[Applause] Welcome roller skating fans to the inaugural episode of the roller Planet podcast I’m your host producer Logan I’m thrilled to Kickstart this journey with you into the exciting World Of Roller Sports for those new to Roller planet we are your digital hub for all things roller and our Sports focuses for our
Sports Focus centers around four thrilling skating disciplines inline hockey rink hockey artistic skating and speed skating well here at roller Planet we’re not just all about the games and the sports we’re also about the passion the dedication and the sheer thrill of gliding down the rink or cruising down
The pavement each week we are here to celebrate the athletes the coaches and the unsung heroes that make the Roller Sports an adrenaline fueled adventure and we’re going to explore everything from the latest news in the Sports World and perhaps take a look at some game highlights some cool shots some social
Media and we’ll also be answering your questions from viewers around the world world that’s not all folks roller Planet isn’t just about the action on the rink it’s about a global skating community and if you subscribe to our YouTube page you’re going to find everything from instructional guides to help you perfect
Your Technique to Insider profiles for the biggest names in the roller World we’ve got something for every skater from novice to Pro so whether you’re the speed demon tearing down the track or the graceful artti artist painting the pavement with your moves the roller Planet podcast is your One-Stop shop for
All things Roller Sports tune in every week as we bring you the latest news insights and behind the scenes stories from the heart of the roller Universe give ready to roll with us because The Adventure Starts right Now so first of all we’re going to welcome CJ Yoder he’s the director of inline hockey here at Skate City Colorado and he’s also the captain of Colorado spings Thunder as a professional inline hockey team here in the Pikes Peak region and then over on the uh
Behind the scenes over there we’ve got our director Chris Johnson Chris say hi to hi to the folks real quick how’s it going everybody there HEC to be here and we’re here today to talk with uh CJ so CJ uh for folks that don’t know uh go ahead and tell us where
You’re from and places you’ve played and how you how your roller skating Adventure got started oh boy okay um originally from right around Hershey Pennsylvania uh grew up in a roller skating rink kind of like the skate cities here in Colorado so um kind of know where those kids are coming from
When they’re when they’re growing up in that environment um I was very lucky to have that opportunity the entire my entire youth so uh we owned a roller skating rink in the basement of a of a mall at one point um and then we have
Had our own family which we still do uh in Middletown Pennsylvania so that’s where I grew up um played a little hockey all over the place I was obviously lucky enough to be able to play uh with Team USA for several years and uh the tour Mudcats um with all the
Big tournaments and whatnot um now the Colorado Springs Thunder here uh so um I’ve been I’ve been it’s grateful I’m grateful you know for the opportunities I’ve had for sure so getting some more details about your history talk about some of the places that you’ve played I
Know you played abroad for a little bit um and we have this uh amazing Jersey we’ve got in front of you one of uh one of your former tarps here tell us a little bit a little bit about that Jersey there the team that you played
With and maybe uh some some of the uh more prominent athletes some famous names that you’ve uh shared a rink with oh well um yeah this I mean the one in front of me here is from the Asiago vipers and uh Brian ying a good friend
Of mine and I had uh we went for about four years the European championships um guys now have the opportunity to go and play for six months and make a few dollars and live the life we went when we went over there we just went over
There for a weekend like three four days um but they took really good care of us Fabio Forte um tremendous guy from Italy um was the owner and uh he’d have us over at least once a year if not twice a year depending on a qualifier or
Whatever so um we won a couple European championships together with a really good group of guys uh over there and um so that’s that Jersey there um and then yeah obviously with Team USA I’ve been lucky enough to play with numerous obviously high-end uh inline players but also some Patrick maroon who everybody
Knows now with three Stanley Cups you know three rings um uh I got to play one year with him you know and uh there were a couple others that played in the NHL and I had an opportunity to sit in the locker room with them so um yeah all
Those guys are tremendous and and and then obviously my brother I got to play with for years and bring really good friends and I’m sure I’m missing a ton but Greg Thompson who I just go on and on and on about guys that I had the opportunity to play with so well that’s
Why we’re here for you to go on and on and on about your history I know you are yeah all right well so now here in in Colorado Springs you uh run the Colorado Springs Thunder and uh that’s part of the Piha League that’s the professional inline Hockey Association so uh tell me
A little bit about the league and about the team and what that’s like now running that or being a major part of that a leader in that uh that League here in the on the Front Range sure um well it started in the east coast in
2002 I think we’re on our 23rd year does that sound about right that math I’m just a hockey coach Logan so I don’t know you know I mean I can’t do math but um I think it’s our 23rd year uh we came out here in
2006 I believe so um and the Thunder was an inaugural team organization uh we’ve been going ever since um and we have two championships P championships while we’ve been out here I think that was like 2009 and 2010 something like that and again some of the guys that have
Come through um come through with this organization has has been unreal also so uh played with a couple guys that played at the Air Force Academy some really really good guys and they’re doing biger and better things than playing hockey here you know with us but um uh and
Dakota evand who played at CC for a little bit and just some of the guys that have come through again just playing on that team has been has been really really good but we try to we try to do there with the Colorado Springs Thunder my father and I and my brother
Actually started the league um in 2002 we really came up with it as um as something for our kids to look up to like a carrot for an inline kid because we do lose a lot of inline kids to ice hockey because they see they can play
Division one hockey and you know um and get a get a get a degree uh of some sorts and we have a a little bit of that in inline but not a ton so um not that they’re make we’re making a ton of money there’s a little bit of money at the end
If you’d win the professional inline Hockey Association our Founders cup uh is what we call it um so there’s a little bit of money there at the end but there’s nothing to live off of as a matter of fact a lot of the guys still
Pay to play a little bit but um we try to make it as professional as possible so that those kids that love this game that that we all love in line hockey um they have something to look up to like that’s what I want to do when I get
Older so that’s really why we even started the league um in 2002 so uh it’s definitely changed over the years and what we envisioned um but here with the Thunder we really try to do the best we can to to produce that carrot for those kids that grow up when they’re five six
Years old skating in a roller skating ring but playing hockey and this gives them an opportunity to do something well you’ve certainly led the way uh when it comes to showing kids the path of where that they can take going on with this Sport and uh coming up a little bit
Later in this episode we’re actually going to talk to the founder of Paha your dad Charles yod Senor and uh we’re going to find out a little bit more from him about what it was like to start this organization see where where it’s gone over the years and uh look down the road
To the Future in just a little bit um but talking about growing the game you are now the director of inline hockey at Skate City Colorado and so you you have your hand you you you are your leader you’re a role model for a lot lots of
