cuz it was then it was so D jointed like cuz they never to I remember like finding out there was a 2 they did that little veriflex ramp demo in the middle of the
City and it was like Tony and Phillips and that just find sort of before I was just clicked in y that was at City Square yeah yeah yeah and um and they had an article about it in transwell which I just read just like oh this is
And I I was such a fan I remember going past the city square and going Tony Hawk was there once I wonder if he stayed in that hotel like just like that level of drao just being that like fascinated an in with it but yeah that demo was just
Like to see you know like um I went to the they had this Bones Brigade experience thing at the Vans Park recently in um California yep for like an anniversary or something wasn’t it yeah it was s of like a comic Connie like they had a panel and stuff like
That and it was sort of like it just made me like they were our superhero like it was like if the Avengers were real people and they were there talking about the time they beat Thanos like like just the whole like the chin thing like they were just such superstars all
Got diluted once they came here a lot and our skaters caught up to them and stuff but it just seemed like impossible to be as good as an American sort of thing and I feel like only a few people and full credit like aspired they sort of went oh no I
Reckon I can work it out sort of thing like but I think the consensus was was like there’s like there’s Australian good and then there’s American good yeah that’s now alluded and it’s much more there’s good but you’re right back then it was a big difference oh now it’s all
Just it’s just what it’s just what you do with it sort of thing but there’s like like I went skating at the like just in upne Queen Market the other day and I saw the hardest skateboard trick I’ve ever seen in real life like and it’s just like that’s the big Market
Yeah um I can’t say what it is though but it was just so are we going to see it on someone’s part Adam Davies who SK oh he is so good man um yeah he skates for sure so and he’s also my brother-in-law so we’re he really yeah
Um yeah we both married into the same family um yeah so I’ve known him for so long and it’s so weird his part was so ridiculous that Thrasher part yeah but I’d see it on his phone like bits of it in my mother-in-law’s house so it didn’t
Seem that excit like I was just like oh maybe everyone’s just this good cuz it’s hard to work out how good people are like or just the the base level and then when I saw it on the screen like at the premere before that I’m like oh know
He’s like it’s just him but it was just like so weird to see these tricks did he even get a nomination for S yeah for the Australian one yeah cuz that’s like yeah that part was seriously good yeah and he got like nominated for like I know
There’s like a Street League trick of the Year something was that that rail to rail thing no his one was um he did kick back tail Ki whip out which had sort never been done on a full siiz rail but um the I have no idea what I’m even
Prattling about anymore oh about how good skateboarding is yeah in the so yeah so um yeah that demo pan was just like I remember like cuz it was on a school day it was a Friday night Friday yeah yeah and um I my parents were like like pretty not like they were pretty
Strict they would just like sort of moderate so asking for a day off school was like it wasn’t a guarantee and I remember just being in my room and there’s pictures of all flood on on here at my room and it’s just like just decked out with like it’s just wall to-
Wall skateboarding skatebo and um the I remember just pying myself up in the bedroom like with my debate points to go to Mom and and mom to a credit like I think I didn’t even get to say all my things like like I was going to
Say look this is he’s going to be here and she just went oh yeah you you’d love that you should go and I remember it’s like but it was like um there’s your room there there’s all those pictures you’re talking about yeah so I think there’s I don’t think the
Poster the fly for that demo is up no there was one for a 91 it’s behind our picture but that’s a bit later so that would have been um that picture must have been from latest so yeah so especially when you look at some of those tricks on there yeah it’s sort of
Edging into the um Street area the demo you’re talking about was that not also the night when they did the launch of the public domain the get to go you didn’t no cuz my eldest I was staying at my oldest brother Shane’s house and I don’t know I just couldn’t
Get the pre like it was like to be out in piran after night was like that was pushing it too far already yeah so we went and saw um a some brutal Sylvester Stone movie instead and I remember it’s like oh you still stayed out and watched the movie
No but we went with my brother yeah he could have gone to public yeah no he was he was like he was footballer he wasn’t that but um it was so like in retrospect I’m like I wish I was there but the time just to get like it was like don’t I’ve
Won the battle so but it was just yeah to see them all skate and just to see them was just it was it was it was so good and so in terms of um comps and stuff like that did you go into many comps yourself yeah
I was like I used to love those days of um we’d all just end up like some like in Greens bar and there’d be so you didn’t just stay on the peninsula for the you’d go everywhere no I’d do like 3 hours public transport get anywhere I
Don’t know how we even found out about all those comps cuz now it’s all on social media but back then we us to new find from uh they would send it to the local shop or whatever and you’d see a poster or something or someone would
Mention local shops and I used to get was it vssa or the Pan skate skate Association yeah yeah so I remember I used to get a letter like telling me when the comps are coming and you get a little Zen and stuff with the black and
White and stuff so yeah there’d be comps and like you were like a fixture at all that stuff you and Grant and um like like Ralph and like Greg and Ben and and everyone would go and it would be out in Q and then it would be in Greens Spar
And and that’s just how you’d meet people and it was such a weird like Melting Pot cuz like in retrospect there was probably no one there over like 23 like even the dude running 23 would have been like the oldest person you didn’t even know anyone older than that it was
Real water of the Flies situation and how everyone dealt with everyone and stuff but and then I have like like at hardcore remember they had like they’d have a comp on the last Sunday of every month y um yeah sometimes we’d use the old demo ramps and sometimes we um we
Had built some other ones that we’d add to that as well yeah there was those Ledges and they had the two ledges that went Ledges off the platform and stuff yeah and I remember the the um they’ done it and each comp was it was sponsored by one of their board
Companies right and I remember it was like the turnover of companies was so crazy that I maybe shine or something by the time it got to that month that company wasn’t even around they promoted at the start of the month next month it’s already gone but um yeah those days
Were like sick and i’ I’d go up and once the street skating thing started and we got the park at Mornington which was huge for for like you know that whole scene the the spine ramp and later the vert ramp and you know there was like sick demos there and everyone like it
Was only 15 minutes from my house on a BS which is just nothing and the best skateboarders like that’s where they were especially if it’s if it’s a weekend and it’s raining track was hacked and there was like dudes that were like you know like Ellis and and Tas and that they were
Just so good that you were just seeing like the best dudes that was the best thing about that place is that they had some awesome ramps and there was a go-kart track had everything I loved and then you’d always find there was it didn’t matter what day you went there
Was always someone there that you could skate with and have fun with and get you know there was a friend that you knew and um it kept on growing and stuff so the go-kart track became a street course after a while as well um and all the
Ramps got like I said the vert ramp got built and stuff that was awesome to have that as your local that been amazing it was sick well the good thing about being on the peninsula was there’s a lot of space so there was tons of back like
When the mini ramp thing happened like I would have had like maybe 10 mini ramps like with access like I could ring up and say oh could we come around session cuz I’d have them all built where did they steal the wood from cuz there wasn’t as many uh housing Estates
Getting built like they were down at else they just had they had such space like out the back of roseb like bonio and that you know people just had Acres or you know whatever big spaces are measured in but so yeah you’d sort of go they just build you know someone’s dad
Would build them mini ramp mini ramps of all different shapes we had like a my friend Andy and Red Hill had a spine ramp and I remember Gregor Rankin was trying to find out about it like like he’d heard about it and stuff and we
Were just like oh this is sick like so speaking of Gregor it kind of links to the store connection that you have because you’ve mentioned earlier on about Peninsula surf Center becoming PSC as a skate shop it had skateboarding Within the peninsula surf but then it became its
Own kind of brand you were working at the shop and progressed into what became PSC to some degree you were a part of yeah well the story with that one is I was doing a um I was doing like a punk rock fanine right which is the things I’ve
Um this is one of the many I swe I swear like story I don’t know how my brain it’s it’s just not right like I think I could get diagnosed for whatever that thing is but it sort of works but in the end so I was doing this
Punk Rock Star Wars themed faning called Return of the punk eye right cuz it had the double meaning right Jedi Punk eyy and so I sort of worked out how it would work like I got it printed like it was on news print and stuff and we get
Thousands done and we’d have sweet like we’re the first um like anything in austr like interview Blink 182 and so then like when they come out we just go muck around and do stuff and like Pennywise and no effects and and all that stuff so we got I was doing that
But then I was like on the doll at the same time and I was getting like where they make you go for interviews and stuff and like I just gotten out of high school and I was sort of just like this is not good like I didn’t want
To grow up cuz I cuz I was sort of like you know people everyone especially on the penti everyone wanted to be grow up and I was like yeah I don’t know I reckon that’s a con like know one seems that stoked once they do and then back then there wasn’t the like
Culturally you sort of were told to get rid of all that stuff like do you what I mean like do you what I mean like skateboarding or even you don’t do that when you grown up yeah like or being into like whatever movies or TV shows
You like sort of thing like that wasn’t like being a nerd wasn’t like that was a beating that wasn’t a badge of honor like now they Ru the world but um so yeah I was just like ah this is this is like pretty bleak and I don’t know what
I’m going to do so I was doing this Zen and it was sort of like just paying a little bit of cash cuz I get like advertising and stuff and then I got forced to go for a job interview at Morty Alec Cash Converters right which is like an hour
Drive pretty much and my car was sort of an old like Holden premere like 1966 and so it could get to Melbourne and back and F but not every day do you I mean like it would you know yeah it would always be leaking stuff and you
Know there was a I had to put a nail in this pipe thing so the brakes would work it was just like sketchy but it was sick car and um it was before I got it but um so I tried to flub the interview but I just wasn’t that good
At like I I guess I had too much I was trying to like not be a cook but not get hide sort of thing like I was sort of like I remember I was driving up with my friends like oh should I just like pick
My note like like how do I but I sort of had too much like self-respect but I was getting trapped into this situation where like I was in the Cash Converters and just like going and yeah this is not a positive environment like like it’s people don’t like happy people don’t
Come into Cash Converters cuz back then Cash Converters was proper it was like crime converters yeah yeah yeah it now it’s a little bit like there’s a few more checks and balances but back then it was proper just a big brand crime convert so I’m like I get in the car and
I’m driving home and I’m was like oh I think like I’m going to get stuck into this job I don’t know what to like I’m stuck like cuz you know and then I drive into Frankston and whenever you go through Frankston you always dropped into penal surf Center to say hey to
Grayson to Mark Grayson like and see what the new decks are and stuff and skateboarding then is like you know it’s in that sort of Plan B you know like World era really small like it’s sort of early 90s I guess oh no it would have been later it’s like
97 that late okay yeah so it’s getting a bit yeah it’s a bit past that plan B ER era but it’s sort of it’s still like like it’s early Globe Shoes like there was before they had pro model shoes and all that sort of stuff I’m just thinking
Of what was in the shop at the time so I go in there and go to Grayson like oh man this is so whack I’m going to have to get this drive and stuff and he goes do you want to work here and I’m like what and I thought first he was just
Like hanging [ __ ] on me like cuz it just sounded too breathtaking a concept and he goes yeah we’re opening a big surf shop across the road like you know you know that they had you know work where the the PSC was that you used to come in
See me um so next to that was a big peninsul surf that they were opening so but we’ve still got 8 months lease on this shop so we just need someone to watch the shop like I’m like oh sick but it was the shop where all the
Skateboards were right so all the surf goes over there skate stays there w i remember the concept they told me was like we’re going to leave some surf stuff here for the customers that have come all the time do you know what I mean and I was like I don’t know why
I’ve just I just started rambling just like oh I think that’s a bad idea I think this is the guy with with no job and everything just tell them how to do stuff yeah but that’s just like it’s it’s ongoing pattern the um I was like
Let’s get rid of like like stuff the dude that doesn’t want to go to the new shop he’ll work out where it is let’s get all the bully boards get everything out and we’ll make it all skate and we’ll be the only skate shop in Australia cuz there was nothing like
There was every other shop had something else whether it’s like inline skates or surfboards cuz by then all of the cheap skates and snake pits and stuff oh that were all memory and there was like um yeah the shops would have been like like yis which was a mix
Um evolve in the city which like had all the roller blade stuff but they get in some sick wasc yeah oh yeah it was SMC and revolved yeah um what other shops would it maybe not even maybe like ballistics that would ring so um yeah I was like oh
