Rusty’s Dino Island wo awesome the new turbo engine we built for the rivet shark is working great yeah we’ve never been this far in the ocean before let’s try a leap with a flip cool leaping Flip yeah this is Awesome now let’s see just how fast our new engine can go turbo Time it goes very very very fast uhoh wa where are we and what is that let’s check it out going Up it’s fog wao it’s really thick yeah let’s get out of here before it does that the instruments aren’t working I can’t tell which way is home I think it’s this way wa that’s beautiful beautiful and strange it’s not showing up on a radar are it’s not on any Maps either what is
That Place want to find out I was hoping you’d say that full shark Ahead I love this island already look it has Parts on it they must have fallen off passing ships and washed onto the beach whoa there’s a hydraulic piston in here ooh and a book carburetor there’s still an entire Island to explore too rusty oh yeah let’s go we’ll be back Parts
Wow wao look at how big the plants are in this Jungle Cool this island is amazing and just think we might be the first people ever to set foot here or not is this an electric Guitar Look at all this stuff tools food camping gear and chests full of crystals even the rocks on this island are awesome it looks like someone is cooking with lava hello is anyone here What’s That oh it’s just a teract flying past the volcano volcano pterodactyl Did you was that dinosaurs best island ever it has a baby oh baby Terra so cute wait there’s something else up there on the volcano it’s two people hanging off a cliff The M pterodactyl is just trying to protect your baby come on this is another fine mess you got us into Aussie don’t worry we’re coming to help you oh people hello people no waving while dangling from a cliff Aussie no waving we can get you down hang on oh we’re hanging on that’s
For sure Sho Birdie one zip line coming Up zipline down I love Z Lines thanks so much for saving us I’m Oliver this is my brother Aussie yo we’re the oos who is the oos yo oos oos let’s go oos here we go yo Yoo it’s the oos I’m Rusty and I’m Ruby we don’t have a chance it’s great to meet you so why
Are you way out here on this island I’m a geologist I study rocks there are a lot of awesome rocks here and I love rocks see rocks and I am a paleontologist I study dinosaurs and this is the perfect place for that it’s full of real dinosaurs like those amazing pterodactyls we were
Trying to shoot them away but it didn’t work it is very hard to shoe a pterodactyl why were you trying to make them leave their nest we were trying to save them because the volcano is about to erupt I think the volcano is erupting right Now it stopped that wasn’t so bad that was just a little Rumble not the big eruption volcanoes you never know when they’re going to erupt see what I mean FL look Out I don’t think the baby pterodactyl can fly yet then we have to stop that lava before it reaches their nest if that lava goes down any farther those poor pterodactyl are going to be in trouble aie calm down here have some water that cooled me off that’s it Aussie you’re a
Genius I knew it see Ollie I’m a genius what’ I do water cools hot things off like lava and I know a place where we can get a lot of water the beach hold on pterodactyls we’ll be right back to the Lagoon cool a water tank and a nozzle
Perfect huh we thought all this stuff was junk it’s not junk it’s just a super cool invention that hasn’t been invented yet let’s make something great great ooh catchy line I like That the lava Blaster water cannon that looks awesome you really did make something great and I like what you’ve done with your clothes too very adventury thanks there’s no time to waste we have to save the pterodactyl tools from the volcano a little left up a
Little the lava’s almost to the nest I can’t watch me Neither locked on Rusty ready score Yeah the pterodactyls are safe for now oh maybe we can cool the whole volcano down too good Idea I don’t think it’s working nope it’s too big to cool down the lava’s still Rising okay oh no the pterodactyls are safe under the ledge the rumbling is scaring the Raptors and that one has a barrel on his head we have to catch him so he doesn’t Hur hurt himself can we borrow your giant Nets so we can build a net launcher to catch the Raptor sure let’s do This a springloaded mega net look he stopped hurry before he starts to run again Steady oh I missed it’s okay Ruby you got This oh man he’s heading into the jungle and he’s headed straight for the Cliff come on we’ve got to Hurry we can hook the net to those trees way over there I’m on it hurry aie I don’t know why I’m so tired have you checked your pockets oh yeah rocks I’ll come back for you later my D hurry Ruby he’s almost at the cliff I only have one shot at This easy Easy there we go yeah good Boy yeah we did it that was close yeah you saved the dinosaur everything’s going to be okay now except a giant volcano is about to Erupt the lava is rising higher and higher oh no this eruption is even bigger than I thought it could destroy the entire Island pH it stopped but the rumbles are getting bigger which means the big eruption is getting closer there must be a way to stop a volcano from erupting hm oh maybe we need something to plug the volcano up yeah like like a giant boulder that i’ be rocks follow
Me this is it it’s just half buried but it’s big enough to plug up the volcano hooray the island is safe it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe it’s safe except we need a way to dig it up and a way to get it to the top of a super tall giant
Volcano not quite safe almost sa almost safe oh look it’s our pterodactyl friend but what is she carrying it’s a special kind of Island Fruit oh the mama brought her baby food wait that gives me an idea what if we build a robotic pterodactyl to fly the boulder up to the volcano and drop it in pterodactyl great choice but it’ll need a lot of power to lift a giant boulder what can we use for extra power Wait I know how to power a robotic pterodactyl lava power let’s combine it and Dino design it they’re doing it again Wonderful we’ll start by making pterodactyl style Wings then add legs with strong claws to pick up the giant boulder and finally you can program robotic pterodactyl to be a great new friend put it all together and we’ve got our Plan Modified customize Dinoi Aussie Oliver say hello to D the robotic pterodactyl W that’s the awesomest thing ever me a thanks he talked I’m awesome our Bots have never talked before it must be the lava power the awesomest thing ever got even more awesome [Applause] yay flying is so much fun I’m glad you
Like it DC because we need to do do some extra fancy flying ready to help us stop a volcano yes totally woohoo one question what’s a volcano That that’s a big that yep and it’s going to ruin the whole island but you can stop it let’s do it we need you to pull that giant boulder out of the ground fly it up to the volcano and drop it in wa that sounds totally
Extreme so I love it that Boulder is going down no up yeah here goes this is one tough Rocker I don’t think Dak can lift the boulder then how do we stop the volcano from erupting You can do it DOC let’s kick up the lava Power come on we’ve got to hurry all right y rocket lifting rocks woohoo now let’s drop it in the volcano fast they’ll get you their lightning quick no problem problem problem problem never mind all good to the Volcano hurry it’s going to erupt any second I can’t watch me neither you’re right on track Dak Ready Aim EV count oh no not today lava okay Dak ready game uh-oh that’s what happens every time I play [Applause] basketball Rusty it’s starting to erupt we’ve got to push the boulder in
Get ready to make some Wingin just say the word Rusty it’s working yes great job who’s the bot I’m the bot oh yeah way to go you stopped the eruption the island is Sav yeah and so are my Rocks and so are all the [Applause] dinosaurs that was an awesome game of Boulder ball hey do you two want to go for a joy ride sure dck and after that I want to see the whole island I love it here rusty and I have to go home a man but you can stay here here and explore
Dino Island would you like That I think that’s a yes and I hope you two come back here to visit oh we will we love it here yeah we want to come see all the amazing dinosaurs and help you keep them safe I could use some help making sure Aussie stays safe too he
Gets into a lot of trouble it’s true I do less talking more flying let’s go let’s go let’s go all right jack ready for take off hey what going in you’re flying little [Applause] Guy I think we’re going to have a lot of fun here with our new friends me too me three [Applause] Wo Rusty’s tiny [Laughter] Adventure go long Tigerbot looks like someone needs a bath don’t worry tigerbot you’ll feel much better when you’re clean I know you’re scared of water but it won’t hurt you this could take a while I remember when you were scared of baths Rusty Mom I’m just saying I’ve seen this
Before I can help look tiger bot the water’s nice come try it whoops my ring almost slipped off see not bad Right that mud will come right off watch my Ring oh no oh no my favorite ring tiger butt open the drain it’s going down the pipes underground it’s gone oh my grandma gave me that Ring oh tigerbot don’t feel so bad it was an accident don’t worry Mom we can figure out a way to get it back thanks sweetie but I’m not sure how unless you can shrink yourself and go down into the drain we can we can we have our own shrink
