It is the victory party PDA that is burning up online of course we’re talking about Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift post Super Bowl 58 here in Las Vegas welcome to Vegas revealed I’m Sean mallister along with Dana roselli yeah what a cute video they were so cozy at
Zuk nightclub over at Resorts World got this video in and I thought oh my gosh this is so cute what a blast they had it was nice to see Taylor out this was different well it seemed like she really let her hair down and was being herself
Is what it looked like to me and having some great moments to celebrate Travis celebrate being together for this moment it just seemed really sweet all the way around it did and congratulations to Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs a win in overtime that was iconic of
Course Vegas we always have to have a big moment well and I know the people who I was watching with uh they were like go going to overtime in the first Super Bowl hosted in Las Vegas is kind of like the most non Vegas thing you can do because Vegas shows and Productions
Are always set for like 90 minutes so you can make sure that everybody gets back to the gambling floor right gets back to the casino but no Super Bowl 58 stretched it out a little bit sure did and I’m sure more food was bought more drinks were bought and it was good for
The stadium so whatever right hey uh we’re going to get all into we have so many great mixed in exclusive videos that people have been and wanting to share of ours but we’re going to show them all here on Vegas revealed but um a couple things about inside the stadium so many
Celebrities I know you were making a list and I was making a list and we were like gosh I feel like this was a huge celebrity turnout it always is it’s not different there’s always many many celebrities at Super Bowl but I feel like maybe we had more than normal I
Mean the the list that I have here doesn’t even this isn’t even everybody but we’re talking Taylor Swift Blake Lively ice spice Paul McCartney Gordon Ramsey lizo Bad Bunny Henry caval Wayne Newton Dan Reynolds Carrot Top Justin Bieber Beyonce Jay-Z jelly roll Kelly Clarkson Blake Shelton Gwen Stefani guy
Fetti Queen Latifa Jimmy Kimmel and the list literally goes on and on I know did you say Jay-Z you did say Jay-Z I guess machine gun KY 21 Savage Red Hot Chili Peppers we all at the Windfield Club um so it was yeah it was a turnout I mean
Wherever you went there were celebrities yeah and can we talk about Jeff Goldblum oh my gosh what a great moment Jeff gold Bloom and Leo decabo both there yeah I loved it him on the Jumbotron was one of my favorite moments of Super Bowl living
It up I keep watching the video over and over it makes me smile I absolutely loved that moment um yeah the Jumbotron that was there were some moments there Justin Bieber kissing you know haly Bieber his wife although she kind of put her hand up and I was like come on he
Was trying to make a moment you know highlight his lady right so I was um I was feeling bad for Justin there but yeah what a turnout and and what a halftime show with Usher who has had you know a show here on the Las Vegas Strip
Uh for a while now he was over at the Coliseum at Caesar’s Palace and also over at Park MGM yeah and the uh celebrity appearances in his halftime show we had Alicia Keys Will I Am Germaine Dupri uh Little John and of course Luda yep
And a side note I went to Fountain Blue on Saturday night by the way yeah yeah and had dinner at kodo and Alicia Keys was there so she was there on Saturday night yeah eating over there um yeah no I liked I thought the uh halftime show
Was very um familiar and similar to his actual show on The Strip didn’t you it was and I I kind of liked that the roller skates came out to be honest I was like yes here we go and everyone’s talking about that too and it’s interesting because I was just talking to
Uh one of the hosts over at excess nightclub they had a party last night um and Usher appeared there as well was like Snoop Dog and all sorts of celebrities and the Chiefs ended up uh showing up there too but they actually built a roller skateing rink out in the
Back in the pool area so roller skating Usher is bringing back roller skating he is I mean he’s shooting the duck left and right yeah so that was uh pretty cool and hey why not I loved roller skating so I’m all for it but yeah I
Thought that was um good um but yeah like I said reminiscent of the show that we’ve seen so for us we’re a little spoiled so but I think people seem to like it yeah they did and I do want to mention we’re recapping everything that happened uh Super Bowl and posts Super
Bowl but we do want to remind you that we have three audio episodes of Vegas revealed uh up on any podcasting platform of our pre Super Bowl coverage and we have some good interviews insights and experiences that are packed into those three episodes as as well definitely we we really we hustled all
Week long um it’s been a lot of fun we got to meet Bobby fle at his restaurant brasser B over at Caesar’s Palace we did a segment for KCAL over there that was a lot of fun to see Bobby um back to some of the videos that we got in from zuk so
Many good ones first uh first of all one that I wanted to show is post Malone on stage singing and man he sounds good the crowd’s going crazy again this was a Chief’s party but it was it was kind of a private event you know they got their trophy
Uh they were celebrating post Malone up there on stage then check out this moment uh this is Britney momes actually taking off her Chief’s jacket giving it to post Malone getting him to take his Cowboys jacket off and getting him to put that on and switch it up and the
