Anthony Ferraro 10 man Cena two blind guys Collide to bring you for bad eyes podcast what go ahead three two 100 100 give me the ones and twos Dan hit the ones and two 100 apps oh shoot I forgot I got ones and twos over here hang on
What I got let’s go not that one exciting for the uh oh this is awesome dude yeah bu wait wait for me this is suck my man 3256 oh uh oh who who I went alien there for a seconda I don’t know I forgot how to I forgot how to use this thing
Dude oh yeah baby oh still blind 100 episode still blindo we were really hoping by The End by 100 episodes we’d have our vision back there’d be some miracle or I know some vitamin maybe some doctor somebody knows about Who Doctor made a made a
Shot I can get in my pinky finger yeah or into my I was in Uber in San Francisco and the guy’s like something about me being blind like oh you you should see uh Dr I don’t even know the name Dr you should see Dr Lor as a
Healer and I was like oh one of those people huh that’s what I said they didn’t say anything that’s what you said P I like oh one of those people about the guy talking no about the he’s a Healer or whatever oh he’s a heal one he
Has all these healing things oh one of those people huh oh man Lord dude zebra take zebra pills all kinds of crap dude pills I’ve been trying uh my new thing is Tiger bone ground up it’s it’s tiger bone powder and I’ve been taking um I’ve been taking
Um uh Rhino Tusk yeah all good stuff lot of horn a lot of horns I heard elevant elephant Ivory yeah very good for you and the snot from a elephant uh yeah elephant horn what is Rhino urine is supposed to be healing too what is the thing that Rhino or
What’s their long snout thing called a Tusk elephant tusk they Tusk trunk trunk of elant trunk which normally the you know trunk of a car is in the back why it chunk of an elephant in the front hey ah it must be a Porsche elephant hey it’s a
Why is the trunk in the front it’s a front a frunk or as the English call it the boot the frunk put in the boot put it in the boot oh man yeah I’ve tried all types of things but uh I just want to thank all seven of you that really
Care well our listeners just kid our seven listeners yeah yeah our lucky email the other day of you have been here from the beginning there’s more than seven no I know I’m just kidding I’d say maybe 70 from the beginning yeah definitely good 70 100 I don’t know 100 couple hundred 500
25,000 we have like thousands of subscribers do we yeah I don’t I haven’t looked at the numbers the analytics yeah the analytics the graphs the plot charts scar plots scar smoke yeah we got we got thousands subscribers yeah definitely like to not YouTube like to Spotify or whatever yeah yeah yeah
There I was listening to Tuesdays what do we have on YouTube I don’t think a lot I’m gonna look it up right now um but what’s it called why isn’t my phone working I don’t know is it on your Bluetooth who voice over is off what are you saying Anna um wait
What was I just saying on uh uh oh on Tuesdays they were talking about how many listeners they get a week 15K Jerry 150 a week yeah yeah that’s insane that’s crazy oh there’s a new way back up there’s a new what oh yeah let me see
If even following us are you following us oh I am okay here we four bad eyes little Victorian boy view channel is that what I have to go to I think what are you on YouTube 4.27k really yeah on YouTube yep oh not bad what do they mean what does 4.2k mean 4
4,270 170 okay that’s what I thought not bad Jerry not too shabby for a CP of blind idiots dud a couple blind we’re working that’s great dude my my YouTube just went up I had a I had a video go well not viral but I think it hit like
20,000 views that’s pretty viral yeah and it uh long short it bumped me up from I think I was at I was at 1, like 100 no 1,0 I went up to like 1,900 that’s a good jump bump it was a big bump dude I was hyped that freaking
Tiger bone tiger bone yeah good I gota keep taking that stuff I did go to one time we did sledding uh no was a a sleigh ride like pulled by hores you know horses pulled by horse no like in a like a winter wonderland thing you know shut the [ __ ]
Up you go through and it’s like this this hit it for me hit it for me Shut the hang on hang on I don’t know where it’s at I’m not ready dude dude you got to be I just hit a button oh no oh no oh oh no dude okay who go back
Hit the far left here we go okay you ready dude shut the up you did not go on a horse and buggy sigh ride slay ride horse slay horse drawn slay ride through the uh it’s like this elk Preserve in Michigan Upper Michigan wait that’s sick
It was really cool like a slle like are you in like a carriage or like a sled it’s a uh it’s a sled a carriage sled a carriage with with skis on it wooden I would assume I don’t know what the skis are made out of but the thing
Was like yeah wooden yeah we going fast no you just trotting along um all sorry how many people were I think was there another couple with us I can’t remember or if it was just two and two no there had to be like a group of people on the sleigh I’m
Assuming because you start this little Lodge get yourself a couple winter winter cocktails hop on the old sleigh cruise on over to this little cabin and you have and you have a dinner in the cabin what you know I mean it was nice it was cool cool it was cool it’s kind
Of cheesy but what I was saying was it was this elk Reserve and you sit down for dinner and the guy comes out and he gives his whole Spiel I’m not kidding the elk antlers ground down into like this this vitamin that is heard I’ve heard this the old elk antler
Dude you don’t know the benefits of elk antler vitamin E and vitamin A Dude El antler yeah supposed to be great man power up yeah dude dude I how it go Super Saiyan it’s like a it’s like a Mario Mushroom Man oh you power up you power up D you get big yeah
Um yeah but dude 100 apps though that’s Weck with it insan we know how I feel about EPS dude I know you hate EPS epss dude count it um episodes dude yeah dude 100 episodes that’s pretty freaking crazy took us a year two years two years two years and January
About a month and a half two years and about a month and a half probably right because we probably started started in December mid December early December because I remember it was Christmas time you had gotten your tree and stuff oh yeah oh yeah the old Casa yeah