We can do it all skate and they were so busy like making this new shop which was sort of it was it was when you know surf shops began to like really expand into those beautiful sort of like showrooms sort of thing yeah like after the sort
Of Rip Curl and stuff built their brand yeah yeah like the ones where you’re like does anyone buy a surfboard from here I don’t know but like they they buy a lot of sweaters so um they sort of were too busy or whatever and so I was
Just left alone so I was just like [ __ ] sick so I just started like ringing Distributors and like what posters do you have and what’s this that and just like just decking it out because I was like oh this is like this is it this is like I am set I could do
This forever like this is so fun and yeah just to have that opportunity I was just um I was just so ravenous that I just started like doing so they come in they’re like oh you’ve done all this and I’m like yeah yeah yeah and I’m talking
To this guy and we’re going to get this like i’ sort of I remember finding out about fourstar like the clothing company had a girl and ringing like bruceet globe and going there’s this new brand girl doing fourar and we we want it like
When can we get it like and it was just that sort of I don’t know just unbridled enthusiasm that sort of just built and then by the time the um lease was up there they’re like oh you let’s design you can have the shop next door cuz they
Were going to just put it at the back but then we got the separate shop that you know so You’ built it to a point where as a skate shop it was doing enough as a shop but it was still like a like before I got there it was still like a sick
Like that like everyone knew PC and everyone knew Grayson and like um but then yeah I sort of like gave it that sort of like you Wars with trigger brothers and stuff yeah it was so sick like Shane Carter yeah Shane and Scotty I I sort of think back about all that
Cuz I I had actual dinner with Scotty in La not too long ago oh yeah yeah and I’m just like just raving like I just love old stories and stuff and I was like what do you get I was trigger Brothers the other day actually cuz cuz they’ve
Never moved you can still find traces of old like old dealer stickers on the window and stuff but yeah they were sort of it was I don’t know but it was even like in your day like there was snake pit in motion it was like when you look
Back at it it was like so trivial but it was sort of sick like that we were just so into it it was like what like who do you get get 30% off like you what I mean it so but it it sort of created this little sort of
Hopefully sometimes it wasn’t friendly rivalry with with us it was but it was sort of yeah it was sort of weird cuz we’re all so immature and it was such like like this overlying culture in skateboarding where the best skater got to be the biggest dick almost s thing like
Definitely pan like well there was a couple couple of people that carried that through but in that kind of a it was always there there was always that ego that was with that person who was the best skater but then but then that’s what you would adop like I was so
I was just like doctor impression like if like just sucking everything up so it was sort of like like like I sort of that was the thing like it was sort of you sort of dick on someone it was such a weird there was that you have at that
Point though you had to know that you were the best to act like that I think though cuz there were people that were good skaters who weren’t dicks but um there was also an era where everyone wanted to be the dick and they just it didn’t matter if they were good bad or
Not there was just this era where and it was around about that mid 90s where everyone was just but that was the was up front do you know what I mean like that was like the like Steve Rocco sort of worked out this way of like if I just
Expose all these guys you know I remember reading an interview like an ad and it’s like like all wheels are made in the same Factory so just buy ours and it’s like going he telling it how it is like this guys is the king but yeah like in big
Brother and that it was such a like it was like the marketing was quite negative and there was like ads attacking and so that sort of fed off like around the world and all that like focusing boards pretending like you know trying a trick and then go like you make
You know pretending you could make it every time it was all this focusing boards was marketing tool that was it’s like when they show someone putting toothpaste on a toothbrush they put it all the way on and check it right up so you go through your toothpaste quickly
The same with focusing the skateboard otherwise your board would have lasted too long you don’t buy as many so yeah that’s a I I I don’t know about that it’s an interesting conspiracy theory um let’s get into the conspiracy stuff I know a couple um but yeah it was sort of
I don’t know there was that sort of I think during that real pan snake pit era that was the height of of skate park tensions as to my memory there’s a pick I don’t know if you can grab it of um the one of Ren and Tas at pan oh yeah
Which sort of symbolizes it’s it’s so funny because they’re snaking each other on the ramp and and sort of like two like bulls or deer airing into each other but look and neither of them at that point there neither of them are taking their feet off the board they’re both still wanting
To land that and it was sort of like this was I remember it very vividly it wasn’t like an accident it was sort of like it was it was like thrashing the Jou they dropped in to do it but like and it looks like oh what an intense
Snake session there’s no one there like look there’s not a person at pan they doing it just for themselves yeah so it’s not as only like there’s 40 people on the platform ready to go but um yeah it’s that’s a that’s a pretty classic one yeah I think Tony Helm talks a few
Stories about that sort of stuff when there was a lot more rivalry going on U but again that was probably mid 90s when that stuff was happening that was um that would have been a sort of yeah yeah that one would have been that would have been like 91 oh
Okay yeah cuz tusa’s got like those the vision stre D Street wears and that’s when he was like a little hate Street kid and then Ron was like primate air so that would it would have been about and I just remember when I was taking photos um
A lot of pan I was in I remember like I was in high school and like actually this is one of the things I brought um and then i’ get photos published in in perfect transition yeah put the um take try to squeeze the fold out of that a
Little bit so we had um discussions the other day with Dave Ross about his involvement with perfect transition and Pa and uh still actually took this cover photo that is shown on there and when was that from that was pretty early on yeah that was like that’s Andy Holman
Who is like like if you know like if late 80s skating on the peninsula just like uh you know one of those I don’t know like you just hear stories like they were so good um but sort of didn’t have the exposure out of like I saw him OE the spine at
Mornington 6 foot spine Barefoot it was just insane um but yeah so I used to send photos into that and being at school and just like look there’s a like you can buy a magazine in the news agents and I’ve got skate photos in it it was so
Sick but it used to drive me insane how they make like the magazine was so ramshackle so I used I used to get like tons of photos published I actually had a sick photo of you published in it of um this comp in Richmond rage red alcohol oh yeah and you’re doing like
Off the Jump ramp the board slide on the bin in a helmet like we all paded up on the street course and um was that your photo yeah Oh I thought that was um someone else who took that no that’s so cool it is yeah and um and that was
Like like I remember you making that in the comp in your run and it’s like okay that is unquestionably he as one like it was like the mtwist like the bo Slide the side of the beIN it was like done yeah I only just tried that in that run
Like I literally said let’s push that there and do that and then move the ramp over cuz I want to do an of it and yeah yeah I remember I got I don’t think there must have been categories cuz I got third place in something and I remember getting a check for
$25 and going am I Pro now am I allowed to cash this like I sort of didn’t know how it worked and I also took it very seriously cuz I’m such a DK like so I’m like do I lose my amatees I don’t know
Do I who do I tell this to I found a register so that day right was the day that um Tony Roberts Tony Roberts that’s who I thought took the photo of it yeah so he rocked up the guy that made speed Freaks and no it wasn’t wheels of fire it was
Speed Freaks and then it was the the wheel he made the Two Wheel videos yeah I thought it was wheels of fire but now wheels of fire that made it feel like there was a lot was cuz it it was all new like a local brand wow you know a
Local Skate brand that was the thing that was quite eye openening it wasn’t just the local brand it was it was a local Skate brand cuz it’s such a niche yeah of course and the um so it was like blank and um like boom and then to exen
And then like you had demo King and BOS had um wild card that’s right and um yeah that was like even like and you had oh I didn’t at the time I had nothing but he grew into yeah I grew into but um yeah so it was like that whole thing was
So sick and just having like demos and having Pros like it was just a dream like it was so and you’re hooking up with all the Distributors and things at the time and so you’re in terms of Industry you’re right in with talking to all the right sort of people all the
Time yeah yeah and I was just like I just ring I remember like John Haron the guy that still distributes power I was talked to him for like an hour every week like we do the order cuz you wouldn’t em like now you just go on a
Website or whatever and you do it but I you know we go through and we just like gas bag and I just like love going into like globe and or hardcore and just going they had so many and just hey what are you guys doing like I don’t know I
Was just so into it and I loved I was a sponge for like trivia and information gossip and gossip but I also liked um I liked math as well so I liked all the like doing all that budget and ordering thing sort of suited I don’t
Know I find numbers kind of soothing and um you can always trust numbers danan did you know that always true the um yeah so sort of just it suited me and then the industry was sort of blowing up so then you know we opened that big PC
In um in the city which is like f that’s where now so that was like and then PSC got me a um they rented a twostory like old retail shop in North Melbourne and I lived on the top floor so that’s like I was in roseb my parents like out in the
Bungle at my parents house and then they’re like oh if you come we’re going to open the shop we’ll get you an apartment like where was that like in North Melbourne on Errol Street really yeah wow it was sort of like I never remember it there but yeah it was was
Like an outlet Stu yeah so it was like called PSC Surplus Supply or something and so that was sort of our warehouse but then I had an apartment upstairs and so I’m like you could walk into the City and it was just it was on it was
Ridiculous like it was like too much fun it was so good and we three blocks away from where Adam Davis did that sick skate trick yeah yeah yeah and um I remember we’d have crazy parties I remember I hired a spa and put it in the warehouse and we could barely have to
Take things off it to fit it in we yes so we had this spa party and it was just um yeah we just found out found some really good ways to have fun but um the actual running of the shop and like organizing demos and stuff it was just
Like like I I just I really loved it and I just really appreciated having the chance to do it and sort of do it the way I cuz I was always even like a little kid at the demo I remember that Tony Hawk demo pan going yeah I don’t know about the This
MC I reckon who was it I have no idea but it was just like it would have been Brett um uh the guy the New Zealand guy wasn’t it um Brett iaka iaka I don’t know but you know that demo on YouTube I’ll have to check that out yeah it’s it’s pretty
It’s pretty you might see me in the background I know there was footage somewhere that showed us skating up the street between the demo and the public domain launch oh okay so you can see like Dom and EO in a and like Chris Payne and stuff and then afterwards they
Show the sesh just for a few minutes in the bow after the demo that was Mayhem yeah yeah it’s the energy is insane check it’s oh when I found out I was just like oh my God hey just on ebo as well recently I bumped into his um uncle
And um I want to just put a shout out to Steve eage who apparently isn’t doing so well these days but hey man if you’re out there heads up because um you you’ve certainly got a place in a lot of people’s hearts from the back in the
Days and uh reach out so I loved e used to come stay cuz like I used to have a lot of people staying in my house cuz it was an easy you know 15 minutes from Mornington so I’d go stay at people’s houses to go skate at pan and then um
Yeah so like EO and Dom would stay at would Street it was so weird to have them skate on my spots around Rosebud like and to see what they could do on it so to like work out like the level sort of thing of just like oh i’ got to learn
That once they leave and stuff and um yeah he was I loved his style and like his sort of affiliation with GS and it was very uh I’d always like he like what what do you talk about like how often does he send your stickers like just
Absolute that’s what we were like back in the day yeah oh back in the day and still yeah hey uh you mentioned about the photography stuff so one of those photos being the cover um of this one but you’ve done a lot of Photography that has made it into magazines and
Things like that how did you get into the sort of Photography side of it as well I I don’t I think just like trying trying to find ways to be a part of it of skateboarding so it was like take photos of your friends go like you know
You go to the demo you got something to do with the Dem you know like that’s sort of I don’t know just to be a part of it but I wasn’t very I’m pretty good at like the framing and the lining up and the timing but all the technical
Stuff with exposures and like like there’s um I’ve got all the tons of all these frame photos in the shop in the city um and people say oh did you take all these and I said oh all the ones out of focus are mine and then the other
Ones like mapstone probably talk or something but yeah I couldn’t but they they’re sort of cool photo I like them because they are sort of rustic in they’re obviously they’re taken out of enthusiasm rather than professionalism sort of thing but how do you split your back then how would you split your time
Between going okay today I’m going to go and take photos or would you just always go for a session and skate a bit and then just grabb the camera out and pretty much that’s I remember like I’d go skate like normally if I go to
Pan like I wasn’t really skating the r i was more skating the bow and um so we just skate the ball and try learn tricks and stuff and then when the vert started pumping like you know go get my camera and go take some photos of like you know
Like I kind remember like seeing ban this whenever that came out and you know Tony Haw does the stalefish 540 in that and then the next weekend go on a pan and as I skate up Dom’s almost making them so that was that was like um yeah
