What is going on guys it’s PJ and welcome back to the Nintendo tonight podcast joined as always with Thomson Mac and yes folks it is the Pokemon episode once again we’re back I actually lied last episode I said it was going to be 2A but because Nintendo dropped this
Weird partner showcase which we’ll get into later kind of abruptly and that ruined our PLS a little bit but anyway um yeah so today we’re going to be talking about that Pokemon presents that obviously I just brought up um cool new games shown off couple of that are worth
Noting and obviously talk about the partner showcase as well um what does that mean for the switch too we’ll get into it and then also we got a couple fan questions to end off the episode so we are in for a good time at least I am
Maybe you guys aren’t but you know we’re dealing with it it’s like once a year so I can double some Pokemon today I’m yeah I’m excited for this I think I I want to get this to you guys first dude like what did you guys think it’s weird
Pokemon Legends Za as we’re looking is it or is it Z Das a or is it is it zah what is it Pokemon Zaza Pokemon Zaza dude Pokemon Za I think that’s what it is Za I hate that name but it looks it look I’m not even I’m not even sure if
This is like a is this is not gameplay it’s just like an animation no no no not gameplay yeah yeah um it looks neat I’m excited I’m glad I think the main thing we’re all very excited about is that it’s coming out next year and it’s not like a quick turnaround seems like
They’re going to work on this one and make it polished so I’m excited looks fun yeah it’s going to be I’m excited for just a year of no Pokemon DLC or new games um we haven’t had one of those in a while it feels like um so it’s going
To be nice uh and then also just so many weird questions like this announcement was very weird we’ll we’ll get into the switch to stuff in a minute because like is this game launching on switch 2 like we think switch 2 is coming out 2025 is
This a launch title A lot of people thought that I don’t know um interesting thing to talk about because you would think a launch title is supposed to be a graphical Powerhouse and uh we haven’t seen any screenshots of this game but I would assume it’s not but regardless
Like yeah I mean maybe maybe that one extra year is all they needed to make this 4K Ray traced Z they saw power world and like we need to get we need to get to it they’re they’re coming yeah you think how funny would that be like
All right we’re we’re we’re they just threw this animation up in like a month to get ready for Pokemon presents to be like yeah we’re we’re going to pass po World here yeah I I would I would be a fan um yeah we can also talk about the
Fact that Mega Evolutions are coming back that’s sick so that’s going to be cool cuz I never played Pokemon X or Y but I played the hell out of Alpha Sapphire which was also Gen 6 and had Mega Evolutions and that game was six so I’m a mega evolutions Fanboy but
Honestly I think arguably the coolest part about this to me is just it just shows that the legend subtit tile is like an actual thing like we didn’t know guaranteed that they were going to make more Pokémon Legends blanks like we we didn’t know um obviously the you know
Legends arus did really well but it’s a Pokemon game it always does really well it didn’t do as well as like Scarlet or violet or something so maybe they you know in their mind it’s just like ah okay we did one it was kind of fun for
The Gen 4 remakes but let’s do uh let’s do something else but no this is clearly clearly a new like an entire new franchise not franchise cuz it’s still Within it’s a new series within the Pokémon series it’s pretty exactly yeah it’s Unique we’ve never seen anything
Like this I believe like the closest I guess you could say would be the uh like the Home console games PJ like the ones on the GameCube I forget what they’re called uh Coliseum and XD gild Darkness yeah what I think is cool about the Legend Series in my opinion is that
They’re able to make new creative games that are like built around the game but they don’t have to you know add 150 new Pokémon every single single time you know they can focus to what they’ve already built and refined that into something that like is pretty cool from
What we saw in Legends rcus yeah or archus sorry yeah remember I remember the comments or ar it’s technically archus it’s technically archus but like as a kid I always called it arus but like a bunch of people from the UK it started comment it started as arus and
Then it changed to archus cuz people were making fun of how it sounded like ARS yeah well I remember when we originally talked about like Legends archus Mac uh I think it was the episode Thomas wasn’t there we got a bunch of comments from like people from the UK
And stuff like that saying like why are you saying it like ARS like this is literally like ARS in my country it sounds so goofy like I’m paraphrasing but I remember seeing a few of those yeah I don’t know hey well Legends AR archus arus whatever um true wait
What yeah I don’t know um anyway I I think the the fact that they’re doing more Legends games is really cool um I think it’s not going to like save Pokemon like we we don’t know it’s not the fact that they’re just making other Legends games doesn’t mean like oh game
Freak is so back but it’s a step in the right direction it shows that they kind of you know want to Branch out try new things like hey if if the Pokemon Legends series like does a ton of different Innovations like archus and just kind of like turns it like like
Modernizes Pokemon and then they keep the class formula for like gen 9 gen 10 gen 11 and so on and so forth like hey even if the mainline like scarlet and violet games are still buggy broken messes and like you know they do some cool stuff there but it’s overall not
Super high quality as long as like if the Legends games are good um like Legends arus was a or archus was a great first step I think for that sub series totally um it’s funny it almost feels like like a branch off like how like Mario branched into 3D and 2D but
Instead here it’s like you got the legends branch and then the mainline Branch like Legends is kind of like in that weird spin-off Mainline kind of gray area but like is still like in is is basically the innovating driver while the mainline games is like creating new
Pokemon you know yeah creating more war and all that stuff yeah the mainline games at this point like I could totally see game freak go down a path where the mainline games like whatever the sequels to scarlet and violet are and like you know gen 10 those games are pretty much
It’s going to sound bad but solely made for merchandise to make new cute Pokemon designs they can slap on shirts and sell plushies of and you know a bunch of stuff for the anime and just kind of like cuz Pokemon’s huge like the game syndicates into so much different stuff
Whether it’s merch anime trading cards whatever and then from like a pure gamer like I want to play a fun game perspective Legends kind of takes over because they’re able to put more development time into the actual mechanics and all that and not have to just design and work on different
