I will eat roller rink pizza okay who’s excited for roller skating today i am scotty is being such a drama queen about this it’s insane why are you saying this because you are being such a drama queen about this party no i’m not i mean you
Are i set it up and then everybody bailed and now i feel like a jerk i do feel bad because he did set it up so i do feel bad about that but we all have legitimate excuses and i told you from the beginning i
Might not be able to go down yeah but then friday i decided you were going right always you decided you know yeah because she changed her their thing in her foot appointment scotty did i gotta say i know how you feel a few years back oh here we go i tried to plan
A fun day for the entire morning show at the jersey shore and it would require us just leaving the show on a tuesday or wednesday at 10 a.m which is what we do anyway roll down to the shore hang out use the facilities at it’s this awesome beach club with chairs the pools
It has free water no and then come back by the end of the afternoon and i put this together and then little by little the edifice started crumbling until like the morning of i i called them i’m like yeah there’s just like two of us left i’m we’re not
Coming it’s very hard to plan something with everyone together because everyone’s got so many different things in their lives and then something will happen that day and like cause them not to be able to go but if you make a commitment to be in yeah but sometimes you can’t help it like you
Know you just can’t help it they all got an injury she’s not supposed to be roller skating fell off the bleachers the other day at my son’s game twisted my foot my foot’s still not 100 but you know i have backaches headaches i am a nervous wreck that i’m going to
Throw something out and that’ll be it for me you can just stand there and you know watch us for more Expectation on your part to think that we want to drive to long island to stare at you skating with the skateosaurus this is like a weird scotty king you told me this morning you could walk around the roller skates poor scotty’s trying to be the fun committee and everybody’s taking a
He’s being the fun police we could use you and gandhi as cones and we can listen you can even talk to dr bradley when he comes in tomorrow he said don’t do anything too excessive on your foot don’t exercise don’t run around too much just let it heal that’s fine but now i
Have a problem with scary because you know we’re going to be hungry when we get there and the roller rink you know snack bar is going to be open with pizza and chicken fingers and stuff and scary’s like what town is it in i’m going to order some food and have it
Delivered yeah i think that’s rude no no no that’s insulting that’s not insulting they offered they oh they did it and they threw a name out of a deli where we could order them like well if they’re making that offer then why don’t we make a deli of of our
Choice roller skating rink pizza is awesome most of the time not better than leonardo’s pizza down the street from there chunky cheese pizza i’d eat that because chuck e cheese pizza is uh insane right now it’s so like a party foul to bring food to a place that serves food i mean
If you were if we were like going just as normal patrons you’re not allowed to do that but i think they’re making a special exception for scary and uh i will he’s abnormal i will eat roller rink pizza are you talking about me you got some
Bougie you’re talking to me i know he gets he’s so funny because he’ll get like real uppity about certain things and then you turn around he’s like smashing a bag of skittles and m m’s this is fine at the end of the day i’m gonna be happy
As long as there’s food i don’t care where it comes from but if i had the option to be uh at the place that has a four point seven on google ratings oh my god okay i don’t know i do have i do have concerns about this party why
Scary’s gonna be on roller skates the guy never exercises how many times around the rink before he faints well i mean the good thing is there’s only going to be like eight of us there since everybody bailed so it won’t be that it won’t be that crowded and he’ll
Be able to breathe everything will be great what about tomorrow when he can’t walk or the day after so he doesn’t have to walk he sits all morning is incentivizing me to go now that i’m thinking about scary on roller skates i have roller skates i
Used to roll a skate when i was a kid when you were a kid you’re not a kid anymore i could still you don’t forget how to roll you walked you drive two blocks to the restaurant but i hadn’t been on a bike i hadn’t ridden a bike in years and i just
Jumped on a bike the other day and i rode one where did you skate what a united there was a united states of america in brooklyn oh bro it was also roller palace which had marble floors we had skate key and by me yeah did they have marble floors i don’t
Think those roller palace you fell on the you fell and then you crack your skull open and lose a few teeth i want to see you in the dj booth today do they have a dj yes spinning yes yeah and the skate asaurus they’re calling in