One of the big photos they ran was Dom doing like a stale 540 like probably days after finding out they were possible he went out and learned them he was that good at it that’s for well that was the sick thing was like the vers Gators were so easy to take photos of
And and picturesque sort of thing so um it was sort of easy like you what I mean like they all you just they just crushing it and they were also competitive did you used to go out street skating often and do like it was it you you weren’t really a big stare
And rail kind of guy you were more of flat ground lgy kind of yeah I sort of like after you know like six or seven stairs I was like getting I was a pretty cautious sort of thing but like did rails and you know like did but not big
Ones it was sort of more um your art center style rails and four five stair sort of yeah rather than big sort of grinds and stuff like that but it was sort of more into that sort of um I guess like you know for me the
Pinnacle you know was like the EM style of skating and and then sort of getting into all that switch stuff which was pretty hard and I always say full credit to anyone that started with nose guards and and and ended with Noy flips cuz that’s a big transition in skateboarding
And it wasn’t it wasn’t that far apart but um yeah you spend a bit of time at like Flatlands and stuff like that I sort of would skate just down on the peninsula so I’d go to Flatlands and stuff but it was sort of like I don’t know there’s there’s too
Many things going on there sort of like with all the different subgroups of people like all the politics and stuff it was sort of just a bit much for me um and you pretty flat out running a shop down the peninsula at the time so yeah well I don’t I think Flatlands was
Actually before I think by the time PSC was going it would have been um sail yards but I just remember going to Flatlands and it was sort of like I skated there a few times there’s nothing to skate there at all so like you know what I mean like
Except to do flips over the benches or whatever so yeah I was sort of like that wasn’t too much but i’ go to the demo they’d have like those sick demos there with like Kareem and costum CHR marovic yeah so they were um the um they were
Pretty sick but yeah I never would have you know I would have skated there like 10 times maybe but um like we’ go up to silda road but sort of just do our own mission like so me and some friends would just drive up and we you you know
You go skate long three and and you’d sort of avoid other people sort of cuz in that sort of really when no one was skating I don’t know it wasn’t like in the ‘ 80s you saw another skater and it’s just like hey how about we be best
Friends now for ever like down there was sort of like in that sort of ’90s quiet time it was a bit much oh what’s this about like are you doing the cool one so we just go there and sort of skate and just do our own thing and and and you
Know and my you know SK this guy actually two Michaels and they were both pretty good so we had a sort of a good level of skating and it was like there was no like it was just friends like just being happy for each other sort of thing
And um I remember actually during that one of those days we went up and I was nose blunts had come out so I wanted to learn them on the bow cuz it seemed like a good place to learn it and I remember like sort of I’d made one and then I
Then went to do another one and bailed and I think Eddie Martin had just gotten there and he just rolls in and does one like like right like I had to get out of the way and I was sort of just like oh that’s the like jum Eddie Martin wouldn’t have been long
Over from Adelaide that time broken so yeah it would he would have been there for a little bit cuz when he came over he was like um and like I catch up with him like you know anything that happens before like the last 3 years I’m just like whatever
Like but you know we’re all just dumb kids but I think he he was like a real big street skater in Adelaide and then came to it Melbourne and this is so weird kind of kept secret that he was a street skater and just skated vert cuz
Street skaters were like so it was at that time when real clicky and well people would you know you know Street FW sort of thing like so yeah and he sort of kept secret that he was like this closet amazing Street skater and then when vert died then he went
Full World Industries and Street skating but I remember him doing that nose Buton sort of going this isn’t that fun he did it really well though I do have to say to his credit um before we move out of the 80s era a little bit have we got some other photos that we
Want to slide through and have a look some of the um photos cuz not some of these photos you’ve taken and there’s one or two of your yourself in some of these photos as well but um there can be some talking points out of those as well
Oh this is well that’s ’90s though isn’t it yeah that’s um that would be 98 or nine and that was a demo I hijacked from surf dive and ski that’s on the peninsula yeah that’s at Frankston that’s where the that’s before the metal ramps got put you know where
The metal the Frankston metal Park was one of the greatest skate parks ever known to man but um of which there’s actually recently I saw a video on maybe it was YouTube or something of that comp and Renton was doing oh yeah that’s on the Sha YouTube yeah that’s all my
Footage i’ sort of found all these old tapes that was at the one with the steel ramps yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah great days um so that one was um oh this is the ones look at this yeah so that’s Lee Ralph from it’s the the only bad thing
About that photo is there’s no one else in it like it’s so solitary but around us is like 5,000 people which is it’s a pretty good photo for someone in a crowd of that many people with and that’s on one of those like 110 format
Films it used to be like a cartridge my mom would lend it to me to take to the city to take photos the rad thing about that too that snake in the background on the wall that was actually the highest air um measurer yeah but it put that up
The feet were too close together but that’s how you get a good 10t air okay cuz I remember like going give away the magic but I remember when they put it up and just like going holy [ __ ] Steven Hill’s 9t tall like they’re the American feet it’s like the American um Park Ben
The school benches have there they’re like this tall so Harry goes to like an elementary school with like those benches for those who don’t know Harry he’s a 5-year-old but yeah so he sits and has lunch and I’m just like like I’ll see I’ll come pick him up he’s he’s
Waiting on those park benches I’m like well I wouldn’t have given to sesh one of those back in the day look as I’m doing some big tricks we still got a few more of those photos there Aon here we go with some technical Specialties roll on through I this cab cab with
His so that’s Mark Grayson my um my hero and mentor and that’s it the manizer r peas lead and he’s not even running rails at that time yeah I know that was pretty pretty hardcore of him back then yeah yeah oh oh look at that doesn’t get any better than
That Christian Judo a yeah oh so this is um that’s trimani no that’s Joel dson oh really Joel yeah so he another one of those dudes I was talking about where like on the local level we just unbel you know you hear stories as like oh my
M all up a six ster and you’re like no I didn’t but like this dude was a freak like amazing on the mini ramp was like I remember him learning backside sugar canes and the first one he made on that big Mornington mini just grinding a
Meter and just like going like it was so he was he was the best on good just and every trick giant grabs like speed lines and stuff yeah yeah he um he might still skate I used to see him around at um like during the Frankston Park days he
Come down and still like you know have a bash sort of thing but man he was he was like a he would have been um I would say Andy Holman the guy he was like the peninsula’s gon and he was the peninsula’s Danny Way oh there’s look at that what a Vibe
So this is the car park where PA run into the pole it’s just behind us the the curved is there a little sort of Bank launch that you’re coming off there or yeah so you see behind my knee in that hurricane that’s see how the curb
Comes out yeah yeah so that’s where he and so behind me is a pole that he ran into so Kennedy took these photos so this was sort of about 90 but look at that just decked out I always like Quicksilver it was the most um those pants are something to talk about yeah
Right what about those Converse weapons big puff have you got um did you have little things in your hair there colors little Pro could be cornrows no like yeah was just suited no I think there was definitely I am guilty so this is me look at the one on the ground how he’s
Going like this the um so this is grade six Skate Day at at Rosebud primary school or something you Hade a skate day at school yeah holy crap we really laid down the foundations for you guys to have a life yeah right cuz we never got
This sort of stuff oh but how’s this right we had at high school we had a skate day right the same day as that pan demo oh no so none of the like so me and Kennedy are like the two you know real skate rats at the school not there airb
That’s that’s at Rosebud Plaza that’s on one of those gon’s one with the faces yes and it was like the first board you could decide where your trucks went it had two sets of truck holes yeah and what it was I think it was white Go Wings and those SS
Radial oh yeah Wheels with the little steel iners yeah yeah yeah which were a okay so this is my backyard Quarter Park is that an Alva yeah an Alva blank you know sometimes blanks would hit the Australian Market yeah I’ve got one bgy rail which those rails were insane the
Ones that you SL the back side oh yeah you put the te the tea things in and yeah yeah yeah and then um when I did the sticker wall which I guess we’ll talk about later on the shop we will the um I really I hit up um Tony halum cuz I
Really wanted the remember the stickers that when you got a delivery from Hardcore they’d have like the little heart logo stuck on it but it was like paper sticker and so they’d come to the the surf shop at Ry and I’d if they were stuck on the sticky tape it was like a
This is going to be easy money because all the veriflex guys like Hal and the hills and like Hummer cake they would run those the packing stickers on there so I just thought it was sick cuz it was like a sticker you couldn’t was a public
Sticker this has just been me all my life like so I’ve got a few of those stickers on there but yeah that was a um a quarterpipe my brother built in the backyard that I would skate just constantly it was um pretty sick ah so this ad um this is eightball and this
Was a company that sort of came out sort of like when like um like Plan B first started but like I always like would have loved a skateboard brand like I thought you know that was just the ultimate dream when you were a kid to have your own skateboard brand but it
Was just like you couldn’t even get a skateboard made in a straight it was just like just through where we were and I remember seeing this Bucky LEC was on the cover doing a backside o at Tony Hawk’s house on the little mini ramp hip thing I’ve got a razor shot memory about
All this stuff I was in Rosebud news agents looking through and this ad just filled up like not even a whole page in Transworld it was next to like the credits or whatever but they had two really good skaters and then it clicked I was like a you could start a clothing
Brand and that would be a lot easier and these kids kids they don’t have like tons of like they don’t have a full page ad cuz in that the all this that like it was all Vision Street Wear or limp it was sort of like a bit blown out in
Corporate but this was sort of like you know like Danny Way he’s got crutches sort of told the truth about what was happening yeah and it’s there’s not even skateboarding shown in there at all and so I I don’t know I just remember seeing this and like going clothing
Company yeah and I sort of could see how I could like I could fit into skateboarding CU I was like not like I was like decent I was like local good but like City average local 7 city3 yeah so um yeah Jamie Kennedy yeah that’s at Mornington sick that needs to be a
T-shirt so yeah I sort of like and so that company was started by Damon way and Ken Block that then they started DC and I I in DC is actually not it’s not Denny Colin which people often think it’s drawers clothing um I was actually talking to
The guy that designed that first logo that got ceas desist the other day from Champion I find all these weird like just all these people I just love and just like track them down and go oh hey man what’s going on your stuff is really
Good but um yeah so I see Damon way at these cuz I’m like if there’s an art show or a Premiere or something some sort of skate event in the LA area I’m like I am I’m going cuz I just get to have you know you’re going to meet these
People yeah and so I was telling him about how this it was just such a thing of like oh there’s a window for me to I could squeeze in cuz I was just like yeah I was just saying I was just had no interest in growing up and I
Think what skateboarding did for all of us was just show that sort of the mundane life can be interesting like so this like sort of like crappy town or this Industrial Area you know behind the supermarket like like we can make it like the best fun and like I sort of
Think like like skateboarding as a whole has this sort of earned arrogance of like we can make anything fun like you what I mean you take us anywhere and we can like ad something yeah and and that’s sort of why it attracts so many different and it’s also a cheat code
Skateboarding to finding out about everything that’s cool yeah like as far as like sneakers and music and art and like it’s it’s like I wouldn’t have found out about like what what like cultures are you finding out of the Cricket Club yeah like like jine and so yeah if skateboarding’s introduced just
To music and F like I said fashion and art all of those things that Through Skateboarding there are skaters who have expressed themselves in those areas and you’ve then opened up to those areas it wouldn’t have otherwise and again if it was the footy Club Cricket Club or
Whatever the traditionals they just go and play footy or go and do Cricket but like we knew about everything before it blew up like whether it’s like you know like like Green Day like you I mean Green Day had before they were signed to make they had a song on um in
Questionable and like the Beasty Boys and like Prim like all those like Bad Religion all all those like we sort of got to find out about and then like stuff like jackass and like Spike Jones like all this stuff that’s like hailed by the mainstream like we knew about it but
It’s also in a sea of this other stuff that’s like as cool that maybe didn’t blow up that that maybe should have there’s a my um there’s a hardcore go back a couple of shots Aon couple more that’s Angus grinding the six foot this one here is that R yeah
That’s R Peasley that’s Renton yeah and then they’re down on the on the suenes is Grayson and Dom where is that at in Mount Eliza that’s a backyard ramp yeah man it was massive a ramp yeah like a proper like um as the legend goes Chris Miller went there once just by himself
And destroyed it like but it was a proper like it was maybe like the best in Australia at the time whose ramp was this these family the Peasley and they were like I a maniza you know you know people aren’t poor and they had this all
