I created species nutrition with one mission in mind to provide bodybuilders and serious athletes with No Nonsense supplements that work I put my name and reputation on every bottle of species nutrition products if you want to be your absolute best join the Evolution welcome back to another exciting episode of Heavy Muscle radio we are live I guess I kind of blew it already but Chris Chris and I live here today this I got a very fun show planned for you guys so I think you guys going to really enjoy it we’re going to be
Joined in a little bit by um a good friend of mine Bartley Weaver who’s an ifbb classic physique Pro he’s also an eating champion he was in the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest did very well there and he just set a world record Chris which we’re going to talk about in
A little bit I actually gave him the idea for it too so can you figure it out um what would I give him an idea to eat oh what would you give him an idea to eat I don’t know at McDonald’s yeah it has to do with McDonald’s yeah that’s 100% correct
We’ll talk about that in a bit double cheese what’s your favorite the double cheeseburger or something um you know you know I’ve had a lot of the McDonald’s meals I’ve had from the Big Mac I’ve done the Angus Burgers there I don’t know if they still have those I’ve
Done the double hamburgers or double cheeseburgers I gu I’ve done the regular cheeseburgers I’ve done the quarter pounder the Double Quarter Pounder and you know at the end of the day usually I get a double quarter pound just because I’m too lazy to to do what I used to do but
I at the end of the day I like the regular cheeseburgers I like to take get like six of them and I like to stack them three on a bun and I’ll eat two of those it’s like two triple cheeseburgers I I I like that sometimes they actually
Offer the triple cheeseburger and some I can get that directly from them but um well they have they have the double Big Mac now so you haven’t tried that I bet no you see I don’t like all the sauces on there Chris it’s it’s too much for me
It’s like I get nauseous I get indigestion from it I I like the pure if you’re a real McDonald’s cheeseburger guy you should enjoy a plain cheeseburger I get rid I don’t get the onions I don’t get the pickles all I get a little ketchup is fine Mustard’s fine
I don’t care but I don’t like the uh the other accoutrements that they put on there what would you pay day back in the day for a cheeseburger I want to adjust to be honest with you they for a while and they still might even have I don’t
Know I’m not I don’t go to McDonald’s that often but they used to have the the 99 cent double cheeseburgers yeah nothing’s 99 anymore no so I would get three double cheeseburgers and I’d put you I’d make my three Patties on One Bun type of thing and I I just liked them I
Don’t know that was my my go-to which I’d get a big fries and I would get you know two apple pies Bak the baked apple pies I don’t like the fried ones and that was my meal I used matter of fact I probably ate that meal every single day
For probably a good five to seven years you know great I probably should have had like stock in McDonald’s I don’t know why I you probably should have had twice as many you know eaten that two or three times a day you probably would have would have got that Pro card I
Chris I swear to you I would get I would I would grow eating that food and I would get leaner it was the I can tell I can if you if davee if you did it for five years that means you know it was working so my question I know where all
The McDonald’s are no matter what city we go to I know where in Vegas because I used to do the USA a lot if if I if I the luar actually was one of the reasons I would stay at the lockar hotel is they actually had a McDonald’s in the Luxor
Hotel um in the food court there and uh if I stayed at the manderlay bay across the street from the manderlay bay on the other side of Las Vegas Boulevard they had a McDonald’s there too so I knew where all the McDonald’s were no matter
Where I went you know and uh the good thing is there’s a McDonald’s everywhere I I remember going to McDonald’s with Victor Martinez in in Barcelona how about that barcela same same menu or different men it’s pretty much the same menu yeah uh we were starving Victor and I because we
Couldn’t get a good meal and Barcelona they don’t really have a lot of food and the food is not terrific it’s very small portions so him and I were like we got to get some we gotta find a McDonald’s I’m like Victor can you ask one of these
Guys on the street you know Victor speaks Spanish Victor didn’t understand a word they said I said Victor you speak Spanish he goes I don’t speak the Spanish that they speak here they got some say he couldn’t figure it out I said can you get can you get one of
These guys to point you know left or right I said so we have a direction to go in yeah you guys there was no Google translator back then no no this like a like a dialect of of of Spanish there it’s it’s like they got a really weird accent he
Said I forget what it’s called autic authentic Spanish he would say was it cast no it’s not no Madrid no Madrid is authentic Spanish and and that he said he can understand but is like a it’s got like a like a little dialect in Barcelona that they speak that that I
Don’t know why I’m saying Catalonia but I don’t think that that I think I’m I’m think I was trying to say that too I couldn’t I can’t remember stuck in my tongue maybe someone in our in the com in the comments know let me see anyone in the comments
Know what I’m talking about look it up guys all right so we’re going to bring Bartley on in a minute but I I wanted to just say I have a little mark on my face and you know a lot of times I cut myself shaving because I I I I really when I
Shave I shave very hard with the razor because I want to get a close shave you got to get Dave you got to get the Harry razors that I have this is not this is not a razor I got bit by a snake in my face it caught
Me the stupidest thing you can do when you have a snake is if you open up the snake tub never stick your head in look especially if if it’s up high and you really can’t see and like a dummy I opened it up I’m like I want to see if
He has enough water I kind of peered over the thing and got me than God he was a small snake got me right got me right under the right under the eye so um you got to be careful those uh those hungry snakes so that’s that’s that all
Right let me um what else I I have a lot to talk about but you know let’s bring Bartley on so he can join us and we can chat with him a little bit all right Bartley Weaver what’s up man what’s up my friends grateful to be on the good
Old Heavy Muscle radio for over a decade yeah thank you last time we talked you had just done the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest yeah that’s right and um I’ve started a few months early this year I remember you last episode you said come on Bartley you got to go all in you’re
Not going to the Olympia so I said well let’s let’s give it a run here see what happens Chris I told him to abandon bodybuilding to give a 100% to the eating I think he has more potential in eating even though he’s got a good
Physique so is it have you always had a big appetite is that I mean how do you get started in hot dog and McDonald’s eating competitions to be honest with you Chris it’s just you know being a a full-time bodybuilder and just relying on a good free cheat meal every week so
I would try to find something once a week where can I go and listen some of the times you can make money I’ve made money you know going to eat a pizza in Louisville Kentucky for 150 bucks or you know do this and do that and so that
Kind of got me into it I’ve always always had a huge appetite uh but you know anytime you can get that free cheat maal go for it give me what’s what’s give me a typical cheat meals for you uh back in college it was probably
It was just a large pizza and like a a blizzard I was like a pizza and ice cream guy growing up uh that’s the my favorite one two combo that way you get a little salty and then you get a little sweet but they’ve escalated since then
