Welcome to tayai city Philippines where tal volcano serves as the backdrop for one of the world’s most extreme sports this is the first ever World skate sanctioned downhill skateboarding and Street luch world championship and it’s happening right here in tagay thaai city Philippines I’m Tom waldes and I’ll
Be your host here today A total of 83 athletes from 18 countries all over the world have traveled to Tagai City to have their limits tested on the long winding sampalok Tagai talisi Road the 1.5 km track features an elevation gain of 298 M and a maximum speed of 80
Kmph beginning on February 22 athletes underwent time trials to determine seeding for the race Heats as the competition intensifies we are now down to the finals for the street luug in downhill skateboard aing men and women’s Finals it’s my fifth time in the Philippines and this event is sick this track is amazing been great skating all weekend it’s just been awesome doing runs with people you haven’t seen in a while yeah what do you think Timmy yeah thanks for having us here Tommy it’s been beautiful this city
Of tgar Philippines doesn’t get much better final now so we’re just right now we’re waiting the Riders are getting ready um up on the line so this is that great drone view this is the first left hairpin on the track super you got to be precise in this corner you got to come
Out with some exit speed here we go we got some Riders on the line Street Ling Chen from taipe and we got Frederick from Canada fin oh nice little inside oh and the pass back side by that’s un this is going to be super tight into this left here we have the Drone
Shot oh he’s going up the inside that’s a beautiful pass oh and Back Again they’re deucing it out tight race boss that’s really tight through this sweeper section the chicanes Anything Can Happen through here nice wide line in there that’s a tight one it’s really important to carry the ex
Speed through that here we have the finals finals pushing in we got Abdul from Malaysia Grand Britain from Australia all rich Becka from Germany and from can oh both the first Corner AB taking the wide line come cutting back in exit speed there okay we have some Riders approaching the
Line who’s going to get this Cony final that guy did nice okay we’re back to the finals here looks like col’s sitting in fourth place by the look of it Abul in first bit of a lead on Gritz but Gritz is great through the sweeper section let’s see how he
Goes track well bit of a gap to third oh grits is looking for it looking for a bit of a draft trying to break a bit less ABD look at that inside Abdul in first grit harded Abdul has him grits in second place there 24 plus years of
Riding but I can’t say that my biggest achievement so far is being six time world champion across uh a period of 10 plus years and it’s no easy task no easy feat but uh you know that motivation just keeps me going I just want to
Continue doing it for as long as I can oh this track the fact that it’s short it’s only 1.5 km but it’s full of Corners there’s 26 Corners probably uh all the corners are linked together and you have to maintain a certain Rhythm to get through them connect all the apexes
It’s like connecting all the dots making a straight line through it and riding smooth and clean as possible and um yeah the braking points you have to be very precise dive hit the Apex so yeah it’s a really good workout for sure okay now we got the wind women’s
Final on the line with love for everyone at home Canada Canada and USA let’s see what happens and they’re off big pushes big USA got that inside last couple of pushes from Canada there that were crucial as well coming down have it see if there’s any passes oh that inside scope from
Canada nice little Canada making a little bit of distance here what will USA do coming out the sweeper section oh tight nearly side by side spe hot on the heels through the chicane Section who’s got it oh looks like we’ve lost a rider USA might have fallen back there and it’s
Canada oh no is it MOA MOA takes the win MOA does take the win she is Sam second from the USA Team USA number two they must have been a Bingle in that last right corner something’s gone wrong what do I like most about the tiger thaai track um it was very
Challenging for for all of the twists and turns to be honest it’s a lot of like GeForce like a lot of back and forth which is uh something I haven’t experienced before in my very limited time on a Lou and um learning to really hug Corners where your helmet is like
Brushing stuff you’re close to Hay Bales you’re close to walls whether or not your body is your face is going to be you know um so that was like a really challenging or or potentially awkward thing where you you just have to over overcome the mental game of it and
Really hit those lines appropriately every time I’m on that Hill I’m learning so much about it leaning uh where to put your hands um feet position everything like that it’s amazing I’m learning so much Diego ponet in the white and Marone he is a two-time world champion he is
