What’s good Prince fam it’s your boy Damien and we are back once again guys with another Banger now today today today today we about to be doing an updated Q&A wow it’s been a long time since we actually sat down and like actually talk to y’all yes this our first one of
2024 let’s get it bro can we do it what we are on a road we are on a road hey we are on a road we are on a road hey hey we actually is man and what I mean by that we haven’t been really dropping a
Lot of videos over here we actually been dropping a lot of videos on our other channel called The Prince of me clubhouse that channel man just hit 5 million subscribers that’s crazy right that’s crazy that’s a lot of people yeah that means we about to hit what if it
Hit 10 million this year we have two Channels with 10 million that’s crazy two diamonds two Diamond play buttons yeah I ain’t going to lie we don’t even have our first diamond play button yet though we don’t but we going to get it whenever they give it to us yo YouTube
We Know Y watching this video please send our Diamond play button we hit 10 million subscribers on the prince Family Channel back in June back in June it was like June 21st and it’s January that is crazy that’s crazy bro I know y’all see this oh they definitely see this come on
They have to yeah so but anyway guys if you new to the channel make sure y subscribe right now and uh join the family so we about to do a Q&A so I posted I posted on my Instagram I said uh asking some questions y’all was
Asking a lot of stuff all right trying to be nosy I’m sure extremely nosy but anyway first question what’s some goals in 2024 for us what’s some goals it could be personal goals like or just goals like what’s some goals for you oh you want to ask you want me to go first
Yeah you you scared with I feel like I’m in like an interview personal goals is definitely like trying to eat more healthy cuz your girl be uh eating a lot of fast food you drinking on this healthy I mean it’s not bad that’s a matcha it’s not like it’s McDonald’s ice
Cream or something but uh definitely like eating healthy and getting my body like just where I want it to be just finding more peace and happiness you know just in life itself and I want to make a lot more money a lot more money I want to make some more money that’s what
I’m talking about I’m trying to get this money trying to get to the bag eat healthy you feel me drink healthy I always got my water on Deck you feel me that’s one thing I need to stop I drink a lot of soda like I never drink the
Full can but I always drink like multiple a day you need to stop though cuz your your urine be yellow and well how do you know what my urine look like you just drink you don’t drink waterink water drink water don’t get me wrong I just drunk water yesterday okay today is
A new day okay and it’s early in the morning still when we making this video so this is the only thing I’ve drunk today and look this is the only thing I’ve drunk today man look I’m trying to get money get my uh my health right stay
Healthy get my body right and just uh just grind you know what I’m saying yeah I’m trying to make some more money for show that’s what’s up all right so next question how often do we plan on uploading videos oh um how often well we actually upload every day on Snapchat
Yes so our Snapchat’s in the description down below we post on there daily you know what I’m saying on Snapchat that’s more of like our everyday life like literally y’all have to see what we do every day yep so follow me at Damien Prince Jr I think mine is Bianca Reigns
Bianca Reigns I think I don’t even know I think it’s Bianca Reigns it’s in the description but we WE Post on there like every day every day day in the life or some random stuff cuz we just like just be literally snapping away so you guys
Want to follow us over there go ahead follow us so Clubhouse the clubhouse we post all the time post probably every day over there and then the prince family we’ll post every month for sure multiple times a week yeah so you missing something though what beanca
Prince channel oh boy what oh boy what no I’m not sorry y’all for the people that did watch me over there I don’t think I’m coming back oh wow that’s crazy no I yeah I’m not going to say I’m coming back cuz I mean you really been posted on snap a lot
Though yeah I’ve been posted on snap and I feel like for me like our lives are so busy okay and so like adding another channel to that right now isn’t the time but I definitely upload every day on SN so if y’all want to see my point of view
Or my you know what I be snapping or whatever you can go Snapchat cuz a channel ain’t yeah you got you almost got she almost got a million followers on Snap so almost get me there I’m at like 850 I think yeah so go follow her I
Got like 400 something, so get up to a million too I need to post more but yeah so uh next question somebody said what is you breathing forol somebody said are we running out of YouTube ideas like video ideas no yeah like what no I mean