Pokemon and trainers and like the lore aspect as much that would be really cool yeah that would be that would be a really cool way to fix is a crazy word to throw out because it’s still the highest grossing media franchise ever but like a cool way
To you know have the games be a bit higher quality I’d say yeah um I guess one other thing we could talk about PJ you probably know this more than I do but um this is not what was expected a lot of people thought it
Was going to be Unova which is Gen 5 this is a Callos or well specific spe it’s lumo City Lum city lumio city which um we can talk about this too in a minute but apparently Nintendo tweeted out that the entire game takes place within the city so maybe it’s just one
Big city and you like try and build it as you go throughout your adventure and maybe it starts like a baren wasteland then you could build it up to how it is seen in X and Y or maybe even past that like into the future cuz we got you know
A bunch of futuristic graphics for this teaser trailer I it is weird though that they skipped over Gen 5 right or do you think we’re going to get Gen 5 like brilliant Diamond shining Pearl style chibi remakes Maybe by ilka later on yeah it’s kind of weird um at the moment
It’s definitely like a little confusing um because back when X and Y came out uh everybody kind of wanted or expected Pokemon Z and then that just kind of like never came out and then X and Y was it was kind of like short development time and that’s why people think that
That post game kind of sucks a little bit of that game um so coming all together like I guess this is literally um like 12 years later post like X and Y release um it kind of makes sense that they’re going to be closing this story of Callos
And stuff like that now but just generally it doesn’t really make sense for sure because if we look at the pattern over the years it’s like you know everybody was expecting either like a let’s go game with all of like the unknown drops in the PO pokon presents
First of all um and then just I thought for sure it was going to be let’s go the moment it started yeah and like the second when they cut away and it was like one more announcement or whatever when a bunch of the unknown was showing
Up I was like oh my god let’s go jto man come on no way and it’s like I was like wait this is cow do you think they were teasing us do you think they were like b i I don’t know maybe maybe unknown has something to do with the game though
Because we look at like the logo Za or whatever and we think about how like unknown like all of the forms like represent obviously different letters and stuff like that I mean maybe they have something sprinkled in with this I don’t know obviously this going to be a
Zygard focus game um because obviously X and Y xerus and Yveltal um were like X and Y and then Zygarde was kind of like that third legendary that we all know about um in like all these games and was kind of like thrown aside and then in
Like the Gen 7 games it was kind of weird cuzz then they you know had like the zygard cell thing that you could collect like along the main story so it was like Pokemon Z elements like sprinkled into the Gen 7 games it was really weird but anyway um kind of come
Back around yeah it is weird that we didn’t get a Unova game I guess because all of the Unova content we’ve been getting recently like the two DLCs of Pokemon scarlet and violet both take place in Unova and you know normally in the main Series games over the years
They will sprinkle hints and like mentions about the region that will be remade next like you know Diamond and Pearl and platinum have a bunch of like Johto hints in there and obviously that generation got hard goal Soul Silver um and stuff like that so yeah I it was I
Was very surprised I was blown away that not only is it not a Unova game but it’s a Callos game like what the hell because you know at the beginning of Skarlet and violet we always thought that Kos was the region next to Pala and then it was
Like okay no it’s not really we’re going to Unova for the DLC but it’s definitely surprising um I don’t know what they’re going to do with the Gen 5 remake I’m guessing they’re going to give it to Ila again but maybe that’s a I was talking
About this with my friend maybe the um black and white remakes or whatever they’re going to end up doing with it is going to be 2026 and then maybe gen 7 and like 2027 or 2028 something like that but um it was surprising that they’re making the jump for
Sure yeah it’s very very very odd but um going back to what you said earlier this game definit is like a zygard focus game like you can even see in the logo like it’s it’s his color and you got the like scales and whatnot or like the little hexagon things which I’m pretty
Sure he has like on his body right yeah it’s it’s a it’s a total hint for sure yeah yeah so that’ll be interesting um I don’t really care too much about like Kos in general I just never played the games but I feel like it always looked
Like one of the more interesting regions um the idea so like it was cool I mean the the main like City the fact that there’s like one massive City in the entire region I think it’s cool and that’s going to be leaned into even more in this um something interesting is like clearly
Okay so Nintendo did tweet out that everyone that your adventure in this game I think the exact wording they used was your adventure in Pokemon Legends Za will take place entirely within lumio city um lots of people were like either mad at that or like oh what we’re not
Even getting a whole region it’s just a city and then a lot of other people were like there’s no way they were in like denial even though Nintendo kind of outright tweeted it they were like oh there’s no way this is like a weird translation or something no it that’s
Definitely the case they wouldn’t tweet that out if it wasn’t the case like that tweet like a tweet for a new game announcement especially a new Pokemon game like this gets looked over by countless people they wouldn’t make that mistake but I don’t think it’s a bad
Thing at all if it’s entirely focused within one city I think maybe a smaller more dense game world where it’s not nearly as big but there’s just so much to do within the area you’re at maybe this you know it doesn’t have to all be buildings building buildings there could
Be parks in the city maybe you can go underground to the city and there’s like a cave or something with like fire types or whatever like there’s definitely ways to make this really cool and if they’re trying to continue to innovate like they did with Legends then being able to kind
Of build up the city as you progress through the story and maybe do different quests or whatever go out on like a safari type thing and get a bunch of Pokemon bring them back to the city like that’s pretty cool and it kind of reminds me of a different game freak
Game not um not any Pokemon game but it was code named town and then I think it ended up being called like little town hero or something y I think I remember seeing that in directs it came out in like I believe around 2018 2019 um maybe
