Hey guys how are you what’s going on guys happy when happy happy hump day happy what’s going on Happy you look oh my God you look you look 30 years younger and Harmon and Harmon you look so young Amber oh my God you look like 25 years younger oh my God spicy
Spicy Delight girl wow I thought you were 12 okay are you over 18 are you supposed to be here oh my God you look so young no you look young you look younger you’re the youngest okay hey gossip rumor Indo girl are you supposed to be in class right now is it third
Period okay you must be running late for Home Room okay no you look Y no you look younger no I’m the youngest okay okay hey everybody hey bougie gang hey hey girls okay who okay party over here woohoo I was like if they don’t stop talking
About who looks young and who you who looks the youngest yes I’m being very shady right now very shady period and guys if you did not know ask somebody but this is the close your legs to married men lunch hour okay oh and it’s members and mods oh my God it’s members
And mods guys today is Wednesday on uh the real talk bougie lunch hour podcast and it is members and mods okay welcome welcome welcome to everyone if you did I do this on Facebook too I did run it on Facebook so if you have a question you want to drop some shade you
Can go ahead and do that go over to uh let me find the Facebook page and I’ll drop the link um girl I’m not even logged in over there let me see but I can see the comments through streamyard um anyone who came came through today and watched the throwback
Thank you thank you thank you I did drop a throwback today and I’m going to do my best to get them up pretty much almost every single day uh uh y’all puppy life is crazy okay um where’s my page um just a second y’all you are hearing sir is growing up
Uh okay here we go obviously it would be easy to find it’s just real talk bougie here you go here I’m dropping it now so if you have something that you want to drop you can drop it this live is currently running um over there so if you have a
Comment you want to drop go ahead and drop it and I will see it and um I think we already have a comment do we have a comment oh duh okay let me I’m not going to even tell you what I just did cuz I’m like oh do we have a
Comment it’s the link that I just dropped okay all right so we’re good over there so if you are not a member you are not a mod you would like to drop a comment please do so did I hear nesto say Miss say Miss thing looks 18 I don’t
Know if he said that or not did he say that I just know he said that he this ma’am looked 30 years younger than him so I guess that means um at that time that was like a year ago um well we need to look at the
Date I don’t know I don’t want to speak to because girl if I don’t get girl I cannot I don’t have any space and opportunity to miss quote and so let me just let’s look at the let’s run to the videotape and let’s see what it says
Um okay hold on just a second let’s find it okay um we’ll see what the date is on here the date on here is 81023 so it’s been just a year uh it’s been over a year since he’s been incarcerated in the jail system but it
Will be almost a year that he was in um Cobb County because he went over to Cobb right sometime around uh September 30th or something September no not 30th September between September 20 something because his calls at Cobb County started on like September 27th or September 28th
Something like that so that’s when he got over there anyway um I hope everyone’s having a wonderful day I hope you’re having a good lunch um let’s go ahead and see what was what was doing and if you have not watched this yet it did just drop not too long ago and I’m
Talking about like an hour ago so here’s the link if you want to watch it uninterrupted but you know if you’re here um you know this there is a reaction Channel and we do commentary and we’re just going to talk about the episode um it’s something like a watch
Party but we gon to talk we G to talk about it um if you don’t have the chat open just click on the description box and it’s there YouTube stop stop it stop stop so uh you would uh it’s hard to remember sometimes that Lambo is only
Like eight weeks old cuz he he just he it seems like he’s been around here forever but anyway these two are too much um they’re just running around up under my feet anyway they did just have a nice time outside and I thought they were good but we’ll see anyway what do
You say Vicky uh girl I was laughing when he kept asking her about her bony body and does her stomach hurt when she’s hungry he doesn’t have any sir has no rap okay now I see why he has child PE charges he seems to get a get hit and bother over
Young oh okay um he may I look he might have a a thing for uh women who are small stature okay hey Lesean hey RJ can you make me a m please uh Lesean the boss so Lesean hit me up on Instagram with your Um cuz I can’t do it right now because you’re not in the chat so if you want to come in now click the link um you can send a um if you send a sticker or something that way I’ll know who you are but um at this minute I can’t do it from
Where I’m at but if you want if you drop a sticker a super chat or just join yes I don’t have I mean look closed mouth doesn’t get feds it’s just ass um um otherwise I mean definitely I think we’re we’re good for right now but if
You want look if you want to do it um you are welcome um so yeah drop a sticker drop a super chat or hit that join link otherwise hit me on Instagram with your um with your YouTube name so I can find you and or drop me a comment on
This video so I can find you okay all right um okay guys let’s get into it because I know some of you guys are at lunch or just wrapping up lunch so um let’s see what else so anyway we did just drop a throwback so we’ll talk about the
Throwback a little bit um the throwback was interesting if you were here yesterday for the live you would have heard the first call in the first call there was just some interesting mom type is that was dropped regarding Sonia and her son that she really doesn’t know much about her son
She really hadn’t been talking to her son much she had no idea what his career aspirations are anything like that and realize that he wanted to be a a a film writer or a writer and was going to do it in the entertainment industry I think
We just got a new sis um or a new member um thank you for making it official she’s an introvert welcome welcome welcome she’s an introvert I appreciate you supporting thank you um so then towards the end if you tapped out you missed Sonia talking about the relationship with her mother and that
The kids Sonia’s siblings have little to nothing to do with their mother which I find quite odd um and that she was so open and just so free about discussing it with little to no emotion it was very kind of of odd I I and we don’t know
What the what the reasoning is around that why ma’am packed up and just left all her kids five kids but uh Sonia said that she basically there’s five kids and it was almost like ma’am was deceased after having them because nobody really deals with her like that I was like oh really okay
Well that’s interesting um then and then the second call uh there was some talk about the bankruptcy the discharge of the bankruptcy and we’ve heard that call before I believe um I don’t know that we heard the entirety of the call um but she talked about so we’d heard the
Discharge we heard the pedmont bill we heard is that you uh Miss lean hit me on uh and just let me know is that you let me see sis sis came through okay sis let’s see can I get you right here okay sis thank you for supporting I
Appreciate that um I hope this is the sis that wanted um wanted to be up in here thank you thank you thank you for supporting Flawless okay okay gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha okay uh thank you thank you thank you oh look at that Londa Smith is Londa supporting okay thank you Londa
Okay all right it was it was very sad Shay it very it very much was um and just remember there is a membership that’s literally $4.99 so any of you guys supporting um sending stickers I mean your membership’s going to last you like a whole entire month um let me drop the
Membership link okay um and that’s just one of the perks on Wednesdays and then typically I try to do a just member live and then it’ll come out to the YouTube streets but it’ll typically come out at a later time like later that day or the
Following day um but let me drop the link to you guys so we can get into it um let’s see where is the link okay here it is let me drop it to you so anyone who um and I appreciate the stickers and all that but if you want to put your money
Towards supporting and something that will last the whole entire month um just drop it to the membership because I appre all of it is very much appreciated um and then also like I said you can always go to Facebook and drop a comment um and thank you Lee thank you Lee for official
And let me do this okay and uh Londa Smith Stanford um you’re in tces okay so uh Londa who just dropped a sticker type a comment and you’re you’ll see yourself in here um and then I think we got a couple y’all are coming through okay lunchtime okay lunch what’s
Going okay on some okay y’all standing on business today okay well let me let me reverse that because bougie gang stands on business every single day and that’s that’s on some facts okay so soap opera fan thank you boo sunshine thank you boo boo I appreciate you very much okay
Um is it 81 813 okay is that Tampa I think it’s it’s Florida it’s giving Florida uh let me see Rock and Robin hey boo okay uh let’s see and Lee okay and then to our sis who sent a super sticker Londa and Flawless both of you two
Should be in the chat and the sis that kicked it off she’s an introvert okay thank you so much y’all okay let’s get into it um look I just want to remind you guys PSA keep your legs close to married men because it can be embarrassing it can be real embarrassing
Because you might end up on some jail call videos and everybody talking about your ass and there’s nothing you can do about it take a listen on period okay you might be on some in some lunchtime Shenanigans started at 24 huh they gonna start look at look at
