[Applause] all welcome in the Bobby Carpenter Show featuring my man Josh Perry again this week and we’ve been Rolling Along here getting a lot of stuff going post Super Bowl edition of the show so thank you for tuning in a lot of big news Ohio State they get a coordinator they lose a
Coordinator they get a new coordinator is it a better situation for the school there’s some other stuff popping off in the big 10 Michigan losing coaches left and right obviously we had the Super Bowl as the Chiefs take down the 49ers I believe what was it 2522 and another
Overtime Thriller the NFL is getting exactly what they want with all of that you know CJ strad getting it done getting Rookie of the Year honors we’re gonna have our tailgate talk um start out of the gates Josh I mean you’re just kind of initial thoughts um on the Super
Bowl some of the things that you saw and and kind of what you absorbed from you know last week yeah I mean first off phenomenal game as you said right like the NFL certainly would want a game that came down to the wire and if they can
Get extra football out of it makes a lot of sense there um I know a lot of people were like man it was a little bit of a slow burn in the beginning before you really started to see some action I appreciate both styles of football I appreciate when the defenses come to
Play and the offenses look a little bit hampered but uh when you wanted big plays and big moments certainly they existed there feels this was a tough one for the narrative on Kyle Shanahan coming in everybody talked about how he had blown leads in the past and Super
Bowls and that he was going to have to be on his aame thought he went away from the Run game a little bit there uh in the second half of the game particularly in the third quarter that doesn’t help things we’ve got the overtime Fiasco and I think the biggest travesty there is
Not necessarily that they took the ball first it was that the players had no idea really what the strategy was because you could talk me into a legitimate rationalization a legitimate explanation for taking the ball for kicking the ball like I I think if you have a thought out plan whatever you can
Defend that but what you can’t defend is guys who were like well I didn’t even know there was a different rule in the postseason for overtime that’s bad ball but on the positive side Andy Reid phenomenal coach we knew that I I think that um he’s a guy who knows how to
Galvanize a team and I look at the moment he had with Travis Kelce where he didn’t get too hot and of course you don’t want star tight end doing that but he knows how to manage those personalities Travis Kelsey came alive in the second half and then Patrick
Mahomes I I think it’s uh premature for some people but for me appropriate start having that conversation about could he be the best of all time because from what we’re seeing right now that man is different so I thoroughly enjoyed it and ultimately a great NFL season it was uh
Was pretty tremendous we’ll put a a pin in that Travis Kelsey talk because I think that there’s a lot there that you can get into and begin to extrapolate into sports at Large I know everybody has takes on kind of where it is and and
How it impacts you know the NFL game the college game should people do that how How It ultimately looks so there there’s a lot there obviously it feels like you know are you of the belief of this narrative Joshua that the NFL produces a scripted product I know that you know we
Ultimately got a great game and for you’re a little bit younger than me about a decade younger so through the 90s the Super Bowls were not good but since I felt like we’ve had that Rams Titans Super Bowl they’ve all been pretty captivating and they come down people
Are saying it’s scripted this and that I mean there may have been some holding calls it could have been called more on on Kansas City and we’ll kind of get into that with the impact of the Niners D line especially with uh Nick and Chase and how they played but you know this
Scripted narrative turning it into like WWE you know raw like it seems far-fetched to me when people start talking about it I think football is it it’s the ultimate game when it comes down to decisions and strategy because it’s not a continuous flow game there’s 11 players on each side of the ball
There’s a ton of strategy that goes involved with into it and I mean Kyle Shanah for he’s had two t double digit leads as a coach and now one as a coordinator lost all three games I believe that he’s a really good football coach I think he ultimately will get
Over the hump not all that different than Andy Reid but you know sometimes like the world moves against you in ways and momentum’s a very curious thing to get your hands around yeah the momentum thing I think is huge right and uh I look at the beginning of that second
Half Patrick Mahomes throws an awful interception it’s like all right well Niners are getting ready to put their foot on the the chief’s neck and all of a sudden they like go backwards on that drive they don’t do anything with it and it’s like you know the elite coaches are
Able to grab onto that momentum and they pull the Rope as hard as they can it feels like Shanahan has been a guy who’s let go of the rope with this team so he’s got to figure that out but I’m with you all the people on social media that
Are calling him a bum I don’t think bums get to go to two Super Bowls as a head coach right like I just don’t think that happens so um he is a good coach now to get to the scripted part did they let the guys play yes and and I know people
Like to say that the Chiefs get favorable calls but I’m looking at the game and I feel like there were a couple spots that might have been questionable uh there were some holds certainly that the ners had that they let go quite frankly in that overtime period uh
