Bella nashai of sports view LED more than a 100 skaters to qualify for the national skating Championship that will be held on June the 8th this year at the mo International Sports Center kasarani nashai won the 12 to 14 years category during the Nairobi and kambu County trials held at kasarani stadium zaadi
Nesa of sitam finished second and dwia tyana third s’s jalali hono won the boys category followed by Malik bua and jayen Juna in the second and third place respectively meanwhile Leila immani was victorious in the girls four five years category while flavian Johari won the boys category sitam school was crowned
The overall winner in boys and girls category with 32 points followed by St Mary Sports view with 27 points the competition was good um it was intense but hard work pH and I was able to overlap some of the people and I became position one we’ve come with 46
Kids and 36 were able to compete in their respective categories and we are happy cuz now we’ve GED some top numbers and we are heading for the Nationals we had a student like shamun who has proceeded to the Nationals with the number three