All right well that game was amazing it was fun being here the result for us that’s wise was a Sando but here’s what we’re going to do we’re heading to the the casino we’re going to play some slots we’re going to have some fun so watch this cuz it’s going to be big
We’re back from the game got 8,400 in the machine we’re just going to win our five grand back that we lost on the ners complete Sando on that bet but we’re getting it back now and everyone’s here so we are all All Aboard let’s do it are
We all aboard or are we playing bull Blitz we’re all aboard with bull Blitz bull Blitz I’m Delirious I don’t even know what we’re playing bull Blitz that’s it so what do you think Max bet dollars then Max bet $2 all right let’s go I think it’s pronounced $2 as this is
$2 is yeah all right so we’ll start at 25 bucks oh we got the Maracas thought there are hamburgers all right so what do we decide are they hamburgers wooden toilet seats oh yeah they’re the musical instrument I believe I’m pretty sure they’re toilet seats Cast X is that what they’re called
I don’t know but I always try to remember to explain the game early in the videos so we need three roses or six bowls which are the gold symbols that make the noise I don’t know how you can get that tire just watching football that was an incredible game it was exhausting for
Sure what a roller coaster ride I thought our ners had it oh it was crazy I’m happy for the Chiefs they played well d dumb to bet against momes we should have bet it at 10 to one that that is such a Sando we had it can’t
Believe we forgot to bet it oh idiots what’s the the Roses do something special they split yeah so the uh if you get a rose in column four it can split into two roses so you can only need two two technically oh thought we had it but
It doesn’t always split it does not always split no we started with 8,400 and I think the lady with the rose in her hair is wild for wine face yeah she looks wild i p she is and this only has five lines as well so it’s kind of rough until you get the
Bonus oh we need another Rose but we really want the six bows nothing’s better yeah of course like a girl uh like looks like Taylor Swift at all since just left the game I keep seeing her looking at her the roses and I think of the romance
From the game today yeah no prop no proposal today well I met his uh Kelsey’s mom in the elevator on the way down this morning and I asked if she had any intel on the prop bet for uh the engagement and she said no not till he’s
Ready so I but I of course didn’t bet that either so so explain the uh unfamiliar voice oh yeah that’s big Z got Z in the house he’s the one who came up with the legendary line you should have gone East yeah and also he came up
With with the heavy set guy oh yeah he the heavy set fellow that was funny well we’ve given $1,300 to this 1100 oh 1100 yeah I was way off unlik Matt a round up or exaggerate on anything no come on bull Blitz are we going to have the energy to
To sing bull Blitz after this this day I don’t know if Matt gets big bulls we will have a lot of energy I think what do you think yeah let’s get that Maxi about 10 times IDI see it I think it has to be on three to split number four you yeah four
Yeah the third what have you and you sure get five a lot seems like he get nothing a lot the casino’s really bumping tonight by the way so apologies for the loud noise Rose forgot to have another road tell us about your Blackjack Adventure that you
Just had well Vegas Matt needed to go lay down and uh charge his phone for a minute so while he was doing that we went and played blackjack one shoe $6,000 winner let’s go and then so this is all it’s okay this happen that last Double Down was huge what was that
$3,000 and you doubled something like that yeah I would argue that it was massive guys yeah 10 against a nine I’m just glad we finally won yeah yeah it was documented yeah well let’s get something here huh make it a little bit more exciting yeah I don’t like the gambling while
Tired seems to be a thing let’s let’s disprove that theory that has nothing to do with your energy level I think it’s all good vibes we had a great day I think that Vibes are also important it was an amazing day really was my first Super Bowl your first Super
Bowl my first Super Bowl my first Super Bowl hey W too many oh that’s not don’t yet don’t go yet don’t go yet oh massive balls guys wow look at the size of those those AR very [Applause] big really not the obst way for those to come in though $20 you like to get him six and then collect more over time wow Smack all right here we go come on nope not awesome well better bet more do you think that’s the the technique here bet more or what sure probably the problem we weren’t betting enough let’s try $2 is is let’s go come on back to back that was a Sando so we need a