Yeah man the first time I ever came and stayed there that was an exciting time dude we recorded like 10 episodes we literally sat down and came up with the name we were spitballing names yeah there’s a lot um Heather Heather just chimed out of nowhere four bad eyes I and it was
Stuck yeah that’s it so so the crazy thing is the so our first experiment we probably recorded like six episodes on the computer remote from each other when we started never listened back to them before like we were going to put them out yeah and when we listened back to
Them they were so bad was like Houston um yeah it sounded like transmitting from space yeah it sounded like a trans transistor radio and yeah and then we had to B like those it was like over a year out it was over a year of troubl
Shooting it was we it definitely got the old roadter because then we went when I came to your crib the old crib uh we made a studio and we [ __ ] we just like set up with your weird had different mics yeah we had two mics and we thought it was working fine we
Recorded like five more episodes no the first episode came out golden so no it didn’t I remember we had to get it audio tweak or no it did come out golden I think I swear the first one came out and remember it was one was in like
The right ear one was in the left ear yes so strange there was all these weird things happen all funky D like cuz if you listen to it on a phone like oh my God yeah you want to just choke on your phone um it’s uh it’s been
A journey and then we we figured out the roadter and then we had to figure out how to make us both sound good from remote when we’re not together yes that was we finally got that down which I’m so stoked about because it does it sounds like we’re together when you our
Audio the audio sounds our video is probably yeah our video garbage but we’re still getting we’re working on it folks audio it’s a podcast about the audio you don’t want to look at these mugs yeah it looks good to me dude looks [ __ ] great you look clear crystal see your zits
Crystal OT my water I forgot my water downstairs man go grab it no that’s I just chugged my hot I got the Sip out hot coco hot coco show me the Coco um hot cocoa kick huh yeah last two days in a row dude I
Got hot cocoa the other day from a place I hate when they don’t mix it right this place used so much hot chocolate mix and mixed it it was so thick and I was like this is the best hot chocolate ever I think it was just Hershey hot chocolate
You like it extra thick dude like it thick dude I like the freaking French hot chocolate oh the dark kind of it’s like basically like they melted a chocolate bar like is it kind of taste like dark chocolate bar or no not necessarily dark it’s like really creamy
A lot of lot of cocoa in there all CH no they actually melt like chocolate dive of chocolate bars down almost and then uh that’s what the old Delta Lounge was doing they had little C dier chocolates that’s fire to put in your hot cocoa oo kick it up a notch put
A little boot put a little kick in it little boot um good diver good diver what was he gonna say oh yeah dude I just came off um the old shoe release dude how was it aidas shoe out now go to my uh back skateboarding I think really oh that’s
Like the skateboarding you could just you could literally go to Google and search manena ad shoe just pop up it’s a green shoe the shoe I talked about it last time didn’t it yeah I did yeah show it the green I was in the I was in the
In the in the hotel last episode dud yeah you were getting ready for it how was that audio crap I gotta listen to that how bad pretty crappy but it’s better than not having anything I do hate when uh I had yawn I can’t stop yawning I I
Hate when they do the um like um um um um um what’s the podcast you’re just talking about Tuesdays Mark Norman yeah Tuesdays when they do like one of will be in will be like in the hotel oh it just sounds like ass have they done that
Recently h no it’s been a while but that was like Co I think they have done it as just like sorry sometimes you can hear when they’re like Mark nor will be in like a airp he’ll be in airport bathroom doing hey guys this is Mark nor go to that’s called yeah but no sh’s epic dude cop some shoes get them buy them dude I’m cop feel the Comfort feel the Braille feel the that’s my new tag n d feel the Comfort feel the Braille on the last episode but it really moved me that like
Dude you’re a Pioneer for there’s a lot of like you know there’s some like Braille clothing out there and stuff but the shoes pene ear it’s a lot of awareness it’s Braille awareness it’s cool it’s making Braille cool and Braille is cool Braille is sick I was
Talking to someone about this the other day like it’s it’s a fashion statement even like Lou Braille dude yeah I got his coin dude is Lou is there some kind of thing in Paris about Louis brille yes we gotta go we gotta go there’s something there so me and Dan so
Update we’ll go should we actually let’s finish your shoe release is there anything yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll go well San Francisco up to the old Golden State whatever it’s called um we uh first day land raining supposed to rain the entire weekend rain rain
Rain rain on Landing there I got to fly with my son which I haven’t done in years which is very cool scooped him up and uh came from La so that was really nice the kid the kid dude had the mom my stepdad uh my buddy Steve who I’m always
Filming with filmer yeah and then Everett came as well who I do a lot of the skateboard workshops oh wow came to join us first day we have a demo at 2 o’clock I landed about noon Hotel not raining yet holding off soon as we get to the park it just
Starts starts raining and it starts raining Raining not just like the foggy Miss not just a little Miss I mean coming down but then we just for whatever reason just kind of like like grinded a little flap bar they had to do some weird interview with some I don’t
Even know what the hell it was for and go back and then Dewan starts kind of skating around and I’m skating around and we just start [ __ ] shring in the rain dude real rain and me and Dewan are trying to do the train kick the back