So now you know I’m looking at a a 10 if I’m filming a video it’s usually 10 pounds worth of some type of food so give give me a give me give me an example of that or give me an example of a cheat meal giant giant crazy cheat meal or
Binge I’m gonna brag a little bit about myself Chris okay because Dave he’s gonna say he’s a bigger eater than you go ahead I miss myve tell tell the sushi story Dave when you couldn’t couldn’t walk no I’ve eaten 100 pieces sushi I’m my point is that I missed my calling I
Should have been a professional eater I probably would have eaten myself to death though but um I late do what you love exactly exactly Chris it’s a ageless for as long as you yeah I but you know what I I’m too old bi organs can’t take that kind of like abuse it’s
Too much but I’m telling you I when I would drink remember those shakes I told you I’d make I would take for those who haven’t heard the story I’m sure a lot of people have I would take 12 whole eggs and I would put them in a Bowl
Crack them all into a bowl and I would heat it up in the microwave till they were almost like just about to start turning you know like cooked because I was afraid I was going to get salmonella and then I would take that warm egg mixture pour it into a blender okay so
That’s 12 whole eggs I put a cup of raw oatmeal cup apple juice and a metrex packet those white packet metrex packets and I would blend it up and it would literally I couldn’t put the top on the blender because it was filled to the top
You know how big a blender is and it was like it looked like a cement mixer because because the the consistency from the oatmeal was so thick that it was like and it would like it wouldn’t even spray out of the Blendon you could run it with the blender off because it was
So dense and heavy and thick concrete it was like concrete and then I would take the the I wouldn’t even put it in a cup I would take the blender I go over the sink and I’d pour the whole thing down my throat now you know talk about
Stretching out your stomach I mean I was I was training for food eating I didn’t even know I was training for food eating and I I drink two of those in addition to six meals you know and because I couldn’t get enough you know calories
Down the that was the only way I could do it and that’s what these guys do he wakes up what you drink a gallon or two of water in the morning right hey I got one ready for you if you want me to down
It yeah you gotta watch s let me let me zoom in on you here he’s gonna be up all night peeing now just just for the show Chris hey four hours it takes me about four hours to get this does watch this a whole gallon
See he’s got the he’s got the the the vacuum thing going Chris he’s squeezing it so it’s you gotta get the air out of there Chris you gotta get the air in there I should say I’m so impressed I know I could do that too Chris I would be miserable
After I’d be in the bathroom for three hours is good let’s go very impressive very impressive now if you threw a few Scoops away isolate there you’d really be ready to go you’d be putting some muscle on on that one but yeah so now
You do that how often will you do like a gallon like that well honestly I’m a little dehydrated today I’ve been busy all day so w definitely behind on my water but it just depends you can do it in combination with food or you do it by yourself but you know ultimately
It’s what can can I do to make my tank bigger you right you’re stretching out the stomach that’s right right all right and the funny thing is you have a very small waste though I noticed on on stage so I mean it’s obviously that’s genetic then
Right yeah Dave I think uh and you’ve heard a lot of bodybuilders here recently you know with the the waistline controversies and everything doing the doing the breath work doing the vacuums doing stuff like that you know it can really reverse you know it usually takes
Me about two or three months to reverse my distension you know I’m doing I’m doing opposite ends of the spectrum here so so my you’re shocking your body I think shock yeah so so it’s this extreme to this extreme so I’ve just gota train extreme both ways you know it’s you know
Train hard to push it out and then train hard to pull it back in one of the guy said you just destroyed Dave’s bragging oh he absolutely did he’s a way better eater than I am that’s for sure I have to just give you my own little accolades all
Right so you you call you texted me the other day and you said you know what what record should I try to break so of course you know being you know the big McDonald’s Advocate I am I said how about the McDonald’s cheeseburgers so what’ you do you went
Out and bought 50 of them I went and got 50 I wasn’t for sure how many I could get yeah I was gonna say when you go to the store and say I want 50 of them do they think you like kidding around I mean what what did they do well I
Actually went there the night before to I told you I was going to go I want they weigh so I went I went and bought two that way I could weigh both of them and have an idea because I know I’m good for te he was doing reconnaissance work Chris yeah yeah I
Was doing a little raccoon research is what I call it due diligence he’s doing his due diligence yeah yeah so you know uh had some friends uh here in Tampa that had a Airbnb and it was time for me to record something crazy so I was like you know
What it it would be awesome to have a little motivation have a crowd behind me there’s like 30 people there just come on let’s go you got it so so it was that’s a lot more fun than doing it in your backyard by how much was the 50 cheeseburgers when you
Bought them 108 bucks oh that’s expensive how come they didn’t give what happened to the 99 cent cheeseburger I told you Dave yeah must done with we have too let’s watch him let’s watch you eat these things hold on here 34 cheeseburgers we got 50 here 15,000
Calories 12 and a half pounds let’s see what we got go Lord we thank you for this meal we cherish each and every we got a little prayer there for you got you better say a prayer so your stomach doesn’t explode I prayed that I didn’t joke I
Got close this meal and protect me there amen here we go no had Austin world record there he’s a he’s a new classic physique Pro he’s the one this one and it’s Al got 10 minutes I see you dip in the burg the bread in the water the whole
Burger two down already Chris right what’s in that red what’s that red liquid uh it was some cranberry juice that somebody at the house had I needed something cold I didn’t want to overheat right I’ve got hot water containers I like the person filming who filming the audience that’s great
Yeah we had about five cameras I can’t go you’re like you’re like single fisted them one I mean you’re putting them down real quick well well see yeah I got this is this is bad for I’m going to clean it up here in a second but you see how I’m
Reaching across my body that don’t really make sense because when your belly gets full you got a long way to reach around Oh you mean you how far you actually reach hamper your timing yeah yeah so here in a second I move one of the containers over there and then uh I
Start I double fish i’mna scan a little bit here oh yeah you moved it over here I see yeah so he’s at three minutes and you’re at 14 Burgers already yeah Wow Let’s skip ahead here he’s up to 26 at 7even minutes he’s at 27 burgers are you are you hurting at this
Point uh to be honest with you they were dry so it was you know for a Nathan’s Hot Dog the secret is you know just bite a big a chunk that you can swallow that’s how you get the speed down but you can’t you can’t do that with a with
A burger it’s just like swallowing a cardboard or something you know what I I was gon to say I was going to say Chris was asking which Burgers I like the best and I like the um I do like the single cheeseburgers be or hamburgers because they’re they are a
Little drier they’re not as greasy but you’re trying to eat a lot of them the grease probably would helped them slide down your throat a little better right right yeah these these were fully loaded so they had the ketchup and the mustard and the pickles the pickles and onions oh my God