Kids um young right up yeah that’s scary and you’ve seen you’ve seen several come through as you said you know make it into their their own taking their own paths in the hockey world um talk a little bit about uh the program itself and then uh want to hear your thoughts
On what it’s like you know to be the role model for so many kids yeah well like I said that’s a little scary but I appreciate that and I don’t take it lightly so thank you for even bringing it up but um yeah I mean just our program here at Skate City and
Skate City Sports um you know we started from learn to plays on a Sunday morning for 45 minutes to with some kids that just got a brand new pair of skates and want to try it put a stick in their hand you know maybe they don’t even have
Gloves who knows um and they run through some cones and shoot a puck and score a goal and hopefully they had a great time and they come back the next week so we I mean we start the Grassroots we we provide all the equipment at all of the
Different facilities that we are a part of they’re under under our umbrella um um and then you go up from there so we obviously have our youth wreck leagues and our adult wreck leag leagues um at five different locations here in Colorado uh and then go from there and
We have a club program where kids can come and I don’t think I don’t know that there’s too many facilities in the country that um host a inline hockey tournament each weekend and we do that whether it’s a 10 and under division or a 14 under division or whatever it may
Be um so and that would be our club program so now the kids have that opportunity also um to look up to so they go from basically learn to play into the wreck leagues which we can get anybody involved there um and then as they get a little bit
Better they fall in love with it now you go buy a couple buy a couple jerseys and now you’re ready to go play in a club and if you’re here from Colorado Springs or Pueblo now you’re playing some teams from Denver um that come down and it’s
Like every two three weeks that an age group would play um but yeah so here at xinia Arena we’re very lucky we’re busy um with different tournaments different age groups different parents in the building you know each and every weekend so uh it’s a lot of fun it’s a lot of
Fun and um again I I’ll keep saying it but I’m just blessed I’m very lucky to have the opportunities to do stuff like this so um get back to the game that was tremendous to me um and uh and from the Grassroots level which I love all the
Way up to we also have a a yvu tour yvu um travel program that’ll go to all the big tournaments uh over the Summers also so I go you go from the learn to play all the way to that higher end that the guys are kids are more committed and
Want to do a little bit more so I I enjoy it all I enjoy it all yvu is Yoda University that’s your uh personal hockey program that you run um we’ll talk a little bit more about that in just a minute so sticking with the youth
Programs that you run now uh tell me what is your favorite memory or maybe perhaps some success stories that stand out in your mind from kids that have come up through this program well I mean the biggest one right now and he’s a pretty hot commodity is Ethan Frank who is
Supposedly the fastest I think he beat Conor McDavid in the at the allar I mean he was in the American Hockey League but um as with the speed skate um he grew up here he grew up in a roller skating rink in Omaha Nebraska that is still a part a
Little bit a part of what we do they’ll send teams out for our Walt Frasier Invitational which is our big event in June um and Ethan grew up here playing as an eight-year-old playing twelves because because he was just that good um you know so that’s a big one that grew
Up grew up here um but we’ve had other guys I mean Patrick maroon came out here we did a little something um and filmed things uh and he was here for a weekend uh I was under the under a little bit but um yeah there’s been some some kids
That have gone to play division one hockey uh things of that nature you know maybe minor league professionally um that all came started at Skate City probably SC skated you know and a learn to play or whatever it may be um and then all the way through our club and
Then a little bit of travel and and then moved on from there so again a lot of that is moved on to a little bit of ice hockey you know but they started with us they learned to skate with us it’s it’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool that’s
Great okay uh so we see you know what the kids are getting out of this they’re learning a new sport for some they’re getting to be able to build their skills and go on to bigger and better things but what do you what would you say that
Is the that you get out of it the most from being a coach or director of this program me personally yeah um I mean just having the opportunity to get back uh and I’ve had this opportunity I mean I’ve been able to go to Tokyo and do a a
Camp in a clinic you know for five days and um Hawaii several times times and so um I’ve been able to do those things and and I’ve loved every second of it but it’s nice to have a home base and people understand who you are and it’s not like
Oh it’s just CJ Yoda coming in not that’s a big deal anyway but you know CJ’s coming in to run this three-day camp and then we don’t see him again like I get to touch these kids not you know their lives or whatever um all for you know for years for years they’ll
Come in they’ll start to learn to play and then all of a sudden I see them three years later and they’re playing club and you know and now they’re out scoring goals against guys from Denver uh type of thing so just just to be able
To see that and have like a home base that I do here um is it’s key that’s key for me um my wife and I love it here in Colorado Springs and we have three kids also and two of them are playing and one to be here every weekend and every
Tuesday afternoon or every Thursday night you know so um they have an opportunity to run around the rink here too so it’s just that home base and being able to see the growth of not just the sport but each individual kid as they go also well let’s keep it in the
Family here for just a minute as you mentioned you got two boys that are here in your program and as you mentioned earlier you grew up in a rink um and that was something that your family did and that was how you got your start and
Now you’re doing that for your kids so take your coach hat off for just a second and put your dad hat on what’s it like about see you know what’s it like seeing your boys get their start and now your older one he’s playing ice hockey and starting to spread his wings a
Little bit tell us a little bit about that yeah they both love it and honestly as a dad that’s all that you you want I think every time we get in the car you know I’m like hey did you have fun today you know do you still do you love it you
Know and they do yeah Dad where we going when are we going tomorrow you know so that’s the biggest thing um yeah I always envisioned having a facility of some sort or being a part of a facility of some sort that my kids can grow up
Into they basically run I mean you know the guys see them here they basically run around like they own the joint which I don’t like so much but um but that was me too I remember I remember doing that also so um you know there there’s a lot
Worse place that they could be that’s for sure than running around a hockey rink with other people that love hockey uh so uh it’s like one big family here everybody knows who they are I don’t worry about them going outside or whatnot they’ll have some mom running
Around and be like no Finley inside here you know uh so they know so it’s just a big family and they and they get to be a great part of it so uh again that’s something I envisioned for my kids you know when when I was going to have them
And now that it’s around and it’s here it’s just I’m just living it up because it goes quick so I’m trying to take it in well I’m gonna put you on the spot here real quick so um what would you say would be your proudest moment as a
Hockey dad so far with either Finn oh boy what tve I don’t man I’m always proud of him so it’s really hard and don’t now get emotional I’m an emotional person that’s all right man good that’s what we love about hockey man it’s it’s it’s something it’s a it’s something that