All of these people just for us that’s right oh wow that’s very kind that is very nice of them that’s why you know if they’re bringing out all their resources i figured we should bring all our resources but some of them you know just decided they don’t want to be a part of
It you’re bringing all the resources i you can’t say everybody bailed when there are like 13 people on the show and eight are going right that’s a pretty good percentage that’s a lot it’s good for a lot of people especially for a monday on long island uh-huh that’s a
Success i mean when you commit to something you know i never committed you committed me uh it says gandhi yes i’m like i said no as you were writing down yes so you’re gonna go great and then he gets mad that he can’t go i love you and
I think you did a great job planning that’s fine we’re gonna have a great time that’s all that matters you guys will we will be jealous because when we see the videos you know we’re going to say damn it now is it square pizza or round two oh
My god it’s round it’s round scary yeah i feel like they would have square pizzas for some reason yeah me too no probably around like illios remember them no it’s fresh baked it’s round i love aliens do you eat hot dogs i do then don’t ever worry about anything else
I do need to send the order in so can you just what else pizza i mean what else do you want chicken fingers fries wings burgers ooh all that stuff they don’t do burgers okay wait let me look at the menu where is the bathroom yeah i’m going
I don’t know if i’m on skate i thought you had a headache we’ll get you the skate mate don’t worry i do have a headache but i feel like i need to skate do they have ice cream what’s the birthday cake situation well we weren’t allowed to get a cake because
Diamond can’t eat anything she just wants grapes wait why does diamond not eating the cake mean everybody else can’t get it can’t eat ice cream cake i think too yeah but i don’t think they have a freezer available yeah yeah she’s allergic to her own skin
Here’s the other thing crazy i were to go and just stand there with nate yeah i don’t have a ride home either you know andrew will drive you home andrew’s car is full you can sit on his lap he’s driving no you could say now do you guys are you guys got a
Roller skate a roller blade it’s a roller skating rink but it’s the same type of floor i don’t think they have roller blades together they do actually oh they do yeah oh yeah i think roller no what what scary start with four wheels no no no no no no
No not for me i need the four wheels please scotty’s the most recent skater anybody else skate recently i i’ve rollerbladed like but like it was last year okay so last year yeah did it was one of my friends last time we were in miami yeah
Oh by the way since you guys bailed i’m not getting your skates anymore that’s fine that’s okay that’s okay i mean i will but [Laughter] he wanted us to be so mad oh no scotty drat dude can we like maybe go again at some point
Yeah when you guys are up for it with your new screen you have some side hustle going on with united states of america no i just love roller skating and i want you guys to be a part of it that’s all you never want us to be a
Part of your life in any way i think because it’s a long island thing and you know you guys have never never come to long island my son is looking at a college out there i might be out there more often than not next year let me tell you i’ve invited
Scotty to eat my tacos a million times because he loved them and you know what he says what i’m not coming out to jersey shitty no i’ll never be there it’s not that they’re not open for lunch no on sundays they are i can’t come for
Dinner on a weekday sunday not open for lunch how come because then i got to get all the way back to long island well there you go and that is what we’re trying to say but the timing is different it’s our timing it could take you 25 minutes to get to
Long island or it could take you five hours five hours well on a friday in the summer sure or possibly on monday no please where’d nako he left yeah he’s done with this his phone rang maybe it’s his doctor okay what’s our time where’s our time
Scary i think i think we’re at 12 minutes we have like uh three more minutes but we could end it now no because people complain when we ended early but we have to get out of here to make it to long island oh yeah you guys got to eat yeah
Wait the purdue the executive producer is getting the cut sign in the back his name is elvis duran i notice how elvis [Applause] today oh i thought we were going to go on the vacation to uh the uk we wanted to have a birthday gift like that no we’re going skating at united states of america we really we’re living our childhood nate tom’s coming skating tom’s coming with us how much would you
Pay to see scary on skates uh 20 bucks yeah i really want to see him on the roller blades all right we’re getting the rap signs it’s time to get time scary zombie will be broken