Tail and he’s fake Ying into this insane steep freaking Bank thing jeez I land one kick backed I won one link huh is it on a Ledge me yeah yeah yeah I’m doing kooking back to ledge and then he go I land one finally because I he was
Waiting forever for me to land one and then he goes for fakey flip in the bank it doesn’t land it so I have to do it again and we do it again but we got the train so it was sick sick it was really hype and then uh he posted that
Video and it went crazy for sure 10 million views something crazy yeah was crazy millions that was cool and then I posted my version of that video too and I had a couple extra clippies in there and that’s the one that uh bumped the old uh
YouTube up cool yeah dude is that the one that the guy was like go ahead on YouTube search Dan man Cena skates San Francisco in the rain what about uh is that the one where the guy’s like is that a blind guy skateboarding that one’s on my Instagram
Yeah I threw that clip in there I did I I spliced it into two videos on YouTube so I’ll post that next one in a couple days but yeah there was a guy walking by and Steve filmed him perfectly like I fell and then he fans over to this guy
He’s like is that a blind guy skateboarding fing great oh but then uh so we skated that rain and then we go to another kind of under bridge spot which was kind of dry I learned how to nll flip on a bank that was cool e and then everybody was
Shring and my mom and kid and my wife was there too Heather was there duh they were standing in the rain and then uh we went to dining in the dark baby in the Dizzy for the bull shoe release it was really dope they had a
Little a little uh um like a what would you call that almost like a Podium with some Braille on it and then the Trey foil Adidas logo manena and Braille like wood Braille on the podium with my shoe on it right right when you walk in that was really
Cool and then we did the dining in the dark was pretty good food was okay it was all right it was all right um not the exper everybody got super into it and like I didn’t expect this people were walking around with their blindfolds on you know I still think
They were peeking out the b no they weren’t peeking they were it was great dude I was asking I was making sure I mean some people were you know donaly was you know had had his freaking mask off half the time but Sam and Jen they were they were they went to the
Bathroom together blindfolded made the journey um so that was really special really cool and then next cool seeing people do that like yeah it was cool like they’re actually challenging themselves it’s not joke Paul stood up within five minutes like I’m gonna go I’m gonna go walk around see what’s
Up and then I started walking around and I would go up to somebody and be like excuse me I’m I’m gonna set a plate down run your left here right in front of you oh oh thank you and then I would just walk away and like I don’t I can just
Hear him I don’t I don’t think there’s a plate here that was my move oh that’s so good and then uh great we got crad Dilly that night dude here do shut shut that [ __ ] down shots at the end of the night was a was a fantastic night next day I had to
Wake up go to the old Deluxe shop um and then we had like a little pre premiere for uh this Village psychic is this um channel that does like uh you know lifesty the people that came to your house lifestyle skateboarding yeah they came to the house and did a day in the
Life and they have the huge YouTube We premiered that um and that was cool and that really felt really special too you know everyone was there dude it was all for you they had the shoe towards you yep your weekend it was the weekend of man
Cena it was cool that’s epic like and it’s you’re being spotlighted on like a big company and they’re not just they’re not just shouting it out one like there was a lot put behind this yeah it was cool which is cool like it wasn’t just half ass it
It was a lot of effort that went into it yeah oh yeah a lot of planning and yeah stuff so and then we left the next day in the old Delta Lounge uh Sam and Jen were in there two two of the two of the lady riders for uh Adidas they were in
There and uh we started drinking mimosas Sam started chugging the old the Bloody Marys uh oh my stepdad’s always trying to get the party going he kept filling everyone’s drink getting more drinks for everybody oh my God next thing you know Delta representative comes up excuse me can you we’ve had a couple
Complaints could you guys you guys gotta keep it down a little bit the old Delta listen I got a shoe drop on Adidas it was funny there was like people behind him and Sam was talking about hero and like Steve said that the guy was kind of
Listening and like as soon as Sam said she had a shoe on Adidas the guys was like what like who are who is this who are these people oh Sam has a shoe Sam’s got a color way Jen had a colorway too yeah Sam just had one
Uh I think end of last year not too long ago yeah yeah it’s cool hers was key lime hers was like key lime pie colors that’s like sick like the green inso was like a crust yeah cuz she’s like a chef and she uh she spent a
Lot of time in in Key West or the keys or whatever Florida Keys oh is that where key lime where key lime pie came from never knew this yeah puppy cool I love a key lime pie but it was dope dude that was a good good ending then I got drunk on the
Plane more and I landed and felt sick for about five hours like fall off the plane when you got hammered is not a fun site I up all the cabin pressure in the tongue I lived it up dude that’s sick dude that’s freaking awesome that had buy that shoe baby buy already it
Isting find it if you can’t find it on the Adida site there are skate shops certain shops sell it yeah find so if it’s sold out there you could kind of like search go to Zoomies your local I know you’re all going to the malls and going to Zoomies just search the shoe
You if somebody’s got it online yeah yes sir very special weekend freaking amazing dude [ __ ] Mars is on a retrograde dude no one deserves more than you Mercury you said this is going to be a big year here already started off starting big starting big yeah dude yeah Dan yeah Dan list Dan