Chiefs had a huge penalty go against them where they’d be able to get off of the field on a third down early in the overtime and it’s probably game over and it makes it a little bit more interesting now I’ll ask you this question because you played in the
League I played in the league I never received a script I don’t know if you had one sitting in your locker but I personally never received a script so I can tell you firsthand from my experience not scripted yeah the script situation obviously for players they look at that and obviously laugh you’re
Playing as hard as you can to try to get it done maybe you make a play maybe you don’t um but I I think you don’t want to see a Super Bowl with a lot of penalties and so they didn’t call a ton I thought they called some impactful ones ones
That were clear and obvious I don’t necessarily have a problem and this this was the deal I thought they held Nick Nick Bosa a lot man you watch him coming off the edge and there’s a couple where it’s not like inside you’re pulling he’s getting like the over-the-top like shoulder like he’s
Trying to turn the corner and you I mean you played with his brother Joey and know those guys how they can bend and how athletic they are and to see him do that and then like all of a sudden just get yanked down some similar stuff was happening with Chase
Young I think it was a really good showing for the Buckeyes though as far as what their defensive ends were able to do both of those guys I thought played very well but you know just seems like they kept the flags in the pockets and are you a favorite like a fan would
You rather see more penalties called because I feel like we called a lot all season long and then you got of get to the the Super Bowl and it’s like we’re going to keep those things tucked away after after the first quarter and you if you’re an official you set the tone
Based off of what you’ve called and what you haven’t called through that first quarter just call it the same for the other three and I’m good to go and and as somebody who used the sport somebody who played the sport I’m fine with with the way that they called it because at
Least on defense I know okay well you know they they’re going to call if it’s like a blatant holding but I mean I I saw some hook and swats that they probably should have called that they let go on both sides you get a little
Tug on the Jersey they let that go and I feel like that’s how most people try to play the game anyway you want to you know get a little Advantage if you can and so for the officials to your point in the biggest game you don’t want to
Insert yourself too much because I know that’s been a criticism of NFL officials throughout the season it goes back to Kansas City when they were playing against the bills and they were like cadarius Tony lined up off sides all game long and they want to call it on
The biggest play of that game and so for that sake hands off Let It Go yeah and I I agree with you like they they held a standard and kept it pretty consistent throughout I think for any sport you know at any level that’s really all you
Can ask because every coach will tell you I know you know you and I both played for Coach fickle and like you know you’re I’m getting H goes I didn’t see a flag like that was his thing so if they’re not calling it it’s not holding
And usually and I know as much as we bone in the script and everything else most officials are calling it pretty even now right you have a better dline or this or that or you know secondary maybe it comes in play a little more but it felt like it was fairly even but
Watch it early in that game I felt like Nick Bosa had a chance to if the Niners wed to potentially be MVP with how he was attacking that game in the chaos he was ultimately causing so we’ll get into that we’ve got some more Buckeye news here holy smokes this offseason Joshua
For Ryan day like you talk about work during the year it feels like he’s had to do more work this off season than even during the year so we’ll break down some of the moves that are happening one OC in one OC out bring another guy in what’s the relationship ship how’s this
Going to work we’ll tackle that next here on the Bobby Carpenter Show welcome back in to the Bobby Carpenter show and hey if you’re watching on YouTube make sure that you like subscribe uh leave comments if you’re watching on B thank you anywhere on social media make sure that you’re interacting with us as much as you can
We love to get your interactions we got tailgate talk coming up here in a couple of segments where we answer all of your questions about everything that’s going on in the world of Ohio State World of Sports everything will answer for you some big news for Ohio
State I love the Bill O’Brien hire it seemed like a home run then all of a sudden Jeff Halley says you know what I’m done coaching in college football I’ll take a pay cut I’m going to get out of here I’m going to the Green Bay
Packers with that the bcj job opens up Bill O’Brien Joshua you know Boston Northeast New England native he’s got a son with special needs that’s their doctor is up there like a lot of things make sense it felt like the world was moving against Ryan day with this
Because he had a guy who was a coordinator was an NFL coach was a former head coach checked all three big boxes we were looking for he ultimately gets the BC job and then you’re wondering well what’s Ryan G to do now I had heard Rumblings before they were
Looking at Chip Kelly but Chip Kelly had a buy out at UCLA it didn’t seem like that marriage you know was going to be long for it anyway and lo and behold Bill O’Brien Leaves Can you blame him after leaving only a month no um I I always felt like this
Was going to be a short-term situation maybe a oneand done um and you mentioned all the reasons for him to want to go to BC he’s from the area uh he’s he’s got a special interest that would want to put him back in the area and ultimately I