Loaded loaded baby you must have been had serious indigestion after this it’s been a little wonky today but not there’s 36 right there wow that and that’s an official record is that yeah watch this it’s it’s gonna pop up world record here in a second here it comes right here so
They’re counting what’s left because you started with 50 right Beat It by two [Applause] yeah W hey that’s cheap entertainment right there yeah there you go the Olympia who’s the former who’s the uh former world record holder it was the female at 34 uh I had
Him look it up before I know Joey and some other big Pro eaters have have done a lot of crazy stuff but not yeah I want to see the chick that ate 34 of those things yeah don’t make sure you don’t take her out for dinner chrisy go
Broke no doubt yeah if anybody wants to watch that it’s on my YouTube channel and U got a few dance moves got a little commentary in there you know you did she keep playing it you did some dancing in there you said well you know I I try to
Make it entertaining you know if you’re gonna stuff your face in front of 30 people you might as well you know let’s see what y’all got out there is it double bicep you gota always hit a double bicep Chris yeah that’s what you told me Dave you said as long and Derek
Lford told me that too he said Hey listen it don’t matter what your belly looks like as long as you got big arms up I was convinced that McDonald’s made my arms you all the salt and all the GRE who’s recognizing the world record is a
Guinness I’m gonna send it into him I’ve been in h communication with him on another thing that I was I want to set the world record for chugging a gallon of water while roller skating nobody can ha that there ain’t no way 34 is not going to complain and say that you on
Peds probably are anabolics Bann in in food eating or no hey I’ll tell them I’m on that Titan medical that’s right you got your prescrition there you go there you go Titan medical anyway that’s uh that’s super exciting so what’s um so what is this
This is kind of like one of your leadup preps to the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating in July yeah I’m trying to work up capacity a little bit and definitely trying to boost my YouTube channel and you know they don’t care about my workouts they don’t care about you know my my healthy
Recipes they just want to see the madness they want to see the the raccoon come out and just demolish everything so so you think most of your most of your subscribers are eating people who like to see you eat in other words right and a lot of Fitness people you know there’s
Hey Fitness people love to eat more than anybody you know espe after star starving down for contest and stuff you know Chris how many times do we see people posting like remember Juan morell’s notorious cheat meals they love it they love it they would have loved
That video more had you barfed at the [Laughter] end would said you see this guy break the world record yeah you’re not CL Joey no no nobody’s close to Joey that’s I think you could take him out I really do I think you got to really give a full
Full-fledged effort um it’s all in your mind I’m telling you the eating is in your mind because I’m telling you if someone can do it then then everyone can do it it it’s like remember when Dorian came out in 93 when he Des posed at that Atlantic states Chris and we people saw
Him he was like 290 and he was six weeks out from the Olympia and then and then at the 293 Olympia decimated everyone you know he looked incredible he like 260 on stage and uh people didn’t think that was ever possible once he did it
All of a sudden there were 300 guys 300 pound guys popping up left and right and because it kind of like it’s a barrier that we have in our mind people think they can’t get past him but if Joey chesna could do it you can do it Gary
Hey Dave I’ve already beat Joey I love Joey he’s the he’s the greatest athlete of all time right but I beat him last year in the world pistachio eating Championship it’s coming up later this month Chris come out to Santa Monica appear February 26 sponsored by wonderful pistachios Joey Bosa from the
NFL is going to be there he’s competing with me and Joey Chestnut and the champion Nick weary and a few more and it’s going to be it’s going to be a battle how many one at a time you have to take the shells off them yeah that’s what that’s why I just
Uh acquired this little uh turkey roasting pan and what I’m do pour them in there and they uh they sent me about six pounds of pistachios oh my God so who who first of all that’s more of a contest who could who could deshell the pistachios more so than e
Yeah that’s why I beat Joey Yeah because you gota eat a lot I mean you could probably eat like 6,000 pistachios if they were shelled already I’m sure oh yeah yeah I think uh I think the winter last year was around 200 something wow wow so in eight minutes so really fast
That’s crazy that’s crazy well I’m I’m G to take some hand warmers this year because last year is a little is a little chilly in February on the on the pier oh was I I had the I had the uh the Jitter fingers you know yeah yeah all
Right hold on I wanted to bring up something while you’re here hey Chris what about my boy Matt grego he’s a stud big Matt big Matt if he would love to go follow you up and and try to break your record on the 36 he’s
A I’ve taken him to uh one of my favorite burger places here in a couple times and he’ll get a couple he’ll get a couple he likes some Cheesecake Factory we go to Cheesecake Factory he always gets C cake so so now who trains you train with with mt reggo and and Derek
Lunsford is that who’s is that the training group uh train with Derek about five or six days a week definitely during prep we were going six days a week and right never miss a day never you know it it was awesome how it all worked out you know who trains
Harder they’re both stronger than oxes but I’m telling you what in the in the trenches for the old I don’t know if anybody’s out doing dirt I mean you know as shredded as shredded as he was you know yeah we were both you know he’d
Load 10 12 plates per side on the leg press I’m like DK you know my I got some back problems it’s going to get a lot worse he’s like man just do it I was like all right let’s do it baby and then I get Mr
Olympia right Chris you can’t say no to Mr Olympia you can’t say I can’t do it no exactly exactly I was like man I I guess my lo my legs would just fold up under me if they had I’m I’m gon try how’s Derek looking right now is he
Big oh he’s looking great yeah we trained hamstrings um a few hours ago in clearw so he’s uh he’s working on getting his new gy set up once once you have that I mean it’s going to be it’s going to be the best thing around yeah what now now what kind of
Equipment is he bringing in there um I forgot the brand or I don’t know if I’m supposed to say it yet but he’s he’s he’s in some contract talks I believe with got company but I mean it’s going to be legendary I think they’re gonna even
Name some pieces after him too so oh really it’s not gonna be another panata gym is it no okay I see a lot of guys are opening like Ronnie Coleman opened the panata gym and no I I told Derek I said hey once we get this uh once we get
This uh glute machine the Derek lford glute shred machine you know you going to have to send me one I’ve got a a train clients and my in my backyard you know training a client or two and I was like man it’d be nice to have that back
Here is there really a direct glute machine or you just making a joke no I’m saying he needs to trade market it’s it’s called squats Bartley that’s what he does that’s why he’s got glutes no he don’t squat no he front squats he front squats about 500 for four five
Reps I I’ve never seen anybody do like that but that’s only Ronnie Coleman I think didn’t Ronnie home do remember when he did 600 with it looked like he was like like he was front pressing the I don’t know how any shoulders could hold that much weight on on them Chris