You just gotta keep going man you know see things are happening man surf report sh report Kelly did a a a surf report you know there you know there’s an ice report every Thursday in Michigan no I got to start doing the ice do the
Ice it’ll be like it’ll be like like St Clare Anglers Anglers caught a good amount of perch using blah blah blah lures oh wellow or caught a good amount of P like or like ice seemed a bit unsafe in this Bay and all that kind of
Stuff is there a fishing pot out there there’s a lot yeah I messaged one of the people on one of them they didn’t [ __ ] message me back bro really would be an interesting interview yeah what the [ __ ] dude no EXC my Lang I need my beep yeah it’s it’s too
Far away dude I gota you are a lazy blind man my voice is blowing up cuz I was screaming in the garage skating were you really H the neighbor is probably bugging [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you screaming at my board dude my favorite thing ever was watching you
Throw your [ __ ] board one time and then you had to you literally to go find it like and then you throw it and then it’s like you like take a couple breaths and then you start searching for it it’s so good there’s something about it that really tickles my
Fan I did this interview with this I don’t even know who the hell of it for I just do this interview for some lady and then she’s like at the end of the interview she’s like okay well there’s a chance it could have bad quality so if so I’m just going to send
You like the questions and then you can just record it what and and I’m just like I’m gonna be honest with you this is all you’re get I’m not gonna do that I like hopefully this works and then she emailed me like the next day
And was like Hey the uh was great the audio was fine but the microphone was in front of your face can I send you the questions for you to to re-record what your microphone there yeah oh my God shut up like well you should have let me know that when we were
Recording watching I don’t think they were blind they didn’t say what is this even for I don’t even know dude hope it wasn’t a big one am I don’t think it was the amount of things we do that we don’t even know what we’re doing just to like
Help someone out or something oh my God it’s so annoying I got like I have like two of them I need to do that are just I just keep putting off speaking of helping out I got a real peeve for you help me out dude Oh I thought oh what
Was my peeve I had one too hit me with yours got a real good peeve for you I can’t stand when you go you just want to go out be a normal civilized human blend in we’re living in a society people yeah I I go to the coffee shop now re mind
You this is a a new one so there’s three coffee new shop listen there’s a bakery that I go to Thursday through Sunday for my coffee it’s right down the street and then what’s the one I went to that was probably Nick and was it the pastries um yeah no they had some
Knickknacks in there they had like a $95 cutting board oh that was noon okay that’s the other one that I’ll go from like uh Monday Wednesday usually right and that’s right across the stre that’s right across the street yeah and then there’s Driftwood which is one block
Away Driftwood bro and Driftwood I tend to stay away from brh sounds a little B it’s little like kind of like cheap Starbucks and what do you mean Che it’s like it’s like that like sugary coffee smell you know okay okay okay like real like a lot of pumps um that sounds right
Up my alley all right yeah you would love it I’m going to B sugar would love a Driftwood mocha yeah so I go to Driftwood right and like I don’t know where Driftwood is specifically like I know the perimeter like I know like within stores right
Within 300 feet you’re like a GPS yeah yeah so I’m like scanning around trying to find the door yeah hate that that window [ __ ] is the door from his car he goes hey man what are you looking for and I was like oh here it starts but
I’m like you know what where the hell is this drift drift oh to the left a little let I I get in the second I get in Jerry I scan a little with my cane someone some gu is like immediately uh counters 15 feet in front of you to the
Right I’m like all right dude like cool but like why you got to blow me up right away like let me find I know where the encounter is and then there’s some lady talking to the to the the Barista Barista Barista yeah Barista yeah and
Uh and and the lady who’s talking to the Barista is like oh can we help you and I’m like oh don’t give me this voice and then and then it’s like uh oh so then I’m like I order my coffee and the lady that doesn’t work
There he like you know I think it’s so amazing how you just get around and I was like oh my God like thanks I kind of don’t have a choice you know it’s either like sink or swim and then she’s like but you chose to swim you had a choice
And you chose to swim and I get my coffee the guy who told me it was 15 feet ahead to the right whatever he’s like hey man see you got I see you got three coffees um I’m I can carry those wherever you need to
Go like dude there’s a tray like no I’m good like no man I’m good thank you and he proceeds to get offended by this he’s like oh okay whatever like literally says that like he’s getting mad so now people are getting mad I’m not taking
Help and then I get my coffees get my tray and I walk right out of there and before I could even get to the door oh someone runs from the other side of the coffee shop oh let me please I’m going to get the door for you and
Like that whole interaction I just wanted to go to the damn coffee shop and get my coffees and leave I don’t need you’re like me dud you’re like you’re like me we’re a little sensitive you know what I mean like I know I know they’re trying to be nice but I yeah
Just trying to be nice let me live I just want to blend in let me let me go on the radar even like only if I ask for help give me help yeah like I’ll ask I’ll even if I don’t know you’re there I’ll be like so want help me or
Something you know help I’ll yell for help but in a town I live in where I’m just trying to be a freaking normal civiliz just trying to trying to trying to drift man of wood drift Drifter man I don’t want to be in the Forefront you chose to swim and