Crowd went crazy for that too so that was fun obviously Patrick Mahomes there getting his uh holding the trophy I mean the team was just you know obviously having a good time well I thought it was so fun that not only did the 40 no the Chiefs sorry uh get their Trophy
Presentation at Allegiance Stadium but then there was a whole other Trophy presentation for the Afterparty over there at Resorts World I thought that was really cool that they kept that energy and spirit going especially um for the crowd of people there who didn’t see it happen in person at the stadium
Yeah yeah definitely I mean tlor Swift uh we’ve got tons of videos in of her just enjoying her let’s put some of those up I mean she was you know it’s funny cuz they kept putting her music on in a little DJ Mix you know what I mean
And she was enjoying it she played along and I want you always wonder like is that embarrassing or you know do you’re like yeah and just go with it and she went with it she went with it and you know that is kind of the the spirit that
Made me so happy watching these videos just going having fun in an environment where you’re just there to let Lo loose and enjoy yeah and you know she she came from overseas she’s going back to Australia to continue her tour she’s she’s been a busy girl obviously a
Little easier uh for her than some you know private jets and all that kind of thing so I think she’s okay but um you know and and and it’s it’s interesting because so many people talk about Tor and Travis like enough already stop shoving it down my throat and it can get
To be a lot but I think this moment was was really just a moment that you can’t help but cheer them on for most people I know some people are like I am over it let’s get back to football anti swifties for sure yes but I mean it’s
Just they they are showing a mutual love for each other and support they do two completely different things but yet are you know very very famous but I think when you see one person supporting the other and vice versa he’s going to her show she’s go into his moments I think
That’s what a relationship’s about and that’s kind of a relationship goal for many people and it’s kind of putting that Spotlight on them well even um looking at relationships of a different kind in the um pregame show and the pregame coverage leading up to Super
Bowl um one of the reports was about how Taylor’s involvement with Travis Kelce is like opening up this whole new relationship with dads and daughters yeah you know that maybe they didn’t have that kind of connection when Dad was sitting down to watch football before but now the little girls are
Interested and Taylor’s a good role model and it’s just a great bonding moment for for dads and daughters and I thought that was a a really cool perspective yeah it’s it’s true it’s opened up a whole new audience that’s for sure and and I’m sure the NFL is
Happy about that you know and I don’t even think they showed Taylor enough during the game I started to feel like okay now I’m kind of curious what she’s up to cuz the game was you know kind of slow until the end and I was like can we
Get more shots at Taylor neck the whole way yeah yeah so um but you know they did a good job of balancing it out and showing everyone else uh that was there so that was great I thought I think um Allegiance Stadium the Super Bowl committee the NFL Las Vegas in general
Did a great job everyone’s raving about how organized it was how things moved along how they felt safe I felt the same exact way yeah and um we’re recording on uh uh the Monday the morning after Super Bowl and Roger Goodell uh came out this morning in the news conference in the in
The passing of the Baton news conference um New Orleans has the next Super Bowl and he even said he was like you know what the hospitality that we’ve had here in Las Vegas I don’t see how the NFL doesn’t come back for more big games right so which we knew that Las Vegas
Would kind of be in the rotation of regular cities but I think it really did show off just what a great Fan Experience it is to have super Bowl in Las Vegas yeah I totally agree I I know they’ll be back um I think it was a
Success all around and and I loved that something else another star studded event that that happened over Super Bowl weekend Bruno Mars’s new jazz club pinky ring opened up inside of Bellagio with a very exclusive uh celebrity packed event yeah that Saturday night I’m losing track of my days the night before Super
Bowl Sunday yeah we’re hearing that b face was there um also Gail King was there Bruno Mars performed uh I think it was Janelle Monet trying to think of the list there were a lot of people there but um you know it’s interesting because apparently um I know someone that was
There and and she was saying that the inside is gorgeous but she said you know one thing that he is adamant about as Bruno Mars always is is no pictures no videos really even inside the club even inside the club wow and they say they
Like literally I think he put up a sign I’ll have to look on his Instagram this so like whatever happens in pinky ring stays in pink it’s like so pinky ring you know the whole Vegas slogan what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas literally no phones I mean I don’t know
If it’s no phones or just no pictures in video I think you can bring your phone in there but if you’re caught taking video or pictures something like that I we’ll have to see how that works well listen it’s worked for Bruno’s residency he has never allowed phones inside uh of
His shows over at Park MGM and it does build kind of in aure it makes it hard to uh show somebody who hasn’t been to the show yet what they’re in for but really all you can say is that you’re going to be up on your feet you’re going to