2020 uh obviously on switch and I I never played the game and I don’t really remember any reviews of it but when the game was first pitched it was like you build up this town like that’s what I that’s what I remember from like the game’s first trailer seeing it in a
Direct is like you you live in this town you go around you fight monsters and stuff and you help the town like grow and you start from like maybe a couple of shelters to a fully bustling civilization um and I think taking that into Pokémon is really cool uh like
Expanding that from I think I don’t think town was full price or anything like that but expanding that like kind of smaller concept that game freak clearly is passionate about into a full Mainline Pokémon game that’s going to get played by millions and millions of people I think that’s really cool
Because if that’s what they end up doing I mean it clearly is like even in the trailer it says like Urban Redevelopment plan like clearly you’re going to be rebuilding the city um and it starts off you know with sketches on like parchment paper so it looks very kind of old timey
Or even just like modern to the point of where the games were in X and Y or where the city was in X and Y and then it goes to this like cyber Cybertron like Tron looking neon like wireframe aesthetic which makes me believe they’re eventually going to lean into the future
Like we could get a fistic Pokemon City that’s what I think so interesting about Legend Za because if you look back at Legends archus it was very much it was rural it was in the outdoors it was very spread out but it was also in the past
And then this one is urban it’s in the city and in the future so they’re almost opposites like yeah I wonder if there’s going to be like like like call backs to to archus or whatever because of like this one’s in the future and that one’s
In the past if they’ll be like connected in some way yeah I wonder um I don’t know cuz like archus was like it took place I believe thousands of years before c was C it was called like Hui or something and there were like different versions of the same Pokemon that would
End up being there and like you know you could see the general layout was the same but very vastly different um and this from what we can see it looks like there’s potential it goes into the future which I think is really cool too um it’s it’s just an interesting idea I
Feel like if Legends is like their way to kind of experiment and you know take big swings without it affecting the main like the main core Pokemon games then so far man they’re knocking it out of the park I mean between leg arus and now the
Very little know about this like an a Pokemon game that doesn’t take place within a region but just one city that you presumably build that’s lets them break outside of the original Pokemon mold of the you know the eight gems in one in one region or whatever it lets
Them experiment which I think is really cool and we’ll probably get the team excited to make games again like make like like well-made games yeah it also kind of expands like the story ideas you know cuz they’re kind of like limited back on the DS and stuff like that in
Those older gen so it’s cool to kind of go in depth cuz like X and Y kind of has like a a big story about this dude with like you know the Ultimate Weapon and like this big war Arc and stuff like that that you know obviously the 3DS
Doesn’t really have the capacity to show off so if this is set in the past and I think we’re all a little skeptical of whether it’s going to be like a time travel thing if it’s going to be just in the past just in the future because you
Know like like you were saying Thomas the Tron kind of wireframe cinematic we’re looking at here it’s a little confusing cuz you know you see kind of like that past aesthetic like you know on the screen when it says you know development lumio City and stuff like
That but when you look at the map it’s kind of like futuristic but I don’t know um you know we’ll we’ll see It’ll be it’ll be great it’ll be great cuz you know obviously I I think the XY story is definitely like unfinished a little bit
So closing off with this is pretty cool but man yeah it’s going to be neat um I don’t know much about po at all PJ but isn’t the isn’t the like name of the character who had the like great weapon or whatever AZ yeah and that’s like the
Reverse title so yeah that’s it’s it’s definitely a reference as well people are speculating if he’s actually going to be in the game or not and you know I wonder if he has something to do with zygard or something like that or if like the Ultimate Weapon will appear in this
Like it’s all really interesting I’m excited to hear more about it cuz um it’s it’s one of the more interesting stories in the Pokemon franchise what Mac I feel like you just had Brain Blast yeah okay so Z we know stands for zygard right sure what does a stand for you
Just say archus archus it’s maybe and then the next game it’s going to be a new letter then Z then a and they’re just going to keep adding letters to the beginning and that’s why the dash is there yeah yeah yeah hey man maybe we’ll see in 2025 we got time
Well let’s speak on that for a minute 2025 so no Pokemon game this year um which hey fair enough we I’m not against this at all um unfortunately there’s nothing else this year so that kind of put the day of on things but hey if they’re not going to put any other
Actual games besides Princess Pete showtime and a bunch of remasters out on switch why not save Pokemon too give it a little bit more development time but um speaking of putting games on switch this game will lease on switch there’s no way it doesn’t it’s a Pokémon game
They want it to be available to the highest possible you know demographic it’s not going to be a switch to exclusive but 2025 I would assume that this game this game is either coming out like because the Legends RC has came out January yep of 2022 or 2021 okay so January of
2021 or Legends arxus comes out in January this Legends game is clearly not it’s not making this holiday cuz it’s 2025 I doubt they would announce it a full two years pretty much before so it’s not making 202’s holiday do you think this comes out in January
And you know switch 2 is not even out yet like switch 2 comes out maybe March of 20 um 2025 because that’s what the rumor is switch 2 is coming out March of 2025 now so um I mean we can debate whether that’s valid all day but that’s
Just at least what people are saying like yeah do you guys think this could be the last big like switch game quote unquote which I know people have said we’ve said that for tears of the kingdom and then we said it for Mario Wonder but
It like and then I said it for Princess Peach and then I’m saying it for Pokemon so I’m not sure how big Princess Peach is but oh it’s dude it’s going to change the switch are you kidding me come on no it’s Game of the Year quality anyway
High high high quality game maybe that should be one of the punishments for like our trivia that someone has to buy and complete Princess show time that’s actually really good that would be oh yeah I totally forgot about that we’ll do that for a future uh