You’re passionate about it’s something that touches your heart something that’s important to you so yeah there’s nothing wrong with getting emotional about in fact I kind of expect it oh so you’re trying to I’m trying to get you’re doing what movie is this what is this Jerry McGuire is that the guy get
On Smiles all the time or it cries um I don’t know I’m always proud of them you know like just stupid little stuff where a Goan makes a save and Tav will go by and tap him and you know and tell him ni save or pick a puck up for a referee
That’s a big deal for me uh and they both do it you know even Finley at six you know or seven so um so it’s it’s all all that little stuff that you know we talk about in the car or I do as a hockey player and then they catch match
It and and they they try and do it also so um I don’t know there’s so many I just I’m proud of them and I’m glad that they love it they were introduced to it numerous times you know people are like why why don’t they do something else why
Don’t do something else and I’m a big believer in an all-around athlete you know if they want he w i was a baseball player um not a great one but I was played a little bit of football and things of that nature and I think that’s
A big deal but my kids love the game and they don’t really want to do anything else so I’m not going to tell them no they can’t they got to go run track or whatever because it might make him a better you know might make him a better
Hockey player I you know I am a big believer in that but I’m also not going to discourage if that’s what they want to do you know so it’s kind of underneath I’m smiling because that’s what they want to do they want to play hockey which is cool so we’ve talked a
Lot about uh oh yeah go ahead Chris yeah I was just gonna say I can kind of comment on that too I’ve played with Tav and one thing that I was struck by it’s a testament to him as a player and you as as a coach and a father CJ he plays
The right way he makes the pass that he should make even if he’s playing with a kid that he knows is probably going to miss the open shot down in the crease he still passes it to him and because that’s the right hockey play to make and
I mean that’s the cool thing to see in kids that young that they’re already thinking that way yeah I appreciate that yeah you’re right we do try I try to I try to instill that in even the guys during our wreck leagues here you know obviously you got your guys that can
Wheel around and are a little better especially at a rec league level and I’m like yeah but is is that the right play when you’re playing at a level that everybody’s the same as you you know you can’t get away with that you know so I appreciate that Chris thank you um yeah
We try to teach them the right way and not just my kids all of them you know um so so I’m proud of that so we’ve talked a lot about things here on the home front now let’s go to the road you take a travel team uh through yvu again
That’s yville University um and your most recent tournament I think was narch Winter Nationals in California so uh that just wrapped up and looks like the Tula warriors uh won uh so congrats to that team but we want to hear about your experience with your team um and I think
You you played in that tournament did you did you yeah big 40 and over win right oh my gosh you didn’t know about that well I mean all I saw was the headline about the Warriors but I mean if I don’t know about it that means
Other people don’t know about it you got to tell us so I thought it was on the ESPN’s bottom line there for a little bit now I thought yeah huge 40 and over win you know I think that’s my first gold medal in about here so I’ll take it
All right well I wish I had have known that we should have had the hardware out here with the Jersey next time everybody that’s that’s called a tease I think Mark Brandon took it home with him I don’t even know where the cup is but um
Uh but yeah no we took man I think between my brother and I so my brother’s living in Hawaii run and helping with a program out there um now he’s volunteering his time out there and and they kind of a bunch of their players came and a bunch of kids from Colorado
We kind of all came together so we had like 11 teams that we were out there with with uh whether it was two 40 and over teams two adult teams um and then from 16 and under all the way down to a six and under team uh so um we came
Together to do that we ended up winning five of the divisions you know um gold championships so um so that was good it was a good it was a great event Darren Goodwin is a guy um good friend of mine and and owns narch need always does a
Great job and we always love it there in Irvine it’s like an outdoor rink it actually used to be a Gretzky Center when Ry built like six or seven of them in the 9s and this was originally one of those it’s changed names numerous times
Now but it’s a little bit of an outdoor facility just has a roof over top of it but three ranks and the environment’s great um so everybody out there is tremendous so it was yeah it was a lot of fun and we and we were successful we
Did you know we did pretty well so um yeah so that was our wi that was the Winter Nationals and then going into spring and summer uh we’ll do a lot more so we’ll be going to Midwest Wars in St Louis and then um probably the tours National event in Florida another
Beautiful facility um so they’ll our kids that make the teams will go to four or five tournaments two or three of them here at at the arena uh and then travel once or twice um so uh yeah the yvu thing is also we do some camps and
Clinics also so it’s not just a travel program just trying to maybe give a little bit more instruction um you know for individual kids if they want it for those kids that love it so um yeah and that’s going well again we’re just ramping up now after that winter
Nationals going in the spring and the summer is really our travel program that that’ll get going so all that information just came out but um again just being able to work with those kids and those are supposed those are the higher end kits you know they love it
They’re pretty good players you can do some more system things with them and whatnot so um the commitment there’s a little bit more commitment there with them so I look forward to that too definitely so uh you it’s not your first rodeo you’ve been to uh tournaments like
Narch and uh State Wars and the tour Nationals and so um tell me about some of the uh things that you look forward to the most I mean I’m sure you have lots of memories you said you know the director of narch um who what are some
Names and faces that you look forward to okay well then tell me tell me about them tell me about all of them I know them all because they’ve all been tremendous for me personally and if not for them I wouldn’t be where I’m at today so um yeah I mean Ron Bilstein and
Joe um uh own tours the so the big event that we’ll go to the Nationals we have the last three four years years you know if not for Ronnie B uh we call him the Godfather of roller hockey I think him and my dad played together you know for
A little bit against each other years and in the 70s a long time ago so um you know if not for him I had an opportunity to play in roller hockey International which was really probably the most legit pro league that has ever been for in
Line um and he gave me the opportunity to play he was an assistant coach in St Louis Missouri uh so if not for him I wouldn’t had that opportunity and um Timmy mcmanis who owns State Wars who Midwest Wars is where we’re going to St
Louis in APR I believe it’s April um he run he owns State Wars and uh and he’s just given me so many opportunities he’s a good friend of mine and I’m the director of Colorado here so I kind of put those teams together that’s its own
Separate event um but he he’s the owner of that and obviously Darren Goodwin owns Nar so a lot of those big ones um you know those guys they’re just friends of mine and and but they have done they’ve been successful in the sport which is really really good to see um so
We try to support as many of them as we can like go into Internationals for Darren and then going tours Nationals out in Florida and then obviously with State Wars we’ll probably here in Colorado we’ll probably take 10 to 14 teams at different age groups for for
Timmy then at State Wars 2 and they all do they all run great events I mean they’ve been doing it for years that’s what they do you know so um so it’s always fun to be a part of there so if you’re asking me what I look forward to