This land and I think they just built it and then then just got into bongs so with the kid was a skater I never saw him skate ever right and so we his way of getting friends no I think he just got out of it and um like sometimes they
Come up and watch but hard most of the time I was too naive um we’ give them money to skate I think it was like five bucks to skate for the day and then just go buy weed and smoke it under the under but I was such an idiot like I didn’t
Never knew what they were doing but um like I like I didn’t even think about it at the time but it’s so weird this massive sort of mansion and then we just have permission to walk jump over The Back Fence and gocap and I don’t even
Know if we even would I think we’d go a knock and say oh we’re just here to skate and then we could just skate all day by ourselves but there was one night right where um it was like Ellis Gary Valentine Chris Payne Grayson all the
Papes and it was just like this sesh and it was just like what a thing to watch like just at Sunset private ramp and they’re playing like like skate like atat trick and stuff and you know we just stop skating and like we’re just
Like oh what a treat yeah I used to love that go to pan in the evening and I’d always have a bit of a role on the vert as well but but those guys were always there and you would just watch just sit back and watch and just take it in cuz
It was amazing to see them skate so to have that be able to watch them skate in a private ramp like that especially a ramp as good as that by the sounds of it yeah and there’s um anger Smith man he’s so good he’s a bit of an animal chin of
Melbourne um yeah that that that wall he was doing stunt work for a while I don’t know if he still is really yeah man that grind is stunt work yeah 6 ver there’s some footage of him at um Vermont in a skap comp there just ripping it so way
Really yeah check out um on YouTube I’ll send you the link is um there’s a guy who put up a whole bunch of old Vermont footage so I tell you what there’s not on there’s just not enough footage of pan there isn’t there’s a lot more of
The local stuff than pan yeah yeah it’s back in the day where cameras weren’t as cold yeah I know oh morning there’s barely any footage of Mornington there’s almost no photos of Mornington either yeah it just was at a time when we just didn’t like it wasn’t that per
And then there wasn’t the magazines to have like dudes always there there’s Dom that that was ramp right 4 so that was like the year before it was in Festival Hall Y and is that a n city skating no it’s like the newer Tommy Guerrero you
Know it was like it was the flame graphic but done like a metal fence yeah more like that yeah that’s sort of like a and then look at look at Ellis hating me as he SK and he had good I remember like that remember those air walks yeah the ones
Everyone had those man that’s so there’s um yeah that’s at that’s at the showgrounds when they do those demos and I remember yeah R and Jamie were doing the demo so they got in free to the show which I was pretty psyched about at the time and um there’s Hawk morning
Doing a melon to fakey it’s Kareem 180 in the flat lands is Ryan Denay who was he probably the best I I would I would say talent wise and for his era maybe the like per like for the era like the best skateboarder of all time in
Australia yeah I think not far wrong with that that he was at that time then was beyond anyone else well time he was that’s when he on I think he’s got maybe like T-Bones on that even like a V double kick it was just like and he was
Amazing and he was like me like we would just watch videos all night and he would skate rats yeah and like we’ know like how many pushes like we had we go Damon cabajar five pushes all impossible tail grab pulls up short like we would memorize [ __ ] and then like know all the
Specials when Hensley would skate past like Taco Bell and we like 49 cent Taco like we just say it like we had all these things and we just like he’s full nerd but um but then he um and like like it’s it’s weird cuz I still eat I think
He like just went oh he had enough skateboarding sort of thing but he was just so far ahead like in just before he stopped he did like on a Ledge about this high like a parliament like a switch flip switch front tail which is like still trick that people do 10 years
Ahead of his time and done perfect he was yeah he had he was magic yeah saw blls buting heads there’s Troy ommani who um was a a hero of mine that adopted me and would let me stay at his house and would wake me up in the middle of the night to go
Um do nefarious things near trains and I’d be like what I need sleep to skate in the morning like got to get get to piran early do you know if he’s living in Australia again now or is he I think he’s still in San Diego how’s this I was
At ComiCon right cuz I’m a dog and um he saw me post a photo this was like maybe like s years ago or something so he knew I was in San Diego didn’t message me or anything just went to a bar and he goes still I knew you’d be at this
One and then we sort of just hung out for 6 hours it was so sick that’s at um that’s at se Park during one of the I think it was must have been a PSC comp doing a OE that’s me sitting this is me literally thinking at this photo I’m
Sitting next to guy Mariano oh my God what do I do that’s guy Mar how’s that hair if he’s at that time ah this was sick this is the allstar um gang at PSC Frankston there’s TB Dave snow there’s half of mapstone in the back oh yeah um
Rap boy Ben hoben and then this was when and Keenan oh hin yeah and Stevie Williams um were down for the chocolate tour and it was a Saturday morning and I think Kenan had missed his flight or something he came later so Stevie Williams got there early and he wanted
To get a CD like you wanted to buy some CDs so I’m said oh there’s a sanity down the street let’s go and you know there’s that mall that Brick Mall it goes down there was a Toys R R Us and there’s Sanity on the corner so it’s Saturday
Morning it’s packed with people right and I would never consider skating down there I’d just you know walk you know what I mean so he takes his board and in all these people with only me to appreciate did like this six trick line that I was just like [ __ ] I just watch a
Chocolate commercial like backside Nolly heel then he just carve around people and then we went into the shop into the hip-hop section he goes yo Ste you see you you know DMX and I’m like no never he goes you get into them and then I remember at the Premiere that night
Going up to him going I bought that CD it’s really good it was such a mark and it was good CD oh oh dog barking start but I remember just going up to him and in the time he left i’ bought the CD and then I
Had to drive up to Melbourne to go to the premiere and just listen to it as many times as possible I love how you did the green guard letters noise oh yeah that’s just the the little the little boy inside me oh this is a pretty sick photo this might be my favorite
Skate photo of me this is at the Venice pit that’s not there anymore is it it’s actually there but it’s under about 7t of sand yeah so cuz it’s it is a pit what they did was they just filled it with sand to get rid of the piss smell
So that was actually lower than the normal sand level are yeah so you can walk on the top like you can see the top of it when you’re at Venice now cuz they got the big skate park y but um yeah so through PSC they
Um they would send me to the trade show in America once a year I was about to ask the stuff about travel and yeah so it was sort of like it was sort of like they did it you know so I could see all the new stuff but also like as sort of
Sort of them cuz I um yeah I did work like hard and I never I would never like hit anyone up for like oh yeah I work 60 hours this week I need like I was sort of just like let’s just get it done because I was sort of also
Like if they had to pay me for all the work I was doing it wouldn’t get done the shop wouldn’t exist well no it would exist but it wouldn’t be how I wanted it so it was sort of like half like is this for me or for you like so I would just
Like do like I just gave myself to it and I just it was so fun and then they’d give you little bits like yeah so this was um I I just met these kids that had wag school for the day and cuz it’s America they had a a car so I was here
Skating by myself cuz I wanted to go in the morning cuz I was like scared of getting mugged and stuff cuz it’s narly there like it was at that time and and that was all little corridors so you could just walk around and there could just be someone there like and it stunk
Like it was like you don’t didn’t want to fall over and like there’s one corner that just you know just through a decade of like hardcore junky Pierce was like like the smell there was incredible but look I’m just decked out with um I got the four star football jersey all meshed
Out and the D it was just like I was ready for um some athletic Endeavors but that was sick I had to go to the um oh that’s Rodney Mullen in the uh in the shop with Mike York and look at that shoe wall look at those DCS bloody hell it’s a serious
Fortune oh so this is um so before I was at PSC I was doing the punk Zen and then yeah so this is on the blink when they first to it this is um yeah Tom very young I actually saw them play recently like to 40,000 people in LA and it was
Just like I don’t know just to see people that like had something and then just W like it’s like you couldn’t get any better than this like you reached the Zenith like whether like you thought every decision they made was right or not but it was like man you really you
Know like you know like you know incap like you see like Shane and just like man you really yeah you went to the top like that’s that’s amazing awesome so you did get a chance to travel um for skateboarding so to speak yeah it was more for um I guess
Industry stuff but then we yeah we’d go skate at like it was when the van skate park was open and we’d go there and and Grayson would come out sometimes and we just hon around and go to like the like the the ASR trade show so this would
Have been I think I went 99 and 2,000 maybe but it was during the shoe boom so they had so much money to burn on promotion so like you know Osiris would have like a three story trade shoe boot like it was such a big dick contest and there was so much money
Because there was all the sneaker money was staying in skateboarding yeah yeah so some of the numbers I’ve heard with sneakers and the guys that were getting paid it was it’s unbelievable and they people that they were okay skaters but I didn’t expect that they should be getting that sort of
Money yeah well sort of now it’s because it’s so centralized around a few Brands like do you what I mean like like like Chad Knight had a model like no diss against Chad Knight but like do you know what I mean now he’d be like that
Equivalent is like lucky to be on Flow because it’s so few opportunities cuz the brands just sort of focus on you know the ones they have to but going into ASR for the first time remember in Willy Wonker and the Chocolate Factory and they go the they go to the end of
The tunnel and it gets really small then he opens the gate and there’s like the grass and then they all run in and start eating [ __ ] it was I remember going escalator and it was like Rick Howard walked past or something I was like [ __ ]
And but it was just like every brand had a booth and so it was just it was it was so heaven and they’ all talk like everyone was talking yeah yeah everyone was like happy to talk to matter who you were they would talk to well it sort of
Helped cuz I was sort of like I don’t know PSC had a sort of good name so you like yeah if they knew you were from a shop and it was sort of they would be like like very nice and I’d sort of hang
Out with um like null and um yeah I when I say hang out tag along with pick me up please cuz at the time no was quite um high up in the globe side of the yeah and so and Bruce would come out fairly and um this guy Ivan
Menman who um he was like New Zealand he ran all the skate stuff so he would come out he like he’s like a big wig at Red Bull now or something but um yeah like we drive and go to girl and go to bird house I’m just like like we’re getting
Photos with like the hookups it was just after that like you know like so you see the hookups van just went down the stairs yeah yeah yeah and um and going a girl and it was just like it was it was so good and I was there to like just
Appreciate every second of it that is awesome um yeah sort of go into all the Chocolate Factory but ASR back then was like oh it was Heaven it was just so we’ve talked a little bit about your um in your I suppose industry kind of network working and stuff like that and
I don’t know if we really explained it but you after all of that stuff with PSC and everything you ended up have creating your own clothing brand Spire yeah so I was doing PSC and then um like like they really gave me a really good run and and I sort of was
Like that was my uni like I learned like every bit of it how like and how you should deal with people and how the industry works not in a nefarious way just like prebooks Mar you know markups like and like when to Discount things and how to deal with sales reps and like
Yeah like Grayson really just taught me everything like and um so yeah it was a real sort of University experience but then it sort of got to a bit where you know it gotten pretty big and I had other ideas and I was sort of getting frustrated not not
Not through Mark but the other like his like like the sort of senior Partners in it who you know all really great guys but I was sort of giving them ideas for them to that I would think make them more money or make their shops better
And it was sort of like no like like it was like met with resistance and I found that really frustrating and I’m also like an idiot so like I’m I’m 23 or 24 or something so like you’re like I wasn’t the best at well I don’t know many people that are but
Handling differences of opinion and stuff like especially at that age and yeah they’ve probably seen the negative side of some of those things and thought oh we don’t want to go down that but you’re looking at it only from the positive cuz you’re not experienced it so and
Also what when I like with the the guys that work within my business it’s like I I try to remember that like if I explain a bit of them about my point of view then they’ll understand like let’s I want to explain why maybe we’re not going to do this or something like
Whereas I didn’t have like they would never give me a reason they just say do this without understanding or just no we’re not doing that sort of without sort of hearing it out sort of thing but like like overall the experience was like just the best like just like one of
Those things that like just change like I would have been working at [ __ ] Cash Converter man yeah yeah like so like what’s that where’s the future there I’m the king of the cash converters in the end like so um the Mornington Cash Converter not all of them yeah man like that that alternate
Future that sliding doors it’s horrific it’s so um just a quick one before we move into that Spire stuff PSC was did that you were part of that transition of them moving into the City and and then oh so I’ve got it up to like we had Frankston City North Melbourne High
Point and I think that was it for me I don’t know if we I don’t remember doing another one after that and so then turning to Fast Times was the city and and high point of Fast Times it was that um Were You There When that oh no no