A future Endeavor but yeah yeah I I I don’t know like my logic like my gut feeling is that this game is going to be is going to launch on switch um and not have switched to like anything because if you think about it it’s definitely not launching exclusively on switch 2
Because that would just kind of be a little dumb um there’s so many people who have switch so many kids who have switch who buy Pokémon games like they’re not going to do that and they also said it’s coming to Nintendo switch but the weird scenario is do they do
Like if this game releases like within the month of the switch 2 coming out or after the switch 2 if switch 2 comes out this year MH do they then put out like a switch 2 version that’s graphically enhanced I don’t necessarily think they do although they would definitely sell a
Lot more units but I think Nintendo is going to be somewhat careful of the games that they you know put like do like a you know Super Smash BR ultimate plus where it’s has better graphics or tear of the Kingdom plus where it runs at like 60 FPS and all that and looks
Way better and put it on switch 2 I don’t think Nintendo will do that with a Pokemon game because it’s not like the gra again we haven’t seen screenshot of this game but it’s not like the graphics from Pokemon games are necessarily what you want to be selling your new powerful
More graphically capable console on um but hey maybe that’s just maybe that’s what they needed maybe that’s what they needed dude you never know who knows who knows we don’t know the spe suddenly going to be suddenly going to be the most beautiful game to ever exist well
I’m not going to go that far but I think it has a chance of being like pretty damn good I don’t know cuz yeah if if we’re going to take like a big jump with the specs of like the switch 2 I mean you know obviously you’d hope that the
Team is going to take advantage of it I mean I’m I just wish that like scarlet and violet released on something like the switch 2 because it’s it’s so ambitious and it had so many like graphical issues and bugs and stuff like that um well that’s the that’s why I’m
So like I’m so hesitant to give to think it will is like scarlet and violet was so bad on switch but it’s not like that’s necessarily the switch’s fault like tears of the kingd is also on switch or like there are to so many other games like even Endless Ocean like
Obviously there’s not as much going on in that game so it’s not like it needs to be you know I I know that was kind of a joke but yeah no I I I hear you like the joke yeah yeah that was funny we were joking about how Endless Ocean like mops
Pokemon games visually and it’s like on like like a PS1 game yeah yeah brutal brutal but like game freak hasn’t really taken advantage of the switch’s power yeah so I’m not entirely confident or convinced they will with the switch to um but it remains to be seen there’s no
Really no point in speculating on that um also this is just a side note I just noticed sorry PJ that the dash I don’t know if I’m bugging the dash in the logo for z- a looks kind of like a stretched out version of the Mega Evolution symbol
Am I bugging or is that just like kind of a little bit like stretched out horizontally I can see what you’re going for I I can I can also see it a little purp I don’t think no I don’t think it is that was just a uh yeah I think I
Think if they didn’t show this at the end like the Mega Evolution symbol I think I would so be on that train but I see where you’re coming from yeah but they’ve already revealed it so it’s like okay they’re in game and then they’re teasing that they’re in the game like
All right all right buddy that’s not we can also get into that in a minute but um the the exciting thing kind of about the the uh I just completely brain farted the exciting thing about like the legend zygard game and stuff like that is like the new megas like what if they
Bring new megas to the game because there’s so many different Pokemon that people wanted for so long that to like be turned into megas and then you know there’s like this whole speculation about oh my God are they going to bring back like all of the gimmicks in gen 10
And maybe this is like you know the the slow restart into it to kind of help it make sense like I don’t know wait people people think that yeah some people think because like gen 10 is like gen 10 I know people are definitely like sending themselves up for disappointment but
Like dude because I I feel like they’re kind of listening like game freak is kind of listening at the same time cuz it’s like people have said like megas are the best gimmick uh they’ve wanted it back ever since they’ve left in gen 7 stuff like that so they are kind of
Listening bringing them back so I wouldn’t quite write it off them you know putting them in like some of the newer games now cuz you know they’re hinting at the Mega’s logo if they’re going to be in the game like why would you not put in new ones because there’s
A lot of Pokemon such as you know like Flygon and bunch of others we could spend a whole episode or at least I could on a bunch of different Pokemon that I would want as like new megas and stuff like that but um that also opens a new chapter of speculation and stuff
Like that so so that could be really cool as well yeah no I I agree I don’t know too much about Mega Evolutions I just know I click the button on the bottom of my this is Pokemon Za and I am the resident Pokemon Sun and Moon expert so
What about Z moon moves any any way they could come back I wouldn’t write it off I mean I don’t know I it’s more likely in my opinion than d a gyant Max or something yeah I thought yeah I think it that’s probably like the silliest mechanic they’ve ever put out because
It’s like it’s like basically lazy megas because you just o big Pokemon o big Pokemon like I don’t know just kind of silly um I remembered what I was going to say I think about about before I brain farted and had had to like Salvage
The point um so the Legends games or at least the legend Legends archus game um I I didn’t really think it was a huge like graphical issue or any sort of like frame rate issue to be honest when playing like obviously it wasn’t like perfect 60 FPS like oh my God this is
The best thing ever but it’s looking at scarlet and violet it’s definitely better than that so I I don’t think I’m too scared about the performance of this game and like how it’s going to go cuz obviously we we’ve been seeing that this is going to be kind of like lumio City
Focused on which is very interesting as well you know you wonder if it’s going to be you know expand it to other talents because um the Ultimate Weapon that I was kind of talking about earlier which you know is in like that war story arc of callow is actually in a city
Called geoeng City so maybe you know they’ll they’ll dive into that as well but in terms of performance I I don’t really think I’m scared for like the Legends series because they kind of killed it with Legend zarus to be honest like there’s a lot of like really nice
Cinematics in that game you know the gutina fight all that stuff like I I think they did a really good job with what they had and especially again looking at scarlet and violet like knocked it out of the park so um The Legend series particularly I’m not very