Grandpa Joe start at 2 o’cl you they start at the time at 24 it’s supposed to start at 30 I’m subscribed to that’s what it is oh okay how you doing today sweetness I just got I just got in from the airport came straight what your membership Vicki you got um you’re you
Got a mod stick so you’re good hi Anish Ali how are you boo boo we got our friends over on Facebook yeah just type in and just type a comment I guess you probably have to have both open if you’re wanting to read um the chat and
Everything over on fa on uh YouTube but you know you can have have it on your computer and then I guess I guess if you’re at work girl you got to make a choice but um yeah no makeup yeah I could tell her looking like why is she so like the first thing
Let’s listen let’s listen close the first thing she talks about is her looks ma’am is very insecure is that Flaws and All thank you flaws hey boooo thank you you guys are really coming through thank you I appreciate it so first thing she does when she sits down she acknowledges
Look I don’t think Sonia is ugly I’m not going to give her Miss Black America or anything but at the end of Miss what is it Miss Miss uh senior Black America she’s not like there’s women who are over 40 and over 50 who are stunning
Right and she’s a she’s not badl looking she’s she’s okay it’s her personality that holds me back from giving her any kind of real big up because she’s very nasty and she’s very Petty and whatever she comes out to these YouTube streets acts like she wants to argue with
Everybody like a little like a little chihuaha or something she’s Miss ponytail 2023 okay you have she hasn’t even earned ponytail 2024 yet but she’s ponytail 2023 and um she’s ugly to me because of her personality you see what I’m saying like ma’am doesn’t know how
To read the room that she’s quite she turns people off right anyway um but she comes comes in and immediately she wants to talk about her looks so what does nesto do he starts talking about her looks and he’s horny guys don’t forget sir is horny he’s been locked up at this
Point for over a year beating his meat okay I’m sure right okay that’s what’s going on in this video visit from August 10th 2023 you will hear Ernesto say that Sonia looks very young without makeup Sonia also talks about her business plans and tells Ernesto you’re mine take a listen oh you’re mine
Okay G start it at 24 huh they gonna start at start at 2 o’ why waste time you only have 30 minutes it’s not even like hi boo it’s I thought it was starting at 4: I thought it was immediately complaining it’s a complaint they start at the time at 24
It’s supposed to start at 30 oh that’s what it is oh okay how you doing today sweetness the airport I just got I just got in from the airport came straight here yeah no makeup yeah I could tell looking like you 12 looking like you 12 you looking like
You 12 boo did you eat something I didn’t eat anything today you want to eat a sausage what you got to be feeling bad no I’m fine I normally don’t eat before it 6 anyway damn you don’t feel like you about to pass out what
Man you look young as a mud you don’t look the same person I bet like how old are you again right no no okay okay well how you feeling I feel fine how are you doing let you stra you’re straining to see you can’t see it’s coming
Back oh yeah it’s growing back fast I guess you can tell it already it’s gr back yeah it’s gr back fast I know one thing this this here cold got oh you you seem like you uncomfortable so there was like a speed up so I wonder if they talked about some either something
Sexual either something very sexual or something um I don’t know private your neck or your back no my neck oh you’re your hot CH yeah okay okay somebody pick you up and bring you out here no I drove Cindy drove me to her car I mean to my her house and then
I drove here oh then you got to go back and take go take her car back no my car was at her house I drove to her house and then she took me to the airport last week and then they kept and then you know I came back today and then my car
Was at her house and then I here I was going to go home like I was going to go home but then I was I looked at the clock and I was like oh I ain’t got time to go home I can’t do anything I ain’t my hair nothing oh your hair
Look nice it’s the same way you took the picture so it’s holding up D you see like you in pain or something yeah it’s holding up so you trying to crack my neck oh so you did you spend the night out the airport or you went back to your
Brother house oh so I never made it to the airport so yesterday they told me he told me my plane was delayed at 10:30 right and so when me andet was coming out the driveway and we were driving down the street she said check your
Phone and I looked at my phone that [ย __ย ] said 12:00 and I was like ah I’m not about to [ย __ย ] with them with this Airline so I came with my flight last night and then I bought another ticket last night and I flew in Delta this morning oh what time
You got here I got here an hour ago so was she I think she was in Ohio guys um if I heard that correctly because she said one of her cousins was driving back to Atlanta and she was like yeah know so um is that what she I was trying to
Break up was coming out the driveway and we were driving down the street she said check your phone I looked at my phone that [ย __ย ] said 12 o’clock and I was like not oh my God okay so Queen te thank you thank you for making it official thank you for supporting and
Then I think someone dropped a so was that black hourglass black hourglass thank you sis thank you I missed okay and then uh CA brigh and Flaws and All did someone just gift five memberships did I just see that uh CA 1983 gifted five did I miss that um or did that just
Okay there it is CA so I’m not sure who got those but congratulations and thank you to gifting to uh another sis thank you for making it um official for flawless uh wait okay so Flawless for um which Flawless already had it oh you were gifted okay so flawless I had just
Given you look how that turned out Flawless girl you got a and a membership okay um call me shelle um edit your name um [ย __ย ] and Leonard Carter okay okay okay okay you see how that worked out for everybody ain’t that beautiful look at y’all okay let’s get back to business
Okay thank you thank you thank you what a nice gift uh CA 1983 I appreciate you sis and I’m sure everyone else does too who was gifted that’s a beautiful thing sharing and uh I appreciate that so much okay let’s keep going about to [ย __ย ] with
Them with this Airline so I can my flight last night and then I bought another ticket last night and I flew in Delta this morning oh what time you got here I got here an hour ago a hour ago you don’t damn you got hour ago and then
You made for now she had to get she had to get to her here I told you straight from the airport damn that was that was quick then you no problems then yeah I thought you sitting up when I read the M I said she must have spent the night at the
Airport or something she must have SP night at the airp well I didn’t know you I didn’t know what was going on your vent didn’t say call it just say what you was doing it didn’t say call I was at the house and then my brother ended up picking me
I was going to ride back with Sean but Sean was in Madina which was 30 minutes south of Cleveland he said if you can get down here you can ride with me and I was like I’m not doing all of that 6:00 in the morning cuz he was going to drive
Back 6 o00 this morning and I was like nah let me go find a flight and I just flew Delta back okay are you tired yeah I’m gonna go to sleep after I leave here I’m G eat something so no I just asking I mean that’s a lot
Transer back and forth no you straight you you just look young as a [ย __ย ] you definitely look super young so my makeup on yeah yeah yeah you look super super duper young that’s he just loves gassing her head up on some you look super young you look super
Young okay and can we progress with anything to talk about yes I was looking at that yesterday I told you when I looked in the mirror before I put my face on I was like oh my God I look young old yeah yeah older yeah but years young
Than you or three years three years no no ma’am you look uh at least 30 years younger than me you look 150 years younger than me oh my God you’re giving you’re giving another life you’re giving you I must have known you in another life okay you look super duper hella quadruple
Young okay I love it it’s 130 it’s from 150 years ago it’s like would you stop it already but it’s true you look embryonic 30 years young but it’s a blessing on your part a blessing look five minutes and 15 seconds you look super young oh my God oh my God I’m
Tripping no I’m looking like some [ย __ย ] I look like [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] you look like from another Millennium I look like [ย __ย ] just I got to get a whole jum back together I’m looking like a whole I need a whole new makeover man I’m [ย __ย ] up yeah
Looking huh he needs like about 10 Just For Men kids how’s your teeth holding up how is your how’s your teeth holding up okay silly yeah yeah they hold they Brown is a [ย __ย ] now I ain’t put no treatment on them would that be fix aent
So does he wear dentures are is that fixed Dent can anyone who wears Dentures spot Dentures a mile away are is he wearing some falsies or are those real teeth according to finesse are those teeth or are those pee no I’m just kidding are those real
Or are those fixed in okay yeah they need to be treated [ย __ย ] no treatment now that’s on the camera that [ย __ย ] is danger as [ย __ย ] when I look at him no they not they not no camera huh it’s a camera that’s all that’s all it is yeah the sun did you go
Out today you we ain’t going CU it rain so bad last night so proba ain’t doing no yard call today I try to go out there every day now just go out there you know talking to clouds because it’s gonna get cold in a minute anyway so [ย __ย ] right it can heat
You up being outside get you some War yeah yeah it it does that and make one hour seem like three hours out there so that kills the day depends on what time it is yeah other than that that’s something that’s an activity that’s what that’s an activity yeah that’s an
