You’re live hey friends welcome to my channel my name is Joan Brandy and all of you that know me and know me well know that I love to craft and share ideas with everyone and I love all of you guys and I appreciate you being here
With us tonight tonight I have a real quick little Craft um I know I say that every time but I promise you it is going to be quick uh first of all I want to thank everybody that’s Here oh my goodness friends there’s so many of you out there oh I just saw so many names hey Kenneth thank you for my bear hug sweet friend Sandra Crosby my hippie child Jessica Amy timers there you are I was worried about you candy everyone welcome welcome welcome I’m
I saw you earlier Dale Sherry friends I’m so happy that you’re here I am ready to craft some little ornaments for my uh tree I have not got it decorated yet I’ve got to put some more things on it before I start putting everything on there but I needed some little ornaments
To go on it out of Styrofoam so I cut I just drew me four little figures that I had seen on something or maybe on another tree a little candy a little Jelly Bean my little peep and the little bunny then I went out and got my um
Styrofoam and I’m using once again the styrofoam from Home Depot that is DIY insulation kit and it’s 34 inch thick how thick is it 3/4 inch oh 3/4 inch thank you Hano hito speak loudly because they were telling me that they can’t hear you that’s for a
Reason did y’all hear it he said that’s for a reason and then I I traced them on here and then I use my little heating Tool uh to cut them out outside and boom I’ve got them ready ready to um to show you the first thing I did after I cut them out
Is and it’s a little wonky cuz friends I was tired I slept till 7:30 this morning we have just been going and a blowing and having so much fun and I was tired then I was so behind today but I’m so happy that y’all are here and I’m here
And that we’re going to craft together I go ahead and take the Spackle the lightweight spackle look at that I’m already making a mess turn the glue gun on uh I don’t think I’m going to need the glue gun we’re not going to need the glue gun thanks for asking thanks for
Theer where were you the other day when we needed you friends if there’s anyone that’s new tonight for the first time let us know so that we can give you a big welcome and also if you have a Channel or you have a a business let us know we’d love to support
You all right friends this is all I do I just grab some on this tongue depressor because that way it gives it a real smooth surface and I try not to get any on the edges because then it’s hard to sand off all right once I do that I
Did that to all four pieces I put them outside to dry and then I’m done with this and then this one’s dry already I grab a little piece of sandpaper that’s P320 it’s an extra fine grade and then all I do is very lightly doesn’t have to be perfect
Remember friends just lightly go over it smooth it out and if you have some on the sides just gently gently sand it down and once you do that boom you’re ready to go so let’s go ahead and I’m going to show you how easy and how smooth they are once you um I’m
Going to start with this can candy this candy this is going to be my favorite one you just do the side you’re fixing the paint yes do what now you your sand the side you’re fixing the paint yes okay yes okay all right so this is my candy I’m just going to I
Know it looks like a little Halloween spider I’m just going to freehand here remember friends it doesn’t have to be perfect that’s what I say t hello Hyo well say hello honey be loud proud and loud proud and loud that’s right that’s what we always say didn’t Little Joe used to say
That all right so I I just drew my my lines on there and uh I just chose some pastel colors I’m going to start with with my Center hi Bobby Wallace hi Karen hey candy did you have a good birthday uh celebration on Saturday sweet friend I didn’t even send you a
Message we were so busy I totally forgot not at the end of the day I just remembered and by that time it was too late lik your bracelet thank you this was made by Miss Janie is Miss Janie on Miss Janie is from florville Texas she
Sent this to me last year and uh she’s from a town where nearby to where I grew up florville Floresville Texas okay I’m just going to take that’s they have the Peanut Festival I forgot is it we used to go all the isn’t where they have the Peanut
Festival in Flor uh or is it the strawberry no the strawberry is Fort Stockton no I mean stock show up yeah so I’m going to grabb me the little water here Sabrina knows wants to know how I spell my nickname hito there’s h o n e e i there’s 28 different ways of