We may post like so like let’s say we may post like 50 different food verses but it’s still different it’s a different dat it’s different food items it’s different you know what I mean and we have a lot of video ideas ran out we’re not running out trust no we never
Run out of ideas cuzz we creators that’s what we do we come up with stuff now a lot of stuff that you know that we would want to do we just we can’t you know what I’m saying and that’s just that we can’t you know what I’m saying like we
We can’t we going to leave it there yeah all right so uh next question it says do y’all want more kids how did I notice this comment was going to come this question do you want more kids at the same time I mean I’m definitely open for having more kids now
Do I want more kids I’m just going to try to enjoy the ones we have currently at this moment it’s hard taking care of kids you know it’s hard and um I’m stuck on the uen what I’m stuck I’m shook I’m talking about like not at this moment
But I’m talking about like even in the future cuz you know things could change you know what I’m saying let me give my answer go ahead give I’m just saying though you just never know you never know what can happen in the future but I will say this how I’m feeling right now
We had all of our kids they’re all about 2 years apart some of them like nov and a are closer in age but um we have them all two years apart I don’t want to be a mom to wear AA 7 and I’m just having a
Newborn I don’t that that’s a big gap and then I have to start all over I can’t you know really downsize the clothes I can’t you know I have to wake up midnight again I have to start school over again I have to do potty training
Again I have to teach them how to eat again and walk and talk and no it’s a lie it’s a lie so AA three right now this year she’ll be four at this point I’m done now if I happen to get pregnant I’m not saying I’m going to aort I will
Keep my child but I don’t want to have any more kids how I’m feeling right now yeah things could change you know what I’m saying we still young so you just exactly and we had all of the kids that we need while we were young we have four
Y’all I feel like it’s perfect we have two boys two girls yeah perfect I feel like if we have a fifth one it would be the Oddball out unless it’s a girl I feel like I would want another girl because you know that’s three that they’re all close but then I really want
Another boy cuz it’s been a long time since I had a boy you know what I mean so it’s just like no I don’t want any but if it happens if it happens it happens next question that was a question that somebody asked they said do we want more kids no the next
Question is are we pregnant okay that was a question that’s the next question why you all smiling I should have brought a pregnancy test am I pregnant well if you don’t to answer that question I can move on just answer the question we’ll say it together you want to count down say it
Together H one are you ready come on what’s up are you ready yeah answer the question 1 2 3 I knew you wasn’t going to say nothing you are you going to tell them or what I’m not pregnant y’all I’m not she’s not pregnant we’re not pregnant I don’t know
Why people keep saying that yes I gained a little bit of weight okay but your girl is not pregnant I’m just fat that was actually another question somebody asked what they said okay so we’re not pregnant guys that’s so that’s the answer we’re not pregnant to that question okay somebody was like did
Bianca have another round of surgery no I don’t know why everybody keep saying that I only had one BBL and that was back in 2019 we recorded the whole process the videos are still up you guys can watch them I’ve just been gaining a lot of weight so like last year in like
January I was like 125 guess how much I weigh now more than me no I don’t how much you weigh you can tell them I weigh 162 this is the most I’ve ever weighed even when I got pregnant with Nova I was in the 160s and now I’m not pregnant in
La 160 you know what’s happening right yeah all that food y’ that food your body it wasn’t done fully developing so now that is what it wasn’t fully developed yeah you was you was developing you had surgery when in 2019 okay and when is it what’s what’s the
Year it’s 2024 yeah 5 years so like your body is like fully now you know what I’m saying yeah you now you fully developed and so now you in your thick area you know what I’m saying yeah I’m just I’m just getting chunky out here y’all but I
Like the chunkiness okay don’t play I like it so how do you feel when people be like you look pregnant girl you fat girl you you had another round to be honest I’m not going to lie it does kind of irk me a little bit because I feel