Activity yeah but I want about you more though cuz you ain’t right you try to fake like you’re right but you ain’t right what you mean I’m not right you’re not right I mean you know you know your your waist my leg I got skinny legs and
My legs is bigger than your waist I looked at I said damn my leg bigger than her waist is it I’m not little I’m I mean she’s 4 foot 10 nesto what do you think I’m 93 pounds what are you talking about listen you don’t understand you
Look okay well I seen something jiggling under of there always I do this a gonna jiggle okay okay okay okay you funny I just let it hang it’s gonna jiggle F on me yeah there Ain no fat you ain’t got no fat at all you funny people [ย __ย ] that’s just loose
SK let’s just loose are you ready rocking are you ready to rock and Road since you’re back now so that place is V they they rented it Sydney said they rented it it’s not available what it’s not available but there’s another one they closed right there on MLK and lii that
One they closed that one too I know that’s the only thing that’s kind of in the iffy neighborhood yeah and much actually going on over there you know what I’m saying most people skate are really suburbs suburbians you know what I’m saying people who don’t R yeah what else like Kroger is still
Open how do you feel how do you feel when people walk up to you and ask you how old are [Applause] you nesto has no conversation guys who in the world walks up to a grown woman even a child I’m sorry I keep putting myself on mute because the dogs are
Being vocal at this time I’m gon to let them out in a minute um who who does that like I don’t understand what planet this he has no finesse he has no class and maybe because he is from the streets but he tries to play that he’s you know
Uh sophisticated gentleman um he who who walks to a woman on the street and says how old are you nobody does that if a man sees a woman he likes he doesn’t as long as he knows that the woman is of age typically we’re gonna just put that
Asterisk there no one’s asking the age nobody grown people don’t ask other grown people how old you are unless you’re just you’re not sure okay he might yeah I’m worthy yeah he’s part of that asterisk he might okay let me let me let this play for a second and
Let me go let these doggies let me uh get them let me handle them because they’re clearly yeah you sting at the ball with the [ย __ย ] and all that [ย __ย ] how does that feel if I don’t have makeup on they they carve me that’s why I was when
I went to go play the lottery and they was looking at me he was like can I see some ID and I’m like what he was like can I see some ID and I’m like how old do you have to be I know I older than 18
No no no no no I’m sorry no you don’t no you don’t no no you don’t no you don’t I’m sorry think I’m Katie friend I got I got mistaken twice for her friend like I thought that was your friend no I believe that I believe that
Yeah and then you make everybody feel bad and sad how do I make feel bad and sad man look at how you looking look how you looking it’s the ponytail the ponytail snatch your face all the way back yeah snatch it all back all the way back all the way
Back Sunday do you have a problem with that no only when I went to court when they treated me like I was a child and I was mad about that because the lady thought I was she thought it was 19 but I was actually 30
Baby pills I was 30 what is that my baby pills I was 36 at the time and they thought I was 19 when I was going to housing court and the judge was trying to give it to me because he thought I was a kid really yeah okay okay you got something
On your chair there look like something on your chair wipe it off oh yeah wipe it off it l like it yeah like something going on yeah so anyway so you gonna go home and lay down and chill out get your mind together I sure appreciate this visit boy I’ve been
Going through it like a rocky going south longer and longer it’s like when will this end looking man I’m looking at the newspaper [ย __ย ] sitting up in there there 40 years for just sexual ass 40 years and they fin let him go they only gave 80 they gave a million
Yeah I can’t help it can’t help see be blasting no but don’t look at yeah but I did look out something interesting on the iPad yester looking at that it got a lot of black hisy stuff on that so I look at that and it got
Videos I can see but I didn’t know the lady who was over the Black Panther the black chick they tried she was locked up for 18 months for murder uh Kim okay let me okay y’all would have no idea what I just went through for the last three
Minutes I’ll tell you at the end um I was watching I was watching this earlier and when he said the lady from the Black Panthers the black chick he’s so embarrassing I’m embarrassed I’m not really embarrassed for him I’m just like yo he’s really dumb and conspiracy in 198
19 to find years old he’s trying to find all these random people that he can try to figure out well they done done this and they got out and they done done that and they got out he like that’s not case law dummy he was three years old I was
[ย __ย ] three years old and she’s like instead of like yeah yeah yeah that’s right that’s right it’s like you were 3 years old oh bless your little pointy head oh it’s not civil it’s civil it’s no it’s not civil it’s not civil it’s not it’s not okay
Yeah but they let it go 18 months though yeah let her go 18 months you took it to jur trial but damn I’m just saying to myself yeah you can win back then it was so racist back then it what it was very RAC then it was very racist back then yeah
Very very racist back then very and it was in LA too so I was like damn so I’m try to keep my mind focused and everything you make it keep you keep it Pleasant you keep it Pleasant so what did you do last night I just laid back
Down and just I ate some wings and fries at my cousin’s house CU my my brother and them they had a uh Sean the one whose um son died he had a uh like a get together at one of these restaurants in Cleveland and I wasn’t you know I a want
To go because I have my stuff with me and I didn’t want to leave my stuff in the car so I was like I’m G just stay with ke and I stayed over her house till he came and got me but they you know we all Smoky so they smoke cigarettes oh so
Was that the same girl who was on the who was on that picture when you went on that cruise no oh no no no no no no that’s teach I don’t talk to her no more damn you you fall out with them all don’t you no I didn’t fall I just cut
Them off I never fell out me and her never had words I just cut them off why you C you see you just see [ย __ย ] you don’t like what is it I just feel like sometimes things are kind of onesided but was mainly the fact that my sister kept getting close to her
And I didn’t want Tanya in my business yeah remember her and Tanya got really they was start because they was working together so they started getting close and we would go out to eat and them two would talk the whole time and I just be sitting here talking about work and
Everything that’s going on she was she was jealous she was jealous because she didn’t she didn’t have the same type of career as her sister which I don’t know what type of job she had but yeah she dumped her because she was jealous of the relationship she had with her sister
Because she doesn’t have a relationship how can you have a friend that’s got a better relationship with your sister than you do that is ridiculous right so clearly that’s not your friend if you and your sister don’t mess with each other and you have a friend that’s friends with your sister that
Might not be your friend I mean I hate to say it like that but there’s not going to if at the end of the day that’s still my sister whether I talk to her or not but I I wouldn’t have a friend that is I wouldn’t have a friend in that
Situation so it you know um sounds like both sisters are messy to me though that’s weird just that’s weird that that woman would want to be friends with two sisters who aren’t friends like I’m friends with Jackie and sassy and they don’t speak but I speak to them and that
Would be weird who does that that that’s a weird ass family I’m just saying I don’t know those people I haven’t put one ounce of research into any of those people but at the end of the day what I’m going to say is this Sonia got a
Messy ass family that’s just off the rib now whether they are really messy or not I don’t know because we know that they hang out in these comments which okay y’all messy um whatever you know y y’all can go hang I’m I’m G separate myself so I just I fell back okay okay
She said she’s trying to tell him to that the PE if he was a dummy I mean why would you say that son so on top of you want me to go smack Shirley you’re going to tell him to tell the people in the Cell Block that they are loud and tell
Them to shut up even though I’m sure she’s joking because she can’t be serious with that when you trying to get nesto killed or something what’s wrong with her y’all what is wrong with her what is why is she always talking some some smack with her little 4 foot1
Self you little you got a cute little dent on this side over like he just does a fade away he doesn’t Fade Away loud tell okay you got a cute little you got a cute little dent on this side over here I like that look
When you frown that’s nice I got a vein what’s up no I’m talking about where your nose at by your nose Yeah by your nose it’s nice yeah it’s nice I like it J yeah I like it have to like my face that you got to look at it forever girl
She’s trying to get him all the way taken all the way out she’s trying to get Shirley to collect on that insurance policy that she allegedly has she gets shorter and shorter every call okay yeah I like it yeah damn you look so [ย __ย ] young I’m just Ching the [ย __ย ]
Out you don’t mind me being on your pillow I gota check your ID I gotta check your [ย __ย ] ID D you know D5 so what does that make me well [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] say a lot of [ย __ย ] out here I hey man I gotta check everything right now [ย __ย ] that [ย __ย ]