Felt like this was a guy who wanted to run his own organization once again he had done it very well in college he had done it very well in the NFL and I think he’s one of those personalities that you know you get along with for a little
While but ultimately he’s got that I want to be the boss mentality and so he’s taken that back to BC um I think this was something that Ryan Day could have forecasted a year out right like I think he hired Bill O’Brien with the idea of okay who’s my short list for
Next year the issue was the short list for next year had to become the list for this year um so certainly something strange to see but again all the movement that’s going on right now like nothing’s out of the question this day and age of of football coaching Cycles
Yeah it spins quick and so we all get it you know why he left you understand it and we thought two years probably Max maybe only a season but with that then Chip Kelly enters the picture enters the fry it was rumored he was in the contentions before you talked about
Candle potentially at Toledo you another guy you checked some of that head coach OC box the Chip Kelly coach Ryan Day in college like they got the coach relationship he’s been an NFL head coach and regardless of what people might think how he did and how it kind of
Ended like he did some revolutionary things and they had some good teams and had some success he has had success at the college level he’s he’s an offensive coordinator like he checks all of those boxes do you feel the same way about the Chip Kelly hiring as you did about the
Bill O’Brien hiring maybe better potentially worse not quite I I think I feel uh better in some ways maybe a little bit worse in other ways uh when I look at Chip Kelly the biggest question that I’m going to ask is about the personality because the thing that I
Loved about Bill O’Brien is I knew he was going to be a no a noons guy could come in there play the bad cop role for Ryan day just kind of like you know I don’t know any of these guys and I’m I’m gonna just come in and I’m gonna be a
Disruptor in certain ways and I told the story about how he’s on the sideline there with Tom Brady and Tom’s trying to get on one of the guys after he threw an interception and Bill comes up to him he’s like no that’s on you and he you
Know using foul language when he does it like that’s what you want to see talking to the goat when you’re the OC there um and so he could bring a little bit of that flavor to Ohio State but the question with him was scheme continuity
How much was it going to be of his Playbook and how much of it was going to be what Ryan day had already installed and what he wanted to do and where would that line be and what would that mesh look like so then I look at Chip Kelly
And it’s like okay this is a guy who obviously was disenchanted with what was going on at UCLA rumors are that he had lost a little bit of favor with some of the boosters the athletic department there was some tension there people in the program said you know it was a bad
Marriage um he was sniffing around at basically any job that was open because he wanted to be out of that situation guy who’s not known to be somebody who loves and Embraces recruiting butni more than Bobby Brown man he was get he was looking don’t do that no no that’s
That’s from you not me um you know they talk about the recruiting prowess with him and certainly uh with Ohio State there are plenty of Recruiters on that staff so not as big of a question but you know is he going to be that same type of disruptor would be the only
Thing I ask I look at the flip side you want to talk about uh scheme continuity there’s going to be a lot of it because these two guys have worked together for so long professionally the player coach relationship I love that aspect of it and I also look at the additions that
Ohio State made this offseason you have trayon Henderson coming back that’s like an addition because he could have been gone and then you have Quin Shan Judkins that you got out of the transfer portal that is a true addition and one of the things that Chip Kelly has done as well
As anybody is the Run game schemes this dude when he was at Oregon it was top 10 in yards per game rushing in uh yards per Rush every single year he was there just about UCLA he even did a great job of creating that run game and I’m like
The one thing I always felt about Ryan day was a little bit more pass first now you get that run emphasis in there I was watching some tape I saw a counter where they pulled the guard they pulled a tight end they pulled a damn white wide
Receiver in there and he was throwing his face into a block I’m like I love this kind of stuff um and so from that standpoint I’m extremely satisfied because I think they have the weapons and now they can truly mesh the scheme in there you it kind of feels like as
Much people get lament that Ryan’s more of a pass guy and a lot of quarterbacks kind of lean into that pass Mantra because that’s what they know the pass game but I mean you and we’ll get I think we’ll get into this next segment but what’s interesting about chip is you
Mentioned that UCLA I mean he had DTR they were a run first offense and like a lot of unique and creative runs and so I think that he’s a guy that you know similar to Bill O’Brien but like different as far as how they do it but I
Think that there’s going to be some new elements where you look at the continuity him and Ryan Day obviously speak the same language they understand the same process he taught Ryan Day they’ve coached together but if you look at like UCLA’s offense and what they did obviously far different than what Ohio
State’s doing and how they’re going about it and him with you know Trey and quinon junkins and what they’re ultimately going to be able to do it seems like this could be a pretty good marriage with how much he likes to run the ball and then you kind of layer in