Concerned about the frame rate and stuff but obviously we shall see because you know Mega Evolution is a whole new chapter once again on the switch so you know we shall wait and see but I’m optimistic yeah I think after what we saw with Legends archus I’m not too
Worried about this game and the fact that it’s getting a 2025 release it makes me actually very excited for it something I’m scared about though is that they’ll be like hey guys so remember when we said we’re not launching a Pokemon game in 2024 L uh actually we’re doing the black and white
Remakes by ilka and we’re announcing it in June to be released in November yeah you know what like I I don’t know man I I really hope not but I think that’s I think that’s the only pathway that we get a Pokemon game um this year at least
Released like on the switch that’s going to be kind of like quote unquote main series but yeah yeah I I don’t think they’ll like game freak isn’t going to have yeah game freak isn’t going to have a uh another game that they’re making so it would be
A contracted like Ila game and at that point like hey if it comes out and sucks so be it because game freak’s working on something else so yeah I mean bdsp was a little controversial maybe they will go away from the chibi style and maybe that
Game will be different but I don’t know um black and white obviously got a sequel so I think maybe they’re less concerned about expanding that story at the moment um because that a good point that’s that’s really covered I mean Black and White 2 take place two years
After the originals and that story is like time so then it’s time for the Sun and Moon remake right yeah dude well they got right yeah they ult were those full on sequels they were like deluxe versions I’d say right I I I would I
Mean I would say so I mean they they delved more into like the ultra Beast story yeah also they did the ncrma thing and all that like I I think that’s kind of closed off as well um I mean I don’t know I mean they’ll get to it eventually
I mean we look at their history they will get to it but yeah I poke Pokemon’s not going anywhere so they’ll they’ll get around allall exct yeah the good thing is that they at least like it kind of makes sense that it’s callous like I know people wanted gen
Five and wanted s but X and Y were the only games that didn’t get sequels in the form of like Black 2 White 2 or third version a third version or like DLC like sword and shield and skelet and violet all got the expansion pass so I
Think it’s fair um I think it’s fair they remaking it I I feel for like yova fans like I don’t really care about yova but um if I like I’m I’m a huge hoen fan if this was supposed to be like the Gen 3 remakes and then they were like oh
Screw it we’re jumping to a different one I would J yeah yeah but whatever um that’s not my problem because I don’t really doesn’t really bother me either way so I mean I don’t I don’t think like Unova fans are like in my opinion just because like I I like read Twitter and
Stuff like that like and obviously my own personal opinion but like I don’t think that Inova fans are really starving I mean they just got like a ton of content in scarlet and violet as well so what what was the Unova content in scari so the the two the two DLCs take
Place in yova um oh really yeah and then the the seventh gym leader of I forget if it’s both games but I know for a fact it’s black and white to uh drayen his son is like a big character in the second DLC um and he’s part of that like
Elite 4 whatever so there yeah there’s been like a ton of Unova content um they even like had a tie in with one of the Gen 8 Pokemon uh duraladon and they like gave him an evolution in the second DLC into Arch aladon and it’s after like I’m
Pretty sure it’s called the skyarrow bridge I think um like that’s that’s what like the Pokemon looks like he literally like evolves into this bridge looking dude um which is a bridge in yova so it’s like a gen 8 Pokemon evolving and then looking like a gen
Five Bridge so I mean yeah yeah yeah we have reached Peak Pokemon yes we have we at Peak Game Freak No I guess that makes think fans been eating dude I mean I think I think they’re good to wait off yeah I I guess that makes then complete
Sense why they skipped over to um Gen 6 if they were like cooking for Gen 5 all of last year with both the DLCs then yeah sure um makes sense yeah I think I I don’t really know how much more there is to say just because we really don’t have
That much information but I think the thing that has me the most excited about this game is like the the one thing that I’ve actually seen people mad about which is the fact that it’s like supposedly all takes place in one city I just think that’s a cool concept and it
Can allow for the game to be a lot higher quality cuz they’re not having to make this huge region they can just focus on like one somewhat smaller area and really flush it out to be as fun as it possibly can be it’s like I agree you know it’s like the difference between
Having like a massive Assassin’s Creed map where there’s like not too much to do and it’s just kind of like copy and pasted stuff over and over again versus like a Mario Odyssey Kingdom where it’s like non-stop fun very small location but um yeah I I think it’s a cool
Concept and I’m I’m really looking forward to seeing what they uh what they do with it I don’t think I I guess here’s the last thing we can we can say when do you guys think we get any more information on this game I highkey would not be surprised if we didn’t get
Anything until like like I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t get anything in June we probably will um because that’s generally how Pokemon does it but like I wait until September yeah that’s that’s a good point that’s a good point I actually kind of like September um and after this
I I have another Point that’s unrelated go ahead ma of course we we could not hear anything until next Pokemon day you think if the game comes out in 2025 and they decide to give it like a like a summer or late year release like they didn’t give it a season or quarter
Yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s totally possible I’d say it’s more likely we hear something probably like September is but I mean it’s it’s feasibly possible I feel like they at latest at latest we’d hear something by if that were the case I feel like they would announce the um other remix today they
Would announce like ilco remakes for yova yeah because I feel like they’d want to have something to like talk about and get people hype about this year like just a Pokemon doesn’t like not that it would completely fall out of the public Consciousness but you know
They you kind of always want to have people talking about your product and your franchise so yeah cool yeah yeah maybe kind of weird it’s definitely weird because we’ve had a Pokemon game release like every year for like a very long time every November like I can’t
Even remember the last year that they didn’t do that maybe maybe 208 no no cuz 2018 was let’s go yeah I mean they’ve released 2016 sun and moon yeah yeah 20 2015 2015 and that’s like literally n years almost n not almost nine years ago