Ray you made a shrink ray I’m so proud of You sure you can help too tigerbot my tablet doesn’t work underground it can’t get a signal down there so we need you guys to track US from up here and you also need to shrink us and the mobile rivet lab so we can drive through the pipes this is so
Fun okay we are on It okay kids it’s tiny Time Down the drain we go be careful driving your shrunken dump truck through the drain pipe honey that’s something most mothers don’t say w wo yeah this is even better than a roller Coaster look out tree routee how do we get past it with a rocket Rockets make everything better we’ll go over that route prepare for Blast Off Ruby Yeah uh-oh which way should we go mom’s tracking us I’ll check with Her hi Mom hi honey I see you’ve stopped what’s going on can you tell us what pipe to go through oh I can tell you let me see the ring is to the right thanks Mom we’re on it why is it so dark of a heck the pipe ran out of
Pipe the rain must be just over this Edge we can’t drive down there it’s full of water we’re going to have to swim o this is exciting in they so close to the ring was that you hello the ring is right below you kids and tiger bot I are right above
You with some penguins thanks Mom why does she have penguins with her beats me let’s get that ring There it is we’re lucky the drain is clogged otherwise the ring would have gotten Away it’s no use it’s it’s stuck we need something stronger to get it out hi Mom hi kids looks like you’ve been right next to the ring for a while everything all right it’s stuck in a quog Miss rivit we’re not strong enough to pull it out oh no my favorite ring
We’re working on it [Applause] Mom this ring is really stuck in the clog Ruby if only we had something strong enough to pull it Out you want to help are you sure girl there’s a lot of water down there tiger bot wants to help you awesome she’s super strong and she has long claws which we can make even longer and I can shrink you time to go down the Drain it’s timey tigerbot let’s combine it and design It we’ll start with tigerbot then give her scuba gear so she can go deep underwater and finally bigger claws so she can unclog the drain and pull out the ring put it all together and we’ve got our Plan [Applause] Modified customized crusified The tiger diver 5,000 I know it’s a lot of water but you can do it for Mom Right there’s the ring tiger butt oh I can’t look tell me if they get the ring let’s claw that claw the clog is coming loose who needs a plumber when you have a super strong shrunken robotic tiger Yes gotcha We’re going down the train tigerbot use your super Claws You’re doing it tiger Bot did they get the rank they got the Ring Mom my big boy is Big again I’m so glad you’re back and safe and your ring is back and safe too I can’t thank you enough and thank you tigerbot tiger Bot looks like someone needs another bath Rusty’s warm winter Games I can’t believe the big day is finally here me neither it’s time for the sparton Hills junior Winter Games I’ve been practicing all year I think this is the year I finally win gold I think you can do it thanks Ruby Rusty will never win the Winter Games thanks to my new
Invention the no snow Ray sweet all right everyone time for the first Event cross country skiing first one over the finish line is the winner take your lanes Rusty and Ruby can’t win if there’s no snow in their Lanes what he’s fitting out great Caesar’s salad oops that worked too well what happened to the snow I don’t know but we can’t have the junior winter
Games without winter we have to call them off what but then I can’t win either unless we have the warm winter games no snow or ice required just some Wheels let’s make something great the warm winter games are on with roller skis on your M get step [Applause]
Roll coming through Rusty’s winning and not for long I know a Shortcut [Applause] W what where did you come from H you’ve been frecked huh Rusty and the winner is Rusty Hall what a finish down Rusty great skiing Frankie Rusty wins the first [Applause] event time for the next event speed skating to the pond everyone oh no the ice is all melted what now no problem Rusty and I just need everyone’s skates so we can turn them into hover [Applause] boots woohoo so awesome hover boots this is never going to Work are you all right I meant to do that don’t worry it just takes practice yes practice or cheating I know how to win Frankfurt but I need your help welcome to the delightful hover skating race three times around the pond then the first to the Finish Line wins on
Your marks get set [Applause] go hello Rusty in the lead on the final Lap now Franker I think I’m going to win huh wo w W wo woy you’re going the wrong way and the winner is Franky Frit yes tail high five what happened Rusty something popped out of the pond and surprised me it looked like a a skunk shark I want won I won oh yeah nice hovering Frankie thank you Rusty and Frankie have each won an event which means whoever wins the last
Event wins the entire games and the final event of the sparkon hills warm winter gains is the snowboard Jump now we can do a snowboard jump with no snow very clever Rusty oh I know how to win this event with rocket power to be the warm winter games Champion I have to win this event all right Frankie who wants to go first Frankie over here I’m going to
Make the biggest jump in the world Frankie’s at the summit a jump from there would be the most incredible feet in the history of sparkon Hills he’d win for sure wow it’s looking a bit dangerous don’t you think oh boy I kind of Forgot I’m scared of heights wait a minute you just don’t want me to win but it won’t work engage rocket power this is easy Friend how do you control a rocket snowboard oh No we’ll save you Frankie Ruby I need your Help we have to rescue Frankie how can we get Frankie off a rocket snowboard we need something fast that can make those sharp Mountain turns and it has to be big enough to carry us and Frankie back down again looking go on a mountain is super fast and can twist and
Turn that’s it a bob sled let’s combine it and design It we’ll start with a bob sled frame then add special Jets so it can hover over the rocky twisty ground and to get up the mountain fast super charged rocket boosters put it all together and we’ve got our Plan Modified customiz Rusy the allterrain bob sled Blaster y hang on Frankie we’re [Applause] coming [Applause] Let’s go never put a rocket on a No the perfect time to grab him is coming in three 2 nowy he and the board is off powering down booster rocket now let’s Glide down lean left and lean Right let’s do [Applause] this we did It Rusty you are the winner of the very first warm winter games hang on I was in the box slet too so it’s a tie Frankie fine I think we should do the warm winter games every year who needs snow oh but Snow’s good too hooray for snow Rescue Knights ready for action Rider sir Sparks throws big Benji’s Tower shut and the Princess and the Earl are trapped inside that’s cool dude so for this Mission I’ll need Rocky green means go and sky this puppy night’s got a fly all right rescue nights are on a roll Careful it’s super slippery wo wo wo wer Ryder it’s Skye I found them stop CL stop C I think you mean freeze Uh-oh pH that was one rth Landing but a really warm welcome hi little ones they got away Ryder but I did figure out why sparks is breathing ice it’s those blue marshmallows thanks for the info Sky how’s your copter it’ll be okay my new friends are here to
Help they must really like you Sky how’s the door coming Rocky awesome nice work Bravo we’re free they got out now we can return to the castle and warm up the ice has been melted and big Benji has been wound now it’s time to say thank you rescue Knights you’re welcome
Your highness whenever you’re in trouble just for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir the Ruff Ru pack has kicked meor Humdinger out of his layer and on to that Cliff that’s right Rocky so for this Mission I deputize Marshall I’m fired up Moto Style and Rubble Rubble on
The Moto double all right Paw Patrol is on a roll we’re here mayor Humdinger Marshall help him down let’s move that rock just stay calm here Humdinger and we’ll get you down safely oh look at this mess and they took my kitties we’ll get your kitties
Back Wild Cat come quick to Foggy Bottom hey I’m ready for a wild ride boy he really is fast yep let’s Roll gotcha that’s enough Mischief you guys where are the kitties down there we’ve got this Chase Rocky chase is on the case green means Go I’m ready Ryder R winch We’re coming in hot oh I can’t Watch detach Rocky special delivery gotcha yeah whenever your kitties are missing just yell for help Pizza on the go Pizza Pie watch it fly now for some sauce and lots of cheese if you please now it’s ready to bake hot pizza coming through M it smells Pizza Delicious I
Could just gobble up a slice we can’t eat these pizzas yet we need to make the world’s tallest Pizza Tower so we can get our picture in the record book see Pizza Tower I’m going to win that trophy right kitties I’m so excited the judge will be
Here any minute and he’ll be so thrilled to see our pizza Tower did someone say pizza as in the world’s tallest and most magnificent Pizza Tower but I thought we were going to break the record and win the trophy we will the record will belong to Adventure Bas don’t count on
