Yo what’s up guys welcome back to another video this is a reaction to New Zealand family goes to American moall for the first time I’m going to assume they’re going to like a well-known mole because I’ve done reactions of like Mes in the US where it’s quite a negative
Look at yes Mes in the US obviously not all but just in general how they’re sort of how they’re failing and just how I guess they’ve struggled in certain ways but whilst I see that as a I guess it’s an issue I mean I don’t I’ve not
Experienced it but I see it and it does look like there’s definitely a problem of certain in certain aspects with MES in the US I’m going to assume some of the best mes are also still in the US if not the best ones like I swear there was
Like a moall with a theme park in it a moall with just different crazy things in it right like there two ends of the spectrum you probably have some of the worst mes and the best Mes in the world in the US and I’m going to assume
They’re going to go to one of the best ones right I mean Maybe I’m Wrong maybe they’re just going to your average Mo but I’m going to assume it’s an upper class mall or just a mall that’s just got crazy things in it that you wouldn’t
Expect but to have like a theme park in a mall sounds wild to me I think maybe there was a water park in one um we’re going to check this out I feel like um these guys are just exploring the US CU I’ve done a few reactions before and
This one’s quite recent so yeah I think they just or they were exploring the US just going around doing things that sounds like a lot of fun but we’re going to check this out hopefully you’re going to enjoy let’s see what this mall is like and yeah hopefully you’re going to
Enjoy links through in the description to my patreon where you can see reactions to movie I can’t post YouTube I’ve just reacted to The Truman Show there’s lots of classic movie reactions there there’s more to come if you’re interested links are there if not let’s jump into this and see them explore this
Mall what’s up guys we have finally made it to an American Mall this is one that we knew that was part of the plans because we knew it was close to New York City the American dream mall and I mean it’s got a pretty cool name so I’m
Assuming it’s got to live up to the expectations no the reason that we saw we decided to go to this mall is because of this insane thing that exists Within this mall you guys need to stick around and see what that is but it’s going to
Blow these kids mind so let’s go inside okay go I’m excited for the shopping who so many stories how many stories is this place I know it’s one two cats he said it’s what in New York or near New York so I assume it’s going to be pretty
Massive I mean New York goes crazy with this sort of stuff oh my gosh who what it is Big what where do we even begin oh my go why they wild kids rying around on animals that would have been my dream I have never SE are these like
More like vehicles for kids to ride I’ve never seen this in a allall I don’t think this is the thing in the UK but I feel like I have seen these in like Dubai I just saw I guess a vlog from ages ago and I saw maybe there was
People riding on those I don’t know but that is crazy you got the little vehicles for kids to ride that’s cool though bro is that yeah must be Dy likes the C we don’t have these in PR we also had one of the look at the camera the light oh here
It come back there it is oh W hiding in the grass wait that’s sick it turns him into cartoons that’s pretty cool actually that’s the first one deny made a mistake and whack the button on the screen before we can properly frame it oh okay oh that’s cool yeah that that’s the best
One that’s cool what the heck is this got a little p of Gard God whoa lead you to think are they real or fake because I don’t see any photo symphysis going on here so how are they get I mean I guess the lights in the the malls but that’s not really the same is it bro what this is crazy this looks like your
Kind of store oh my goodness yeah see these are the stores that I love going to the sports stores for sure it’s like a a shopping mall of shirts jerseys everywhere what the heck we going wa this is insane I I just don’t know which way to go we’re getting pretty
Hungry and we want to know where the food CT is oh is this it here see the food cours from my what I’m used to are usually at the top of the malls in the UK that’s what I’m used to and I remember I went to Turkey and I we
Went to a mall there and the food court was at the top there as well so I’m going to assume it’s a similar sort of thing here as well what pour ramen noodles is that what you want let’s go ahead and craving for noodles bro that
Looks like this be the I love ramen I do por noodles good got to check it out actually have noodles here yeah man that is a lot of coins damn you can get rich yeah true w wow I’ll still find a way this guy is officially in his happy place
He’s got his new noodles and ramen and it’s fried chicken and there dumplings I love those dumplings what are they called are these called dumplings goas right I love a gooa a chicken gooa or a duck one from what I’ve had I mean I’ve don’t know if it’s
Like a common thing they’re always the same but it’s usually what chicken onion and maybe like another thing they’re good though happy place we’re having a break on the couch cuz the girls are out shopping us so we’re having a breather of course and Den’s carrying his left over noodles
Everywhere he goes it’s massive as that’s a massive bowl like for like a takeaway sort of ramen place I mean we’ve got somewhere in the UK called wagger MERS and I get I do get food from there quite a lot it’s never that big that is a pretty hefty size
Behind there’s even an ice skating room or an nice hockey rank wow insane what the heck oh this isode universe yeah I know this is crazy I’m a was this the one I was thinking of I think this might be this is the theme park Nickelodeon Universe in a mall is
That a roller coaster oh there is a roller Co this is cool man oh that is cool I don’t even like roller coasters but this is cool oh that is so cool yeah nothing need to go of oh my goodness here’s the water there’s the water park oh look at the
Tower and there’s another thing here bro there’s like a whole this is mental see this is what I’m thinking like this is crazy man you would not get this anywhere in the UK I don’t think there’s one mall in the UK could be wrong has a theme park let alone multiple types of
Theme parks what am I seeing through the window oh my goodness have you seen I know what the heck um what the heck is going on inside a mall that is so strange how is that even possible we’re clearly doing malls wrong in New Zealand what the oh my this is
Absolutely my mind is not working how high up it goes as well dude this is a mall this isn’t a theme park this is a mall oh my goodness me and Dad are going to do some of the roller coasters oh wow okay you ready right and one goes out of
