St What Miss we going to track Miss we going to track He Miss me going to track miss me going to track He keep going to Track N Going to Track Yeah YouTube that he’s always like every time we start a video he’s always like like mocking YouTube that’s why I do every video you know what I’m saying I love her but the energy man you got match it want me to do it too yeah want to do it together
Yeah all right one two three you she’s late any anyway um what’s going on y’all I want to say I appreciate the support we still growing we’re going strong um this is the first Glenwood um video for the Glennwood Chronicles series you want to say appreciate it this has been a video I’ve
Been wanting to do for a minute but uh uh this is haven’t gotten to Gloom as far as uh camera camera I hav’t had I’ve been I as many people know I’ve been recording off my iPhone so you know FYI but now I got a you know actual camera
With a new gamble setup which yall going to see if I look at my page I post a video of me wasn’t doing anything for real but it was enough to you know I’m saying get stuff done CU was pretty good with the camera you know angles would
Not because this lady right here she she she’s pretty cold with the a going lie you you know what I’m saying but anyway no she’s real cold man best top tier um real quick so um uh while that’s you know in place too next week
Is going to be a video um uh big video for the A9 party at the rank Chicago A7 please come out support there be a lot of footage as far as um YouTube not YouTube U well I guess YouTube shorts Instagram real Tik toks but look out for
This next video I plan on having 20 minutes around that time because usually my videos are kind of short I’m still trying to get used to the YouTube content but that’s where it’s at right now so I’m trying to get into that wave and I’m getting there so be patient it’s
Coming next week I got more content I got a event for tomorrow um for big MAA yall know her you’re from Chicago you if you know SK you know her got a video for that coming so I’m going to do that tomorrow got some interviews on podcast
And I got another YouTube I actually got a YouTuber is going to be in that video so um so um as far as the um yeah sorry y’all so we had some technical difficulties what not but um I said U big weekend ahead um stay tuned cuz we
Locked in we need your support like share subscribe you got to do we appreciate it I’m keep short straight to the point um you anything to say no but stay tuned for what’s coming up cuz we got a big event this weekend with Mya and the footage that we’re going to get
Is going to be pretty good so it’s going be great don’t miss out be great be not going to be good be great it’s going to be great sorry photos from her I need some photos should be there then it was a little last minute but um she’s cold
Like I said she cold man you know what I’m saying she ain’t better than me though he doesn’t even know how Okay anyway um but yeah no just play around that’s how we play but uh um let’s say appreciate it we see yall soon any last
Remarks you just said it right yeah um appreciate support and we see y’all next video we out yeah