Like just been waiting you should have said I think it’s so brave that that you’re around here too and she be like why cuz you’re a woman it’s just Brave of you dude Yeah you’re like me you know get I get started getting flustered in there and everyone’s trying to help it’s just like I’m okay I just I’m okay just let me be and then do you start to hyperfocus on like what you’re thinking about like and then I start making mistakes yes yes and
Then the mistakes are Amplified then I can’t find the door man like oh you didn’t need my help blah blah blah exactly you did this to me you started this if I just felt that was a freaking you know it’s not like uh not like family you know
Where if you were to walk it’s it would be like us walking into our mother’s Kitchen yes and our brother being like Oh you need a glass of water here let me get you a cup let me get a cup and your mom like sinks right right to the left
Uh there’s there’s a filed water in the fridge right behind you five feet that’s a great point family I got it just let me do it the family leaves you alone they just don’t just because they don’t under you know they just don’t know the the ins and outs of the
Old yeah know blindness yeah but that one I I remember leaving just like kind of pissed off I was like oh much you can’t be mad because trying to be nice just a nice thing but it’s like I’m not a charity case but that’s not how I had a I had a
Guy give me the attitude in the airport the other day too I was trying to leave and I was scanning with my cane like trailing a wall and benches and door is up right up like yeah I got it he’s like okay I oh go okay just trying to help
Man just trying to help oh my god oh I want to shove this can down your [ __ ] throat you assho oh my god dud that’s such a good one you’re not helping actually okay man okay man just trying to help the best is like the best way I
Think is like hey need any help that’s a good way to approach it you know I think that’s a good way in a cool calm voice of yeah good and then you’re like no I’m good and they’re like all right cool they just keep moving tell me God bless
One more time I swear to God D God bless you oh oh do you ever get the uh oh my pet peeve I remembered it oh what is vacuuming the house right vacuuming the house vacuuming vacuuming the house vacuming cruising around sucking up all the corners doing your
Business bing bada boom wrap the CT up put that bad boy away wife comes home oh I see you vacuumed today I was like oh you can tell yeah the uh one of the little extension bristle things fell off and is on the floor you know what I’m talking about you
Know have like five attachments and they’re just like they’re just on like a loose ball that they just kind of sit on and then you just be back and going to knock eight of them off and then next thing I know they’re all over the the
[ __ ] thing I don’t even know dude oh man you got to get the dice in that pee dude they lock in I need some kind of locking mean lock in and then the the separate ones you keep on the side you don’t even put them on the vacuum I
Know I used to love the vacuum when I was a kid the the wire that you can pull off it and like get under stuff The Wire yeah you know the it’s like a tube and it like like a vacuum would have the vacuum part oh the hose the sucky
Yes sucky sucky yeah I love the sucky hose how you get on all the corners well that’s like what all the attachments are for you know yeah stick on the thing but they’re just barely on there dude so uh update surgery date but but insurance got cancelled in
December what so I had to reapply for insurance oh my God got approved but I don’t get so my surgery dates February 5th approved for insurance but it doesn’t start till February 1st which I thought wouldn’t be a problem but apparently they need more time to go
Through Insurance to set everything up m and then I got an approached with an [Laughter] opportunity that means I am blind wait really yeah just sweet just sweet just s just s what I can’t hear you blanking out here you’re laughing too hard just one blank for a
Second just SAR I’m crying so hard just swear I do just sweet just sweet justwe I’m hearing just sweet just sweet I can’t breathe come on let it out just s a glue a glue a glue yes just sweet Eva glue that’s what I’m hearing dude just evue just just
Yeah EV glue a glue a glue a glue what is blind glue I think but then I found out I said it to someone from France one time yeah like oh dude don’t say that what does it mean you’re calling yourself [ __ ] oh my god dude like actually
Like that’s the translation or something mentally not well but someone what are you teaching me Paris told me to say that oh yeah because they’re just [ __ ] with you then oh so that has nothing to do with big line at all just sweet but no I think it
I don’t know but it gets the message across when I say it I don’t think so if someone’s saying it means you’re imp stop I’m not gonna say go to the SLS is it a competition SLS is a competition but ours is just yeah yeah so it’s during SLS
Yeah um doing a little adaptive Skate demo showcase showcase or adaptive skateboarding to help educate people trying to get towards the par Olympics yes which is incredible and so I decided push surgery back because the next date after that was March 4th so I’m going to
Go March 4th to surgery and fly out to Parry and go just skate it wrap it up and it up put the old brace on what’s the worst thing could happen I pop my knee out getting surgery week Jesus but it’s like my Olympics I got approach for
The olypic baby it’s your Olympics still going to France I get to do skateboarding which is even better yeah and we’re going together and we’re both going to go most likely yeah waiting on De should be going baby fingers crossed but yeah so already started train Paris yeah I’ve
Been it’s out aidas arena in Paris sick I’ve been uh I’ve been uh training I start as soon as I got the news that it could happen I started going to the gym I said enough’s enough started eating healthier I enough is enough I even went on the damn elliptical yesterday that’s
What’s up yeah I said screw it dude I’m if some I got to see what my like I got to push myself here last push gay P gay P I’m dude it’s sick there I love Paris didn’t they in is that where they invented the uh street