It Mayor Goodway cuz Foggy Bottom is in it to win it clear the way for the Adventure Bay Tower of Pizza hello oh I’m stuck but now I’m moving Ryder please help the judge not Ling this help me Sky use your hardest to carry the judge to Safety now that’s a record-breaking Rescue that’s it and that is the world’s tallest Pizza Tower Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurrying pups there’s Double Trouble in the the tunnels Darren Denny X is rocketing out of control and wheels can’t shut off her skates no wheels who’s that miss
Margerie that was her nickname when she was a roller derby champ so for this Mission I’ll need spy Chaser spy chase is on the case and I’ll also need Marshall I’m fired up all right Paw Patrol is on a roll I’m so glad you’re here we haven’t
Seen Danny or Miss margerie since they went into those tunnels Chase find those rollway skaters sure thing Ryder drone we’re going too fast I can’t stop hang on and give me my sweater car deploy here they come Marshall chase you’ll have to stop them nice all Right water cannons it easy rough Net so that’s where the button was thanks thanks Paw Patrol that was extremely something I won’t ever try again you’re welcome Danny whenever you need a rocket stopper just yel for help here more chance for the chambury jamfest Mr Porter great just park them here Zuma and I’ll add them to the
Display I think I’ve got Jam from just about everyone in town except us we’re making it today licky lemon jam well we better go I think that’s everything jaming Galloping goodies the desserts are deserting time to call the PAW Patrol we need to gather these ants up and put them someplace safe but
How good news Ryder the jam is done uh but we have a little little problem there was a mistake with the recipe it turned out super sweet the ants like sweet things I’ll bet they’ll follow it from Mr Porters we’re on our way okay Zuma I need your buoy okay Skye lower
Away Rocky give me a hold right here drill Okay Zuma give them a trail to Follow just like fishies in a fish bowl that’s the last of them and the last of the jam well I know where there’s lots of jam the jamere jam fest we have the best in the Fest the jamb brero goes to May Goodway and her jumble Jam thank you thank
You Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir something very strange has happened to Mary goodways glow-in-the dark party her guests are floating in bubbles and now it’s up to us to help everyone safely down so for this Mission I’ll need spy Chase spy Chase chase is on the
Case and Marshall I’m fired up all right Paw Patrol is on a roll oh look it’s the space Wao Hi M Goodway Ryder thank goodness you’re here my guests are floating away how am I supposed to serve them punch we I’ll go get out Ruff ladder Ruff water Cannons look there’s Katie and cie I’m on it rough wall Walkers rough zipline hang on Katie I’ll bring you Down hey wait stop it’s just us your friends don’t worry we just look different because we’re dressed up for the glow-in-the-dark party beep great party mayor good way thank you Paw Patrol for saving the party and all our Glo guest you’re welcome and if your guests ever float away just yel for Help and make my top hat taller it’s the greatest tallest hat ever May Humdinger stop all this immediately ha if you can have a statue of a chicken I can have a huming or dooy carving of the world’s greatest mayor me I’m calling rider that’s a lot of stone carved out
Of that rock face rubble’s right that Hill isn’t stable ridiculous wait a minute why are my statue ears pointed like kitten ears never mind I’ll finish it myself never ask a kitten to do a mayor’s job I’ve got a bad feeling about this me too I’m calling for backup Marshall Chase
Zuma Rocky we need your help aha now your ears are perfect like mine done no no no oh no it’s HED straight for Adventure Bay yeah Sky I’m going to steer this runaway rock into the bay find me a path to the dock why do we streight is [Applause]
Clear hang on mayor dude I’ll bring you in all that work now no one will see it but Fish Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for waking up pups hey that looks like our space Rock only with legs and an eye it is the space Rock wow I thought it was just an ordinary present nothing ordinary about this rock and for some reason it ran to Jake’s mountain
And then started a rock slide and now it’s trapped in a cave with Everest and the turbet we have to get them out so for this Mission I’ll need Chase we’ll need you to use your night vision goggles and wall Walkers to find the right cave Spike chase is on the case
Rubble we need you to use your rig to move the boulder Block in the cave Rubble on the double all right Paw Patrol is on a roll wo now that’s some seriously Big Rubble here’s where the rock slide stopped the cave must be behind one of those Boulders spy Chase Europe up night
Vision goggles I can’t see a cave from here I’ll need to look from a different angle wall Walkers nothing behind this one anyone call for a rescue we did we did I found them they’re behind this Boulder good work spy Chase Rubble your turn [Applause] We are save we’re free thanks for getting us out of there all in a night’s work Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Carlos and tracker said a strange smells chasing the jungle animals away from their homes p and they’re running away so fast that a monkey guard hurt
Marshall I’ll need you to use your EMT gear to help the injured monkey and Scott I’ll need you to use her CER to do an aerial search to find out what’s causing that smell Paw Patrol is on a roll we found Carlos and tracker Ryder Marshall we’re so glad you’re here
Marshall check out that monkey’s leg x-ray looks like your leg will be fine monkey buddy it just needs a little bandage gross yuck Sky any luck finding once behind the mystery smell I’m over the swamp and it looks like there are a lot of green bubbles coming out of the water
Really stinky bubbles nice work Sky Marshall that looks good we’re going to go check out the swamp those bubbles are swamp gas sometimes old plants and trees rot under the swamp water and that turns into a smelly gas that makes those bubbles got use the wind from your copter to blow
The stinky bubbles out of the swamp great idea Ryder bubbles are all gone it smells better already Chase Marshall it’s all clear you can lead the animals back to the swamp we’ll do Ryder now we can start our photo Safari here are some friends who already want us to take their picture
Ryder here we’ve got a serious problem out on the flounder we’ll be down at the bay in just a couple of minutes we’re a little farther north the Arctic we were counting polar bears but the ice cracked and they floated away we’re on our way
Jake no job is too far no PPP is too small look a CB oh but he’s way out there Ryder we found one of the Cubs but we need help bringing him in any of the other one not yet it’s hard to see the Cubs against the snow and
Ice Zuma I need you to rescue a cuup bling off the North Shore Skye I need you and your supersonic Wings to help find the other cup Roger okay little guy time for a ride home to your mama Brey Ryder I found the Cub great Sky Everest Sky located the second Cub just west of you I see her he’s not that far out we’re here to help little dude sled come on little guy we’re going to take you home to your mama how’s it going Everest I’m trying
To tow the cub in but he’s too afraid to jump on the sled sounds like he needs something to lure him some fishy motivation sky can you fly to the flounder I need you to make a special delivery I’m on it look here comes Sky it’s working they’re in perfect health Mrs
Mama polar Bear paw patrol ready ready for action Rider sir thanks cuz we’ve got a circus to save when Rondo had to change his tire a baby hippo disappeared and we’re going to find her so for this Mission I’ll need Sky I need you to fly your
Copter to see if you can spot the Lost hippo let’s take to the sky Paw Patrol is on a roll Ridder I see them the baby hippo and Daren Danny they’re skateboarding down at rain is Ditch heading toward Katy pet parlor thanks we’ll head them off Rubble we need you to build a
Barrier in the drainage ditch by Katie Shaw use your rig to build one with hay bales r on the double this is way extreme it’ll look great if I can just figure out how to stop uhoh No hero please hey I need those boards epic landing and one close call help don’t worry we’ll get you down Rocky think you can rig up some kind of Hippo ramp you bet I can all done okay Danny hero think you can roll down that ramp please you can do It Woohoo see patroller here we come now to sail this super ship away as soon as I find the start button make sure that Robo Rover stays locked below that Stoneway is sted away now which one of these buttons Shimmer be Dippers we’re underway any Lu finding the SE patroller
Not yet Ryder and now I’ve lost Marshall oh no let me try to reach Ridder calling Marshall where are you are you there no answer maybe he can’t hear his pup T oh this pup Tag’s perfect for my new Treasure Chest no Robo dog yes here’s the plan you hide behind that
Barrel then I’ll go get S away from the bridge that’s when you sneak up there and take theol controls spotted pop what are you doing water cannon water having a little trouble turning off my Cannon oh that all do it it’s the sea patroller and now to get