Almost made me feel like a going ballhead do you see how her mannerisms are she has little to no class Sonia seems like the type of woman who gets mad when you give her the truth and try to look out for her best interest she’ll
Cut you off yeah CU she knows what she knows and who do you think you are trying to tell me what to do and I think you’re just hating on me look nesto look we already know this nesto likes a very specific type of woman shirely is the exact same way she
Thought everybody was hating on her too remember that Shirley thought everybody was hating on her they’re jealous her and Sonia really have a lot in common now that’s it and that’s all okay nesto nesto likes a certain type of female he likes the type of woman who wants to be
Up under him okay and you know has has her own you know has her own thoughts even though her thoughts might not not be accurate on a particular situation uh because nobody is sitting up there jealous of Sonia no one was sitting up there jealous of damn Shirley um any of
That stuff but that’s that’s that’s them yeah she seems to be that she she I believe she is that type so excellent observation sis um your fur girl these fur babies I will tell you guys a quick something uh after after we’re done here because girl people like us to stay on
Business and uh but we’ll talk in a minute let’s get through this and then I’ll tell you what happened girl they mother my brain I feel like it that’s I take you you got a cute head so you can do bad oh oh okay okay well you know I thank you
Very much and everything so what’s your plans now since they done closed that they done rent the place off what you what your mind at find another location that’s all we just look for something else a warehouse we could do it in the warehouse now that’s that’s C I like
Doesn’t necessarily have to ride it could be a warehouse be four walls that’s it yeah now that’s F just a warehouse warehouse what about the AC though that’ be that’d be like one of the expenses because one it already be built out so yeah AC will be expensive
So is she talking about a sports bar or nightclub or something um you could do it in a warehouse so is this again the sports club nightclub situation um like it’s always like why don’t y’all okay anyway that’ll be it who who who you say putting in a kitchen a kitchen oh a
Kitchen oh so maybe the sports club night nightclub uh sports bar nightclub situation that she was talking about so because if she’s talking about a kitchen um maybe they have to have a kitchen uh because here in North Carolina you have to you have to serve food with alcohol
So you’re not going to have like a nightclub that doesn’t serve like some food or something they’re going to serve at least something even if it’s damn hot dogs they’re going to serve food ah ah okay a JY a gy and a and a and a uh a
Gy and that be pretty good put a gym in that thing too too many gyms they got gyms everywhere Apartments all of that no we’re not gonna do a gy just do sports bar a sports bar a gaming room and then private rooms VIP and then a skating rink
Okay okay okay a skating rink so she wants to do like a Cascade or something a sports bar girl I done forgot it’s like wait a second what um a sports bar so like a multiplex like a adult type of Multiplex like when you have the kids that they have like the
Zipline they have all kinds of obstacle courses um the trampolines kind of like how you have those trampoline parks with all the different activities for the kids so a adult kind of sports bar roller skating and some other [ย __ย ] exclusive okay you look so exotic thank
You so very much yeah I appreciate hi is it Julia yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah girl ratchet very ratchet and get get it later today piure 20 I think I was 20 I was wearing a suit I was wearing the suit so yeah okay okay okay how do you feel when
You be all hungry and [ย __ย ] you feel like you want to pass her and [ย __ย ] I don’t feel hungry like my stomach doesn’t feel hungry like my mouth might like want something because I haven’t had anything to eat or drink but I’m not hungry hungry okay do you see Star do you see
Stars and [ย __ย ] when you be hungry stop it is he clowning her like is he clowning it’s like at this moment is he clowning her cuz why is he asking her does she see stars do you see stars when you’re hungry like do you think she’s just
Famished is she do you think he thinks she’s malnourished I mean what is going on here I don’t never get that hungry D it’s like are you playing are you trying to play up in my face you said you said you said you’re
So hungry no so what it was was I felt a little like I was like maybe nauseous like I wanted to eat but I felt like if I ate something I would throw up that’s how I was feeling oh okay well you need don’t be trying to make yourself feel like that
Now so I’m gonna get some sea moss today and drink some Alkaline Water what is sea moss what is that um this supposed be good for your you see your body is is 80% sea moss oh I didn’t know that se is did he say sea
Monster wait a second did he say sea monster Earthly thing that people make and they mix it up with fruit it’s a Earthly thing that people make it’s sea moss it’s sea moss it’s a Earthly thing okay it’s healthy okay you eat it and it’s healthy
Wow seos what is sea moss my God I have to Google it when I get to a phone I let you know specifically I don’t I don’t really know what it is I heard of it so I just speak on things that I’m not really aware of which is definitely a
Sign of dumb um but okay how about I heard of this stuff and it’s supposed to be really good for you I’m going to look into it and I want to try it but you can’t tell anybody about anything that you have never actually used or you don’t really know about you
Don’t even know about it why are you talking about figure out is that you say ised with that I’m trying to figure to se or something our body no it’s Watcher honey that’s what a lot of our bodies are composed of okay like what she’s saying we have seos
In us so what are we like creatures okay home girl is me later I’ll Google this I can give you the actual term okay damn okay you know it’s bad when nesto you know it’s bad when nesto makes you look stupid you know what I’m saying you know Sonia has a learning
Disability girl it’s it’s becoming more and more obvious at this moment CU I was like what are you talking about ma’am excuse me my God you got to be kidding lady that’s bad okay I’ll let you know what it actually is that’s my friend okay so so
What is that statement uh yep you’re M you’re mine that’s what that mean what did you okay wait I’m just trying to figure out where did that come from that come out some they come wait hold on I feel like I saw something you’re mine that’s what that mean oh they put some little seagulls from uh
What’s it called is that Dory is that Finding Dory part two when the Pelicans you’re mine that’s what that mean that is hilarious no I’m just trying to figure out what what did they come from they come out some I love when they put little stuff little little Easter eggs
For us to find in the videos that’s so funny I said that before no I said that before to you months ago monso so do you do you came out I said it months ago okay check back just rewind all your little letters earlier like around
January I think I said it so okay so what’s wrong with you you heard I was trying no no I was trying to sit okay so I got do you feel your bone for you sit you feel your butt bones your butt B can
You feel your butt Bon I would be like n negro I don’t know if you trying to play with me at this moment you trying to shade me um you think I got you think I got a bony bony butt like what is he he you trying to be funny
No you got some cushion under there you got some cushion under there like no cushion going on what I just ask questions she gave him the midd finger you be Hur I’m just trying to figure out how bony am I for you to say that I’m
Not that bony yes I’m short though so I’m short short you’re four you’re four what I’m 14 so I’m short first and then I’m small I have no body I know that but I am I’m going to gain something I’m not going to gain any weight let’s going to gain some weight
I went all to 100 pound you know you’re skinny when you have to have conversations about how skinny you are and how your goal is to gain some weight I mean I definitely don’t have that problem but at the end of the day it’s like ma’am um why okay do we not have
Anything so this visit we don’t have anything to really talk about because we not going to be up on me on this you know that well I guess at this point they didn’t know that these calls were going to be roasted up and down the YouTube streets um but yeah okay okay
That was the best I got since I got out the hospital was 100 okay but if you take them good vitamins and stuff and take with the nutrition you’re supposed to have sure you’ll do a little something better but right now you want to do what you want to do oh yeah okay
So you you want to keep calling me Santa Claus I’m GNA start calling you bony okay I get it it’s some passive aggressive aggression and a little bit of passive aggressive love love shade um is that what you’re so that’s their love language is insulting each other
Wow it’s not civil okay that is not civil okay wow love shade I don’t I would be like I don’t like it don’t love shade on me uhuh that’s Notre let’s go with that I need you I need you to be healthy that that that I don’t have to worry and see him
Scratching my head you know I don’t want to be worried as much as I’m worried right now I’m not worried because I know what’s going on but I’m stressed how about that stress and word because I’m so used to controlling my own life when other people control my life it’s a
Stress fulfilling stressing when I uh what kind of person I am so it’s very very stressing for other people control your life especially at this age right now so but you know what I tell you what though uh a lot of people like to have