Spelling it which one do you want okay and I’m just GNA go over this oh potit yes so who has the Peanut Festival poti has a strawberry that we already went over that and I kept I keep forgetting and I grew up over there and
We used to go to all those um festivals because of the band so Floresville is the peanut fesal is that right I didn’t I don’t remember I don’t remember either I don’t want to say is Miss Janie on Janie do you know she would be the one to tell
Us that’s embarrassing to me because I grew up there it’s close sabrinaa hito Serena’s got it right now let’s spell it together now all together now h o n e e i t o hippie child’s got two e’s in it I told you hippie child I hope your family’s all
Doing well I hope Michael is doing well and your grandbabies we’ve been praying for you friend all right let’s see back to crafting yeah and this is on this one I did paint the outer sides but if you don’t want to you can paint just uh paint it a solid color that’s optional
It’s optional is right so I’m just going to do this one because I’ve already got one ready to go so I can start detailing everything CU that’s my favorite part to show you but let’s see let’s try this purple cuz my Hano doesn’t want me to take too long today cuz he’s
Tired I’m not tired oh you’re not oh good we can go we can go I just need to take a shower oh okay yeah you just working with helping Eric work on his car yeah Eric’s been yeah needing his help all right try to get a fuller round
Brush this one’s too skinny I left my other one in the laundry room when I washed it while ago but anyway I’m just going to briefly show you how easy once you get that what what are you laughing at I feel I feel insecure like I’m missing out on something when he’s
Laughing okay now that you mentioned Debbie Williams Debbie Williams has got a a peep mold set to give away tonight and I believe that you just have to keep commenting and at some point her husband’s going to tell her he’s going to say stop and
Who’s ever name the last one to cont to comment Who’s ever who’s ever the last one to comment when he says stop she’ll let you know and you will win the peep mole set all right yay thank you Debbie Williams thank you debie and I also have a
Giveaway but before I say anything about the giveaway uh I want to let Glenda sap and Linda Thompson know that your uh prizes will be in the mail we’re going to mail them tomorrow we’re going into town tomorrow right yes I have a dent appointment at 12:00
Okay so again I’ll be stopping at the post office with your uh and I’m behind because last week we were so busy okay and I’m using look at these pretty colors this is Key West Apple barrel and the pink was pink blush and this is light lavender or Lilac Mist either one will
Work and then I’m going to use on the sides just just bright yellow that was kind of quick I’m sorry I pull that out all righty look how pretty these colors look together I think they’re real cute this is the one I’m going to put a little bit more work into
Um the others are so easy they’ll go so fast but I did want to share a couple of things with you I wanted to show you first of all I’m going to show you my earrings my earrings those things hanging on your head on my head on your
Ears uh these are watercolor earrings that I made I have a tutorial video on them I made them a couple of years ago or maybe last year I don’t remember but uh Debbie Williams I noticed made some I’m so proud of you Debbie I had forgotten about them until I saw you
Post the set that you made she’s on a roll y’all I’m so proud of everyone that’s been crafting and just sharing your ideas and your crafts with us on Facebook group page they like your apron oh I love my apron I got to pick up another one and
Um paint it a different I paint it with a white bunny that’s what you need white bunny the face and friends too if you have any of those uh either those pink little trees or the white trees from Dollar Tree that you might have picked up over Christmas and Valentine I’m
Going to try another reath again and I’ve got an idea so get ready oh Sally thank you thank you hey Jazz boy okay Jazz boy I’m not wearing a jumper this is an apron and I’ve got a like a shirt underneath it and I still haven’t heard the story
About the apron I mean the jumper hi an Curtis Pete M said I’m watching from Wyoming we were there not too long ago it’s cold up there yeah it is it’s going to be cold here Saturday you’re in the 50s yes it’s fixing to be cold here
Again yeah tomorrow night I don’t like the cold I’m so ready to let it move on we have a coof front coming in it’s going to be freezing again mhm all right look how pretty these colors are did I say that already mhm you say it again all righty thank you
Just do it too many times all right how many of y’all have a um an Easter tree these are for my Easter tree and I started I pulled out things that I had made in the past to decorate my set with before I um make some new