I look forward to just seeing all those all of us old guys you know that kind of grew up together in this Sport and are still in it um I could just go on and on Rob churna at laa and Chad seil at tour hockey and I are very close you know
There’s there’s so many hopefully we can get a couple of them on here at some point but um we love that yeah yeah for sure and then guys that I played Team USA with for years that maybe some of them are still playing you know uh Jerry
Oster Camp um there’s just so many that just to go and bump into them and then they see my kids and you know and they’re like oh my God there’s a new you know there’s a new new group coming up so um you know that’s probably the
Biggest thing I enjoy my travel for sure um but just being able to see those guys that for 15 20 years we were either beating up on each other on the rink or playing with each other you know and now we’re sitting in a stands watching our
Kids but can sit in the adult beverage have an adult beverage together nothing wrong with that um so your playing career is by no means over but you know you’re no longer traveling internationally you’re more prominently a coach and director of a program here did did you ever see
Yourself when you started all this being a guy taking 14 teams to a tournament you know tell me a little bit about that about how the evolution of that yeah I mean I don’t know that I still struggle and yeah I’m old can’t skate anymore but
True at all very humble I still um I still consider myself a player it’s it’s hard you know that’s why I love the Thunder stuff right now because it’s still um the the skill level is still there it’s still it’s still comp very very competitive and I still love to do
That so um so I appreciate that but I also know you know my days are pretty much over with that stuff so um uh so I do like I enjoy giving back I do enjoy the coaching side of it 100% um you know what the kids get out of it and and then
Being successful and smiles on their faces just like I had when a gold medal is put around their put around their neck like and Mom and Dad are excited stands and like like that’s that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool so um I guess growing you’re ask me I guess
Growing up I didn’t really Envision I didn’t know what I what I would be doing still didn’t I still don’t you know but but it’s all worked out um like I said from my kids having the opportunity to run around one of the most beautiful facilities in the country if you ask me
Um here at Xfinity Arena uh to coaching kids that are just Grassroots that just want to get a little exercise in it’ll learn to play on a Sunday morning all the way to trying to teach a power play to a 14 year old um a group of 14y olds
To go and win a try and win a gold medal in you know in Wesley Chapel Florida in June you know that all of that it’s all come together pretty well so um we’re very happy where we’re at that’s for sure well congrats on all your success
And building up this program and all the success you’re seeing on the road with the teams that you’re traveling with but I want to clarify something for the folks at home this man is by no means retired and I know he’s uh he’s a very humble individual but you can see right
Now on roller Planet he’s still got got it very much uh you can check out him play with the Colorado Springs Thunder on any of our Live cast recordings that are on YouTube right now that’s uh this channel right here roller Planet make sure that you like and subscribe on uh
Those videos uh but now I want to turn back to Paha you’ve got the playoffs coming up you got your semipro match not semipro your semi-final matchup coming up against uh the Lakewood fire if I’m not mistaken and then uh the winner of that will go on to to the finals I
Believe no wait blizzard okay the blizzard okay EXC me everybody so you’re going to play the blizzard in the semies and then the winner of that is going to go on to I believe face the demon dogs demon dogs they’re the div they’re they they won it last year they won last year
Yeah they’re defending Champions and very I mean there are some really really good hockey players on that team obviously all the teams but the blizzard also so yeah we still have uh we still have two more um regular season games or sets so we play double headers so uh we
Play this weekend and next weekend and then the first weekend of March but everything’s pretty set right now so so um demon dogs will be one excuse me demon dogs will be one Thunder will be two blizzard will be three um and two plays three on a Saturday night March
2nd and we’ll host here at the arena and then uh and then whoever wins that has to travel to Parker in Denver and play uh play the demon dogs to see who moves on to play in the finals that next weekend also here at the arena um so uh
So yeah we’re still going through some stuff out here in in the Rocky Mountains but um but the places are set so yes you’re correct we will play the blizzard in that first first round and then whoever wins has to go on and play the
Dogs got to be tough either way I’m sure uh so we are going to talk to the founder of paa Charles Yoder senior here in just a little bit but before we do that I want to ask you what is it is there anything uh special or standing
Out about this season from Seasons past um I mean the last couple Seasons just specifically for us the Thunder guys um you know we struggled the last couple years we were pretty good for a while there then we got really I got really old and we got old uh older but
Um everybody else just came into their own I mean they’re Colorado has some good really good hockey players so um you know so that demon dogs team is all the way up and down a roster very very good and um so uh I mean the competitiveness here in the Rocky
Mountains is better than it has been for sure just all the way up and down even the fire that’s are going to end up fourth um it’s a very good team and they’re very and they’re young so they will be for years um so that’s just here
In the Rockies I don’t know much about out east I do know the sting who won five or six in a row up until last year uh did win the East again so J M will be bringing his boys out here for H for the
Finals for sure and I know he loves the trip um and he’s not happy about last year so I’m sure they’ll come ready to play no matter who it is out here um you know so that was kind of a that’s kind of been a staple out east there for the
Last couple they’re they’re very good they traveled all the big events also a lot of those guys so um so you know that we’ll see we’ll see what happens out here um but the dogs definitely are the team to beat out here uh the demon dogs
And um I feel like the blizzard and ourselves have gotten a little bit closer but I think both teams would have to play really well to to have an opportunity to knock them off so um we’ll see we’ll see what happens I’m just excited for the opportunity to you
Know try and push my way through and see if I can get to another final play here at the arena that would be fun so as you say we you have a couple of old dogs on the team uh you may count yourself among them uh but talk about some of the uh
Young younger upand cominging Talent if you will maybe some of them are actually in their Prime right now but you still got a lot of young guys in the program I mean so there’s there’s still uh there’s a big future ahead for this program talk a little bit about that yeah 100%
Actually just for us personally and actually all of our so we have a pro Division and we have a semi-pro Division and then we have a minor division also all under all under paa and uh just for the Thunder our organization here we have two Semi-Pro teams and
We’ve never had we’ve never had the talent that we have on those teams there’s a lot of kids that grew up on in lines here at the arena in Colorado um and traveling but um that are now turning 16 17 18 years old so the depth
And not just with us but also with the Fire Organization up in Denver and um the blizzard have a semi-pro tein that is very very good it’s just the depth of of the sport here and and obviously that transitions into p is is much better
Much better so we have on our pro team we have some key guys we picked up a Christian Perry who um is just a phenomenal hockey player and went and played Juniors a little bit I think went and played a little bit of college ice hockey but came back this year uh lucky
Enough to have him playing with us so um you mix a guy like him in Colby Moyer who is a rink hockey guy I’m sure if you’re following roller Planet here you’re going to hear more of him but um sure you’ll be sitting here with him at