That was way after me yeah cuz then Globe bought it Y and then they tried to sort of flood it with too much Dark Star so people just got over it and then Grayson and T bought the Frankston one and then then they somehow got the city
Spot as well cuz I think like that Globe got it and they had big ideas for what they could do with it but it’s it was like they two iner with the brands yeah well the best thing about it was it had all this stuff and then if you’re sort
Of force feeding like you know sort of you know Brands like a dark star or something that you know kids aren’t sort of you at the time want Baker or something yeah um so yeah that wasn’t your your you to develop your own yeah so I so
Yeah I had this idea of like cuz I really loved like the clothing like like drawers and four star and even you know like non skate stuff like Nautica and Polo and stuff so I sort of had I thought we could combine it all into like a brand and then I got
Introduced somehow to this guy Ken who had all this um experience in manufacturing and wanted to start something and so you were wholesaling Brands already no no no no I was still a PSC right right so then I um met this guy Ken and we sort of started talking
About gave him all my ideas and um just about how the you know just better quality clothing and a certain style sort of thing like a bit more sort of refined and preppy I guess um and then yeah we so we just got an agreement and
Sort of ort of became Partners in this thing and like we had mapstone we had a bunch of six skaters and the clothing was like I stand by the clothing for the it was it was dope right like all polos and rugby like all my sort of style of
Tossy sort of stuff um and then we did like the handrail comp at the at the Metro sort of thing which was really sick that Dustin won the first one it was like on one of the Thursday night yeah goo yeah yeah yeah and that was
Sort of during the whole Metro like the goo like that nightclub is the best I I got like my current business partner I met there and my wife so I was going to ask where you met her and that came about but yeah we’ll get to that later
So I did go to goo a fair bit but I um I got I got my reward it set me up for the rest of my life but um yeah so we did spy and um was Mike Carney working there at that time yeah a little bit yeah um I
Think he sort of maybe towards the end wasn’t there but he was always a good s did you know him from back on the peninsula days yeah yeah yeah and like cuz all the Frankston dudes were like super cool so it was like Dave snow um Chris Middlebrook yeah um Ed
Crawl this guy this guy Peter Chang that huh bter isn’t it they we used to call him bter cuz of the shoe he did some trick at the shoe joint there yeah yeah yeah like that guy was he had just amazing front side 360 OES and stuff so
Yeah I skate with all those dudes and they were sort of like halfway to the city so they were just a bit cooler and bit more Street savvy than us so um yeah so we did spy for a fair few years and it went it went pretty well but then
What happened was there was this big sneaker boom of all like etes and DCS and all that sort of stuff and all these shops were like killing it because you could just order whatever and it would just sell you know you get etes with a
Little pale blue e you know you kill it you’re selling it to all these girls and then what happened was for the average dude that didn’t SC like they were all wearing DC and etes and all that sort of stuff but then the fashion for that sort of punter person
Changed to more like a racing style of sneaker that was sort of big just after the like the like a running racing kind of style I don’t know but like it was just more of I can’t remember what the brand I think maybe even goody did a
Sneaker or something wow but it was this different type of it went from skate sneakers to this weird this is more for that street not for just for the dude going to the footage like that sort of just you know dudes at the pub whatever so like you know where like hype or
Whatever would have all DCS and all of a sudden all that stuff was gone and it was all these weird like just nothing sneakers from nothing like they weren’t they didn’t reflect any culture or anything but they were massive right I wish I could remember the brands but so then
That turned that was the new mainstream Trend so all these shops out in the suburbs like out Gwen wavy and all that they all went bust because they were stuck with all these sneakers and their sort of like their business model completely changed so then at the same time DC got bought by
Quicksilva and El got bought by billong and then zuo York got bought by Echo and so those companies like really had a giant push into that skate surf area in Australia so like if you’re like a surf shop and you’re like oh we got a little skate section it’s
Like oh we just do you know we do element because we get a special bonus or something you can carry both and so as that contracted we sort of just weren’t left with that many shops that like whereas now there’s just such a healthy um array of like you know either
You know chains or Independent Skate Shops like like I see the Instagrams all around it’s like oh my God like cool and G’s got like this amazing shop or whatever like there’s just all these great like independent retailers now but at the time and it was also before
Street Wear like there was Street Wear shops and stuff so we sort of like we just had to make the decision of like there’s not like cuz compared to like the American brands you have to design the clothing and then Get It produced then do where were you getting it made um
Some in Melbourne and then some like in factories like like in Asia and stuff but a lot of stuff got made like downstairs like we had cutting boards and stuff and that’s cool the hardest thing I found with demo King was that I wanted it to be made here it was just
Price point it couldn’t be done yeah so we get it all originally like I think everything was made here maybe except for maybe hats or something but yeah it would all get cut downstairs and it was when paneled t-shirts like you know you put a mesh panel there and yeah so this
Bit’s mesh yeah so I used just have a ball drawing these weird lines across like and it’s like yeah make that and then they’d make it like in days it was sick and um whereas now it’s all like seen in a month and a half with the
Samp but um yeah so the the yeah so to do generate all that was like so taxing like all the like the image and then the clothing and stuff and then at the end of the day there’s not that many shops we can actually sell it to so then we
Got into like more distribut you have a big te a team of like a designer marketing all graphic design whatever did you have or was that all Steel on the team we we like I know exactly how you feel mate we’d have like some people do art for
Us what before I knew how to learn to use illustrators I got we got sort of was someone um actually Woody that started sneaker freaker did all the original art sort of thing and like I just going oh I can you do this do that
And then I sort of worked out from like sort of just how to do basic things and illustrator off those sort of dissecting the files sort of thing and um but yeah it was super fun and it was like um it was cool to have your own BR like it was
Just a dream come true to have you know and sort of people liked it and stuff and have fond memories in the in the hand comps were really cool and stuff but then we got into distribution we did like Thrasher and um amateur um you know you do that
In a Hollywood set you got to buy everyone a slab or something like that I bet one be all right fair enough um and then we sort of got into Street where like that sort of thing but more as a distributor yeah just true happen stance
We at this trade show in America and I saw Tony Ferguson who skated for girl mhm and I’m like oh [ __ ] Tony Ferguson and so I went up to go like are you Tony Ferguson and he goes yeah and I said I saw you skate at Melbourne you know in
’94 or whatever and he’s like oh sick and him like I’m like you had this like it’s like I remember like what T-shirts they were it’s so lame but um and I said oh what are you doing here and he goes oh I’m involved with this brand a life
You know I’m working on their sneakers for him and I’d sort of heard of a life um like in some graffiti magazine or something and so I met all these guys from New York that you know these legendary sort of Graffiti Writers that had started this brand and focuson was
Working for them so we started doing that just in a few cuz the sneaker stores had started opening up and then through that we sort of then they sort of go oh with our friend you know does this brand you want to do that and so it just bounced around where we started
Picking up all these Street Wear Brands and then um actually I think mapstone put me in touch with um like Keith huffnagle and so I started you know talking to him about cuz Huff just had a shop in San Francisco then and yeah he’s like we sort of came to an agreement and
He goes oh okay just you can do it but you can only sell it in one shop per state cuz it was meant to be really limited and um then it sort of you know we got it so early and then it got so big like with the socks and stuff and I
Remember it was I don’t know in the end it was like shops like it was I think we had like $120 or something which is a big turnaround from one shop but Keith was um but that was just so sick to work with him and he was
So like he was such like a god of like skate like cuz you know everything he did was sort of Untouchable for as far as style goes and pop man he had the biggest and he’s like sponsors and just the way he dressed and stuff but so like
It was like oh you’re just a God but he just like acted like he just like was your neighbor like he was so chill and just so down to earth and had this weird sort of ironic humor and um yeah so to like work with him it was like I don’t
Know like 8 years or something and um just see how his company grew and how he kept like he’s just always the chillest dude in the room and it was yeah it was devastating when um you know passed away yeah I wasn’t you know like best friends
With him or anything but like he was like a hero that I got to like hang out with and work with and um uh yeah but that was that was really cool and we do like other brands like the hundreds and stuff and it was during this time when
The street where Brands were doing crazy like stunts and like events and stuff I went to like this private party at Disneyland which was just insane um and uh I went on the I went went on the Star Wars ride like 14 times just out of my brain so there’s a couple
Of little things you’ve just mentioned there one is the states and your connection with the states is quite deep I suppose you would say based on you’re living there now now is your wife originally from no she’s from money Pon she’s from money Pon how did you both
End up over in the states well we met at goo um as you said earlier on and um well she was a model agent here and she just always had a dream of like like a bucket with thing of working overseas for a little bit and so yeah she just
Went to she just went there and sort of just co- calleded agencies and just said oh hey yeah I can do this and I’m looking to move and so she was going to move for maybe like a year which seems really unrealistic in retrospect but it
Was like 1 to two years and um yeah she’s we I think she just did her 10year anniversary or something so then I moved there about 7 years ago and then about 5 years ago so you were already married before she went overseas yeah yeah yeah
And um yeah so we lived at like but I’d have to go for trade shows and stuff so I just stay there for the 3 months yeah he didn’t need a visa and you can just do the tourist thing and um yeah then I moved and then um yeah had a little
American yeah so he’s if you get him born in the country they get to keep him how many guns does he own huh how many guns does he own he doesn’t own any he’s he’s only allowed to have blast like a big I’ve said to him said never
Ask don’t ask Mom for guns ask ask for blasters like always you got to you got to make sure it’s in space like because uh yeah which is the other connection that you mentioned about Star Wars and you have quite a um a love for Star Wars
You’re quite a um movie buff in a lot of ways not just Star Wars but a lot of movies and even the scate the skatee movies you’re talking about background specials on the window at 7-Eleven um you’re right into your movies but Star Wars is one of the the standouts for
That yeah well my youth was just like it was Star Wars and skateboard like that was it like um oh CU this is me and Harrison Ford which was um oh look at the T-shirt have you seen him oh yeah okay so I I’ll fast forward to that’s
Not animal chin the um yeah so I was just super into like that was like my earliest memory and like you know I like Luke Skywalker and Tony Hawk like Jo I mean that were just my like golden blond hair Gods sort of thing and um so I always
Had this huge affinity and and just like like the similar to skateboarding it just inspired me and helped me escape like do you know what I mean like like Luke Skywalker on T wanting to go do fun stuff like it’s a bit like living in rosebar like and it’s to get to piran
Whatever so when podcasting I was doing I did standup for about 12 years um which was which was super fun but that was when podcasting was just starting like I remember when I’d heard of it and then Apple had an update and they added podcasts to iTunes where you could and I
Was like ah so now I’ve worked out how I can cuz I could never work out how to find them and yeah you needed something weird I I have no idea but when they put it on iTunes that sort of set the scene to change it up and so when I was doing
Standup I was listening to all these American podcasts and they were talking about how it’s good way to like build an audience so I was like I got to start podcast got to start and I love like the fact that you could just listen to people toss on about these mon subjects
Was like heaven I was like yes I want like the whole con that whole like nanocasting thing it really um appealed to me so I started a podcast called um I love green guide letters which is absolutely actually really hilarious if you get a chance folks go and check it
Out cuz there’s some really funny stuff on there and the conceit of that is they’re sadly not in there anymore but in the green greenard was the TV lift out in the age on a Thursday and they would have um a letters page and I used
To just read the letters page to laugh at how annoyed people would not just get annoyed about it like cuz you know when you’re like I’m going to complain about that I’m you never do people willing enough to actually these people like had this thought that they don’t like this
Weather presenter’s dress and they’re going to write a letter and send it like that’s just commitment and what voice did they send it in in this one so I yeah I just thought ah that would be a good cuz I sort of understood um what made a good like you need a good
Hook mhm and so this the green guy letters thing it was either going to get a blank face it’s like I don’t really talking about or they would go oh my God those letters like there was like a certain type of person that like that
Would read them as well yeah and um I actually got the idea cuz I was in the food court at Sydney Road like Barkley Square or something and I was I was reading it and I was reading this letter and it was so bad like inan that I was
Looking around to see if anyone else was reading the same green guide like like oh and then I was just like do you think the editor of the green guide was taken the piss by publishing like but then when the podcast sort of got big it like