Grand so so uh big Z was it your first Super Bowl it was my first Super Bowl yeah that’s pretty crazy that reminds me of it was that your first rodeo joke that somebody made Might Have Been Me was that you now you played in the NFL but you never went to
The Super Bowl as a player never went as a Player No oh man we’re saving it for today saving it for today what team did you play on I played on the LA Rams the LA Rams well didn’t they win like a year or two ago he must have
Not been on the team at that point I was heading east then yeah I Wasing what position did you play I played defensive line oh yeah good defense played today by both teams the under oh come on so the over Runner was like 47 1/2
And it came in at 47 is that I about right it was before the game I start 47 and 1/2 right before the game started it was 46 and A2 I landed right in the middle that’s crazy so good they’re so good with those lines that’s pretty
Incredible to hit it right on even with overtime which kind of forces some extra points though right how do they figure this stuff out I want to know uh probably they play a slot machine ask them what they think it’s going to happen go with that that’s probably a good
Technique it works good when you’re on the Chiefs of a few games ago we kind of screwed it up the last couple Times come on bull Blitz yeah that one in the touch yeah all right come on come on that was big Z’s call he said bet Brock birdie Under 12 1/2 yards rushing and it came in at 12 yeah that was a good one and I like the under 39 and 1/2 the touchdown
That’s really tough to score those long points I would say that was Sage Sports gambling advice that you offered up the Brock py under 13 yards was the only bet that I won I had some more picks for you you just had to ask that’s right you even
Lost the coin flip huh yeah and 100 bucks yeah it was uh not our day for gambling there let’s make it up on full Blitz here I lost the pregame coin flip but I won the overtime coin flip you did yes oh yeah you did yeah you bet that
Against W2 so you guys pushed we did that’s all right cuz I bet on the Chiefs so yeah we had two for the Chiefs and two for the 49ers so I I think we’re okay thank you as a crew we uh won some lost some any such cases this is uh not
Going so great no this is going catastrophically bad it’s going to have to be like a world record bonus to get us even back to even here there we go yeah well here it comes to wind it in see when it splits you’re in five lines
On five free games is kind of rough though let’s get a bon you need four Wilds you know I know a guy who was playing a five line game and he won a $22,000 jackpot so that’s not bad ,000 wow let’s do that again same same idiot oh Kings Kings five a
Kind that’s actually not bad at all no same same nothing there yeah when you get all four though it’s nuts Queens yeah oh come on same same Aces we’ll take it more that helps that helps a lot all right we’re back in the game after much deliberation we decided to
Stay on $2 and get a bull Blitz at 50 yes sir so 77 oh oh a triple noiser 7700 of 8,400 oh they wanted it little nose is sticking out oh only paid on close yeah come on bull Blitz what did you guys think of the halftime show I
Thought it was pretty good it was entertaining the Acoustics I felt weren’t great in there it was super loud but it it felt like they what did they play about 30 seconds of four or five songs yeah something I don’t know I think you’re right but it was really
Hard to like follow it when you were and we had good seats and it was just tough to follow it The Sound was bad I didn’t even know who the other people were that came in with Usher the ludicrous right wasn’t ludicrous there one more and
Alicia ke John Lil John yeah I know uh pu feser texted me and he was trying to bet who what the first song he would play was he was wrong but the roller skating was pretty impressive that they were able to you know perform and skate I don’t think I
Could even skate let along perform I I I think the most impressive was how they loaded in and loaded out that stage like in seconds it was crazy that was amazing quite a production I I heard like the average ticket was something like 11 or $12,000 or something like
That it was like $740 million in revenue on tickets ridiculous yeah oh we sure get five a lot I wonder what the casinos spent on tickets cuz like everybody got tickets from casinos yeah there was like a lot of people I know from the cosmo that were sitting in our