Some point but and he works here with me at the arena um but as a phenomenal hockey player skates I mean he skates better than most of the guys that are out there and he’s he’s a quad skater I mean his game is on on you know
Traditional skates but um but he can play so and is Young brings energy you know um he’s a little bit of a head case at times but but I love him so I can say that it’s okay but uh no he but again that’s just another young guy that just
Just brings energy you know uh and we need that we we definitely need now we had some guys that can definitely still play the game Dereck brnette played on Team USA for five six years in a row you know and um was one of the best defenseman um nationally or
In the world really for you know for years I think he slowed down a little bit in playing more I think he could still do it if he wanted to but um just life you know gets in the way at times so um he doesn’t play quite as much but
He’s playing with us um good friend of mine Parker Harrison is has some of the best skill that I’ve ever seen and I’ve played with some pretty good players you know he’s still playing playing we’re just older and can’t get up and down the rink but and they’ll tell you that also
But um no but it’s it’s fun um and there are some of those those young guys now that are coming up and are going to push us out here pretty quick I’m sure well uh it’s good to hear uh all those names and lots of uh lots of ones that we need
To keep our eyes on from the years to come for the uh pyop program and thunder thunder as a as a team um and you’re right you know we love Colby around here we will be talking to him next week when we do our first rink hockey episode here
On the roller plan podcast so stay tuned for that it’s going to be exciting we have a lot of good highlights from Colby Moyer um we just recently did a trick shot video with him uh that was a lot of fun to shoot and uh the guy’s just got a
Ton of skills and it’s it’s to me it’s crazy to see um a guy that skates the way he does on quads just put on the end lines and like he’s there’s no transition at all um I myself recently coming back to skating after doing it a
Lot as a as a kid and um I mean I I think before I got my set of quads here I hadn’t put on a set of quads since I was like maybe six or eight years old and there’s a big difference yeah um he’s that’s that’s it’s incredible to
See him you know basically make a seamless transition I mean he’ll take one pair off and put the other on it’s like nothing at all he’s he’s an incredible individual so it’s uh it’s great to hear all those good things about a lot of that young Talent uh with
With the uh with the Thunder team for sure well now to our next segment here on the first episode of the roller Planet podcast we’re going to talk to the founder of the professional inline Hockey Association uh Mr Charles Yoder he’s not only the founder of Piha he was
Also a coach of Team USA coach of the tour Mudcats for a couple years I think you said three years and uh he’s currently helping he’s part of the coaching staff here with the Colorado Springs thunder so welcome Charlie welcome thank you for having me
Well it’s good to have you here so first we want to talk about that is the uh father of the great CJ yod uh so uh you you are the uh you’re where it started you got the you’re the founder of paa you’re obviously the founder of Mr CJ here and
The uh the Yoda Legacy and the world of uh inline hockey so uh I think we’re just going to start things at the beginning so uh tell us about what it was like you know several I suppose decades ago when uh you owned a rink
Over on the east coast and you had your kids skating around and then before they all laed their professional careers well um my parents were they owned a roller skating rink before I was born so I grew up a rinkrat and uh been in roller skating All My Life um we
Always played hockey my my father had a hockey league that he ran back in the 40s um so it’s kind of into blood um I am far from being the father of roller hockey that’s for sure but I appreciate what you say and um you know we did
Start the yod family did start the paa what we are now in our 23rd year I guess something like that and you know we are looking forward to our finals here very shortly here at Xfinity well tell me a little bit about what inspired you to uh bring
Professional inline hockey uh to the Forefront here um you know what what uh what made you want to start a league well the the bottom line to it was there used to be the rhi which was a professional roller hockey league that people might remember uh they were you
Know big time they were on ESPN The Whole Nine Yards CJ and Jamie both got the to play in that League um that folded and when that folded we uh we basically looked at it and said you know we’d like to somehow be able to have a
Carrot for kids to be able to look up to to be able to keep playing inline hockey and uh that’s basically what got us started thinking that what can we do for the sport of inline hockey that is excellent so uh tell us a little bit about where things started
And uh where they are now what was the league like 20 years ago compared to what it’s like now in 2024 well I think in year one I think we had eight teams I think we had four and four um you know like two levels maybe
Not maybe maybe only four it’s been a long time um but uh it all started on the East Coast needless to say what we basically did was uh the the tour Mudcats was one of the Premier teams of uh inline hockey at that time and all the players were basically from the
Pennsylvania New Jersey uh area so we came back home and said what can we do and we took the team and divided everybody up and we said you two are playing with this team you two are that team and then we added players from the area
And we got our teams together and that’s how we started this whole thing um so from that uh what did we have this year we had close to 50 teams this year that are playing in the league um it needless to say is growing and it’s continuous to
Grow and I think our our growth this next year is going to be even more than what we have this year that’s for sure well tell us a little bit more about um some of your what what would you say is is the most what would you say that
You’re most proud of in seeing the league grow from eight teams to 50 teams over the course of all that time um just that we’re still here to be truthful I mean you know needless to say CJ and I spent a lot of time um just
Trying to get it off the ground and you know there’s there was plenty of times that first first year or two that uh we probably looked at each other and said what the heck we doing but uh just to try keeping it going just to to be able
To say that that you started something and you’re able to keep it going and build it over 23 years is you know pretty cool that’s really cool dad was it wasn’t it we we that very first year was uh everybody got a piece of the pie
Right but so they would pay they’d pay to get in the people would pay to get in to watch the games and then like the owners would get a150 of every $7 or something like that that so as an owner of the professional team you’d walk away
With $16 at a home game or something right and the players ended up splitting between 12 of us you know a175 or something but so we kind of moved away from that but it was pretty cool you’ve done a tremendous job it was it it’s been it’s been really good and you know
And it’s it’s not just me uh trust me okay I mean there are so many people I can think of that that have helped in in making this work and basically supported not just me but uh the whole league that’s for sure over the years or it wouldn’t be here for
Sure so true well tell me a little bit about uh what it’s like now seeing your son uh sort of in the driver seat of this league You by no means are you know out of the picture at all you’re still right here helping run things I mean
You’re here in the rink you know every week uh with uh with the youth program and then of course you’re still a coach uh part of the coaching staff of the Thunder but um but what’s it like seeing your son and uh where he’s risen to and
Seeing the uh the leadership role that he’s taken in this program and and in the sport overall well since day one um CJ’s been the face of this that’s that’s all that’s to it um everything that he has done what he’s accomplished is just amazing I’m so proud of him and he
