[Applause] Oh N Oh Oh Oh Hey guys how’s it going so you just saw Paul and Bethany working on the area behind our barn and they have been doing a beautiful job there was so much stuff back here so I want to give you kind of a tour of this area talk through what
We’re going to be doing with this space and then we are just going to be working on tearing down a few more things on the new property in order to make way for our future kind of vision for the the spots also it’s kind of raining a little
Bit right now I don’t know if it’s going to pick up but I’m going to I’m putting my hood on okay so we had a bunch of stuff here comes Aaron we had a bunch of stuff back here pots uh firewood bunch of uh garden carts just miscellaneous
Supplies that we you know access quite a lot doesn’t it look awesome back here so much better so much better so the goal is we’re going to continue kind of there’s a few more things we need to clear out um there’s some rolls of fencing and barbed wire that were here
When we you know got the property but we’re going to clear all of that and then Chad’s going to come in and just work on leveling up the space getting rid of any divots and then he’s going to spread fresh gravel in this area and we
Are going to I don’t know when this is going to happen but we would like to build some kind of an overhang off the back of the barn that’s covered so that we can park our gators back here which is going to open up the two bays in our
Barn so we can park our trucks in the barn I’m so excited for that Aaron’s just you’re taking right after it doesn’t that have I guess electricals off yeah like don’t electrocute yourself so so do you just cut the wires like what’s your plan here Erin well I
Broke one side oh I post Che oh there it comes I don’t know where it’s going from ooh cheddar oh my okay let’s walk over here okay so back behind the greenhouse we do have these are the plants that we’ve been wintering over that we had left at
The end of last season we didn’t have a chance to get them in the ground there’s some boxwood some beautiful junipers um there’s some awesome hookas look at these back here and there’s Hellas in here oh there’s some hydrangeas and Sedum baptisia just a fun selection of
Things that we’ll be able to work on once we can plant which won’t be long I don’t think and then we had this blue spruce moved which came from right over here because we will have a lane coming on this side of the barn to access this
Area back here and also to possibly access the barn the well for this property is right here so we are planning on building some sort of a structure to protect it and then these are some of the things that were left here so you know we’re going to find new
Homes for the bricks um and then we’re going to take a load to a scrapyard um like the barbed wire we won’t need that and there’s just some other like an old pool cover reel and then I I’m not real sure what that is some manner of
Something oh he’s got the loppers out are those the ones I just cleaned yeah oh yeah this is right where Salvador had his sheds you know when we had our fence so we had a three white fence uh that was right you can see where the the post
Came out right here and right here so the fence came here and then there were some kind of open sheds back here you’re supposed to cut wire with those blades there Aaron I don’t know just sharpened those yesterday I wonder where this comes from yeah he made pretty quick work of
That and you can see Paul over there he’s got the tractor out and he is pulling out a fence which we will show you everything when we’re all done we have a few other things we’re going to be taking out and I just wanted to walk
You through some of those things and our thought process is behind taking them out removing them so right here we’re going to be taking this little tree out I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while it’s got so much damage on the trunk it’s a type of red
Maple look at that yeah it’s like heaving out of the ground it’s never been healthy and I’ve been wanting to get my hands on it for a while I might not even have to get my hands on it Aon are you just going to
Pull it right out the or what I bet if we just get the tractor on it yeah we can pull it out yep so that’s coming out you can see this pile right here Paul already removed it was like um 3ot yeah just little chain link fence uh so we’ll
Remove the the boards there and kind of clean this area up and then we are planning on removing the lights today I am so looking forward to this but but think of the children we debated on the whole light situation not really kind of I mean we talked we had a
Conversation about it yeah there wasn’t really any debate I think both of us wanted them gone yeah they just they Tower above everything they’re right directly behind our pond area so you just see these giant things and I’m not sure that they ever used them no I never
Saw them so the problem with it is the only time of year that one would want to be out here playing on the basketball court is like what late spring through early fall yeah when it’s staying light until very late in the evening when we
Get get to a point in the evening that you would actually need to use these lights I don’t want somebody out here bouncing basketballs and making a bunch of noise I mean we have neighbors and for myself 10:00 like you turn them on after 10: p.m. and I feel like I mean
Flip around the neighbors are not that far no neighbors are right there and basketballs when they’re bouncing on the ground they make so much noise and it makes sense like if you have a park or like a high school yeah with with this sort of situation but at a home I mean I