Like as a woman I would never ask another woman unless I fully know that they’re pregnant you know what I mean I feel like it’s very disrespectful but I mean I can’t stop what people say about me I’ve just gotten chunky now I will say that I went to the doctors and they
Told me the reason my stomach looks pregnant all the time is because I’ve had four kids and my muscles like stretched out in my stomach and that’s why it looks round all the time but I’m not y’ cuz like in the morning times me and you the same our stomachs be like
Flat M but then at night time well I ain’t going to lie I ain’t very flat right now you ain’t flat no and I eat nothing you did eat something a bread roll that’s it hey that bread stick to you though hey yeah it definitely does
But no I didn’t get a BBL I’m not pregnant none of that all right next question when is the next vacation ooh they want to know should we tell them or no y’all just going to have to wait and see the videos and the Snapchats and the
Instagram okay so we we can give them a hint we can give them a hint okay the H next month okay next month next month it’s coming up y’all next month we going on vacation y we can’t tell yall where yall just got to follow us on Snapchat
We ain’t going to say where or when just know next month just know next month you know what I’m saying actually you know what what there actually two places we going next month true two places that’s yeah it is yep and so uh next question
Um when are we going to um do like the furnace house tour cuz we did the empty house tour M when they be a furnish house sour uh I would say we could do it soon I don’t think our house is fully done yet no but we have done a lot since
We moved in M I think the reason why our house is not fully Done Yet is because basically what had happened was when we moved in our house we closed in our house in October and then like once we got up in there holiday season came around really quick so we got a
Christmas tree up whole bunch of Christmas decor yeah so once we took our Christmas decor down Tre it look like our house is empty we like hold on empty so now we have to figure out yeah like Replacements yeah cuz we moved in like I said we just we moved around holiday
Season so but I would say thing is definitely coming together um hopefully soon hopefully soon we actually did a video already on the channel we did the reveal of DJ room the reveal of Kyrie room y kind of seeing what our room look like a little bit um which we’re still
Missing like stuff in there but nothing big we had to do Reeve at the girls room yeah the girls’ rooms is is pretty much done too and it’s so cute we got to show you all that yeah all right next question um let me see will we do
Collabs again um you answer first and I’ll give my opinion I feel like we at a stage right now to where it’s like probably not um because like times have changed like we got kids now and I feel like you know I’m in a different space personally you know what I’m saying like
I rather just do my family thing that’s what we’ve been working on cuz we used to do like the couples thing now we do the family thing so as of right now so so much things has changed and I think that uh we just I like just doing our
Thing you know what I’m saying how you feel um I would say I mean we didn’t really do very many collabs even back then really I would say that I wouldn’t mind collabs but for me I don’t know like who’s really like genuine and who’s
Not and so it’s hard to kind of collab with people who aren’t genuine and is only there for the money and the content and then you never talk to them again you know what I mean I feel like that’s like hard and I don’t want to put myself
In that position to collab with people that I’m not going to try to like you really don’t like mess with you know what I’m saying yeah so it’s like I but yeah I mean we’ve been doing good on our own and you know it’s been
Working so yeah and like I said I don’t see why we would have to change anything that’s why I was like I kind of like you know back then when it was just more like us doing our couples thing but now we kind of do like the family thing a
Lot so it don’t really make sense sometimes so all right next question are y’all financially prepared if y’all social media’s careers decline yes yeah absolutely um you know that’s all we do talk about we make investments outside of our Social Media stuff that we don’t
Talk about so when we really not post it online we be doing our thing in the background you know what I’m saying cuz you just you know you just never know you know what I’m saying but I really think like if we was walk away right now
From social media we would be perfectly fine because we set ourselves up and that’s why like you we made a lot of money doing social media but like no matter what you do no matter where you work at like you always have to invest you know what I’m saying you have to