Continues um continues to be able to to stay with this um you know I think about it and I think somebody somebody said what the heck did I get myself into which I believe was you yesterday when you said that to me there’s plenty of times I know that I thought about that
And I’m sure that there’s plenty of times that CJ has thought about that but you know he is the face of the league um and he’s going to continue to and I know that the league is I mean I really don’t have to worry about it when when I am
Done when I do step down and not around anymore um I know it’s in good hands because he’s been there since day one and uh what a driving force there’s no doubt about it I tried dad I I learned from the best and I could do a lot more he is
Definitely not out of it Logan that’s all I mean he does uh pops you do most of it so um besides you know obviously you didn’t name names but Anthony Flynn and Dennis jeli and J Muro and all those guys out east to keep I mean that’s a
Main portion of the league right now you know the east coast and and those guys keep that running with my dad’s help you know so um without those guys and they support the league but they support us as a family too which is it’s really cool
It’s really cool so a lot of moments over the years and things to be proud of a lot of memorable times um real quick I want to flip that around and uh do the dad thing so uh Charlie tell us an embarrassing story about CJ uh surely
You know none of us are perfect uh none of us are perfect players none of us are perfect PE people so uh give us uh give give us a give us a good story about CJ here thanks love ah yeah you’re throwing him under the bus there are none Dad don’t
Worry about it just say there AR no you know I that that’s difficult that really is difficult I mean I can tell you a lot of stuff about me that’s embarrassing that’s um you know man um an embarrassing time for CJ I’ll I’ll reference one I heard uh was it it might
Have been last season uh or or perhaps a season before that where CJ got supended can you tell us about that yeah well that’s um you know um yeah now how do you want me to talk as a father or as the league president or you know let’s
Start let’s start out as a dad as as as Dad okay as Dad I have to say that I I got a big kick out of it because I don’t think I’ve CJ’s never gotten thrown out of el out of any game as far as I know okay that I can
Remember that’s for sure he is the type of guy that needless to say a goalie makes a save and he goes up and Taps him on the the pads and says good job um you know if if a pass is made and he he screws it up he goes back to the other
Guy and says hey sorry my bad okay you know that sort of thing so as a dad it was it was kind of funny to to see that happen um needless to say as the person that’s running the league at that point um you know it was like oh my gosh okay
So how do I handle this type of thing without it uh without it looking bad for the league so um it wasn’t embarrassing um you know I think he was at that point I I understand the the reasoning behind it okay um he served you know we did
What we had to do from a league standpoint he he served his time okay which he was supposed to do but uh you know like I said as a father it was kind of funny to me that after all these years that he you know somebody finally
Kicks him out you know out of a game or whatever but anyway that you’re right that probably is one of those times well uh so you’re not only the founder of paa and uh helping been running been running the organization for 20 years you’re also a former coach
Of Team USA and a coach of the tour Mudcats uh give us a little bit of an insight into what it was like especially if you’re Team USA well first of all I can tell you that if you would have said if you would have asked me what is my proudest moment
Um instead the most embarrassing moment I will tell you that without a doubt with Team USA the most proudest time was when I got to stand there um during the National Anthem with both my boys um being able to coach Team USA and have the two of them playing was just
That was awesome off the board um from that standpoint so that would that would be the big thing uh you know Team USA you’re talking about the greatest players of in the world um you know I opened the door up what I did um re really to be truthful with you it was
More of a you know it’s not encouragement it’s not ESPN’s calling me okay um it’s not it’s not uh it was it was more just you know telling those guys to um to be themselves okay the to be creative um you know and just kind of watch over uh make sure that everybody
Was ready to go um you know there’s not a whole lot of coaching that gets done at that point I don’t think um they are great players and they know what the heck they’re doing um I sure as heck you know I was never the player that CJ is
Or Jamie and uh bottom line is that you know that there’s no sense me trying to explain something to them at that point because they they’ve seen it all and done it all and uh it was just an honor to be able to to coach both the the who are Mudcats and Team
USA well for a person that’s been around the sport for as long as you have um talk about some of the changes that you’ve seen over the years how has the game evolved both from an actual game standpoint the makeup of the game to uh to sort of where we’re seeing what
Trajectory we’re kind of seeing with these players now okay well um I can tell you a couple things first of all I know that when I played as as a kid okay uh we played basically ice hockey on a pair of roller Ates um you know we we wore all the
Equipment ice hockey wore we played off sides we played full body contact checking the whole nine yards um uh so it’s it’s evolved a big time from there that’s that’s for sure um I can I I would have to say that the what we have right now there’s
Some everybody’s going to get joke out of this there there’s some things that I think can be changed okay um it’s a joke because every year when we get together with P paa um you know the first thing they say is okay Charlie what kind of
Rules do you want to change for next year because I’m always in the in the mode of you know I think we can do better okay type of thing for the sport um and you know that the people the players are just so much better um the
Equipment is better but the players are better I can remember CJ saying to me one time he he was watching uh watching some eight-year-olds at Nar or tours or state ORS or somewhere and you know I’m sitting next to him and he he said that
That little kid just did a tow drag he said I didn’t do tow drags until I was 15 you know so the the sport itself is just getting so much better the players are getting better um and that’s you know again some of it has to do with the
Equipment I mean when I played back in the day we used wood sticks that probably weighed 20 pounds it seemed like okay towards what they um so some of that has helped but you know the sport is just as far as I’m concerned just really getting so so the
Kids are getting so good they’re getting so good at an early age that uh it’s just exciting to wait and see what it’s going to be like um Piha as an example when we started I mean I think about the best team that we had in Piha the first
Four or five years and they were just so much better than everybody else and they wouldn’t hold a candle to what we have now you know wouldn’t we would have got killed Ked yeah it’s just so much I mean the what was it the York typhoon okay was
The the couple years and CJ ran that team down there uh in Pennsylvania and you know they were they were good they were better than anybody in the league okay but you put them in that same team in the league today and you know yeah they would they would hold a candle to
Any of our pro teams thanks Dad thanks truth problem the truth well I asked CJ this question earlier and I want to ask you now um you know you you you have uh you now have grandkids that are part of the uh this upand cominging generation of uh very
Talented hockey players uh tell me a little bit about the pride that you feel from going basically in the shoes that they were in now as uh you know a kid at the rink uh playing hockey to coach to now a grandfather watching your kids do the same
Thing well what can you say about being a grandparent okay you get you get all the benefits okay of being able to do that but not uh not have to discipline not have to take care of okay on a regular basis that sort of thing but you