You know heartline and day in their ability to pass it I love it I love it and I think that’s what makes the most sense there is I think that you have a good balance and let’s not forget Justin fry who has also worked with Chip Kelly
In the past and so you know they’re going to be able to speak the same language and communicate what the expectation is for the offensive line to make this thing work um I mean I look at guy like Zack shanet who transfers from Michigan over to UCLA he’s one of the
Best running backs in the country statistically and that wasn’t on accident it was because of what they wanted to do from a a philosophical standpoint and the running backs that Ohio state has right now are way better than he is and that’s not a knock on him
Because I thought he was a phenomenal player that’s a compliment to the guys on Ohio State’s roster so I’m curious to see once again what the balance looks like run past but the one thing I do know is if you’re somebody who’s into creative offensive design and into
Scheme this is going to be a lot of fun to watch so we’re going to get even more into that because there were some moves that had to happen uh to get this to happen to get Chip Kelly here to Ohio State because it wasn’t going to be easy
I think that may be why they leaned on Bill O’Brien at first and then there’s also some big news team up North Michigan making some new news what’s Luke fickle doing at Wisconsin maybe teaming up with one of his old teammates a guy who Joshua knows very well so
We’ll see kind of where all that goes we’re going to break that down here next on the Bobby carb [Applause] welcome back into the program uh talking a little bit of Chip Kelly the addition of him as the offensive coordinator to the Ohio State coaching staff uh former
College coach Ryan day they coached together Philly uh and San Francisco as well now joining taking the place of The Departed and short live stay of Bill O’Brien who was a nice personality change up as Joshua had alluded to but I think there will be some positives with
Chip Kelly here that maybe Bill O’Brien couldn’t bring and maybe some negatives as far as fully outside original thought but you look at what he did at UCLA as we mentioned far different than what he was doing at Ohio State but you know Joshua you you work with NBC you were
Big 10 Network for a long time you’re on B you follow this as much as anyone there was a buyout that had to be had to get Chip Kelly here like and usually you don’t have buyouts to take head coaches to an assistant level and from my
Understanding of this I mean this was alignment through the athletic department I mean you have the new ad Ross Bor coming in you’ve got President Carter who you saw him at Nebraska like his alignment with sports it feels like this was a move with the administration
That if you’re a pro sports and pro football guy you should feel pretty good about yeah I’m I’m there with you and uh Ross bork I think was a big signal to how aggressive uh the athletic department wanted to get in uh the university in general when it comes to
The sports programs and he even mentioned that he wanted to flex his muscles there and you mentioned President Carter and I’m 100% there with you he even goes on record as saying he’s a football guy and so you do have a level of alignment that exists that I
Think we were all kind of looking for uh for Ohio State now this is a crazy situation right like I don’t think that every hire you want to make you want to be buying somebody’s contract out doesn’t feel like uh something necessarily that makes a ton of sense
But I think we are in a scenario right now and I’ve talked about this for on many platforms where the university the athle department is giving Ryan Day Zero excuses for this upcoming season I think everybody understands what’s coming together from a Personnel standpoint I think people also understand how good of
A coach Ryan Day really is and you look at the win- loss record I know people point to the big games you can say whatever you want but now it’s like okay he’s he’s gonna be able to show up for these big games because we’ve given him every single resource from a coaching
Staff and hiring perspective from an nil perspective and I’m told do we hear for it yeah I mean usually don’t see a buyout I think it was a million and a half dollars and it seemed like chip and UCLA it was like a game of chicken he
Was looking at any job that would come open in the NFL the rumor was you just you get sick of coaching at a place Joshua that like claims they want to win but they’re not devoting the resources to it and that makes your job really
Hard so it felt like hey I can get to the NFL or heck I don’t want to deal with the all the stuff of being a head guy Ryan day is making more phone calls about nonf football related issues then I think any coach in the history not
Think minus the think any coach in the history of Ohio State football and that’s something that’s kind of congruent around the college football landscape so obviously there’s a lot going on there but they they get an alignment they buy him out they bring him in and so that’s going to be big uh
You you actually played I mean you were on that team the championship team right after the year that Chip Kelly left you know when you see that so obviously he had his fingerprints all over that I mean what does a Chip Kelly coached football team bring to the table Yeah
Well first off um I know they were Pack 12 and people look at the Pack 12 and they’re like oh you know they’re not as tough they’re not as tough those guys want to come out two FS I think is what you were saying that’s what they like to
Say those guys wanted to come out and hit somebody like let’s be perfectly clear now the body type that they had out there I think that was the biggest difference when we lined up in the semi-final game against Alabama I looked across at the other sideline I’m like