You I know that so I’m grateful for that I’m definitely yes grateful for that you have a woman that a lot of people want is that what you’re saying like Okay there there’re are very weird couple I’m just going to say that they’re strange okay they’re very strange I am
Most definitely yeah give me a big you can just give me a big old nasty Hood oh not a big old nasty yes yeah yeah okay so it’s okay let me get a big old nasty hug big old nasty hug will be fine yeah I can only Envision what a big
Old nasty hug looks like but it wouldn’t be like that a big old nasty hug okay a big old nasty hug would involve some twerking some legs being lifted um maybe no clothes a big old nasty hug yeah that’s not a big old nasty hug Nest though so how do you feel throughout
This she does look like she looks like Jim Jones mom she sure does she sure does out of this 13 months I’ve been in here it’s been it’s almost been a year because I what was it end of August we first talked you first caught me end of
A yeah yeah yeah so I wasn’t expecting to be here that long but you know what I was shock you were still there when I called when I found you I was like how is he still there don’t be listening to my brother don’t be listening at all
That all that uh Flex talk don’t be listening at that [ย __ย ] don’t be know he’s 90% full of [ย __ย ] yeah I don’t I I don’t be calling nobody for what what I’m calling for they give me some false ass I told him you were gonna call him what
He said he called me yesterday I was oh yeah your brother’s gonna call you but I ain’t call him though because I ain’t fa to call because it’s to me told him I was like he don’t have nothing to say he a got have nothing to say I’m
Like I L everything sick at you but [ย __ย ] this stuff there I mean I’m straight what else what else what what else it really talk about ain’t nothing going on [ย __ย ] ain’t [ย __ย ] going on you ain’t doing [ย __ย ] so it’s like okay hey how’s everybody doing all right thanks bye I
Guess you call for five minutes I don’t want to talk about you know what to say p call get off the phone I gotta go call him and he be like you know what uh it’s pill time I’m G call you back tomorrow and then just
Call him back every time the same time and just tell him it’s pill come and just get off the phone well guy just came in he got my judge today did he say pill time like pills like it’s time for medicine is that what it was hold on let
Me see is that what pill time put some pills in the chat is that what these said it’s pill time hold on too good time the same time and just tell him it’s pill CL and just get off the phone well guy just came in he got my judge
Today so nesto just swerved off that conversation okay it must ain’t too good because he going straight to his bed so it must not he got Manning or he got the other judge he got he got the other judge so oh uh that chick yeah uh what’s her name
I don’t forgot her name Adams yeah but it ain’t too good cuz he went straight to his bunp sitting on the bump he [ย __ย ] up right now now what was his case uh something big or something little no something they wer too bad oh maybe some burglary or
Something died in there you see that on the news how was burglary can you can you tell me where in someone’s mind they think burglary isn’t bad when you are entering into someone’s home to steal burglary means you are somewhere where you’re not invited so you’re probably trespassing right you’re burglarizing the home
So you are going in a place you don’t live not invited and you’re going to steal okay that’s not too bad but it’s so funny that if someone were to do that to you it would be bad and then if you happen to come up on someone unexpected
And you got a hole between your ears now it’s a problem okay all right absolutely celebrity juicer I had a friend who was robbed and she was messed up for a long time and I’m I’m sure still is but like learned how to deal with it um but she
Was really messed up behind that she was very very very scared and Um not a good feeling I couldn’t even relate um just thinking about thankfully she was not home but coming home to that was crazy so much so that she created a situation where like to have kind of like a safe room um where if you did hear something a and you’re in the
House you know to be able to kind of Escape too with like double locks and things like that but it was very scary and to support your friend through something like coming home and your house is like destroyed things are stolen things are broken things have to
Be replaced people go through your stuff tear apart your underwear Dr like weird [ย __ย ] you know what I mean and then not knowing are they looking was this just something random or it was someone like was I being targeted things like that that’s very very very scary so I’m sure
All of you can imagine what that is like and if you’ve experienced it I hate it for you um but yeah uh in his mind sitting in the jail his mindset is it’s not that bad but he’s not thinking as a potential victim if that happened to him
Where he rest his head how he would feel she was 19 she was only in there for um some stupid assault she was in there for a misdemeanor and she kept banging her head her her cmate kept saying that she had a mental illness and they didn’t put
Her they need to have people in padded walls she was in there for eight weeks hey what for Mr that’s what I’m saying she shouldn’t even been in her because it’s not even a jell offence so why were you they should have just hurried up and heard her case and let her
Out she that was a that was a she could have sign herself out and then her family of course didn’t bought well she missed court so they had a warrant and then they brought her in and you had a failure to appear I hate it for the young lady but you had a
Failure to appear you don’t show up to court the ftas so she had a FTA they brought her in and CIS was having a breakdown or CIS already mentally was not able to handle the situation at hand and that’s and you know that’s unfortunate I mean
What can you do jail is not pleasant that’s why it’s called jail you know what I’m saying and obviously innocent until proven guilty let me drop my banner but at the end of the day stay out the way that’s what I’m going say stay out the way and you don’t have
To worry about situations like this but it seems like everyone gets a bond but nesto anyway you know what I mean so okay um they always act like people in jail because the cops have nothing better to do you know they always act like people in jail because the cops
Have not the cops have nothing better to do than to run around rather like there’s so much going on with the act like the crime in progress versus trying to figure out like what just happened on top of just the the regular [ย __ย ] that’s happening like car accidents and people needing
Help they should immediately after and that the eight weeks had passed because you know how court take forever so what they should have did was they should immediately heard her case and and just you know so the court needs to drop with the so let’s just say nesto’s sitting
Here waiting 90 days for court so what you’re saying is because something just happened his court date should be dropped and someone who something just happened should be bumped ahead of the people who are patiently waiting in a city where there is a tremendous backlog is that what you’re saying
Because we already know if you were watching the news you would already know that there’s funding issues there’s space issues there’s political issues why do y’all get on the phone every it’s like they get on the phone I guess because she says that she knows the prosecutor’s listening is she just
Getting on the phone every week to complain about what’s going on in Fulton County is that is that basically what they’re doing because it doesn’t this conversation makes no sense these two people are idiots okay but you get on the phone every week to complain about
What’s going on and what’s not going on in Fon County because you think it’s a good idea to Lo ke talk to the prosecutor and tell them everything that you think is going on but you can’t even repeat a story that makes sense you guys are so ill
Informed nesto thinks because he gets to watch the news three times a day he’s like damn uh newscaster on CNN he’s damn what’s his name uh Anderson uh what’s his name uh Anderson Cooper girl a mess nesto Cooper probation and let her go in jail with stupid she killed she killed herself is
That what they know what the cause of death is family has now attorney so get do they want to get paid you know how they do it you funny you know how so they for real check somebody there family taking no calls not doing anything but soon as
They die they trying to get that lawyer to get that check not Don Lemon okay one guy nesto lemon and tamrind Durham waller4 million they and his bond was only 300 bucks and they didn’t go get him they got four million now they sitting on four million
Me tell you y’all if we hear about nesto falling down the steps in the jail I’m I’m gonna just I’m gonna be like insurance fraud okay you got him as Jay Leno okay look let me tell you something nesto is nesto and Sonia are shopping for
Lawsuits that’s what I know tell me I’m wrong this chick now is on some lawsuit business this chick wants to find somebody who she thinks is going to be able to line her pockets okay and that’s just my opinion based on the video okay all right s sis sound like she’s
Shopping for lawsuits okay 40% they trying to they’re trying to run up a bag by running off of someone else’s bag Rob okay oh bet you can’t wait wish you [Laughter] get been a long you ever change you’re funny you ever Chang your uh shower head
Yet you got that change out yet change it out for you listen but I didn’t do it listen my my brother’s house she wants to masturbate so bad extended thing works like a power wash it is so girl you better yes you better handle that business get get everything all
Cleaned up so strong I was like Dam I had never seen such a strong shower talk about take it down like this here and do it yeah reg one and then you got the hand W okay okay are you guys into the kind of low-key sexy talk like this conversation