Feel like if we do end up wanting lights at some point we’ll probably figure something different out and not something so tall don’t you think yeah yeah so anyway that’s our thought process behind removing the lights I just don’t think we would actually use them and if I stand over here by the
Pond I mean having those gone is going to be so nice for the view over here and having the view nice from the pond area I think is much more important than having the lights that we will most likely never use and the last thing
We’re hoping to get rid of is the soccer goal post over here in the other side let me walk you over here okay so I don’t know if you can see it out there this right here so we’re hoping just to pop that out the only thing that we
Can’t get rid of ourselves I think we’re going to have to have Chad do it is the bottom part of this old pole it was the old power line that we had taken out um and they weren’t able to get in there and at the time and pull that out so
They just cut it off uh so we’ll have to probably have a bigger machine cuz I think that’s buried pretty deep so you can see the line between the original dirt lands and the new property that we just bought we are hoping to one day put a barn somewhere
In this kind of central area and then we’re going to have paddocks out here for horses we’ll have four separate paddocks Aaron’s got it all kind of drawn out but that’s kind of the eventual plan uh not a soccer goalpost and I love projects like this just
Cleaning up those little areas and kind of starting to make them your own a great day also it’s 52Β° out I don’t don’t even feel like I need a coat other than the fact that I’m needing a hood on and off uh because of the rain
We still have a tiny bit of snow in the areas where it was kind of pushed into bigger piles also before we start in I just wanted to show you this little spot too we are going to be removing all of this as well um so this is just kind of
A little lean to was kind of a chicken coop on the back side but we’re going to take out all of this stuff right in here and kind of just level this out uh and have it be more open but we will not have time to tackle that today that’ll
Have to be another day in fact uh Aaron’s got a meeting this afternoon so we’re just going to try to tackle what we can and we thought we’d bring you along for it so you could see kind of the starting process of this whole thing so exciting A St [Applause] I [Applause] W oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] all right guys it’s been a couple of days we had to dodge some bad weather it got really rainy uh the afternoon we started this project and then it was really windy but the work is done and it’s not hauled away yet because I think
I’ll explain when we get closer to the basketball court area I think we’ll have uh Chad probably take a big load out out yeah um Paul’s going to take some to the um what’s that called the scrap metal yard yeah yeah yeah so we’ll explain where all of the stuff’s going that we
Just pulled out as well but we’re standing right here in the dirtland area right where the soccer goalpost was right where Aaron’s standing so that’s gone that’s awesome it’s actually sitting over here on the ground and Bethany has a use for that so she’s going to be taking that which is
Wonderful and here it is I don’t know how she’s going to get this loaded up do you think I feel like they’re going they’re going to have to cut it or you know you could put it on her husband has access to like trailers yeah you could
Put it cuz it’s not that wide true you could load it up on a trail a Long Trailer yeah cuz it’s it’s pretty long yeah I’m glad she can use it though that’s awesome yeah okay next stop is going to be a view from the pond area
Toward the basketball court we can still see the the backboards of the basketball hoops but the lights are gone and it looks so much better I don’t did I get it before shot Aaron I don’t know I don’t know if I did but oh my goodness to not see those towering because they
Towered even above where the basketball hoops are you can still there’s like a really nice view to the backboard though yes except for I think we’ve mentioned the basketball hoops are 6 in too high and there’s no real great way to uh lower them although some people have suggested just having the backboards
Removed and then lowering those but here’s the thing we’re order order in new basketball hoops that are adjustable in height uh for two reasons one we can adjust them down I think they go down to five or 5 and a half feet tall um that way the kids can actually enjoy playing
On them because even if we had them at the standard 10ft height both kids are too little to uh throw a basketball up that high so we can keep them adjusted down for them we can adjust them up if adults are playing but we can also leave
Them low when they’re not in use and that way we won’t see them up really high so it’s going to take care of a lot a lot and it just oh the load has been lightened just looking through here and not seeing those great big black towering lamp
Posts I just love it did you just make that one yeah heck good timing I make most of mine so like I said everything is still sitting here we still have the fencing materials which you know the metal parts are going to the scrapyard as well as the lamp post which are metal
Um the fence from over here is gone as well so now the whole court is open we also pulled the tree out yeah so that tree is gone which is great and you pulled that up with the tractor right yeah it was like it took every little bit of hydraulics that tractor had