Yeah yeah weird it is but I I like it though cuz you know they’re taking more time um last point that I will mention though is I was talking about earlier how X and Y kind of had like short development cycle and then obviously they went to Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire
Literally the next year as Thomas was talking about um I I like how they are focusing a lot on lumo City because obviously this is like the main city obviously you know Eiffel Tower obviously in the middle of lumo city which is a gym in like the Gen six games
And stuff like like that so and they didn’t really expand a lot on it and it’s like a really cool City cuz you know obviously you’re like roller skating around cuz there’s roller skates in that game um the city and it’s not very expansive obviously you know 3DS
Moment but expanding on this city and kind of fully flushing out his potential like on the switch and switch to as we’re speculating I think it could be really cool I’m excited to see like what they do with it now that they have like
The power to do so yeah I think it I think it’ll be massive just because like like you said they didn’t have really the power to do that on the 3DS not that the switch is like entirely more powerful but it is more powerful 3DS they’ll be able to expand this into like
What what it’s meant to resemble which is Paris like Paris is very dense it’s very large I think I think they’ll do a good job uh making lumio City massive and fun yeah yeah yeah all right I I agree yeah we’re we’re hyped I’m I am
But yeah yeah yeah okay we can uh we can move on to this direct partner showcase folks if we want like what was this you’re back I had Cy like even my even my wifi doesn’t want me to talk about this stupid ass partner showcase like I’m going to keep it a I
Didn’t watch it wow whoa oh I watched it yeah I it was like as far as partner showcases go it was good like there were cool third party announcements here Epic Mickey yeah I thought this was like one of the best announcements like Epic Mickey on the Wii like I didn’t play a
Lot of it but I remember like my parents bought me scaring me I’d go to GameStop and I’d see the boxer and be like scared because like Mickey’s usually like cute and that Epic Mickey is not cute yeah I mean I don’t know I I think it’s pretty
Cool um if it was like maybe a little cheaper um maybe I’ll wait till it’s like very on sale as I’m sure it will be almost immediately um I’ll probably pick it up I mean it’s kind of cool I like the the idea of it and stuff um and on
The switch it’s just easier to play than you know trying to find my Epic Mickey copy and you know putting it in my Wii U digging that out as well so yeah I mean you know that that was kind of cool as well but overall I I think we should I
Think we should just talk about a little bit like it was just weird the fact that it was like a partner showcase and how this is just more and more and more giving kind of credence towards all right switch two time were’re we digging at the bottom of the barrel here like
You know I don’t know they got nothing that’s that’s immediately what I thought big that’s the big news that comes out of this not that switch twos on hor on the horizon or they just they don’t have anything they were were in the the the
In between we’re in the slums bro we are in the slums they have they have nothing they have nothing I was trying to think of a familyfriendly way to say that but I just came up with nothing nothing they have nothing it’s very very odd to see
Um it’s very very odd to see CU it seems like something Nintendo would have done before the switch era where they like run out of steam by the end of a console’s life don’t really have anything to put out and then we have you know a year like a probably like almost
A year long wait with minimal to know news and games like some stuff to make people happy but nothing big not like the games that like you’re losing sleepover you’re so excited like a Mario Odyssey or like tears of the Kingdom um it seems like like this like I just
Assume they would have learned their lesson to not do this um but that’s not the case it’s also even worse now because when this would happen like before like from the Wii U to the switch the 3DS was still a thing or like the
The Wii to the Wii U the DS like the 3DS launched a little bit before that um and like stuff like that because they always kind of had a handheld and a Home console thing going on it was never like it was never this bad but we’re going to have a pretty like
Unless they come out of the woodwork with like Metroid Prime 4 is coming out on switch and like I don’t know KCK Oris Uprising Fort or like stuff like like they can do a bunch of stuff but like we’re not getting any more big big games on switch you could make the argument
The Pokemon gamees the last one um yeah I don’t know I think the issue is that the the switches uh kind of like release cycle like across all of the years has been like a very filled with Porsche obviously we’ve had like a lot of great games but I think some of those
Games would have been like better released kind of later on like I don’t know you’re seeing like a lot of these a lot of these ports like late kind of thing you know Thousand-Year Door Mario RPG stuff like that um and if we even like look earlier and things like that I
Mean maybe we get that Zelda pack that has been you know speculated it seems every every single year you know the Twilight Princess Wind Waker that you know we think technically should be coming out because it makes so much sense haha but it just doesn’t ever come
Out so um maybe we get something like that but yeah it’s it’s a little concerning but I think it’s just kind of telling that switch 2 was coming but I don’t really like their release schedule and what they have kind of like slated for now and I also I feel like that’s
Huge copium thinking that Prime 4 is going to come out because I feel like if it was it would have already like 4 years ago or 3 years ago but I’m I’m I definitely leaning towards that as like switch to launch exclusive but you never
Know yeah I don’t know man we need a new Fire Emblem that’s what we need we need a new fire honestly honestly I would take the Fire Emblem right now I wouldn’t play it but just to have something releaseing I don’t care like I we I was happy when Fire Emblem games
Were releasing and I’m no longer happy so all I want all the Fire Emblem games you know throw in Triangle strategy and octopath traveler too that I don’t even care at this point that’s my thoughts we’re dying over here there’s just nothing there’s absolutely nothing I don’t know when
They’re going to do anything but we’re we’re xen Chronicles 4 Long Haul yeah well you know what actually I know you’re kind of joking but Xenoblade Chronicles X is like the only notable game from the Wii U that hasn’t really been ported yet so maybe we can that
Yeah why not I mean I’m not going to buy it I’m not going to care but you know it’s something like I don’t know yeah yeah that’s a good point I mean I yeah anything anything just a chome just a drop Nintendo please um I guess one