Reinvest back in yourself and U we’ve been doing this for a long time yeah I feel like it’s a it’s a lot of stuff that like we show our lives right but we obviously don’t record 24/7 7 days a week of our life so just because like
You said if we’re not posting or something doesn’t mean that we’re not making money or we’re not doing stuff to set our kids up or ourselves up or whatever the case may be like there’s a lot of stuff that y’all don’t know that we do in the background you know we’re
Young but we’ve been through a lot already in our lives that we know we don’t want to be doing social media forever you know what I mean like I don’t want to be 56 years old picking up a camera I don’t want to be that girl so
I mean I don’t even really want to be 40 years old doing it you know what I mean so yeah I mean we’ve been doing it for a long time guys and been doing since what 201 16 yeah 16 2016 we two more years would be 10 years 10 years this my
Longest job ever it is yeah and one of the reasons guys also is like um we don’t really post as much videos on the prining like we used to because like when we first started doing this we was doing it um this was our passion this was my passion
My dream and goal and so it’s like sometimes we get to a point to where it’s like we don’t want to force it you know what I’m saying we don’t want to pick the camera up and just overly do it we want to do it when we feel like it
You know what I’m saying because we want to give y’all good content not just you know thrown up content and also YouTube has changed yeah and there’s things that we can’t change and we can’t do now so it’s like we have to work around what
They want you know what I mean yeah it’s almost like uh like a lot of people always ask and where the pranks pranks pranks YouTube don’t really like pranks anymore if yall pay attention like a lot of people don’t really do pranks anymore or they do is not the crazy pranks like
We used to do like we used to do like some we was going crazy we was doing some crazy man you know what I’m saying and it’s some stuff that and that was like the fun era that was the fun that was a fun so a lot of it’s not really
Fun anymore cuz even now like I don’t really watch YouTube cuz I’m like uh like where’s the fun yeah like yeah we want to see some some lit yeah we want to see something crazy but bro we see the same thing y’all see so whatever
Y’all see we see the same thing but even if we was to try to do some stuff YouTube ain’t going to allow they going to take the video down yeah so we want to remain on the platform for y’all to get still give y’all good content but we
Don’t want to go overboard and do stuff that could hurt us and then y’all won’t be able to watch us no more yeah and we actually ran into a situation like that a year ago we was doing content and YouTube they came and they took our
Channels away from us for like 12 hours or something like that and then they gave it back then they gave it back and then they told us why we was like Dam but even even like when they said why it didn’t even make sense I’m like are you serious but they’re just getting
Stricter and stricter and there’s that’s I mean it’s YouTube’s platform there’s nothing we can do about it you know what I mean so so people like y fell off no bro like fell off kid we fell on we we pivoted you know what I’m saying and it’s like anything you do like times
Chang like think about it right so like 2000’s music is different from like today’s music yeah yeah Tik Tok music it’s it’s different so it’s like a lot of artists that you see back then you might not see in today’s time you see all and if you do their music Has
Changed music has changed you have to change with the times especially if you want longevity because there’s there’s no way you can keep doing the same thing over and over and over over for year after year after year and not get left behind bro 10 years from now
Everything’s going to be different it is yeah cuz social media even 5 years from now 5 Years cuz social media 10 years ago it wasn’t what it is today like when we were kids things were different than now when we have our own kids exactly so
It’s like in five 10 more years it’s going to be different that’s just how life works I actually feel bad for like the Next Generation I I feel bad for like our kids like generation Our Generation is bad and I feel like the next generation is going to be like like
To be honest when we were kids I feel like we had life good like it was better life was so much better and now all life is for like you know our kids is like social media YouTube there’s no Disney there’s no cartoon you know Network there’s no SpongeBob there’s like all
That stuff still around they got that on YouTube actually now but yeah but kids don’t watch that they watch YouTube content and you know it’s just different like even like schooling now everything is so much it’s just different that’s why I feel bad for the Next Generation