Really but we got it up yeah awesome so here’s the plan do you want to explain the fence situation around this yeah so I’m in the process of getting bids to do uh black chain link fence that’s like 10 to 12T tall and it will go all the way
Around I think that you know we’ll want to play tennis mhm and you know without a fence around I mean anybody who’s played tennis there’s a lot of a ball shagging going on and I think unless we had a a fence around it it just I don’t
I don’t see it being usable sure the balls would go everywhere and same for basketball too keeping the ball inside so we were thinking about maybe doing like a Virginia creeper or Boston Ivy which is not invasive in our area throwing that out there they grow really
Well well for us you know mhm so anyway we could still you know have it be a green wall um because I think that I mean like a Virginia creeper would just take over the whole thing yes fast but it wouldn’t it wouldn’t spread for us it
Would it would grow tall so there’s that option um you know yeah to keep it to make it usable I feel like we need a chain link fence or some type of a fence to go around the the court so we get the lamp post down in time to put up a giant
Black chain link chain link fence but we’re hoping that we can get it covered with vines very quickly and it’ll kind of create a green backdrop back here I’m I’m hoping well all of this stuff will I mean we have so much stuff planted behind the pond area it just needs to
Fill in and mature and then you really won’t be able to see any of it anyway but there’s going to be a lot going on right here probably not until the latter part of this growing season uh September October is we’re going to start um developing this area we do have plans
For it uh yeah it’s just fun to see these little things things happen so we’re probably going to need to cut these in half mhm to take them to the scrapyard you probably already mentioned they can’t accept not the concrete bottoms but uh Paul said he could cut
The metal off the concrete so that all we would have Chad would need to take the concrete away but the um top metal Parts can go to scrap the next project uh that we have for this space is this area just beyond the basketball court and it was a chicken coup slra bed
Vegetable garden and I think already mentioned this maybe in the video it’s been it’s been too long that’s what happens when there’s a couple days between when you start a project and finish it anyway so I can’t remember all that I mentioned but Paula is going to start dismantling this whole area and
We’re just going to Slick it up like all of this will be gone there was uh at one time a dog kennel in this area all of that’s going to go we’ll probably need Chad to come with a excavator yeah to pull up to break up the concrete uhuh
And haul that off so once all of this stuff is slicked up as well as there’s a concrete pad out in the middle of the grass we’ll get rid of that probably at the same time as well as that random BM right there but once we get all of that
Kind of cleaned out then we can start really mapping out what we want to do in the future in this space but it’s kind of hard when you’ve got like stuff in the way I don’t know I like seeing a blank site you know also I talked to our
Idaho Power guy uh which is where we even though we’re in Oregan everything that we have is kind of part of Idaho just because we’re so close so anyway our power company is Idaho Power um we’ve got this uh Transformer box here and they’re actually going to move that box right
Here like right in here M and what that’s going to do is that’s going to be really nice for us to create a lane that we can drive our Gator or a truck even you can actually get you know there is that tree down the way so you can’t do
You we can run our pickups through you can’t run normal truck without a trail a big pickup or anything a big uh not a pickup what about this meter this power meter though cuz that’s still that’s going to go away as well okay so okay
Let me walk up closer cuz I didn’t know that I was just looking at it thinking that’s still a little bit too skinny but if that’s gone you know all of these roses and stuff all of this is going to be cleared out as well and then there’ll
Be the fence here with the vine on it so you won’t even see this from the main part of our garden um so this will just be the lane and then about where Douglas is we’ll start in with Evergreens uh you know once the we’re past kind of the
Enclosure for the basketball court and then the Evergreens along the fence will be the block for you know this section that’s the the thought process right now anyway so we just thought we would bring you guys along we thought you might enjoy seeing the process because it’s
All part of it you know you get a new piece of property or you’re even starting a new section of your garden a lot of times you have to tear things out or clean things out in order to make it flow the way you need it to or practical
For you know your family and that’s that’s what we’re trying to do here so anyway it’s a good way for us to journal too yeah you know kind of look back and see what we’ve done uh what projects yeah what projects we’ve completed check this out I never noticed this but look
At how much concrete they used oh my oh my gosh that’s pretty uh that’s intense that’s a a foot yeah it’s really intense and I ordered roller skates and helmets and pads and everything for the kids and myself that are supposed to arrive today so hopefully they arrive
Before it gets dark tonight if not we’re gonna be out here tomorrow roller skating I’m so excited you want me to do a granny shot yeah here we go ready yep all right guys that’s it for today thank you so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next
One bye