Back on it holds on it’s Full Speed Ahead turn those cannons off huh well blow me down Sit was Buckle we’re taking back our ship Ryder am I happy to see You pups we have to get Travis back into his Gondola and fix his leaky balloon help so for this Mission I’ll need Rubble Rubble on the double and Rocky green means go Rubble Rocky go go go there it is Big Bill Island no Travis wait this rock doesn’t feel very Rocky almost like
Feathers hold tight Travis Ryder and the pups are on the Way hurry and patch that leak Rocky Blue squirter time for some quick drying glue now use your vacuum to pump up the balloon with hot air vacuum reverse okay Travis get ready to jump down to my hoverboard and hang on um maybe I should try to calm down Big Bill
First Pelicans love squidy [Applause] treats close one don’t let go Travis I’ll get you back to your balloon another successful traveling Travis [Applause] adventure and that’s how I accidentally found the legendary Big Bill Island and the Paw Patrol you’re welcome Travis whenever you land on a giant bird just yell for [Laughter]
Help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for racing over pups Al Yumi and batina were on their way home when they got stuck at the top of the drawbridge and now the bridge is jammed Chase I need you to use your win to keep the truck from slipping and falling into
The river Marshall I need you to use your ladder to attach it to Farmer Al’s truck and Rocket I need you to use your tools to fix the bridge Paw Patrol is on a roll that was quick Rocky this gear looks like it’s the right size but it
Doesn’t have the right number of teeth looks good Chase tighten that winch a Little right size right number of teeth ratchet W how much longer Rocky I still need a few minutes I’m calling for backup Scott I need you to air look patina this puppy’s got to Fly Chase we need your net to cushion betina’s Landing but she’s landing on the other side of the bridge Rocky you operate the witch Chase I’ll take you over on my ATV careful Ryder there’s still a big gap in the [Applause] bridge n no gring Rocky help our morale down by
Retracting the winch and backing up at the same time sure thing Ryder woo thanks for getting us down off that bridge Paw Patrol no problem whenever you’re in trouble just move for help those are some fine flaky flurries agreed Captain I do believe we’re in for the best winter wonder show yet my
Penguins are probably plenty perky now and Prime to Perform Peggy PE Point Dexter where where’ you go most amusing My Little Penguin money makers ow but there’s nothing funny about skating in my hat kitties what kind of penguin nabers are you penguins come back with my kitties oh my poor flat hat Chase can you smell anything what allergies say the kittens
Have definitely gone this way instead of looking for them why don’t we get the Penguins to look for us Rubble do you still have that squid jerky this will have to do the scent of that squid should attract the Penguins and fish loving Kitties it’s Working great let’s head home all this snow is interfering with my GPS I hear something tuba music which way is the music coming from tracker this way oh Peggy PE pointex come on it’s showtime thanks a million Ryder don’t thank me thank tracker and his big ears just yep for
Help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir and me too thanks for coming so quickly team buddy the playful Dragon jumped out of Alex’s story book he wants to play hide and seek but he’s scaring folks and damaging things with the super hot hiccups instead we have to get buddy
Back into his book so for this Mission I’ll need hey that’s me what my own pop tag and to help you find buddy you’re going to need this wait my very own jetpack just for this Mission let’s do this Buddy’s in there his hiccups are getting worse and they’re starting to loosen those
Rocks poor Buddy’s trapped quick Rubble use the rig to move those rocks I’m on it Ryder Jean I hope once Rubble opens the cave buddy doesn’t try to run away and hide again I know he sure moves around a lot for someone trying to hide what if he’s the one seeking Bud he’s
Looking for his best friend Max you have to show buddy your story book uh-oh what’s what’s wrong I kind of left it on the beach but wait I have a jetpack be right Back wait buddy we found Max he’s hiding in your story book you can go back in whenever you want and remember buddy whenever you’re having trouble hiding or seeking just HIC up for help I’m going to miss him him me too but now I have something to remember him
By Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir this is a strange one pups May hinger drink from a special coconut and is turned into a baby he looks so cute but we need to turn him back into a grownup Marshall Robo dog will fly you and your
Truck on the air patroller to the Jungle then use your ladder to help Carlos get another golden coconut I’ll also need tracker to use your Jeep to take baby hinger to the playground Paw Patrol is on a roll what do you think baby Humdinger meow meow meow Meow Callie Ryder Kelly’s on a runaway trike heading towards Mr Porter’s Cafe I’ll meet you there huh cat on a trike there she is tracker use your cables to stop that Trike Callie you had quite a ride boy sure had to pick a lot of coconuts to find one golden one Look Out Below R [Applause] Caes aw he just wanted to give you a hug Callie I poured the special coconut water into this baby bottle hey what’s the big idea putting me in a crib then I want want my mommy hold on hoodie oh hurry Ryder hoody is helpless thanks for coming so
Quickly that’s a steep drop Marshall set up your ladder so you can reach hoodie then Rocky can repair the Branch ladder hang on honey I’m coming hey W I’m good huh Zuma I need you to bring your hovercraft Marshall may need some water support I’m ready to dive in wao hang on [Applause] hoodie we need to brace that tree fast I’m on it Piner Arm Perfect Okay Marshall come on back now outstanding owl saving Marshall thanks Captain tur wo wo wo wo wo booy wo nice catch Marshall Ryder thanks for helping me rescue hoodie and for rescuing me you know what they say Marshall whenever you’re in trouble just y for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider
Sir thanks for hustling pups Mr Porter’s Fruit Stand rolled out into the middle of traffic and now he’s stuck inside of it but it’s a roadside stand not a middle of the road stand exactly so for this Mission I’ll need Chase I need you to use your megaphone and Cones to redirect
Cars so we can rescue Mr Porter chase is on the case and Rubble I need you to use your rig to put the stand back in place Rubble on the double all right Paw Patrol is on a roll over here Ryder be right there Mr Porter Chase on it R Traffic comes
Phone please follow the cones and drive this way pH thanks Ryder no problem Mr Porter ready Rubble Ready I better pick these up before cars turn them into applesauce M applesauce Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for coming so quickly pups France W’s trailer unhooked from his truck and all of his Critters got loose it’s up to us to round them up and get them safely back Rocky I need you to put the right hitch on the trailer Marshall reptiles
And amphibians love water I need you to make puddles with your water can to lure them Paw Patrol is on a roll hey franois we’re here to replace her hitch Mery for all your help Ryder Rocky check if you have the right parts we’ll
Do I found a hitch go ahead and put it on Ratchet hi Ryder here Ryder I’ve got fruit in my frog stand I I mean frog in my Fruit Stand we’re on it Mr Porter Rocky finish fixing the trailer you got it Ryder Marshall let’s go Marshall use your water cannons to
Make a trail of Puddles on it oh water Cannon great Marshall they love it now keep making puddles all the way to the trailer Ribbit s this way Babies Marshall see if you can lure them with water good work everyone farmer Yumi do you want me to give the plants a drink now I want you to give them something to eat huh plants need nutrition and that’s why we feed them fertilizer so I brought some Zippy
Grow Zippy grow is very powerful stuff amazing sweet now Marshall could you please give the whole garden a good soaking with the Zippy growth can I put it in the tank sure but remember only one drop hey if a little Zippy makes the plants grow a little wouldn’t a lot of
Zippy grow make them grow a lot probably that should do it hey what happened to the water W time to call the PAW Patrol oh ryer thanks for hurrying over quick Rubble grab the squash with your cran cran wo this is super Heavy looks like we still have a cow to rescue Rubble grab that broccoli so patina can SL down on it Ryder is patino okay one way to find out who wants corn yep she’ll be fine it was sure nice of you and Carlos to hang these up for us tracker we thought they’d be fun awesome huh um mayard mayard oh hi Miss margerie how’s the zipline course going little Harry
Jumped on a branch and bounced mer Goodway and me all over the jungle don’t worry Miss margerie we’re on our Way oh that tickles those monkeys are making it hard for Miss margerie to hold on oh helper thanks Marshall that was almost a tickle tastrophe Ryder my Sonar station is picking up rustling sounds in the Treetops not far from you it sounds like a big cat maybe it’s a tiger or a