Hey listen there was a couple sets or many sets that were so crazy and so heavy that you know I’m I’m Christian spiritual too and that’s me and Derek you know feed off each other and help each other out and he’s like hey bro you
Know will you pray for me for this and I I’d lay hands on him Hey listen I know this is crazy hey but Lord protect you hey we’re trying to win win the old baby I I said this to Jimmy pet once I said Jimmy when you get under when you got
Under a th000 pounds on the bench no one had ever done anything like even close to it even though it was a demonstration type thing he was doing and he wasn’t doing full reps he was under a thousand over a thousand pounds I said did you
Did you say a prayer he goes you damn right say a prayer after on every lift I do he said it’s it’s scary it is I I remember doing you know plates for the first time on spats and I was like I was scared you know I was like you know you
Have to really you have to have faith in something or or you’ll never be able to do it Chris you weren’t you a good front squatter did you tell um L rno came up to the bodybuilding Camp when I was 20 to see me front squat ask him you told
Me once I I think I was very I don’t remember what the number I don’t know what if I if I was doing 500 or four 495 I know you said you did a lot I was shocked yeah 495 for reps l I I forget who told L fno that that’s
What I could do but he came up specifically to watch me do that that was a [Laughter] great I love it speak of the dev how did how did you it didn’t bother your shoulders no no I had the perfect way to put it on my can you imagine Dave when he said
Friend squats I when he said 500 I said gosh I used to do that have no hip pain and no no pains no no fears no prayers Even’s that that’s funny took the risk that’s that’s a lot of weight who who who pushed you into front squats that a lot
Of guys did squads Bob gruskin because uh Jeff used to do them Jeff King oh he had those big SE I I loved them because I could I could push with my quads and no low back pain and yeah yeah I if you could comfortably do front squats
They’re good they’re it’s a great exercise but I could never I had more pain in my shoulders than I did in my legs so well here’s my thing Dave you know for the competitive eating you know you don’t want a lot of abdominal tension so when I was training with
Derek for the I switched into full bodybuilder mode whatever it took to do the weight because you know I almost have to cut my weight in half you know when I’m doing the competitive eating stuff I mean it’s very isolated very controlled but my midsection is loose
The whole time like I want to be able to move it around so if your abs are too tight it’s not good for eating is what you’re saying right and when I first got into it that’s what everybody told me they like hey you know you could be good
At this but you’re gonna have to quit the heavy lifting I was like I can’t do that yeah I never even thought about that that because the muscle takes up space I guess too you know well yeah and just everything is so tight so you’re you know eating big meals or or chugging
Water you know it’s it’s distending you know and more muscle you have around it it holds it in a little bit you know think about those people that wear those the waist Shapers Chris you know that they cinch those waist Shapers on to like try to bring in their wa you
Imagine trying to do an eating contest with one of those [ __ ] on holy mackerel no you you blow a hernia somewhere you’d explode probably exactly yeah I have to I have to wear those for two or three months after Nathan oh to bring down your stomach yeah I could imagine yeah do they
Work yeah they definitely uh remind you to hold your waist in or it’s going to hurt you know right yeah if you don’t have a a transverse AB dominance control but you know so I that’s the only Hall Pass I got from Derek was the front I
Was like listen man this is you know I got to look up for my career too yeah you got two careers I can’t blow my belly button through the walls you got two careers you think you think we’ll ever see Derek Lunsford do the Arnold Classic to be honest with you he’s never
Mentioned anything to me about it uh you know like if he won the Olympia again this year you think he would might say Hey you know might might be nice to get one Arnold Classic in there you know maybe before his career is over I don’t
See what you know anything to tell him off the the path that he’s on right now it’s a lot of money they could build that gym you stock that whole gym with the 300 Grand well well he skipped it last year you know yeah he skipped it last year he
Put more size on you that’s why right yeah I think it was a good c a good move don’t you agree Chris that he skipped it last year uh yeah it was a good move yeah for sure but olymp yeah how could it not be a good move if
Right would you say that it would would you think you think we’ll ever see him do the Arnold like do a I I think if um the money became really tantalizing too much you would see them but you know when you Mr Olympia you know you get busy you know
What I mean you have commitments takes time to like break out a big portion of the year to like focus on the Arnold even though it’s close to the Olympia right and you know there’s there’s you know you you’re putting even if you do win it you’re putting your following years’s Peak at
Risk right because there’s just too much overall stress on the body you know to come off the Arnold and try to refocus again and re re you know come down go back whatever it is that you do you know get ready for the Olympia G isn’t it funny though Chris how you
Know you got guys they do the Arnold like Samson they win the Arnold you know and then they’ll do the Olympia I me I’m thinking Brandon curry in 2019 won the Arnold went and won the Olympia and then it’s like after that it’s like you can’t
Do it again like you could do it once like in the beginning of your career but then as you won a couple olympias very few people go back and do the Arnold Ron because if you the whole point is Mr Olympia still supersedes classic in terms of of course Prestige but and
Money and so you know people run around and you know it’s it’s an unbelievable honor to say that I’m the honor classic Champion but it’s it’s an even you know there’s more Prestige to say uh you know I won the Olympia because of course Arnold won the Olympia and he didn’t win the
Arnold yeah true true mean I mean you’re you’re competing in the show which Arnold Schwarz and go who’s having the competing show one seven times right right what would you say um Bartley when you when you look at the Derek I mean what’s his mindset in terms of does he
Want to do this you see him doing this for a long time like you think he’ll he’ll be in the sport one of these guys that does it 15 you know 20 years I I don’t think that long you know he’s he’s very smart very um health and family oriented so
You know at any time that he was jeopardizing any of that I think he would he would be done but I definitely know he wants want some more so yeah I see him going for a little bit the wait till the baby is got to be
A real challenge though too for him I’m sure you know yeah this is going to be the first year he’s gonna be prepping with the baby you know right and yeah it might it might drive him even more you know even this past Olympia when his wife was pregnant Jon right you
Know he he was thinking about that back his head you know no I know it’s one thing think about it’s another thing when the baby’s crying and and and you’re not getting a good night’s sleep big difference yeah right no doubt Chris knows all about that yeah four
Times Chris doesn’t sleep anyway he sleeps two hours a day yeah Dave you’re not that far off actually no I believe I know all about it too trust me all right let’s I want to talk about while we got bar uh Carl Weathers died Chris um I know we all do
You remember the first time you saw Rocky Chris of course tell us what was what was this scenario the the the the incredible thing about the Rocky movie I mean there’s so many incredible parts of the first Rocky movie but um the idea that that he would be able to find