These dudes look like us and that was really the first time I had an opportunity to say that all season and then when we played Oregon I said these dudes really don’t look like us and that gave us confidence so now you put the mentality that they already had with the
Body types that exists in the Big 10 it feels like a good marriage the other thing that we had uh to deal with on defense a ton of I candy and I mentioned the the big counter that I saw on tape those are the types of things that
Really mess with linebackers because on the counter you’re thinking okay or you get power you got one puller I got to get over one Gap you got counter two pullers I gotta to be over two gaps well the third pull is coming you’re like well hell coach where am I supposed to
Be at like I don’t even know where my Gap is anymore um and so they can window dress it but you can also be physical at the point of attack and that’s a pretty good plan to me um other news sh shiron Moors lost a lot up in Michigan um it
Seemed like it was going to be Jim Harbaugh maybe Jesse Mentor handful of other guys now it’s looking like a mass Exodus they kind of tied to turn to it off stop the bleeding they bring in uh wink marale I believe he was with the Dolphins last year correct DC uh I I
Think he was in uh New York with the Giants y That’s right with the Giants then he had the falling out that’s right with Brian dball so he ends up leaving um you like the move of bringing the NFL coordinator in to college the only reason I like it is because it’s a
Similar defensive scheme to what Michigan was already running right and so I think you have continuity like he can walk into that meeting room and immediately speak the same language that they knew um very unfamiliar I think for the players I think he’s going to have
To adjust the way that he attacks this there’s always going to be the recruiting question for guys that come from the NFL and then ultimately how good of a teacher are you when it comes to college players who are starting from a knowledge base that is much smaller
Than guys when they enter the league um but they they got a big name they got a dude with a ton of experience and somebody who’s familiar with the defense that quite frankly I haven’t seen a defense as good as what Michigan had this past year in a long time like all
Those things are very important to them so former coach at Ohio State when you were there defensive line coach Mike vrael alumni goes to Houston obviously makes his way around Tennessee for six years very successful by NFL standard surprising that he ultim got fired there’s an anonymous report that you
Know he might be too big of a personality for some NFL owners but is he too big of a personality for his former College roommate and our former linebacker in DC Luke fickle absolutely not you know those guys like to get down and I’m I’m excited to see uh if those
Two guys can work together in some capacity when I say get down I mean literally on the floor grappling with one another as grown men like they Road House type deal yeah a little bit like that um now here’s the interesting thing and I want people to kind of read the te
Leaves here and I have no inside information I’m just out here spitballing Michigan has targeted Wisconsin’s defensive line coach to become their new defensive line coach that’s what the the Twitter streets were telling me today and so Luke fickle already had this idea before any of this
Was in motion that he wanted Mike Vel to spend time around the program Mike Vel obviously unemployed great in terms of working with defensive linemen I’m not saying it’s gonna happen but I think it would be interesting with somebody who was already engaged in conversations about
Being around if that role does open up I think Luke fickle is gonna have to ask him the question of would you take this job and how can we get this done the question I think that that Luke that’ll be the one that Luke asked him the
Question for Mike is like do you want to take a year off I mean you’ve been running at full speed you got done playing you got you went to Ohio State to help your guy Luke out you stayed on with Urban and then you went into your
NFL career you’ve been running on a treadmill like do you want to pump the brakes and go around and visit guys who you know in the league to maybe pick their brain and see what else is out there that’ll be the interesting piece but the Allure of friendship I mean that
That’s a big deal in coaching with guys that you like and guys that you respect is something never to be underestimated all right we’re going to put a little pin in that we’re going to come back CU Joshua brought up some Travis Kelce getting after Andy Reid we got uh Taylor
Swift chug and beers I mean there’s all kinds of news from the Super Bowl that we’ll get into maybe even Joshua’s favorite commercial as well on the halftime show all that coming up here next on the Bobby Carpenter [Applause] show welcome back the Bobby carer show Chiefs down the ners for their third
Super Bowl backto back Super Bowls as well for them 2522 in overtime we talked a little bit in the opening segment Joshua about the game um 49ers taking the ball first and overtime were you surprised though even outside of that just at the amount of turnovers we had
Pat Mahomes thror an interception to come out of the gate couple fumbles early on in the game after teams running then you have the special teams you know the I don’t if you call it a muff punt the Muff that kicks off the defender leg the blocker leg I mean
Uncharacteristically sloppy I think for what usually Super Bowls are fairly crisp at least on one side yeah I mean we we saw Patrick Mahomes this year look a little bit looser with the football he was trying to force some throws I think that was certainly what happened there