Panther and a chicken it must be chiada dudes okay all pops report to the Paw patroller okay chicken of my heart let’s Go oh no help us Rider nice of you two to drop in jungle Sunset beautiful awesome dudes and thank you Paw Patrol for making sure we got here safe to see it you’re welcome and if you’re ever stuck in the Treetops again just yel for help back in the day whenever there was
A full moon people got real careful about going outside cuz that’s when it could come creeping and a Peeping and a prow and a howling they call it the wild we puppy green means go to [Applause] sleep oh wa I’m really going fast I wish my
Friends could see me do this oh but I might scare them ew smells like Skunk that’s the first time a skunk’s ever been scared of me hey wait don’t be scared wo I can really jump far being a weird puppy is kind of Fun huh is someone there go away bear huh it’s just me Rocky the we puppy we puppy sounds like somebody had a pretty exciting dream but you sure put a scare in that bear and saved our marshmallows thanks huh I did well if you’re ever in trouble just how for help PAW Patrol PAW Patrol ready for action Rider sir Chase is that you yeah chickaletta and I fell asleep and when we woke up we somehow switched bodies wow that’s really strange thanks for hurrying pops and chicken those strong winds lifted The Flounder High into the air and on to
The top of Jake’s Mountain Rocky I need you to build a trailer so we can move the flounder back to the Bay and Chase I’ll need you to use your winch to pull the flounder onto the trailer Paw Patrol is on a Roll where’s Chase in cholada teamwork takes time but we’ll get there I know you will chick I mean Chase okay Rocky start building a trailer the trailer is ready okay Marshall let’s hook this onto your engine and pull the boat back down to the Bay if that trailer gets trash The
Flounder will be flatsome pups the trailers come loose and the flounders rolling downhill straight towards you quick we’ve got to stop it great we’re ahead of the trailer when I say now start to slow down now hold it hold it and all right yes everything okay now Captain not you too Wally and I wanted to tell you it feels fantastic for The Flounder to be floating again thanks po Patrol huh I pause again that was some dream Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir we’ve got a mission on Jake’s mountain and we’ve got to hurry Uncle
Otis the prospector is in a runaway mine cart y we have to rescue him and stop the mine cart before it crashes so for this Mission I’ll need ever I’ll need you and your snow cat use its front Grabber to get otus out of that mine car
Rubble that mine car looks like it might run into Otis’s cabin I need you to use your construction rate to bulldoze a big Mount of dirt to stop that car there he is Everest Grabber armed the power patrol uh-oh gotcha nice catch Everest but please don’t let Goldie get away Rubble
Get ready that mine car’s headed your way already over here Ryder I hope Goldie uh-oh Everest the Nuggets headed back down the hill Goldie she’s come back to squish us if we don’t move fast Marshall head toward the river bike at the base of the mountain hang on Uncle Otis in first Rider but now that Beaver family’s in trouble hurry up Marshall use your water k to soak the ground in front of the Beavers to stop that nugget in the mud got it I’m Mighty Greatful to the PAW Patrol for saving the most valuable thing of
All your big gold nugget nope I knew pal buddy and his Beaver kid Paw Patrol ready for action rer sir in construction gear thanks for waking up ready to go pups something smashed Uncle Otis’s cabin poor Uncle Otis we’re going to need all Paw on Deck to rebuild Uncle Otis’s cabin that’s why
This is an ultimate construction rescue I’ll need an expert at building who’s great at leading a crew rubble and his ultimate construction vehicle Rubble on the ultimate double Paw Patrol is on a ru rubble your poor cabin I came outside to give my Beaver budy here a midnight snack and then
Wh this is a pretty big job Uncle Lotus but the ultimate construction crew is here to get it done first let’s clear the sight of Rebel not me I mean all of this Marshall use the mini Steamroller to flatten the Ground now Zuma use the mini TR to make post Holes use your winch to help flip the walls R winch great job construction crew I’ll say now that’s some quality cabin building uh risky next ready for action um sir Ryder sir claw and Sparks wrecked the bridge and now the Royal Carriage can’t get back to the castle so for this
Mission I’ll need Rocky green means go and Rubble Rubble on the double I’m going to need the rest of you pups too let’s do this let’s go all right rescue Knights are on a roll okay we’ve got to fix this bridge first r on the D and Rocky let’s get those broken
Bridge pieces out of the water coming up The burn of excalibar will be mine you can’t protect it by yourself Chase Pines it worked it worked Chase are you all okay we’re fine Ridder princess now that claw has the bone of excalibar he’s the Royal Knight now unless I can stop them okay sir Chase okay pincers place the bone gently down in the bucket and no Ryder the bone was a fake hey Sparks
Want to play fetch rough bowla Launcher rough Dr n gotcha rescue nights thank you you saved the day whenever your bridge is broken just yel for Help my plan worked perfectly attention citizens of Adventure Bay inside this energy Dome of energy I can do whatever I want and no one can get in or out we need the Paw Patrol Pups the copycat is somewhere on top of the Dome it’s time to go into hover
Mode I don’t see him anywhere Ryder I bet he went inside there must be a hidden door somewhere I found another way in Rider down near the water Suma Marshall it’s time to get charged Up I’m inside the Dome Rider and I’ve got eyes on the coffee c not for long I’m on his furry tail time to make my grandest St there he is and there’s the door let’s get charged up let’s wreck and Roll I can’t thank you enough for freeing us from that awful copycat whenever you’re trapped inside a giant Dome just Yelp for help hey Marshall who are your new pup Pals they’re twins Rider Isn’t that cool I’m Ella I’m tuck and we’re looking for the ladybird the
Ladybird I’m the most super baddy this town has ever seen hi M Goodway a strange bird lady lifted our clean car into the sky and then she bumped into our beautiful Bridge ladybird it looks like it’s going to fall down we’re on it may good way Mighty pups are on a
Roll look chetta mighty sky is here to save us Ryder Mayor Goodway and chetta are trapped inside ladyb bird’s nest we need to figure out a way in but all the mighty pups are busy I think think I know a couple pups who can help us time to think Big
W great job Mighty ya Rubble take tuck to help save me good we you got it Ryder these lasers are big trouble I’m going to go through them Tu did it I’m going It now that’s a super rescue thank you mighty pups thanks again Ryder and the mighty pups you who saved me chieta and Adventure Bay from the bird lady no problem we couldn’t have done it without the mighty twins Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir in skydiving gear they aviator suits
Captain turban and France War are trapped in a mountain cave somewhere on rumbl toop Island along with a tiger for this Mission I’ll need Scott I need you to fly your ultimate copter and as our expert flyer helped direct the team this ultimate puppy’s got to fly there’s the opening Rumble talk is
Definitely an old volcano Ready Steady Sky PPS away it’s a mama and her cup okay well the cuup ducked into our backpack so Mama followed and then enough explaining Help hang in there mama tiger your baby is going to be fine hey there little fella ready to take off a cutest co-pilot ever there you are cutie safe and sound your mama should be out soon they should have been right behind us Skye we have a situation no volcanoes
Too big no CS too small y anybody need a ride PO on that was an incredible safe guy a pup’s got to do what a pup’s got to do check your local TV listings for full episodes Dino rescue pup save a trumping Triceratops that’s a triceratops and
It’s chomping its Choice chap pads oh it’s so adorable let’s get a group shot of us on our Dino Wilds Adventure okay but make sure the flash on your camera is turned off Triceratops scare easily oh okay it’s Off everyone say chicky Chi oh my it’s dropping right at us it’s scared calm down big fella w T come back time to call the Paw Patrol on our way Dr turbet let’s War to the rescue PA Patrol Rex I’ve got a radar image of the Triceratops on the Move looks like he’s headed toward Big Horn Rock uh-oh that’s the velocir Raptor’s nesting ground oh no he’ll scare the mama Raptor and crush the Raptor eggs not if we stop him first Rex do you know any shortcuts of course
Just follow me but there’s no Trail it’s not used very often mainly because of the tyranosaurus Rexx let the mam Raptor know we’re here to help rber we’re going to move you and your eggs to a safer place Okay that Dino’s getting close we better move those eggs fast Rubble put some palm branches in your scoop to make a nice soft Nest on it Ryder Rex use your claw to put the the eggs in their new Nest let’s Dino do this claw one 2 three one more to go hurry oh no I can’t grab it watch out y Rubble take the eggs back to Dr turban’s compound Rubble on the egg Duty Double come on Mama
