Foreign foreign To practice foreign Thank you Seventh classes Foreign Foreign [Laughter] I don’t know motivational workships [Applause] foreign University and the change that this college has done in many young people’s lives and so I’m so excited to be coming back this is my sixth time in India first time in Hyderabad and I’m just so thankful that we can speak to many many students here today to know that their
Value is beautiful it doesn’t matter how we look it doesn’t matter how smart we are or how rich we are but to do our best in every opportunity to reach their full potential and I’m just so thankful to be here out with the chairman at mru here really the father of Education here
It’s incredible and the vice Chancellor and the university has been absolutely inspiring to me and I hope that my message has inspired all the youth here thank you so much foreign foreign [Applause] foreign Foreign Japan this is foreign foreign Foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign Foreign Public foreign Foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] Thank you my boys Foreign