You know what I’m saying so they got it it’s going to be yeah it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough for sure all right but next question somebody said how often do you guys have disagreements or arguments we’re like every other couple every other couple
Man we you know what I’m saying we have our disagreements we have our arguments I mean no matter who you are you’re going to have arguments there’s going to be something that your mom your partner your sister your brother anybody can say you can be like hold on who you talking
To you know what I’m saying I mean that’s just a part of life if you don’t have any arguments at all something’s wrong you have to have disagreements cuz no nobody is going to agree on everything yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes seriously yeah no we just like every
Other couple every other you know human you know we have arguments we have disagreements and we work out our stuff you know I see where she coming from she see Rock coming from I mean we’re not perfect nobody’s perfect I mean that’s just a part of life yeah I see where she
Come from she see where I come from and then we move forward you know that’s just how it goes and then that bring me to my next question somebody said are y’all happy doing YouTube or do y’all fake it your happiness ooh y’all trying to get nosy I’m just personal no but uh
You want to go first you want me to go first so I feel like we don’t fake anything especially for no camera because me and Bianca we was together before we even did social media we together for years before we did it and we still together now and uh I mean it’s
Really not a secret I mean we one of like the only OG couples left right yeah so that’s still together yeah yeah and so like we have a disagreement or argument or whatever we not recording at all I’m not picking the camera up I’m not about to fake anything fake no
Smiles we just ain’t going to do a video until we like we good you know what I’m saying that’s how I feel how you feel I thought the question was different it said are are you happy doing YouTube or do you fake doing YouTube yeah do we like fake it for the
Camera oh like our relationship yeah do we like fake are we like fake happy oh yeah yeah I okay I took the question wrong no I mean everything that you guys see is natural it’s real um yeah trust me if it was fake y’all would see it all
Over my face I’m not a very good liar or Hider like I can’t you know what I mean I I’m not very good at that so yeah I could I could tell like so like if something wrong with her sometimes she don’t tell me kind of she like quiet I
Be like okay what’s wrong it could be anything it could be not even upset with me it could be just anything I like are you okay like you must be hungry so I be hungry a lot so man let’s get some food what you want to eat I don’t know okay
You hungry see see anytime he asks what you want to eat I do be saying I don’t know but y’all I come up with every single dinner meal we have so it’s like if I come up with every dinner meal and I cook the dinner meals you can come up
With the lunch ideas okay so you are you are right you are right about the dinner I be saying what you want for dinner it don’t matter care Oh exactly I’m not a picky guy exactly that’s how I feel when you be like oh what you want e for lunch
I’m like I don’t care no cuz Okay majority of the time you already have the food picked out you want to cook for dinner yes and do I not eat your food you do but all of it every time but when I ask you like what do you want or is
There a specific thing you want to you want me to make you be like oh no it’s cool so that’s when I don’t already have something ready to prepare I’m thinking of something you like I don’t care so now you know how I feel basically I’m
Just letting you know I be open and that’s how I feel like it don’t matter you want KFC let’s get KFC you want McDonald’s we can get McDonald’s you want why are you capping for it that is how I be okay so when I be like except
For yesterday okay not no not yesterday the day before when I be like he said he want chicken TTS okay first he said he want KFC and then he was like oh I want chicken tits so I’m thinking he going to KFC get chicken but he turned around go
To Popeyes I don’t like Popeyes so yeah I didn’t eat but I asked you what you wanted though I said what you want no you didn’t say that you said you got Poe you said you get anything I said no you said that sound I said I want chicken
Ters you like oh that sound okay chicken ters okay no I didn’t I don’t never eat chicken ters no I’m saying like look I told her what I wanted we pulled up I ordered my food right after I ordered my food I like so what you want no that’s
I’m like nothing K you you said are you getting a thing which means you already knew that I wasn’t no I was like you said are you getting thing when you you ask me are you getting anything all right so check this out right so check