Raptor Rex we’ve got a Triceratops to stop and a chicken to rescue we need something to calm down that triceratops and lure it back to its habitat I know something that Triceratops can’t resist sorry cat incoming Dino snack delivery service thanks guys CL hey boy I’ve got a nice stack here for you come on CH Letta I’ve got You one Dino rescued chicken oh thank you Paw Patrol for rescuing my little chicky wi and saving the Velociraptor eggs you’re welcome and if you’ve ever got a chomping Triceratops to stop just Yelp for help and I’m so sorry for scaring your dinosaur oh how about a
Groupy no flash I hope not this time now everyone say chiy p fun fact time Marshall’s dog breed is a Dalmatian and Chase’s dog breed is a German Shepherd Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir great cuz we’ve got a Dino on our Paws a pterodactyl n Maverick
Crashed onto a ledge and now his wing is pinned under some Boulders a so for this Mission I’ll need Rex let’s Dino do this and chase chase is on the case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll perfect timing pups okay Rex you know what to do Dino Claw nice work Rex Chase you’re next zipline zipline looks good Chase one zipline harness coming up you go first I’ll be right behind you to go M yeah woohoo his wing looks pretty sore my mom can help she can fix anything from flippers to Flappers a his wing just needs a little support
Until it heals I believe I have a brace around here somewhere found it can I get a little help Rocky I’m your puff Dr [Applause] turbet It’s working fling keep’s flopping aw it looks like Maverick’s got his confidence back thanks for The Sensational save Paw Patrol whenever your pterodactyl’s in trouble just yel for help fun fact time PAW Patrol’s team vehicle the Paw patroller has eight wheels that’s a lot of Wheels Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Rubble is stranded on an alien planet and it sounds like he’s stuck uh-oh so for this space mission I’ll need Chase Chase is ready for space great I’ll also need Rocky Ro green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a Roll Hi Chase is Rubble okay hi Ryder Rubble looks okay but he’s uh making funny sounds he’ll be okay once he’s home oh uh-oh looks like your Paw’s caught W Claw rough Net pop on Rubble Rider hups help hey look there’s Rubble huh but if rubble’s down there then um you’re not Rubble that’s not Rubble it’s an alien Rubble Rubble has a double guys I hope you can hear me because I need your help looks like rubble’s still
Down there we need to rescue him fast Skye Rocky Chase Zuma you’re all here and ready to help rough net hop on dude Woohoo all right thanks pups fun fact time the mighty twins tuck and Ella have some pretty Mighty Powers one of them can shrink super small and the other can grow super big Dino rescue pup save a baby stegosaurus try it now rider the remote control for the dino
Patroller is installed and all ready to Roll nice job Rocky now I can control it without even being in it huh hey little guy that’s not for you I thought stegosaurus is like plants not P pads forward the ghost Stevie sorry Ryder I’m taking these stegosauruses for a nature walk but Stevie keeps chomping things come on
Stevie see you later bye have fun hey my pop Hat no time for fun kitties find some dino eggs do you think something’s just going to fall into my lap oh huh this isn’t a dino egg it’s Ryder’s PPP pad with Dino patroller controls looks like we’ll be getting a new ride soon [Laughter] kitties Huh oh no the dino patroller must be following the Homing signal from the P pad if we follow it it’ll lead us right to my P pad let’s Roar to the Rescue Paw Patrol oh no Rex the dino patroller is out of control and rolling right towards you in the baby stegosauruses thanks guy I’m on it come on stos let’s Dino Dash that was a little too close for comfort good job Rex Rocky we’ve got to get you in the dino
Patroller driver’s seat to override the remote control okay but how up ahead use that rock as a ramp and grab onto the dino patroller with your Grabbers time for a rocky ramp rescue ra woo There the autopilot is off now how do I put the brakes on here comes our new ride now kitties huh oh why won’t this silly swipey thing work stop you Dino size hunk of junk got it M Humdinger huh a baby dino oh you’ll be perfect for my new Foggy Bottom Dino
Ranch come here little [Applause] fella oh no Humdinger is chasing Stevie onto that old broken Rock Bridge we’ve got to stop them okay ryer on it huh oh Paw Patrol I’ve got this it’s okay Stevie just walk slowly toward Me The stegosaurus is parents say thank you for keeping their babies safe whenever there’s a baby dino in trouble just for help and next time I visit make sure the bridges are fixed come on kitties let’s go back to Foggy Bottom where it’s safe um don’t you think you and your kitties
Should stay and fix the bridge for all the trouble you caused hey all right it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out first question which member of Paw Patrol is a police officer Rocky Chase Marshall or sky H it’s Chase Chase is a police officer Ryder we’re so glad you’re home yeah what’s the surprise Rex hey everybody I’m I’m Rex hey Rex great to meet you welcome to Adventure Bay these are the nicest pups I’ve ever met actually the only pups I’ve ever met
You’ve never met another pup nope I’m the only one where I come from where’s that that’s the other part of my surprise are we taking the Paw patroller nope This awesome W what a rise okay pups All [Applause] Aboard wow so pretty it’s beautiful wo what’s that dinosaurs awesome amazing welome to the dino Wilds those are triceratops and those are Velociraptors they’re so cool oh those are pterodactyl they look like birds but did you know they’re flying dinosaurs no
But I do now come check this out this is my place wow that’s cool I live here with Taylor and Dr turbet Who’s the best dinosaur vet in the world this is the coolest place ever yeah can we take a tour in the dino patroller hey that’s a great name for it
To the dino patroller it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out what is the name of Mayor goodway’s Chicken George Wendy chickapoo or Chickaletta H it’s chetta mayor goodway’s chicken is chetta hi chetta follow Me Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurrying pups Captain turbit’s been acting kind of strange he’s zooming around town on daring Danny’s rocket board so for this Mission I’ll need Chase I’ll need you to use your 4×4 to safely stop Captain turbet before he hurts someone or himself chase
Is on the case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Chase you need to find Captain turban Ryder I Ste off my board for a second and Captain tpet rode off with it this is extremely weird don’t worry I’ll get your board back daring Danny that’s daring Danny X Captain turet Look
Out w w careful Captain you’re going to fall w I think he’s having trouble seeing and hearing us chase call up to him as loud as you can volume up rough megaphone cby chase that you Woo thanks for safely snatching me oh hey I can hear but golly my glasses are gone special delivery nice work Zuma Captain turbet we’ve got your glasses a thousand thanks for your help whenever you lose your glasses just yell for help it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know
The pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out what object gave pop Paw Patrol superpowers a stinky sock a shiny cup a meteor or a Pencil I wonder what it could be it’s a meteor the mighty meteor gave Paw Patrol their superpower huh Dino rescue pup save a Dino Christmas hey Dino stop eating the decorations shoo having our first Christmas in the dino wild is so much fun I hope Rex gets
Here soon it won’t feel like Christmas without him he said he’d have a special surprise for us when he got back here’s some more coconuts uh I mean ornaments Marshall thanks time to make the more Christmasy Nice job dude now it’s dry Time Coco Christmas ornaments coming up look what I made nice how about some seasonal Sparkle Yeah oh my that’s the most beautiful tree topper I’ve ever seen then let’s take it to the Top I’m Good look out Incoming what was that that was the volcano letting us know it’s still active Rex said he was going to the volcano to look for something I hope he’s okay all right this going Lavar Rock will be perfect R Claw nice reach buddy Roar hold on I’m coming Are you okay down there buddy you’re right time to call Rider got it Rex Marshall let’s Roar to the rescue Paw Patrol we need to save Buddy how are we going to get him out oops sorry good idea Marshall huh Marshall use your water cannons to topple more big rocks Rex use your claw to turn the Fallen rocks into a staircase oh I get it then buddy can use it to climb out
Yeah and we can get back in time for Christmas Ready Marshall okay stand back everyone Ruff water Cannons there you go buddy Rex we need to get you and Buddy out of there now Ro roar ro Roar come on buddy follow me that was almost a dino Christmas disaster Merry Christmas to you too buddy and the big Dino thanks to you guys too you’re welcome whenever you’re
Trapped in a crass at Christmas just yel for help it sure feels more like Christmas now that we’re all together yeah but too bad about our very first Dino Christmas tree well it sure made a nice present for buddy it’s okay we’ve made something even better all it needs is my sparkly