Stuff to replace them with and um I noticed that I forgot my big peeps to pull them out okay that is going to be so fast and easy to do I’m not going to glitter it right now because I’m going to to show you in a minute what I plan to do with
This one what are we making we’re making ornaments Easter ornaments for my tree for my for my uh look at how cute those bunnies look on there those bunnies that I made last week those are cute okay let me put that there all right here’s one that’s
Already dry and ready to go I had planned to outline it with the white slick and I still may do that but it won’t dry fast enough for me to do what I want to do here and show you so I’m just going to skip
That and this is what I had planned to do I’m I’m going to add some dots kind of here and there well that didn’t work I’m using my little sponge tool I kind of didn’t want them to be too dark but I want them to look so
Cute oh and I did it too dark but oh well it’ll be all right friends it’ll be all right it’ll be all right hey Mama Bear Lisa how are you how are you sweet friend hey Becky Brock how are you I’m so glad you’re here okay so leave that
Alone let me pull out a one of the things that I do when I’m using something like this and I don’t want it and I’m going to use it on on other uh projects while I’m working on this one you just take a wet wipe and
Just kind of and it won’t dry out just kind of wrap it on there all right so I’ve decided also I’ll let that dry for just a minute um okay I’ll let that dry because I’m going to do something else to it okay let me pull out the easiest one was the Jelly
Bean and the jelly how is it how tall is the Jelly Bean uh this thing is like 5 in I can tell you how many six a little over six six and a/4 in they’re basically all this one’s about five yeah so six and a five all
Right on this one I’m just going to this is a jelly bean okay I thought that’s what that was I knew you knew what that was jell Bean or a piece of pie know I don’t know who knows see this is kind of how I like him I don’t like them to be
Too all right I’m going to leave that alone right there now let’s go on to how do you attach them off to the trees oh the way you’re jumping ahead of me friend who’s who’s asking want to know that some hi Janice was inquiring M uh see these little hangers that the
Little ornament hangers what I do is I just glue them to the back like that or if you want to you can add the straws but I’m I’m also going to be using some of these on on that wreath that I was telling you about let me go
Ahead and shade this a little bit let me see if I’ve got brown brown right quick brown brown brown what color was the green kiwis yes these will be so cute friends you want to add glitter oh yes definitely definitely going to add some glitter he has quir in M oh
Yeah all right I’m just basically going to go around the peep a little bit and I’m going around it with the what is it melted chocolate melted chocolate didn’t want it too dark but but since it’s up going to be up against the white since my Easter tree
Is white I needed to outline this right quick let me go ahead and do that to this one too I think I’m going to go back and outline them in in white I’m going leave that one alone okay well I’ve got him there I’m going to give him the
Dots peep it’s got to have the dots where’d you get the hangers uh the hangers come from Walmart but you can also get them on Amazon I think these hangers were sent to me by my friend Cynthia way she sent and she got them off of Amazon I love love them I’ll show
You my dough ornaments and how I use them on the dough ornaments as well and talk about dough ornaments my friend Karina bar Karina Karina yes from Florida she sent me uh some friend mail and she makes um flowers out of bread dough is it bread dough y’all
You’ve got to see them they’re so beautiful she is a natural at what she does I had never seen that look at that see how cute that is and while I’m doing that I’ll go ahead and get the little peep the little bunny real cute and I think this
Pink this pink on the bunny is that candy pink candy pink yes let me put it out here all right let’s do this well this I didn’t wet my brush before I did this this little sponge and I guess I should have oh perfect all right so I’m done
With this stick it in there and now I need to give this a little shading as well go ahead and get so what else is going on hey Peggy how are you hey Diana jopa I’ve started to start crafting it’s taking a little longer the prayers are helping keep
Praying oh friends if you only knew we have a a real nice prayer group if you’re in need of prayer let us know we want to pray for you God answers prayers I believe in the power of Prayer don’t we honey though that’s right yes we sure