That’s not a shock uh some of the fumbles on the Kansas City side like dudes are punching at the ball extremely well and I think think that’s just a well- coached defense I would say the same thing about when mcaffrey got stripped and the one on special teams I
Think was just like a fluke play um certainly you would like to have a little bit more awareness when you’re getting the Peter call out there but you know things like that happen from time to time um so yeah it didn’t like thinking about it didn’t feel as sloppy
As it actually was because I felt like there was so much tension in that game anyway um but certainly those teams like you feel like you know Super Bowl time comes around uh you don’t get to have you know five turnovers in a game that’s bad ball yeah so you mentioned the
Turnovers I believe the yelling as we talked about Travis Kelsey and there’s the picture circulating everywhere the internet social media sports radio sports TV everything Travis Kelce like chest into Andy Reid’s shoulder like in his ear screaming and I believe that was after the Pacho fumble in the Red Zone
If I’m not mistaken so we kind of segue to that your thoughts on Travis Kelce because there’s been a lot of people that have come down like hey that’s wildly inappropriate that’s over the line you can’t do that he’s a leader this and that and I want to hear your take on this
Situation you played in college you played in the NFL kind of it’s the Super Bowl For Heaven’s Sake what are your thoughts it is inappropriate but also like you know guys are wound up you you got one game to become a champ right and for Travis Kelce he’s a guy who’s also
Getting a little bit long in the tooth not exactly sure he sees a ton of other opportunities to go out there and win championships and so when he feels like he can be a guy that impacts the game makes contribution positively for his team he’s going to be fired up and again
Chesting up your coach dude who’s a little bit of an older dude is not the way to always do it but I’m not going to police the emotion of one of my best players and I think that’s the biggest credit I give to Andy Reid in that
Situation cool as a cucumber didn’t say get on the bench didn’t say I’m not going to put you back in in the game probably didn’t address it at halftime and they’re not going to talk about it until this off season and I think that’s the right approach because he understood
The intent of what was going on there and the actions are not to be supported no doubt but the intent was for a good thing and ultimately they won the game and it’s because they have leaders like that in the locker room who pound the table for when they want to make plays
And again I said it second half Travis Kelce goes out there we have like 98 yards like he knew that he could be an impact on that game and that’s why he was so fired up and and so here’s the thing like people talk about this like
As you go go through stages of sports people like yeah I’ve never seen anything that well most people don’t get to play professional sports because then it’s grown men coaching grown men this isn’t high school or Little League or heck even College because someone goes
You would never have done that I go I remember vividly in a game that I I may have gave Tres an earful on a the accepting of a penalty on defense that I thought we should have declined making it fourth and eight as opposed to Third
And 18 they end up converting it and I’m like over there screaming at him afterwards and he kept it very calm but you have guys and and how many times this Joshua have you seen people on the sideline where things are said where dudes get way out of pocket and like
There’s arguments that are very very passionate emotional and so much of it is like both the everybody’s heavily invested into this you spend not only a lot of time but your emotional energy like physical your psychological energy going through injuries rehabbing and all this and like you’re on the precipice of being
Enshrined in one of the great achievements in sport history and I I can understand the passion because I guarantee you you’ve seen it on the sidelines yourself man I mean last time I was on here I told the story about how uh you know me and and Luke fickle had a
Little bit of a disagreement on the practice field took my helmet off and gave myself gave myself a little timeout because and I’m not that type of gu but sometimes it gets to that point where it’s like no I’m convicted in the way that I feel and I’m not going to take
Anything else there’s no other answer but my answer and then as grown adults at some point you come together you have a conversation and you hash it out and when you’re a good a good player that’s in good standing I think you get some leeway to be able to express yourself as
Well well that’s what’s that’s what’s interesting when people know you’re heavily committed and you’re not someone just ranting over there like a lunatic like you have a backing you’re going to get like had a little bit of Grace and I’ve always Tony couldn’t have done that
Yes people that have built up a long resume of success and investment like you’re giv Grace and part of it is I tell people what what is said on the sideline dude guys get to the locker room you shake it out you get a hug like
Hey we’re good my bad down there and it’s all it’s all fine because you can’t be judged by you know the the the in The Crucible of that moment right one other thing I don’t know if you saw you see Taylor Swift chug and beers I did her I
Mean I don’t think she was Overexposed in that game I thought it was it was okay I mean I agree they I don’t know what people want but like if I’m going to watch someone who’s worth a billion dollars self-made under 40 years old and
I see there and watch them like pound a cup down and then hammer it down and they catch it on national TV especially as a as a woman like dude I’m gonna I’m gonna tip my cap she earned a little bit more my respect right there brother I’ve