They would publish ones they knew would be funny right and then they publish they knew about the podcast they sort of knew that yeah so then it became this really weird cycle and then there was letters about the podcast in the letters really yeah like and then there was like then someone
Else would write like so they’re complaining about the podcast now in the letters and then I’m reading them like it was so weird and meta and um put out the one of the my favorite things we did was um we do once a year a show in my house
Because the people that listen to podcast the hardcore fans are just the best people like they just cuz people like you got 60 people in your house I’m like oh these are like like these are the best people there like the energy from that that podcast energy so this is
Like that was in your house yeah in my apartment I’ve been to one or two of a couple more two but I’ve been to a couple of them in a public space not in your house who we it’s Will Anderson limo and Justin Hamilton Justin Hamilton down the bottom limo in the
Middle and then yeah Will with the hat on so yeah we just pack the house with people and have these um bizarre podcasts but it was you know do the Comedy Festival and got to have um I actually did one in Mark maron’s garage with him where he did the one with the
President which was pretty sick I was actually you went back to the screen then I’m like oh what’s this oh this is this podcast this is this is not your Lou room yeah there’s not 60 people in here so then so that was going really well we’re doing live shows and it was
Just the best like it was just so much fun um which is a big thread through all this it’s just like fun yeah yeah just sniffing out fun like once I once I worked out that you didn’t have to do normal stuff I was like yeah let’s just
Not do normal stuff ever that is terrible and um the um so Star Wars got announced that it had been B and there was going to be new movies right and I was like I always loved when you were little and the film was about to come out
And the um there’d be a special like Angela Bishop would host the special and there’d be interviews with people and it’s like you know they do specials like that Saturday night and the film came out that week yeah and um and it was just a big promotional thing and I was
Like so cuz I was at this sort of level of like awareness that like I’d be on you know like morning shows sometimes and stuff like that doing hosting and but then you know I had friends that I was sort of like started with that were like you know had H you
Know like Tommy little and stuff and Nick Cody and and Ronnie Chang and I was like and I say this like like Tommy Little’s like just one of the best he’s he’s a alltime dude but he doesn’t know anything about Star Wars right and I was like
Star Wars is life it is life I was like they’re going to have one of these specials when the film this is like 3 years before a film was going to come out right and I’m like they’re going to have one of these specials and some like
Half-known person is going to host this special and it’s going to be like so you’re thinking 3 years in advance here well I was just looking for a gap right and I was like and then they’re going to get someone like Tommy Little to buy
Host it he doesn’t even want it but he just gets all these sweet jobs so just the same as him going to host some tennis thing or whatever and I’m like I need to like establish that like I’m the Star Wars guy so when it all comes out
They’ve got someone with some media training that’s also amped up about the um the you know the films and stuff and what just happened then we got a there we go some [ __ ] just Le against the life it’s amazing how yeah you’re here actively making the podcast worse when I
Assume you I realize that your ass had hands how did you manage to turn a knob with your ass I’ve got great GL look at that Jesus the um yeah so I had this paranoia like nothing against him like but I was just sort of like there’s no
Way I’m not going to I’m not going to get up just no one’s going to know but I was like if I start a Star Wars podcast and sort of start doing that well then I’ve gotten like this thing there’s going to be a like a need yeah yeah here
He is again [ __ ] dude stick it off your ass so your ass won’t turn theise how you’ve done the three podcast like you You’ you’ve watched a YouTube video you’ve gotten a phone call yeah we’re just here I know now he’s you get me a be though so that was pretty sweet
Yeah so I just started doing the podcast and and I sort of um podcast called steel wars steel wars yeah um or actually it was originally called what was it was such a bad name steel Saunders loves Star Wars so he a podcast for a job podcasting for a job
Oh know it was called this isn’t the podcast you’re looking for or something like that okay which is good but like after the first week of telling people about like I was just like nah I can’t say that for the next 5 years so I
Didn’t want to put my name in it but I was just like it’s just the best branding idea like so so I did it and then I was big fan of Mark Marin’s podcast and like like his sort of in-depth interviews sort of things so I
Was sort of like if you found people that were into Star Wars but maybe like are from different like you know them from the news or they’re in a band or something and you talk to them about their love of Star Wars and how it sort
Of reflects out on their life cu is like a really interesting thing in the world where it’s a bit of Pop Culture that relates to so many people like from all walks of life and from all different beliefs or whatever yeah from way back in the late
’70s all the way through yeah and they’re all looking at the same thing from a slightly different angle so some cuz it’s so rich so some people like it for like the fights or some people you know I’ve interviewed a lady in um um oh I’m just blanking on um from
Ukraine sorry and you know she talked about how she shows a cartoon about called Star Wars Rebels to her she looks after an orphanage and you know they they hear Bombs all the time and so she shows them Star Wars Rebels to show how the heroes react andal that’s like
That’s like heavy stuff do you know what I mean and but then you know then we talked to you know for the most trite of you know people that have got giant collections or something like that but it was just super fun and I sort of got
To take sort of some of the energy and some of like the I guess the marketing from like skateboarding and and comedy and sort of adopt it to Star Wars and sort of do it in a different way that was sort of not so dry sort of thing and
We do like live you know pretty Rowdy live shows and we did um uh like a we you know they do the midnight premieres yeah like so we did a podcast um after the premiere in a b like at 3:00 in the morning so everyone comes out and then
We all went in and did this big podcast so it was just like ways to find like to do fun in doing that I got to travel around the world and go to like conventions and I end up like getting little jobs from Disney that like did
You get more famous through that than what you did with your standup oh man what um I have no idea CU you talking about bombing earlier on I thought we’ll try that yeah no I don’t know I don’t know how to um yeah definitely I don’t think
I ever got over d d celebrity sort of thing I was know David Quirk but um the um he does apologize for not being here today he’s de Al so this is like the midnight so this is like 3:00 a.m. at a Irish pubby Knox um that was in yeah oh
God no wonder like no wonder they went to the pub they yeah iten it was really hard to find a Cinema with a pub that would be willing to open it through but the Irish Pub was up for it and then um like um so it actually did turn out
The plan did work out and then when Star Wars was opening like I had an inn with Channel 10 and they got me to do like I got to interview Harrison Ford which was just like as we saw earlier yeah just just ing who was you’re in there at
Channel 10 um well this guy that Tommy or is it oh no no like this guy Rob mcnight who um he listened to the green guide podcast and so that was a cool thing because all these people coming up in the media industry were listening cuz they were sort of ear early adopters
Sort of thing so I sort of got like this awareness like I wasn’t sort of like famous mainstream but like in the niche yeah of people knew so um yeah I got to do the Harrison thing which was just staggeringly good and then it’s sort of
All oh Ben Mendon came to my house one day to talk about Star Wars and that was pretty sick Melbourne boy came to your house yeah I just like Wrangle I was I was just good at sort of fair bit of confidence in him to go to someone’s
House he must really have trusted you H I don’t think he cares he he rocked up with three different packs of siggies which I always just like as in different brands or three he was going to get through three packs three different packs they’re all the same brand of
Various usages but um yeah that was that was really I was yeah I don’t know I just like get into something and then I’m just like just there’s just the enthusiasm and I like the fun like how did you Wrangle your way to be on set
And actually be in one of the movies that’s the best scam of all I feel like the um so it was so they started filming all them is this oh yeah so this is Kenobi this is the last SE the last episode of Kenobi and there’s Luke
Skywalker he’s the little boy and then there’s Joel Edon who’s austral you know from The Secret Life of Austin St um so he’s his uncle and then the guy just on the other side of the door in the background with the white sleeves he’s shoplifting and that’s me you’re
Shoplifting yeah I cuz you had to um I don’t know where to start with this story the um so yeah so I actually this is a weird thing to loop around so I knew Luke Skywalker was I knew where the camera was I was good at I was good at
Working out where the camera was going to be and then working out a way to get in that shot sort of thing cuz like like to be there and I’ll explain like cuz we’re such nerds we found out the the code names of the show so cuz they never
Onset it’s got a different name so yeah well like when it’s in production like when they’re like hiring like actors or catering or whatever it’s not called Star Wars Kenobi it was called Joshua tree so cuz otherwise you get idiots like me try to but if you’re an Uber idiot you find
Out the code names right so we knew it was Joshua tree so we just sort of we knew a couple people like that worked in background casting and there was websites we put all these so they put up aob for Joshua tree and we’d all you
Know try to get it and it was towards the end of Co and I knew it was going to be on tne like knew it was Kenobi so it must be on tne and I was like how do I make myself more tatween so I just
Didn’t shave for like six like on the hope that I would get a chance to get a you know to to apply I just didn’t shave and I hate having a beard it was so like prickle and [ __ ] but it made a great T beit and it did a trick I’m there with
Luke Skywalker so oh and there’s me in the corner there there’s um looking back this way yeah the inquisitors are about to chop off a lady’s hand and I’m very scared they’re going to chop someone else’s hand off you’re the shoplifter yeah I know and the weird
Thing was cuz of the effect I saw a hand get chopped off about 40 times as they did all different shots but um yeah so I um it was during Co so that’s me after playing Star Wars for a day with you and McGregor and getting
Back in my car and just like going like there is nothing better that could ever happen to me than like to be on that so and it was the one of the sets where they built like a whole town like it wasn’t like green screen it was like in
A the basement like the bottom of an Old Quarry and it was full tne and they rebuilt Luke’s house from like the original film and um so I was just like tearing and I made friends with all the like I went up to the dudes building
Luke’s house and it was all fenced off you weren meant to go near there and I just went up not to go in there I just went up to and said hey guys like this is amazing like I like teared up the first time I saw this she done such a
Good job looks exactly like this people are going to love like the work you’ve done is so good and they’re like you want to come in have a look and I’m like [ __ ] yeah I want to come and have a look like so i’ got to go in the house
Sometimes it’s simple isn’t it just have a chat to someone yeah well you sort of have to keep it undercover that you’re a massive Star Wars fan especially the like cuz people thought that cuz I’ve worked for Star Wars essentially like gone there to do press things and stuff
That they did it like oh you’re a good Little Star Wars fan but it was full Undercover like we like didn’t want anyone to know we had a star war like we did Star Wars podcast and stuff because that’s the last person they want yeah cuz they want
Cuz all those secrets are worth so they want people spoiling like you have to wait until it came out before you could say stuff or yeah I didn’t tell I was so paranoid because cuz also my name like it’s so just like you can’t get away with [ __ ]
In rose bud when your name steal like Dean oh this guy yeah yeah yeah so um yeah we kept it really secret so much that like they had this big premiere for it at the Star Wars convention in Anaheim and um my friend like we watched it in this big
Auditorium and none of my friends next to me even knew I was in it and then you hadn’t even told them no cuz I thought it’d be funnier to like what I’ve got video cuz people in the how do you tell someone like hey that’s me cuz you don’t
Look like you in that exactly so we didn’t know cuz there was shots where I thought there’s no if like if they use that shot people are going to go you’re just there right but there was this one shot like Ben Kenobi is looking at this Jedi that’s been hung like like killed
And I’m behind him like looking all like sad but I think maybe I’m a terrible actor cuz that shot didn’t get but I thought that was going to be my money so we’re watching it at the convention right and I’m like please just give me some grain of evidence that
I was in the show cuz I don’t want everyone to have to take my word for it and then there were shots that like Oh I thought I was going to be in that thought was and I’m just like like like afterwards it’s like I am in that aor
Right so no one actually saw me in it but we went upstairs to the hotel my hotel room say oh let’s watch it again right and I I cuz I knew so I’d bought like a bunch of beers and stuff we went up there and then my two friends were
Also in the show like and they were the only ones in on the secret so we all went there was like 20 of us up there did they get any screen time not in this episode they were in different they were on different planets um um and we’re watching and I said oh
This bit was like it comes up to where in the first episode where the lady gets a hand chopped off and I’m like a this bit’s good let’s just let’s watch this and I’m and and we watching that’s very W it’s a good bit and then my two
Friends you like yeah I love this bit and then we watched it maybe like the third time and then one of my friends Britney she just goes oh my God and everyone’s she picked it yeah and she’s like rewind and then so we rewind and then like then the whole group