Whether you know the words to the songs or not it there’s just a vibe that gets you up and moveing and I feel like that’s going to be the same Vibe inside pinky ring yeah and I think he’s going to show up every now and then well his
Band The Hooligans are uh going to be performing there for the first two weeks yeah um that the club is open which is now for another two weeks so um that’s pretty cool too that you can go and see Bruno’s band and like you said it would
Not be surprising if he popped up there with them yeah so uh lots of stuff there was a huge event at Fountain Blue the Saturday I was there um Mark Davis held this Dinner Show and it was interesting I was talking to the general manager of
The restaurant I was at kodo and he was saying you’ve got to see inside and I’ve seen some videos now but like it literally was set up like Allegiance Stadium it looked like the you know the stage was in front of the stadium um Lady Gaga performed uh Diana Ross Jay
Leno was there I think Wanda Sykes did some standup um Mark Davis was there um also elain win was there and Jeffrey Sofer from the fountain blue and Miriam Adon so it was a Powerhouse yeah people were saying this is probably like the richest party that has ever happened in
The history of Las Vegas just with the the caliber of guests who were there and they’re uh buying power um but it was also kind of Tom Brady he was and Tom Brady yeah um I heard people kind of referring to the room setup as kind of a
Throwback to Old Vegas like the circus Maximus showroom over at Caesar’s Palace where you did have like a dinner table and a show was happening in front of you that was the the vibe that they were going for it seems like they knocked it out of the park right I mean bring that
Back let’s have more dinner shows I’m all for that yeah and maybe this is a vision that Mark Davis wants to you know make something permanent out of that anyway we’ll see but yeah it looked really really cool so much went on you know there was Shacks fun I mean it’s
Just endless Kanye had some party across the street from the wind last night rented out that space that they did the other party Friday and Saturday that we had talked about on the podcast um which was David geta and Jack harlo and stuff like that I guess the lot was there the
Tents were up and so about 12200 people went and he like played music from his phone I don’t know we’ll leave that up to those who who went to that and and enjoyed that moment and obviously a lot of these parties were very exclusive hard to get
Into a lot of people who came into town for Super Bowl weren’t in attendance at those but I’ve got to say I think the overall Fan Experience of Super Bowl 58 was incredible I mean there were always things happening and going on to keep people entertained leading up to the
Game you know from uh you know I stopped over at the Paramount experience that was built in front of uh the Mirage yeah and they turned the volcano into that Paramount Mountain a lot of CBS Paramount Plus shows Nickelodeon were all on display there um we stopped by
The Yellowstone Ranch okay uh set up and got branded uh beer koozies branded leather beer koozies with our names branded into them um 1923 the sister show of uh Yellowstone the prequel uh they had a fun little photo op in there um there’s the the show The Challenge
That premiered on MTV back in the day and it’s still going strong um we did one of those challenges and competed and actually won the the people who are working the game uh told Shane my husband and I that we were the first people to complete the challenge oh my
Gosh in the 3 minute time period and we’re like are you kiding me this is great where do we sign up to be on the show you Survivor had a a um a booth set up there so that was really fun and that’s the kind of thing that that
Visitors had to do and it was free to get in so it’s great and I know kids were free to go to the NFL experience and I saw so many people bringing their kids there and it looked like they had a blast right um my my friend um her
Cousins were in town they went to the guetti tailgate said it was great sent us a video they got up on stage with with Diplo and were able to watch from the background and they had a blast they said it was it was awesome and I heard
People who were down on the strip and then came to a a party Off the Strip a little later on and they were like oh my gosh we were down by the link and it sounded like uh it sounded like Dustin Lynch was singing around there somewhere
We were like he was singing down there somewhere he was right over there at guyi Yeti’s tailgate so oh and Blake Shelton went to Ol Red and brought Gwen Stefani and they were at the Super Bowl too and you know performed old red right so gosh and even before uh as people
Were arriving to Allegiance Stadium pregame they had a stage set up out there and Gwen Stefani got up and performed a few songs out in front of the stadium so it really was just a great Vibe I have not heard really any negatives from from fans who’ve been
Into town aside from the volume of traffic that flooded into Las Vegas Boulevard there was some gridlock happening but you know we’ve said from the start use the Montreal and walk yeah or or take ride share I used ride share to a couple places not even one problem
At all they knew where they were going they took the back streets and it was everyone trying to be on Las Vegas Boulevard I know somebody posted like oh I’m in a hurry I’m stuck in tra like what are you going a hurry to why you on
Las Vegas Boulevard don’t go Las you’re in a hurry yeah so a successful uh Super Bowl 58 thank you so much for joining us and coming along for the ride um let’s leave the show with just a couple more videos and pictures that we’ve gotten in
We have so much stuff to share with you Enjoy N