Do big is asking to turned on your glue gun but you don’t need your glue gun I don’t need my glue gun today friend but thanks for the reminder hi yanira oh friend and Jennifer Loi yanir just uh sent me a message this week and said that she’s got some new
Product coming out and I can’t wait to see what it is when uh she sends it to me I’ll let y’all know and I’ll share it with y’all I’ll let I’ll I can’t wait I don’t know what it is but it’s coming thank you yanira yanira designs by yera
Do you have the clay are you pretty well stocked on Clay this is the lady that we get the clay from yanir can you put your link down there so that people will know how or or let them know how they can place an order for you your
Clay and Designs Byer she she’s she’s the lady that goes what’s up got to love her got to love her okay I think I’m G to give this one a little bit of color too a little bit of there we go this one’s going to be so cute I’m telling
You this was going to be cute okay so that didn’t take long at all all I’m going to give him a little peep in eye hi Tanya God loves for us to pray he sure does hi oh Bonnie Overman how are you doing I hope you’re recovering
Well hi Kaye Linda Trent how are you is it air dry clay yes it is it’s air dry clay hey Mar t thank you for sharing that interesting uh uh info with us that Davey Jones from the monkeys is actually his birthday was on uh leap year on February 29th who
Said that Mark T that was an interesting fact Mark twne no it’s not Mark TW Mar T oh okay all right I’m just going to I’m confused use this round tulip slick oh you know what I can’t do that I need to go ahead and glitter it first
Whoops getting ahead of myself okay I’m not going to use this paint anymore so I’m going to get something you here let’s go ahead and glitter everything and then I’ll and so it can dry quicker I’m going to use the Mod Podge it’ll be all right
If I don’t like if it’s not shiny enough I’ll just put a coat of that triple thick on it all right hi Vanessa friends y’all are too quiet oh they’re talking trust me well tell me Louis tell me tell me hito reading what they’re saying talking about the monkeys
Now oh I love Dave Jones ah he’s oh I think every Tiger Beat that would come out that have him on it I would um I would go and buy and back then it was like 50 cents the tiger be and I’d have to save money and on
Fridays I’d go get it okay I’m I’m sprinkling the little uh peep with sunshower glitter and it’s chunky glitter and it comes from Walmart all right so now I’m going to do the Jelly Bean Mark T says that Mark Twain was his favorite author a Samuel
Clemens I think was his real name Samuel Clemens yes I believe so is that right Mark Mark ought to know Mark know he’ll correct us you remember the Tiger Beat Sherry oh my goodness I do too it was my favorite and then we shared it at school and with
My friends and we’ take it home we take turns taking it home and we’d handwrite all the words to the songs can y’all believe that kids nowadays would would would know how to do how to do that okay I’m using the snowy surprise cuz I don’t
Have the purple but this will it’s kind of Prisma looking so it’ll be all right and I’m trying not to get on the white see that’s that’ll be cute I’m going to go ahead and glitter this first and then put the eyes on it so Carolyn it’s not finished until you
Add the glitter that’s so true friend just think these are going to be so easy if you want to make a quick little craft with your friends or your kids or your grandkids and fix you up a little tree or Reef or whatever these are just fast and easy to
Do let’s see I do have pink I have party part pink party what is it pink party pink party and it’s from Walmart and it is the chunky and I just love it I even use this on my dough ornaments and I’ll show you those in just a
Minute look at that see how pretty that looks yep now this One I’ll try to go around that the one that’s not dry yet pretty and pink now what are you doing I’m doing in the mod pod Mod Podge yeah that Tiger Beat just brought back so many memories I remember I taking that trading them and taking them home
And it would take forever to write down all the a whole song that’s crazy do you use chunky or fine glitter uh right now I’m using the chunky chunky all right so on this one I’m just going to use the uh let me see see the the snowy
Surprise and I’m just going to get it all over this one Lorna Downey it’s Jersey girl it’s cold here in Jersey also oh my goodness hey Cindy cassette tapes right paw right paw cassette tapes I remember that oh my goodness all right now let me get this out of the way for right