Everyone’s just like w cuz like if you’re like like a mental nerd this is like the best thing ever like so it was just yeah it was sick it was such a a um it was unb it was it was unbelievable and the fact that it was during Co was super weird
Because going on yeah cuz it was and like we’d have to wear masks like outside like after the take like everyone mask back on and um and it was super hot like I’m talking like 43 sort of thing and so you’re wearing all that GAR all that yeah but the rad
Thing was that they had you know they were decked out with all hydration tablets and Gatorades they Gatorade in cans which I’ve never seen before and and drank quite a few and I’m not a good hydrator like you know my wife Jackie is always like mate drink some water yeah
But like because I was because on the first day people would just dropping like people would like GK hold off right and I figured they’re not getting invited back the next day right they could have come back as the the ghost yeah yeah the one that been hung and
Um the um well there was only bro that that that been taken that was the first one um so I was so paranoid that like I would pass out that I was it was the most hydrate I was taking every little tablet because I was like I don’t want
To waste this and then I’d like sort of like to the Pas which is sort of the people look after you um they production assistants not personal assistants um they I’d just be super nice to them and like so i’ get to like oh we’ve just got one
More scene with six more oh yeah I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it cuz like I was in Wonka’s factory TR every opportunity imagine if you had have drunk so much though that the time came up to go on set and you’re like oh I got to go to
The piss yeah well The Robe you you just do it pissing the robe it’s not your robe yeah but um it was that links back to the pit you could just oh this is how this is how it is in the but the thing that links back to the whole um to the
Sort of maybe one of the start of the story The where shoplifting I had to come up you know with a plan to stay in this shop and so I did this on the first week I worked at finincial Surf yeah yeah and I’m just you know
Whatever so I’m pulling down the boogy board at the back of the shop and meanwhile the other guy put his hand under a named a rip Cur watch right and so they left and then um I’ve realized what’s happened and I don’t really understand what that means in a
Shop but I thought it meant like new dude’s getting fired 3 days into his job and I just had this like save me from Cash Converters so I’m like I lock the shop and go looking for the dudes right and so I go to the train station and I
See him and I go hey mate I need that watch back and he goes I don’t know what you’re talking about I said dude I can see you I can see the lump in your tracksuit pants I said dude I’m going to get fired if I don’t bring this watch
Back so like that’s how much I need it back so how about you just give it to me back and cuz I was like I’m not like a fighter or anything but I like didn’t want to lose my job like cuz and for context this is in Frankston yeah but I
Really didn’t want to lose my job so it gave me the watchback and I went back and then I like rang up I remember R Dan brainbridge I’m like hey this happened and I went and got the watchback and he’s like do not do that ever again just you almost had a different
You were almost UFC fighter career as well oh man it’s like he’s like do not know it’s only a watch we not like that happens it’s fine and I was like Oh I thought I was going to get fired for sure and this is like a big
Opportunity but that’s what I was doing at the store cuz you know we’d make up little you here to make it all look natural like when I watch TV shows cuz I’ve done a lot of lot of it after this like it’s almost like I can see the production
Assistance behind the wall going go go so whenever I see someone walk cuz if you’re on a especially American show if someone’s in the background they’re paid like that car is not there by accident it’s hilarious right and um so I worked out that there was five or four people
Telling people what to do so you could just make up what you were doing to the first person and they go great so they go what are you doing so that’s one less job they have to think about well they don’t know you’re making no cuz all I’m
Making up things that are going to serve me so they think that that’s what you’re meant to be doing what are you doing they like well I just walk past Yan before he goes into the farm like Into The Farmhouse which is like where the camera is and they
They’ll just go great and then let’s move on to the next person right because they think someone else has told you so I just did that the whole time so that was like oh they said just a mill about here so I did the trick every time I to
Do it like 20 times so I’d go and you don’t know how much is going to be end up in the show are you a Jedi no I’m no I’m no Oh I thought you were just portraying believe what you needed them to group of people so I just thought oh
That’s a funny name sounds star warsy but my guy he his story that got played out behind the scenes was he in your world yeah in he went he was meant to buy a blanket a rug for his wife and he bought a pillow case instead too small
Cuz there was like this stall there was all these stalls and with this merchandise and then he went home and his wife got mad at him cuz he was meant to buy a blanket not a pillow but he’d spent all his money so now he was trying
To steal stuff around town so this is like our fake little game of stuff and so we made up characters for everyone and none staff knows like that’s so funny there was like aund of us like there a subplot within Star Wars so I did a PSC tribute of um uh doing that
Shoplifting trick which did you do the um can you get me that yeah yeah so I’d say get seed like can over with that and then watch look around and I try to do it real obvious so you better to see it in the background and stuff and um I’ve
Still got some of those little Acorn things I stole actually that is great but yeah that was um that that was uh that was really sick and then I started doing background cuz I worked out that like if you’re not a Star Wars nerd like
Cuz I just look around and look at sets all day and stuff and talk to people and stuff but like if you’re on like um like Gray’s Anatomy you’re paid to do nothing most of the day because they only need you sometimes but they need you to be
There and so after Co I was sort of re building the the shop at Shore in the city like cuz it you know like any business it has been destroyed after Co so I had to do a lot of work and I didn’t like we the shop had no money
Like it was yeah was awful the lockdowns and stuff but um but this way I could go to a set and I’d still have like 10 hours to work out of 14 so you could do your work while there was getting paid and you get caught up half hour to do
Something yeah yeah yeah so it worked out really well and that’s sort of how I did the um the sticker wall was on these sets like I had all this before we go too far into that sticker wall that will slide into what the next sort of part of
The steel you’re doing really well trying to get like you you mentioned stuff I’m like oh I forgot that 10 years as but uh so the shore store which is something that um I’m I’m sure you’re actually really proud of what you’ve achieved with that and especially the Stick of w
Which we’ll talk about individually later but um how did the shore store start and um how long’s it been around um it’s about to turn 15 this December and originally was down on Manchester Lane which is sort of down near flinder Street and stuff yeah nice little place
Yeah and um it was quite small though wasn’t it it was oh it’s actually bigger than the current one oh is it yeah but um yeah this is this is the current one on little lale which is just around the corner from like the the library Bank
You know the State Library down the road from if you go a bit further down there there’s the van store that’s like in in the mall but yeah that sort of started because we were Distributing these Brands and there was a sneaker shop in the original spot called provider and
They were sort of what they went bankrupt whatever it’s because it’s a hard thing to work out how to make that sort of business work and um but we would sell to them and then so that shop was gone but then we had all these brands that now they didn’t really have
A home that we distributed so we sort of just took over this you know sort of bought like the spot off them or something and um yeah started Shore out of there and then um so it was sort of in the partnership with Ken for a long
Time and then just before Co Ken is the one that you did Spire with yeah yeah who was you know maybe like I don’t know like 20 years older than me or something and just another dude that just like sort of looked after me really good and
And sort of like like taught me so much and then so so during Co it’s just like like I remember there was one day and we had negative $27 in the store account which is like a business with negative $27 it’s not a good sign it’s you talked
About math being true earlier yeah there was a real yeah there was a a mathematical reason to have a frown but um so I it was like that it was like really like brutal in that like you know like I’ve had this like you know like
For me like a really exciting life and I’ve sort of got to see not so much like do all these great but like watch him happen and be involved from the sidelines and like I loved every minute of it and um you know I’ve done these businesses and like and now I’ve got
Negative $27 like it’s all that’s not the way it’s meant to be like I’ve ended up with nothing so that was one of your one of the lowest points I suppose in in the things you’ve been involved in yeah it was so it was it was yeah it was
Brutal and I remember like we we live opposite this big Park thankfully in La which cuz that was our park we were allowed to go to and stuff so we you know we had this massive amount of space to still live in and um I remember pushing Harry who’s like a lot younger
And you know just pushing him trying to get him to sleep across his field just like going man I am like [ __ ] like this is I’m done and the Fun’s over and I’m going to have to get like like some just whatever job in America just to have
Like J like I applied how’s this I applied forgot cuz a lot of that stuff I’m like you I’ve just gotten rid of it right just cuz it’s like bad yeah I applied for a job at Trader Joe’s which is I you thought you going to say cash converted
No no I applied for a job at the supermarket cuz I was just like what the [ __ ] like I’ve got nothing and I was like they pretty much said like like no offense but you’re going to leave as soon as things start up again yeah and
I’m like I’m like oh like yeah like they’re like yeah so that’s like I don’t think you work here and stuff but that was like man going to like I hadn’t worked for anyone for like you know since PSC really and even then you were fairly autonomous yeah so I was yeah
Going to like work the cash register and like they do have really good stuff there like no I Sho you not the service at Trader Joe’s they will take you exactly to the Spaghetti s like they’re really good um so full credit to them and I would have been um thrilled to
Continue the legacy of good service but they didn’t want me cuz they knew I wasn’t dedicated I didn’t have the eye the tiger so um yeah so I was like pushing cuz I’d go to the park every day and every day would be exactly the same because nothing was happening because of
Co and La just has the same weather so it was just like this real hog every day the same every day the same every day the same there was this billboard cuz none of the cuz La is so billboard it out but then none of them changed for 10
Months or whatever and there was this I remember this billboard massive billboard for Ben Affleck he was teaching some basketball team how to I don’t know get their dream whatever the movie was and he had stubble and I remember like after 6 months like going I’m sure he’s got more stubble
Now you’re expecting the billboard to grow a beard yeah but um no I in my head I’m like was he that stubbly at the start of this I don’t know I’m I’m I think I’m losing my mind but that was when I was actually
Um I would um I watch a lot of skate stuff and I think you guys had all your archives up cuz you did before Co yeah yeah yeah our stuff was before yeah yeah so I remember just like like watching all that and sort of just getting amped
On that and then I was sort of just working out like what do I have I’ve got all these sporadic things what can I get out like what can I use all this stuff to do and I was like I had the shop and then I was like
I’ve got all these interests and stuff what if I just just put it all in like the skateboarding Street Wear like the you know there’s like the Star Wars stuff podcasting but I just focused it all in there and did a new shop and just gave it like I think all these talents
That are part look cuz of done all these different things and picked up all these different skills like if I just focus them all on the one thing except for like all these you know let the podcasting things separate from the the shop sort of thing what if I merged it
All together could I you know do something and then I wanted to I would go to Old shops around America when I tra like you know we just go on a road trip and you always find the old skate shop and then they had like the sticker
Wall what the old of the shop they you know there’d just be a door or a toilet where people everyone would put a sticker as I started really thinking about maybe because I was so sad but I’d think about like how seeing the old Trinkets and these things
How they like sort of spark happiness sort of thing and um there was a shop in um La called lotes which isn’t there anymore but they had a really cool wall any relation to Brian L the skate no but that’s why I first was like oh my God
Brian W he’s got a skate shop I’m going there he actually had an art show around the corner for my house and I went there and um just gushed to him about how much his striped t-shirts meant to me I’m like oh man I’m I’m still on striped
T-shirts to this day from the he’s just like he was a hat Street SK Street planet Earth blind but um the best um good strip t-shirts um so yeah so then I sort of thought about like you know how I can sort of reboot the shop and just make it like
About like not have all these you know things are sort of separate like you what I mean you don’t expect to see like like Simpsons toys in a skateboard shop but I like both so maybe other people might like them together as well so I just wanted to build this shop that was
Like like those old like what like retail was in the ’90s or the ‘ 80s where you’d walk in and like I don’t know what I’m going to find and you know you go into the City and you do your or around Chapel Street you know you got a
Snake P you got a motion there was there was the collectible you know just Collectibles and stuff so sort of um do that and then I had the idea for the sticker wall that just got it was just going to be behind the shoes at one
Point and then I was like well if you’re going to do it like cuz I sort of like being in La like shops have not skate shops but just regular shops have like a tourist attraction sort of you know like something a hook yeah yeah yeah and so I was
Like I thought cuz I wanted to have like a big thing and I was talking to artists but I didn’t have any money to pay them so like that was sort of out of the way and then I was like well I know friends with lots of stickers and I do have an