Other thing about the Showcase I can just talk about uh Monkey Ball banana Rumble that could be really fun if this is like a good monkey ball game um I haven’t played any of the new monkey ball games I haven’t played the uh there’s like banana Blitz or something
Or maybe it’s called something else I don’t know there was a there was a monkey ball game on switch that came out like a couple years ago never never bought it never played it apparently it like controlled a little weird um if this one is good then hey man that could
Be fun uh also I love the idea of like a little Battle Royale 16 player bu of monkeys no monkey ball looks really fun a lot of videos from it yeah I haven’t played it before but it’s frustrating it’s a good time though um is my favorite yeah yeah fun um never
Played I just think the little monkey dude is cute what’s his name like I or whatever I yeah yeah I I watched that one video essay of where the the guy I forget who the YouTuber was he was trying to find like the voice actor for monkey ball or whatever you ever watch
That yeah yeah that yeah that was a good one that was a while ago um yeah I don’t know monkey ball that could be cool what else was there there is oh well World of Goo 2 it’s on the it’s on the screen I really don’t care about this a lot of
People are freaking out uh this was a huge Wii wear game I never played it so I just don’t have any connection to it but that’s cool I’m happy for people uh I was debating on getting the remastering of Battlefront 1 and two um Star Wars Battlefront 1 and two there’s
Like a classic pack where they’re adding in some extra Heroes who I don’t know if they were like console exclusives before or whatever but now they’re uh added in for everyone um I was thinking of getting that but then I realized it’s like 25 gigabytes I’d just rather get it
On Steam um so I I really don’t think anything from this direct like so like I’m trying to think I might be being dumb right now but no I don’t think I’m getting any of these games on switch like maybe I get the Star Wars one but I
Wouldn’t even get it on switch so yeah I mean I’m kind of with you like and this this game is it’s interesting like pentant that was one of the games that people talk about during the uh the Xbox news Fest I mean Xbox podcast um that we
Covered a couple weeks ago um so that’s kind of interesting and I’m pretty sure the direct just ended off with like some switch online stuff um apparently there was like rare fans mad about this for some reason I don’t know why I I saw something on Twitter about how like
People are upset for some reason I I I don’t know but they’re calling this like the rare Collection Pack or it’s some sort of thing like that so that’s nice I guess um I yeah I don’t know it’s it’s just whole lot of nothing Endless Ocean yeah
We got it talk about that you can scuba dive oh sir yeah this is big guys this is real big this this is I think this will be the switch’s top seller for the year I’m narrowly beating out Princess Peach showtime and uh um I don’t know if it
Beat Showtime dude I think you’re kind of underestimating like the the power that that game has yeah that one will probably sell one pillion units this one will sell like I don’t know how how many fish are there there on the planet like 7 trillion God I want to say I want to
Say trillions but like I feel like that’s St no no I think accurate how many wait this is actually kind of funny how many fish are on the planet if we exclusively talk fish not like not like Plankton and like Krill or Krill fish no KR I think so there’s a krilli and
Krill that’s a good one I’m going to say wait let’s all try and guess how many fish are in the sea and then we’ll whoever’s closest wins 10 trillion 10 trillion wow trillion is a lot yeah um I’m just just you know random I mean
We’re not even going to be able to get an accurate like we don’t know we don’t even know most of the ocean yeah yeah I’m gonna say I’m GNA say five billion I feel like I’m I’m going to say no I’m going to say 100 billion it’s way more than 5 billion
There’s more fish than people people actually yeah you’re so right I’m so dumb cuz like I would say 100 billion was I closest .5 trillion fish ooh well technically I’m closest but you you had you say what’ you say I said 100 billion so I’m like 3.4 trillion off yeah but
Yeah that makes sense 3.5 trillion woohoo well that’s what you get when there’s on Nintendo tonight when there’s you know absolutely nothing the big the big direct Ending game is uh Endless Ocean so yeah actually there’s infinite fish in this ocean because it’s endless and it’s luminous too I want to
End episode so bad I’m kidding I got nothing I got nothing to say want to move on to fan questions let we got nothing to talk about on that sense because no one cares anyway okay so that was disappointing but anyway hey at least we talked about Pokemon for 35
Minutes I love that for me anyway yeah first question here from Chris tendo nice and simple question are are you guys doing today how are we doing folks fellas I’m doing decent today it’s been a good day I’m doing well I’m doing well I I wish I got more work done but that’s
Kind of every day so y such as life yeah this there’s always more work in okay thank you Chris I hope you I hope your day doing well as well so true are going well and everyone listening so have a great day except for uh uh Tim
Yeah except for Tim we know what you did yeah sorry Tim’s out there I was just like if there’s a Tim listening that would be kind of crazy imagine your name is Tim you’re just like what do I do yeah imagine your name is Tim and you actually just did something like pretty
Bad and I’m like I know what you done and then freak out yeah Jesus all right next question here from Jacob game block how do you think Nintendo can improve Mario’s move set in the next 3D game after odyssey’s movement was quote so perfect a good one how peculiar
Um I don’t know I like it’s just going to be whatever the gimmick is right yeah like if you think they 3D World it if it’s like an odyssey 2o you think they 3D worlded and add like a couple new like movement mechanics and just run
With that oh uh yeah I mean they could like if they could just add new mechanics or like new cap abilities like maybe you can throw it um I don’t know maybe you have two hats and you can throw them both or something like that I don’t know that they wouldn’t do that
But like some sort of mechanic like that or you know Sunshine had flood and that was the that was the gimmick Galaxy had the Luma and the spin jump and that was the gimmick like whatever the I I think the base movement options like the side flip the
Triple hop the long jump even the dive the dive has become so useful um I feel like all those will probably stay especially because like even the dive and the roll got added into 3D world uh on the switch Port of it so I don’t know I I think there’s no way
To know exactly what the gimmick is going to be but I think they keep almost all of odyssey’s movement um cuz like at that point that’s just kind of like Mario like when you’re running around an odyssey and you like flick the stick around a bunch of times and then he