This out when we pull up to the drive-thru right we about get ready to order some food I’ll be like okay what do you want she oh give me this no I don’t she be like give me this meal I be like okay I’m give you an example we
Pull up the Wendy’s right on McDonald’s right we pull up the anywhere we like all right oh what you want oh just give me the Nugget milal I’m like all right cool let me get the let me get the nugget meal and they like okay what drink I’ll be
Like okay what drink no you don’t I owe what sauce okay like you got to tell me let me get a nugget milal let me get a Coke let me get barbecue sauce be like I keep having to ask you you like you don’t know what you be wanting go ahead
I’ll let you go any place we go I know what I want I get the same thing from any place yeah but you got so you should already know I do you be switching it up though no I don’t yes you you don’t be switching it up no what did I switch up
Okay we go to Taco Bell you might get a nacho backround day okay or you might get a a quesadilla or you might get a uh a um um a um a um beef chalupe chalupa chal okay but that’s but you might be switching it up you might get a Coke you
Might turn around and get the Baja Blast blue freezy which was cool you know what I’m saying I thought you didn’t like it I said it’s cool you know what I’m saying that’s what I said but regardless you know what I’m saying it’s like we do
Our thing sometimes you I choose we get for lunch and you choose you do a great job choosing what we get for dinner okay so just continue doing lunch I’ll continue doing dinner oh so it’s on me you ain’t say that though now you said
So I told you that before all right so I’m I’m going to choose what we eat for lunch and you going to choose eat for dinner unless I have a request all right bet yeah we locked in all right homie let’s get it all right homie wait what
About for breakfast breakfast we eat whatever we want okay next question so what advice would would you give your younger self that’s hard cuz I don’t know keep going Damian keep going don’t listen to the haters don’t listen to the non-believers cancel all the noise block
Out all the noise and just keep going man whatever you say you was going to do just do it keep going man you going you going to get to the destination man keep going keep going that’s what I tell myself keep going I don’t think I have a
Li for my younger self don’t listen to nobody just keep going just keep doing yeah but I never had to listen to anybody or nobody really talk negative to me or nobody you never you had haters we all got haters I didn’t have ha started YouTu I never had haters before
Then because I I didn’t like experience anything really like to have haters no you had haters you just blocked the noise out but even well if I had haters I a know they was a hater but even if you a have haters though I’m just saying
Though it’s like you would like like was something like you would tell yourself like even when you was younger you know what I’m saying like you’re younger so like what would you tell yourself I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think there I don’t I don’t know I don’t know
Because I don’t they keep working out like no I hate working out go to college like no I don’t know I don’t have an answer you don’t have an answer okay cool she have answer all right y’all next question do you guys have your own friends like individual friends because
Y’all always be with each other I don’t have friends I have one friend I got one friend too but she lives far away back at home back at home yeah so obviously can’t hang out with her because she’s 17 hours away so yall have like how many
Friends I got like how many friends I got you are my friend no I we got we have a couple friends like two friends I got like two friends oh no you don’t yes I do I got one two three maybe three Okay so I got friends I got a couple
Friends that’s my friend that’s yeah and I really just talk to my mom to be honest my mom’s my friend yeah so our circle’s very small so I have two or three friends and she has her friend and I got I can count on my hand I can count
On my hand too so we keep it’s very important man you got to keep your your circle small and tight now I used to have a lot of Associates like a lot of people that you know we talk to deal with but you know things happen you know
What I’m saying so as you get older you start realizing stuff you start seeing stuff you start seeing that these people over here they not really for me you know what I’m saying so only want people around me that’s support me and that’s why you see me that’s why you see me and
Bianca together you know what I’m saying cuz she I would consider my best friend she’s my best friend I we we with each other all the time so well not they said not including each other you’re not including each other yes we have friends I have two or three she have one so