That they’re having about showerheads and Sonia looking like she hadn’t had some dick in a long time looking real thirsty looking real Hony Sonia looking real real thirsty nesto looking like what the shower head does what is powerful like what okay okay okay these two arees so
Tempted I know you was I was like I’m not gonna do that here she said I was so tempted he said I know you was he’s so happy to hear her playing with herself girl you don’t play with yourself okay I know that’s right go ahead go ahead go ahead with yourself
Oh my God these two are just so lame right I know you are damn wait hold on you know how thick my hairoh she said you know how thick her hair is okay um I don’t see the thickness of your hair Sonia but if you
Say so sis let me see let me go back just a little bit it just it just faded my streamyard went what it was so strong I was like damn I had never seen such a strong shower like I never talk about take it down like this here and do it yeah one
And then you got the hand one okay so tempted I know you I was like I’m not gonna do that here I know you are Dam you were so horn you wanted you were so horny you had to stop yourself from masturbating in your brother’s shower I’m sorry that’s disgusting that’s
Absolutely that’s giving gross okay don’t do that don’t do something like that that’s nasty can’t you control yourself oh my God oh her struggle butn you know how thick my hair is I had to rinse my ha so I have my hair like bent over to towards
My KNE she said her hair is thick DET determine that was a lie the lie detective determined son your hair is not thick you need to stop it that is not you do not have a thick head of hair okay you need to stop lying
Your hair is not my hair that was in my hair your your drawring ponytails might be thick but your hair is not thick okay I don’t even know why that is relevant to the visit at this moment girl can we make it through this video can we just make it
Through okay we almost done y’all just take a minute take a minute and hit the like button oh it was good good I was like damn it was so strong hi Lily hey boo boo Sonia is a hot mess okay we’re getting there I don’t know what’s like a power wash you
Can Power Driveway with that damn I was like what was the point telling the story trying to make the man go crazy down like that you don’t I could do flip still I don’t believe that [ย __ย ] I don’t believe that I I can’t I don’t believe it I can
Do cwh I can do flips I can do all that still don’t play yeah you Bing right now huh what you’re Bing right now did he say bliing for real you’re bliing and flip yeah I know you can you little bleed s with your little bleed self you can hold that goddamn mouth
Together can’t you oh okay you you can hold that smile together yeah I can you definitely can hold it together yeah yeah you have a hell of a poker face yeah they what only got one minute left she doesn’t have a poker face she shows all
Of her emotions on her face I think he was being nasty calling poker face like poking her poking her with his junk in her face is that one minute okay okay when I look down sh go so F when I see you it goes so fast I’ll be back Sund
Man I feel like a little kid right Now she went menopause that help her gain some weight and carry some insure around with herter wow okay why your love your ass to death thank you so love your ass to death yeah you have such a beautiful smile thank you thank you you got one tooo well I can’t tell I can’t
Yeah you can yeah you can okay what we going to see I show love your ass all over here right I show love your ass look like you don’t look the same so they can’t they can’t recognize you no I don’t look like myself at all I don’t
Know what the [ย __ย ] I look like now oh for you that you ain’t G never look unless move all your grill start looking crack love you love okay not to see it that’s my friend oh he wants to see her walk away oh we didn’t catch that
Little part okay wait hold on he wants to see her he was still sitting there he wants to see her get up with her little jeans on oh my God okay we’ll give it just a chance um okay they’re just friends guys don’t forget he love her ass to death
They’re talking about masturbation and all of the things and they’re just they’re just French he’s he says she’s just a friend he says she’s just a friend oh baby you no I’m just kidding let me stop is you don’t look like you don’t look the same so
No I don’t look like myself at all I don’t know what the [ย __ย ] I look like now oh for you that you ain’t G never look unless you lose all your grill start looking crackish no a doing that no no no no love you love I love you too okay
Okay I will not to see it like subscribe and turn notifications on so you don’t miss the next one her little booty let me make sure I register my like um her little booty her little booty booty her little uh bony booty I mean the fact that nesto had to jokey
Joke about does your butt hurt when you sit down he is he has disrespected he has disrespected her whole bloodline ass ass potential okay anybody from her mama to her grandma to everybody talking about does it hurt when you sit down cuz it’s bony what kind of question is that what man what
Grown man asks a woman does your butt hurt when you sit down because it’s bony that is so disrespectful okay um well we’ve all known it was a lie we knew that there was going to be some sexy talk we knew that these two jimber jeans wow girl she
Went over to Target and got some cat and Jacks in a size so they’re bigger so they’re big she went and got some damn uh size 12s and uh cat and Jacks either a 10 or a 12 cat and Jack he lowkey insults her all the time Lily like the backhanded left-handed
Comments right girl I still keep thinking about that comment that that person left talking about the sock puppets I couldn’t even think about that comment yesterday without laughing and then the person call her girl La was so funny oh my God why did she take those videos down she was just being hateful
CU she knew we were all coming to clown her that’s okay I don’t look self-preservation is number one so I can’t fault her for taking it down but this bring the put the videos back up get your coins don’t let don’t let me or anyone else interfere with you getting
Your coins because at the end of the day ma’am that’s what it’s about you can’t uh you can’t drop videos and talk about people and expect people to not rebut okay and expect that there will be no rebuttal all right girl she got some cat and Jacks okay um anything else do you
Guys want to call in real quick I’ll drop anyone who’s not working or who is a who is available um who wants to say their peace uh let me drop the link let’s see anyone have any comments before we shut this thing on down um go check out the Throwbacks I dropped
Today um Sonia talked about her mother talked about her son Sonia talked about her bankruptcy Sonia talked about her medical malpractice suit Sonia we know is a convicted Is it felony um I never actually eyeballed her background check I think someone sent it to me but I promise you I just I don’t
Even know if I really looked at it but I have to look at it I uh Sonia was in and out of jail and that’s according to her um she did commit insurance fraud that came out of her mouth um and she was talking about chastising her lawyer um
Regarding some statements that he put in her bankruptcy which is a legal document where he attested to her potentially having a medical malpractice suit in the future we don’t know what happened with that but it’s quite possible that maybe due to this medical malpractice suit and maybe something that happened um some
Sort of mishap at the hospital maybe that’s why ma’am is retired and maybe ma’am needs to be retired to bump up her case um so maybe that’s her story is that she is retired um so that that is one of the reasons why they’re suing the hospital
Or suing the doctor or whoever she’s suing um because she was at pedmont for however many however long so maybe that has to do with it um they are gross okay um I fell asleep listening to her I wake up and she’s still talking Nikki what
Did you expect did you did you expect something different ma’am talks a lot Miss talk a lot um it was funny yeah it was funny it was funny she’s annoying and everything but I just find her amusing um and that’s where I leave it I
Don’t even let her annoy me like at one time she was annoying me but I was like if I’m going to cover this story I need to change my feelings about it because she’s actually quite amusing she is entertainment this is entertainment we don’t have to live with her she’s not
Coming home tonight to our house you know what I mean she is part of the entertainment and that’s what bothers her the most she’s the type of person that I think she actually Vibes off of like she F gets a thrill off of feeling like she is angering people she doesn’t
Like us thinking of her as the entertainment she like anyone would find that a little kind of you know unless you are professional Entertainer like you this is what you do but the fact that she’s being serious and we take her for funny shits and giggles she’s mad
Okay she’s mad about that so um let her become she’s a clown she’s like a clown as soon as you kind of change how you your thoughts on her being a clownish girl you laugh every time she’s amus she’s she’s funny um let’s see anyway okay y’all I
Dropped the link nobody’s calling you guys are amazing this was such a fun lunch um I so Fon County you guys know let me check and see what’s going on I haven’t checked today um I just have some stuff I want to validate before I
I was about to say propagate no I’m just kidding propagate would work if that’s what I were talking about um I do want to validate before I get on this live stream and talk to you guys about it and they have been um they’ve been down 10 men’s describ 10 men’s described
Oh subscrib 10 new subscribers let me see is that what you’re talking about um girl this page is not working they are all the way they are down look they were down now they’re down bad I couldn’t even get to Fulton County hold on I Fon
County damn down bad bad okay not I did a notify me okay here we go I was like gosh did they have to go ahead and scrub everything okay let’s see do it’s like do I need to clean my cookies out as it pertains to okay so