Now hey Miss nibs so miss nibs likes to do salsa dancing I [Laughter] read Stacy Flanigan hi sweet friend I remember when I was little and had a record player I’d have to lift the needle up a certain time so I could write the song down yeah we we had at track
I did you were very Advanced then okay so TR that’s how far I go we had we had atrax too we need to go back to atra hi sunshine Monger need to make Easter chocolate egg and Bunny all yes friend I I’ll be making some more all
Right I just thought I’d give this the effect of Casey KAS we used to listen to them all the time hey on my senior trip we got to go to astal world in Houston Texas Houston Texas and uh Casey and the Sunshine Band MH was out there playing and we just had a
Blast it was just seems like so long ago y he’s still Place really is he still alive he still touring wow okay so like everybody here has used to have an eight track or a lot of people did eight track because they had what eight songs on
Them is that what I think so and then the the Delta ones would you do a styrofoam shoe for Easter with decorations you know I love shoes oh a high heel shoe maybe I saw somebody post a shoe and had it decorated really pretty on her fireplace but I mean it
Was a real shoe one of those big um with the big heels and somebody said it was oh I think Jared commented on it and he said he had a pair as well and she said I hope you can walk in them better than I can I still have my Neil Young Heart
Of Gold oh yeah we’re big Neil Young um does anybody anybody know heard of Neil Young and you know what Neil Young is coming to Dallas Texas and we thought about going and then when we totaled up tickets and what else honey parking and service and taxes and hotel room and
Food you’re looking close to $1,000 I said no I want to spend $1,000 on something else I mean tickets are outrageous anymore okay oh Sandy likes me young oh you just made a good friend hey and Curtis will there be the patterns tomorrow sure they sure will remember the Partridge oh Peggy Johnson
Yes I remember the Partridge Family oh it’s just that was good clean TV you know I I’m thinking my friend T van B sent me some stickers and um I’m thinking I’m going to put the word sweet on here Village People oh man we are going back M man that’s kind of more
Disco right I hope I don’t s oh this is going to be cute s SW I heard they charge $60 to park to your vehicle anymore in Dallas yep I I don’t want to buy the parking lot I just want to park my car it’s crazy what they’re charging
Anymore I don’t know if I should have done this or not but I think it’s going to be okay it’s got to be okay I just just need make sure s we Beach Boys David Cassidy oh I stuck my finger in there David Cassidy I think we were
All in love with talking Eagles and sticks y’all the first concert that I went to as a teenager in San Antonio Texas was uh to see the commodor oh commodor yeah and liony Richie came down I mean out of the ceiling I’m sure it was a plexy glass round piece that came down
With his piano talk about being impressed oh my goodness he was magical Beach Boys Chicago that was my first concert of course growing up in San close to San Antonio we got to go to a lot of concerts I used to have a fog at a TR
I don’t know anybody listen I thought I was the only one that listened to fog hat I’m sure Mark uh Mark teal does Santana Oh Santana is our f one of our favorites Santana’s good free dog night oans oh wow Delta Dawn Fleetwood Mac Journey
Commodor oh the Osman oh we all grew up with the Osman carpers oh the Carpenters Eagles fog hat you yep I am fog hat came out in 19 76 the first at track liono Richie Santana Oh Santana you know what and you know what uh lion Richie looks the same as he did back then I think he’s Frozen in Time guess what friends these stickers are not on to stick no he doesn’t that’s what Happ when you have
Money yeah you can pay to look good platters all right I just want these things lifted up of my from my eyes I like to get a little a little work done look at that friends just find you some I just lost my husband myo look
Look how cute that’s going to look Wayne Newton he’s petrified oops did I say 76 years old I shouldn’t have said that friend I just was I just saw him not to long oh Bobby Vincent what was that the The Little Women the show he was on Little Women oh he was a
Blue-eyed hi Mar was good my daughter thought Delta Don was about my brother and sang it as uncle hey Irma Irma does anyone remember playing with Jack that was fun oh sorry just thinking of the good old days Irma I love to play Jack and I was so good at
It and my brother was he was my partner we used to play jacks all the time Richie valin oh oh and everybody likes Neil Neil Diamond all right so I’m going to add some creases right here and of course this would be stuck but no fear I have another one somewh all