Lights gay Perry I don’t know but something they do have like they have a button on their street lights that tell you what street you’re on and then when it’s okay to cross like say it out loud yeah yeah very you may walk have you heard of this app it’s
Called like snowa or something but tells you it tells you when um the crosswalk says to walk no oh yes I just had a that guy just called me the other day yeah I talked to him freaking 30 minutes yeah I saw you for a long time he DM me he’s
Like hey and I love to hear his story I was like yeah I start talking to him he’s just vetting me for information for the godamn dude dude same thing happened to me and then the same damn thing happened to me with dude I was I was I was like I what just
Ask me a bunch of questions to get in I like I don’t have the time for this dude I don’t know if I should say the name of the company pissed but I just got like story raped from a company where they dude they call me saying like oh we just
Want to explore some possibilities make me tell them my story make me tell them all about Paralympics and like being an athlete and all this stuff and then they’re like all right man thanks a lot for your time and like we hope you like we wish you the best with everything and
Uh yeah I I know you probably have a busy schedule so we’re gonna let you go and I was like dude what is this was this for you just took everything I said and they recorded it they were like cuz some people couldn’t make it on the call so
Can we record this so they’re just going to take it back to their team and come up with stuff yeah tell me to gfm Ys hey can we uh use some of your content shut the [ __ ] up dude good Lord oh these people but yeah the Sonoma
App got me he got me dude yeah he got me too he got I got got I’m just like I don’t use it and that’s what I was saying I was like I got trained to walk with traffic ah someone’s face on me but yeah I’m
Just like I just don’t I’m either I’m with my wife or I’m with a team like it’s very rare I’m traveling by myself but even if you are alone he could not understand confident traveling with traffic more than using your phone uh yeah that’s what I told him I was like
I’m listening for my par what I said I was like dude I I he’s like well you you know there’s a lot of Technology out there he was getting mad at me that I didn’t use he kept yeah I was like like dude come on he’s like why I’m
Independent I pride myself on the K I’m not using App you know what I you know what I want here’s what I should have told him you know what technology would help me is if I don’t have to [ __ ] walk give me a goddamn car that can self-drive give me now we’re talking
Give me a give me a magic car I don’t have a problem with walking dude give me a goddamn car I can drive so I got so I don’t have to [ __ ] walk I want a carpet how about that yeah catch me outside how about that sipping on a hot Coke
On a hot go it is Brick out here dude damn it know that give me a car San Francisco had cars driving around nobody in them I know and then hot coco has no cap No Cap dude oh my God yeah there are cars and no one in them you’re like what yeah
It’s happening like that could be me that’s been happening for like a couple years now I know look at me it’s it’s work it’s something some there’s cars driving get me in one there were he’s I was talking to one of uber said there’s two companies in San Francisco that have the taxi
Services that are uh no driverless but one of them one of them just got in trouble because I killed somebody oh [ __ ] yeah it was like the self-driving bus that took the blind guy out of the Judo and the Judo Jesus oh my God you’re just blind you
Think you’re good bam hit by a bus the more I think about see it coming bro like oh run over by a bus in thee in the in the parah um village in the village dude think you’re safe in the village you ain’t safe oh you ain’t saving the village especially if you’re
Blind the Pan-American Village not accessible Jerry one second the sonap says you can walk and then bam you hit by a boss yeah you’re hit by a freaking Tropic canab boss and you think you’re a freaking glass Anthony Ferraro’s face on the side of it USA judo yeah Anthony feraro what he safe
Here Anthony Ferraro and 10 pounds of Valencia oranges yes nobody’s safe out here dude nobody dude hide your kids like hide your blind kids keep them locked keep them in the B keep your blind kids in the basement dude Ace put them in the
Cupboard get hit by a bus if you let let them go to the Paralympics don’t let them outside yeah definitely not outside don’t let sharp objects around them don’t let them use knives knives or forks forks are sharp use a freaking spoon plastic a spork maybe a spork I
Don’t know could scratch their food for just cut their food for them and let them use their fingers to eat you know what I or give them smoothies every meal is a smoothie give them baby food give them a sippy cup though because they can’t drink out of a regular
Cup and don’t let them near the stove oh yeah dude St blind kids make sure you have one of the covers you put on the circuit things on the Oh you mean outlet cover your outlet covers uh rubberize every corner baby you want to baby proof your whole house
Oh I have never laughed so and if by chance you do go on side with your blind child make sure they’re on a leash oh oh that’s I’m I’m going back and for I don’t know what second they’re walking down the street and then bam they’re hit by a goddamn self-driving
Bus dude and you were focused on nma with Anthony’s face on the side of it Paralympics 2024 or it’s in a Deus trailer with Dan shoe on it it’s dude got man Cena keep your blind kids close dude you just got man John Cena keep your friends close your blind
Friends closer yeah or just don’t have them don’t beend a blind person you might get itous oh that was yep that’s it dude 100 apps what time we at we got like five minutes should we call Coco let’s do it C call Coco let’s call calling Coco Coco Yello COC
Yo Yoo hey guess what what what what you’re on the 100th episode of four bad eyes let’s go happy hundred to danthony that’s still your guys name danthony what are you doing yeah what what are you doing I am currently on just skateboard bus and I’m on my way to Venice Venice