Somebody like Carl Weathers to play that role Apollo Creed is unbelievable because it was a little bit like it was a little bit of like WWE mixed with Muhammad Ali mixed with you know what I mean um yeah that’s what he was looking for that was the
That’s what they’re looking for and you could you could probably cast a lot of people but what was surprising is he had besides the mouth he had the presence and he had the physique right for back then he had a physique he was like a bodybuilder back then I me
Body he had all the moves and he had all the you know the quips and the lines and yeah um I mean it was the the perfect perfect opponent for Rocky to go up against yeah yeah he was broken up I saw I saw Stallone did a nice little tribute
To my I saw that too it was fantastic it was uh he was you could tell he was broken up you know he was uh they had a very good relationship two of them and you know it’s funny because I’ve been watching you know I was watching the Mandalorian which is like
One of those new Star Wars series on Disney and Carl weather has been in that for two years I’m like this guy looks unbelievable he’s gota be what did he what did he die of Dave I I don’t know I I think he died in I
Don’t know if he had a heart attack I haven’t I don’t think the cause of death has been released yet but he I was going to say I thought that I said this guy’s gonna live till he’s 100 you know because he was in such good shape in in
The series he still had that great you know energetic personality and I’m like he’s incredible this guy he still look good yeah looked great yeah I don’t think Rocky would have been what without him you know no no he he was he made that thing didn’t Stallone say that he as
Soon as he walked in the room he knew that that that that he was the right guy for the part yeah he said he didn’t know to what capacity but he knew that you know he was going to play a huge part yeah yeah it’s crazy you know because we
You know we watch all these things growing up you know Bartley you’re a little younger than us but um I remember this movie came out I I must have seen it oh a million time you know what Dave every bodybuilder who’s dieting hard not when people get in the dumps and they’re
Tired anded and they don’t feel good they don’t want to they want to throw on the towel and say watch the Rocky movie exactly you want you want to train your ass off every time I watch it I cry too every single time and I know it’s going
To happen and I still cry every single time hey Dave have you ever had one of those chees steaks over there Pats or gos where at which place in Philly where I I made a skit getting one of those chees staks where Rocky stood in line
And I I have to I wasn’t that industrious you know I went to school in in in that area I so I I was always eating CH Philly cheese steak even in Lancaster they had them and I I used to go to Philadelphia I used to take the
Train to Philadelphia and I would hang out there a little bit and but I never went I don’t know why I didn’t go back to the place where they went in the movie I didn’t even have the foresight to do that I should have yeah it’s Pat’s
Pat’s King of stakes it’s right there Hey listen I I was there I was I had a little acting gig up in up in Philly for a few days oh really and I was like you know what it’s my first time to Philly if I don’t go see the rocky statute and
I’m not American I know you know so I took a U early that morning before the airport I hit the Rocky Steps I mean I burned those stairs up I went to Target night before and got the same matching uh sweatsuit old gr sweats and yeah I I
I took up him steps a few times and and then took a uber to where he ate the cheese steak and I was like I don’t have much time here but I gotta I gotta do it I got a funny story about that so in in
Um when I was in elementary school we went they did a field trip to Philadelphia and I used to get car sick for some reason so my mother gave me used to give me Dramamine which makes you so tired I was dragging ass through Philadelphia and then we get to that
Museum there with the steps now granted I’m I’m I’m a lot older there was no statue yet they hadn’t put a statue up yet but there was the steps were there and we I ran those steps you would have thought that I had I done a line of
Cocaine that’s how you know what how much it awakened me just to see those um those Steps From the Rocky movie I was like oh my God I gotta run these steps I must have done it like five or t six times I ran those steps so too bad we
Didn’t have iPhones Chris back then we could have I had no no video proof of me doing it so yeah I know some of your cheat meals would have made it up there too sure I’m sure I’m sure one of these days I’ll have to do some kind of an
Eating challenge with you I have to I have to figure out what my what my uh my intestinal track can handle these days hey you let me know we’ll do a yeah we could probably we could probably line up me versus a gator in your backyard
There you go I I think I’ll have to take a 100 units of insulin before I do it just to make sure I can absorb the meal Chris I think the bodybuilders would like that better than actually the actual meal I’m eating took 100 units of
Insulin well I ate 10,000 grams of carbs I said I probably undertook the insulin you know hey but then they would be saying no Dave you’re shuttling fat fat my glycogen stores are Never full in my body I’m not I’m not I’m not creating any fat that’s what you know what’s
Really good as far as insulin goes for you probably should get a hold of some these these crazy cheat meals they have an inhaled insulin and you actually you take a whiff you whiff it in and it’ll it brings your blood sugar down like instantly you know you might have to
Whiff a few of those things because it only it’ll bring it down like 40 points or something like that so every time you keep testing your blood sugar as it goes up you take another whiff of the stuff and it brings it right down the good thing about the inhaled insulin is it
Doesn’t go through your it because it a because you’re breathing it in it avoids I think going through the liver and it it prevents because when you take a shot of insulin your body releases glucagon and glucagon does the opposite of what insulin does so that’s why diabetics
When their blood sugar gets too high they have a real TR problem bringing it down because every time they take a shot of insulin their body’s cranking out glucagon from the pancreas and it’s like fighting the insulin but with the inhaled insulin you don’t get any
Glucagon release so you you could if you ate 10,000 grams of carbs you you just sit there all day you know for the next six hours testing your blood sugar and just keep inhaling that insulin and it keep bringing that blood sugars hey Dave have you ever worn one of those uh
Glucose monitors you know that people plug into their skin yeah you know I I never did it because because from what I understand the people the experts I’ve talked to it’s not not that accurate it’s like kind of like a um because you’re not really testing your blood sugar you’re testing the interstitial
Fluid so it gives you kind of like I mean you could see if your blood sugar is going up or down but you never really get an accurate number of what it is I think that that’s what I’m told at least but have you tried it yeah I actually
Put one on and I did a uh I chugged a bottle of honey and I wanted to see what happened what did it what did it go up to it only went up about you know 30 points I fig from the whole bottle of honey yeah yeah whole bottle I just sit
There and well you must have you must have some good insulin production in your body because your body was obviously Bringing Down the blood sugar as it was going up that’s good that means you’re healthy well and I think I think honey is a little bit different
Too it almost acts like a complex carb is is what I might be thinking I I think you just I think you you know some people have your body is supposed to be able to respond to large loads of glucose what happens is as you get older