Right the diva Rose Boutique wow the commodor yes friends Sabrina hi yes I love playing Jacks yep and I was real competitive too I me I like to win Max Davis no love Texas boy oh yeah yeah is my friend Elia on from San Antonio hi Sandy Hunter pick up the sticks and you know what I did around the world and was it a piggy in the blanket or John Denver oh Elvis He was oh John Denver I had had a boyfriend at the time and he used to sing like John Denver well he thought he
Well he sounded a little bit like him but s hun must to go back to roller skating oh I love roller skating in fact I just made that comment the other day I’d love to do it as long as I was sure I wasn’t going to hurt myself escap oh
Uhuh friends no no Hana don’t be saying things that aren’t true what there’s a demon on skates a demon on skates my Hana was so bad that and I loved to skate and when we got married I said there was a roller rank in Odessa was it Odessa right there by the Magic
Carpet people anyway uh and I said let’s go roller skating because he told me he knew how to roller skate and he could dance on skates and all this and I thought wow what are my chances of that finding a guy who loves to roller skate
And he was so bad friends they to they said that I could come back at any time but he needed to come back during the day when there was nobody around I tore that ring up he was a safety hazard he was not good at all he would try to grab on to
Everybody when you’re when you’re 6′ tall and 159 lbs the that’s not a very good skating body okay with the slick with the slick we’re just going to tap and it spreads that little circle out evenly and oh look at little I’m going have to make some more candy y’all like
That one all right on this one this one needs a little something let’s see where’s my white slick okay right here George Straight can’t forget George Straight oh yeah I love George Straight yeah my husband and I both love roller skating but never met at the rink it’s very surprising T hi Brenda
Welch Hano you pranked her by saying you could skate yes he did that duck is cute for baby shower that’s what I was thinking all of these little things would look so cute all right I think I’m going to just make Prince hiy child likes Prince oh yeah
You know what this one’s the the bottle that’s stuck what did I do with that other one I know it’s right here in front of me to yeah Toby Keith he just died all right what happened to my white can’t forget John Denver he died too
BG’s there’s only one left out of four brothers yes all right Conway twey all right oh I love Conway Twitty Conway I lik his hair I wish I had hair like Conway Twitty don’t make me laugh Lis please honey Barry gives I used to compete in disco dancing
And Michael Jackson cone those were the best times Bruce Spring John Mel Camp wow that’s a bunch of fans out here oh man we could get together cuz we all like the same music hey Vanessa oh yeah the bees yes ma’am hi Tamara hes I went
Roller skating in the 70s when I was a teenager I’m 64 now well friend when the kids had a birthday party I can’t remember I think that both of my kids uh Johnny Cas had a birthday party together not because their birthdays are that close but
Because I don’t know why we had the parties together but we had it at the roller rink and me and the moms we thought well hadn’t been on roller skates in a long time likes the Eagles I got on roller skates and I did pretty good I was dancing to Michael Jackson
Music dues oh I love the dues and uh but that was the last time I think I’ve been hi Wayne g g Gano we could dance the night way we sure could oh my goodness my Debbie Williams loves the Eagles oh yeah I love the Eagles hey Judith toon oh I love
Boston love them all and also love the colors stepping wolf oh that’s going way Magic Carpet Ride country road because it’s a West Virginia song uhhuh uh oh CCR can’t forget them who is CCR now I don’t oh pring’s clear water revival oh yeah spring St Credence how could I forget
Austin ELO I can’t forget ELO I like them oh I made one eye a little bit Selena oh yes Chicago and Boston all right anything for Selena RI Springfield that’s notknown not too many people American Pie Tom Jones oh I saw a picture of Tom Jones on
The news something he didn’t AG good something about his wife I don’t know or was it on YouTube and oh my goodness yeah but it’s got a lot of money well that’s true too tapestry oh that’s Carol King y Andy Williams Air Supply oh my goodness Journey The
Beatles Roy oron Carol K oh you know what my kids grew up in a town that where Roy Orbison was was born and went to school there they went Journey don’t forget my favorite 80s Journey hey Miriam how do you make the mold craft the mold for the craft what do you mean