There you go next question how much money do y’all make you know what let me calculate we make enough yeah we make yeah we we make we make we make enough money that’s a personal question that’s a personal question um I mean you should never really tell anybody how much you
Make because it’s none of their business we make enough to support our lifestyle we make enough to support our family our kids our friends that we do have we have enough to we happy do what we want to do you know what I mean we living good okay
We Ain yeah we living good we Liv good and um honestly like that’s like a personal question so we’re not going to the numbers out there because we don’t want people to feel like you know we trying to like be better than you or Flex on anybody just Mak anybody put
Type of away you know what I’m saying because honestly like we make a lot of money and we do the social media thing and honestly like we pass the money you know we didn’t made a lot of money and we passed that we doing this because we
Want to not cuz we have to and so hope I’m still doing it for the bag doing it for the bag I’m not doing it for the bag but it’s good to do stuff that you like and still get paid for it actually like we literally turned our passion into a
Profit yeah that’s what we did like we turned our passion into I me it’s just like anybody else who has like a hobby like let’s say you like stitching up blankets and you sell it on Etsy you’re doing your hobby but you’re also making money off of your hobby if that makes
Sense that’s why it’s like a dream job like the stuff we do cuz it’s like we turn our past into profit um Ching we’re doing this cuz we want to do it we doing it because we love to do it and we get paid for it like that’s crazy right so
It’s like the best of all worlds cuz back then you know yeah YouTube didn’t pay at first right or did not even that YouTube or social media back then it was no social media like people back then they had this opportunity like we live in the dream like we have opportunity
That most people didn’t have so you know that’s true great all right y’all next question who farts the loudest I don’t fart you don’t be farting like that either I do be farting no you don’t I farted this morning I do be farting he farts just to piss me off you think so
You do like you’ll do it and then he won’t even say nothing and I’m like what the what is that smell he’ll be like oh I farted and I’m like you could have walked away that is one of my biggest pet peeps I hate farts I hate the smell
I hate the sound I hate farts I wish people didn’t fart first of all guys you have to F said I wish people didn’t have to listen I wish we could just poop and that’s it listen our daughter Aya sleeps with us and I don’t fart Bianca know I’m
F farted every time I smell something I be like damn what is that oh aa farting no bro you be blaming first of all I don’t have anything to lie about so you never fart I have farted but not around anybody no so you hold it in I like walk
Away or do it in the bathroom or so you so your St may be hurt you hold it in it doesn’t hurt because I don’t have to fart that often oh but I don’t be lying Aya would tell you if it was her or not
And she be like no no no she don’t no she don’t anytime you ask her I think I really think bian can be blaming AA no what no Aya do be farting cuz but you could you could literally be like what’s that smell and AA will start laughing
She’ll be like I farted it do be AA it ain’t me yeah so I think I fart L somebody asked another question uh what do y’all enjoy doing what do we enjoy like a hobby yeah like what do you enjoy doing shopping shopping what’s your favorite place back to shop at Target
Mhm Amazon the cheap places cheap places affordable yeah Target H well no target is a look fan Target be taxing I mean they got some cool stuff in there but they be tax they be taxing I ain’t going to lie I like enjoy I like I like to
Read too you like to read what type of book should be reading I just read I read different books like I really like the mystery books like where I can’t figure out what’s happening until the end I like those cuz it makes my mind think like dang who’s behind all this I
Mean I will hope so I mean it keeps you engaged exctly I hate the little books that just like flatlines boring yeah I don’t really be I don’t really read books but one thing that I do enjoy doing is uh I like bowling like I really
Me too I really like bowling you know what I’m saying like I feel like um I feel like one day I’m going to be the best bowler ever you know what I’m saying well I don’t feel like that but I do enjoy it I I enjoy bowling I enjoy
Top Golf I like golfing but I really enjoy bowling though so oh you know another thing I enjoy eating I enjoy food eating really for real all right next question some somebody said why do we always have to show off you think we show offs I don’t