Um your body isn’t isn’t isn’t as resilient and so I think like older people tend to have the blood sugar issues and I think that older bodybuilders from all the years of all the food we’ve consumed we burnt out our pancreas a little bit you know that’s
Why I tell people I take a long acting insulin just to kind of assess my because I eat a lot of food you I’ve been since I put on some weight I’ve been eating six times a day which I hadn’t been doing before that and my fasting blood sugars were a little high
In the morning not nothing too nothing crazy but high enough that wanted to keep them in in the lower range and so I take a long AC the insulin just to help my body make sure that um you know because even if you run slightly high blood sugars okay long term that’s not
Good because that stuff accumulates in your brain and then you you know you get dementia later in life they call matter of fact they’re calling dementia now type three diabetes you know so and there’s a lot of research to suggest that people that are run slightly high
Blood sugars for long periods of time can get lose memory because of that because it gunks up the capillaries in the brain you know just like it would do in the eyes or the extremities so I’ve always been a big a glucose disposal agent fan I’ve been taking them and I
Think that that’s part of the reason I can you know maybe stay a little bit leaner I just got better right utilization you know of of the carbs that are coming in just by trying to control blood sugar a little bit versus the harsh spikes it’s kind of like
Blunts if you can if you can eat a jar of honey and only have your blood sugar up 30 points you have good glucose control in your body so you know that’s that’s probably genetic you know but you’re only what are you 302 35 oh Sor right you got another five years right
Chris by 40 he’ll startop falling apart you don’t realize it until you’re 50 but it starts at 40 you know well shoot hey I don’t doubt it I’m just trying you got a couple years to enjoy yourself I feel I feel like it now training with lford I did
Yeah yeah well that’s Derek will keep you young that’s for sure because he’s he’s still training like a monster I did a video on this new uh Enterprise by Peter theal the enhanced games no what’s it what is it Peter tal who was one of the uh co-founders of PayPal with the Elon
Mus yes he’s worth like eight nine 10 billion or something like that or maybe more he decided he’s GNA he is investing and he got a bunch of guys to invest in an alternative to the Olympic Games they’re calling it The enhanced games basically you can take whatever drugs
You matter of fact they encourage you to take drugs there’s no drug testing whatsoever in the event it’s kind of like bodybuilding and maybe you know what they found what everyone from the Olympics has already signed up for that well no I I don’t think I think everyone
From the Olympics probably won’t do it because if they do it then they kind of stigmatizes you as being you know you’re using drugs stigma but you you might get people that retired like like you might get like usin Bol and and and Lance Armstrong saying well
If I can use drugs you know maybe I can get get a second half of my career going you know my my point is nobody in the Olympics wink wink use I know I know I know but you know what it’ll turn into it’ll turn into like a social media
Olympics you know because you’ll get all these social media people who don’t who are on Trend you know and they talk about it all the time doing the Olympics and they I think they’re trying to make it like no team sports all like individual sports like weightlifting um gymnastics anything that’s like an
Individual type sport I’m sure track and field what is PETA Field’s attraction to anabolics then he thinks it’s a good business model he’s got some big Heavy Hitters investing in this thing Chris so cool and there with their whole shtick is that it’s gonna actually be safer than the Olympics because the Olympics
Don’t Health test and this goes back to what I’ve been saying right they’re going to health test so they’re going to screen all these people people for for help and even though they’re not drug testing they’re like you can do whatever you want as long as you pass the health
Screening and that’s always been my thing I always say that they should just do health screening who cares what anyone takes as long as you’re healthy right you have always said that Dave yeah may maybe maybe Peter the stole it from you yeahum maybe he’ll get me on the board
Of directors over there you know what the truth is though I think it’s a good idea because I think it’ll it’ll create like a a competition for the Olympics because they’re going to pay everyone Chris too they’re going to have prize money so all I’m telling you it’s going
To get to the point where people are going to say you know what there’s a lot of freaking money to win who cares if people think I take drugs I take them anyway so I might as well not even have to worry about it and am I gonna get
Paid it could become something really big you know what do you think um I don’t know just you know it it goes back to tradition right the Olympics is as phony as it can be meaning you know we all know that a lot of athletes are enhanced
Anyway um but you’re not supposed to say that but you know there is the tradition of the Olympics meaning it’s it’s a a title that’s been around for ever and ever just kind of like we talk about the Olympia versus the Arnold the history of the Olympia has that that’s not to say
That petal’s like you know enhanced Olympics might not gain some traction and some temporary temporary big views but I think the Olympics is still you know it’s kind of like can you imagine if someone started a football league and they had something where something like the Super Bowl but
The winners of the Super Bowl you know this new Super Bowl made more money than the the players right you you still got them I mean it’s the Super Bowl the tradition you know here’s my question I want to ask you because you I want to see what your answer
Is if you take the number 20 guy in the 100 meters okay in the world number 20 and you tell him he can take whatever drugs he wants I still don’t think he beats the number one guy what do you think are you assuming the number one
Guy is drug three no I’m assuming the number one guy can pass the drug test which means he’s probably not on a lot of stuff you know so so number 20 just like that the number the number 20 guy in bodybuilding is never going to be dck
Lford no matter what cycle you build for the guy who’s number 20 that’s because all the bodybuilders take drugs already so you can’t really make that that comparison so you know lot you can’t make that comparison but the whole point is that you know the premise to that question is
Can the guy who’s 20th you know can he what break the be faster than the guy who’s winning the Olympics yeah yeah I I don’t think he can no no that’s just just like the guy you know the guy who’s 20th in the Olympia can’t take you know five times a
Cycle that he did this year five times Dereck Lunsford and beat Derrick Lunsford because there’s more to it than than the right so I think that’s the that’s the only thing that could hurt it but what what it could do is it could the prize money aspect could force the
Olympic Games to start paying prize money that’s what it could do it could it could do with what Vince McMahon did for bodybuilding when he launched his own organization back in 90 1991 or whatever it was they’re too stuffy to pay D well if they see they’re losing athletes to the
These enhanced games you know maybe they they’ll just slander they’ll just slander the enhanced games before they give a dime to the athletes they will what do you think Bley well I’ll tell you what you know you give somebody an inch it’ll take a mile so you know don’t they’ll be coming
Out with stuff try to they’ll be coming out with stuff trying to pass that number one guy I mean it it would be dangerous but like you all I think it’s uh you’re not GNA surpass genetics on that one you know no I mean what if like