Star wait I need to give you your special surprise Merry Christmas Taylor it’s positively the most perfect present ever Rex Hit It Rocky wow merry Dino Christmas everyone merry Dino Christmas it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out which pup says don’t lose it ReUse It Rocky Rubble sky or Everest H who says that it’s Rocky don’t lose it reuse it is said by rocky rocky do you have any Wheels in your recycling truck don’t lose it reuse It Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir the turbet are in Dino danger pups they’re stuck on a runaway Triceratops that’s one rough rough ride so for this Mission I’ll need Sky let’s take to the sky and Rex let’s Dino do this all right Paw Patrol is on a roll back off Airborne
Annoyance Chase we need a destraction launcher Sky now’s your chance someone grab the harness here you go First one up one to go who Dino Bronco quick I am up to my chest in to Robo dog lower the Grabbers from the Dino patroller into the hole Rex go keep the Triceratops Cal you bet for easy easy we’ll get you out time to buckle up big guy let’s bring him
Up good work now let’s get fris Dino claw my C Rex Robo dog let’s lift them out thanks for saving us from that prehistoric Peril Paw Patrol you’re welcome whenever you’re on a runaway tricer tops just Yelp for help it’s time for PA Patrol trivia how
Well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out which villain stole all the shiny things in Adventure Bay mayor Humdinger sweetie the cat Harold Humdinger or Ladybird do you know know the answer it’s ladybird ladybird stole all the shiny things in Adventure Bay Lady Bird you are so clever and so gorgeous I adore me almost as much as I adore shiny things Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir the town’s electricity has gone out
Good thing the lookout has its own emergency generator it’s up to us to get the power back on so for this Mission I’ll need chase chase is on the case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll look what’s this and what’s that glow mayor Humdinger please turn off
That sign it costed a blackout in town never it’s a work of art plus who could shut down this handsome fruit sorry Mar Humdinger but Adventure Bay needs it power back and we still have a big mess to clean up come on Chase well there’s one thing the PAW
Patrol didn’t count on rechargeable batteries come on Jumbo I can’t see any stars with all this light hm what’s the source of this pseudo sunlight oh uhoh if that light doesn’t get turned off we’ll miss seeing the planets line up tonight better call the PAW Patrol okay Sky use your hook to pull the sign away from the lighthouse Roger That you’re coming with me Jumbo look the planetary alignment is proceeding as planned wow most awesome view ever Paw Patrol thank you you guys save the day um night you’re welcome Alex whenever the lights get too bright just yel for help can you match the pups with their Badge here we go with an another puptastic rescue Dino rescue pups save a pterodactyl egg cougher sneeze cover up Please Taylor please call Rex and tell him we need lemons and mint leaves to make my special stegosaurus cold syrup St on it Mom hi Taylor how can I help you hi Rex can you please scout out some lemons and mint to sooth our stuff up stegosaurus sure I could Dino do
That lemon delicious roar roar roar thanks big guy I guess the rest are for you now for some Mint good thing I got here first hey come back here with my bag uh-oh that was the last of the lemons and mint leaves that stuffed up stego needs them better call the PAW Patrol we’re on our way Rex thanks Ryder come on Sky let’s Roar to the rescue Paw
Patrol hi Rider hey Sky am I ever glad you’re here I need some eyes in the sky to find the pterodactyle who took my bag okay Rex which way did it go up there somewhere Sky use your visor to scan the mountain ridges for that back swipe wiping pterodactyl
Visor this Dino rescue pup’s got to fly wait wait for what oh that’s thanks Rex Ryder I spotted a pterodactyl can you get close enough to see if it still has Rex’s bag I’ll try yep I see it wo that’s ha doct is not going to let me near it I see what you mean Skye stand by I’m sending Rex up to talk to it on
My way Ryder oh an egg that explains it Ryder I think I know why the pterodactyl took my bag she’s using it for a nice soft warm nest for her egg roar roar roar it’s okay Mama pterodactyl I just need the stuff in that bag to help a Sneezy
Stego uh-oh I know what that [Applause] means Ryder the monodactylus pinned under some rocks oh no get that egg to safety first and I’ll send Sky to rescue her okay Ryder time to D out do this BR it’s okay Mama I’m making sure your egg is safe gotcha now it’s your turn
Mama time to fly that was close hey wait for me way to go sky a thanks to you and the pups for saving the mama pterodactyl and her egg whenever you need a highflying dino rescue just Yelp for help I hope that helps this poor Sneezy stego no
Can you match the pups with their Area ready for more PW another rescue in three 2 1 Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for coming so quickly pups a dinosaur is stuck in the swamp and we need to help back to dry land I’ve never seen a dino like that before I wonder
What it is it’s too far away to tell but we’ll know when we rescue it so for this Mission I’ll need Zuma I’ll need you to use your amphibious dino ride to go across the swamp and help get the dino to Solid Ground let’s dive in and Rex
Since you speak dinosaur I need you to go out there and help keep it calm let’s Dino do this all right poet troll is on a roll oh you’re just in time Rider that Dino was stuck in the swamp Rex can you understand what it’s saying sorry Ryder I don’t know but
Don’t you speak Dino dude I do but that guy is speaking cat cat it’s mayor humer kittens in that dinosaur Costume we’ve got to save the little guys I’ll help you zoom off pop on Kitty dudes you don’t have to jump guys I’ve got you Dino claw hit it Zuma hang on kitties time to make some waight nice work cups mayor humer kittens are safe Sky Rocky and Zuma are
Lost can you help us find Them Here we go with another puptastic rescue Paw Patrol ready for action ryer sir uh Ryder Ryder I’m here with Alex so this is going to be a little Different hey we’re going so fast the brakes on my ATV burned out so we need your help to stop but before we can stop the ATV we’ll have to get Alex off safely so for this Mission I’ll need Sky let’s take to the sky Paw Patrol is on a
Roll Ryder I can’t pick up Alex yet too many trees are in the way what are we going to do what if we met you halfway wee wo gotcha a that ride was fun we have to catch Ryder it’s time for maximum Speed sorry pups this high speed is throwing off the steering control we need to slow this ATV down jeez let’s try a drag shoot great idea Ryder I’m on it wo I can’t get any closer I’ve got one shot steady now rough drad shoot awesome aim puff it’s working I’m slowing
Down you’re all such good pups it’s not every day I have to be rescued by my own team if you ever wind up riding an outof control rocket all you have to do is y for help fun fact time Marshall’s dog breed is a Dalmatian and Chase’s dog breed is a German
Shepher Dino rescue pup save the baby Raptors this should give you more wind power I added more speed to your fan Zuma thanks Ryder let’s give it a whir hi guys what’s up wow that f is super powerful now I can fly without my wings Roar hi Rory you sure are happy
Today uh-oh incoming po jump a roar wait come back oh no the baby Raptors ran away too better call the Paw Patrol Ryder a tyrannosaurus Rees just scared a family of raptors the parents chased it away but the babies ran off into the jungle okay Rex time for a
Raptor Roundup let’s Roar to the rescue Paw Patrol roar roar roar come on baby Raptors come out come out wherever you are oh there you are Rory where are Rosie and Rhonda hiding hi Rex hi Ryder Ro sisters must be hiding their parents chased away the T-Rex that away and are probably looking for their lost babies now suuma can help
You round up the baby Raptors Robo dog and I will find the parents and meet back at the dino Tower thanks Ryder okay let’s round up some Raptors rescue r all right let’s Dino do this this is Rosie and this is Rhonda hey Rory come back
Dude Rory locked us out how are we going to get in how about a hug huh oh yeah clock going [Applause] up thanks for the lift and the hug now to stop Rory w w w W w thanks again dond Rosie oh no they’re going to fall I’ve got this that’s Dino Ric hey let me try yay we I feel like a Chactl yes you Dino did it dude look it’s a raptor family reunion thanks to you and the pups especially Zuma and props to you too and if you ever need a raptor Roundup just roar for Help hold those Paws we’ve got another rescue coming right up Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks pups we have to rescue a baby stegosaurus trapped in a hole for this Mission I’ll need Rocky I need you to use the Grabbers on your truck to move one of the trees I’ll also
Need Rex I need you to use your Dino claw to move the other tree let’s Dino do this and Skye once they move the trees you’ll use your plane to airlift the baby stegosaurus out of the hole let’s take to the sky all right Paw Patrol is on a
Roll we’re almost at the trapasaurus guys just a little further over here I’m so glad you’re here Paw Patrol this stegosaurus is super stuck that’s stegosaurus for hang in there buddy we’ll get you out okay Rocky Rex move those trees on it Dino claw one 2 3 Co colossum cooperation