How you make the mold for the craft you mean um hamburger engleberg Humper dick a I loved him oh yeah um I’ll post the patterns tomorrow if I don’t do it tonight Jim crochet oh Time in a Bottle okay I’m going to leave it Al leave it
Alone I think they’re going to need a little bit more detail you know I bought a ticket to see Jim coosi and he was on his way to play a concert and he didn’t make it oh you had a ticket yeah CU in college he they used to have
Concerts and you could buy a ticket for a dollar and he was coming to or the college was and that’s when he had his I think plane he went down does anyone mention Alice Cooper zezy top Barbara St I think I love all kindes of music Lionel Richie and Earth Wind and
Fire will be here in San Antonio on June 4th wow hi Tammy Collins you made it sweet friend poison oh I remember poison they used to dress crazy hey Candace how are you oh Candace I love thank you to those that sent me Valentine cards Candace I got yours and uh I love
The Peanuts Gang and that was so cute so cute hi Barbara Martinez thank you friend hey Anna Aragon welcome newbies hey everybody don’t forget to press that like button and comment and if you haven’t subscribed to my Channel friends what are you waiting for look at
All the fun we have gosh if y’all were all here we’d have the music going and we’d all be dancing some of us would be on roller skates we’d be playing new Young not myit we be playing new Young right Nowa Elsa hey Amy Smith my Dad loved blue
Grass and got down with our bad sleeves with some Bill Monroe I’m not familiar but I’m sure they’re good how did you do the suet I think I missed it I was feeding my dogs hey I’ll show you in a minute Jennifer hey Elia kto hey Elia I was thinking of
You because where I loved all the English music and everything I loved all the popular uh hip-hop Mexican music at the time uh I I thought about I was going to ask you if Joe uh Bravo is still playing CU I remember he was one
Of my favorites I was so in love with [Laughter] him okay Jennifer on The Suite this is what I did I had a little package of um stickers and I just put them on there and I went over it with the um Mod Podge cuz they don’t want to stick because
This it was kind of wet with Mod Podge on the bottom so mark twne one oh mark one yeah Debbie had a Debbie had a a giveaway and if you were the last one to comment when her husband came in and said stop you want her U I think she has one of
These let’s see what did I do with mine she has a peeps mole and she’s going to go ahead and and mail it tomorrow congratulations Mark I have a giveaway for you too and I will mail it tomorrow too because I finally caught up a little bit um okay let’s see what
Else what else you better finish okay these are done but they’re just not dry but I’m going to move him aside cuz I want to show you something else right quick how are we doing on time Hano uh cuz I know my Hano doesn’t like to 10
More minutes okay so we’re doing good I wanted to show you that our sweet friend Karina B is so so so talented there’s so many talking about Karina Karina Karina Karina and Karina Karina I haven’t given my hito and Jared the candy yet but I will I will
Tony look she makes these flowers out of bread dough these are not uh she made them out of bread dough she is amazing friends look at these and I will post picture of all the friend mail that she sent along with um Peter Frankton oh Frampton he was my
Live look at these friends aren’t these I wish that she could show us on a video video um how she makes these cuz she says they are bread dough not uh or handmade very very fragile okay but also I was going to show you she’s just amazing she made this
Little look at this little pot this is she made everything in here everything isn’t that amazing Kina Karina Kina bar she is from uh Florida she’s on here yes Karina I know there she is I sent you the video Joanne of how you made
Them uh I I think it I think that the video was incomplete I think I’m not sure I’m going to go back and look because friend these are amazing I don’t even know how to make roses out of um frosting I I I failed at that but anyway
I just I just wanted to show those cuz I think that that’s takes such talent the two best songs from new Young is like a hurricane and harvest moon no Cinnamon Girl oh Harvest Moon yes Harvest Moon everybody should listen to Harvest Moon okay friends these are some of my dough
Ornaments and see I’ve got them hanging on a little Branch here they’re really simple and easy to make and I’m going to probably paint some with y’all uh they’ve just got the resin on them anything you put on them makes them 3D I mean you know just gives