Know the grandkids it’s just so much fun to watch I you know it’s it’s amazing that you think back to when CJ and Jamie were their ages and we would take them to roller hockey and ice hockey and um the my grandkids are fortunate enough that CJ’s running you know running the
Rink and and they get to be here and they get to to be Rink Rats just like I was just like he was okay and um you know there’s I I I tell people all the time I wouldn’t change I wouldn’t change anything in my life um you know I’m very
Happy with the way things were and you know people say well you you grew up at a rinkrat you know you missed so many things at school and at this and that and I said no they missed all that stuff that was at the rink so being at the
Rink is where I’ve always been and where I love to be well that’s great to hear uh real quick last question from me and then CJ if you got anything please uh feel free to jump in but uh do you have any hopes for this game in terms of you have any
Specific uh things that you’d like to see in the future perhaps some new ways you’d like to see this game or or even Piha itself evolve um you know I think we’ve been we’ve all been through through that whole thing it you know sure it it hurts
It hurts when you look at some of the some of the sports that are playing in the Olympics okay and and I guess we always go back to that um you know we would love to have roller roller hockey inline hockey in in the Olympics um the
Talent that we have I would I would just love to be able to have the talent that we have be seen um you know there’s so many people out there that that they enjoy Icee they watch ice hockey they enjoy other sports and we just have some talented people that are not being
Noticed okay not being so somehow uh and this is part of it you know and I appreciate what you guys do there’s no doubt um some of it is just trying to get us out there okay to to be able to do that but being in the Olympics would
Be awesome um I you know I know that that was always a dream when when we were with Team us USA and all those players and I know it’s always been a dream for CJ okay type of thing but uh you know we’ve talked about that for
Years and years and as a sport I think we have to become more well we have to become more organized so that we can have that chance to be able to get there well that that that definitely sounds like a uh quite a goal to to shoot for
To uh be on the biggest world stage and and that is that is why we’re here to put the spotlight on the sport and all the on the all the great talent that uh that we see among among inline hockey players and really roller skating in
General um CJ you got anything to add for your dad h no pops just thanks for being on um obviously love you and uh you’ve been tremendous um and we’ll just keep building we’ll keep I got one for you do you have what crazy ideas do you have for next year
P um what new rule are we doing next year something to slow the game down so I can play again there you go I I do think that they’re you know from that standpoint there there has to be something I think that we we have to take a look at to be
Able to um you say slow it down I think shorten shorten the area uh to make it a little bit more presentable for for TV okay if we want to try getting out there in or video let’s put that way um so something has to be done from that
Standpoint um I can tell you from piot standpoint um you know we call ourselves a professional League uh and I think we have to start trying to get ourselves to the point that a person can look at this and say you know hey it’s something that
I might be able to have as a part-time job down the road okay and not just uh you know a league that you’re um that you’re just playing other teams from other states and that sort of thing so uh and I think you know what I’m talking
About but at this point I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag so um that’s that’s probably where we’re at we we need to change some rules to get to to I hate to say it that way to speed up the game okay but um to to make the game
More condensed okay is the best way to putting it yeah there we go breaking news here on the podcast love that love that we didn’t let the cat out of the bag we don’t know he’s talking can’t wait to see what he has in store well Charlie I
Think that’s all we have for you today I appreciate you joining us and we can’t wait to get you back on here uh after the finals hopefully the thunder make it all the way and we get to see them uh you know see this one all the way
Through but uh either way we’d love to talk to you again soon on our uh one of our upcoming episodes when we come back to inline hockey thanks again for joining us Charlie well thanks for having me see love you buddy love to yeah I remember watching those uh rhi
Games when I was like in I guess probably like late high school would have been about right and that’s the one they had the ball in like the slanted Corners right or was that something else that’s Pro that was prob B chy a lot of fun by the way that was a lot
Of fun I wanted to ask you about that about the pro Beach Hockey League because I feel like you know we we’ve got a new generation of skaters now um much and correct me if I’m wrong here but you know much more interest in the sport much broader audience but I don’t
Think any you know most of these kids maybe they’ never heard of pro Beach hockey uh tell me a little bit about that with the ramps and the two-point goals and uh tell me a about the old days there Siege yeah prob chak that was
A lot of fun that was I think they that only went for like three years um and us the Mudcats obviously we were kind of a big deal back then we were playing pretty well and we were young 20 2122 I think um and we had an opportunity to go
Play and uh man it was so basically it was on ESPN uh right on the beach Huntington Beach right on the beach and uh they paid for hotel rooms Friday night and Saturday night and you played two games on Saturday two games on Sunday and if you won you made an extra
50 bucks or something like that um luckily we had a good friend that was living in San Diego so we would it was like four weeks of what a great time like some stories I could tell you but I can’t tell you family show it’s a family
Show but um yeah I mean we would so we would we would drive down to San Diego on Sunday after our last game and be there Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday drive back up get in our hotel everybody goes out that’s playing that next day goes out Friday um play our two
Games Friday suck it up and we were young then you know what I mean have a good time Saturday you know play our two games on Saturday and or on Sunday and then drive back down to San Diego so for four weeks that’s all we did and I mean there must
Have my brother myself it was like seven of us really really good friends have traveled all over the country playing for the Mudcats and now we’re out in Southern California with a good buddy all crashing in a studio apartment in San Diego you know but we just wake up
And go sit by the pool for you know all of Monday all of Tuesday or whatever um and we ended up winning that um so and there was good money at the end of it so I think it was basically a free for four weeks I lived in Southern California
Where I never could afford it to be able to do that uh played hockey on ESPN you know with a lot going on around us that was a lot of fun um you know that was that was four weeks of the best time of
Life for sure that was a lot of so you had you had ramps up behind the goals right because I remember seeing this on ESPN or on on TV when I was a kid I mean it was it was uh long time ago let’s
Just say that um so do you think do you think we to bring the ramps back or no we do not need to bring the I I like the ramps though because you weren’t allowed to hit on the ramps so I’m like you know what I’m going to go I’m going to hang
Up here you know but uh but I wasn’t a good enough skater to really get up on the ramp so um no it was it was a lot there were some really really good hockey players too there so it went for I think it went for five weeks and the
First week ESPN came out with all their our production people and everything else and their cameras and it was played on Ice court and Ice court has like little they’re like little nipples kind of on top of the floor Les Le L friction think but with the the GL
There was glare on the cameras so they sand blasted all those little all those little nipples off so it was really hard to skate it wasn’t you know it it’s really hard to skate on so when you watch it you’re probably like geez CJ you guys were horrible you know what I