Was same bolt comes out of retirement and goes on a major cycle I mean you know that’s that’s what I’d like to see someone like him yeah can he can he best himself on on unlimited you know use of whatever anabolics he needs you know to
Enhance himself MC BW sign them Dave on a majorite i the WWE tests more than the uh than the uh the Olympics the Olympics yeah I got news for you you probably get Pat Patrick Arnold would have a new career if if they allowed the enhanced games because then he would be creating
New steroids Patrick Arnold Dave he’s around I I still talk to him occasionally of course you do dve he’s he’s on Facebook but he would have a new career he’d be able to start you know what what it might do what it might do which is good for bodybuilding number
One first of all they might have bodybuilding in these enhanced games that could be a potential you know which would bring more money to the sport but what they might do is it might help legalize anabolics because if they’re going to have these enhanced games then
There has to be a lot right making these things at least not control substance because otherwise how how everyone’s breaking the law essentially in the who are competing in the games right so I mean maybe the decriminalization of anabolics will occur because people realize it’s not such a big deal these
Guys are healthy they’re passing Health screenings and they’re on anabolics so guess what it’s not that bad after all you know I don’t know just throwing it out there just food for thought Chris Food For Thought yeah anabolics don’t going da anabolics is still like you know right
The controlled substance you can walk down your street and get any drug you want except that substance you want a bottle of Tes you have to call like 10,000 people you want any other drug in the on the planet you can get it yeah but don’t you think at some point
They’re going to just make it legal I think they get to decriminalize it I really do it might it might not be in our lifetime but I think will be de criminal at some point at some point they got to realize how ridiculous it was to begin with and it’s all Joe
Biden’s fault he’s the one who made it I know he did it was him and who else I don’t remember who else but it was he John McCain or him and he pushed it through and the DEA actually said this is not qualify this does not qualify as
A as a controlled substance it’s not addictive and and they didn’t care they pushed it through anyway I think he’s got the third was it you say d third Diabetes Type three diabetes yeah he’s definitely got demena there’s no doubt about that all right I wanted to bring
Up another thing uh have you been I don’t know if you’ve been following these pictures of Samson daa online yeah let’s see what Brantley is you’re the expert Chris on uh on is this is this real because he I think he looks the best he’s ever no it’s memx
Dave four weeks out I think he looks crazy here I think he definitely looks drier definitely looks you know maybe why I’m asking Chris is the filter King he knows yeah that’s that’s not that is you you’re looking at some filtering going on there for sure he
Do last time I saw him he was a lot darker than this I’m serious his skin his skin color is darker than this so that’s already lightened he’s got glutes from the side here I mean he looks ridiculous in this video yeah yeah I mean he looks like he could
Be Mr Olympia here you know he got hamstrings but that’s what I said he looks ridiculous in the video yeah I mean his lower back can still be a little tighter but I mean this is definitely probably the best condition he’s ever been in right oh by
Miles I mean this is going to be a you know does he if if this is a true repres presentation of what he looks like Chris does does this beat hottie Chopin Um he’s a lot to handle fortie because as I said it’s uh we’re not looking at Derek so you can concentrate easier on the contrast between the two and um and he’s going to be he’s going to look I think take up more space on stage um he’s got hot’s Got Fabulous
Legs but Samson’s got a better looking fabulous leg you know it’s got more roundness to it right hot’s got a fantastic mus muscular with the the you know crazy cration but there’s more Samson right now um it’s a lot of wow right there you know yeah like right there
Yep well you know Arnold loves the taller bodybuilders taller aesthetic bodybuilders anyway so I think he’s got a good shot yeah too bad Arnold’s not a it’s obviously this is definitely his for sure yeah I just want I just you know I I even because he’s very lean
Here I mean even if it’s filtered a little bit I mean he’s does have glutes I mean I can you can see it it’s almost like he doesn’t need to come down too much more than this right yeah front L’s pretty impressive too yeah he looks wider too than I’ve seen
Him in the past does mean the front lb’s better yeah yeah how you know it’s hard to say you know that that’s a thing I mean he looks outstanding here and uh I would bet on him looking at these videos but you know a does his homework you know he’s
The homework yeah who’s never been anything but diced out of his mind yeah sometimes diced you know out of your mind beats Rock Harden big yeah it’s what looks best on stage We’re Not Gonna really know until we see him up there I guess yeah you don’t know and it’s it’s
Probably going to be uh after prejudging it’s probably going to go right back to where it always goes you’re going to have the the fans who love hottie say hottie and the fans that love s s Samson this is seven weeks out for hottie so he’s obviously
Three this is three weeks ago this this I definitely think hottie’s going to come in peeled especially you know oh yeah he hearing the commentary of him losing from behind you know at the Olympia so and he definitely sees what’s going on on Samson’s page too so I think
He I think he’ll be coming in pretty crisp he he certainly doesn’t look as just overwhelming in that video as Samson does right no no but he’s also seven weeks out there so we’ll give him we’ll give him a pass on that one I don’t know if he’s I don’t know if he
Put hold on he have hold on is this four weeks out hold on let me look at this one here’s another one what did desktop bodybuilding guy say I don’t know if I didn’t see xav in the chat so I don’t know Chris I love how you give uh Xavier
A hard time I mean it every every time you do it and I’m I’m eating in the kitchen watching this on my phone propped up you hit a Xavier joke and I’ll just laugh out loud just by myself we love we love Xavier though he’s like my
Son Dave Dave that that’s a that’s a smoking back lat bre on hone that back just hit yeah I think I think that will be the best I think he’ll beat Samson back last sprad I think from behind he takes Samson out yeah but I but not not
Necessarily the front of side poses though he’s just like granity you know I don’t just Samson doesn’t get that grainy you know look but he doesn’t need he doesn’t need to be that grainy he just needs to have better shape but I think it’s gonna be a
Battle I really hope he makes it to to you know gets his Visa that’s that’s stance I think Samson’s there there’s a lot to Samson I give him i’ give hard I know hard will beat him on the back last yeah yeah standing there when he stood
From the front and Samson standing from the front Samson’s just a big dude man yeah that’s a big back that’s a big back that’s a crazy back last right yeah he’s got a lot of density and thickness there it’s funny the back I mean he’s
Got a very good back double too but you think it for compared to you know for how much that back lap spread how much muscle looks like it’s there yeah I don’t know if he’s opening up his back enough on the on the on the back double
You it looks like he’s not really you know spreading it as much but what do I know look if if hottie makes it it’s gonna be a great show because even though we lost you know Andrew Jack and I don’t know if I don’t know if next