Been saying this all year long and and I’m here for this love story I believe it’s real now I didn’t before but there is also not a way to get the type of marketing that she has gotten all year long for free she she has free exposure that’s probably worth billions at this
Point right and like that what you just said she felt like a normal young lady in that moment and I loved it it was uh it was pretty tremendous and uh I thought it was awesome and listen the NFL they said that was the first time there was like hair care some beauty
Products you know that the partners are loving it because you’re bringing in a whole another advertising demo that was not there before and I’m curious to see the final numbers this week as they’re released but I guarantee you with the quality of game the gravity of the
Moment the Stars the teams this has to be the highest rated Super Bowl that we’ve probably ever seen so coming back we’re going to get to our favorite part it’s tailgate talk where we answer your questions about the things you want to know and there might even be a Super
Bowl question in there for josu and I we’ll get that coming up next here on the Bobby Carpenter show welcome back in to the Bobby carer shows we kind of wrap up the Super Bowl the hiring of Chip Kelly the leaving of Bill O’Brien an offensive coordinator a
Lot of news but now we’re getting into tailgate talk it is our favorite segment we answer your questions one of the first questions we had fired away Joshua thoughts on the halftime show of the super bowl and what where you thought it kind of
Went I loved it uh for the most part I thought the ending fell a little bit flat but I was willing to excuse that because I was into a lot of it I wanted to see Usher dance we got that I wanted to see him on the skates we got that I
Wanted to see what friends he would bring out I love some of the appearances that were made there he even did a medley of some of the older stuff that maybe wasn’t like you know super uh popular music a little bit more of the R&B but for the people who are real
Usher fans you felt that the biggest criticism I have is One Alicia Keys and big fan of her Alicia Keys great catalog great performer looking right um she can’t sing anymore and we’ve known for years that she can’t sing what happened like I I I don’t know I’ve got some
Conspiracy theories I’m not willing to share on this program but the first note that was uttered out of her mouth was garbage and it didn’t get much better after that now I know this isn’t her fault but the NFL went ahead and they posted the her portion of the halftime
Show on YouTube and they pitch corrected her performance for YouTube and that bothered me it really bothered me so that was my only criticism of the whole thing I mean can you skate roller skate like Usher I I cannot I wish I could honestly because that it just looks like
So much fun I mean I was impressed because people like oh he’s a good skater go listen man if you stumble dancing you recover you fall on roller skat bro you’re going down like you were cooked like this isn’t kind of like a a little stumble at all so the other part
That I don’t think people give enough credit for is he’s like a true performer with all the dancing you mentioned the skating yeah and like I can’t jog on the treadmill and talk at the same time let alone do all that dancing and try to sing like it’s
Amazing the guys that do that and they don’t lips sync any of it I mean you could hear him like audibly trying to get air at different points the the shape you have to be in do like a hard five minute cardio with three wardrobe changes and dancing around like I give
Usher at 45 years old like this D isn’t 25 he’s starting to get up there so the last two years if you’re someone that’s my age like you’ve got the early to mid90s kind of crowd and then I felt like you just picked up me in high
School and he had all my high school college like early NFL so I’ve enjoyed the last two they’ve been very good um and thought uh thought a lot of them uh first uh next question here coming um as well what’s your opinion on who feel fills Joshua the 10th assistant coaches
Position you like defense the Special Teams you think there’s anybody in mind currently James ltis is the ga linebackers coach but he’s been out on the road recruiting Because they haven’t had that spot filled yeah man I go back and forth on uh the special teams coach
Versus a full-time position coach I know some schools dedicate a full-time special team spot and I understand the importance of that um we had a dedicated full-time special team spot and it hasn’t necessarily been great so I’m kind of on the the you know divvy up the responsibilities between a few staffers
And James laurenitis it seems like might be a good candidate there get you a full-time linebacker coach uh so Jim nolles can really be a roaming coordinator uh a guy who has cache on the recruiting Trail the biggest question is you know how great of a
Coach is he because he’s a guy who’s super green is James laurenitis smart guy a connector I’m sure he’s a really good teacher like I I would feel confident in him filling that last spot there I know this he was you coach with Marcus Freeman and you know Luke fickle
Woned there’s a number of guys who there there were plenty of programs that wanted him it wasn’t just luk and it wasn’t just Marcus like he had other programs that were were going after him absolutely there’s still opportunities I think for him even in the NFL so um a
Lot of uh a lot of of different options for James I agree with you there I think he would be the natural fit I could see them maybe going with an assistant dline coach maybe to segue Larry out and transition him and make him maybe the Special Teams coordinator assistant D