Where you going in Venice I am going to the skatey park I’m gonna do some actually I got a few tricks in mind that I’m trying to get today oh you’re going to Venice Park yeah the old slipping slide dude be careful of their locals only bro yeah bro locals
Only oh my God Venice Venice o venice OG’s only brh well hey you know what I got my Andy board and I’m walking into Andy’s house I think I paid my co all right all right that’s good all right Coco yeah you got to be careful there’s a lot of guys with
Shorts and tall socks and then hats that like have spray spray uh pepper spray no what’s the not spray tan oh oh uh uh what is that paint called Spray not spray paint War airbrush the airbrush with Venice on it bro yeah make sure why does it take you so
Long make sure you brain quad skates bro my brain is fried Coco I have never I have never well actually I have quad skated but I haven’t done that in Year my my mom dude did I tell you guys my mom just bought a pair of
Quad no mama see you mean roller like roller skate that of quad skate yeah gotcha yeah hell yeah get Mama Coco get her bring Mama Coco to the park dude yeah the snake ask her if she wants to come every day and she always says I’m
Not trying to die and I’m like but you bought these yeah snake well there’s the roller rink right there I was gonna say she could just come she should come down and then just Cruise the beach you know well they have the ring there Catch The Vibes yeah yeah they
Do dude I’m just saying I’m just saying you just cruise from Venice Pier all the way up to Santa Monica pier and bring it on back dude oh you know what that actually is a fun time I have done that wait com that’s what I used to do oh
Dude oh okay now you gave me idea oh you gave me an idea come again I’ll come again forgot about that throwback right Coco all right yeah C have fun at Venice yeah get some clips dude new clips bro oh you knows it also Dan congrats my guy congrats on I need a
Pair I don’t know where to find them online just Google go Seena Adidas shoot okay I got him I got you I got me all right love you Coco thanks Coco love you buddy com bye bye bye peace on his way to the Old Venice Park
Dude joh his way to shr you see if the Old Dan lortz got a bit for us real quick Dan lamort comedian I remember Dan I remember Dan call Dan lamort calling Dort he’s comedian he’s still sleeping he doesn’t go out till he’s getting married this year oh no oh
No oh no don’t do it Dan do it Dan yeah he’s not awake is it I don’t even hear it ringing is it ringing yeah and they more comedian great episode has he’s sleeping he sell till freaking like 11 bro yeah bro oh man doing so but what a freaking two years
It’s been man yeah 100 UPS it’s good it’s good it’s solid it’s good Centon we should get a letter from the president now we’re Centurion dud did you know Shane Gillis got the alltime patreon award number one patreon Shen gills has a number one patreon in
The world what is that like do what I mean number one like the most like most subscribers Stu I think they make like 300K a month on patreon wonder what it’s at yeah and they got some crazy award I think it was like a pair of balls like patreon sent them something like
Hilarious really it’s funny damn 300 a month that’s crazy but yeah gez that’s 3 million 3,600,000 a year [ __ ] you know give or take he give or take there uh how’s the ice looking at uh ice reports not looking good it’s been raining for the last four
Days the ice is gone this little patche wouldn’t go out there boys I did ice fish twice though two days ago I didn’t catch anything but I got out on the ice and it yeah I meant to ask you did you catch a hog no hog nothing I couldn’t I couldn’t really
Explore because the ice was sketch so I couldn’t really get out there I literally just went out just to get out on the ice twice I shouldn’t even gone out the second day yeah I shouldn’t because it was just raining but ice was still dead but yeah Lake freeze around here for
Years hopefully the end of uh next month I’ll be able to get some real real deal fishing in we got to do Winter Olympics too we’re going to celebrate the Winter Olympics on we’re potenti on well we’re going to be in Parry now that time yes maybe maybe March
Surgery yeah you are going to be surgeri yeah for at least two weeks I’m going to be out what’s your birthday birthday 24th oh You’ be good to go by your birthday yeah I’ll be [ __ ] skiing down the mountain yeah yeah stick a noodle in your hat and call him macaroni
Though stuck a noodle stuck a feather in his head and call it Macar macaroni you know what that actually meant I can’t remember yeah I don’t know but uh all right cool there’s some good uh thank you to all of our patreon members thanks to the um people creating
The political cartoons for our show um really appreciate that thank you um thanks eyes and ears 100 EPS is big deal couldn’t do it without listeners yeah we couldn’t make 100 episodes we didn’t have 100 listeners you know all in 908 something it’s it’s down there I know it’s something 1480 you had
It down for a while I know 349 or four yeah I think 3 never had people haven’t been calling man no one’s calling anymore call no one’s I think cuz I’m not logged in could that be it wait I’m not either which means we might have like a thousand voicemails oh
My all right anthonyy Anthony well I hope people are calling in thanks everyone thanks for the people that wrote in someone said uh they just caught up and they’re sorry about my surgery ACL stuff so thanks for writing in that and uh yeah love you all
Man there was another one too hang on was it from Andy no wants to be on I don’t know I don’t know if we’re doing Rand too I don’t know let me see we had somebody who was Cinnamon Toast Crunch sh was ordered what I ordered this thing D I don’t even
Know what it is what did you order brail skateboards made a had a Cinnamon Toast Crunch collaboration I had to do it for what I don’t know they had like a skateboard they had I got some box skat box what I don’t know what it is I think it’s it
Must be really small but I know it does come with a bag of cinnamon toes crunch in it oh dude that’s kind of sick the taste you can see oh this guy was covering from double hernia surgery yeah that was the one I think oh yeah he said yeah blessed you