Zilla is gonna be in the show he’s not from what I it’s gonna be a good two-man battle and I think that at the end of the day if I can see a two-man Olympia battle up there I’m happy as a fan you know and then and the lineup is good the
Rest of the lineup’s good They’re Not Gon to touch those two guys but I think the rest of the uh Aline uh nexil is officially out okay thank you Sid all right he’s not getting a Visa what’s going on with um you said good voo is doing uh Arnold Brazil right
He’s not doing yeah on Brazil I saw his pictures he looks really good what what’s what’s the update on him yeah he’s big in rounds you know he’s got to get down he’s going to lean down um he had the uh what’s it the the belly button
Surgery oh he got the umbilical hernia when when did he do that yeah because he ate um too many cheeseburgers 42 Burgers but he did it in 10 minutes they did a good job I can’t even see it Chris they did a great job the world
Record maybe maybe hold on you know what we should May Bartley could go get these guys that are like challenging Derek and he could get him into eating eating competitions and he can kind of help dere make sure that Dereck keeps the Olympia title next year yeah they like Bartley that guy he
Got to he got to uh hotti sh and he went to uh Iran and he got him eating McDonald’s cheeseburgers and then hottie broke the record he did 49 burgers in 10 minutes but he he blew out blew out of hernia now he can’t compete hey I’m I’m waiting for uh the
Derek lford hot dog uh post-workout rumors to start spreading again and remember when we did that uh contest on his channel that was like a week before Nathan’s I did 42 and Derek got like 11 and I mean the internet was going wild well you know what Derek should do when
Dererk opens his gym he should have like a like a grand opening like there and you could do like a you could have a hot dog eating or some kind of Eating Contest out front and you know you could headline it of course and like Bros
Versus Pros he could be the profal and then anyone who could beat him you give like yeah beat right beat Bartley that’s that’s what we can call it beat Bartley if you beat Bartley you know Derek gives you like a free membership to the gym or something like that I don’t
Know there might be a might be a good uh PR thing PR move to do on dereck’s part there I’ll come down if he has a grand opening you just we actually are supposed to be eating H Burgers I think it’s uh oh yeah night yeah oh cool so
Yeah I gotta come up there and hang out with you guys one of these weekends I’m only two hours from you you know yeah Dan solman came down the other day did legs with us a couple weeks ago yeah I don’t want to some burgers with you that
Sweatsuit oh he’s always looking fly baby yeah that sweat looks like a cross between like uh Tony sopran yeah looking smooth I love you D I love you yeah too yeah yeah you gota you gotta one of these days you gotta one of these days I got to come up there and
Hang out with you guys do a little workout we’ll go for a little post-workout meal we’ll do a little filming I’ve got a I’ve got a good place I’ll treat you to you just just let me know what food genre you’re looking for I don’t care I’ll eat anything whatever
You want got you I’m a big Sushi guy but I’ll eat whatever you I’ll take your uh your recommendations hey I’ve got got I’ve got a 24 Karat Burger down it’s a it’s a it’s a triple Burger covered in gold flakes I think you might want to try that goat flakes yeah it’s
Completely covered it’s a it’s a golden Burger what’s goat flakes is that like cheese goat chees no gold with an like yours why don’t you just move out of the class and go straight to the open like challenge yeah that’s what that’s what Derek was telling me all prep he’s like
Come on bro go open come on I got the eatting down you know it’s just yeah you definitely got the eatting down that’s for sure now what now what makes the golden color though what are they using like actual gold it’s real gold yeah they take sheets of of gold
And they put it on top of this uh Burger it’s a TNT Burger it sounds like an expensive burger though Bley yeah 99 bucks oh it’s that really what it cost 99 bucks is it safe to eat gold I’ve done it a few [Laughter] times I’ll have to get chelation therapy
After I do that he’ll be like Dave you were so healthy now we did a CT of your heart you got it looks like it turned gold where that guy Goldfinger got me I don’t know Golder Bartley Weaver got me turn me gold gold Dave is worth uh $6 million now but uh
He’s dead un got got them golden arteries yeah there you go there you go well barley I want to thank you for stopping by today and uh sharing your little eating world record congratulations third that’s 36 burgers in 10 minutes fully loaded McDonald’s cheeseburgers um love it I think I can
Do more but I’m I’m gonna find another well let me give you a little hint uh I I usin bolt when he broke the world record getting back to Usain Bolt when he broke the world record in the 100 meters he pulled up okay and at the end
And people were like why did he pull up he could have dropped it another tenth of second and one of the commentators made a very good point he said he pulled up because every time he breaks the world record he gets a bonus check for like a million dollars so he didn’t want
To break it too much because then he wouldn’t be able to break it again so you break it by two then you do it again it’s more it’s it’s more exciting you know right yeah that’s that’s next level it’s all marketing all right well it looks like
Uh the Arnold Classic is is heating up the battle between hotti chupin and Samson daa and we’re going to be doing some iron debate this coming week um I believe we have uh I don’t you know I’m I’m not gonna give away the cast of
Characters we got on the show but we we have a good show planned and I guarantee there’ll be some arguing and uh disagreements but that’s what our debate is all about that means Dave’s got let’s see Lee Priest and Chris Cormier teed up I got better than that
Chris who likes to argue the most come on man no hey hey Dave I’m gonna send you one of these uh half human half raccoon shirts that I make them I got website yeah so yeah by way he’s an artist too John he does some great stuff I still
Wear your Dream Weaver shirts you sent me oh awesome you one did you draw that hey believe it or not this this is AI baby so it took 300 images I I just kept on typing in bodybuilder raccoon sunglasses gold chain pancakes and W finally I come out with this so it’s
Kind of freaky looking yeah it kind of looks like um like a female bodybuilder got some furry arms here AI Chris it’s all about AI man I heard this in pictures of Chris Cito some AI nude pictures you and Taylor Swift Chris did you hear that to be the next thing
Is stuck on no because people gonna be stuck on their phones gonna send you hey Dave look at I made a You Know video of Blackman and so and so and here it is all you have to do is type it on your phone the person post their face oh my
Godas don’t give me it’s gonna be the biggest it’s gonna keep people distracted for like a year and a half oh I know because instead of like little putting emojis on their phone they can say hey look it I just took our you know nebor what you use to make that
Bartley chat G GPT or something different uh think it was Bing Bing has like a image Creator a bunch of different ones now that kind of play around with but I love it I love it that’s great some some art Creator just lost his job yeah yeah yeah someone suggests we
Should uh we should combine big Lenny with Taylor Swift that might be pretty funny actually I gotta tell you that’s a very good original idea right there and on that note as we say every week here at Heavy Muscle radio with Heavy Muscle radio the truth hurts sure does thanks
For joining us and Bartley thanks for you joining us and the good luck in the future I’m sure we’ll have you back on so I can I can go use the bathroom now after that gallon yeah I was gonna say you made it the whole show that’s pretty
Impressive I’m feeling pretty good Bart Bartley’s bladder is about to explode so we’ll see you guys next Week