I’m over here at the clerk let’s see oh someone called okay it’s our good sis Vicky hi sis Vicky how are you no headset hi Vicki No I can barely hear you girl if you on that headset okay it looks like let’s see oh okay
Vicki I’m waiting on you sis um rule 22s I see guys I do have my rule 22 for next week so I will be broadcasting Um and you know just know if anyone else’s broadcasting which I’m sure there will be this will be upon the replay so have three four five tabs open watch it everywhere or you can always come back over here you know what I mean wherever it is and um that’s where you
End up that’s cool no worries this will be Ponda replay I will be broadcasting it live just so you know um and you can always come back and watch me Pond the replay okay um but yes your girl will be live I don’t know that I’m going to
Click into the zoom hearing I just have my rule 22 so I don’t have any problems with me broadcasting but I think I’m going to be broadcasting from J judge Mannings um so let’s see hola Vicky can you hear me I can hear you this better well I don’t know what
Kind of headset you got sis but I’m I’m doing from my iPhone hang on or just straight from the phone I I I I’m an iPhone person too but sometimes iPhone I had to take my airpods in I think I had a bad set of iPods once a airpods and they weren’t completely
Passing the test and the guy was like there’s just no way that I can verify what you’re saying and I said plus I do a lot of recording um with my airpods and they took them back and gave me a new set and they definitely work much better um but
Yeah I had a mine girl is this is this better still no okay no we’ll try it another day byebye no it was better before oh okay let me see yeah it was better before whatever you just did just back that yeah when you first came on it
Was crystal clear yeah that’s good okay yeah how are you um I’m doing good yeah I think just streamyard is just somehow it’s it’s not very compatible with um Apple products you think so I’ve noticed that because I even with my iPad um it it connects but then it like it’ll
The sound will go in and out so it’s okay um even and sometimes even with my uh my laptop I have you know some I got converted to all Apple products and it is what it is but just some sort of a glitch yeah I got a a kiky out of
Today’s visit because he negs her so much and she thinks it’s cute he does low key um he does lowkey shade her is that what you’re saying yeah yeah he’s he’s lowkey Shady he’s one of these that like you know some people feel like um you know with your big head
Or yeah that’s not cute that when you’re when you’re when you’re over 40 when you’re over 30 actually that’s not cute anymore when you’re dating when you’re also when you’re dating um everybody doesn’t want to uh or when you’re in a relationship with someone um oh wow so Tracy is letting us know
Too that Monmouth County schools in Jersey had a Cyber attack on Monday well um I wouldn’t be surprised you know we know we have everyone doesn’t like just like how the YouTube streets work the global streets they work the same and we have enemies out here so don’t
Think that they’re not trying to come for you know come for us in certain places so yeah I’m not surprised they did it to Charlotte too once upon a time we were down for a minute um I want to say it was like two three days someone
Clicked on something and we were down for days days and days and days yeah I don’t remember think I think it was last year or the year before last I want to say it was MGM um that got it was one of the casinos that got cyber
Hecked and they were like they were they were down for a while like they kind of controlled a lot a lot of their their programs at the casinos and MGM owns a lot yeah they have a lot going on they have a lot of different Holdings and businesses so yeah absolutely working in
Banking you kind of you see how how sensitive the information is and you see how slow corporate is to make changes like y’all are going to get it you are they are vulnerable all of these companies are vul vulnerable for uh cyber attacks and these people are like very intelligent especially these people
From other countries well and with banking too it’s you know there’s so much Federal Regulation in banking they can’t make you know diff obviously s certain things are up to the discretion of the company but if it has effects on certain types of accounts and certain types of
Transactions it has to align with Federal rules and Rags so that is a stop block right there just like kind of how in medicine where you have certain laws policies procedures things of that nature that are that are governed by the state or federally and also by the the
Hospital corporation like there’s so much that that you can and can’t do yeah there’s but you know it’s a good thing thing in a way cuz it’s it’s there to protect the corporation the co you know the individuals the customers the patients so yeah but you know I I wasn’t
Sure what was going on because I kept saying to you guys like yeah I couldn’t get into Fulton County um I think I feel like it started on Saturday either Saturday or Sunday I could not get in um maybe it was Saturday I think I mentioned it in a live stream Sunday and
Then I found out maybe Monday or Tuesday that um it was actually like cuz was like I went to just the website and then they really didn’t have anything yet I think it was until yesterday yesterday or Monday afternoon that I finally was like what and then someone said it was a
Cyber attack and then I checked the news and I was like okay cuz girl I thought I was blocked I was just like you know how you social media makes you think you’re going to be blocked on stuff so I I was like did I lose my uh accessibility or
Something like what happened and yeah it turned out it was it was that but yeah you were saying that he ribs her a lot he’s Shady with her so what what else what are your oh Vicky I think we lost you sis okay let’s see they are wait they do
That for ransom payment yes they did that to Charlotte I can’t remember what it was but it was something like that okay yeah Vicky I don’t know if you’re coming back Sis but I’m going to I’m going to wait like a few seconds if you don’t pop back in um I don’t know
What’s going on whenever I don’t call in places a lot but I when I run my live off of streamyard I don’t love the way it sounds and I am on an iPhone too um but it works so I don’t put too much into it um we had to do training on it
Because of the high dollar amounts um the hacker demand you know our cyber security you know how we do cyber security security training and basically like the fishing emails like when people send me stuff or I get like a random text with a link or anything like that I
Don’t click on anything if I don’t know who it’s from I don’t click on anything all right 504 I’ll see you later guys this was such a fun uh members and mods Wednesday I hope you guys enjoyed it tomorrow we’ll have Callin Thursday and and we need to do
Addressing the comments and some hot topics if you have a Hot Topic you would like for me to cover can you please comment it down below and we will talk about it so if there’s something happening in the news um you love when I do this oh thank you Vicky Vicky you’re
Such a doll and I appreciate you sis um if you have a hot topic that you would like covered drop it down below send me a link to it just make sure to put in the comments Hot Topic um there is someone who has been sending me some information um regarding Erica
King and her divorce so as soon as I can get everything together I mean it’s not anything Earth shattering and it is stuff that you guys might already know um but we will put it into the record of the real talk bougie um Ernesto Williams
Case and we will talk about it okay so some of you this might not be new news but we’re going to we’re going to talk about it but ma’am we know um so hugi is a name that comes to her via marriage she was divorced I think
It’s already kind of been verified that she was married to a comedian who is on a local Atlanta radio station she was divorced um recently and when I say recently like in the last two months so November of 23 um so we’re we going to we’re going to get into some of that
Information um as a co-defendant um and then we’ll get into whatever else okay is she isn’t he yes young jock show yes he’s on young jock and he was married to Erica and I don’t know much else about it but um you know we’re gonna we’re just we are finding
Out a little bit more about the codefendant and um let me just check one other thing real quick but all of you guys who came through on lunch today y’all are awesome okay and if you haven’t if you came here and you hadn’t watched um phone calls from FR
Prison first you know we talked all over it so I did drop the link it’s in my um description box go ahead check it out and uh make sure to show some support to our friends over at phone calls from prison which is a YouTube channel we love to watch
And um let me see let me drop the link again but it should be if it’s not in the description box I’ll put it in there but I think I already put it in there okay make sure to get you some okay anyway guys you guys are
Awesome um let me know if there’s a Hot Topic you would like to discuss this week even if it’s like Megan and Nikki whatever whatever’s clever doesn’t have to be a case um make sure to drop it in the comments down below and tomorrow we will do Callin we’ll talk about what we
Know what we don’t know and I will work on getting another set of Throwbacks together and maybe do that tonight okay so I’m going to work on that now since I have a little bit of time Um oh Vince McMahon MC moan who’s that is what is going on with are you talking about Vince McMahon from The Tonight Show is he um I don’t know anything about what’s going on with him uh oh what’s happened resignation I don’t know Um so the guy from wrestling World Wrestling uh they just dropped him okay I’m going to have to read on this um Vince is American businessman media prod um WWE right and he’s been ousted is he e oh oh if it’s when you scroll down in the first video is Law and crime