And recovery for you yeah that’s hardly double appreciate the show and what you all you do for what’s his name Jay what is his name Joe I believe Joe K joh Joe something like that Joe the J thank you Joe yes email in yeah and I’ll read it
I’ll read that horribly any kind of questions you want they can be crazy questions dude as crazy as you want to get dude like how did my wife get me to eat es Cargo in Paris she offered offered me a [ __ ] for a week yes like that is what happened a crazy
Question I hope she hope she uh anned up on her side of the bargain brother she did we just started all right BJs love BJs um love cargo loveo love ESO ever since yeah email Dan at forbad or anthony4 he your voice you could send voice
Recordings on an email wait does if someone sends so if someone sends you email I get the email too yeah because we both got that email yeah oh interesting I didn’t know interesting well I think they uh I think they forwarded to each other or people are
Just kind of copying us both in oh maybe I should look I wonder I wonder but sweet well Joe I hope Hey Joe double herness surgery is Nar kill because I know I’ve heard that hernia surgery can be very painful Hern one person who had my uncle
Had hernia surgery and it sucked yeah that’s happened to Tia uh Tia oh that is it h the mesh got her mesh got don’t get the mesh Joe yeah I think they just dis uh disillusion that one Leviosa did out of here yes the god Leos lifted it right now they gave it
The a Kadabra oh shout out to Harry Potter shout out to Harry Potter dude the greatest series of all time are they bringing hair back are they doing another one something’s happen apparently there’s a show you hear about something I thought I heard tolken back at it what’s her name
Tolken that’s was that Lord JK Stein oh JK rolling rolling I’m JK I blind so I can’t ride in a car ah my God all right I don’t want to leave this 100 episode last forever I 100 episode update man we gotta get chich and Chong on here one day dude
Chich and Chong Blind Fury we gotta get uh we should get Howie Mandell hoe that guy he won’t come on he won’t our hands to I know he’s like these blind people have to feel things all the time so they can’t Howard Hughes was that the pilot I
Don’t know he had the same thing he had the same thing as Howie what rudness like germaphobia you know yeah he’s a huge germaphobe something with the ho in the beginning of the names ho and how people start blasting other people that you want on this podcast be like get on four bad
Eyes four bad ey yes that’s what the community can do in your army Blind Fury Blind Fury what you mean whatever yeah but that was a a guest in the beginning oh was it yeah oh then we gotta have him mind yeah hit him up yeah I hit him up
And hit up our boy uh um LSD weine Mayer oh yeah we do I should hit him back Eric wein Mayer May is he on social media yeah well someone runs it for him he’s big time h Big Time guy he’s freaking dude there one you know what I
Mean real quick there was a clip online I don’t know if circula but but it was a clip and it was on live television in the news and it was like lady was like so our next story is a is anaz a remarkable story it’s about Eric
Wine May the first gay man to climb Mount ever I mean fne I mean fne I swear my godan slip it was viral it was super viral is that a Fran slip no I don’t think so that’s really funny where’s gay man I need know why that’s funny but that’s
Funny it just is it’s just so the opposite of that doesn’t even relate it doesn’t even relate like how they don’t even sound alike yeah got that clip everyone spread the word let’s spread I got switch my wash ah I meant to do it before I got in here
Take my son of a nutcracker I got my turkey towel I got to clean too I’ve had a towel outside from Thanksgiving wa from thanks oh that’s disg had like throw it out we brinded to the turkey in thing and it got some of
That juice on it and it just sat on the deckow it out and it was like in AO pile know that probably for like three months probably growing [ __ ] and now I put it I finally moved it into the laundry tub oh my God it’s a dog tow for after I’m just
GNA bleach it and then uh Dogma Dogma dude all right is that it yeah that’s it we’ll wrap okay people check out the um new Bob Marley movie called One Love yeah tell him to let me be a representa I want to do a yeah me too man I’ll
Smoke I’ll smoke a giant joint and get bugged out dude when I was a kid my mom dressed me as Bob Marley for Halloween and it was before it was a bad thing but she put like bronzer on my face oh my God you did black face yes oh
My God I was not old enough to consent though um and she there photos put a she put a dread never you can never run from me and then I didn’t even I was too young to know what this meant but she took a piece of computer paper rolled it
Up and stuck grass out the end what and I was she was like put this in your mouth what around the joint and different time black face and grass and a piece of paper ho remember she took it from the computer printer holy crap dude oh I proud
You got to bring that one back minus the black face dude know just the the piece computer paper paper grassic out I think it was grass and dirt like a spliff oh my goodness gracious mes for that last one my Mom she was little Wayne what she drove to the it was when she taught art in the blind School Philadelphia so she was driving home dressed like Little Wayne and she hit a [ __ ] deer in her car oh my God the cops had to come and [ __ ] and she forgot
She was dressed like that dude your mom has done black face I feel like little Wayne era is not in the good Z not in the good time to be able to be able to do that dude I love you Mom oh my God Miss Faro oh can’t
Hold to her she was just trying to be a good Mom that’s intense she was just trying to give the kids hot dogs on Halloween because they probably were sick of candy oh she’s a hot dog mom yeah you need a break you know yeah you do love
Fuel some fuel up and get the second pillowcase filled up dude all right all right that’s enough that’s too much sorry did I overshare that was a lot dude I don’t know about that I’m have to cut that out dude I don’t know maybe got the mom part all right
All right see the new Bob Marley movie and keep pushing keep pushing one love get the new shoe 100 keep pushing and one love from four bad eyes