Line coach that was fickle first title when he got there right and then maybe you elevate James if Larry moves on at the end of the year I could see that potentially happening as well um another question here Joshua final one which players will make the biggest jump this
Year for the Buckeyes and then maybe a little bit and cheek what was your favorite memory of the Bill O’Brien era oh man I’ll I’ll uh I’ll start with the uh the Bill O’Brien question first is I know some of my former teammates made a trip down to the Woody so they
Could meet the new OC and you know be ingratiated and and whatnot and I think they’re gonna have to make a second trip here so best of luck to them um I think as a unit the offensive line has to take a big leap I I think that’s pretty
Obvious there I would say that’s a one unit that I’m probably not super confident in at this point um as a whole and so I’m looking forward to what that progression looks like outside of that like you know quarterback is a question but you like the mix of players that are
In contention there wide receiver should be good can a guy like Carell Tate take a big leap how about Brandon inis who we heard a lot about you know is he a guy who can really take that next step there love the running back room go through basically everywhere on defense I feel
Pretty confident so it’ be the offensive line and then some of those talented wide receivers for those guys to follow the legacy of the players that came before him yeah I think that’ll be it I mean who’s going to be the guy that emerges obviously acha abuka is back but
Outside of that who will be the other two or three guys that will really emerge you Jeremiah Smith make that jump as a freshman as a cardinell tate as an inis like there’s a lot of different options uh potentially their offensive line I holy agree with defensive wise I
Think on the defensive line looking J we saw a nice sample siiz Jack Sawyer started M being more productive as the season went on him and JT both I think have been very solid but maybe not that impact player so those guys and then in concert with maybe Kaden Curry and
Kinata Jackson sure like those four guys rolling through maybe they try to blend him to get all on the field you know Larry Johnson famous for the rushman how does that ultimately look I like Kenyata a lot he’s dude Kata watching him run move rush the passer he reminds me a lot
Of a guy who I played with in Demarcus where who he’s a gold jacket dude I’m not trying to say that we’re getting to that level but he shares some physical attributes and traits can he get to that level of play well we’ll see if he ultimately gets there all right that’s
It for tailgate talk we’re to wrap up the show uh Joshua’s got a little uh some some streaming opportunities here for you to watch as we’re going into the doldrums of football season before we get into the Spring ball coming up here next on the Bobby Carpenter [Applause] show
Welcome back into the final segment of the Bobby Carpenter show uh thank you for listening and watching however you’re doing it whether it’s on BS whether it’s on social media somewhere whether it’s on YouTube like subscribe leave comments we appreciate all of it going have a huge show next week we’ll
Get schls back on we’re gonna have some talk a little bit about the Buckey’s prowess in the Rookie of the Year honors and how that’s going but first we’re kind of entering the football doldrums here Joshua we’re going to have the combine coming up we’ll have spring here
In a little bit but there there is some dead periods on the weekends so you’re going to have to find some other things maybe for your blue your viewing pleasure outside of just you college hoops NBA maybe some hockey uh I was suggesting maybe Jack Reacher to you on
Amazon Prime you brought something else on another streaming Network though yeah on peacock they’ve got this uh wonderful show that you can check out it’s called from couple to thruple and the uh you know the whole uh goal of the show is to bring on couples who are looking to add
A third to their relationship and they bring in some singles and they have the opportunity yes they have the opportunity to pick out who their partner is going to be they put them through challenges they want to test the strength of the relationship what the boundaries are and ultimately the
Connection between all of these people uh it’s not censored so there are some things that you may hear and see that should not be viewed by people under a certain age but if you’re an adult who enjoys some uh trash maybe risque television this is a program that you
Should enjoy that sounds uh pretty tremendous there Joshua um do you watch this with the wife is this like a couple’s thing or is this just a guilty pleasure for you we watched it it was myself my wife my father-in-law and his fiance no so we had the whole family
Watching this and there was a scene uh where a young lady was getting ready for one of the uh dle dates and she needed to do um some some maintenance and she needed her husband to help her maintain some certain areas she cannot reach with the razor on her own uh uncensored very
Interesting that definitely sounds fairly interesting Joshua I mean we’re talking about couple shaving here for a thropple date I mean I’ve things I didn’t even know existed I mean you’re opening and expanding my mind to some new Realms I didn’t know they existed before I watched Bobby well I mean we’ll
Have to dive on into that I’m usually for the good wholesome family viewing I we’re watching Chicago Med and different things like that at the house but obviously there’s a lot of other stuff out there and we’re have to dive on in because right now the NFL is over we’ve
Got the draft coming up there’ll be some bucke guys in there probably a light draft for the bucke guys we’ll break that all down and combine everything else and Spring ball coming up thank you for tuning in to this edition of the Bobby Carpenter [Applause] show a