Pups okay Sky time to airlift him out of there harness run you can do this just get in the sling that’s it B Roar and he’s in great job Rex Sky take them up going up now I just need to find a place to set him down a look who found their Mama woohoo more rescues coming at you rescue nights ready for action Rider sir we need to lift sweetie off Sparks back and fix the tournament course so for this Mission I’ll need sky this puppy night’s got to fly and Rocky green means go all right rescue kns are on a roll
Thank goodness you’ve returned so quickly rescue Knights Sky have you found anything yet so far no dragon and no sweetie just keep looking and let us know as soon as you see something this post is toast I’ve got just the thing to fix it in my truck don’t lose it free Suited
Great work sir Rocky and Sir Rubble Sky any sign of the runaway Dragon I found Sparks but he’s flying so wildly I can’t get close enough to grab sweetie see if you can distract him Sky may I have those please thanks fart don’t these look like two giant marshmallows come and get
Them I got You oh yay thank you Ryder and the rescue Knights for saving the tournament you’re welcome your highness whenever you’re dragon is ruining your day just yel for help fun fact time PAW Patrol’s team vehicle the Paw patroller has eight wheels that’s a lot of Wheels Dino rescue pup save a tyrannosaurus his
Birthday cool dino pinata dude thanks okay Chase pull it up one Dino pinata going up Ru winch nice job taylor that looks just like Tyrese the Tyrannosaurus thanks it’s my heartfelt first birthday present to my favorite Dino friend a this is going to be Tyrese’s best
Birthday ever it’s also going to be his first birthday ever oh yeah right hi everybody look who’s here Wo oh no that popping balloon has petrified our prehistoric predator Poes we’ve got to go find him come on it’s time for a birthday Dino Rescue come on pups let’s Roar to the rescue go go go go go Wait what’s up Rex up there some broken branches tyes must have come through Here and there’s some big Dino Footprints down here di sure got big in just one year shh listen that’s tyes and it sounds like he’s in trouble follow that Dino how Pups there he is Ryder and he looks stuck he sure does Rex see if you can pull him out of there with your claw I can Dino do this [Applause] claw wait he’s sinking further into the sand Rex stop that’s quicksand quicksand oh no the more Ty res smov the more you’ll sink we’ve got to get him out of there fast but how we need a way to lift him straight up and out I know we could use that tree to
Pull him up and out just like Taylor’s pinata great idea Chase okay Chase use your winch to pull the top of the tree and bend it down over the pit chase is on the dino case Try your claw now Rex okay Ryder claw Rob Rob ready tyres okay one big Dino birthday boy going up I need more power Ryder on it Rex All right let’s Dino do this together okay Chase now ease off your winch and let the palm tree do the rest okay ryer one Dino birthday boy going down woo all right woohoo yay woohoo Happy First Birthday Tyrese you’re the biggest Dino beast but your heart’s even bigger Happy First Birthday [Applause] [Applause] Tyrese thanks for rescuing Tyrese Rider we wouldn’t want to ruin his special day you’re welcome Taylor and if a T-Rex ever needs a lift up just oh oh oh for help yummy yum yum fun fact time the mighty twins tuck and Ella have some pretty Mighty Powers
One of them can shrink super small and the other can grow super big Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir we’ve got a huge Dino rescue the volcano is rumbling and smoking that means it can erupt with really hot lava at any moment that sounds dangerous the
Dinosaurs are eating in a grazing area at the bottom of that volcano it’s up to us to get them all to a safer Place let’s go on it dude you bet all right Paw Patrol is on a roll ro ro ro Roar time to go the w volcano’s going to Erupt that’s it follow me it’s starting Rubble dig a trench so the lava will Flow Away From Here into that Canyon one trench coming up we’re almost there we just have to get across that Ro Bridge oh no how are we going to get across Rocky Zuma take the Fallen trees
And pile them up across the Gap so the dinosaurs can cross safely great work pups now let’s move these dinos lacrosse Rubble we have to get out of here the trench is ready let’s go did it work see for Yourself yes we did it it’s nice and quiet again he’s saying thanks you’re welcome it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out out first question which member of Paw Patrol is a police officer Rocky Chase Marshall or Sky H it’s Chase Chase is a police officer Paw Patrol Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir mayor Humdinger kitties are trapped in toodles clown car and it’s racing out of control so for this Mission I’ll need chase chase is on the case and Sky let’s take to the sky all right Paw
Patrol is on a roll don’t worry kitties someone other than me will save you we have to power it down Sky lower toodles down onto the car now toodles pull out the key do you have any oil in your hat to help loosen It oh no the oil made the roof slippery he did it great job Toodles oh my kitties they’re safe yeah wow help Rocky Zuma we need backup green means go let’s diveing you better hurry he’s heading right for Alex’s party watch out my cake is going to get ruined by mayor Humdinger not on my [Applause] Watch you saved my cake and my party thanks Paw Patrol you’re welcome Alex whenever clowning gets out of control just for help it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out what is the name of Mayor goodway’s Chicken George
Wendy chickapoo or Chickaletta H it’s chetta mayor goodway’s chicken is chetta chetta follow me Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Robo doog follow the signal to Big Rock Canyon that’s where Mr Wing’s being chased by Wolves Big Rock Canyon is where that big storm is headed there’s a lot of rocks
In those Canyons so all need Rubble Rubble on the double and Marshall since you’re great at speaking to animals only you to tell those wolves to stay away from Mr Wingnut I’m ready for a rough Ruff Rescue all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Marshall head Southeast into the
Canyon that’s where Mr Wingnut is and the Wolves I’ll tell them to go away like this oh no sounds like another wolf great job Marshall I’ll go rescue Mr wing nut Ryder we’ve got a problem we’ve got another problem Ryder that thunderstorm we are trying to stay away from it’s
Almost here we’ve got to get Mr Wingnut out of there before the canyon floods Marshall lead your new PA onto the Paw patroller Robel try to move that Boulder out of the Way Rog get us out of the canyon what are wolves doing here don’t worry we’re all friends it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out what object gave Paw Patrol superpowers a stinky sock a shiny cup a
Meteor or a Pencil I wonder what it could be it’s a meteor the mighty meteor gave Paw Patrol their Superpower hello Earl how are things in barkingburg a shield has been stolen a shield with a map to The Cauldron of snores The Cauldron of snores it creates an enchanted fog that puts people to sleep okay we’re on our way everyone in town seems to be asleep The Princess and the Earl are
Sleeping too we can’t go into the city if we run into one of those clouds it will make us fall asleep too Ryder The Cauldron is on a roof near big Benji next to the clock tower Marshall Rocky see if you can stop the fog on it we’ve
Got this I wish we had an alarm clock to wake everyone up Rubble what a great idea Chase get to the top of the clock tower we’re going to make big Benji ring Through Your Dragon megaphone it’ll sound like the world’s loudest alarm clock but how is it going to ring the
Clock hands are nowhere near 12 we’ll use the magnet to pull big Benji’s metal hands straight up to 12:00 but how are we going to get them out magnet way up there you’re going to catapult it up rough Dragon megaphone in position rder rough Catapult thank you s Rider thank you rescue Knights once again you’ve saved barkingburg it’s time for Paw Patrol trivia how well do you know the pups and the world of Adventure Bay let’s find out which pup says don’t lose it ReUse It Rocky Rubble sky or Everest H who says that it’s Rocky don’t lose it reuse it is said by rocky rocky do you have any Wheels in your recycling truck don’t lose it reuse It Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir a mechanical shark swallowed up Mr Porter and now it’s out of control so for this Mission I’ll need chase chase is on the case and Rocky green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Mr Porter are you on in there it’s
Kind of cramped with daring Danny in here too that’s daring Danny X and a baby Bieber don’t worry we’ll get you all out chase that looks like a good spot perfect net oh no Miss Margery Apple Ryder how are we going to stop that huge metal fish I’ve got it sky can you grab rubble’s electromagnet I need you to do a little fly fishing let’s take to the sky oh no it’s going to go into the bay she did it yes hey it finally stopped
No Rocky we need something soft and bouncy quick soft and bouncy coming right up Okay jump down one at a Time w w yes whenever you find yourself inside a land shark just yell for help check your local TV listings for full episodes