Section but yeah a lot of money is you think there’s a chance this is Vegas like biggest gambling weekend or week in history yeah I think it is I think it is I think it was really really good for Vegas I I hope they have a Super Bowl here again
Soon how often do they redo a place for a Super Bowl I might know I think within like a decade yeah there’s been Miami’s had a few like they usually the destination cities where it’s warm and if they get a good draw there’s definitely a and it’s it’s generally warm climate right yeah
Yeah so you know do it in Buffalo only in the summer so do you think you’ll travel to a uh warm climate for a Super Bowl I think so I it’s one of the hot vacations I’m willing to take yeah there you go but it it seems like uh Vegas is a good
Town for right a lot of very yeah it’s very tourist oriented the anabil is embracing gambling now so why not let’s Embrace some gambling here we uh giv it back most of that bonus already I think we’ve given back all of it I need three more spins really got a
Big bull Blitz around the corner yes we do maybe this will be one of those rare days that we play some ultimate X and run it back up that would be fun that’d be really rare really rare well I mean on the video oh I got you yeah let’s do
That I like ultimate X Vegas Matt woke right up when he said that it’s kind of why I said it yeah it’s almost like saying do you want to go for a walk in front of your dog it’s your his head he’s looking all around ultimate x boy you want some
Ultimate X speaking of walking I with all that Super Bowl walking want more yeah I reached my move goal today BL all right we got a better start this time oh much better look at that there go it let’s get that a few times yes yes oh
Yes that is huge M guys come on glad you’re not playing all board right yeah yeah for sure yeah you you only get it once that’s right yeah that’s why I like this better than All Aboard nobody got suckered in yelling buy they get us with the
Pump every time we win that every time we get that a lot and you only get it once though so you don’t get that again or what you what does it has done Victory laps over that realizing it’s not much I’m too tired to do a Victory lap today
Come on one more two more yeah this is a mass man a this is beautiful let’s go why don’t we just fill it in now yeah why not somebody’s got to do it big one all right we take that come yes yeah oh oh what a happy ending I win my 49ers
Money back here oh come on let’s go yeah oh BL that doesn’t include the mega by the way Mega’s down here let’s go oh very lucky very lucky come on two more oh wow very tense very tense come on all right you guys want to a side bet
That we get another one I think we do what I think we do yeah wonder what the odds are what do you think I I’ll uh I’ll give you two and a half to one that you do not get it make make it three and you got a deal
You got it how much 100 sure yeah my three to your one absolutely I’m P for you Zach Zach win Zach win I hope you win [Applause] yeah so do you get we get the grand if we fill it up Grand thr it up major oh
Oh we don’t get that though so if we get that we get the major and the grand yes oh this is going to be a massive guys come on baby don’t say what you guys want to do another side bet on this one what are the odds on what do you
Give me 300 even money I want I get to win my money back 10 to one or what what’s what is it a 10 to one or no it’s like8 100 to one 100 I’ll take I’ll take 80 to1 give me 80 to1 you want 80 to1
Yeah my 100 get your whatever that is 8,000 yeah no my mood would be too contradictive come on come on get it it’s a dry one it’s a dry hole looks like a dry hole to me surprise bet now I’ll make it ah hey L unbelievable I’ll take it 115 116 yeah
Because of the 8:30 116 enjoy let’s enjoy this bonus oh that’s beautiful how are you how’s your fatigue I’m wide awake now let’s go play some ultimate X and get a royal to wrap it up yeah let’s go maybe a little Blackjack I don’t know maybe go to the
Zuk Afterparty I don’t know what do you guys think the Chiefs are having an Afterparty at zuk you get us into that Zach you ready to start doing some drinking and waking up or what all right let’s go $1,610 boom boom boom well I want to do a few backup
Spins but I got vetoed but we’re going to play some ultimate X the halftime report here in the spirit of Super Bowl we got 10,000 of cash and what is that 5900 5900 so we’re up about 7500 bucks so let’s go run it up on Ultimate X my
Favorite game hit a royal to tap it out then I’m going to bed all right so ultimate X all right if we get a key hand or a hand pay meaning a delt straight flusher full house we’re going to do a $1,350 spin on spin poker all