Mean but um but there were some really good hockey players and again guys I grew up with playing against or playing with you know all on different teams and I met Cuba Gooding Jr that you know while we were out there because he was a
Good one of our one of a friend of mine um played USA with me Chris Nelson and him were really good buddies they both living in Hollywood and I don’t know what Chris does now as an agent or something there but uh but they were
Good friends so he got on one of the benches you know and was took his shirt off of course he did why wouldn’t you you know but um but a really good guy and um you know Chris chello’s brother Steve I believe um would played on salsa
And he would take off all of his gear and between games go and just throw horseshoes on the beach and then come right back on put all his gear on and go right back out and play again like just the environment was was really really
Fun that was that was a lot of fun I remember coming home from that and being at a restaurant bar till a little later at night and and it was on TV at like 1:30 in the morning on the east coast and some guy comes into the bathroom
He’s like hey hey and I’m like uh oh I’m in trouble here what did I do you know what I mean I’m get in a fight in a bathroom bar you know in a bathroom um he’s like is that you up on TV up there right now it’s like yeah Prime Time 2:00
In the morning you know CJ’s on the TV but but I’ll never forget it because I thought I was getting beat up there for a second he’s like hey hey you know so that was funny but it was really good it was really good well what do you say
Should we uh bring back a special weekend of uh Beach hockey league and uh throw some ramps up there and let these kids get a taste of that sport or should we leaveing the past it was fun it was it was a lot of fun it was made for TV a
Little bit but if you’re on ESPN you do whatever you have to do you know to get on that that program so um yeah it was good good part of good time my life for sure okay what about the two-point shot has that ever been thought about that
Seems like it might have some efficacy to come back into the game anywhere I think we’ve uh we you know we’ve tried some different than my father of course has tried some different things with some different roles and we put a two-point actually here at the arena
Years ago and we um so what does that look like I I don’t remember the specifics exactly it’s like a three-point line from okay you know what I mean it kind of go it kind of went from basically the goal line and the wall the boards up a little bit I don’t
Know how far out it was or what ever but I can tell you a little little side note stat of the day um uh Jamie Yoder was the league leader in two-point shots the year we were there so um he’s just firing balls from everywhere I think he
Just didn’t want to skate too far after being out Friday night just shoot the ball from anywhere understandable yeah but uh but I think he led the league that year that we were there so well we’ve got to get Jamie on the podcast uh here in one of our upcoming episodes and
Hear some of the stories that he has about you and about playing in the beach hockey league as well as playing on Team USA for your dad and um all those other memories that you guys share together we love to get you both on here whether
It’s over the zoom or maybe perhaps in building we’ll see at some point all right well is there anything else you want to talk about I don’t think so I’m good I mean the rhi I know Chris you brought that up that you remembered watching it but that
Was on ESPN also and that was a legit pro league like we played I got opportunity to play in some facilities that I wasn’t as good of a ice hock play in some facilities that I wasn’t as good of a ice hockey play player so uh but we
Were playing in in the Forum in LA and we’re playing uh our home rink was called the KE Center then I don’t know what it is now Scott trade or something in St Louis but that was our home rink you know so um so we would walk across
The street and be in there at 9 o’clock in the morning and skate for 45 minutes and then and just toll around in this beautiful St Louis Blues home facility you know so places that um the Spectrum in Philly which was cool for me because that’s when I grew up watching the
Flyers and you know and being around there so I got to play in some places that I normally wouldn’t have had the opportunity to and we flew everywhere and we um we didn’t touch our stuff like we would morning skate in the morning in St Louis and then have to play at the
Pond in Anaheim that next night and we’d hang our stuff and let it dry and then we’d get to Anaheim and our stuff’s there all cleaned and laid out and like there were some guys that you know that played in the American Hockey League not the NHL but in the American Hockey
League is like we don’t even get treated this well you know know um some really good high-end ice hockey players are like this is this is pretty amazing so uh that roller hockey International was probably the premier professional League you know that there was um and that’s
Why when it went away that’s dad and I kind of sat in their our little roller skating rank office and it’s like hey how what do we do here how can we like like he said like how do we how do we keep that carrot there for those guys
And you know so that’s been around 23 years with P so it’s kind of cool yeah yeah excellent well we want for the folks uh watching today we want to hear from you we want if you have anything that you want to know about Piha or
Nline hockey in general or any of the leagues uh things that we mentioned in today’s episode go ahead and submit a question in the comment section on the video below and uh we’ll get those answered in our next episode um we’ll pick out a number of them and uh answer
Those on our next episode for when we cover inline hockey again uh a couple of news items here right now this weekend we’ve got the US roller cup that actually starts today that’s is going to be in Snowville Georgia we want to say good luck to all those athletes playing
That tournament this weekend $99,000 on the line for the uh top team for them in the Pro Division and uh just found out that they actually just recently added an 18u division to that tournament so things are growing across the sport and number of organizations here that’s
Great to see um a couple other items Happening Here on roller planet again as we mentioned we’ve got the POF finals going to be happening the weekend starting March 88th on a Friday Games 1 and two games three and four happening the following Saturday on the 9th any
Other games that that are needed are going to be that Sunday morning all of that free to watch here on roller Planet uh that will be the POF finals happening starting on March 8th and then uh tomorrow night roller derby returns to the Xfinity Arena here in Colorado
Springs and here on roller planet now these events are very popular and often sell out so if you can’t get tickets or if you can’t attend uh anyway be sure to watch here on roller planet we will be live streaming live that starts at 700 p.m. mountain time you can always watch
For free uh ladies do a great job we we love having them here in the building and it’s a great crowd it’s a great Vibe and it’s a great show so uh great to we’re really excited to see The Return of the Pikes Peak dermy Dames uh for
Their first match of the 2024 season and then the following night we’ve got rink hockey here at the Xfinity Arena and on roller Planet that’s going to be the Battle of Colorado it’s sort of an All-Star Game of sorts we got the best players from the Denver metro area
Making the trip up to Colorado Springs that’s right I said up because we’re higher than Denver ladies and gentlemen and we’re they’re going to be taking on the uh best of the Pikes Peak region it’s going to be a one game winner take all they’re taking on you know bragging
Rights but it’s still it’s winter take all and that’s going to be starting at 6:30 Mountain Time Again free to watch here on roller Planet so uh for CJ and for Chris over our in our director chair I want to say thank you to everybody out there who watched the first inaugural
Episode here of the roller Planet podcast uh this is Roller planet for roller planet and CJ and Chris Johnson this is Logan signing off but remember the wheels never stop turning and neither do we so stay tuned for next week’s episode and until then keep on rolling