Going to leave it all out there Owen fox has won national titles back in the USA and he is going to take it to Diego gregar Schwab is a rising star in the sport and he is just going to go absolutely Bonkers and Matt King he a
Returning name he’s had a couple years off from the sport but he has titles to his name as well all these boys champions in their own right that Pur so we’ got greguar in the full white suit Owen fox in the blue Diego ponet in the white morona Matt King who is
Pushing like an animal in the green massive Gregoire going toe-to-toe with him I think that’s the lead GRE huge [Applause] push to the first Corner theide maing in nice second beautiful little tuck lean there from Greg coming into this sharp Lefty o very close there with ow and
Diego Diego making up some ground on second place though and greguar seems to be making a bit of a lead real nice fight through this chicane section not much you can do through here you can’t really pass it’s one line only almost Diego looking down the inside oh and gets it to nice
Pass super wide bit of Road who’s going to flare out and take the inside Lane they’re all pretty single file all about the exit speed into the right handin after this Diego coming up the inside of all of them look at that last breaking R then down to the Finish Line who will
Get it Diego looked like an in strong position oh Greg looks like he has it Greg ow Matt King then Diego super tight to the Finish Line greguar gets the win Owen fox in second Matt King in third and Diego in fourth good stuff boys here we have the men’s skateboard Final on the line tensions are high Mor’s Looking ready with that start push in the red
Frenchie Adrien panel in the black and white Marcus scota in the red and black and Morgan the let’s see how play there Frenchie close behind the ball Leed pretty fast on that Lefty couple different line choices here marks there he’s on morgs making up some ground there morg slutting into
Third first and second starting to run So much draft later on in this track though time to make it up wants it he’s sniffing barti Stefano holding strong Frenchy right there though the gap’s closed down theide he’s gone for the inside he’s fading they’re both fading get back this is going to be tight this last
Rideing crucial one more breaking Zone before that pull away to the Finish Line who has it it must be tight crowd can see it who is it St out in front Mark second Frenchie [Applause] third Mark made up some great ground there to get second what I like the most about down
Was skateboarding is the speed of course um it’s such an amazing feeling to push off and feel the acceleration of the roads um and also just because we got to go to so many places around the world it’s incredible that’s really something I love be the fastest you definitely need
Skills um and also not to be afraid of speed like some roads can be very scary and it can be can give you kind of a mental block of like okay I’m scared to take this line but definitely a little bit of commitment make you make you definitely the
Fastest um and practice a lot watch a lot of videos see how other people take lines and try to adapt uh everyone and try to uh yeah make it better everyone it’s definitely going to be very interesting but um yeah I really like it to have this kind of uh yeah excitement
Because I know it’s going to be very Tight just waiting on List he the women’s Cony here we are we got naan Tessa Campbell Amy Shephard Alicia Finch here we are they’re off and going looks like Tessa’s pushing to First Domin first push there Canada one two at the moment holds that second place though bit of room to Go coming through pretty single file here bit spaced out still time to get a draft on through the chicane Section this shank shicane section has the potential to Bunch everyone up or spread them out what will Happen Tessa with a commanding lead here she’s been looking real fast for aition games all the Weekend coming into their Mega Corner Tess’s got to be a time in a pocket stands up bit early gets an air break going for the grip line nice hold strong pulling away into this last riding Amy giving hot Chase though being a swapper position for third and Tessa takes the
Cony commanding L there in that con Amy coming through beautiful second one two three four all down Safe Dian and Cat represen team can L represen the Fromand to and we’re off going here we are huge push cat’s Unique Style but least I think has yep Lisa has it got Lisa one two three Through coming to the bottom Lefty not much extra speed out of here every little isal really dictate the CH like cat ground catching Up right there though not giving up still gaining bit of a gap back to third placea who’s got it into this fast bit into the left coming into Omega liser has a bit of a lead now cat staying down all the way as much as possible cat with a bit of a wide
Line there I think she went for the grip line dizzy might have Lisa with a bit of a Le front Lisa does it Lisa nice in second styling over that line she’s sponsored by get that skate alisar in third and dizzy in fourth Lisa is your Champion I invite everyone in t so in September 2024 for the world C game all day