That’s not good okay um five of the most disturbing details from the WWE Vince McMahon’s sexual assault lawsuit will damn okay wow okay let me put that in watch later and let me get up to speed on the mat okay okay welcome to sidebar okay all right guys you guys drop the
Tea um Gail yes Gail Lewis from Tik Tock you guys okay let me write down my list you guys are awesome Gail isn’t Gail Lewis absolutely just a very pretty lady but I felt like I’d seen her before I felt like I’d seen her I know she’s friends with candy I know she’s
Friends with Dr um Dr Simone that was my grandmother’s Name um let me see so Gail who caught her husband but word on the street is um girl word on the street is Gail was um a side chick too uh 25 years marriage Tik Tock I knew about that I just I was I was not ignoring it but
Um we be all night we be busy over here okay um Vince From okay WWE okay okay okay do we need to we’re going to see if there’s any updates on fonnie and Nathan WWE I see you boo boo hey Lynette Smith hey boo booo Um he essayed okay Gil girl was aite she was too and then update on our on our boo Bonnie is like best friend boo in my head I don’t know why I like I you know I like bad IES I mean even if if fonnie is out here side chicking Well everybody’s not
Perfect I’m not giving her a pass but you know okay fonnie this is what happens you got to fonnie clear your name and clear your name sis you can’t be the da and and be up to Shenanigans like okay funny this is on some funny clear your
Name okay you are too much of a baddy out here to be going out like this with another woman’s husband but word on the street is that her that Nathan’s wife cheated first um I do like her I do I think she’s a baddy I think she’s so much of a baddie
I think she’s very attractive she’s smart she’s a lawyer she’s in a powerful position she is a she’s in leadership um and [ย __ย ] ain’t easy out here so I get it however um you you got to keep yourself above reproach to who much is given much is re you know
Expected and another another corny euphemism I’m going to say heavy is the head that wears the crown and she should have known better you are damn Queen of the city how are you running around here slipping up ma’am you know what I mean don’t do that that’s not a good
Look so I’m kind of I’m a little disappointed but she can recover um only from a standpoint that men do it all the time in similar positions and I just think that she needs to clean up this mess quick she needs like an Olivia Pope on the scene
Immediately and she needs to clean up this mess and don’t let it happen again let Nathan get his divorce quietly give that lady her respect and when he’s free then you two handle your business you know what I’m saying after you finish with the election interference these are
Some very big cases that you that they will drag you you know what I’m saying I I me too she it’s not easy out here to be Queen okay so CIS got the crown she’s the queen of Atlanta and ma’am needs to handle that business I that’s that is
How I feel okay and I normally don’t talk a lot of politics but I do like her I like her a lot um I think she’s you know I like um I like that she’s real calm cool and collected about it and I you know I’ve listened to a few
Interviews she’s a smart woman um people mess up and I think it’s all it’s not the crime it’s the coverup and if she handles things right she can get herself out of it if they continue to try to play games with people who have plenty of money to play games with them it’s
She’s going to be packing up and leaving in Scandal so she needs to just get real quiet and handle that business and um she’ll be all right um yeah and I’m not giving a pass to one side chick over another Sonia the difference between the first of all
There’s no comparison between Sonia and Fanny other than we’re two talking about two black women and that’s it and that’s all okay there’s no comparison so at the end of the day side chicking no matter who you are is not right period but and it’s not even a
Butt now I’m talking about Sonia that’s the butt okay I just finished fonnie and now I’m talking about this other woman close your leg fonnie even knows close your legs to married men she knows that she knows that part she knows it any Other Woman Like Gail Lewis Gail Lewis
Got on there looking all wife got done wrong but they said she was a side chick too look at the when you open your legs to married men understand people are going to drag you okay I don’t care how far you have come from being a side chick they will always
Drag you back to your side chick days okay and that’s just it all right um ga may have been a side chicking back yeah back in the day but people going to still drag her cuz they’re going to say it’s calmer is Cal okay okay okay if if uh what’s her damn
Name what’s up to Dre um if what’s her damn name wants to side chick openly with a a bum in the county jail that just speaks to her if fonnie wants to side chick with a fellow attorney um I just hope that they don’t
Drag her too bad I hate to see a woman get dragged I really do any woman any any woman um of some substance I’m going to put a foot note on that of some substance okay it’s not civil okay guys I did that for you guys I looked to see if I could
Find anything that said civil on it and I could not and I made this for you guys because this is one of my new favorite memes and I went into gify and um I’m G have to give you guys my um my giy so you can guys go look at my collection
Because I’m making a bunch of bougie gang memes and stickers along with that pot I need to fix that I want it to look better it’s too thick um but yeah but yah okay anyway um what else are we talking now we’re just talking let’s see it’s not civil it’s not
Civil it’s not it’s not civil I love Nene if there were a reality show person that I would love love love to meet I would love to meet Nene who else would I like to meet like as a reality show if I went to Bravo con
Let’s put it this way cuz I don’t I’m not fangirling over anyone but if I went to Bravo con and all of my well how could I forget fedra fedra Parks is like I love her I love Porsche I love Nini I might go to Candy’s table I don’t
Know but fedra Porsche Nini okay in that order okay um those are my top three I would go check check out Lisa Vanderpump I would go check out Erica Jane I would if the OC ladies have a table I would swing by and say hi
Because the OC the OC are girl and you know I would go have to go check out uh Jersey Teresa judice and all the ladies over there the Judi the judici uh sisters the sisters-in-law Porsche is just so pretty and um yes exactly I love that’s a good
Combination I’m just kidding um feder the mortician no I want to I’m looking excuse me I’m looking for feder the lawyer not feder the mortician please um you like Robin and jaizelle I do like jizelle um gizelle’s very pretty too Um let’s see I don’t like those wigs I don’t like I don’t like fedra mared to Medicine I like Toya um Toya bush from Married to Medicine you know who reminds me of Toya there’s a reactor Kelly Kelly’s wordy reactions she comes by here sometimes um what’s up to Kelly
I think she’s so cute Kelly reminds me of Toya am I am I lying anyone who knows uh Kelly’s wordy reactions she reminds me of Toya from mared to Medicine okay that’s her twin whenever I see I just immediately she comes to my mind Toya from uh Married to
Medicine so but yeah I would love to go to Bravo con maybe next year I don’t know when I think they just had Bravo con but next year I’m definitely I need to have it on my radar because every time it comes up it’s always like oh my
God I wanted to go to bravon um but I just never think of it on time so Kelly and Toya yes absolutely I don’t know if anyone ever tells her that but it was bothering me I was like who does she look like like she reminds me of
Someone and I was trying to think and I was like girl she looks like Toya from Married to Medicine okay she’s if you haven’t checked out her Channel she’s very cute um it her Channel reminds me like when I first started doing reactions I would be on my way home from
Work um or on my way to work and and that’s when I started doing like the mommy commentary because I was just like oh my God I’m watching this Channel and I just feel like I had no one to talk like I didn’t have there was no place
For me to come to to talk about the sector of videos I was watching so I made my own right I was watching I was watching a sector I was watching a sector of the mommy community and there was no live streams or anyone to talk to
About what was going on on and I would be in the car just like I just started making videos like in my regular Vlog I would kind of like okay guys we’re going to talk about what happened on last night on YouTube and that’s how I started um doing commentary if you will
Wasn’t how I started vlogging my Vlog story is a little different but how I got started doing this was in the car um so when I see her driving places it just kind of reminds me of when I used to do that like pretty much exclusively because that was the only
Time that I had to do YouTube and then um you know sometimes I’ll find myself driving somewhere and and do like a short video or member video or whatever anyway guys I’m not going to hold y’all I hope you had a wonderful lunch I hope
I kept you entertained if I did hit the like button for me if you are not a member consider doing so you don’t have to it’s no obligation but I appreciate you guys supporting watching the videos hitting the like button sharing with Friends that you think might be into
This too and if I come back later we’ll just be on regular regular regular subscriber mode um but i’ like to do these at least once a week um as you know it’s one of the member perks anyway guys have a wonderful afternoon and I will check you guys out a little bit
Later okay uh make sure to drop any hot topics you want to talk about but for right now we’ve got Gail we’ve got Vince uh w we um sexual assault allegations or trial and we’ve got to get a fonnie and Nathan update what’s going on in uh in
The queendom uh for Miss fonnie okay anyway guys take care I’ll see you next time bye