Right this is Ultimate X if you’re new to this game it’s 10 hands that’s what you get on the first hand if you get if you make a hand you get a multiplier on the next hand two pair you get 3x three of a kind you get 4X keep
Going it’s kind of a sand out all right we got four multipliers on the next sand how much are you betting Vegas Matt $2 per spin oh Full House is 12x oops my microphone was covered hold on a second here all right if you guys can hear me all right let’s go ready Yes uh come on a we missed our 12x opportunity there you haven’t gotten any noise yet no not not optimal we want something on the come out rle what do we start with here 50 5 5900 I think oh jeez Ace Jack or flush you guys I think
Flush flushes are 11 X’s yeah yeah you get 11x multiplier for a flush ah we got nothing that’s not good we’re off to a rocky start folks all right that looks pretty oh Ace King or no Ace oh Ace King I thought that was ace of diamonds all right come
On something dealt Oh I thought we had a lot of twos there oo Queen only one to the Royal 67 89 we call this open-handed cousin open-ended straight draw only got two that looked better than it was we’re getting wrecked guys this is not going so good $1,800 in like two seconds we’re
Down oh my we don’t want to give away all our bull Blitz money fours come on still no noise rocky rocky [Applause] start doesn’t get okay let’s get a lot of flushes oh my God one flush on the river 6 seven8 n how many straights zero
Oh my God this is brutal guys 2800 down I can see why this is your favorite game H give it a minute give it a Minute that wasn’t bad that wasn’t great oh any Jack of clubs any Jack of Clubs hey yeah all right $500 bill right there that’s a step in the right direction King upgrade [Applause] no flush none ping little loser flush one six is on the 11x no such luck Kings again we like kings
Three any Royal will be good no Royal two flushes bold strategy all right I think we’re starting to come back guys G shot all right we got one on the gut shot Sando shot could have been worse on the redraw FLH no FLH Ace only wow we’re down three grand
Guys oh there go both both of these nuts Couple full houses let’s go sevens ah missed our Multipliers Sando uh 3 four five six two of Them a little winner flush or Ace Queen you guys Ace Queen all right straight great come on no straight we’re getting murdered oh that’s a bummer we’re giving away all our bull Blitz money oh God this is rough and then he now he’s going to ask in the future
Their NE like this is for your ultimate X career in video come on I think we need to do a 1350 spin before you know just to change up the fju well yeah it’s bad juju we’re a little light on D right now Aces let’s
Make ah spin can really change that in a major way a royal can change it wow well you want to do it 1350 go let’s do it all right triple spin $1,350 spin should we do the 2510 me bonus poker no I just do one all right
This is a one 1,350 that be big money big money whammy let’s go any noise no all right this could be a what a million dollars you get a delt Royal more more more than a million for a delt Royal yeah yeah we got our got ourselves
The winner at least Jack Jinx we got one up the top left how [Applause] much yeah all right we made 500 bucks better than a poke in the eye all right back to Ultimate X all right well that was a little more ammo for ultimate X told you I needed to change the juju and now run this back up to at
Least where we were yeah now I hate chasing it but let’s just get a royal or some Four Aces delt or something it’s really easy to win a lot in this we’ve we’ve already demonstrated it’s easy to lose a lot come on now King Jack not not optimal royal kings on the
Buzzer lot of FL or STK oh God yeah I hate that it’s hard to win when you uh Miss that kind of thing yeah very hard to win uh come on Ace Queen is a way better hand than uh hold them than it is in this game Royal uhoh guys this is
Rough the guy before us said he lost 40 Grand in this machine I see how Royal royal what happened camera cut off yeah this is for your life right here by the way $200 you’re done oh my God all right well that was stupid we lost 6,000 of our what 7500 profits it happens we could have got a $100,000 Royal you got
To sweat it out with us we’re calling it a Super Bowl Sunday this will kick off the week on a Monday for you another week ahead of us we’re going to rest up and bring you lots more entertainment EJ wbg anything you’d like to add I got to
Go edit all right everybody have a nice uh day a nice week a nice month a nice year and hit subscribe because we got to get to a million subscribers we gamble every day so you don’t have to