Starts spinning like that just feels good to do it’s like satisfying so maybe they add in some small stuff like that um that’s just like satisfying to the player albeit probably not like a super interesting movement option that everyone is going to do all the time but
I just think stuff like that because they’ve already got you know you said it yourself Jacob odyssey’s movement is so perfect that they’ll just kind of they’ll just kind of like refine it rather than completely reinvent the wheel I agree with that I think it’ll be
I think the only way they can improve it is by adding like a new gimmick like Cappy or flood to change his move set in some way but yeah agree with you guys all right question three from Zack 207 who is z dot dot dot for dramatic
Purposes because z z- a or zah or yeah Z Pokemon zah yeah anyway Pokemon zah dude all right if Super Mario Maker was never released and instead came out in 2024 but had five complete different game styles the Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 3 Super Mario World Mario
Bros U 3D World stuff like that um what five Mario games do you think would work best as game styles keep in mind the game is still a 2d game so if you choose a 3D game as a game style it would play it would still play in 2D like 3D World
Did in Super Mario Maker 2 that’s a fun one I like that yeah it’s interesting I’ve always thought uh G would be really good that’s what I was going to say I think J yeah just the and the gravity mechanic like being able to have like yeah yeah
Yeah like they even do that in Odyssey um with the 2D sections on Moon Kingdom and in Galaxy there are little sections where it basically turns into 2D and then like you jump high enough to like the pink section and gravity is reversed or like you know your gravity’s going to
The wall so I think Galaxy would be super cool um uh what else I don’t I don’t think I I don’t want to just say all the 3D Mario games but like besides Wonder like I think Wonder would be nice um but like I’m not going to say Mario Land or
Any of that stuff like Yoshi’s Island and all those games and Donkey Kong Country games don’t really seem fair to say um like I I would probably just say Galaxy Sunshine with flood Odyssey Wonder um I don’t know maybe new Super Mario DS I’m trying to think if there’s one
Outside of like platforming Mario is there one where they could like make a new game style that isn’t based around a platforming Mario game cuz like there’s Mario Kart which you could have like Mario Kart yeah um what about like Mario vers Donkey Kong oh they had level editors the past
Yeah yeah that’ll be interesting yeah I mean it’s 2D they had level editors in the past like I think tipping Stars had had a level editor um that could work I could see it working I it would be weird it like we’re getting to the point where like it would never happen because
They’re not going to put like a it’s a completely different style of game so they wouldn’t put it in Mario maker with like the same other levels but um yeah I think I think that would be cool uh like it’s just more puzzle focused that’s all
It is so we got three Galaxy wander Mario versus Donkey Kong um uh I’m locking in sunshine and Odyssey on my end at least I I was just about to say no brainers I was just about to say like how do we think that flood and in
2D would be really fun honestly yeah I think I think it could be really neat um yeah you got to like gauge the distanced yeah like landed water refill that would be cool yeah yeah yeah five all right sounds good uh I think this is the last
One this is you know kind of a kind of a regular one I’m sure we’ve answered this before but you know just for the record uh from Lily um what are your biggest wishes for Nintendo’s next console oh good question from Lily um let’s just narrow this down to one
Biggest wish from all of us do we want these do we want these wishes to be like our each of our wishes are they like stuff that possibly will happen but we just don’t know or are these like pie in the sky like I can make any wish in the
World I think we could just do pie in the sky right yeah I I think so as well I think that’s more interesting yeah all right all right well then I can go first um I have mine I was going to say backwards compatibility but if we’re
Going Pie in the Sky I made a concept trailer for a Nintendo switch Pro back in like 2020 where you could move the buttons like you could swap out the buttons on the joyon and that way you like turn the joycon like crappy joycon d-pad that doesn’t even exist into like
An actual d-pad or you could swap out the abxy button layout to like joy-con um or to GameCube controller button layout and stuff like that and then maybe even specific games like one game might work better with a touchpad so you get to swap in like a really small
Touchpad or something or like stuff like that I think that’s just a cool idea um it kind of leans into the switch style of like play your way play where you want and now play how you want with like what type of controller you want um while all still being pretty portable um
And it would just be cool if that were the case because then it’s like ah I predicted that like three four years ago so yeah yeah that’s fun I’d say I think I brought this up on the the Choose Your Own Adventure I think cellular would be neat I’m not sure I’m
Not sure how many people would pay for it but I feel like there’s a lot of games that like if you’re out and about you’d want like like cellular service if there’s not Wi-Fi around and I think that’d be pretty neat um I’m not sure the cost would outweigh the the the
Reward of cellular but I think it’ just be a neat idea for the next console yeah yeah yeah um yeah that’s fair I think I’m gonna go with like the dock I make the dock practical like don’t just make it like this piece of plastic that is like useless kind of and
Just you know doesn’t have everything that we need obviously the OLED doc has I think it has an Ethernet port in it now um but obviously I have a 2017 switch so I needed to buy like an ethernet adapter but just make the doc like make more sense more practical for
Pretty much everybody and you know that would be nice so yeah also joycons please Nintendo whether it’s like you release a joy-con 2 or something with the next console please make them better you know that’s yeah fair enough I agree with all that um cool was that the last question Peter it
Was yes it was all right well in that case thank you guys all for watching or listening hopefully you’re able to listen to this uh if you are and you’re an audio listener sorry for the past episodes being like half uploaded or something we’ve just been dealing with weird weird weird technical problems
That we’ve never had before so it’s kind of odd like weird to try and troubleshoot him but hopefully we’ve got that all figured out sorry for the inconvenience and yeah thank you guys for listening to episode 59 whoa almost at the big 60 almost at
The big 60 it’s crazy what is Mac going to do for the big episode 60 I’m Gonna Get Naked cut it all right thank you guys for watching patreon episode folks all right see you in episode 60 hopefully Mac has his clothes on audios