Uh let’s see from our next questioner uh Robin white I’m a barrister from Somerset why should LGBT people vote conservative well Robin thank you for the question now if you look at our record over the past few years it’s one that I hope you and everyone else is
Proud of right it was a conservative government under one of my predecessors who made sure we had same-sex marriage and more recently we’re making sure that all Public Services work better like we’ve made changes in the NHS for provision of healthcare services for same-sex couples and that gives
Hopefully you and everyone else a sense that this is a country whose values are reflected in our party and in government and that is that it’s a compassionate tolerant place and we want to make sure that people whatever their background are respected and treated with dignity right that’s the kind of
Country that I believe in and it’s not just about LGBT it’s about absolutely everything right quite frankly like this is a place which has always been welcoming tolerant and inclusive that’s who we are as a country and I think that’s what we will always will be and I
Always make sure that that’s the case while I’m prime minister forgive forgive me slightly but I think some of the issue may be less about the LGB and more about the te prime minister more about the trans issue well on on that issue look my view on that is
Relatively straightforward like first of all right for people who are going through that particularly children right we have to be really sensitive about it we should be understanding we should be tolerant and compassionate as I said because that’s who we are as a people respecting everyone and their
Differences um but I also think on that issue that particularly when it comes to questions around women’s safety Women’s Health that biological sex is important and I don’t think that should be a controversial thing to say I think that is a relatively Common Sense view that I
Think is held by the vast majority of people and unfortunately this debate over the past few years has become incredibly charged and polarized but I really don’t think anything I just said quite frankly should be controversial are we respectful and tolerant of people and their differences as particularly
When they’re going through things that are sensitive yes of course we are do we think it biological sex was important when we’re thinking about women’s safety Women’s Health yes of course I think most people would think that is important and in particular I think these things are important when we’re
Considering our children which is why we’ve recently published guidance for schools about how to deal with these issues in our classrooms uh teachers unions ask the government to do that and you’ll see what I’ve said reflected in that guidance but also making it clear that parents should be involved when
These issues Arise at school and concern children it’s of course right that parents should be involved in those things and we should be particularly sensitive about these issues when it comes to children