Know who they referring to because I know me I can speak for myself I don’t show off nothing I don’t show off anything when I could if I wanted but I’m not that type of person I’m a very humble down to earth like I don’t care about materialistic stuff I don’t care
About if I’m in a room with somebody I don’t care about who got more money I don’t care about none of that so I don’t think we show off anything yeah I mean honestly I don’t really think we show off we just do us like we show off our
House obviously because we were building new house and you guys love the house tours so obviously we’re going to show off like our new houses and like the furniture and like stuff that we buy sometimes if it’s a part of a vlog but
You think we show I mean I got I got a hoodie on no no I’m saying like if it’s a part of a vlog and we’re going shopping obviously we’ll show off what we’re doing but it’s not like we’re in people’s faces hey I bought this jewelry
Today look at my wrist exactly no I don’t be like hey look at my rings or heck no no I mean look we do what everybody else do look when we in the crib we just be chilling you might see us out and about we chilling but when we
Pop out when we do pop out I mean we going to be having that we going to be having that on you feel me listen even when I pop out guess what I’m wearing what up fashion NOA that’s cool that’s cool I’m just saying though yeah
Affordable we just be doing us so I we don’t be showing off we just do us but if you feel like it’s a show off we showing off then that’s just how you personally feel but honestly we just just worried about us you know what I’m saying like not worried about nobody
Else think you know either so another question if we had another baby said if we had another baby okay a boy or girl what we named why would I tell why would I people do be stealing names they do they be stealing names I’m not
Saying it she saying it I mean I can say some names that I like you know like I don’t even know for a boy cuz I don’t know no boy names really for a girl Damien uh junor you already have one okay we could we could call him uh the
Third no that’s not how it works that’s if DJ has another baby that’s if DJ has a baby that’s a boy he can name the third I know somebody I know a guy he named two of his kids the same yes they had the same they one of them called
Trey the third one’s Trey his name Trey no no no I don’t know really but um I still like the name like Aviana we never use that name I think it’s a very pretty name um I like rain I like Paisley I like I like a lot of names but I’m not
Going to tell you just in case just in case because I want to save it like for you know a sweet moment where we can reveal we could do all that stuff if that time was to ever happen but um if it doesn’t and by the time I’m like 35
And I don’t have any more kids I’ll let you guys know all right guys so the final question somebody said is it a big difference from having one kid versus four kids is it um it’s a giant difference it is a difference I think for me I wouldn’t know what it’s like to
Have really one baby because we had one baby we did but oh yeah I mean like it was like like got came quick like so I gave birth to DJ in 2015 and then I got pregnant 2016 and then I got pregnant in 201 what 18 with Nova 2018 had her 2019
Yeah and then 2020 with so it’s like it happened yeah like by the time DJ was one and walking the other one was coming so it’s like we didn’t really get to experience having one kid and taking that one kid to Walmart or taking them out to the park or doing certain stuff
So I think for me I feel like I’ve always had kind of four kids like that’s all I really know but I do definitely think it would be easier for one kid cuz four definitely I think two would be easier I think two is easier three is
Easier I mean cuz four that’s just a whole you know what I’m saying like two you got two hands right you can hold one you can hold the other but then now you have two more that have to hold the other kids’ hands you got to get four in
The car you got to unpack four you got to take four to the movies you got to order four Happy Meals you got to a big the car cuz like the car everything so like even from 3 to four is different in the car that we’re in we could fit three
Kids in the back right M the fourth one we need a bigger car car so yeah I mean it is a big difference um but you know we love our kids yeah I’m blessed to have them they are my life y so yeah y’all enjoy this Q&A let us know in the
Comment section below did we miss any of your questions y’all asked us like a lot of questions so it was we only get answer so many but uh we plan to do more updates and more bangers in the future very excited so you got anything you to
Say I think I talked a lot talked a lot I think I did it was overdue it was it was long overdue but anyway guys make sure y subscribe to the channel give the video a fat thumbs up and we going to see you later for the next one we out peace