The roof what really yeah I know feels like I’m yeah wa here we go first coaster of the day have fun that is so weird the theme park inside a mall I have so many questions they’re crazy there they are oh my God what the [ __ ] oh no way I’m not no it
Goes I like you that is grim I would hate to ride this deling his noodles come on that’s a massive Bowl man look a bu like he went upside down like about 10 times I saw it that’s insane how you feeling I feel like I I I I’m not joking
I feel like I just went through a boxing match of times my head smashed on the seat on theid of oh so many I hate crazy here that’s a crazy coaster deny would have died on the spot round Two what the where is the fun you’re getting dizzy and then you’re going however fast you’re going on this roller coaster finally got to on a ride see this is my limits of rides man to me this is as much of a as much of an adrenal Adrenaline Rush that I need I
Don’t think these are the highest swings I I’ve gone like the swings like much higher but this is the most I’m doing man in the theme park not doing more than this bro I swear to God woohoo yeah I’ve won like a bit higher than
This I saw you enjoy that from up here you had a smile on your face from up here yeah I saw it too we saw you by the way I thought we were going for like 20 minutes and we were going like way high like so fast see see like that fast see
You don’t even need to worry should we go to the water park now honestly this small drains you of like everything I’m absolutely smashed we’re all smashed and now we have to try and find a way back to our hotel first of all we have to try and find a way out of
This place and then we have to try and find a way back to our hotel but wow American Dream what a crazy experience I’m going to search this place after to see what the water park looks like cuz I’m so fascinated by this yeah was that
Was insane eh so insane wow best M you ever been to in your life crazy eh know Denzel’s first toy shop in America who whoa must be two levels there slide there that’s crazy there must be two levels of toys wow bro aerf buggy that holds your ammo
Oh damn that’s cool oh there’s another one bro toys in the US on steroids as well you got Nerf buggy with a gun on it that is different level I would have loved that as a kid I would love that now that looks like it’ be fun now
Honestly there’s a Batman one as well whoa back around here then look there’s there’s one oh yeah look here’s all their stuff here not going to find of the size and this is two stories even this one story is bigger than the biggest yeah IND City loves
America because there’s just such a big selection of everything yeah there is doesn’t matter what you’re looking for the the store even pours out oh this the Nickelodeon shop yeah it even pours out into the middle of the mall wow there’s even a train that takes you around the
Mall cuz the mall’s just so big wait Toys R Us is wait is toys us an American brand or American shop cuz there’s toys Us in the UK but I always just assume it was a UK shop damn and it’s a Toys R Us train in
A mo well that’s yeah okay this is wild man I swear to God this is like nothing I’ve ever seen I went to London about two years ago to the biggest more in London and don’t get me wrong it was huge too big in fact but there wasn’t
Stuff like this it wasn’t like Leisure stuff it was just like shops and obviously food and stuff this is different different man Five Guys one thing we’ve noticed this M is so big oh wow bro there is a mountain with snowboarders and ski on SK ski on it
Inside the mall there’s like a like a everything what the heck wow okay this is crazy look at this place what I’m really interested to see how this moall looks like from like the birds I view unless it’s built underground I don’t know if it is
Probably not but what the [ __ ] that is crazy how do you even do this I mean I’ve definitely seen inside skiing places and I know they are in the UK I’ve never been to one but this is massive looks like there’s another section here as well oh
What the heck man it’s even bigger than snow planet that is massive we to drive ski there’s a ski lift we us to drive an hour and a half just to Go that is ridiculous my a little bit blown right now this really is the American dream I know we barely have that on our Mountain so cool we didn’t even have mountains in the UK so we can’t even say that so before I was really interrupted by the world class skiing Mountain
Inside the mall I was going to say this mall is so big that there is more than one of some of the shops in here so like haand ice cream there’s a few of them there a few different like clothing stores there’s multiples of them down
Each end of the hood mall it’s just so big so they’re oh we won’t make you walk all the way down to the other end of the mall just to go see this we’ll put another one down the other end of the mall just crazy man never seen anything
Like it all right guys well after finding a way out of here let me see American dream I got to see this place bro this place is insane birds out of you first bro see where is it located is it cuz like again malls in the UK are
Typically like sort of built within like cities and City centers obviously not just a city center but that’s how you sort of see them this mall I guess it’s just on its own but it’s its own sort of thing so it does kind of make sense like
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was like a if there was a hotel connected to this mall because you could probably just come here and I don’t know necessarily maybe I’m wrong but go here to specifically go skiing and then go to the water park and like just use it as
Like a Leisure place to yeah like just have a hotel here in a sense I don’t think people would do that but I assume there’s probably a hotel here I wouldn’t be surprised but this place is crazy um American Dream moall this place oh this is New Jersey American
Dream Mo wait so I guess it’s like a chain of Ms right so and the chain of Ms is just like a Leisure sort of moall I guess wait this is the water park flipping hell bro look at this God damn this place is crazy yeah this really is levels man
Look at the is this is this legit I think this is maybe an old one this is mental to me I’ve never seen anything like this but I do find this stuff so cool to see because it’s just it’s just different honestly it’s so damn crazy to
See and I mean I don’t know if these are like there’s a lot of these around the us or if it’s just one or like I said maybe it’s a chain of American Dream Ms that are like dotted around the us but godamn they’re cool as hell but you
Hopefully enjoyed this reaction let me know if you’ve been to one of these or you’ve been to this specific one and if it’s actually any good or if it just it gets boring after a while or whatever it is because to me it is crazy I would
Love one of these in in my city for sure but yeah that’s that until next time like subscribe and peace