Ex excruciating amount of free time at the moment so I I had this idea to just do the shoe wall and then I as I sort of got into it I was like this is a waste of time people aren’t going to tell anyone about it if it just goes up to
Their head but if it goes for a whole wall then maybe people go hey you should check out that shop like if you’re in the city and you’re in skating sort of thing and then so I just got stickers from various um very lovely people around the world from all the things
That have sort of made me happy like from that first day of seeing like Future Primitive or whatever yeah so like there’s music there’s Star Wars podcasting and then there’s like random like there’s like a a pancake P sticker in there and all this random stuff so it
Was it was awesome it’s that bton Ernie one that’s an Andy that’s an Andy Murphy one is that a burton Newton no yeah it’s Burton Ernie but it’s Burton Newton and Ernie dingo that’s that’s that’s Andy Murphy um that’s Peak Andy Murphy actually so good so good so um yeah so
The process involved scanning all the stickers cuzz they’re not actually there they’re not individual stickers you’ve got yeah I scan them all individually and then I had to work out this way to edit them to look like they’re stuck cuz see how you can see the wood like see
Like the the world industry ones like the one like it you can see the wood behind it if you just scan them and they had the white backgrounds it would it wouldn’t have that thing so but it was excruciating to take off the clear but then I learned this trick
Um that you could have a film like it would have visually look like the sticker was still there like by having a jeal layer taking out the white but like so it looks like so people touch it because you know how like when you see like a like an old Power sticker you
Know when it’s on the board and you can see the outline of the vinyl of the adhesive and so to have that effect cuz if you just got the the say the Tony Hawk logo without that it’s just a graphic but it’s having the outline of the stick
Really jar your memory sort of thing so they still look like an outline but it’s clear not a white background and so you can still think it’s a sticker yeah and I I remember I was um that guy um Cam that used to have the blue tole loung
Yeah so he came in the shop one day right he’s just the best dude and talking like there’s obviously there’s nothing I better than like just tossing on about all this old stuff as we know 2 and 1/2 hours in are you serious it’s 2
And 1/ half hours 2 and 1/ half hours and 4 minutes no I I apologize everyone I was like oh yeah it must be about an hour and 20 right now but um I I do well that’s the whole thing is enthusiasm right um so he’s talking and then he
Goes he sort of I said something about he goes oh did you ever regret sticking the mo and I’m like what don’t sticker and he touched he goes oh man I thought they were all stickers but um yeah so it took like 10 months like it was excruciating
But I was just like I told my wife I was like I have to ruin my life for about a year and a half because I have to get like 3 years of work done in the shortest amount of like jine you really do bite off and just keep chewing don’t
You yeah well it’s I don’t know that’s that’s why you’re the farest Gump of everything yeah but um yeah so this is um how it this is like the posters we printed up on it so you can be sick so this is it in real in real life this is
16t wide by 11t high that’s upside down oh is it yeah oh it is too so yeah so in real life it’s this way yeah so I got and I sort of did it in oh no way m2o yeah see that’s exactly that’s see that’s the thing that’s what
I knew see look you’re happy I love it got this is so cool yeah so and they’re sort of all done in like groups of like who lent them to me so this is like h section no no actually this is Jason rothm you know the guy Foundation he’s a
Big Star Wars fan so we we s of Star Wars he’s a video guys he does lots of video stuff for skateboarding or is it yeah he hosts like a lot of stuff and he works at New Balance and stuff and does a lot of judging and then um and so the
Cool thing was about it was um it was an excuse to reconnect with all these people so like so this this chunk here is all from Ham’s collection Tony halum so I hadn’t like contacted in any contact with him for like 15 years I’m like oh hey man I’m working on this
Thing and he like to his credit met me in the shop with a few boxes of like like thousands like do you know what I mean did he give those to you or lent them to me to scan and put and So like
Um but I was like I had him in my car like I put him in the car and then just drove like I was scared to get petrol you didn’t want to leave him G leave alone cuz I’d gone and done a lap of Melbourne and got all these so my car
Was just filled with all these everyone’s old sneakers you know cuz they were all you know old DC boxes or whatever from when you started your collection right and um yeah so um that’s like stealth Matt Hills section there’s some Andy Murphy ones um there’s some Ben Harris like
There’s like old crazy old Snak pit one there’s like an old tongue biters one down there oh that is an old scap and then Hans um Hans DC D he got me a couple I got a this is a there um delete the elite that’s a very controversial
One you remember that one no who’s is that one you remember delete the elite no and it was like about they made him about like Greg and Ben and style oh really yeah yeah yeah yeah it was a whole thing so I remember something
About a Mr s at one point that I think might have been in relation to me but I don’t know the um and then Ed crawl who you got craw stuff yeah yeah so all his he’s got the biggest chunk probably that much over there so yeah it was I
Probably I worked out or guessed that I probably did about 500 hours on it and cuz it was like to edit them all and then to lay them out so they look scattered bit neat bit messy but still visual B layered it was quite aocd like I had to are you saying I’ve
Got OCD I’ve got something but I’m s HD and OCD yeah okay amazing the um the well that’s like when you go into the shop and there’s this and then there’s all these frames and um it is like going in my head cuz it’s like all
The same topics it’s like um it’s all going on it’s not a skate shop per se it’s a it’s a life shop like it’s your life shop it’s it’s a I I call it a good stuff shop it’s got good stuff in there there like um but it is heavily like you
Know we sell boards and stuff but it’s like we’re not trying to be like like the majority of the boards we sell get hung on a wall like you know we stock those sort of ones and stuff but um and then um this year we’re actually branching out and we’re wholesaling the
Clothing so there’s going to be like Shore stuff like in other shops and stuff so it’s been really fun to sort of work with you know cuz then you can make whatever you want like as far as jackets and jeans cuz the quantities are up yeah
So um yeah so that’s like sort of the the big thing for this year hopefully so folks get on into lale little Londale Street and check out the shore store you won’t see still there every day cuz he does live in the US but when I’m there
When he’s there there without an hour conversation one in the morning at least I just yeah I don’t know it’s just like it’s just so like we just got such a gateway to like having a fun life and um yeah and I just like just as I got older I was just
Like like how lucky was that like I got the tape and like people sort of set the scene and the hills wanted to make lots of money so they had all these events that worked I was like they got their marketing full value out of their
Marketing dollars for me cuz they do all this stuff to promote skateboarding but I was like you sucked it all in yeah I was just like yes it’s like that is sick when’s the next one sort of thing so yeah so yeah if you’re in the city check
That out and also we’re sort of firing up the the podcast and the YouTube sort of stuff on um now that I’ve sort of got the shop sort of settled so um it’s yeah sha Melbourne I think on YouTube or whatever yeah there’s some actually good
Old you put some of your old footage and stuff on there it’s really to watch got the original snake pit video video up there I found on an old tape and some old Frankston footage and the um tongue biters you put that on there yeah yeah
And then um I’ve got all this old footage from the ’90s that I want to do a bit of an edit with and and put up and and enjoy the good times but um I I had no idea that it was like 2 and 1 half
Hours so that’s more than that yeah well and truly on that note do we have any uh any interactions on our Facebook that you want we have comments a little bit the long gone yeah questions that we need to answer off that now i’ like to
Just show um steel and I had a bit of a chat oh yeah I totally forgot about that play that for you yeah I was talking about the footage that I’m I’m editing so I brought it in a little clip wo com get that is amazing to see that footage I
Didn’t know it existed yes it was uh a rainy night in Frankston 21st century dance Club in the in a nightclub and there was a revolving Dance Floor around next to it as well and um I think it was about 5 minute of rotation never counted it but yeah now
In that little uh episode there you passed me a photo a picture of my brother scating doing a wall ride I’m trying to picture where that is it’s in the city yeah um I’m trying I think that would have been after a demo we did with
These oh we used to take jump ramps down into the city Square yeah well I didn’t take that photo but when you’d send photos to perect transition sometimes very rarely they’d send you the photos back which I I do have um some bad feelings about that but um yeah I got
Send that one it wasn’t like when I was going through my photos I’m like I didn’t take these but I’m like oh it’s Grant S it so I that’s so cool there’s um he was in the back cover of the magazine doing an air walk on that board
Off that ramp yeah but it was an airw walk the other way I remember everything and um there was a big crowd it was actually a really fun demo we it was just impromptu we went down and did it and um this must have been after there’s no crowd around
So this must have been afterwards when we um just took the ramp down there which was pretty cool to be able to do that back in the day just take a ramp out to the city square and put it against a wall or whatever animal chin
Style yeah yeah very good um it’s been a fantastic chat one of those I I had no idea but I just get in the zone I just don’t that’s the beauty of it isn’t it there’s no you know we don’t have a set thing it’s like skateboarding no rules
We can do it I guess I don’t know I just like just like everyone that contributed to it like all the characters like so many of them over the years isn’t it yeah it’s just so like I was saying before like like we used to like see you
Guys and just be like so stoked and like like try our hardest to do a trip like and I don’t know it’s just such a yeah I would I would have said good one for the Flyway well done the um I was I was done
With flyways by that the um but yeah it just I I don’t know I just really appreciate how exciting we got to um make like these sort of you know pretty you know we’re just out in the suburbs or whatever and we just got given this
Like sort of guide on how to have an incredible amount of an opportunity to just live and find all these other wounds like it’s been a great chat um I do want to mention that if you would like to support the channel that there is the GoFundMe on this occasion keep an
Eye out for the links on that patreon will be coming up as well as an option to help support the channel cuz this doesn’t run by itself um 2 and 1 half hours of people’s time doesn’t come for free and nor does the studio and the equipment and everything yeah um get in
And support sh store what level do I have to patreon at to get this Helm episode cuz I’ve got like let it’s already in the bank don’t worry have you already so it’s done yeah oh yeah it’s it’s ready to go it’s ready to go all
Right all right yeah we just you know it’s just one of those things man that that teaser that that got me through Co I’m like back Australia um hopefully Easter we’re on you and I are going to sit next to Tony and interview for oh
Dude you up more of this this is okay oh man I’ve got 8,000 questions cuz like he was so like a mega star and like and just involved in all that stuff but like I grew up relatively close to him um in terms of he was always a part of our
Lives and stuff and so I haven’t got as many questions but I do have one big question I’d like to really get into him about so let’s sit together you ask a thousand I’ll ask one and we’ll see what that turns out to be yeah my ones are
What what was that sticker on your board what did that mean I love KN all that he will remember and tell you the answer to it too he’s quite clear as older as he is and he he still remembers a lot so yeah yeah whenever I get a chance to like just get
His ear for 15 minutes I tell you the sticker wall the the one like the one that I like texted him at like 3: in the morning when I was going through it he had a 60 Minutes sticker signed by um George negas no the
GL what was the lady it wasn’t Tracy Kur it was went no but the remember the lady with the short hair that was on the six that did the the like the thing with Lee Ralph and the hills and stuff yeah yeah yeah I wish I could remember but it’s
Ass signed the sticker signed to from her to Tony wow that is like cuz that 60 Minutes segment was we won’t go into it but it’s it’s really good just watch it on YouTube guys and bgy doesn’t have to drop yeah and just know that I watched
It about 300 times in ‘ 87 and speaking of a sticker wall I have got a couple the demo king um so there’s a couple of them that I think they’re my last ones but anyway you’re going to scan them and return um you’re welcome to put those up
On your sticker wall well they are actually already on the sticker wall there you go so I don’t want to take your last stickers but I do have um they are both those stickers are on the wall they already on the wall I’m going to have to come in Ed craw’s collection was
Very th very thorough and the messed up thing was on the backs of them was my handwriting on most of them like $2 in my from PC yeah which is really weird I was like oh we meet again the egg craw one too you talked about messed up things I can tell you
Messed up stories about him but that will be after hours because we’re at a fair time limit right now Ed CW’s got nothing but golden stories here’s a beautiful I was uh we were skating in this city one night and we got it accosted and his reaction was gold
Okay folks thank you very much for watching and if you’ve lasted this long then we’ve entertained you that’s great um still you’ve been entertaining and I’ve been I’ve loved it and like I said at the start it’s a great opportunity to get to know people that I know even more
And this has been a really fun chat and walks through the life of Steel thanks well was like I’m big always been a big fan so it was it was it was really cool to to hang out a big fan of their side not of Dean that’s all right no of Dean
Dude you used to be in like no but you were in the Snak pit like catalog you get you you’d send in money to get a catalog and then you’d be in a catalog skating like so I’m into it samit brothers when they rocked up it was time to step Up CH stand trust me you sh TR I’m just going to come back online for a second so they can see you that was so cool very very cool great stories great stories told really well too oh T thank you so much fun