Them that little lift see I put the little hooks on them these are just dough regular dough ornaments don’t be intimidated friends and then I just put the resin in fact I have a video a tutorial video remember honey I think we did that outside I remember like it was yesterday yeah
Right oh but what I was going to show you too and look look at this egg with just that little flower on there um I made some earrings out of clay last year you can make them out of clay little um carrots but these are out of dough look
At that and they’re with the resin and they’re real light look tell them how light it is they’re flying away they’re very very light but I forgot to drill the little hole cuz I like to attach mine to a little something but you could just put your little earring back on it
They’re very very lightweight they’re very very easy to make okay what else was I going to show you this little bunny here my Debbie Williams made and she thinks that she’s she’s she’s afraid because she she does she doesn’t think she’s talented she’s so talented that girl she is something
Else uh let’s see what else what else Ruben Ramos some of the things in my background are things that I made in Pre previous videos tutorial videos so friends uh if there’s anything that you see that you like it’s in a video just go to my channel and be sure and
Subscribe and hit that Bell button so that you can be notified every time I’m going to come on live okay this is my giveaway for tonight let me see don’t forget Little Joe oh little Joey Sun okay hi Rea Kelly hi Lynn reader bunny is awesome bunny H okay um what I’ve got in here are the names of all of y’all that are um regulars as far as you’re on here pretty much most of the time and uh we have included you in several
Drawings and um we’re I’m including you in this one I’m going to have a drawing for this one tonight out of this the names of the people that have been following us for oh I lost my I lost my my um oh my comments here I’m just find a new anyway
If if you’re pretty I mean if you’re with us on a regular basis and you comment and you just uh are just everybody’s just wonderful and you have been in other drawings and you haven’t won we’re going to give you one more chance now I will let I will also
Be drawing at the end for I can’t find what I’m looking for let’s see uh I friends I lost y’all that’s crazy I it okay well read the comments to me but anyway all right for this for this one I’m going to pick out of the bowl now
I’m going to have something else for you that I’m going to draw uh the name from this group tonight and I’ll show you what it is on Sunday night you want to pick yeah but hold on just a second whoever gets picked tonight is going to get this is a little
Bunny tag and a bunny mold set and a bunny butt mold and a little peep silicone mold okay okay so go ahead and pick a winner and this is the people that have been on constantly and have not won so here’s another chance for you to win is my name in
There nope you’re not eligible to win honey though that might be cheating okay and see I’ve got this ready to go okay pick it up yeah pick out a Name Bonnie Overman Bonnie H okay Miss Bonnie Overman you get this package now the mystery gift for next week you will have to comment on tonight’s video tell us if you had fun or tell us what was a favorite part of U the craft or the chat or what you like
About tonight and then hash Easter because it’s going to be a little Easter something it may be a set of these friends for next time so just comment don’t just put hash Easter I want to I want you to let me know um if you enjoyed tonight’s chat and craft
Whatever all right friends that’s it that’s all I have for you tonight but I’ll be back hopefully Sunday night with another craft and um we’ll have some more fun again and I will post a picture of these tomorrow on my tree if you’re not a member of our Facebook group page
Friend I invite you to join because we post pictures of all our crafts and channel updates and you’ll see all the names you see in the chat a lot of them are very active and uh like to show their crafts as well and I’m so very proud of everybody friends don’t ever
Feel like you’re alone if you need someone to to pray for you if you’ve got a problem you don’t even have to tell us why just uh contact Debbie or myself and we’ll start the prayer warriors praying for you because that’s that’s what our
Our goal is you know to um love and care for one another and craft and have fun so friends thank you for joining me tonight and remember follow your heart and always believe in yourself love you friends now everybody can go listen to their 70s music yes let’s go listen to
70s music where’s my pair of my old pair of roller skates oh all righty friends love y’all Hano wait wait wait are you sure you want to stop the streaming just